Moving Day

By Sex Ed Can

Published on Jul 25, 2004




Please note that this story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men who are the age of majority and are consenting adults. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. If you wish to do anything to or with this story for anything other than personal reasons, i.e.: re-post this story at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2004 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail the author at "sexedcan at" (I hate spammers). if you have comments, good or bad, want to chat or want to exchange story ideas. This story is purely the fantasy of the author.

Looking back, I should have realized the fix was in.

It was a hot summer day in July and I had been asked by a friend to help him and his lover move into their newly purchased house. I knew that the friend doing the asking was gay and so were the vast majority of his friends, but honestly, it didn't make that much of a difference to me.

So there I was, bright and early at 6:00am on a Saturday morning with about 10 other people. Looking around, I appeared to be the only straight person in the group. At the same time, I really didn't know anybody else other than my friend Dan and his lover Charlie. Other than that, I really hadn't met anyone before, with the exception of one, Jack.

I had met Jack before at a dinner party, several weeks ago, and only knew him in passing as I had only met him only briefly that one time. At a muscular 5'11, with brown hair, blue eyes and tanned skin, he had a smile and a mischievous twinkle in his eye that would make men and women alike melt. I, on the other hand, was a very straight, slightly overweight, 5'8, with black hair, brown eyes and naturally tanned skin..

Admittedly, I wasn't sure about Jack. He had attended the dinner party with a female date, but something in my gut told me he wasn't straight as an arrow. Then again, who was I to talk? At least he had come with a date. I had gone stag and wasn't currently seeing anyone at the moment, and for that matter, hadn't been seeing anyone for a while. Needless to say, I was very, very horny due to the lack of available sex at this point in my life.

Since I didn't know anyone else, and Dan was running late as usual, I made my way over to Jack, who was sitting by himself on the sofa in the living room.

"Ed, right? How are you?" he asked with a sexy smile. Whoa! Sexy??? Where had that thought come from at 6:00am in the morning? He offered me his hand, and shook mine in a firm manly grip.

"Yup, that's me." I answered, following up with a "Good, and you?" in response to his earlier question.

"Not bad. Just hanging out until our fearless leader Dan the Man gets organized".

"I hear you." I answered

We made some more small talk but I found myself being distracted by those bright blue eyes of his. I tried to look elsewhere so as not to stare, but all I could do was notice how his muscular body filled his tight white T-shirt and well-worn jeans. I on the other hand looked like a slob and felt a little self conscious because I was wearing a T-shirt and jeans also, but didn't look half as good as Jack in them.

Eventually, Dan got organized and we started doing all the packing and heavy lifting that makes moving so much fun. Admittedly, it wasn't all that bad. Dan had assigned me to work with Jack and we did most, if not all the heavy lifting together. We spent the whole day chatting and by the end of the day, it felt like I had known Jack all my life.

I didn't even mind when Jack kept touching me while we sat and ate lunch with everyone. At one point he was laughing so hard at a funny story I had just finished telling, that he placed his hand right on the top of my thigh. Was it just me, I found myself thinking, or did he seem to keep his hand there a little longer than was socially acceptable?

"You better be careful there Ed. I think Jack there likes you." Dan said with a smile before Charlie gave him a hard nudge and a dirty look.

"Sorry." Jack said while removing his hand from my thigh. "Didn't mean to offend you or make you uncomfortable"

"No worries" I answered with a dry, cottonmouth. Internally, my mind was reeling. I was still trying to figure out why I now had a rather stiff bulge in my jeans.

We eventually got back to work, and by the end of the day, all of us were were tired, sore and hot. It was now dinnertime, and no one was in the mood to sit in a front of a hot Bar-BQ grilling meat, as had been originally planned, so we settled for pizza and bear instead.

Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of pizza, so I only had enough to satiate my hunger. At the same time, I must have had a lot of beer, because the next thing I knew, my earlier hornyness was now full blown, and with the alcohol in me, I was losing what was left of my earlier inhibitions.

It was now close to 11:00pm and everyone else but Jack had gone home. It was now just the two of us in the living room. Charlie, had just left a few minutes earlier carrying a very drunk Dan up the stairs of their new home. My mind was still on something Dan had said while he was being carried up by Charlie.

"You two lovebirds be good now. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! And feel free to break in any of the rooms in this house, including one of the spare bedrooms! WHOOOOO!"

"You should leave them alone!" Charlie said admonishing Dan, and then to us "You know what he's like when he drinks. Feel free to leave when you like. Stay if you want or just lock up when you leave. No worries."

I looked over at Jack. He looked slightly embarrassed as he watched Dan and Charlie leave. Admittedly, I was a little embarrassed too. If someone had asked what I was thinking, I would have had to truthfully admit that the thought of breaking in a bedroom with this hot sweaty Adonis did not seem like a bad idea at all.

After, Dan and Charlie had left, Jack and I sat down in silence. It stayed that way for several seconds until I finally decided that I should get up and leave.

"You shouldn't go home yet........I mean being drunk and all." Jack said.

"You're right." I admitted as I very ungracefully sat down next to him." So what should we do?" I asked.

"Don't know." he said, his face close to mine now. I could smell the beer on his breath. So he was drunk too. I could see the look in his eye, as if he were deciding something.

"You know, if you're trying to seduce me, you're failing miserably." I blurted out. Whoa! Where had that come from??? I though to myself. Drunk and horny! Great! What a combination! Here I am, Mr Straight As An Arrow, not just making a pass at a guy, but a guy who should be doing Abercrombie and Finch ads.

"Oh really?" he answered with a slightly embarrassed smile which turned into a mischievous one by the end. "And if I were trying to seduce you, what should I be doing?.

"This...." I answered, and leaned over and kissed those full lips of his.

Oh shit! I thought as our tongues met, I'm kissing a guy! I had no impulse control whatsoever and anymore and had most definitely lost any inhibitions I might have had earlier.

"Nice" he said as we broke our kiss. "Take off your shirt" he ordered next huskily yet firmly.

I complied after I noticed he was doing the same. I had just enough time to take my shirt off before Jack kissed me again. Fuller this time, more passionately. His tongue danced and darted in my mouth as I felt his hand start to caress my left nipple.

Why the fuck was he caressing my nipple when it my cock that was on fire? My cock was now sore as hell from being hard off and on all day as I worked and sweated all day, side by side with this man.

"Shit! You're a good kisser" I added after we both came up for air. Through deep breaths I asked "Are I mean, I'm least I think not" as thoughts started to collide in my very inebriated head.

"Don't think about it. All I know is I've wanted you since I first me you at dinner all those weeks ago. I only told Dan I would help him move if you were coming...." he said with another mischievous smile adding " Dan of course saw through me and answered '"We'll see what I can do to get Ed to help us move, but you're on your own when it comes to making him cum!"

"Shit! Dan and Charlie know?!?" I asked.

"They only know I planned to try and seduce you tonight. Not what I actually planned to do.".

"And what is that may I ask?" I replied.

"That I was going to prove to you that sex with a man is better."

"How are you going to do that?" I asked.

"Just by making you cum without touching your cock. That's all." he answered matter of factly.

"Whoa! Big man I see." His being blunt and my being drunk were definitely having their effect on me.

"You better believe it." he said as he got up and removed his socks, jeans as well as his boxers to reveal a very nice, very thick and very erect cock. It was about 7 inches, thick and cut, just the way I like them. His balls were large and pendulous and swung freely as he stood over me in his naked splendour.

"And what about you? Are you just going to sit there or do you want to fuck?" he asked in a tone that was all business.

I got up and removed my remaining clothes. I wasn't as big as Jack, but at 6 inches I only lacked length as I was cut and thick as he was. My dick was sticking straight up at the ceiling as it does when I get very horny.

"Nice" he whistled through his teeth as he made a move to touch my balls.

"I thought you said, you could make me cum without touching my dick." I said "I'm counting my balls as my dick." I finished. "You're going to have to work for it, mister!"

"Have it your way," he said as he came closer, "Remember, I didn't say anything about you touching my dick."

He leaned in and kissed me again full on the lips as he took my right nipple in his left hand this time and started to squeeze and pinch at it. He then moved down to my left nipple and started to suck it while still caressing and playing with my other nipple.

"Oh shit! That feels sooooo good!" I exclaimed" while naked in the living room after a groan of pure ecstasy.

He moved his mouth to my right nipple and started to suck hard on the now tenderized nipple. My other nipple felt lonely and I started to finger it as Jack's hand was busy steadying it's self on my ass.

I mourned the loss of his mouth and hands on my body as he stepped away from me. He then said "On you knees straight boy! Start sucking!"

"But I've never....I mean, I've never...." I started to blurt.

"Oh so you can receive, but not give it, is that it?" he asked. "You look like a smart boy to me. You'll learn quick, I'm sure. Just put a pillow underneath you knees and you'll be good."

So I did as I was told. I put a pillow from the couch on the floor and knelt on it in front of Jack. I started by touching and rubbing his thighs to get used to the feeling of another man underneath my fingers and to get him slowly warmed up.

"Yessssss" he said as he threw back his head after closing his eyes. "Do it, do it!" he said huskily.

My hands moved to his ass and I lightly grazed both of his muscular ass cheeks with my nails. I figured it was now or never and gingerly with my right hand started to cup his balls. I was surprised my the weight of them as I lightly cupped them in one hand. I moved down and licked one of his testicles, a tentative lick at first as I was surprised at both the taste and the texture of it.

He was now breathing heavily as I started in with more fervour on his balls. First the right one, then the left one. Licking, long stokes, short strokes, one ball, then the other, then both balls. I continued to lick his beautiful balls, adding kissing and breathing on them as he moaned in delight.

I was also caressing his balls, lightly but with no shame as I started to get into it. Front to back, back to front, side to side, one ball, both balls. My fingers found their way behind his balls right where his ass and testicles met. I started to gently poke that spot and he opened his legs.

As I licked the front of his testicles, I took a moment to lick my right index finger thoroughly. I looked up and saw Jack watching me do it.

"Get up." he commanded.

I did as ordered. He took my hand and stuck my index finger in his mouth saying "If I can't have your cock this time, I can at least have your finger." and started to suck the entire length of my digit. I kept my other hand busy by caressing his ass cheeks, especially the entire length of his ass crack.

After what seemed like several minutes, he let go of my finger, and I got back down on my knees in front of him.

"This time I want you to stop dicking around with my balls and suck my cock. Especially if you think you're going to finger fuck me." he said. I noticed though that he had spread his legs apart in order to accommodate my finger.

I touched his cock with both of my hands, cupping it gently, almost reverently. Feeling how hard it was, imaging it in my mouth. I let my fingertips brush each side of his dick up and down as he moaned softly saying "Yes, yes that's it."

His cock seemed to twitch under my caress and I grabbed the shaft with my right hand leaving the bright purple head exposed. I touched it gently with the tip of my tongue, feeling both the heat and its soft silky texture. As I got used to the idea of his cock in my mouth I started to used broader strokes against his cockhead with my tongue while firmly gripping his shaft with my hands.

I let go of his shaft, and started on it's underside, with a long, slow stroke with my tongue. They started from where his balls and cock met, and ended at the tip of his cockhead. I then decided to take the plunge and just go for it. I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and used all the saliva I could muster to grease my way down his pole.

"Unngggrrrhhh" was all I heard escape from Jack's lips.

Now I had the entire length of his 7 inches in my mouth. Somehow I had managed to deep throat him quite easily. I must be very horny, I thought. With my newly acquired cock sucking skills, I started working feverishly on his dick. I feasted on it like a starving man who hadn't eaten in days as I closed my eyes and greedily sucked on his very soft, yet very hard piece of maleness in my mouth.

As my head continued to bob up and down on his cock, I decided that I wanted some of his ass before he inevitably took mine. I took a moment to lick my right index finger throughouly and then started to try and probe for his asshole.

"Wait" he said while I had a mouth full of cock. "Let me sit down."

So he sat on the sofa and I started to suck his cock again. This time, my finger had easier access to his ass. Access to his tight pink puckered hole that less than 24 hours ago I couldn't have given a care in the world about. Now here I was willing to suck cock to get access to it. As my finger found his hole, it surprisingly met very little resistance as I first started to gently poke, and then prod the outside. Eventually, I was then able to work my way slowly but surely into his ass.

"Yessssss" he moaned. I wasn't sure if it was from my cock sucking or the fact that I had now found and was nuzzling his prostate, while at the same time was finger fucking him. He now had both of his hands on each side of my head and was guiding my head as his hips changed the blowjob I had been giving him into a thorough face fuck. It seemed like he wanted to give me a graduate course in deep throating, win, lose or draw.

The next thing I knew, I felt his whole body twitch, as well as his prostate. I knew what that meant. He was close to cumming. So I started to quicken my pace as much as possible both orally and with my finger as I felt his prostate start to throb as his hips bucked several times before I felt spasm and hot sticky goo shoot in my mouth.

He came for what seemed hours in my mouth, with my finger buried deep up his ass holding on to my head for dear life as he emptied his cum out of his twitching cock. After a while, it seemed to stop and I felt Jack remove his hands from my head and his hips settle back in the sofa as I removed my finger from his freshly finger fucked ass.

I cleaned him up with my mouth, swallowing his cum as I did so. After all, I figured, in for a penny, in for a pound

"You dirty little whore. I always wanted to ask if straight guys would have the nerve to swallow. Now I know about at least one!" he said with a spent satisfied smile on his face.

"Hey, you came, what about me?" I asked.

"Look, you're already half way there. Look." he said while pointing a finger at my swollen cock. I was now dripping pre-cum and had been for what must have been the past little while.

"There looks to be lots of it my thirsty sailor." he said as he bent his head down and kissed me full on the lips. "Let's go upstairs into the second bedroom" he said. "I have a surprise for you."

We made our way quickly but quietly upstairs. Naked, leaving our clothes downstairs, and passed by the master bedroom. The door was partially open and I could smell the scent of sex in the air. I could also hear what sounded like someone's balls slapping against someone else as well as a half groan, half voice asking "More, more". I looked inside, and saw Dan bent over with Charlie on top of him fucking the daylights out of him. Looks like I wasn't the only drunk guy getting fucked tonight.

"Come on" Dan whispered hoarsely. " Do you want to watch or get actually get laid?"

"Laid" I answered and followed Jack into the second bedroom.

I came in and found him opening a dresser drawer. He pulled a small bag from the drawer.

"Ah my Boy Scout. Always prepared." I said as I laid down on the bed.

"Always. Now roll over on to your hands and knees and get that ass of yours into the air."

I complied with his instructions, moving up to the head of the bed to allow Jack as much room as possible. Admittedly, I was expecting the cool feeling of lube once I heard the bed springs creak under his weight as he joined me on the bed. In the end, what touched my ass was not cool at all but warm and pleasantly gooey.

He was starting to rim me I realized. It was that warm moist tongue of his that had earlier that evening been kissing me passionately and deeply. It was now trying to enter my ass, darting in and out in a successful attempt to tease me. He grabbed my ass cheeks apart and started licking and kissing the outside of my small puckered pink hole.

Eventually, his small subtle strokes became big, thick broad strokes as a I moaned in pure pleasure. I had put things up my ass before, dildos, anal beads, vibrators, but this mouth attached to a living body with a brain, made me wonder what the cock would feel like if the mouth was this good.

Soon, Jack started to tongue fuck me in the ass. Slow shallow strokes to begin to warm me up as they built to long deep thrusts by the end. He removed his tongue from my ass and I mourned the loss of it. My ass was plenty warmed up by now

Next, he started to spit on my asshole, and started to rub his spit all around and in my ass. I felt his finger probe my bowels looking, darting and just fondling my insides. All the while, more pre-cum started to leak from my swollen cockhead. This had never happened before. I was really getting into this.

Then, I lost his finger as he removed it from my butt. I wished it would be replaced with his cock, but alas, it wasn't to be. It was though, the feeling of cool lube that greeted my ass. He spread it up and down my crack and then used his finger to massage it, knead it into my entire asshole.

When I felt his slick lubed finger invade my now not so thoroughly puckered asshole, I knew it was only a matter of time before he replaced that finger with his cock. He certainly took his time finger fucking me. First he made sure that he could move one finger around freely, fucking me up to the second knuckle furiously while stimulating my prostate.

The another finger, and somehow another was up my ass. His fist must have been covered in lube as I had never been able or daring enough to fit more than one of my own fingers up my ass when I masturbated.

"Now, for what we've all been waiting for." I heard Jack say to himself.

I looked back and saw him squirt lube all over his cock. He caught be looking at him and blew me a kiss with a smirk on his face. I was his and he knew it.

" gentle." I asked even though I was so turned on a Mack truck could probably have fit up my ass and I still would have been in heaven.

He didn't say anything. I felt my ass cheeks spread apart and closed my eyes and bent my head. He used one hand to keep me open while he must have used the other to guide his thick, lubed, veined monster impaler into position to slide into my ass and up my guts.

There wasn't so much as pain as discomfort as he tried to stick his cock up my ass. It felt weird, dirty, and yet strangely horny to know that I was bent over on all fours doggie style taking it up the ass from another man.

"Just breathe and push out like you're taking a shit" he said huskily.

So that's what I did. He slowly slipped his thick cut dick into my lubed asshole inch by pleasurable inch as he thrust his hips forward and grunted at the effort as I felt every bit of him slip into me like he belonged. I tried to move my hips backwards in order to meet him halfway.

Eventually, I felt him stop and heard him exhaled heavily. I realized that I could feel his shaved pubes against my asscheeks and that he was buried to the hilt in me. Somewhere along the line, any discomfort I had had, had now given way to pure pleasure. Then it really started. As always, slow, shallow strokes at first to start, but those soon gave way to deep, penetrating almost piston like strokes as took my ass fully and deeply. I could hear him as the bed springs creaked and his balls slapped against my thighs in a rhythmic slap, slap sound.

I felt him bend his torso over me while still fucking me deeply. I could feel his weight, even his nipples on top of me on my back. He started to reach around me as his hands left my waist, and grabbed my nipples. He didn't waste any time with formalities as this time as he started right away, pinching and fingering them furiously as he continued to impale me deeply with his 7 inches of thrusting manhood.

"Turn me over!" I begged. It wasn't that I didn't like doggie style, far from it. But if this was going to be the only time I would ever get fucked, I want to experience it as many different ways as I could.

Jack pulled out of me with a wet plop, and I turned over and put my legs in the air.

"Nice, but let's do this over the side of the bed" was all he said as he got up off the bed and stood on one side.

I complied, putting a pillow underneath me to support my back, pushing my ass further into the air. There I was, with my legs and ass in the air, as he placed his dick back into my ass. We looked at each other as he started right where he has left off, my ass now used to and wanting his tool. This time, he nailed my prostate with every thrust. Doggie style was deep, but this was a different feeling altogether.

With my legs in the air, split and open, to accommodate Jack and his maleness, my cock flat against my stomach, it must have been quite a sight. I looked at him again as I watched him sweat with exertion. I was close to coming myself, but he must be primed to go for a while as he has cum earlier that evening. His full weight was on top of me, pinning me down while he continued to thrust into me.

He stopped, and said simply as he pulled out of me, "Get up and bend over the dresser."

So I did as ordered, and felt him enter me again. Now we were back to the same doggie style position as before, but this time we was standing. I was close to cumming and so was he. Both of us slick with sweat and lube, grunting like wild animals as he took me, stating his ownership of me by fucking me.

Eventually, I started to get that feeling I get in my balls and deep in my ass when I'm about to cum. It's like my ass twitches and tells my balls to empty their cum reservoirs.

Whatever happens, I knew it would happen soon and I said as much aloud, "I'm cuuuuuuuummmming uuuurrrgggg Shiiiiit!" and blew my load all over the dresser and floor. I couldn't tell you how much, as my orgasm overrode pretty much any feeling of cum leaving my cock.

The only reason I knew my cock emptying itself of cum was because Jack came at the same time, empting deep into by bowels as he flooded my ass with his cum, filling a second hole of mine with cum that same night. My prostate throbbed repeatedly as his cock twitched against it like a living human dildo.

Eventually, both of his were spent, and full of cum, lube and sweat. The room was definitely broken it as the smell of sex was everywhere. We made our way back to the bed, me with globs of cum running out of my now not so tight ass and not fully caring. Jack to his credit, took me to the bathroom and very gently got rid of as much of the warm sticky stuff out of my sore ass as he could.

We both made our way back to bed for a restful fitful night's sleep. Jack leaned over and kissed me passionately and deeply saying "I can't wait until tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?" I asked.

"More of this, stud. But this time, you get to be the pitcher and I get to be the catcher. To use a term your former straight friends use." he said with a smile on his face. "Plus, I finally get to touch that cock of yours! Finally!"

We both fell asleep with the promise of more sex in the morning, and me wondering that if the sex could be this mind-blowing without him touching my cock, what would it be like when he did touch it? That I could not wait to find out.


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