Moving On?

By Chip Dyp

Published on Sep 23, 1999


The following program contains material suited for a mature audience. If you are not over 18 you should be leaving now. Of course I can't control you and neither can anyone else really. This story is entirely false except for the true parts. And now for our feature presentation. Viewer Discretion is advised...

My web site is located at

Moving On? by: Chip Dyp (

"So what's up man?" I asked as I walked into my friend's apartment.

"Not much," Simon replied. My best friend and ex-boyfriend was bouncing his roommate's kid on his knee. "Jessica is going to pick up Joel and take him to her mother's for the weekend. After that I'm free."

"So, what do you want to do?" Joel looked up at me and smiled as I walked closer. I took the little drool machine from Simon and sat down in the old chair beside the couch.

"How about getting drunk and stupid?"

"I can't. I have to work tomorrow morning."

"Movies?" Now that his hands were free, Simon grabbed the tin of tobacco under the coffee table and started to roll himself a cigarette.

"Sounds good to me."

"Cool. I'll take you to BlockBuster to show you the clerk that I was talking about. He's such a stud." After packing one of the tubes with fresh tobacco, Simon twisted the end of the cigarette and put it in his mouth. He looked around for a lighter for a few seconds, and finding one, lit his nicotine fix. Simon inhaled deeply and then without coughing or choking, he blew the smoke away from me. Simon was really good about not tempting me to smoke now that I had quit.

"So, do you have the stud's name?"

"Yeah, it's Codie. He's got this medium length brown hair and these sparkling green eyes. And this butt--mmm..."

"I know, I know. A butt, so firm, so luscious, that you'd want to eat off of it. Or was that eat his butt?"

Simon laughed at me and smiled. "A little of both actually."

"Naughty boy." I tickled Joel's sides. "Yes, naughty boy."

Simon and I sat in front of the TV and tried to watch the Seinfeld rerun through the static and snow. When it switched to commercial advertising Apple's new supercomputers, I looked over at Simon and smiled. "You can ask about Will if you want."

"I didn't want to say anything. You know, just in case."

"Thanks, you're a good friend, but if you want to know, you can ask."

"So, what's up?"

"Will is going to California to work for 3Com, and I'm not going."

"He got the job?"

"Uh huh," I said as I laid Joel down across my lap and started to feed him the bottle sitting on the table.

"So why aren't you going?"

"Because, I just don't think I love him that much. I'd have to give up my job and my studies here to go with him."

"Yeah, but you could go to school there, get a job."

"Not without a visa."

"Oh yeah," Simon said as he butted out his cigarette and started rolling another one.

"Besides, I don't think he really loved me as much I loved him. I think that I was just convenient."

"You don't really mean that, do you?" Simon asked as he tapped down the tobacco.

"Yeah, I do."

"That's too bad, man."

"Yeah. So anyway, when are you going to ask Codie out?"

"Tonight I think--if you don't mind."

"Nope, sounds good to me."

"Cool. I'm going to shower and get dressed."

"'Kay, I think Joel is asleep. I'll go put him down in his crib."

After I put Joel down in his crib I snuck a peak into Simon's room where he was standing in front of his dresser naked. The dimples on his cheeks were still as attractive as ever. I remembered when he and I were going out. I loved riding that beautiful ass, and he loved it when I'd blow that big sausage he had up front. As a couple we never worked out though. We were lucky that we remained friends after the break up. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Simon turned around and smiled as he saw me turn away. "So am I as attractive as ever?"

"You still look great, Simon."

"Thanks, Brandon. It means a lot to me, to hear you say that."

"Well hurry up and shower. You reek of day old cum.

Simon laughed and tossed a pair of underwear at my head. "You think I smell bad. Take a whiff of these."

"Fuck you," I said as I dodged the underwear, letting them fall to the floor.

"Go watch some TV, I'll be right out."

I sat down on the couch and tried to watch the lame episode of the Simpsons that was playing, but the snow was irritating me. I eventually turned my attention to a Harlequin Romance novel that Jessica had left out. I had just finished the first chapter when I heard the door open and Jessica walked in.

"Hey, Brandon. So I hear it's over between you and Will."

"Where did you hear that?"

"At work. Will stopped in for pizza with a couple of guys from work tonight. He said that you had dumped him."

"Yeah, I did."

"Do you want a hug?"

"Nah, I'm fine."

"C'mon, give me a hug."

I stood up and gave Jessica a hug in the middle of her living room. She kissed me on the cheek and then let me go. "So when are you leaving for your Mom's?"

"Right away. Where's Joel?"

"Oh, I fed him a bottle and put him to sleep."

"Damn it. I told Simon to make sure he stayed awake so he'd sleep in the car."

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. I put him to sleep." I didn't want Simon to get into trouble. "He just went to sleep about 10 minutes ago."

"It's all right, Brandon. If I wake him up now, he'll fall asleep in the car. I only hope he stays asleep for the full two hours."

Jessica went and woke up her young son while I went back to the living room and sat down in front of the TV again. Five minutes later, Jessica and a very cranky Joel came out of the bedroom. She strapped Joel into his car seat and then yelled some instructions to Simon. She hustled out the door, slowing only to grab her suitcase. Simon came out of the bathroom, towelling his hair, and wearing nothing but a smile.

"What did she say?" He asked as he stood in front of me, his cock at eye level.

"She said go put some clothes on so you don't get shrink dink." I turned away.

"Whoops, sorry man. Force of habit."

"It's all right."

Simon went back to his room and came back a few minutes later wearing a pair of Levis 501's and the gold chain I had bought him for his birthday. "So what did she really say?"

"She said she'd be home Sunday, no parties, no drug's, and to remember to take the garbage out."

"So the standard, 'I'm leaving for the weekend, don't fuck anything up' speech."

"I guess," I said with a shrug.

"Cool." Simon walked back into his room. "So what should I wear tonight? My black silk shirt, or my Armani?"

"Why don't you wear your white CK One t-shirt? You aren't going out for a date, you are going to pick up movies."

"And hopefully the clerk."

"Yes, but you don't want to make it look like you are there to pick him up. You'll look desperate."

"I am desperate. I haven't had a piece of tail since we broke up."

"Yeah, but you don't want to look desperate."

"I guess."

"So?" Simon spun around in front of me wearing the t-shirt I'd suggested. "How do I look?"

"You look good, except for the speck of lint right here." I picked the white fuzzy off and threw it away.

"Thanks, let's go."

"You driving?"

"Sure." Simon grabbed his car keys off the pegboard by the door.

I popped a piece of gum into my mouth as we walked out to Simon's Accord. I hadn't dressed up before coming over to see Simon. I was wearing a black t-shirt and a worn pair of Gasoline jeans. I ran my hand through my hair, straightening out the brown ringlettes that occasionally formed and waited for Simon to unlock my door. "Are you being serious when you say you haven't had sex with anyone since me?"

"Yeah," Simon said as he ducked his head and sat down in the driver's seat. He reached across the car and unlocked the door and waited for me to sit down before continuing. "After you dumped me, I was miserable. I thought you dumped me because you had found someone more attractive than me, or someone who was better in bed than me. When you told me you were dating Will a month later well, that didn't help any either."

"Why did you say anything?" I asked as I looked at my friend in astonishment. I didn't think he had taken the break up this hard.

"Because, I didn't want to seem like an emotional cripple. I knew you hated guys who cry at the drop of a hat. I figured if I acted like I was okay, you might come back to me. Eventually Jessica got sick of me acting like a cranky bitch when you weren't around and helped me get over you."

"How did she do that?" I asked as I glanced at the pedestrian crossing in front of us.

"She told me that I was attractive, smart, and a spectacular fuck, I just wasn't your type."

"I could've told you all those thing if you had asked. Wait a minute, how did she know that you were good in bed?"

"She heard us once or twice. She said that the noises you were making were real. And, if you had told me that I was attractive, smart and great in bed, I wouldn't have believed you. I would've thought you were just trying to be nice."

I nodded my head. It was true though. Simon was smart, beautiful and great in bed. He just wasn't my type. What I thought was romantic he thought was silly. He didn't have a romantic bone in his body.

We pulled up to the BlockBuster store, and Simon fairly leaped from the driver's seat. "Codie is working!" Simon said with a giant grin. "I can ask him out."

"Great," I said, "You go chat him up, I'll go pick out the movies."

"I don't think so. The last time you picked the movies, you got two horrible chick flicks."

"Hey, 'Practical Magic' was okay, and 'You've got Mail', wasn't too bad."

"They both sucked."

"How would you know?" I asked as I smacked Simon's belly, "You fell asleep halfway through both of them."

"Don't touch me," Simon said abruptly.

"What?" I asked as I frowned at Simon.

"You're behaving like my boyfriend, act more platonic."

"Fine," I said with sniff, and I walked over to the New Releases. I was surprised by Simon's rebuke, but I didn't want to say anything more. I could be supportive. Simon walked a few steps behind me and when we were at the back of the store and alone, he grabbed my elbow and turned me around.

"I'm sorry. Look, I just want everything to go right tonight. I'm just really nervous that he might think that we are still going out."

"It's all right, Simon. Look, let's get 'Go', and something else."

"Can I help you gentlemen tonight."

I turned around and looked at the clerk that had snuck up on us. It was Codie according to the nametag.

"Yes" I said as I turned on the charm. "I was wondering if you had a copy of 'Kiss Me Guido'? My friend here," I paused and pointed at Simon, "said it's a fabulous movie, even better than 'Love! Valour! Compassion!'. Wasn't that right, Simon?"

"You liked 'Love! Valour! Compassion!'?" Codie asked with a smile.

"Uh, yeah." Simon managed to stutter.

"Actually, I believe he said the best part was the blind guy's butt. He's really into firm things like that," I said with an impish grin. "Actually, you know what, I'm going to go look through the CD's. Why don't you pick out the other movie Simon? Maybe Codie could give you a hand."

"I'll try my best," Codie said as he turned to let me by. I walked over to the CD section and pretended to look at the CD collection while Codie and Simon continued talking. It didn't take long for Codie to find a movie for Simon, and then the two of them came to get me.

"See anything you like?" Codie asked as he came up beside me. I glanced down at Codie's shorts and noticed they looked a little fuller now.

"Actually, I was thinking about getting the new Moist CD. Is it any good?"

"It's not bad," Codie said as he smiled at Simon. I sighed and grabbed the CD. It was time to separate the lovebirds before they started rutting by the video games.

"Cool, well let's go Simon."

"Huh, oh yeah. See you later, Codie."

"You too, Simon, and uh--"

"Brandon," I said as I walked towards the till.

"Yeah, see you guys later." Codie watched us walk up to the girl at the counter.

When we got to the counter I pulled my wallet out and tossed my membership card down on the desk. "The movies and the CD?" Jenna asked as she removed the CD from its plastic anti-theft shell.

"Yeah" Simon threw down his Visa.

"I'll pay for them," I protested. I picked the Visa back up and handed it back to him.

"No, I owe you" Simon said. He handed the card to the clerk. "Let me pay you back."

"Fine." I shrugged my shoulders and walked through the security gate. I grabbed a copy of the new releases magazine and flipped through it while I waited for Simon to finish paying for everything. After Simon finished signing the slip, the girl put the movies and the CD into a bag and handed it to me. I smiled and walked out of the store, letting Simon trail behind me. I managed to get into the car and have the CD out of the plastic wrap before Simon got out to the car. Simon unlocked his door and sat down before he said a word to me.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked as I popped the CD into the player.

"You know what you did. You basically told Codie that I was gay and interested in him before you took off to go look at the CD's."

"Why do you think I did it?" I looked at Simon.

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking."

I sighed and shook my head before I answered Simon. "I did it because you looked like you were having trouble saying something. I figured if I got the conversation started and then took off, you two could find some common ground and you could ask him out. Are you mad at me?" I looked Simon in the eyes.

"You didn't do it because you felt bad about what I said on the ride over? I mean, you could've let me founder and then swept in and picked up Codie for yourself."

I stared at Simon, my temper building. "No, I didn't do it because I felt bad about what you said on the ride over. Simon, all you have been able to talk about for the past two weeks is Codie. How cute he is, how sexy his voice is. I knew what he meant to you. I want you to be happy. Even if you hadn't said anything on the ride over, I would've tried to set you two up.

"I'm sorry, Brandon." Simon caressed my cheek in an attempt to calm me. "I just wanted to be sure that you weren't..."

"I wasn't what?" I asked sharply.

"I wanted to make sure you weren't doing it out of pity."

"Well, I wasn't so can we please drop it?"

"All right" Simon said. He turned his attention back to the road. The remainder of the drive home was quiet as neither of us wanted to broach the silence. When Simon pulled into his parking spot, I grabbed my CD, and hopped out of the car. I looked at Simon over the roof of the car and then looked down through the sunroof.

"So what did Codie say?" I asked as I picked at nothing on the CD case.

"He's coming over after he gets off work," Simon said mechanically.

"Did you want me to go?"

"No!" Simon exclaimed in surprise. "I'm sorry I questioned your motives, Brandon. I'd really like to watch these movies with you."

"So what did you get besides 'Go'?" I asked as I twisted the toe of my foot and bit my lower lip.

"'Office Space'. Codie says it's hilarious." Simon smiled. "Why don't we go inside and I'll make my special nachos?"

"Okay." I walked around the back end of the car towards the apartment building. As I cleared the bumper, Simon wrapped me up in a hug and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, Brandon. I love ya."

"Get in line, stud. Your number 289 in the line of people who love me," I joked as I punched him in the arm. As Simon led off, I began to think about the cold empty house that I was going home to tonight. Will had finished moving out this morning, so there was only me in the big three-bedroom house. It was going to be weird sleeping alone.

I sat down in the comfy chair beside the couch and watched Profiler while Simon made his special nachos. While with Simon, I had gained fifteen pounds from his fabulous cooking. It took me a couple months of hard work in the gym to work off the chicken, the perogies, the lasagne, and of course, the homemade sausages he and his dad made after every hunting season.

Simon came out of the kitchen after he put the Corningwear dish into the oven and flopped down in the couch beside me. I waited a couple seconds while he got comfortable before I asked what seemed to me to be the obvious question. "So what did you and Codie talk about?"

Simon smiled at me and brushed the hair out of his eyes. "After you left, he asked if you were gay."

"He asked if I was gay?"

"Uh huh. I told him that you and I used to go out, but that we were just good friends now. He said he was surprised that a good looking guy like myself hadn't found a new boyfriend yet."

"The charmer," I said in mock outrage.

"I said that I hadn't found the right guy yet. Then I asked if he had someone special."

"And?" I asked.

"He said no, but he said he had just met someone that he'd like to get to know a whole lot better. Then he asked what I was doing later."

"The nerve of him, being so forward."

"Shut up" Simon said. He tossed a pillow at me. "If you don't quit interrupting, I won't tell you the rest of the story."

"All right, all right, shutting up. Jeez, you make a few lousy comments."

"So I said I was watching movies and said that he should come over after he got off."

"You want him to get off before coming over?" I asked mischievously. "Isn't he going to be drained before he gets here? You won't get hardly a mouthful."

"That's it," Simon said as he jumped up and attacked me, "No more comments from the peanut gallery." Simon picked me up out of the chair and then threw me gently down on the floor. He got on top of me and started tickling me, telling me to give into his overwhelming strength. I finally gave in when I couldn't breathe 'cause I was laughing so hard. Simon got off my chest and helped me up. "Are you going to behave now?" Simon asked.

I was just about to answer when the buzzer went on the oven, signalling that the Nachos were done. Simon hurried out to the oven and I fell back into the chair, trying to catch my breath. Simon brought the Nachos and a heat pad out and set them down on the coffee table in front of me. I leaned forward and grabbed a nacho covered with cheese, sour cream, and salsa and dropped it into my mouth. It was HOT!!! I took a couple deep breaths trying to cool my mouth off while Simon rolled his eyes. "Careful, they're hot," He said helpfully.


"Don't mention it. Now, get up off your butt and put 'Go' into the video machine."

"Don't you want to watch 'Office Space' first, so that you and Codie have something to talk about know."

"There probably won't be any 'You know' tonight. Besides, I want to watch it with him when he gets here."

"Ah. Okay, I'll go put 'Go' in." I got up off the couch and pushed the tape into the player. The VCR started automatically and started showing the previews as I got back to my seat. I nibbled on the nachos and sat back in the chair.

About three quarters of the way thought the movie there was a knock on the door. Simon paused the movie and went to answer the door. I grabbed the now empty dish and took it to the kitchen so it could soak for a while. As I stepped out of the kitchen, Simon and Codie walked into the living room from the front entryway.

"Hi, Codie."

"Hey, Brandon. I'd like you to meet my friend. Shawn, this is Brandon. Brandon this is Shawn, a friend of mine from work."

I turned around as Codie introduced his friend. Shawn was about 5'9", and looked to be fairly athletic. I offered my hand and Shawn grasped it firmly. "Hi," I said as I smiled at Shawn.

"Hi," Shawn said shyly as he blushed and looked at the floor.

"So, we were just about to finish watching 'Go'." Simon put his hand on Shawn's back. "Why don't we all sit down, watch the end of it, and then we can watch 'Office Space'."

"Sounds good to me." Codie smiled at me.

Codie and Simon sat down on the couch together, while Shawn and I each took the chairs flanking the couch. After 'Go' finished, Simon got up to make another batch of Nachos in the kitchen. Codie quickly followed, so the two of them could talk.

After pressing rewind on the aged VCR, I sat down beside Shawn on the couch, so that I could make some conversation.

"So how long have you known Codie?" I asked as I leaned back.

"About two months now. We work together at Blockbuster."

"Ahhh, so do you work there full time?"

"Nah, I only work about 20 hours a week. Just enough so I have some spending money while I take classes."

"Really? What are you taking?" I asked curiously. I didn't recall seeing him on the Campus.

"Second year of Engineering. You in school?"

"Yeah, second year of pharmacy." I now had a fairly good idea why I hadn't seen him. The engineering department was far enough away from the Medical Science buildings that it was possible that we hadn't met.

"Did you get a degree before starting your Pharmacy degree?"

"No, I, uh, took a couple of years off after I finished high school and toured Europe."

"Oh wow. That must've been a lot of fun."

"It wasn't bad." I said unenthusiastically. Going to Europe had been my way of running away.

"So what does your Dad do?" Shawn scratched his chest.

"He's dead."

"Oh, jeez. I'm sorry."

"It's all right. You didn't know. My parents, brother, and sister were killed when a drunk trucker rammed them head on while going 130 km/h."

"So you're all alone?" Shawn asked quietly.

"Yeah, my boyfriend and I just broke up a couple of days ago."

"Wow, that's gotta suck" Shawn said as he leaned forward. "I mean, well, like..."

"I know what you mean," I said with small smile. "So do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope, gay guys usually don't have girlfriends."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were gay. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Nope. I'm very inexperienced in the game of love."

"I find that hard to believe," I replied with a grin, "You are a very handsome man."

"Not nearly as handsome as you," Shawn replied as he leaned towards me. I leaned towards him, and then the moment was spoiled as Simon came back from the kitchen with Codie in tow.

"Awwwww, isn't that cute?"

I leaned forward and kissed Shawn on the cheek while I gave Simon the finger. "Jealous?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows.

Codie grabbed Simon and kissed him passionately while Simon held onto the steaming dish of nachos. The kiss lasted for at least 30 seconds before he let Simon go and looked at me with a haughty look on his face. "No."

"Get a room, you two," Shawn said as he tried not to laugh.

Simon didn't say a word as I got up and sat down in front of Shawn. Simon put the hot dish down on the table, and then cuddled up with Codie on the couch. "You, Boy," Simon said in his most majestic sounding voice, "Put 'Office Space' into the VCR."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said as I got up and put the tape into the VCR. I pressed play and then crawled back to where Shawn was sitting.

The movie wasn't bad. It wasn't as good as 'Go', but I got the feeling that Shawn and I were the only ones really watching. Codie and Simon were involved in some fairly heavy petting once the nachos were gone. When the movie ended, I got up and pressed rewind on the VCR. Simon broke away from the kiss he was involved in and asked, "Are you heading home now, Brandon?"

"Yeah, I've got to work tomorrow morning."

"'Kay, I'll call you tomorrow afternoon."

"I'd better get going too," Shawn said as he stood and stretched. "I have an assignment that I should finish."

"Could you give Shawn a ride home, Brandon?" Codie asked as he wiggled on the couch. "I'd like to talk with Simon for a while."

"Sure, you two have fun."

"We will." Codie winked.

Shawn and I smiled and walked over to the front door. I quickly pulled on my old runners and opened the apartment door. Shawn followed after he had tied his shoes. We walked out to the car in silence. I wasn't sure if I should ask Shawn out on a date. I mean I was attracted to him and everything, but I didn't think that the timing was very good. I mean I had only dumped my old boyfriend four days ago. I finally had to say something when we were both in the car. I didn't have any idea where he lived.

"So, where do you live?"

"In the old hospital building."

"Really, I heard that there's some pretty funky apartments in there."

"It's not too bad. I'm living in the old morgue. It's a really big studio apartment, in the basement."

"Cool," I said as I looked over my shoulder and changed lanes.

"Where do you live?" Shawn asked. He rubbed his neck.

"Oh, I uh, I live in my parent's old house in Majestic Falls."

Shawn whistled. "Nice neighbourhood."

"Yeah, it's a nice place. It's way to big for me, but I couldn't sell it. There are too many memories of my family within those walls."

Shawn didn't say anything more until we pulled up to the old hospital. I was pretty sure that I destroyed any chance I had with Shawn until he turned and smiled at me. "I had a really good time tonight, Brandon. I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime."

"I'd really like that," I said. It was hard to control my happiness. "Would you like to go for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Sounds good to me. What time?"

"It'll have to be a late dinner. I have to work till six, and then I'll need to shower and clean up."

"Eight o'clock then?"

"Sounds good to me. Boston Pizza all right with you?"

"Yeah, I like the decor in there." Shawn nodded.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow night then."

"'Kay." Shawn leaned across the console and kissed me on the lips. We kissed for several seconds, until finally Shawn broke the kiss. "That was great." He smiled.

"Yeah, it was," I reached out and caressed his cheek.

Shawn got out of the car and walked to the security doors of the building. I waved as I watched him unlock the door, and then drove home once I was sure he was safe. I could hardly wait until tomorrow. I was so enthralled by Shawn, I was sure nothing could go wrong.

Next: Chapter 2

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