Mountain Trio

Published on Oct 20, 1996




Every time he made the long drive up the mountain, Jeff

mused, it seemed to be more beautiful than the last trip. The

evergreens grew thickly along the old logging road and in some

places, overhung the road enough to form a tunnel through the

forest. This mountain had always been Jeff's favorite place. Ever

since he was a kid, when his family had lived nearby, he'd loved

coming to this mountain. Back then, he'd always arrived on

horseback, but he was happy to be driving his jeep today, he was

going up to the summit to do a final inspection of his new home.

The contractor had notified him yesterday that they were ready to

have him do an approval inspection and he was eager to move in.

As he rounded the last curve at the summit, the view , as

always, took his breath away. The mountain top was bare except

for tall grasses, and because of the naturally treeless peak, he

could see for miles. the valley was spectacular. Off in the

distance he could see the rugged mountains on the other side of

the valley, their sheer bluffs still craggy and broken from

volcanic action millions of years ago. A gentle slope formed the

foothills at their base which slowly dropped to where the river

lazily wound it's way through the valley. " It's all so green!"

he thought as he pulled the jeep onto the construction site.

He came out of his reverie as he looked at his finished

house. It was a medium sized "A" frame with natural cedar siding

and deep green painted trim. The house was nestled in a corner of

the clearing with a small lake behind it. Just what he'd always

dreamed of for this place, and it was his. He was brought up

short by the sound of a truck's tailgate slamming shut. Getting

out of the Jeep, he walked around the side of the house in time

to see who was there.

"Afternoon, Jeff." Jeff let out his breath, it was Eddy, he

and his twin brother Steve were the men who had built his house

for Jackson Construction Company. Jeff had met with the two

young men when they began the foundation excavation, and had

worked with them on several occasions since. Jeff felt the same

deep stirrings every time they were near. They were just so

gorgeous! They stood about 6'2", with long graceful legs, a

bubble butt, a slender waist that flared up into a powerful

chest, they had arms that just wouldn't quit, and a handsome face

with liquid brown eyes, broad nose, thick sensuous lips, and

dazzling white teeth that flashed against their chocolate skin as

they smiled.

"Eddy!" Jeff's eyes drank in the sight of the man as he

stood there. Eddy wore no shirt, tight jeans, work boots, and a

carpenter's toolbelt with a set of suspenders to help hold the

belt off his hips. "I thought you guys were finished...what are

you doing here?" Jeff blurted.

"Oh, we are." Eddy replied casually running his thumb up

and down the inside of one of the suspender straps "We just a few

loose ends to tie up," he smiled mischievously, "And a little

clean-up to do as well, then we'll be out of here!"

Damn... Jeff thought, as he watch mesmerized, Eddy's thumb

ran up and down the strap, the back of his thumb brushing a dark

chocolate nipple with each pass. "Well..." he said, tearing his

eyes away from the sight of the black stud's display, "I" might

as well take a look around the outside of the house, I'm supposed

to do a final visual inspection for approval for your office."

"Mind if I tag along?" asked Eddy "If there IS any thing we

missed, I want to take care of it right away."

Hell no I don't mind, Jeff thought wistfully. "Sure!" he

said with a grin, "Where's Steve?"

"He's inside taking care of some last minute details." Eddy

said as they made their way

to the side door that opened onto the kitchen, "He should be

just about finished now." Eddy opened the door and motioned for

Jeff to precede him. Jeff nodded and walked into his newly

completed home for the first time. It was spotless. Eddy and

Steve had done a great job with the clean-up work, the house

gleamed. Jeff turned to look out the large windows at the front

of the house that opened onto the valley.

"Like the view?" Jeff nodded as he glanced up to the bedroom

loft where Steve's voice came from...and did a double take. There

was Steve at the head of the loft staircase, clothed in nothing

but sunlight from the large windows. His magnificent body a work

in ebony by Michelangelo, and a massive, fully erect 13" dick

that throbbed with each heartbeat. Below the leviathan lay two

plum-size balls that begged to be fondled.

"Holy shit!" Jeff breathed, "and there are two of them..."

"Come on in," Steve beckoned, "The water's fine!"

"Yes, I can see just how fine it IS." Jeff replied as he

made his way to the stairs and began the ascent with Eddy

following close behind him.

When he was two steps from the top of the stairs, Jeff

reached for Steve's balls, gently cupping them in his left hand,

while he grasped the base of the massive tool with his right, he

opened his mouth as wide as he could and swallowed the clipped

head of Steve's huge dick. Jeff had fantasized about the two

brothers since he met them, it hardly seemed real that now as he

savored the aroma, taste, and texture of Steve's manhood, that he

could feel Eddy working on his belt and pants. The strong but

gentle fingers worked the fastenings on Jeff's clothing quickly

and efficiently "Just like they do everything else" Jeff thought

as he felt his pants and underwear slide down his legs.

A gentle sigh escaped from Eddy as he beheld the beauty of

Jeff's ass, the tanline held in stark contrast the bronzed skin

that saw the sun, and the alabaster that didn't. Eddy slowly

inserted a finger into that beautiful ass as he watched Jeff

working on his brother's massive dick. Eddy smiled as he felt

Jeff's rosebud clamp down on the invading finger. "He's going to

be a tight one alright." Eddy thought as he reached into his

toolbelt for the lube he had hidden there. Eddy put the tube

between his teeth as he struggled to open his jeans, by now he

was fully erect, and the material was stretched so tightly that

the 501's were a real bitch to open, but after a brief struggle,

he managed to win the battle and the twin to his brother's 13"

cock stood proudly from his pants. Eddy took the lube and rubbed

a large amount onto his cock, making the monster gleam darkly in

the reflected sunlight of the room. He squeezed another large

portion into his left hand and began working his fingers into

Jeff's ass, while stroking his own cock with his right he watched

in fascination as Jeff moaned softly, arched his back, and began

to gyrate his hips slightly. Eddy continued to work on the white

boy's ass for a few more minutes before removing his fingers. He

placed more lube on the head of his dick, and slowly began his


Jeff gasped as he felt the invasion begin. His head was

spinning, he had made it only half way down Steve's huge member,

when he felt it's twin at the back door. He felt as if he were

melting, Less than half-way in, Eddy's monster had found his

prostate, lovingly caressed it, and moved on, continuing the kiss

by virtue of it's sheer size. If he weren't already on his knees,

Jeff felt his legs would have given way. He closed his eyes,

relaxed his throat, and swallowed the rest of Steve, right up to

those magnificent balls just as Eddy bumped into Jeff's ass with

his hips. He heard Steve's sharp gasp as he ground his lips into

the bush at the root of the black man's cock. "Now the real ride

begins" he thought. He nearly screamed as Eddy began the

backstroke, feeling that massive meat sliding out of him was

causing Jeff to quiver with desire, then came the forward stroke,

and as Eddy slammed into him from behind, Jeff could feel not

only Eddy's balls slapping against him, but the handle of Eddy's

hammer as it hung from the toolbelt also slapped against his


Steve was so hot he felt as if his balls were about to

explode. The sight of this hot white stud getting fucked by his

brother while sucking his entire cock down his throat was

something he'd never dared hope for. And man, could this boy suck

a dick! Steve grabbed Jeff's head in his hands and began a slow

rhythmic face fuck. He started slowly. Not wanting to injure

Jeff, he began with shorter strokes and worked his way up to

speed before long-dicking the man's mouth to match his brother's

action on his ass. Steve timed himself to make his forward stroke

as Eddy made his backstroke, with each thrust Steve felt himself

being lovingly engulfed by a well-trained cocksucker. He could

feel Jeff's tongue lavishing attention on his cock as his hands

and fingers caressed and massaged his balls. He felt almost as if

his equipment were at an altar and this man was here to worship.

With each dick stroke, a deep groan of pure lust came from

Jeff. His eyes glazed as he watched the sight of Steve's

thrusting hips, the backstrokes seemed to go on for ever, then

pause for just the slightest of moments and the forward stroke

began with those ebon hips rushing toward his face, burying his

nose in the black man's crotch, the heavy balls wrapping under

his chin and slapping him in the throat, only to begin the cycle

over again. He could feel Eddy's hands on his hips holding him in

a firm grip as he worked on his ass. The heavenly sensations Eddy

was causing him as he slammed his dick up Jeff's ass were

incredible. The brothers seemed to be locked in perfect unison,

even up to the point that Jeff could feel both of them quicken

their pace slightly at the same moment. The twin cocks grew a bit

larger, and slightly hotter. The pre-cum juices began to flow.

Both Eddy and Steve began to move their hips faster, the thrusts

became harder, their breathing harsher. Jeff began to see stars

before his eyes and thought he was going to pass out when his

lips felt the throbbing begin in Steve's groin. The pulsing

brought forth Steve's load at the same time Eddy began a long

harsh guttural howl, as both men bucked and squirmed Jeff could

feel both massive tools emptying themselves into him. With each

thrust, Steve's cock would carry it's load deep into Jeff's

throat, only to return and jet another load onto Jeff's tongue.

Jeff could taste the hot, salty sperm as it fountained into his

mouth in such a torrent that he couldn't swallow it all before

Steve would begin the next thrust. The cum that didn't get rammed

down his throat ran out the corners of his mouth, down his chin

and dripped off in huge white globs. There was so much cum Jeff

couldn't swallow it all. He could feel his ass filling up with

Eddy's load, he could feel the excess streaming down the inside

of his thighs as the brothers pounded on. The two men continued

bucking as they savagely hammered at Jeff from both ends, the

smell of sweat and sperm filled the air as Jeff felt his own

orgasm building. He hadn't even touched his own hard dick, but

the stimulation overload was just too much as he felt his cock

erupt, the two brothers slammed into him at the same time from

both ends, grinding their hips into Jeff, holding him in an

embrace of hips. Hands with steel-like fingers wouldn't allow him

to move as the brothers began short jabbing strokes designed to

get Jeff over the pinnacle. Their climaxes seemed to go on

forever, then slowly subsided into both brothers hugging and

kissing Jeff, while whimpering slightly as they were jolted by

post orgasm stimulation.


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