Moving Day

By moc.liamtoh@renutgep

Published on Jul 28, 1999



Before proceeding, be advised that the following story contains depictions of graphic male/male sexual situations and should NOT be read by anyone who is offended by such material, anyone too young to reach such material, or anyone who is of the opinion that Bob Saget is funny.

If none of these apply to you, then by all means, please, read on. You can let me know what you think at

I would appreciate constructive criticism and advice, and would be pleasantly suprised by praise.


"Where the fuck is she?" I fumed. This was not an auspicious beginning to the new fall semester. I sat on the front step with my suitcases, cursing Rebecca. After ten minutes of knocking on the door with no response, I had brilliantly deduced that Rebecca (one of my new housemates-to-be) was not in our house, and had locked me out. I mentally kicked myself for assuming that she would be home when I got into town. I watched cars drive past my yard for a while, hoping against hope that one of them was Rebecca, rushing home after telepathically receiving my thoughts of frustration. When a car finally did slow down, I squinted hard to see if I could make out Rebecca in the driver's seat. The window rolled down.

"You'll go blind, screwing up your face like that. Why don't you ever wear your glasses?"

"Ryan! What're you up to?" I asked, walking over to the car. Ryan Vincente was one of my fraternity brothers. Although he gone alumni recently, we still had a close friendship, since he was my pledge trainer and had spent a lot of time with me in the first couple years of college. He was the height of preppy fashion today, as usual. He wore a plaid golf shirt, and khaki shorts, with the ubiquitous sandals. He lowered his sunglasses and peered at me over the top.

"Why're you just sitting there? It's hot as hell out here."

"Locked out. God knows when my roommate will ever show up with the key."

"Want to come over to our apartment? I still need some help moving stuff out, but we've got air conditioning," a disembodied voice said from the passenger seat. I lowered my head and looked across Ryan. Brad Miller was Ryan's roommate for the time being, but had recently graduated and gotten married. He was moving to another part of the state before his honeymoon, and was spending a last few days in town while his wife was setting things up down at the new place. Of course, Brad was an alumni member of the frat too, and was dressed a lot more casually than Ryan, wearing a Duke basketball T-shirt, and gray cotton workout shorts. He carried a box crammed with useless junk in his lap.

"Hey, Brad, I didn't see you there. Sure that'd be great, if I can use your phone, and lug my stuff over there."

"Hop in," Ryan said, pushing his sunglasses back up.

I opened the back door and threw in my bags, one by one. When I was finally wedged into the back seat, Ryan slammed on the accelerator. After getting to their apartment, and unceremoniously dumping my bags, I plopped on their sofa, and let the frigid air surround me.

"Ahhhhhh," I sighed in relief.

"Don't get too comfortable," Brad said. "I need help loading my car."

"Okay, I'll be right there," I said, picking up the telephone. I dialed my number and waited for Rebecca's recorded voice to tell me to leave a message. I left a short message about where I was, what the number was, etc., and didn't mention any of the horrible torture she had subjected me to (very big of me, I thought). The rest of the day was quite busy, dragging things from the apartment to Brad's car, until about sunset, when he announced he had had enough for the day, and we'd finish up the next day.

Finding only a jar of grape jelly and some stale bagels in the fridge, Ryan and Brad decided to go grocery shopping. They invited me along, but I declined saying I would much rather just sit around and enjoy the a/c. After they had been gone a while, I realized that my cock was getting hard.

"Behave," I muttered, which only caused it to swell even more. God, how long had it been since I had some release? I nudged myself over to one of my suitcases, and undid the lock on a side pocket which held my secret little stash that I had brought from home. I unzipped my shorts and pulled out my dick, jacking furiously as I dug through a pile of X-rated magazines and videos. Finally, I found what I was searching for, a video called "Three's a Crowd". I popped it into the VCR, and watched the screen leap to life.

"You like that, don't you, boy?" the man grunted. "You like having that big cock shoved up your ass, don't you?"

From the expression on the boy's face, I could tell that he agreed wholeheartedly, but was unable to answer, due to another man that was face fucking him viciously. I watched them go at it for a few minutes, then was jarred back to reality by the phone ringing. I put the TV on MUTE, and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said as agreeably as possible, never taking my eyes off the screen or my hand off my dick.

"John? It's Rebecca. Sorry I wasn't here before. Listen, I'm going out to a party tonight that you're welcome to come to. Why don't I just give you a copy of the key there?"

"Sure, that's no problem," I said, writing down the address and time was giving me with my free hand. I heard a key turn in the door lock.

"Rebecca, I gotta go, see you there!" I practically screamed at her. I slammed the phone down, and in one swift motion, leaped across the room and ejected the tape, all while pulling my cock back into my shorts. I slid the tape back into the suitcase pocket just as the door flew open.

"Hey, give us a hand with these," Brad's voice said from behind a sack of groceries. I took advantage of his moment of blindness to quietly pull up my zipper.

"Sure," I said, pulling the sack away and taking it to the kitchen.

"Why are you watching the Home Shopping Network?" Ryan asked coming in behind Brad.

"Just flipping channels," I said in small, controlled breaths.

After we had put away the groceries and had eaten, I told them I was heading out to the party to meet up with my roommate and would be back later. I invited them to go, but they declined, saying they were too tired and would rather just watch TV tonight.

The party was boring as hell.

"Hey, having fun?" Rebecca screamed at me over the booming music.

"Yeah, nothing could top that stunt with Nicole puking on Jason's hair," I yelled back.

"What?" she yelled.

I somehow pantomimed to her that I wanted the key, and after getting it, was out of there before Nicole felt she needed an encore.

I drove back to Ryan and Brad's, smelling like smoke and beer. I knocked on the door, and Ryan opened it almost immediately.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Ryan had the strangest glint in his eye. I'd never seen such an expression on his face.

"Not a thing," he said, an unnatural wolf-like smile spreading across his face.

"Come on in, we were just about to watch a movie."

I walked in and glanced at Brad, who had an identical smile.

"What's the joke, guys? What's going on that I don't know about?"

"What makes you think something is going on?" Brad said in a tone I'd never heard from him before. "Come on, take a load off," he said, patting the couch cushion next to him. I shrugged, plopped down on the couch beside him, and cracked my knuckles loudly (a bad habit, I admit, but one I can't seem to kick).

"Okay, what are we watching?" I asked lightheartedly. "Fair warning, I don't feel like anything dramatic or sappy tonight."

"No, no, no. Nothing like that," Ryan said, sitting down on the other side of me, his voice sounding like maple syrup (I hope you know what I mean by a voice sounding like that), "It's more of an action-adventure movie."

I frowned slightly. I wondered why they were sitting on either side of me, when there was plenty of space on the other couch, and why they were both acting so strangely. Brad handed me a bowl of popcorn, and I took a small handful, flicking a few of the kernels into my mouth. As Ryan reached over to hit the PLAY button on the remote control, I leaned forward and concentrated on the removal of my sneakers.

"You like that, don't you boy?" I heard a familiar voice grunt from the TV. I inhaled sharply, forgetting that I had a mouthful of popcorn. As I was hacking loudly, trying to expel the popcorn from my windpipe, my brain was spinning wildly. I must have forgotten to lock the suitcase! Oh, shit, what's going to happen to me now? Are they going to kick the crap out of me? Tell all the guys in the fraternity? Oh, shit, why did this have to happen?

With one final disgusting barnyard noise, I shot the last kernel of popcorn out of my mouth. I was scared to look up into their faces, and didn't know what to say.

"Ummmm....well....ummmm," was all I managed to get out. I felt what must have been Brad's hand grab my left shoulder.

"Hey, don't sweat it, man. We don't think any less of you."

"Yeah, we think it's kinda cool," Ryan's voice agreed from the other side. Brad's hand started massaging my shoulder as he spoke.

"We're just sorry you waited this long to tell your brothers. You should have known we'd understand."

My face was still beet-red , but I began to feel a little better. At least they weren't going to kill me or kick me out of the apartment or anything. Brad's hand started rubbing my shoulder a little harder.

"You should have told us sooner," he said in a tone your father might use right before he tells you that you're grounded.

"Well...," I began, but didn't get farther than that.

"I'm kind of hurt that you couldn't show us the real you," Ryan said, also in that parental tone.

"Well," I said, getting no further than before. The hand on my shoulder grabbed even harder, and I couldn't help giving out a little yelp of surprise.

"In fact," Brad said, "I think you owe us a little something for keeping us in the dark for so long." As he spoke, the hand started pushing me forward. I resisted slightly, without knowing why. The hand responded by squeezing my shoulder even harder and pushing forward with considerably more force. I winced for a moment, then let myself be directed. After a few moments, I found myself staring down into Ryan's khaki clad crotch. The material did little to hide his massive hardon that I could swear I saw throbbing.

I stared dumbly, knowing exactly what was expected of me, but still not daring to make a move. All doubt was removed when Ryan's hands grasped either side of my head and pushed down, rubbing his crotch all over my face.

"Lick it, cocksucker," he said in a gravelly voice, thrusting up into me. Almost involuntarily, my mouth opened a little wider as a small moan escaped. His cloth covered cock stabbed viciously at my outstretched tongue, making wet spots here and there on the fabric.

"Oh, yeah," I heard above me as I caught his dick in my mouth and chewed on it lightly. Now the spots of saliva on his shorts were being matched by patches of precum welling up from within the confines of his underwear. I could taste a hint of the salty fluid every time I swiped my tongue across his bulging package. Just as I was really getting into it, a hand grabbed the back of my T-shirt and pulled.

"Hey, don't hog him! I want a piece, too!" Brad said. Ryan tightened his grip on my head and gave one final lunge up into my face. Then he slowly let go. As I was turning, Brad gave me a small shove that landed me on the floor, on my hands and knees, staring at his bare feet. Next to the feet lay the basketball T-shirt, the sweat stained workout shorts, and a musky pair

of black briefs. I inhaled deeply, catching the strong scent before I shifted my gaze up. First the meaty legs, with a light sprinkling of blond hair. Then the heavy ballsac, covered in blond curls. And jutting out above that was a hard, incredibly thick slab of meat that had to be at least nine inches long. A dewy drop of precum sparkled at the end. Then, his heavily muscled chest and arms came into focus, and finally his face complete with a dark blond goatee and a wicked smile.

"There's plenty more of that sweat up here," he said, an eyebrow raising mischieviously.

"What about Christina?" I asked, referring to his wife. He shrugged.

"My last chance to explore," he said curtly, wagging his cock back and forth. The motion caused the drop of precum to shake loose from its perch, and it began to descend towards the ground slowly, stretching out like the cheese of a pizza. His smile widened as I bent forward and outstretched my tongue directly into the oncoming path of the droplet.

"That's right, don't waste a single drop of my cum. You're going to take the whole load," he said as it landed and lingered on my taste buds. I swallowed and looked up at him.

"Get up here and lick the sweat off my balls," he said more gruffly. I'd like to say that I acted with more subtlety than rising to my knees quickly, leaning forward, and begin lapping at his balls like a dog, but I can't. Call me enthusiastic. He seemed to be appreciative, letting out a throaty growl, and lifting his dick to give me better access. The sweat was a drug, and I pressed my face further into his nuts, not satisfied until I had gotten every bit. Finally, I sat back on my legs, only pausing to lick another large drop of precum off the tip of his dick. I looked up at him with slightly raised eyebrows, waiting for further direction. He smiled down at me with an almost proud look on his face. Then, his smile faded and he became all business once again.

"What are you waiting for, a fucking invitation? Suck my cock, boy!" he barked out. A small shiver passed through my body.

"Yes, sir," I said without even thinking it.

"Oh, yeah, I like that," Ryan said as I took the head of Brad's cock into my mouth slowly. "From this moment," Ryan continued, "we have no other name but Sir, you got that, boy?" As if to punctuate his remark, he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed forward. Brad's cock rammed into my mouth, sliding rapidly across my tongue and lodging at the back of my throat. For a moment, I couldn't breathe and I began to gag and struggle. Then, miraculously, I turned my head a little and was able to swallow, and the massive intruder continued its journey down my throat until Brad's balls rested against my chin, and his pubic hair was tickling my nostrils.

"Aw, god damn!" Brad panted out, holding my head locked in this position. I adjusted to breathing through my nose, sensing the layer of fresh sweat that was breaking out.

"Nobody's been able to take my whole cock before." I couldn't help but feel a little smug. This superiority was soon shattered as Brad pulled his cock out partway, then began thrusting in and out at a rapid pace. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and moaned loudly as he impaled my throat on his ramrod again and again. This must have continued for a good while, but I lost all track of time. It seemed to simultaneously last both forever, and a single fleeting moment. All of my other senses left me, and all I was aware of was that fat swizzlestick pumping in and out and in and out. Suddenly, a hand grabbed the back of my hair and unceremoniously hauled me off of Brad's dick.

"Damn, Brad, now who's being a hog?" Ryan's voice chided. "Brothers should share." I lifted my gaze to Ryan, who still had a grip on my hair. He had long since shucked his clothing. I mentally compared him to Brad. Though just as heavily muscled as Brad, Ryan had jet black hair whereas Brad's was dark blond. Another difference was the fine spread of dark, curly hair that covered Ryan's chest and legs, contrasting with Brad's smooth body. Ryan's rock hard cock wasn't as long as Brad's but I noticed with amazement that it was quite a bit fatter. Ryan notice me staring at his dick. "You ready to suck this cock?"

"Oh, yeah," I replied lustily.

Ryan took his dick in hand and told me to open my mouth. I readily complied. He started beating my face with his dick. I kept trying to catch it in my mouth, but he kept it clear.

"Aren't we forgetting something?" he said.

"I'm sorry. Please let me suck your dick....sir," I said in a meek voice. He used his grip on my hair to pull my head down to the floor.

"You can start with my feet and work your way up. You've got to EARN your way to my cock, boy," he said laughing down at me. I realized that Ryan was really getting into the power trip. He loved having someone to order around, whereas Brad (I suspect) was more interested in simply getting off. I kissed the top of Ryan's foot, then poised the tip of my tongue at his ankle. I started licking in long sweeps up his leg, plowing through the soft carpet of hair. As I reached his inner thigh, I snuck a quick look up, and saw him smiling down at me with a smug grin of satisfaction. Finally, I got to his crotch and started teasing his nuts with my tongue. His arm circled my head again, and pulled me in, forcing one of his hairy balls into my mouth. I sucked and bit lightly on it as his fat dick rested on my face.

After a few minutes of this, he withdrew slowly from my mouth, and dangled his cock tantalizingly in front of my eyes.

"You want this bad, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, sir," I replied usually reserved for professors and bosses.

"Beg for it, cocksucker," he said with almost a sneer. I heard Brad chuckle beside him.

"Please, sir, feed me your cock. I want to suck you so bad," I said, throwing in the puppy dog eyes for good effect.

"You live to serve other men, don't you?" he said almost accusingly.

"Yes, sir," I said, casting my eyes down to the carpet.

"Good boy. Open wide." I opened as wide as I could, and closed my eyes, waiting. First, I felt the tip of his dick touch my tongue, a steady stream of salty precum flowing onto it. Then, with no warning, he lunged forward. I swallowed quickly, his enormously wide cock stretching my throat to new dimensions. I raised my arms and placed my hands on his chest, trying to establish some kind of control over the depth of his thrusts. No luck. Instead he grabbed my wrists and ran my hands over his hairy pecs, coming to rest at his nipples. Without slowing his vicious face fuck, he told me to pinch them hard. I pinched them as hard as I could.

"Harder!" he growled. Since I couldn't comply, I gave a hard twist to both instead. "Oh, yeah! That's it."

I opened my eyes, and noticed Brad edging over to sit next to Ryan. He was jacking off slowly, watching me suck with interest. More precum was gathering on the tip of his dick. As soon as he noticed this, he leaned forward and swiped his dick across my cheek, leaving a trail of his jizz across my face. He seemed enormously pleased with this, and started rubbing his dick and balls across my face constantly, occasionaly pausing to cockwhip me. Ryan was enjoying the show also, watching Brad's movements as he plowed my throat. His eyes brightened with the glint of an idea. He pulled out of my mouth quickly, leaving another stream of cum on my other cheek.

"Trade off on us," he said. I got the picture quickly.

"Yes, sir," I said. I attacked Brad's cock, hearing him gasp slightly as I licked and sucked his dick with renewed energy. Ryan took up his position beating his cock against the side of my face. This is how it went for a long while. I would spend about five minutes or so sucking one dick while the other assaulted my face. Then it would switch. It got so I couldn't tell who I was blowing, the taste of their cum and sweat mixing together on my tongue.

I got courageous and wanted to try a bold experiment. I reached forward and grasped the base of their dicks, one in each hand. Then I started bringing them together. They took the hint and pushed their hips forward until their saliva-coated dicks were rubbing up against one another. I opened my mouth wider than I ever thought it could go and attempted to suck both dicks at once. Unfortunately, I could only fit the heads into my gaping mouth, since they were unbelievably wide. Still, I did the best I could, swirling my tongue around, flicking at both of the drooling slits. They seemed to be appreciative, judging from the grunts and groans I was listening to. After watching me go at it for some time, Brad withdrew and walked off toward the bathroom. I turned to see what he was doing, and got a slap in the face for my trouble.

"Nobody told you to stop sucking," Ryan snapped.

"I'm sorry, sir," I said quietly, and enveloped his cock once again with my lips, sucking gently, since my jaw was getting a bit tired. He was having none of this, however. He roughly turned me over so that I was face up on the couch, then straddled my chest. He hovered over me for a second, then started powerdriving his dick in and out of my throat once

again, doing pushups into me. I looked up at him and concentrated on taking his battering ram without choking, and almost didn't notice the pair of hands on the button of my shorts a few minutes later. Brad must have come back. As his hand pulled my zipper down, I raised my hips against Ryan's weight so that he could inch my shorts off with less trouble. My underwear clung to the shorts, and were pulled off along with them. I was filled with apprehension, wondering what was going to happen next. My doubts were removed when I was suddenly struck with a slippery, incredibly cold sensation on my ass. My face scrunched up in shock and surprise as Brad forced one of his fingers into my hole, spreading what must have been Vaseline, or something very like it. Ryan, stopping his thrusts, laughed at my reaction and got off of me so that he could watch Brad's maneuvers.

"Get used to it, boy. You're going to have to handle something a lot bigger than my finger," Brad said, looking directly into my wide brown eyes with his steely gray ones. He grabbed the sides of my hips and started pulling me to the floor. "Get on your hands and knees. Now."

"Yes, sir," I said, shaking with anticipation. I saw him slathering the Vaseline on his thick pole before I turned around. I found myself facing Ryan. He scooted forward on the floor until he could grab the back of my head yet again. However, instead of directing my face toward his crotch, as I expected, he pulled me straight forward until my nose was buried in the patch of hair between his pecs. I started licking without being told to, earning a "That's a good boy" from above. Our exertions had caused us all to sweat profusely, so I had a second helping of it. I was amazed at how different Ryan's sweat tasted from Brad's. I moved back and forth between Ryan's nipples, licking and biting each one.

I completely forgot about Ryan, however, as a bolt of pain shot up my body, signifying the entry of Brad's cock into my tight ass. I screamed out loud.

"Shut up, or the neighbors will hear," Brian growled pushing a few more inches into me. I tried to keep quiet, biting my lip, but could not keep my mouth closed for long, letting out a string of yelps and obscenities as Brad forced the reamainder of his cock up my chute.

"Ryan, shut him up!" Brad said through gritted teeth, flexing his dick inside me. Ryan quickly rose to his knees and plunged his cock into my mouth once again, saying "This will shut you the fuck up, slut." He was right. Though I continued to shout and yell, the only sound that came out was a quiet, muffled protest. I felt one soft patch of pubic hair tickling my nose as another brushed across my ass. Finally, I got somewhat used to the massive intruders and calmed down. Brad grasped my shoulders and Ryan's hands maintained their position at the back of my head.

"You ready to fuck this hot little slut, bro?" Brad asked Ryan. I could imagine the twinkle in his eye as he said it.

"Oh, you know it, pal. I'm sure he'll love getting double-stuffed," Ryan responded in the same bantering tone. Each of them pulled out their cock so that just the head remained inside me. Then, I guess they gave each other some kind of eye signal, since they both rammed the full length of their dicks into me at the same time. After that, it was every man for himself, as they pistoned their hips back and forth, in and out, plugging me with cock from both ends. At first, the surprise and pain left me breathless and in a panic. However, after a minute of this, I adjusted to the feeling of their brutal lunges, and seriously began to enjoy myself. I heard the rhythm of Brad's body smacking into mine and of Ryan's balls bouncing off my chin. This isn't the only thing I heard, though.

"Aw, fuck, your ass it tight, John. You like me stuffing your hole, don't you?"

"Yeah, swallow that dick, boy. Take it to the base."

I guess they had put aside their worry that the neighbors would hear as the air filled with their grunts, groans, and dirty talk. I noticed a flickering out of the corner of my eye and shifted my gaze away from Ryan's crotch. I would have smiled if I had been physically able to.

"What irony," I thought to myself as I saw "Three's a Crowd" still playing on the screen (though no longer audible). The guy getting fucked from both ends on the TV didn't look half as happy as I felt. The video was soon forgotten as I once again focused my concentration on the two giant cocks slamming into me again and again. They continued for what seemed like hours. The next time I glanced at the television, the video was long since over and only static flashed across the screen.

Brad's groans were taking on a new intensity. With one final howl of ecstasy, he yanked back on my hips, completely burying his dick in me. I felt it expand even more as the spasm of orgasm rocked his body, and he shot his searing ball juice deep within me. It felt like liquid fire exploding into my body. When Brad pulled my hips back, Ryan's cock was pulled back up my throat just as I was swallowing in surprise at the intense heat of the flood of cum surging into my ass. My throat closed tightly around Ryan's cock and would not let go for a second. That's all Ryan could take. He started panting wildly, yet still carefully aimed his dick right at my tongue. Then he let loose with a yell that could wake the dead. I mentally readied myself for what I knew was following, but nothing could prepare me for the torrent of cum that filled my mouth. It seemed that his fat cannon fired a neverending volley of thick, creamy blasts of sperm. I swallowed and swallowed, trying to get every drop, but it was simply too much. Cum leaked out both sides of my mouth, running over Ryan's cock, then down my neck.

My body began to quake. Before I knew what was happening, I had a shattering orgasm, without even touching myself. I shot more cum than I ever thought my balls could hold all over the floor, while a wild animal-like sound erupted from my mouth. The two dicks withdrew from me and I smiled, completely satisfied with life. Then, odd as it sounds, I fell asleep, curling up on the living room carpet. What must have been several hours later, I was jolted awake by the sensation of a tongue on my ear. I found myself in a king size bed, facing Brad. He gave me a wide smile, then leaned into me. We locked into a deep French kiss. As I sucked on his tongue, he grasped my wrist and directed my hand down to his cock, which was becoming increasingly hard with every passing second. An arm wrapped around me from behind and another hard cock was pressed against my ass. I guess Ryan was awake too. Brad pulled away from my mouth for a moment.

"You promised to take every drop of my load," he said in a whisper, pushing my hand into his balls. "Are you going to live up to that promise?"

"Yeah, boy, ready for round two?" Ryan breathed heavily into my ear. I smiled gently as they pressed me into a sandwich.

"Yes, sir," I said.


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