Mountainside Cabin

By Alex Cortin

Published on Jun 30, 2024


Hope you enjoy this story of new friends coming together. I'm planning to continue this one further as I had a lot of fun writing it. Feel free to write me with any thoughts or suggestions if you enjoyed it, and don't forget to donate to Nifty at!


Jamie waited at his kitchen window, already excited for the weekend of fun and games ahead. He had played with this group a few times before. A pretty standard crew of "nerdy" types, he thought, counting himself among those described by the term. He had met Will at a board game night organized for people new in town and they'd hit it off, talking about games they had liked for hours. It was nice to find people with similar interests, he thought, especially as a young adult in a new city. Will was a couple of years older at 28, but he still looked young and they got along really naturally right from the start.

Will had said he and some friends sometimes organized game nights where they all played games together in a house for hours, and that reminded Jamie of the old days. He had played with kids in the neighborhood, sometimes all night. Those days seemed almost romantic now that adulthood had come sneaking from around the corner, with rent and responsibilities, work and relationships.

After a few game nights spent on video games and board games alike, Jamie found himself invited to the group's "retreat" the coming weekend. It was a chance to really relax and unplug from the stresses of everyday life, as they pitched it. The group had rented a cabin out of town near the mountains, and was going to spend the whole weekend there, relaxing and playing games and hanging out. Jamie liked the group, so he enthusiastically agreed to the plan. Plus, he had felt a decidedly flirty vibe from several members of the group, not the least from Will, which gave him another tinge of excitement for what might happen at the cabin.

Now it was Friday afternoon, and he looked out the window to see a new electric Ford pull up at the street. He was being picked up at his apartment by Andrew, the oldest member of the group. Andrew was approaching 50, he had a little bit of a start of a belly and a salt and pepper beard that seemed to come in whether or not he shaved or how often. Although he was older, he had kept a youthful energy about him, and his childhood joy of gaming was still in him. Everyone in the group seemed to love him and he indeed had a positivity about him that Jamie found appealing, always smiling and connecting with everyone.

They chatted in the car as Andrew drove about their excitement for the weekend. They would have one more person riding with them, Kelly. She was Jamie's age at 24 and he had immediately had his eye on her when they first met. She had an attractive figure, was pretty tall at almost Jamie's height, and wore her dirty blonde hair short with a part on the side, looking almost like a video game character. She had a wicked sense of humor and often made the whole group laugh with her spicy jokes. They had shared some eye contact during the few hangouts Jamie had been present in and he felt there was a chance of a deeper connection there.

As they approached Kelly's apartment complex, Andrew parked outside the building and texted her that they had arrived. He put the car in park and as he did so, Jamie found him looking deep into his eyes. Jamie felt a jolt within himself as they shared a long moment of eye contact, just as Kelly finally appeared and let herself into the backseat. As they broke off the eye contact, Andrew let his hand fall onto Jamie's leg and gave his upper thigh a good long squeeze, before letting go to greet the arriving Kelly.

Jamie smiled and said hi to Kelly, a bit unsure of how to react to Andrew's sudden physical approach. But he knew how his body had reacted. He could feel his suddenly swollen penis squeezing uncomfortably against the fabric of his jeans, and embarrassed, placed his hands strategically in his lap to cover any sign of the erection.

"OK, I guess this is our crew!", Andrew announced as he headed off towards the highway. The others were going to join later, driving in another car with Will together, as not everyone would fit in one car, and some of the group members had to work a bit later and couldn't be among the early arrivers.

"You excited to join for the getaway then Jamie?", asked Kelly with a smile. Jamie looked back over his shoulder and saw her smiling at him with her eyes. She was wearing a pink t-shirt and short daisy dukes, revealing much of her long legs.

"Absolutely, it seems like a really great way to spend a weekend!" Jamie replied, very much meaning it.

They spent the journey of about an hour talking about the practicalities of the weekend, but also discussing personal histories, as Jamie had only known the two of them for a short bit of time. They seemed to be getting along great, and Jamie was feeling almost flattered at the attention the two of them seemed to be giving him, really focusing on his answers to their questions. There was a fair bit of flirting going on, giving him an idea that something positive was definitely cooking for him at this retreat.

He had moved here about a year ago for work, but it was hard finding friends outside of the office. Most people he worked with were either older or just not quite on his wavelength, so he hadn't really made good friends at his job. And unlike in college years, there's no easy way to just make friends at that point in life, so he quickly realized he would have to make an effort to intentionally find friends.

After many events and hobby groups, his friendship with Will was the first one that really seemed positive and promising, he explained. The others listened and offered their own stories of the difficulty of connecting with people as adults, as they both also had experienced the move to a new city and suddenly being on your own without your friends. Kelly had moved with a boyfriend, she said, and all their friends were more his friends. So when they had broken up, she'd lost most of her connections in town. The gaming group had really saved her, she said, affectionately tapping Andrew on the shoulder.

Jamie had heard the word "boyfriend" and recognized his disappointment. But hearing about the break-up had made him excited. So he could not hide from his own feelings, it was clear he liked her from the reaction he had to the story.

Soon enough, they arrived at the cabin. It was a long series of small dirt roads they had to take to get there off of the highway, but Andrew very confidently and calmly found his way through the route, and soon enough they were staring at the front of a pretty big, rustic log cabin. The sun was already setting as they arrived, giving them a great view of the orange mistiness behind the mountains as the daylight disappeared behind the hills.

"Beautiful", Kelly said with an impressed smile.

Jamie wasn't in complete agreement. The cabin looked a bit worse for wear after perhaps many seasons of less than heavy maintenance. But as he looked around and saw the sunset mist, he too began to see past the flaws and enjoy the rustic charm of the place.

This sense doubled as they entered the cabin, as it was much more spacious than had appeared at first. Right as they entered, to the right side was a large kitchen, which seemed very modern and must have been recently added to the cabin. Next to that, a large lounge area, where they would presumably set up most of the games tonight. Jamie took his shoes off with a satisfied grunt, and began to tour the place to get a sense of where he would be for the next three nights. There were 3 bedrooms to the place, plus a big couch where someone could sleep after all the games wrapped up. But with 6 total people expected, they would have to share beds.

This Jamie had known and hadn't really thought much of it, but seeing the small queen size bed in the master bedroom, he realized the others would likely be smaller still, and it would possibly get mighty cozy in the beds. Indeed, the other two bedrooms seemed to have just a full size bed, maybe just enough for two people to sleep in but not necessarily in luxury or comfort.

"Hey Jamie, could you help me bring some of this stuff in?" Andrew shouted from the front door.

"Yeah of course, be right there", Jamie replied.

He wandered back out of the furthest back bedroom to the front door, and on the way found Kelly throwing her backpack into the master bedroom near the front of the house. She gave him a flirty wink as she did so and he couldn't help but blush at the sexy girl's attentions.

Outside, he found Andrew carrying a big box towards the house.

"Here, could you grab this and drop it off just somewhere near the big living room back there?", he said.

Jamie grabbed the box as Andrew handed it off to him. It was surprisingly heavy, and as he took it he took note of Andrew's bulging biceps carrying the box. As he took the box in his arms, struggling visibly with the load, Andrew grabbed his hand from below and asked "is that ok?"

Jamie struggled to get the grip right, but said he'd be just fine, and started backing up towards the house again, feeling Andrew's fingers fall away from his hand. He felt his eyes caressing Andrew's arms, focusing on his veined forearms covered in light brown hair.

Taking the box to the house, Jamie eventually get confident in being able to carry the weight of the box, but it was mighty cumbersome in how large it was. He set down squatting in the middle of the living room in order to put the box down as lightly as possible, letting off a satisfied grunt as he finally set the box down on the floor. He wiped his brow with his flannel shirt when he noticed Kelly was standing right at the doorstep to the living room, biting her lip and smiling.

"Big strong guy, are you?" She said, smiling ear to ear.

Ok, she was definitely flirting now, Jamie thought. He knew he wasn't exactly a big strong guy, being an pretty average 5'10 and skinny with more of gamer build than a pro athlete build. But before he could come up with a clever retort, she had walked over, still sexily biting her lip and pushed him on the chest to force him down onto the sofa.

Jamie, slightly startled by the very forward approach, laughed uncomfortably. But Kelly had continued her approach and was now straddling him, her beautiful skinny legs spread on his lap, skin showing almost up to her crotch from under her jean shorts. She kissed him on the lips, and he expected a wet sloppy kiss of a similar force as her attack, but to his surprise she kissed him softly and tenderly. He felt his hands reach for her legs as he felt her soft skin. She smiled and let a little bit of air escape through her lips in pleasure as he started to softly caress her thighs.

"You like that, eh?", she whispered, conspiratorially gazing down at his bulging crotch.

"I do, yes I do", he said, stumbling in his words and feeling like an idiot.

"Let's see if you like this then", she said, and lowered herself on to the floor in front of the couch onto her knees, and started to unbutton Jamie's pants.

He couldn't believe how fast this was going, and his brain worked slower and slower as she reached into his boxers and pulled out his hard cock. It was as hard it ever got now, pointing triumphantly to the sky. It was a bit under 5" and quite skinny, but it looked sizeable in her small hands. She smiled once more at him and let off an excited giggle as she bent her head down to swallow the tip of his cock in her mouth. She started sucking immediately with an urgency that gave him indescribable pleasure.

For some reason, the thought that he was supposed to be helping Andrew popped into his head now, and he couldn't stop the words leaving his mouth before they were already escaping into the air.

"What about Andrew, is he...", he let out in between heavy sighs, as Kelly kept bobbing up and down on his cock, her tongue slobbering up and down the shaft.

"He's fine, he's quite fine indeed", Jamie heard Andrew's voice say somewhere in the room.

Startled, he opened his eyes and looked up to see Andrew leaning against the wall, looking at the two of them with lust and satisfaction in his eyes. Jamie jumped slightly at the sight of him, but Kelly pushed him back down onto the couch with her free hand, and kept sucking on his dick with such gusto he had never experienced pleasure like it before.

He looked right at Andrew, who had placed a hand into his pants as he leaned there looking at them. They shared deep eye contact again, and he could feel his chest bursting with excitement at the situation. Kelly was now stroking the base of his cock with one hand and sucking him off, while the other hand was fondling his balls, and exploring his taint. As she kept sucking and he kept breathing heavier and heavier, she slipped a finger into his crack and began to massage the outside of his asshole.

This was too much for Jamie, who let out a deep uncontrollable series of moans and announced he was going to cum. For Kelly, this was encouragement, and she stroked his cock harder, sucked on the tip more strongly, and rubbed his asshole with more glee as he finally exploded into her mouth with the force of a volcano.

She sucked up as much of the cum as she could, still gently massaging his ass, and then looked up to him, looking very satisfied with her handywork. It had only taken maybe two minutes, but this was the best experience of Jamie's life already, and he was in complete heaven, sitting back drained on the couch.

Andrew moved up to get closer to them now as Kelly stood up next to the couch. The two of them smiled at each other with a wicked look and shared a wet kiss, bits of Jamie's cum flowing freely between them, falling out on each of their cheeks.

"Very nice work, Kelly, you got him comfortable right away", Andrew said in a celebratory tone, and Kelly laughed and looked over at Jamie, still collapsed on the sofa, now pulling his pants back up to cover himself up.

"He's a hot one", she said happily, and hopped back on the couch to give Jamie another slow kiss.

As they separated and Kelly hopped off the couch to go clean up in the bathroom, Jamie looked at her backside as she happily strolled off, her cute butt swinging side to side as she went.

"She's quite a girl eh", Andrew said with a wink. He continued : "Wanna help me get the rest of the stuff before the rest of the gang get here, now that you're all settled in?"

Jamie agreed, getting up off the couch and walking out the door to the car, still not quite sure what he had gotten himself into, as Andrew playfully slapped his butt on the way out. Jamie let off a surprised, feminine scream as he felt the slap, and turned around laughing at the playful gesture. Surprised, but in a good way.

Soon, the cabin was all set up with the gaming supplies. They had prepared some snacks and were chilling and flirting at the big dining table with a few drinks as the rest of the crew arrived.

In the door with a wave of "hey"s and "hi"s and hugs and shouts of excitement came the occupants of the other car. There was Will, who had invited Jamie here in the first place. There was a shorter, dark haired girl in a red summer dress called Ashley, whom he had not yet met. She had a beautiful full figure and the tops of her breasts were calling for attention from the cleavage of her dress. Finally, there was Joe, a very tall, wiry framed nerdy type with big round glasses, who never seemed much of a talker, but seemed to be in a good mood today and exchanged happy hellos with everyone as well.

The new group had brought food with them, and the whole group of six of them hungrily dug into the much needed grub. As they ate, they exchanged little stories from their trips over to the cabin and first impressions of the place. And then, Andrew mentioned what had already happened on the sofa.

"Our new friend got his initiation all done there on the sofa there", he told the group with a grin.

Jamie looked at him in surprise, and with the excitement and joy that the announcement seemed to cause around the table, blushed and averted his eyes to the table. He looked over at Kelly, who encouraged him with her smile and kind eyes. Kelly then stood up and performed an over-the-top mime of the fellatio she had performed earlier, to big cheers and hollers from the group. He felt himself relax again as Will and Ashley on either side of him patted his back in congratulations.

"Way to go, Jamie! You already christened this place and none of us barely even been in the room", Will shouted out, and they all laughed happily.

"In honor of that happy moment, let's have a shot!", Ashley said and raised a bottle from the big case next to the table. Everyone agreed with that suggestion and soon glasses were raised for a celebratory drink. The party was well under way.

After a few drinks and some light gaming, it was time for what everyone was really waiting for. Ashley got up once more and announced "OK everyone, time for the first wild game of the weekend!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing upon hearing this announcement and quickly gathered at the main dining table again. Jamie looked a bit bewildered and tried to inquire what a "wild game" might be, but Will just told him to wait and see, he'd find out right about now.

Ashley produced a deck of cards and told everyone to pick one card randomly from the deck, without looking at it or showing it to anyone else. Jamie picked a card first, just taking one right from the top. Next came Will, then Kelly, Andrew, Joe, and finally Ashley herself, who made a show of picking a card while covering her eyes with her hands to show it was all fair.

"OK! The two highest cards are on the couch, and the lowest ones will be competing!" Ashley announced excitedly.

Will showed his card first, an ace. He grinned happily and planted himself on one end of the couch. Joe had a 6, shrugging with resignation. Ashley produced a 2, which made everyone whoop and holler at the result. Kelly with an 8 smiled meekly at the result. Andrew pulled a 10, making it the second highest card. That left just Jamie, who showed his card, a 5.

"OK we have our contestants!" Ashley shouted out once more and everyone whooped with excitement, Joe smiling and patting Jamie on the back.

Andrew smiled at Jamie happily and sat down next to Will on the couch. Ashley took Jamie's hand and pulled him over to her and then escorted him over to the couch with the two guys eagerly sitting in place.

"So, Andrew and Will had the highest cards, so they will be "receiving" in the first contest. You and I" - she pointed at Jamie - "pulled the lowest, so we're racing here", she giggled as she explained the rules. "We can use hands or mouth, and the first one to make our guy cum is the winner", she explained eagerly.

Jamie laughed as a reaction, before looking at the rest of the group who smiled at him encouragingly. She wasn't kidding, they were going to race to make these guys cum. He could feel his heart racing. He thought he should be uncomfortable, but he really wasn't. With the warm welcome from Kelly earlier, the affection from Andrew and Will and the attentive vibe from the group, he felt great. He was going to do this, and he was going to love it.

This was a slightly different kind of game night than he had gotten used to, but he couldn't deny how excited he felt about this. And he was happy to be matched with Will or Andrew, the two guys he felt most drawn towards in the group. As he saw the two guys pull their pants down and reveal their cocks to the group, to more excited cheering, he felt all-in. He could not turn this down.

He sat on the ground on a pillow padding his knees in front of Andrew, who leaned back on the couch and smiled in expectation at the contest to follow. Will likewise sat back, also removing his shirt as Ashley got in position in front of him. Jamie and Ashley shared a look and high fived each other playfully before settling in for the race to come.

Jamie looked ahead at Andrew. The salt-and-pepper charm of the older guy in the group worked doubly well with his trousers off. His balls looked huge as they sat in front of Jamie's face, dangling against the old fabric of the sofa. His cock rested, in slight excitement if not yet erect, on the balls. It looked tasty, Jamie thought. Andrew's cock was definitely thicker than his own, and when erect probably longer too. He couldn't wait to find out. He couldn't help but sneak a look at Will's too, and seeing another cock so close to him made him really excited. So excited that he felt his own cock get hard before the others.

Kelly started a countdown, shouting down "3-2-1, go!", and Ashley immediately pulled off her shirt, revealing her beautiful full breasts. She was a slightly fuller figured girl compared to Kelly, and her tits were correspondingly bigger. They bounced happily as she pulled her dress off and Will looked at them in awe, his cock twitching into action as she grabbed it with her hands.

"Hey that's not fair", Jamie joked as he stared at her beautiful boobs, while grabbing Andrew's cock into his hands.

"I think yours will be pretty too", Andrew said to him flirtily, and Jamie promptly pulled his shirt off too. He could feel everyone's eyes darting to his exposed upper body. He wasn't super proud of his body, never having been much for body buidling, and had a slender unmuscular look to him. But he felt excited having all these eyes on him, all this horniness in this room, and it made him tingle with pleasure to have everyone looking at him while he stroked another man's cock.

Jamie bent down and started sucking on Andrew's balls and running his hand up and down his cock, stroking it to full erectness in no time. He moved his tongue up and licked up and down the shaft, provoking grunts of pleasure from the man in front of him. He looked over and saw Ashley hungrily gobble up Will's cock in her mouth, running her mouth up and down on the head while rapidly stroking the base of his dick with her free hand. She wasn't fucking around, he thought.

Jamie did the same and swallowed up the head of Andrew's dick. He was now fully hard, and his cock had grown to twice its size when soft. He must have been 6.5" or so, definitely much bigger than Jamie's own, and he hungrily started sucking on the head while running his tongue against the shaft. He was producing lots of saliva and it was dribbling all over the shaft as he sucked, and he rubbed Andrew's torso with his free hand as he sucked.

He could hear both Andrew and Will moan and grunt with pleasure, and watching them there side by side was the hottest thing he'd ever seen. He took a short break to rest his mouth and saw Ashley still bobbing up and down and Will's breath shortening with every second, her tits moving up and down in rhythm with her sucking.

Jamie got harder and harder as his excitement grew while sucking, and he reached down to release his cock from his restrictive jeans, which drew an excited shout from Kelly, impressed by how much he was enjoying his first task. He peaked over at her and saw her smiling ear to ear and following closely as Jamie had his mouth full of cock in front of her. Having the girl who just blew him hours earlier now watching him with a mouth full of someone else's cock was an excitement he couldn't have even fantasized about before, but here it was, happening in real life.

He suddenly felt Andrew's hand on the back of his head, pushing his head onto his cock and a loud grunt as Andrew reached his climax, shooting his cum into his mouth. Jamie was bursting with excitement as waves of cum shot into the back of his throat, and he felt like a real winner.

Pulling himself off of the cock after a few seconds, he looked over triumphantly at Ashley, who was also looking back at him with a winner's look. He realized Will too had cum just moments before, and saw the streams of cum on Ahsley's tits.

"Not bad for a first timer there, Jamie!", she said, reaching over to him.

"Did I win?", he asked, prompting laughs and encouragement from everyone there.

"Just missed it by a few seconds", Kelly informed him, "but that was fucking hot and awesome".

Ashley scooted over to Jamie, grabbing him by the legs, and kissed him on the mouth. Andrew and Will's cum mixed in their mouths as they kissed, and he felt her big tits rub against his body, almost making him dizzy with happiness.

"Looks like you enjoyed the task yourself there, Jamie", Ashley said, pointing down at his hardened cock, its outline clearly visible sticking up in the boxers out of the zipper of his jeans that he'd lowered during the act.

"I...guess I really did", he replied sheepishly, as they stood up from the scene of the action.

"I guess these guys really enjoyed themselves though", he laughed, looking at Andrew and Will, sitting back exhausted with satisfaction on the couch.

After a few more hours of hanging out, drinking, flirting, and various more or less innocent games, Jamie was feeling exhausted. He decided to retire to the small bedroom in the back. He wasn't sure whose bag had appeared in the room while people had unpacked, but he figured he'd be sharing a bed with someone anyway, so it didn't really matter. He popped into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and heard more people saying their good nights and slipping into their bedrooms as well.

As he emerged from the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, Jamie saw that it was Will who had chosen to sleep in the small bed with him. Will had taken a seat on the bed and was just removing his socks and yawning slightly as Jamie came back into the room.

"Oh, hey - so it's you who's camping with me in here tonight", Jamie said happily. Will was the guy he knew best of everyone there, even if their friendship had been short so far, so he was happy to see him.

"Yeah, this looked like a cozy bed", he grinned and threw himself back on the bed playfully.

Jamie, unsure of how to react, continued his preparations for bed and he too started to take off his socks and pants. Will sprung up from the bed and excused himself to the bathroom as well, giving Jamie a playful smile on the way out.

Will was also a bit of a nerdy type, if a good looking one. He was not built like a jock, being a pretty compact 5'7, but he kept himself in pretty good shape. Jamie noticed his hairy legs as he had sat on the bed removing his socks, and as he had thrown himself backwards on the bed, his t-shirt got pulled upwards, revealing a hit of some hard abs covered by a little tuft of body hair. But the most appealing thing in Will was his eyes, warm blue eyes shining from under this dark hair. When he smiled, his eyes smiled even warmer, and you had to feel good to be receiving that look.

Jamie kept preparing for bed, taking off his shirt and getting under the covers in just his boxer shorts. As he pulled the covers up, Will came back into the room, closing the door. He pulled his shirt off, throwing it into the corner, giving Jamie an eyeful of his toned torso. He then pulled off his pants and underwear as well, and Jamie swallowed involuntarily at the sight of his penis.

Will stood there for a moment longer, his 6" cock swaying in front of him, seemingly swallowing all the light in the room. Jamie looked at it a moment longer than felt natural and then met Will's eyes, who seemed happy to have caught him looking.

"You don't mind if I sleep in the nude? Just what i'm used to", Will asked.

Jamie swallowed again nervously.

"No, not at all, it's your bed really", Jamie answered, feeling a tingle in his nether regions from the image of his cock still playing in his imagination in front of him.

Will pulled himself under the cover and took a while to move around and get comfortable. Their feet touched several times under the cover as they moved around, and Will's foot settled just behind Jamie's. Jamie lay there on his side, facing the wall, hearing the adjusting Will behind him, thinking what was to come in this weekend still.

Just when they both settled into their positions on the bed, a moaning sound could be heard through the wall.

"Mmmhmmm, oh yeah Joe, mmm", they heard clearly, with the rest of the moaning muffled by the walls.

They both listened for a second and then burst into adolescent laughter.

"Who is that do you think?" Jamie asked through his smile.

"I think it's Ashley", replied Will.

"She seems to be enjoying herself", Jamie suggested.

"Yeah that Joe is packing some heat down there, man", Will said with a cheeky tone.

"Really? He's so lanky and wiry, wouldn't expect it".

"You'll see I'm sure, he seems shy but not with his clothes off haha", Will joked.

Jamie closed his eyes, listening to the steady moans, picturing what kind of monster cock Joe must have had under those slacks of his all night. The lanky kid with the big glasses, who would've guessed.

As they lay there, Jamie heard Will moving around more, breathing more heavily.

"Man, those moans are making me kinda horny", he said suddenly.

Jamie realized that it had the same effect on him, and he was sporting a semi boner in his underwear.

"Yeah I hear you", Jamie replied almost absent mindedly.

He felt Will's foot moving around more at the foot of the bed, rubbing against Jamie's feet. Then a hand on his arm, grazing up and down from his shoulders to the elbow. Then Will had turned to his side so that he was facing directly at Jamie's back, and moved right up to almost spoon him.

Jamie turned his head to see Will's face just inches away, and they kissed spontaneously as they lay there. Will pushed his body up against Jamie, so that he could feel his hardened cock rubbing against Jamie's buttocks. He let out an involuntary moan himself, still listening to Ashley's sounds of pleasure from the other side of the wall.

Will started to kiss his shoulders from behind and the back of his neck, as he kept rubbing his cock against Jamie's ass. Will reached around and grabbed at his crotch, sliding his hand into the boxer shorts, finding a rock hard dick once more, fully recovered from Kelly's treatment earlier.

"I wanna fuck you so bad right now", Will whispered into Jamie's ear, and he didn't even know what to respond, feeling his cock on his butt and his hand on his member.

"Yeah, I want it", Jamie replied, turning around again to kiss Will on the mouth. Will broke off and reached to the nightstand, pulling out a tube and squeezing something on his hands. Jamie pulled off his shorts in anticipation. He couldn't see in the dark, but he quickly felt the finger looking for the opening in his ass, and Jamie instinctively pulled one of his legs up to make way. Will took the chance and inserted his finger into his warm ass, feeling around slowly and observing Jamie's reaction. The new member of the group was starting to fit in nicely and Will was going to have first crack at his ass.

Jamie moaned softly as Will kept exploring his hole and kissing his upper back and shoulders. Jamie had not expected this type of attention this weekend, but it felt so good, it felt like the kind of attention he had never received before, and he felt like he had won the lottery with just today. How would the rest of the weekend go if the start was like this?

As he was considering his luck, Will was lubing up his cock, and Jamie looked back over his shoulder to see the boner at the full mast. It was a beautiful cock, he thought, bigger than his, straight as an arrow, with a shiny red head pointing directly at his ass. He grabbed the sheet with his fists as Will entered him, slowly pushing the head into his ass. Jamie let out a loud moan, one everyone in the house must have heard, and Will slowly moved in and out of his ass.

He gave a playful slap to Jamie's butt, and Jamie had to laugh at the continuing, attractive silliness of Will. He kept smiling as Will pushed his hard cock all the way inside of him, and slowly started pulling back and pushing in again, sending shockwaves of warm pleasure into his brain. Jamie moaned and breathed heavier and heavier as Will fucked him, slightly faster and then slower again, while still lovingly kissing his shoulders.

He felt Will's cock expand even more, and he suddenly pulled out and shot his load all over Jamie's butt, rubbing the streams of cum coming out onto his ass and his back. They both moaned loudly, unworried about being heard as he came on his new friend. After a second, they both realized Ashley's moans had gone quiet, they must have finished as well. Jamie grabbed his hard cock for a tug, he needed to finish also, he needed to feel that pleasure.

And right away, that pleasure came to him, as he shot his jizz on his stomach and chest, Will spooning him from behind.

"Wow, we made a mess", Will said after a few moments.

"We sure did", Jamie agreed.

"I'll grab a towel for ya", Will volunteered, and reached down into his bag, pulling out a small hand towel for Jamie to wipe himself off.

Moments later, as Jamie was falling asleep on this small bed in a mountainside cabin, the possibilities of the rest of the weekend entered his mind. He felt Will's hand on his leg, hearing his light snores as Will had gone out like a light straight away. He couldn't wait to see what would happen tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 2

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