Moving Forward

By Francis O'Ratigan

Published on May 24, 2000


Copyright 2000 By Francis O'Ratigan All rights reserved. With the exceptions of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the permission in writing from the Author.

This is a work of fiction. And similarities to actual living people is completely coincidental.

Comments or questions are welcomed at

Hi Guys and Gals! I am so sorry that it has taken so long to get this next installment. I have been so busy with work and Rude Awakenings. I am taking a small break from Rude Awakenings to concentrate on Moving Forward. For those of you who do not follow Rude Awakenings I have changed my name. I am now called Francis O'Ratigan. Now finally, ON WITH THE STORY!

Recap: Chapters 9 & 10

Kevin had just beaten poor Nick to a pulp and is being hauled off to Jail. Nick is on his way to the Hospital. Brian and Chris are following Nick to the Hospital when Chris drops a bomb into Brian's lap.

"Brian?" I asked looking at him. He looked over at me and saw my expression and his expression turned to one of fear. "Maybe we are making a huge mistake about us."

"Chris?" he asked with his eyes filling with tears. "Are you planning on leaving me?" I bowed my head in sorrow and the next thing I knew we were pulled off to the side of the road. Brian took me by the shoulders and turned me around so that I was facing him. "You are not walking out on me!" he shouted at me. "I have waited all my life to find you and dammit I am not going to loose you now!"

"But Brian--," I stammered out shaking my head.

"NO!" he shouted slamming his hands against the steering wheel. "You leaving me is not acceptable. I love you!"

"I love you to Brian, but you have to face facts. Our lives have been turned upside down since we have gotten together," I tried reasoning with him. A small voice in the back of my head was screaming for me to shut up. Maybe it was time to listen to that voice. Brian let out a sigh and pulled me in a hug.

"None of this is your or my fault," he said soothingly in my ear. "Kevin is the cause of all of this. Come on Baby don't throw away what we have because of Kevin. We have waited to long for love to come along to allow that Jackass of a Cousin throw a wrench into it," Brian was sobbing now tears streaming down his face. He was also having difficulty breathing and talking at the same time. I reached over and pulled him in a tight hug. He continued to cry into my shoulder. I just held him and let him cry his heart out. I rubbed his shoulder and soothed him as best I could.

"Ok Brian," I said softly looking into his crystal blue eyes. "I wont leave you, please don't cry. It tears my heart in two when you cry. I love you to much to see you in that much pain." He sat back up wiping his eyes dry. He than put the car back in gear and continued to the Hospital. I reached over and laid my hand on his leg. He looked over and smiled at me. I felt my heart pound in my chest. No matter what the circumstances were he could always make my heart do crazy things by just smiling at me. I swore silently as I glared out the window.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked as he pulled into the hospital parking garage.

I glared back at him and he just grinned at me.

"How in the world did I ever allow myself to get so wrapped up with you?" I answered him.

"Maybe because I am so cute and adorable?" he asked batting his eyes. I slugged him in the shoulder.

Ow!" he yelped as he turned the car off. I laughed and helped him out of the car. "Let's get in and see how Nick is doing." He said suddenly worried. "Nick is not good at being in the hospital." I wanted to grab his hand but knew that we couldn't because we were in public. He smiled sympathetic at me. Once inside the hospital were flooded with the members of the press. This was the first time I had ever seen anything like this. Brian and I got separated and I looked frantically for him. I just barely was able to make out the top of his head. The members of the press were shoving and pushing me further and further away from him. Finally a hand clamped down on my shoulder and I twisted around to fight off whoever was assaulting me.

"Whoa there guy!" shouted AJ. He grabbed my hand guided me through the crowd up to the front where Brian was. I could tell that he was frantic too. A huge smile of relief flooded his gorgeous features. Through out the in prompt to press conference AJ kept me at his side so that I wasn't lost again. Finally once we were in the elevator I leaned against Brian and pressed my lips to his. He let out a small moan and slid his tongue into my mouth. The elevator stopped at the next floor and Brian let out a small growl of frustration. I laughed softly.

"Later mister!" he said smiling at me. I blushed and smiled back. AJ just grinned and looked away.

"Love birds!" he muttered.

"Jealous!" I muttered back.

"Brat!" he muttered back.

"Meanie!" I shot back.

"Ok children that is enough!" scolded Brian as his eyes twinkled with laughter.

"Yes Dad!" we both said giggling. Brian just rolled his eyes and stared straight ahead. Finally the elevator stopped and let us out on Nick's floor. As soon as the door opened we headed out and to the Nurses station.

"Um," Brian said. "We're here to see Nick Carter."

"Room 475 just down the hall on you left," the nurse said with a smile. Brian smiled back and thanked her. We walked down the hall and into the room. Nick was lying in bed and was awake. His jaw had been wired shut and he was sipping on some water through a straw. A surge of anger surged through me when I saw the bruises again. Brian leaned down and whispered into my ear.

"Easy Babe," he cooed into my ear. "We don't want to upset Nick." I nodded and kept my mouth shut glaring at the floor. Brian crept to the bed and leaned down and touched Nick on the shoulder. Nick jerked up looking at Brian. Tears came to his eyes as he motioned for the pad of paper and pen. Brian handed it to him. Nick wrote something on it and handed it to him. Brian read it.

"No Nick, you don't need that," he said softly. Nick threw the pad of paper against the wall. I went over and picked it up and read what it said. "I want a drink!" I went over to the other side of the bed and sat down and pulled Nick into a gentle hug.

"You will get through this Nick," I whispered in his ear. He looked at me with such pain and agony in his eyes that I almost gave up myself. But I visibly shook myself and looked him in the eye. "Nick, you don't need a drink. Just for this next five minutes tell yourself you don't need a drink. And than tell yourself the next five minutes." He squeezed his eyes shut as tears streamed down his face.

"Nooo!" he struggled out. I got mad and threw the pad at him and stormed out of the room.

"Chris!" shouted Brian, "come back here right now!" But I was beyond listening and continued to walk out. I heard him swear and than I heard footsteps coming up behind me. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I stopped. I closed my eyes and inhaled through my nose. I could smell his cologne. Than suddenly I realized as much as Nick needed a drink so did I.

I turned and fell into his arms letting him hold me. The tears came again as I looked over at Nick. He was in so much pain and I wanted to take that pain away from him. "I know that you want to make every all right Chris." Brian said softly. I looked up at him. "But you can't fix the world sweetie."

"Why not?" I whimpered out at him. He laughed softly. He wiped the tears from my eyes and led me to a couch and sat me down. I realized that I was tired so I leaned against him and closed my eyes. He scooted down so that I was laying in his lap. In no time at all I had drifted off to sleep.

(From Brian's point of view.)

I motioned for AJ to hand me a pillow and a blanket. I gently laid Chris down so that his head was resting on the pillow and covered him up. I motioned for AJ to follow me outside. Once outside of the room I directed him to the waiting room.

"AJ as much as I hate to do this," I started as I ran my fingers through my hair. "I need you to go down to the police station and get Kevin out of Jail and bring him to my house and keep him there."

"I think he should rot in jail Brian!" AJ hurled at me. I just looked at him waiting for him to calm down. "Ok I'll go get his sorry ass out of Jail. But you wait until I get him home. I am going to kick his ass for beating up on poor Nicki like that!"

"AJ," I said in what I hope was a scolding voice.

"OK OK already!" he shouted at me. " I wont lay a hand on him. But I should kick his scrawny ass all the way to hell and back," AJ said as he stormed passed me. I sighed and sat down in one of the chairs. I was tired so I decided to head back and retrieve Chris and talk him into going home. Nick was drugged up pretty good so he would probably sleep through the night. My stomach grumbled too. I laughed softly as I headed back to Nick's room to wake my sleeping angel. Once there I found him sitting up rubbing his eyes. I stood in the doorway watching him yawn and stretch. He looked so cute that I didn't dare disturb him. He caught me watching and smiled at me and patted the seat next to him. "You ready to go home?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"What about Nick?" he asked sleepily.

"I think Nick will be in la la land for a while. He should sleep through the night," I said as I leaned forward and stole a quick kiss.

"I'm hungry, can we stop and get something to eat?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked as I leaned back against him. He let out a small moan as I leaned against his sore rib. I eased myself off of him. "Sorry about that Babe."

"I don't care what you get as long as it is food," he said kissing my neck. The touch of his lips sent shivers down my spine. I let out a small giggle.

He laughed to and we stood up and headed out of the room. Luckily the press had gotten tired of waiting around and had cleared out. There was a lot of fans standing outside with signs of support for Nick. I was able to avoid them by heading out the back of the hospital. I didn't think that Chris needed another scene that he had experienced this evening. Once in the car we began the task of finding something to eat. We finally decided on Chinese. Chris frowned when he discovered that I had bought extra Beef and Broccoli. I didn't offer an explanation. I thought about how I would break it to him once we got home. When we pulled into the driveway he noticed that the lights were on.

"Did you leave the lights on Babe?" he asked raising his eyebrows. Again I didn't say anything. As we entered the house I heard AJ yelling at Kevin. Chris looked at me funny and I motioned him into the living room. He entered and spotted Kevin. Kevin was seated in a chair and looking down at the floor. AJ was leaning against the wall glaring at Kevin. Chris glared at me too. I cringed at his hard look.

"Thank you AJ," I said sternly. "You can leave us alone now." AJ walked out of the house slamming the door.

"Who the fuck let you out of Jail?" Chris hurled at Kevin. Kevin just looked at Chris with hate filled eyes. Chris lunged towards him to hit him but I grabbed him and held him back.

"Can you take the food into the kitchen for me please?" I asked pleading with my eyes. Chris nodded and grabbed the bags and stormed off in the kitchen. I turned to Kevin and sat next to him in another chair. He looked terrible. He smelled terrible too. Like a jail cell. "Go up stairs and take a shower than we will talk." He nodded and headed up stairs. I sighed and headed off into the kitchen to try and calm down Chris. I could hear him grumbling before I even entered the kitchen. I peaked in and saw him setting three places at the table. I crept in and slid behind him and slid my arms around him. He brushed me off. "Ok I see that you are a little upset," I said as calmly as possible.

"A little upset!" he shouts at me. "A little upset! Jesus Christ Brian, he beat the crap out of Nick. He probably would've killed him if we hadn't of walked in on him. And you let that monster back in the house!" I started to get angry at Chris's words. I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me with a look. "He is dangerous Brian. Either he leaves this house or I do." My heart came to a stop. I could tell that he was serious.

I took a couple of steps back and sat down.

"You can't ask me to throw out my cousin Chris," I mumbled looking up at him.

"Yes I can and I just did!" he hurled at me. I just sat there looking at the floor.

"Please don't leave me tonight," I pleaded with him as I looked up at him. He took a couple of steps toward me and hope filled my heart.

"Fuck it!" he hurled up at the ceiling and turned and stormed out of the kitchen. I buried my head in my hands. I was losing Chris and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

(From Chris's point of view.)

I walked out of the kitchen and stopped by the door. I listen to my sweet heart sobbing his heart out in the kitchen. I heard the steps creak and I looked up to see Kevin standing at the door way. Anger filled my heart as I stepped towards him.

"I'm sorry Chris," he mumbled out looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry that beat up Nick. I'm sorry that I couldn't love Nick enough to see that he is sick and needs help. I'm sorry that I couldn't see that I need help to. And most of all I'm sorry that I am causing you and Brian such pain." His voice lost control as he disolved in tears falling to his knees. Ok what was I to do? I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug and rocked him.

His crying must of alerted Brian because I looked up to see Brian bending down and wrapping his arms around us both. I don't remember how long we remained like that. Kevin was the first one to move. He stood up and went to the couch and sat down. I followed Brian over to the love seat.

"Are you still leaving me?" Brian asked wiping tears from my face. I shook my head no.

"You were going to leave?" Kevin asked shocked. I nodded yes. "Man you are a fool." He stood up and walked to us and knelt down and took my hand in his and placed it over Brian's heart. "This crazy fool is head over heals in love you. You can't let a couple of asses like Nick and me get in the way of something that special." This was the Kevin I knew. The Kevin who loved and felt with his heart. The Kevin that looked after Brian. The Kevin that beat up poor Nick wasn't here in this room tonight. I hoped that I would never see that Kevin again. I smiled at him to let him know that I wasn't mad at him at the moment. He smiled back. "Now kiss him asshole!" he laughed. I grabbed Brian's face and pulled it towards me and kissed him with as much passion as I could. Time stood still for us. Our tongues dueling for control of eachothers. After a few moments we heard Kevin coughing. We broke apart reluctantly. I didn't want to let go of those lips. Brian sat back and heaved a sigh and wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled up to him laying my head on his chest.

"Now what do we do?" Brian asked Kevin. Kevin stood up and walked to the bar and poured him a glass of water. "Come on Kevin, I'm waiting for an answer. This cannot continue like this."

"What happens now is Nick gets the help he needs and I get the help I need," Kevin said. I looked up at Kevin. His eyes were filled with pain and remorse for what he had done. "I just don't know where to start," he whimpered out.

"I do," I mumbled out. "There are places available for people who have trouble handling their anger." Kevin perked up when he heard me speak. "Are you willing to get the help?" I asked him.

"I love Nick with every thing I have. I want to stop hurting him. Please Chris help me get the help I need. I don't ever want to hurt him again. I love him," he sobbed out.

"Tonight we get rest than tomorrow we set you up with a councilor. He or she will beable to get you the help you need. Than we find a clinic for Nick. His treatment is going to rough on him. First he needs to finish going through detox. Than the healing can begin," I explained to Kevin. He nodded as he took this all in. My stomach rumbled and Brian let out a giggle.

"Is my sweetie hungry?" he asked leaning down and kissing me. I nodded yes and he led us to the kitchen.

Later that evening.

I found myself sitting at the poolside. It was a warm evening and I had just finished a swim. I reached for my glass of Ice Tea and before I could grab it a tanned hand reached over and snatched it away.

"Hey get your own," I giggled when I saw Brian's twinkling eyes looking down at me. He took a drink and handed it back to me.

"Whacha doing?" he asked as he sat at the edge of the lounge chair and started to rub my leg. I noticed that his hand was getting closer and closer to my crotch. I swatted his hand away and he laughed. "So whacha doing?" he asked again as he laid down on top of me.

"Just thinking," I said as I reached over and played with one of his many curls. He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes. "Thinking about us is all."

"About?" he pressed on. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love in them. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips driving his tongue down my throat. I grabbed the sides of his face with my hand and leaned into the kiss. I noticed that Brian was getting a hardon. He gently ground his crotch into mine. I let out a small moan as my cock began to react to his touch. He got up and grinned at me and dived into the pool.

"Why you little jack ass!" I shouted as I dived in after him. He swam away from me and I dove under the water and grabbed his legs and pulled him under. We wrestled around for a few moments and than we came up for air. I noticed that Kevin was watching us from the diving board.

"Are you Children done?" he asked smiling. Brian and I swam over to the edge and climbed out. Kevin did a graceful dive into the water. He swam a few laps and than climbed out himself. The sun was setting and the pool lights came on lighting up the interior of the pool. "Any one check on Nick?" Kevin asked.

"I called the nurses station. AJ and Howie are there keeping him occupied. >From what I hear there is some kind of ninetendo war going on in the room," Brian laughed shaking his head.

"I meant, how is he?" Kevin asked quietly. Brian jerked his head angrily towards Kevin.

"Brian," I said as I touched his shoulder. He calmed down and laid his head on my chest. I looked down at his leg and noticed that the bandage had come off. "You need a new bandage sweetie," I said as I kissed the top of his head. He got up and walked into the house. I used this time to talk to Kevin. "Kevin," I started. He looked up at me with those eyes of his. I had to shake myself from the trance that was forming. I loved Brian not Kevin I scolded myself.

Kevin had gotten up and walked over to me and sat down next to me. He placed his hand on my leg. I jumped up and walked to the outside bar and grabbed a bottle of beer and tore off the lid and brought it to my lips. A hand reached out and took the bottle from me. "You don't want to do that Chris," Kevin said lightly scolding me. "Now why don't you tell me what's got you so scared." I looked at him again. His eyes were protraying the concern that he was feeling. God he was so good looking. Why didn't I notice that before? I noticed that his face was getting closer. I was frozen in place. I could smell his cologne. He closed his eyes and our lips touched. He moaned softly as he tried to enter my mouth with his tongue. My eyes shot open and I pushed him away. "You know you want me Chris, don't fight it. You and I could be so good together." I backed up covering my mouth with the back of my hand I was feeling sick and needed to get to the bathroom. He took a step closer to me and I pushed him out of the way and took off to the bathroom. I slammed into poor Brian. He knew that I was sick and got out of the way in a hurry. I could hear Kevin calling my name. I barely made it before I lost everything. I heard someone pounding on the bathroom. It was Brian.

"Chris?" he asked. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was worried. He opened the door and knelt by me and started rubbing my shoulder. This should've help but it didn't. It only made it worse. I started throwing up again. Finally after about fifteen minutes of dry heaves I got my breathing under control. I stood up and leaned against the sink and looked down at my feet. "Chris Babe?" he asked again. "What's wrong?" There was no way I was falling for Kevin. He was a monster! But than again he had those eyes. The kind that peered right into your very soul. He was so Good Looking too! "Chris!" Brian said urgently as he shook my shoulders. I shook my self from my trance.

"Oh hi Brian," I mumbled.

"Hi Brian?" he asked shocked. "I find you bent over the toilet pucking your guts out and all you say is Hi Brian?" I looked away trying to gather my thoughts. My first instinct was to run. But I reframed myself from doing that. I felt his cool hand on the side of my face. He gently pulled my face so that I was looking at him. "Please babe let me help you," he pleaded.

"I must of eaten something," I mumbled grabbing a dixie cup from the dispencer and filling from the tap and rinsing my mouth out. "I really don't feel good right now. Can I just go lie down for a while?" I pleaded.

He nodded and guided my to the bedroom and helped me into bed. Soon I was under the covers. I was shocked when Brian slid under the covers too and spooned me. He nuzzled my neck with his lips. I giggled softly.

"You know that I love you right?" he mumbled to me. I nodded. "And you know that you can tell me anything right?" Again I nodded. "Than please tell me what is wrong?" I turned so that I was facing him. I looked down at the cross I had bought him for Valentines day. It looked so good on him next to his dark tan skin. "I'm waiting for an answer Chris," he said firmly. I looked up at his blue eyes. They were so full of love and concern that it scared me. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

Chapter 12

"It's Kevin," I mumbled. He nodded as if to signal me to continue. "Well um he uh kinda sorta kissed me." I cringed waiting for the anger to come. I opened one eye and found that he was staring at me in shock.

"He kissed you right?" he asked. I nodded. "And you got sick right?" Again I nodded. "You didn't kiss him right?" Again I nodded. (This is getting old. I felt like my head was going to fall off.) He climbed out of the bed and took off down stairs. I just laid there waiting for the worse to happen. I could hear Brian shouting at him. I heard Kevin shouting back. Than I heard the door slam and than silence. After about fifteen minutes the door opens and Kevin walks in.

"Kevin," I spoke up. "Please leave." He just grinned at me and came over to the bed and laid down on top of my. I struggled but was weakened due to the cracked ribs and lack of nutrition.

"You know you want me Chris," he said as he started tearing my clothes off. I started to fight back. "Don't fight it Chris, just think you can have both of us." He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He didn't know what he was doing. I kneed him in the gut and he swore and backhanded me in the face and everything went black. When I came too I was naked and he had just gotten off of me. I hurt something terrible. I could tell that I was bleeding too. He just stood over me and looked down at me. "It could've been so nice you and me," he laughed and walked out of the room. I curled up in a tight ball and started shaking. It had happened again. I was raped again. I heard the door open and than I heard footsteps coming towards the bed.

"Chris?" asked a soft and gentle voice. It was Brian. I started sobbing. I didn't want him to see me like this. He gently pulled the blankets off of me and I grabbed for them to cover myself back up. I heard him gasp. "My God Chris!" I felt his hand touch my shoulder and I jerked away. I could hear sobs coming from him. "I'm sorry Chris," he sobbed. "I never should've left you here by yourself." I felt his arms circle me and lift me from the bed. He carried me into the bathroom and laid me in the tub and turned on the water. The shock of the warm water brought me to my senses. I opened my eyes and looked around. Brian was checking me over. He gently lifted my legs so he could get a good look me. He let out a sob when he saw the blood. I shied away from him.

"Leave me," I whimpered out.

"NO!" he said forcefully. "I love you and I will not leave you!"

"I'm dirty Brian," I sobbed out. I felt dirty. What Kevin had done to me made me feel so dirty. I started to get sick again. I leaned my head over and Brian grabbed the trash can and held it for me. I really didn't have any thing in my stomach so it was just dry heaves. He finally got me calmed down. After he washed my bruised body and helped me out of the tub. He than dried me off and helped me into a pare of sweats. I wondered into the bedroom and headed towards the chair and sat down. Pain shot threw me as I sat down. I cried out in pain. Brian was right next to me. "What am I going to do?" I sobbed out. Brian didn't say anything he just stood up and threw some things into an overnight bag and than he picked me up and carried me down stairs. We passed Kevin and walked right by him. He put me in the passenger seat of my Mustang and he climbed into the drivers seat and drove away. "Where are we going?" I mumbled out.

"Somewhere where no one can get at you and hurt you," he said through his tears. I closed my eyes and was soon asleep.

I woke to the feeling of complete comfort. I was in a bed with a pair of arms surrounding me. I tried to sit up but his arms wouldn't let me go. I looked around to see Brian holding me. I wondered where we were. I gently moved his arms out of the way and slid out of bed. I found the door and opened it. Once I opened it realized where we were. We were at the Beach House. I made my way out to the balcony. It was still early and the sun was just rising. I sat down on the damp lawn chair and propped my feet up on the railing. Big mistake, because the pain shot through me. I groaned in pain and lowered my feet. I thought about last night and how Kevin had taken advantage of me. The more I thought about it the madder I got. I was seeing red when Brian stepped out on the balcony which of course I didn't see him. "That fucking bastard!" I screamed up at the sky. Tears were flowing down my face which made me madder and madder. "Jesus Christ, I was a fucking Marine for Christ's sake!" I was so angry that I couldn't fight him off. I was even madder at myself for allowing me to feel this fucking helpless. I heard the deck boards creak and I spun around to see Brian. Brian took a couple of steps back. I looked up at him and saw the pain in his eyes. I backed up and sat down on the deck with my back pressing against the railing. As he came forward I cringed from him. I didn't want him or any one else touching me.

He reached me and sat next to me. He didn't try and touch me. He just sat there keeping me company. Me? I just sat there fuming at the world. I was mad at the world for kicking me out of the marines. I was mad at the world for allowing those homophobic Marines to hurt my Baby. I was mad at the world for allowing Kevin to hurt Nick. And now I was mad at the world for allowing Kevin to rape me. And most importantly I was fucking mad a the world for allowing me to feel this fucking helpless. The sobs came finally.

I cried loudly until I was almost screaming. Brian finally had gotten enough nerve to pull me into his arms. "I hate him!!" I shouted out. Brian jumped at the outburst. "I fucking hate him!!" I shouted again. It felt so good to yell. I shouted out a couple of more times. Brian was starting to get worried. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled to let him know that I had not lost my mind. I stood up and walked to the other side of the deck and took a deep breath of the salty sea air as it came in off the ocean.

"What are you going to do?" he asked with fear in his eyes. I shrugged my shoulders.

"What can I do Brian?" He looked at me with those crystal blue eyes of his. "I mean if I press charges than the Backstreet Boys are finished. I mean think about the headlines." I shuddered at the thought. I could tell by the look on Brian's face that he was thinking the same thing. We stood there in each other's arms and watched the sunrise. I finally broke away from him and headed inside and into the bathroom. I needed a shower. Brian decided that he was going to join me. I watched in anticipation as he stripped off his clothes. Soon he had joined me in the shower. He pressed his body up against mine. I relished the feel of his smooth and hard body against mine. He ran the back of his hand gently across the bruise on my cheek. I closed my eyes to the touch. He than kissed the bruise with the gentle of kisses. I turned my lips towards his and captured his. His rock hard cock pressed up against my buttocks. I shied away from the touch. He choked back a sob and leaned against the wall of the shower stall. I reached out and touched his chest. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"I hate him for what he did to you!" he sobbed out. I took him in my arms and hugged him until he stopped crying. We just held each other for almost an hour. Finally the water started getting cold so we decided to climb out.

I followed him out into the bedroom. I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout when he slid on his boxers. He winked at me and tossed me a pair of sweat shorts. I slid them on. Than we padded down stairs and headed into the kitchen. I stopped dead in my tracks and spotted Justin sitting at the breakfast bar. He looked up and waved at us. I felt the assuring hand of Brian on my shoulder. I looked up at him. "I'm sorry Babe, he knows," Brian whispered to me. I turned and headed into the living room not wanting to deal with Justin yet. Brian headed on into the kitchen. I sat down in the couch and pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them. I placed my head on my knees and stared out of the bay window and out into the ocean.

(From Brian's Point of View)

I watched my baby walk into the living room. I had forgotten to tell him that I had Justin drive his car up to the house. I had also forgotten to tell him that this was Justin's beach house. I sighed and walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Justin.

"He is not doing so good is he?" Justin asked nodding in Chris's direction.

"Would you?" I asked a little harshly. Justin cringed at the words. "I'm sorry Justin, I shouldn't be yelling at you, I should be yelling at Kevin."

"Speaking of Kevin," Justin started. I looked at him and nodded for him to continue. "He called and wanted to talk to you."

"What did you tell him?" I asked.

"I told him you weren't here," Justin replied. "And he said that he wanted to remind you that you guys have a meeting this afternoon, he says not to be late."

"Fuck him!" I shouted. "So that is how it is going to be. He rapes my boyfriend and it's back to business? Well I've got news for him!"

"What are you going to do?" Justin asked looking a little worried. I just hung my head and shook my head. He handed me cup of coffee and I took it and drank from it. "The for sale sign is up," he said making conversation.

"So you are finally selling the Beach House," I said looking around. I was going to miss this place. He nodded and got up to walk into the living room. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to see if Chris wants breakfast. Why don't you get ready for your meeting?" Justin said as he headed into living room. I nodded as I got up and trotted upstairs to get ready.

(From Chris's point of View)

I was watching the waves come in when a shadow crossed over me. I turned and looked up and spotted Justin. I scooted over to make room for him. I was kinda hoping that he would not sit with me but he did. Than he did something that I would've never expected. He reached over and pulled me into a tight hug. I was confused to say the least. The last time we talked it was not on the best of terms.

"I am so sorry about what happened Chris," he said softly. "And I am so sorry how I treated you when I first met you." I felt something wet on my cheek. I looked up to see tears streaming down his face. I smiled and gently wiped them away. He blushed and looked down.

"Thank you Justin," I said softly. He nodded and sniffled. He looked so cute sitting there. I quickly dismissed any thought of possibilities. "So what are you doing here?" I asked. I was confused as to why he was here.

"I drove your car up here last night. Plus I kinda own this place," he giggled. "By the way that car of yours rocks!" he said excited. I laughed at his excitement.

"So you own this place huh?" I asked looking around.

"Well not for long, I hope to sell the place soon," he answered as he looked around.

"Well Justin I just happen to be looking for a place to hang my hat and this place is special to me," I started. He looked at me surprised. "Brian brought me up here a few days ago," I said blushing. He nodded quietly.

"So you might be interested in this place?" he asked hopefully.

"Take the for sale sign down Justin cause I want to buy this place," I said smiling.

"What!" shouted Brian. I looked up and saw him standing there with a frown on his face. "You are not buying this place!" he shouted at me.

"Yes I am Brian and don't you try and stop me!" I shouted back. Justin looked at the two of us like we were nuts.

"But I wanted you to stay in Orlando!" he retorted. I patted the other side of the couch. He reluctantly sat down. I took his hand in mine and looked into his eyes.

"I can't live in Orlando Brian," I explained softly.

"Why not?" he whimpered. I almost laughed at his expression. I placed my hand on the side of his face.

"Simply put, Kevin and Nick threaten my sobriety. And my sobriety means every thing to me. That is why I can't be that close to them," I explained to Brian. Brian looked down at his hands. My heart went out to him. I reached over and took his chin in my hand and pulled his face up so that I was looking into his eyes. "Besides this can be our secret hide away," I said smiling. This got a smile out of Brian's face. I pulled him in a hug and pressed my lips to his. We were really getting into it when we heard coughing. We broke apart and laughed at poor Justin. I turned to Justin, "So have your attorneys contact mine and let's get this deal done."

"Well I will leave you two alone so you do your business. Chris I have to meet the guys in Orlando today. I will try and make it back tonight," Brian said as he bent down and gave me a kiss good bye.

"Be careful babe," I warned him.

"I will Chris," he said with a half hearted smile. I followed him out of the house and to my mustang although as much as Brian was driving it it might as well be his. He stopped and smiled up at me. I leaned in for a quick kiss. I loved the feel of his lips. His tongue gently begged for entrance which of course I gladly welcomed. I gently sucked it into my mouth. He moaned softly as I caressed it with my own. I finally let him go. My soul felt a little more empty when he let loose of my lips. "I love you babe," he said with that trademark smile of his. I blushed. "He he," he giggled. "Made you blush." I slugged him on the shoulder. "OUch!!" he wined as he rubbed his shoulder.

"I love you Brian," I whispered to him. I watched him pull out of the driveway and drive away. I smiled at the retreating car until it was out of sight. I turned and slowly made my way back into the house. I walked up to the door and found Justin standing there. He had a concerned look on his face.

"You all right man?" he asked. I nodded and walked into the house. He of course had to push. "I still can't believe that Kevin did that too you." I glared at him. Dence kid still didn't get the message. "If you want to talk about it I'm here for you."

"Thanks Justin," I said not to hurt his feelings. "But right now all I want to do is take a walk."

"You want some company?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. He took it as a yes. Once we got onto the beach I took off my shirt to get some sun. My tan needed some work. Justin let out a gasp. There was a few bruises on my back from last night. "That Bastard!" he swore.

"I'll be fine Justin," I said smiling as I started walking. Justin had to work to keep up with me so there was no time for talking. He was concentrating on walking. I was glad in a way. As nice as he was being I wasn't in the mood to chat. I kept walking until the sun was overhead. I was hot and tired and I could tell that Justin was dragging. I had turned back and headed back to the house a long time ago. Once there I trotted to the water and dove in and swam out for awhile. Justin had decided that he had had enough for one day. After about a half of an hour I was tired and I headed back into the house for a long shower lunch and a nap. I crept back into the house hoping to avoid Justin. No such luck. He popped out from the kitchen grinning from ear to ear.

"Hi!" he said grinning. "I made us lunch, you hungry?"

Truth was I was. "Yea let me grab a quick shower and I'll be right down. I trotted up the stairs and heard him mumble.

"Dam health nut!" as he turned back to the kitchen. I grinned and quickly stripped out of the work out clothes and climbed into the shower and turned the water on full blast. It was one of those multi jet showers so I turned them on full blast. Soon all angles of my tired body was being bombarded with jets of water. I stayed there until the water started to cool off. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and headed out of the bathroom. I walked right into Justin. He stopped in the middle of the hall. He was staring at me with his mouth hanging open. I waved my hand infront of his eyes. He shook himself and blushed and mumbled something and headed back down stairs. I laughed softly to myself as I headed back into the bedroom and threw on a pair of boxers wifebeater and sweats. Trotting down stairs I walked into kitchen. Justin was staring off into space. I walked up to him and snapped my fingers in front of his eyes. He blushed and busied himself with the preperations of lunch.

"So what did your attorneys say?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Huh?" he asked looking at me in a daze.

"YO! Justin!" I shouted. He jumped and turned around and headed towards the sink. "Have you spoke to your attornies yet?"

"Yea, they'll have the papers ready by tomorrow," he said as he handed me a plate of food. I looked down and was shocked. A cheese burger and a pile of fries. He grinned at me. I realized that he had just gotten me back for that forced march I did to him. I picked up a fry and stuck it in some ketchup and licked it slowly off the fry giving him my most seductive look possible. Poor Justin choked on his coke spraying himself with it.

"Gocha!" I laughed. He glared at me and dried himself off. He grabbed his plate and face the other way and gave me the silent treatment for the rest of the lunch which was fine with me.

(From Brian's point of View.) I locked to car and turned and headed into the building. I dreaded this meeeting. Kevin was going to be there and I really didn't know what I was going to say to him. I punched the elevator button and leaned against the wall. I allowed my fingers to touch my lips. I could still feel the sensation of Chris's lips on mine. The elevator stopped and I walked off and by the receptionists desk. "Morning Betty," I said smiling at her.

"Your late again cutey," she giggled. "Kevin was looking for you. And he didn't look happy."

"Yea I know, the big bad Kevin on the war path again!" I replied using as much sarcasm as I could. I pushed to double doors opened and strolled in. AJ and Howie were already seated at the table. I looked around and spotted Kevin standing by the Breakfast bar chatting with Mark. I walked over to them and clamped my hand on Mark's shoulder. "Good morning Mark!" I said cheerfully. "Sorry I am late, but you see Kevin here raped my boyfriend last night and I was left picking up the pieces. Mark started choking on his coffee. Kevin glared at me and I just smiled at him and grabbed a muffin and a coke and made my way back to the table. AJ leaned over and whispered something in Howie's ear. "You have something to add?" I asked AJ.

"You were kidding right?" he asked with a fearful expression on his face.

"No AJ I'm not kidding, why don't you ask Kevin to fill you in on all the details?" I said with a deadly serious look on my face. Kevin sat next to me and glared at me. "What's wrong Kevin?" I asked. "Don't like your dirty laundry laid out for the world to see?"

"OK gentlemen," Mark said sternly. "We have lots to cover this morning such as where is Nick this morning?" I took great Pleasure in seeing Kevin wince at the sound of Nick's name. I couldn't resist.

"Um that would be Kevin's department. Go ahead Cousin fill Mark in on Nick's condition," I said with a grin on my face. OH this was going to be fun!

"Ok Kevin let's have it," Mark said not having a clue as to what was going on.

"Nick had an accident and is in the hospital," Kevin said looking down at the table. Ok maybe I was being mean but he deserved it.

"An accident?" I yelped out. Kevin glared at me. "Oh Please! You beat the fucking shit out of him. You busted two of his ribs and his jaw!" I thought Kevin was going to explode but to his credit he kept his mouth shut.

Mark on the other hand wouldn't let it drop.

"What the hell is going on with you Kevin!" he shouted at him. He glanced over at us. "You three take the day off. Kevin and I are going to have a nice long talk!" I patted Kevin on the shoulder and leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"We are not done either!" He glanced up at me with hate filled eyes. I ignored glances from AJ and Howie. I was going to stop off at the Hospital and see how Nick was doing than I was headed back out to the Beach House to spend some time with my Sweetie. "When do you have to be back in Orlando?" I asked.

"You leave for tour a week from Wednesday," Mark said.

"Good see you all then!" I said with a grin and took off.

(From Chris's point of View.)

I put the dishes in the dishwasher. Justin still wasn't talking to me. He just kept looking at me. I finally got tired of it and sat down next to him.

"What's the deal Justin?" I asked bluntly. He shrugged his shoulders. "Uh uh Justin, something is going on now tell what is wrong!" He sighed and looked up at me.

"Do you really like him?" he asked. I could've swore that there was an element of hope in his voice.

"Yes Justin I love him," I sighed. "Why do you ask?"

"Never mind it would never work," he grumbled as he got up and walked away. I grabbed his arm and turned him around. I saw his eyes filled with tears. He tried to wrench himself away but I wouldn't let him go. He finally gave up and looked down at his feet.

"Now, tell me what is wrong?" I demanded. He looked up at me and a single tear fell from his eyes. He reached up and touched the bruise on my cheek. I winced at the touch. His touch sent electricity through me. I gasped and took a step back.

"I just hate to see you in pain is all," he said as he withdrew his hand and slowly walked away. I shook my head in confusion and walked up stairs. I was going to take a nap. Once I spotted the bed I fell into it and closed my eyes.

(From Brian's Point of View.)

I pulled into the drive way of the Beach House. I hopped out of the car and ran up the stairs and into the house. It was quiet. I noticed that Chris's car was still in the driveway. So that meant that either Justin was still there or they had went and come back all ready. I crept up the stairs and into the bedroom. I spotted him stretched out on the bed. I frowned at the bruise on his cheek. The swelling had gone down but it still looked bad. I allowed my eyes to travel down his well sculpted body. He was hot! I smiled as I gently lowered myself on him. He moaned and turned over. Ok this was going to take some work. I started with his neck. I placed small kisses on his neck and shoulder blades. He moaned again and turned over. He was still asleep. Damn! I decided to be bold. I took his waste band of his sweats and pulled them down. I was face to face with his cock. It was just starting to get hard. I tongued the underside of it. He moaned again and thrust his hips forward. I popped the head of his cock in my mouth. His eyes shot opened and he smiled down at me. I winked up at him and started bobbing up and down. He started moaning and groaning. I found out in a hurry that my sweetie was a moaner. I giggled at him and he wasn't paying attention to me. I could tell that he as getting close. I gently massaged his balls sending him over the edge. He pumped load after load into my hungry mouth. I of course swallowed every drop. When I was done cleaning him up I climbed up to him. He smiled at me and blushed.

"Good!" I giggled. "Made you blush twice in one day!" He laughed at me and kissed me on the lips. And than he started to tickle me. I started laughing and rolling around the bed trying to get away from him. But he was to fast. "Stop!!" I pleaded.

"Say uncle!" he demanded as he continued to tickle me.

"Uncle Uncle!" I gasped out. He stopped and sat up on top of me grinning.

"You think you are something don't you?" he said as he fell down on top of me pressing his lips to mine not giving me a chance to answer. I closed my eyes when his tongue entered my mouth. I felt his hands slide under my shirt and he started playing with my nipple. I moan as he lightly pinched it. He let out a giggle and ground his crotch into mine. My cock was rock hard waiting for release. He just smiled at me and got up from bed and walked out of the room.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Come back here and finish what you started." I heard him laughing on his way down stairs. I swore and took off after him. I had to laugh though because he was just getting me back for yesterday. I found him sitting on the deck looking out over the ocean. I paused and watched him for amoment. His hair was getting a little long. It was long enough to blow in the wind. It made him look so rugged. I sighed as I beheld him. He turned around and saw me and snickered and turned back. "That was so not nice!" I said in a scolding voice. He gave me a puppy dog look and I melted and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. "So you really like it here?" I asked.

"It's your fault you know?" he asked back. I looked confused. "Well you're the one who brought me up here remember?" I chuckled at the reminder of that night. I could still remember the night in the hot tub.

"Soo," I whispered in his hear. "Do you want to spend some quality time in the hot tub again?" He nodded. "Ok after dinner." I looked around for Justin. "Have you seen Justin?"

"I let him borrow the Mustang so he could run back to Orlando," Chris said as he watched the waves crash against the shore line. I got the impression that Chris loved the ocean.

"I'm sorry Babe," I mumbled. He looked back at me confused. "I'm sorry that I didn't want you to buy this house. It is obvious that you love it here."

"It gives me a sence of peace. And peace and quiet is just what I need right now," he mumbled sleepily.

"You still tired?" I asked. He nodded. I guided him to the lounge chair and laid down on it and let him lay on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him and he snuggled up to me. I could tell that he was still sore from what Kevin did last night. That reminded me I still had a score to settle with Kevin. I heard the phone ring inside but I didn't even bother to get it. The answer machine would have to get it.

(From Chris's point of View)

I walked into the kitchen the next morning. I had just finished signing all of the papers and had handed over a cashiers check for the house. I was now a home owner. Justin was busy packing and moving his personal belongings out of the house. I couldn't wait until Brian got up because we were going furniture shopping. I heard answer machine beeping. "Hey Justin you got a message!" I shouted at him.

"Can you play it back for me?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders and pushed the play button. The voice that came from the answer machine brought a surge of anger through me.

"Hey Brian!" said Kevin's voice. "You and I need to talk. I will be out to the Beach house tomorrow morning at 9:00 be there or be square." I looked at the clock on the wall. It said 8:55. He would be here any moment. I turned and headed up stairs. I crept into our room and gently woke Brian with a kiss. Brian opened his eyes and smiled.

"Wow!" he said as he sat up. "What a way to wake up." He looked over at me and frowned. "What is wrong?"

"Kevin will be here in a few minutes," I said shortly and walked out of the room. I heard Brian swear. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. I opened the refridgerator and took out a bottle of water and opened it and drank from it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" shouted Justin. I looked in the direction of the shouting. Kevin was standing at the door. "Get out!" Justin shouted.

"Let him in Justin," I said sternly. Kevin glared at me and walked passed Justin. "Well like he said, what the fuck are you doing here?" I hurled at Kevin.

"I'm here to see Brian," Kevin replied.

"I really don't think Brian has anything to say to you," I mumbled.

"I don't give a fuck what you think!" he shouted at me. By this time Brian had made his entrance. He walked up to Kevin and punched him in the face. Kevin fell to the ground. Brian than walked away from him and up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't you ever talk to Chris like that again!" he hurled at Kevin. "Now say what is on your mind than get out of Chris's house!" Kevin stood back up and sat down on one of stools.

"Can we get by this?" he asked looking into Brian's eyes. Brian looked at him like he was nuts. "I mean come on Brian, we're family." I had heard enough. I went into the living room to see if Justin needed help.

(From Brian's point of view)

I stood there looking at my Cousin. "Why should I let this go?" I asked. "I mean you raped my boyfriend!" I shouted at him. He looked down at his feet. "Would you beable to forgive me if I did that to Nick?" He shook his head no. "I think you should leave Kevin," I said turning and walking away from him. I was getting angry again. I looked around and saw that he was gone. Chris was standing in the doorway looking at me. "Hold me?" I pleaded with him. He was there in a heartbeat with his arms wrapped around me. "Why?" I sobbed into his bare shoulder. "Why did he have to do that to you?" Chris just held me and let me cry into his shoulder. I finally stopped crying and was soon distracted by his muscles in his chest. I stuck out my tongue and graced his shoulder with it.

"All better?" he giggled. I nodded. "Well what do you want to do now? He asked smiling at me.

"I want to make love to you," I said softly looking into his eyes. He blushed and looked down. I giggled softly. "Yess!" I exclaimed in an excited whisper. "Made you blush again!" He just smiled and shook his head. He than took me by the hand and lead my upstairs. I just followed him trying to decide if this was right or not. I mean he was just raped by Kevin. He might not be ready to do this. He just kept walking leading me by the hand. When he got to the bedroom he pushed the door open and led me in. He gently pushed me down on the bed. His eyes were bright and intense.

He laid down on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. I brought my hands around his back and allowed them to travel up to his shoulders. He shivered at the touch and moaned softly. He reached for my boxers and slid them off leaving me completely naked. He sat back and raked his eyes over my body. I shivered at his gaze. He giggled softly.

"Now who is blushing?" he asked with that crazy grin of his. I reached up and took hold of his waist band and pulled his boxers down. He closed his eyes as my hand wrapped itself around his cock.

"God," I breathed. "You are so beautiful." I than took him by the waist and turned and pushed him into the soft mattress. I reached for a condom but his hand stopped me. "But I should use pro--," I started.

"I trust you," he whispered. He took a hold of my cock and guided to his entrance. I gently pushed in until the head popped through the ring. He closed his eyes and winced from the sudden pain. I watched in sorrow as two tears streamed down his face. I leaned down and kissed them away. I continued to ease myself into him. He moaned this time not from pain but from pleasure. Finally I was all the way in. He wrapped his legs around me as if to prevent me from going anywhere. He smiled up at me and started moving his hips around to signal me that he was ready. I eased out and started thrusting in and out. I was gentle at first because I could tell he was still tender. He closed his eyes and relaxed. He started moaning again. I almost laughed because he was such a moaner. I leaned down and caught his lips in a kiss. His eyes shot open and he smiled.

"Harder," he urged me.

"Are you sure Babe?" I asked worried.

"Please?" he wimpered. I smiled and started thrusting in and out harder. I soon found out that Chris wanted it hard. So I obliged him as best I could.

After about five minutes of hard fucking I could tell that he was getting close. His cock was pressed between our two bodies. "I'm close," he moaned out. I picked up my pace. I was covered in sweat as I worked hard to give him as much pleasure as possible. I almost felt as if I had to make up for what Kevin had done to him. "OOH fuck!" he screamed out as he blew his load between our two bodies. The contractions of his orgasm sent me over the edge too. I slammed into him on last time as I too erupted in him. I fell on top of him breathing heavily. I felt his hand as he ran it threw my sweat drenched hair. I also heard a wimpering sound. I looked at him and was shocked to see tears running down his face. I got off of him in a hurry.

"Baby," I pleaded as I touched his shoulder. "What is wrong?" He turned over so that he was facing the other way. I was getting scared now. I laid down next to him and pulled him in an embrace. He tried to get away but I held on tight. "Please tell me what is wrong?"

"I hate him!" he sobbed out. "I wanted my first time to be with you!" he wailed. I just held him and comforted him as best I could.

"But don't you understand that this was your first time," I whispered to him.

"But what about that priest and than Kevin?" he asked sniffling.

"Baby," I said smiling at him. "That was not lovemaking. That was evil and dirty. What they did to you had nothing to do with love. What we did was love! And in my opinion that was your first time." He looked at me with those eyes of his. I bent down and kissed his eyelids. He giggled and kissed me back. "I feel so honored," I said looking deep in his eyes. He blushed again. "Well I do!" I argued back.

"Why?" he asked grinning.

"Because you picked me to be your first lover!" I said grinning back. He smiled at me and snuggled up to me. I grinned and picked him up and carried him to the shower and set him in it. I than started the water and climbed in my self. Soon we were all clean and back in bed snuggled up to each other. I watched him sleep for like forever. I'm sorry I loved watching him sleep. I loved the way his face looked when he was asleep. He just looked so innocent laying there in my arms. I knew that I loved him more than anything in the world. I also knew that if I was ever to give myself fully to him I would have to forgive Kevin. Chris was the type of person who would want me to forgive him. I sighed as I thought of the task ahead of me. I eased out of the bed and slipped on a pair of Boxers and trotted down stairs. Justin was sitting in the living room going over some papers. He looked up at me and grinned. I blushed at the sight of him. He knew that Chris and I made love.

"So was it good?" he asked grinning. I nodded and grinned back. I plopped down next to him. "Well?" he asked looking at me.

"Well what?" I asked back. He rolled his eyes and went back to his papers. I sighed and picked up the remote and turned on the TV. He took the remote out of my hands and handed me the phone. "What is this for?" I asked.

"Call him and work this out," Justin said as he got up and left the room. I dialed the number and waited to here his voice on the other end.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Ok let's work this thing out. Cause if we are going to continue as family we need to get past this," I spoke into the phone.

Next: Chapter 7

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