Moving in to my new house

By Kevin Sting

Published on Aug 10, 2019



I'd been packing up my two-bedroom apartment for several weeks and moving day was finally here. At 34, I was finally leaving the rental world behind and moving into my first house: a modest-sized 3-bedroom in a transitional neighborhood.

The house was in pretty rough shape when I bought it several months ago, but it meant I got a good deal. In the time since escrow closed, I'd spent a good chunk of time and money updating it. I did what work I could, like painting and landscaping, but left the complicated stuff, like plumbing and electrical, to the experts.

I'd helped enough friends move in and out of apartments and homes over the years that I knew how exhausting it could be. And I knew that beer and pizza does not guarantee quality service!

So I'd decided to hire a moving company recommended by one of my coworkers and confirmed by dozens of glowing online reviews. While my apartment wasn't very big, the move was challenging. My unit was on the second floor of an apartment building that sat atop a steep hill on a narrow street. Imagine a Spanish style Barbary Lane on a hill! There were 5 separate sets of stairs involved to get from the truck to my apartment. I also had additional furniture and boxes in storage at a public storage place about a mile away.

Though my new house was also at the top of a hill, access was much easier. The front of the house was at the same level as the street, with the hill dropping away from the back yard. So no stairs for the movers or for me! It also meant I had an amazing view of the city.

I'd scheduled my move for a Tuesday, because it was considerably cheaper than doing it on the weekend. And I'd taken the whole week off from work so I could use the rest of the week to get unpacked.

Unfortunately, this particular Tuesday ended up being the hottest day so far this year. By 7:00 am when the movers arrived, the temperature was already in the high 80s, and it was expected to reach 100 by early afternoon.

I met the movers down at the street so I could show them where to park to minimize the distance and not piss off my soon to be ex-neighbors. When Jose and Jaime stepped out of their truck, they both gazed up at the stairs with impending dread.

"Don't worry," I tried to reassure them. "It's much easier on the other end!"

Thankfully, I wasn't taking any appliances with me, so the bulkiest item they had to maneuver down the stairs was my couch. But because of all the stairs, they couldn't use a dolly and had to carry every box, bin and piece of furniture down by hand. So it was slow going.

Jose, the older of the two movers, told me they should have had a crew of 4 for this move -- not because of the size, but because of the stairs. I told him that I had been completely forthcoming about the stairs with the representative I talked to on the phone to get my estimate and schedule the move.

"Who'd you talk to?" he asked.

"I think her name was Rita," I replied.

"Oh, it figures," he said nodding. And then he added under his breath, "Rita es una pinche pendeja!"

I knew enough Spanish to know that he was not complimenting Rita's professional skills.

"I'm really sorry," I said.

"Don't worry, jefe," Jose said. "It's not your fault."

"Please, call me Erik," I said. I didn't much care for the superiority that jefe (boss) implied.

Jose and Jaime worked diligently for the next two hours. They were clad in a uniform of sorts: royal blue polo shirts and baseball caps both bearing the company logo, khaki colored Dickies, and black utility boots. And they each sported one of those back support belts that fasten with Velcro in the front.

I could see the heat was taking it's toll. Sweat had visibly darkened their polo shirts on the chest, back and pits. The backs of their khakis were also dark with sweat at and below their waist.

They stopped for a break a little after 10:00 am. "Do you guys want something to drink? I have water, Coke, Diet Coke -- and beer?"

Jaime smiled broadly when I mentioned the beer, but Jose shook his head ever so slightly.

"We'll take a rain check on the beer until we're done, if that's okay, jefe... Erik," Jose replied correcting himself. "I'd like a Coke."

"Water, please," Jaime added.

"Of course," I said and fished their beverages from the refrigerator. Jose sipped his Coke slowly, while Jaime downed the water bottle in just a couple minutes. "Do you want another, Jaime?"

"Yes, please, Erik. Gracias," he said and took the second bottle from my hand.

Jose set his Coke on the counter, unfastened the front of his waist belt, and pulled the front of his shirt up to wipe his face. I got a glimpse of his bare stomach covered in dark hairs that were plastered to his skin by the sweat.

I opened a box sitting on the counter and fished out a couple dish towels. "Here, you guys can use these to wipe off the sweat. Or soak them in cool water if you want."

"Thanks," they both replied as they took the towels from me.

Jose removed his hat and wiped his face and neck. He was probably my age or a little older and about 5'10", with a sturdy build close to 200 lbs. He had broad shoulders, strong arms and the beginnings of a beer gut.

Jaime was in his mid 20s, about 6' and 170 lbs -- considerably thinner than Jose.

Jaime and Jose both had thick dark hair. Jose's was cropped short, while Jaime's was nearly shoulder length. There skin was deep tan, reflecting both their Latin American heritage and ample time spent working outside.

In contrast, my German ancestry gave me pale skin that I diligently protected with daily doses of sunscreen. I watch what I eat, and so I'm in pretty good shape at 6' and 185 lbs. I keep my thick, wavy light brown hair closely cropped on the sides and longer on the top.

Because of the heat today, I'd opted for a pair of well-worn cargo shorts and a grey tank top. Even though I wasn't doing anywhere near as much physical work as Jaime and Jose, my tank was soaked in sweat and sticking to my skin.

"Do you mind if I take off my shirt, amigo?" Jaime asked.

"No, not at all," I replied. "It's frickin' hot today!"

Jaime slipped off the waist belt and pulled his polo off over his head. He had a nice physique: firm pecs with a light dusting of dark hair that clustered around his dark nipples, and a flat stomach with just a thin trail of hair running down the center. He had an elaborate octopus tattooed on his right shoulder; three of its tentacles snaked over onto his chest and the remainder to his back. He reached over to the sink to soak his towel under the cold water, and then proceeded to wipe down his face, chest, shoulders and stomach. His nipples firmed up slightly from the cool water. He raised each arm, revealing a thatch of thick dark hair, and rubbed his pits with the cool towel.

"Man, that feels good," he said smiling through his thin mustache and goatee.

"Okay, time to get back to work, guapo," Jose said refastening his belt.

Jaime slipped his waist belt around his bare stomach and fastened it in the front. Then he picked up his polo shirt and tucked one end of it into the waistband of his khakis so it hung down over his butt.

They worked for another hour or so, slowly emptying my apartment of the remaining boxes and furniture. Then they hopped in their truck and followed me over to the storage facility to get my stuff there.

The load up went much quicker there since they could stack multiple boxes on their dollies and just wheel them down the long hallway and out to the truck. But it was still incredibly hot. Though the place claimed to have air conditioning, you wouldn't know it that day. I was drenched in sweat as I loaded some fragile items into my car. I finally gave in and pulled off my tank top, used it as a towel and wiped the sweat off my chest and stomach, and threw it into my car.

Seeing me shirtless in the hall as we passed each other, Jaime gave me a smile and said, "It's better this way, right?"

"I can't argue with that," I said smiling back at him.

Once the storage unit was empty, I gave them directions to my house. As they finished securing the truck, I got a head start and drove thru a McDonald's along the way to get lunch for us all. The cashier was a little puzzled when I ordered 2 cheeseburgers, 4 Big Macs, a 10-piece McNuggets, and 3 large fries, but only 3 Cokes.

Food in hand, I arrived at my house to find shirtless Jaime in my driveway guiding Jose as he backed the truck up.

"I hope you guys are hungry," I said, my arms laden with the McDonald's bonanza. "We can eat in back by the pool."

"Man, you have a pool Erik?" Jaime said. "Rico papi!"

Jose gave him a stern look, but Jaime just smiled.

We walked through the empty house and out the sliding glass door to the patio that overlooked the pool. Since I didn't have any outdoor space at my apartment, I'd purchased some patio furniture -- a table, 4 chairs, and 2 chaise lounges -- and already had it all delivered to the house.

I flipped on the outdoor ceiling fan and we sat at the table and chowed down on our food. We chatted as we ate, and I learned that Jose's parents were born in Mexico, but had moved to the US right before he was born. He worked for the moving company 3 or 4 days a week and helped out with his brother's company installing home security systems. (He said he could get me a good deal.) Jaime was born in Guatemala, but his family had moved to the US when he was 6 years old. In addition to working for the moving company, where he was usually paired with Jose, he was taking online and night classes to become a web and software developer.

They both spoke English fluently, but would occasionally throw in a word or phrase in Spanish. I told them about my fleeting attempts to learn Spanish. I shared a story from a spring break trip to Puerto Vallarta, when I ordered a drink at a bar and was asked my age. Instead of telling the bartender that I was 19 years (años) old, I confidently assured him that I had 19 anuses (anos). I had Jose and Jaime laughing almost to tears.

After the last french fry and slurp of Coke was consumed, Jose hopped up and said he needed to grab his phone from the car. Jaime leaned back in his chair, put his hands, behind his head and closed his eyes for a moment. I gazed over at his bare chest, glistening with sweat and eyed the dark patches of hair in his armpits. I could feel a stirring in my crotch as my cock responded to the sight of him.

"Let me put this stuff in the trash," I said as I gathered the empty items off the table. I was hoping a trip to the garbage can might snap me out of my moment of lust and avoid an embarrassing tenting of my cargo shorts. I walked the trash around past the pool and to the side of the house where the trash and recycling bins were stored. After depositing the items in the trash, I quickly adjusted my cock so my budding erection wasn't quite as noticeable.

Walking back around to the patio, I noticed that Jaime was standing next to a potted succulent at the edge of the patio. As I got closer, I realized he'd unzipped the front of his khakis, pulled out his penis, and was taking a piss into the ceramic pot.

Noticing that I'd returned, he turned slightly toward me, smiled and said, "Sorry man, I've had way too much to drink today!"

I got pretty good glimpse of his cock. It was about 6 inches and uncut, and he had a generous patch of thick, dark pubic hair. His piss emanated from the long foreskin that extended over his cock head. He was still looking at me as he peed, but I could see that Jaime was carefully controlling his urine stream so it didn't wet the succulent and only hit the soil surrounding it. He must've had a huge bladder, because it seemed like he was pissing continuously for a full minute.

"Jaime!" Jose's voice startled me. " ¿Qué mierda estás haciendo?"

Jaime shook the last few drops of piss from his cock and turned around towards Jose, whose eyes dropped towards his exposed crotch. "Sorry boss. I really had to piss," he said smiling as he slowly tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped them back up.

"Next time, why don't you ask to use the baño like a human instead of pissing outside like a perro," Jose responded rolling his eyes.

"No worries," I said trying to break the awkward tension. "It's just us guys here -- and the plants DO need watering from time to time. But if you need to do more than that, there's a bathroom down the hall to the right."

Jaime smiled, but Jose was all business and signaled that it was time to start unloading the truck. Access from the truck to the house was so much easier than at the apartment, and I had carefully labelled every box with color coordinated tags that corresponded to signs I'd taped to the doors of each room. So unloading the truck went fairly quick.

I did my part unloading the fragile items I'd put in my own car and emptying the loaner garment boxes into my walk-in closet as Jaime wheeled each one in. I'd turned the A/C on, but with all the moving around and the climbing temperature outside, it was still incredibly hot. Sweat was dripping down my chest and back.

Jaime wheeled another box in and said, "This is the last one."

He opened it up and began to hand the hangers to me as I hung them on the closet rods.

"You've got some nice stuff, Erik," he said looking at me.

"Thanks," I replied wondering if he was talking about my clothes -- or my lack of clothes.

He headed back outside and returned a few minutes later jockeying my mattress down the hallway with Jose. Once they deposited it on the bed frame that I'd reassembled, Jose said, "That's it. The truck's empty."

I looked at my watch and saw it was now almost 3:00. "Wow, that took a couple hours longer than Rita's estimate," I said.

"Ay, don't get me started again," Jose smiled.

"You guys ready for those beers now?" I asked.

"Sure," Jose replied. "Let me go close up the truck and get the paperwork."

I headed to the kitchen for the beers and then proceeded out to the patio where Jaime had resumed his earlier position leaning back in the chair with his hands behind his head. I handed him one of the cold beers and he removed his hat and rubbed it across his forehead. Then he rubbed the bottle across his bare chest between sips. His beer was nearly gone by the time Jose returned. He had ditched his waist belt in the truck. His polo was completely soaked in sweat.

As he sipped at his beer, he went over all the charges with me. I went inside to write them a check, and grabbed another round of beers for us. I handed Jose the check and Jaime a second beer. Then I pulled out my wallet and handed them each a crisp $50 bill.

"Thank you, Erik," Jose responded smiling.

"Yes, gracias, man!" Jaime added.

"Thank you! You guys did a great job," I replied. "I'm just sorry it was so damn hot today and the stairs were such a pain."

"No problem," Jose said. "We've had worse."

We sat enjoying our beers as they recounted some moving horror stories. At some point I retrieved a third round of beers, though Jose was still nursing his second.

"Shit, I gotta piss again already," Jaime said standing up as he took another sip from his third beer. He was heading toward the sliding glass door.

"Just go out here," I said laughing. "The other plant over there needs watering, too."

He smiled and walked over to another succulent pot as he unzipped his fly and pulled his dick out.

"He'll take any excuse to take el pene out," Jose laughed and rolled his eyes again. He removed his hat and mopped his brow with the towel I'd given him earlier.

"Hey, do you guys want to go for a swim?" I asked, realizing that the solution to the sweltering heat was sitting just a few footsteps away from us.

"Thanks, but..." Jose started to say.

"Yes!" Jaime interrupted him as he continued to piss.

"...we should be going," Jose finished.

"Awe, c'mon Jose. It's still early and we don't have to be anywhere," Jaime pleaded.

"But we don't have swim trunks," Jose replied.

"El pene is already out," I said, nodding over at Jaime as he shook the last drops of piss from his cock. "We can just swim naked. It's just us guys."

"Awesome!" Jaime said as he began to unlace his boots. He hadn't bothered to put his dick away, so it was still hanging out over his open fly. He kicked his boots off and then slid his khakis down to his ankles and stepped out of them. Then he bent over and pulled his socks off. I could see that his firm ass was mostly smooth, with just a few wisps of dark hair visible down the crack. Buck naked, he ran around to the deep end of the pool and dove in.

He swam the length of the pool and emerged at the shallow end. When he stood up, the shallow water barely reached the level of his pubic hair, but it distorted the view of his penis below the surface. He pushed his dark hair back out of his eyes as the water trickled down over his exposed chest.

"The water feels amazing! Come on guys!" Jaime entreated.

I reached down and pulled off my sneakers, and then stood as I unfastened my cargo shorts, stepped out of them and tossed them on the chair. As I stood there in my sweat soaked briefs, I looked over at Jose. He was wide-eyed as he looked at me.

I hitched my thumbs in the waistband of the briefs and slid them down over my hips, down my legs and to the ground. The sight of Jaime's naked body had firmed up my cock a bit, but thankfully I didn't have a full erection. "Are you gonna get in the pool, Jose?"

"Uh... uh, yeah. Sure," he stuttered. He seemed transfixed by the sight of my 6.5" cut cock just a foot away from him.

He unlaced his boots and pulled them and his socks off. He stood up, took off his cap, and slowly pulled his sweaty polo up over his head. The dark fur I'd seen on earlier on his stomach continued up onto his chest and then tapered off to just a thin sprinkling of hairs on his shoulders. He unbuttoned and unzipped his khakis, slid them down his legs and pulled them off over each foot.

He stood there now in just his grey boxer briefs. I could see the whole front of the briefs were stained darker by his sweat. He gave a quick look up and down my body and then pulled his briefs off slowly.

The hair on his stomach merged into a massive bush of black pubic hair. My eyes widened as I took in the sight of his cock -- about 7" soft, but nearly as thick as my wrist. The shaft was the same shade as his stomach and the head just a little darker. A nice set of egg-sized balls hung behind his cock in a sack dusted with the same dark hair.

"Wow," I said. When I realized the thought had made it's way uncontrolled to my lips, I added, "Sorry."

"It's okay, Erik," he said blushing and shifting his gaze down quickly to my cock, which had firmed up a little bit more.

"I think I'd better get in the water," I said, and I headed to the steps and descended into the cool water, grateful that it obscured my tumescence.

Jose walked towards the steps and entered the water. He paused on the last step, the water just brushing the bottom of his ball sack.

Jaime had been swimming back and forth along the length of the pool. He emerged from the surface and nudged me gently with his elbow. "Jose acts all shy and reserved. But get his clothes off and he puts us all to shame!"

"So you guys skinny-dip with your customers on a regular basis?" I asked.

"Nope," he replied. "You're our very first naked customer. But Jose and I play basketball with some other guys sometimes after work at the Y. Shower time is always humbling."

"You talk too much," Jose said, finally sinking his naked body into the water.

We swam around for the next 20 minutes or so, chatting and splashing each other occasionally. Jaime made his way towards the steps and climbed out of the pool and lay down on one of my lounge chairs in the sun. "Man, this is nice."

Jose started to make his way toward the steps as well. "We should dry off and get going," he said. "I'm sure you have unpacking to do."

"Please, stay as long as you'd like," I replied honestly. "I've got the rest of the week to unpack. So I'm just going to enjoy today hanging naked in the pool. Let me go grab some more beers."

Jose was sitting on the top step, his lower half submerged in the water. I edged past him and climbed out, used my hands to sheet the excess water off my bare skin, and headed inside to retrieve more beer.

The cold air from the refrigerator gave me goosebumps as I reached inside for three more beers. I clutched the beer bottles to my bare chest to reach on top of the fridge for a bag of pretzels. The icy bottles made my nipples hard and sent rivulets of ice cold condensation down my chest, over my stomach and into my pubic hair.

I headed back out into the warmth of the afternoon and walked over to Jose, now sitting on the edge of the pool.

"Here you go, Jose," I said squatting slightly and offering one of the beers clutched to my chest.

The backs of his fingers brushed against my bare chest as he grabbed the bottle closest to him and slide it out of my grasp and down my chest.

"Thank you, Erik," he said.

I turned to approach Jaime on the chaise who was splayed out with one hand behind his head, revealing a furry armpit, and the other resting on his stomach just above his pubic hair. As I panned my gaze down his body, I was surprised to see that his penis was almost fully erect, extending up from his bush and onto his stomach.

I repeated my squatting maneuver and to offer him a beer. As he sat up a bit and reached for one of the bottles, his erection poking gently into his stomach. His fingertips grazed my nipple when he grabbed for the beer, and he let his hand linger there for just a little longer than was necessary.

He set the bottle down on the bare skin just to the right of his pubic hair. It was as if he was begging a size comparison between the bottle and his 7" erection. "Thanks, man," he said.

"You're welcome." I couldn't resist adding, "It looks like you're REALLY enjoying the sun."

"Yeah. Oh, you mean this?" he said as he gave his erection a small push with the beer bottle. "Yes, I am enjoying the sun -- and the view." He smiled up at me and winked.

"Knock it off, Jaime!" Jose said forcefully.

"It's okay, Jose," I replied trying to ease the tension of the moment. "I'll take the compliment. And besides, I'm enjoying the view, too." I could feel my cock bounce a little as it began to perk up slightly.

"See, I told you, Jose. Erik's clothes are way too nice for a straight guy."

I laughed out loud as I sat down on the end of the other chaise next to Jaime. "My secret life is betrayed by my fashion," I laughed. "And I guess it's confirmed by my nudity!" I looked down to see that my own cock was now standing at attention in my lap.

Jose and Jaime looked at my crotch and both gave me a smile as I blushed.

Not knowing what else to do in the moment, I opened the bag of pretzels and offered it to Jaime. He grabbed a handful and began eating them.

"The hell with it," I said as I stood up and walked over to Jose to offer him some pretzels. My dick was fully erect and bobbed gently as I walked.

"I guess el guapo over there is having an effect on you," Jose said nodding his head toward Jaime as he grabbed some pretzels.

"Well, yes," I said. "But so are you."

"What do you mean?" Jose asked.

"You're a handsome guy, too, Jose." I replied. "I have a soft spot for hairy guys."

Jose gave a huge smile and rubbed one hand unconsciously over his hairy chest and down his stomach.

"I keep telling him he's a hot papi," Jaime chimed in. "But he doesn't believe me."

"He's right, Jose," I added. "With your smile, the fur -- and that impressive piece of meat between your legs -- you're quite a catch."

Jose smiled again and adjusted his cock.

"Will you finally let me suck that thing, papi?" Jaime asked after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

I grinned looking back and forth between Jose and Jaime. "I think there's enough of it for both of us, isn't there?"

Jaime took a swig of beer and set it down. He stood up from the chaise and tapped me on the shoulder, urging me towards the pool. He jumped in and swam toward Jose. I quickly followed him.

Jaime reached up and gently spread Jose's legs apart allowing us both room to squeeze between them. Then he grabbed the base of Jose's cock and held it up. It was mostly flaccid, but we could see it firming up slightly from Jaime's touch.

I rested my head against Jose's hairy thigh and gently fondled his balls hanging low and loose in their sack. Jaime nestled in against his other thigh and leaned in to give Jose's shaft a long lick.

Jose moaned slightly and spread his legs just a little more.

I licked down the other side of Jose's cock. Jaime and I synchronized our next lick so that we met at Jose's cock head. Our tongues touched as we licked around the corona, and then we enveloped the head with our mouths and French kissed around it.

Jose was moaning deeper as his cock began to become engorged. I reached up and ran one hand up through the hair on Jose's soft stomach and up onto his chest. I pinched one nipple gently and then ran my hand across his chest and pinched the other.

Jaime reached his hand back and rubbed Jose's lower back and massaged his furry ass cheeks. Jose propped his hands on the pool deck slightly behind his ass, and he closed his eyes and allowed himself to succumb to the pleasure of our mouths and hands.

Jaime and I took turns bobbing on Jose's cock head. I would open wide and take the head into my mouth and push myself as far down on the shaft as I could go. And then I'd pull back slightly to be met by Jaime's tongue gently shoving me out of the way so he could take a turn.

I reached over and pulled Jaime's head back gently by his hair and placed my mouth on his. We kissed passionately as he took Jose's cock in his hand and stroked it.

Then I shifted my mouth back onto the head of Jose's cock. I let the tip of my tongue dance in the drop of precum emerging from his piss slit, savoring the taste of it. Jaime nibbled on my ear and kissed down my neck as I again took Jose's thick member in my mouth as far as I dared.

Jaime shifted his attention back to Jose's cock and began to lick up and down the shaft, his lips and tongue meeting mine. We got into a rhythm of working up and down the shaft and over the head, and then sliding down the shaft again allowing the other to take the head.

This went on for a few minutes. I could feel Jose's cock get harder and his ball sack tightened slightly in my hand.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum," Jose moaned.

Jaime and I continued our tandem tongue worship of his cock. It was like a game of Russian roulette: which of us would have the head in our mouth when he shot his load. Jaime, it turns out, was the lucky recipient of the first shot as Jose moaned, "Oh god, I'm cumming!"

But Jaime wasn't greedy. He slid his mouth out of the way allowing me to take the second shot. I then slid my mouth back and allowed Jaime back in. We let Jose's cock head lay on our tongues as shot after shot emptied out of it. We licked hungrily at his cock, letting our tongues collide, as we pushed the sticky white jism back and forth.

With a couple more final spasms from his cock, Jose was finally done. He had to gently pull his cock away from us, his sensitive member unable to take any more stimulation. Jaime licked a droplet of cum from the corner of my mouth and I did the same for one that had landed in his goatee. Then our tongues met and we French kissed -- pushing Jose's sweet load back and forth between our mouths.

Jose slipped into the water next to us, wrapping his strong arms around us and pulling us toward his hairy chest. He nudged his face in between ours and got his tongue in on the action. Jaime and I each wrapped an arm around Jose's back and pulled him in to our sticky kiss. We pushed his load from one mouth to another to another, our tongues feverishly darting in and out of each other's mouths. The sweet cum mingled with the lingering salt from the pretzels and the slight bitterness of the beer.

Finally after several minutes, Jaime leaned back and said, "Can I have the load, please?"

Since the load was currently in my mouth, I nodded at him. He turned around and leaned himself back between us. Jose and I cradled his head between our chests, as Jaime smiled and open his mouth wide.

I leaned forward positioning my face several inches above Jaime's and aligned our mouths. I slowly let Jose's load out from between my lips, dangling momentarily between us, before it landed squarely on Jaime's outstretched tongue. He rolled the load around in his mouth, swallowed, smiled and opened wide again as I repeated the process a few times until only a fine film of Jose's spunk remained in my mouth. I gave Jose one last kiss and then swallowed the remainder of his semen.

"That was fucking amazing," Jose said and then planted kisses on my mouth and then Jaime's. He smiled and pulled away gently. "Any other plants need watering, Erik? I really need to take a piss now!"

"You can piss in that one," I said pointing to the nearest small pot on the edge of the patio.

"I've had like 4 beers, 2 Cokes and a bunch of water today, and haven't pissed yet. I don't think that one is going to be big enough," he laughed.

"Good point," I said. "Why don't you hose down that big potted palm over in the corner."

He hauled himself out of the pool and hurried over to the palm and started to piss, his back to us.

"Hey papi, move around it so we can see," Jaime exclaimed.

We both moved toward the side of the pool closest to the palm. And Jaime wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. I could feel his erection against my hip under the water.

Jose obliged and shifted around the pot a bit so we could see him holding the base of his slightly softened shaft and the thick rope of piss that arced from it and into the pot.

Jaime lowered his hand and massaged my ass cheeks as we watched Jose's display, which went on for over a minute.

I reached beneath the water and teased Jaime's cock head between my fingers. I pulled gently at his foreskin, shifting it back and forth slowly over the head. Jaime moaned slightly and kissed my neck gently. The soft hair of his mustache and goatee tickled my earlobe and neck. I rotated my head back towards his and our tongues met again.

Jose finished emptying his bladder on the tree and shook the last remaining droplets of piss from his cock. He walked over to the table where he'd left his clothes and looked at his watch.

"Shit, I better get the truck back to the office," he said as he started to fish through the pile of clothes for his underwear.

"Aw man, do we have to go already?" Jaime said disappointedly.

"You can stay here and have fun -- as long as it's okay with Erik,"Jose replied. "I'll drop the truck off and come back in my car afterwards." He'd slipped his underwear back on, pulled on his khakis and was now retying his boots.

Jaime looked at me hopefully. "Of course you can stay," I said to him and gave him another deep kiss.

Jose pulled his hat on and swung his polo shirt over his bare shoulder as he zipped and buttoned his pants. "I'll be back in an hour or so," he said as he walked shirtless toward the sliding glass door. "Don't have too much fun without me." He smiled and winked as he left us.

"It was really fun with Jose," Jaime smiled at me. "But I'm glad to have you by myself now. I want your cock in my ass," he said as he reached under the water and stroked my erection.

"Okay," I said smiling back at him. "But first I wanna suck on that uncut snake between your legs. I've never blown an uncircumcised cock before."

"Really?" Jaime said incredulously. "Have at it!" He pulled himself up onto the side of the pool and spread his legs, giving me full access to his hard cock.

I shift over toward him, dipped slightly in the pool so my head was level with his crotch, and began licking at his balls. I serviced each one with my tongue and then pulled one, then the other, into my mouth and lightly tugged and chewed on them.

Jaime leaned his head back, closing his eyes. "That feels amazing!"

I continued nibbling and tugging on his balls for a minute or so and then began to lick up the shaft of his engorged cock. I licked up his shaft and ran the tip of my tongue around the small opening formed by his foreskin, collecting a drop of precum that had emerged. I nibbled at the loose skin and then slipped my tongue under it so that it was wedged between the foreskin and the head of his dick.

I ran my tongue around his cock head under the foreskin. He was continuing to ooze precum, and I savored every drop that made its way onto my tongue. Jaime was moaning and smiling.

After a few minutes of servicing his cock, I reached up and massaged his chest and gently pushed his torso back until he was laying on the pool deck. I shifted my shoulders up under his thighs, lifting his ass off the deck. The area between his balls and his ass was now fully exposed. I moved my head in closer and began to lick and bite gently on his perineum working my way down to the hairy cleft of his ass.

I pulled his cheeks apart gently with my thumbs so that his hairy asshole was now exposed. And I wasted no time in burying my face in the warmth of his ass. My tongue licked around at the puckered skin of his hole.

I pulled his cheeks wider and the hole opened slightly -- enough for me to push my tongue into it. I probed deeper and deeper into Jaime's asshole, as his body writhed in pleasure. He began to stroke his cock as I continued to French kiss his asshole.

"I want you inside me Erik," Jaime pleaded.

Happy to oblige, I pulled myself out of the pool and grabbed the cushion off one of the chaise lounges and laid it on the pool deck beside Jaime. He rotated and lifted himself onto the cushion and spread his legs.

I knelt on the cushion between his legs and he instinctively lifted them up around my hips. I spat into my hand and lubed my hard cock with the saliva. Then I gently pushed my wet index finger against his asshole. There was a little resistance at first, but then his sphincter relaxed and my finger slide inside him.

Jaime arched his back in pleasure as I wriggled my finger around inside him. I found his prostate and massaged it gently as he moaned.

I pulled my finger out slowly and positioned the head of my cock against his asshole. Pushing gently with my cock, Jaime's hole relaxed enough for the head to start to slide in.

He grimaced slightly at his asshole stretched to accommodate my erection. As I slid further in, his face relaxed and he purred, "Fuck yeah!

I leaned forward and Jaime shifted his legs up onto my shoulders. My wet hair was depositing droplets of water onto Jaime's chest. I began to push my cock deeper into his hole, and then I'd pull it back until just the head remained inside him. And then I'd push back inside a little deeper.

I developed a rhythm of pushing in and pulling back, slowly at first, but building speed gradually. Jaime began to stroke his own erection again. I leaned back slightly, positioning my face over his cock, and gathered a load of saliva in my mouth, letting it loose onto his shaft.

Jaime rubbed my spit into his cock, pulling his foreskin off his cock head with each stroke down and back over it with each stroke up. He synced his strokes to my thrusts. "Harder," he said.

I slammed my pubic hair and balls into his ass cheeks as his hole took on the full length of my hard cock. I was now pulling my cock out of his ass completely and then thrusting it back through his sphincter and into the depths of his ass. I thrust faster and harder, and his balls bounced in their sack with the rhythm.

We continued this dance of thrusting, pulling and stroking for several minutes. I leaned down and thrust my tongue into Jaime's moaning mouth. He hungrily kissed me back, his tongue darting feverishly around my mouth.

"Fuck! I'm gonna cum Erik!" he moaned into my open mouth.

I shifted back so I could take over stroking his cock while I continued to pound his ass.

"Oh yes!" he moaned, throwing his hands back above his head and surrendering to me. "Fuck me, Erik!"

I thrust and stroked in unison until I felt his sphincter tighten around my cock. His body tensed instinctively before the eruption.

"I'm cumming!" Jaime moaned loudly, as the first shot of cum spewed forth from his cock and onto his cheek. Subsequent bursts of his warm semen landed on his chin, chest and stomach. Each shot diminishing in intensity and distance until his cock simply oozed and dribbled white cum onto his stomach.

I shifted myself forward and lowered my head again so I could lap up the droplets of cum off his face. I lowered my mouth over his, extending my tongue and releasing Jaime's cum into his own mouth. He reached up and placed his mouth on mine and we pushed his load back and forth between our mouths.

I finally swallowed his cum hungrily as I continued to thrust my cock in his ass. "I'm gonna cum soon, Jaime," I whispered. "Where do you want it?"

"Fill up my ass, Erik," he moaned.

Jaime kissed me passionately as I pounded my cock deeper and deeper into his asshole. He squeezed his sphincter muscle periodically, which sent shivers into my groin and through my body.

I continued to fuck him for another minute or so until I began to feel my own sphincter tighten. My ass cheeks clenched as the first shot erupted from my cock and into Jaime's ass. "Fuck yeah!" I screamed, thrusting again and again and pumping shot after shot of my load into his ass.

Drenched in sweat, I slowed the pace of my thrusts and then just let my erection sit inside Jaime's warm, wet ass. As my cock began to soften slightly, I slid out, shifted back and began to lick up the semen that still covered Jaime's chest and stomach.

The taste of his cum mixed with his sweat and the taste of pool water. I licked the sticky white jizz up and then kissed him again and again, snowballing the load back and forth until one of us swallowed it.

"I'm leaking," Jaime said, breaking our silence, as he reached down with one hand and touched his asshole. He brought his finger, wet with my cum to his face and licked it off.

"Let me take care of that," I replied with a sly smile. I gently lifted Jaime up off the cushion and then lay back on it myself. Jaime smiled as he positioned himself so he was squatting over my face.

I could see my cum glistening in the sun around his wrinkled asshole. I pushed my head up and lapped at his asshole, coaxing the cum free. My nose was nestled in the furry cleft of his ass cheeks as my tongue darted into his hole again, licking out the cream I had deposited there just moments ago.

Jaime lifted his ass off my face so he was hovering just a few inches above me. He bore down slightly and I could see the rosebud of his asshole bloom. And then I saw my white fluid begin to emerge from the bloom. I opened my mouth to catch the jizz as it dripped from his ass.

I let the dribbles of my spunk gather on my tongue. And then Jaime shifted around and laid his naked body next to mine. He pulled one of his legs across my body, and I could feel his softening erection dribbling onto my stomach. He leaned in and kissed me, and we swapped my load back and forth several times until he smiled and swallowed.

Jaime laid his head down on my bare chest. He stroked my chest and stomach, and then shifted his hand down to gently squeeze and stroke my softening cock. "That was fucking amazing," he said.

"Not a bad way to break in my new place," I said smiling as I kissed his forehead and stroked his back -- from octopus tattoo down to his ass -- with one hand.

The sound of crunching pebbles startled us out of our afterglow. I propped myself figuring that Jose must have locked himself out and came through the side gate instead.

But it wasn't Jose standing near the corner of the house staring at us. It was a tall guy in his late 40s, with salt and pepper hair and a dark beard. He wore a faded Hawaiian shirt that was completely unbuttoned, revealing his chest and stomach, both covered in hair and tattoos. He had a bottle of wine in one hand and was massaging his crotch through the loose board shorts he was wearing with the other. His eyes were as wide as mine as our gazes met.

"I'm so sorry," he said in a deep voice. He dropped his hand away from his crotch, revealing a serious tenting situation. "I heard the moving truck leave awhile ago and figured I'd bring over a bottle of wine as a welcome."

"Uh..." I mumbled not knowing what to say.

"I'm Chuck. Your neighbor next door," he said gesturing back toward the house behind him and moving a few steps closer to us. "I rang the doorbell, but there wasn't any answer. I heard voices back here, so I came through the side gate."

"Uh... Hi Chuck," I stammered. "I'm Erik."

Jaime lifted his hand off my cock, waved at Chuck and smiled. "Hi. I'm Jaime -- the mover." And then he returned his hand to my cock to resume his gentle massage.

"How long have you been standing there Chuck?" I asked.

Chuck blushed and smiled broadly. "Long enough to know that we're going to be really good neighbors," he said with a wink. After a moment of awkward silence he added, "Do you mind if I join you for a dip? Sheila, the old lady who used to live here, would let me swim whenever I wanted."

"Uh, sure...," I replied.

"I'll just set the wine over here," Chuck said as he walked over toward the patio and set the bottle on the table.

"Thanks," I said and watched incredulously as he slipped out of his Hawaiian shirt, and then began to untie his board shorts.

"You've done a really great job with the house so far," Chuck said as he slid his board shorts down over his hips and stepped out of them. His 6.5" cock was semi-erect, clearly he'd enjoyed the show we'd put on for him. A thick silver hoop dangled from the tip of his cock -- a Prince Albert piercing -- and caught the light of the sun.

"Thanks," I said as he walked back over toward us and then proceeded down the steps into the pool. I could see that his tattoos continued on his shoulders, upper arms, back and onto his ass cheeks.

"Nice ink," Jaime said, staring openly at Chuck's naked body. His dick gave a twitch against my stomach.

"Thanks! I think they scared Sheila at first. But when I started helping her with the yard work, she realized I wasn't in a satanic cult!" Chuck laughed. "Are you guys coming back in? You both look pretty hot."

Chuck smiled as he realized the double entendre.

Jaime sat up and kissed me on the mouth. "Sure. Let's get back in Erik." He stood up, his chest still glistening with sweat and cum and his cock still bobbing with the last vestiges of his erection. He extended a hand and helped me up. He grabbed my cock, still somewhat firm from fucking him, and used it to drag me gently towards the steps and into the pool.

As we descended into the cool water, Jaime shifted behind me, pressing his cock against my ass. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled his legs up around my waist.

Chuck smiled at us. "The water feels great!"

"Yes. Yes it does," I replied as I bobbed in the water with Jaime on my back.

We heard the crunching of gravel again, and the three of us turned toward the side of the house where Chuck had been standing moments before.

"I'm back -- and I bought more beer," Jose said, walking towards us, still shirtless, with a 24-pack under one arm. He deposited it on the patio table and began to remove his shoes and pants again. As he slid his briefs down, he turned toward us, smiled and added, "Who's your new friend?"

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