Moving Forward

By Francis O'Ratigan

Published on Aug 4, 2003


Moving Forward Chapter 14 Copyright 2003

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Francis O`Ratigan.

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On with the story!

I walked into the living room when I heard the laughter of Cory. Once inside the living room I spotted my sweetie as he tickled Cory. I frowned when I heard a deeper laughter. I looked up to see Kevin standing there in my living room. The man who had raped me three years ago. The man who had made our lives hell all those years ago. We had seen each other maybe two or three times during those times. Always it had been at very public events. Never at my home. I couldn't help but feel just a little bit invaded. "Hello Kevin," I said in an even tone of voice. "How are you?" He swallowed deeply and took a deep breath.

"I'm good," he stammered. "How are you?"

"Fine," I replied. I noticed that the giggling of my son had stopped. I looked down to see that he had wrapped his arms around Brian's leg and was looking up at Kevin with wide eyes. "Listen I'm going to put Cory down for his nap."

"When you're done I would like to talk to you," Brian said to me with hope in his eyes. "Well actually Kevin and I really want to talk to you." I nodded quietly and took my son and swung him up on my shoulders and walked quietly up stairs. A thousand thoughts raged through my mind. As I quickly put Cory to bed I headed back down stairs and into the kitchen. "Kevin is buying the Beach house next to ours," he said simply.

"What?" I asked sharply.

"Kevin is--," Brian started.

"I heard you the first time," I sighed. "Why?" I asked turning to Kevin.

"Because I love it here," Kevin said with a small smile. "I've always loved this part of the country and I love the beach and I want to live here."

"Why here?" I demanded. "Why right next door to the man you raped?"

"Babe--," Brian started but stopped when I glared at him.

"Why?" I asked Kevin again.

"That was three years ago," Kevin whispered tightly. "Can't we let it go?"

"No we can't!" I shouted at him. He jumped and so did Brian. "I can't let it go! You raped me!"

"It was three years ago in a very dark period of my life! I was drunk at the time! I wasn't myself!" Kevin shouted back at me.

"There hasn't been a night that hasn't gone by that I don't relive that horrible night!" I shoted back.

"Do you think it has been easy for me?" Kevin asked in a quiet voice. "God I feel so dirty for what I did to you. I violated you! I fored myself on you! I have never forgiven myself for that!"

"Good!" I screamed. "I hope you go to your grave with out ever forgiving yourself!"

"I deserve to be happy!" Kevin insisted.

"Good!" I hurled at him. "Be happy somewhere else! Just don't do it next door to me!"

"To late!" Kevin hurled back. "I signed the papers this morning. I move in tomorrow."

"I gotta get out of here!" I said looking around.

"Baby?" Brian asked in a choked voice. I looked at him and saw the tears in his eyes. I walked up to him and pulled him in a hug. I shivered as I felt him sigh heavily.

"I love you Brian," I said looking into his eyes. "I'm not leaving you. I'm just going for a walk."

"Can I go with you?" Brian asked as a tear rolled down his angelic face.

"No," I said firmly. "Please baby, this is something that I need to do for myself. I love you and I'm not leaving. I just have some things to think out for myself." Brian nodded and smiled a small forced smile. I quickly walked to the refridgerator and grabbed a bottle of water and walked out of the kitchen through the dinning room and living room and out the front door and down onto the beach.

From Brian's point of view.

"Well that could've gone better," Kevin said in a bitter tone.

"What did you expect Kevin?" I asked looking at him sadly. "Did you expect him to bake you a cake and say welcome to the neighborhood?"

"I really don't know what I expected," Kevin sighed. "I was just hoping that maybe just maybe we would beable to set aside some of this crap that has been keeping me away from my family."

"Some day Kevin," I said softly.

"I see you and Chris and I want that!" Kevin said looking at me with pleading eyes. "I see you with your son and the love that you and Chris show and I want that!"

"I know you do cousin," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "Chris is a forgiving person. He really is."

"I want to believe you Brian," Kevin said sadly with his eyes filling with tears. "But after what I saw this afternoon I really don't think that I will ever be able to be a part of your lives."

"Give him time," I pleaded. "Please Kevin." Kevin sighed and nodded and gave me quick hug.

"I gotta go," he said softly. "I want to make sure that my new house is ready for me to move in tomorrow." I watched with a heavy heart as my cousin walked out of our house. Than I walked into the living room and plopped down in the easy chair over looking the beach. I wondered just how long it would be before I saw my lover again. This was the first time he had ever walked away from me before resolving our differences.

From Chris's point of view

The sun was setting and I was bone tired. I had pretty much walked myself out. I wearily made my way back up the stairs and into the beach house. I heard voices in the living room. I could definitely make out Brian's. The other I wasn't too sure about. Once inside I knew at once who it was. I smiled softly as I saw him sitting there with a glass in his hands. It was Justin. "Hey," I said announcing myself as I walked in. Brian looked up at me with tired eyes. My heart went out to him. "Is Cory still up?"

"Nahh," Brian said rubbing his eyes. "He just went to sleep."

"Hey Justin," I said as I smiled at him. "What brings you to these parts of the woods?"

"Just wanted to stop by and see how things were doing," Justin replied shrugging.

"How long has it been?" I asked giving him a quick hug.

"Three years give or take a month or so," Justin replied. "Brian tells me that Kevin is moving in next door."

"Yea that is what he tells me too," I sighed.

"How do you feel about that?" Justin asked frowning. I knew he wanted to ask the question but he was being kind and gentle and worried about how I would react.

"He deserves his happiness," I sighed. "It has been three long years and quite frankly I am real tired of harboring all of these hard and negative feelings. If Kevin wants to try to reconcile with me than I'm ready." I almost laughed at Brian's shocked _expression on his face. "That was a very long and heart searching walk Brian," I said to him. "I love you Brian and it is unfair of me to keep you from your cousin. It is unfair for me not to try to reconcile with Kevin. Kevin is a good guy at heart and three years ago he made some really bad mistakes. I think it is time that we all put it behind us and try to move on with our lives." I watched as Brian got up and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a deep hug. I pressed his lips to mine and savored the moment of being one with my lover again. I also noticed that he had been bad and had pizza again. "So is there any left?" I asked smiling at him.

"Any what left?" Brian asked trying to act all innocent.

"Cheese Pizza," I giggled. "I could still taste it."

"Ok ok you busted me," Brian giggled. "Cory wanted Pizza so I ordered in."

"You hungry?" I asked Justin.

"Yea, I could eat something," Justin replied.

"Come on mister, share the wealth," I said to Brian pointing to the kitchen.

"And yes I did do some very serious thinking. And Kevin is right on a lot of counts. We do need to move on with this. We need to put all that negative crap behind us and move on with our lives. And that means if you want Kevin to be a part of it again than so be it. I am ready to work with him."

"Do you know how much I love you?" Brian asked looking down at me. Yea I know. I'm about an inch shorter than he is.

"Yea I kinda have an idea how much you love me," I giggled. "Now get busy and warm us up some left over pizza!" I swatted him on his very shapely but for good measure. He giggled and walked over to the small stack of pizza boxes on the stove.

"I got your fav," he said over his shoulder.

"Pepperoni?" I asked grinning. He nodded as he slid the pizza onto a pizza pan and slid it into the oven.

"What do you want to drink?" he asked both of us.

"Wild Cherry Pepsi," I called out as I got two glasses out of the cubbards and filled them full of ice. I handed one to Justin and one to Brian and than got another one for me. Soon we were all sitting around the table and eating and talking.

"So Chris," Justin said putting his glass down. "How is your work load?"

"I'm actually in between jobs right now," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Well my web site needs revamping. I was thinking of asking you to do it," Justin replied. "Now that I am pretty much solo right now and I think that I should have my own web site."

"Let's meet about it," I replied.

"Where is your office?" Justin asked.

"Right here," I replied.

"Can I see some of your work now?" he asked hopefully. I looked over at Brian to see if it was ok. He smiled and nodded. By now we had all eaten our share of pizza and was in no mood to eat anymore. I picked up my glass and plate and walked over to the dish washer and put them in. Justin and I than headed up to the office.

From Brian's point of view

I was so proud of Chris. He had been through so much crap in the last three years and yet he still had a warm spot for Kevin. Kevin had been through hell as well. He has had to come to grips with his homosexuality along with Nick's Alcoholism. And he had finally gotten enough counseling on his temper that he was able to go for weeks without blowing up. Of course the main reason for his temper tantrums had grown up him self. I'm speaking of Nick of course. Speaking of Nick I wondered where he was. This was his night to spend time with Chris and me. The door bell rang and I smiled. I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey Nickers!" I said cheerfully.

"Hey Frack," Nick said grinning. I noticed that he had someone standing behind him. "I umm brought a friend."

"The more the merrier," I smiled as I stood aside and let him in. I was pleasantly surprised to see that JC was standing behind him. He smiled shyly at me. "Come in JC."

"Thanks," he said softly. I noticed that when he was inside that Nick latched on to his hand.

"Umm we are um kinda sorta dating," Nick stammered.

"Umm Nick?" I asked grinning at JC. "How does one kinda sorta date someone?"

"Ok ok," Nick said grinning and blushing. "We are dating!"

"I'm happy for you Nick," I smiled at him as I pulled him in a tight hug. "Now you be good to poor JC here."

"Oh don't worry," JC giggled. "He is really good to me." By this time we had all sat in the living room.

"I see someone is moving into the house next door," Nick said.

"Yea Kevin bought the place and is moving in," I replied.

"Why?" Nick asked sounding pissed. "Hasn't he done enough to Chris?"

"Nick that was three years ago," I said softly.

"He raped him!" Nick shouted. "Where is he? I'll make him change his mind about living next door to his rape victim. Isn't there a law about that somewhere?"

"Chris is ok with it Nick and no there is not a law about that," I said in a scolding tone of voice. "Please Nick, we've had enough drama for today. Let's not ad more to it." Nick nodded slowly. I had the feeling that Nick wasn't too happy about letting it drop. I decided to move the conversation to JC. "So JC, what is a good looking guy like you doing dating a loser like Nick?"

"Hey!" Nick yelped looking hurt. "I'm not a loser!" JC giggled softly before kissing Nick lightly on the lips.

"What can I say?" JC said with a very naughty look in his eyes. "I had pity on the loser."

"I know someone who is sleeping in the dog house tonight!" Nick said with a pout on his face.

"Who is sleeping in the dog house?" Chris's voice drifted over us. I looked up to see my sweetie walk into the room. I patted the seat beside me and he sat down and snuggled up to me. This was the favorite part of the night. Us sitting in the living room and snuggling and talking to our friends.

"Where is Justin?" I asked looking around.

"He had to go home," Chris said as he laid his head on my shoulder. "I'm going to be doing his new web site."

"I'm happy for you sweetie," I said kissing him on the top of his head. "Is Cory still asleep?" Chris nodded and yawned. "Are you tired?" I asked concerned. In the past stress has always tired out Chris. Some times I had to make him sleep. "We can call it a night if you want too."

"But we have guests," Chris looked up at me with his adorable blue eyes.

"Guests that know when to leave," Nick said softly. "You're tired, you've had a long day. JC and I will come back tomorrow. You and Brian go to bed." Nick kissed Chris lightly on the forehead and hugged me good bye. I walked them out and once they were on their way down the drive I headed back into the house. I walked into the living room and found Chris sound asleep on the couch. I didn't have the heart to wake him. So I covered him up with a comforter and than headed up stairs to our room and went to bed myself.

The next morning from Chris's point of view.

I woke up on the sofa and looked around for my lover. It was still dark out and I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was just after three in the morning. I wrapped myself in the comforter and shuffled up the stairs and into our room. After quickly stripping I slid into bed next to my sleeping lover. I glanced down at his angelic features as he lay sleeping. Brian truly was a incredibly good looking man. I always told him that and he just blushed and looked down. That was one of the things I loved about him was his humility. He moaned out my name and reached for me. Once he came in contact with me he proceeded to wrap him self around me. Some times I think that he did it just so that I couldn't get away. Not that I would get away. I didn't want to. I snuggled deeper into his hold and allowed myself to drift back to sleep.

I woke up when it was still dark out. I swung out of bed after I of course detangled myself from my sleeping lover. I noticed with regret that he was rock hard this morning. A perfect time for me to wake up my lover with my usual skill and love. But unfortunately my bladder was demanding attention. After using the bathroom I crept into the Cory's room and looked down at his sleeping form. It was at this time that I heard something. Voice is what I heard. I walked to the open window and listened. I discovered that it was coming from Kevin's new beach house.

"Listen faggot!" a harsh voice said. "You either continue paying me or the whole world is going to know that you are a fucking faggot!"

"When is it going to stop?" Kevin asked with anger in his voice. "I've already given you over three million dollars!"

"You will continue to pay me what I want for as long as I want it!" the voice sounded again. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. I heard the door slam and than I heard a car door slam and start up and back out of the drive. I looked out the window and saw Kevin standing out on the deck. His head was hung low and I could tell he was crying. My heart ached for him. I wanted to go up to him and wrap my arms around him and tell him everything was going to be ok. But I didn't. At least not now. If I offered him help he probably wouldn't accept it. No, I needed more info. And for that I would need help. It was time to go back into my past and make contact with a couple of old Marine buddies. They would be able to help me out. They still owed me a dept. A big one. And I for one was going to collect on it. I turned back and walked out of Cory's room and walked back to mine. I slid back under the covers and went to work at giving my lover as much pleasure as I could. Listening to him groaning in pleasure was worth it.

"Thanks love," a sleepy voice sounded over me. I finished licking him clean and snuggled back up to him. "I love you," Brian smiled at me.

"I love you too baby," I cooed up at him. I found my self growing hard as well and needed some relief too.

"You're hard," Brian smiled down at me. He peeked under the sheets. "Hello jr.," he giggled as he dove under the sheets and soon had my cock buried down his throat. I was in heaven as my lover made love to me with his mouth. Afterwards we were snuggled back in each other's arms and sleeping soundly.

"Daddy!" Cory shouted as he hopped up in bed. "I'm hungry!" I looked around to see if I could see Brian. I let out a small pout as I realized that my lover had gotten up ahead of me. "Daddy!" Cory whined again.

"What little man?" I smiled down at him as I ruffled his hair. He swatted my had away and giggled loudly. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes!" he squealed loudly.

"Ok pancakes it is!" I laughed as I started to tickle the daylights out of him. I loved to hear him laugh as hard as he could. Finally I stopped tickling him and let him up. He ran out of the room to find his other daddy. Sighing I got up and walked to the shower and got ready for the day. After showering I walked into the kitchen and frowned. Kevin as seated at the table drinking a cup of coffee and talking to Brian. I noticed that Brian had beaten me and fixed a huge pile of pancakes.

"Good morning love," I smiled at him. "Morning Kevin."

"Good morning Chris," he said with a small smile.

"So it is moving day," I said as I poured me a cup of coffee. "You want some help?" Silence racked the room. I turned around to see Kevin staring at me as if I had sprung an extra head or something. Brian was staring at me too with a mixture of awe and love in his eyes. "Come on guys!" I smiled. "Breakfast isn't going to finish it self!"


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