Mountain Road

By Steam69

Published on Mar 19, 2001


After a very long day,I made it home by 10;30 P.M.Still it was only day 2 of my vacation.My answering machine was bliking on and off.It was Paul he called.I returned his call.He said he couldn't get over the incredible se we had the night before.I said I felt the very same way.It had been the most incredible sex I longed for and finally got.I never mentioned about how he made me feel like jell-o.He was going to be alone on Memorial day andwas planning on going downtown to the bars.He thanked me again and hung up. All through the night,I couldn't get him out of my system.Yet we were doomed because I lied to him about my name.Anyways,next morning I called him."Hey Paul,are you still going downtown today?',I asked."Sure am",he responded.'Would youlike some company?" 'Sure would.I'll pick you up around 11;30".So i hung up,hurried up to get dressed up.He camea knocking,exactly 11;30 and very punctual.He kissed me.I felt sky rockets.The very same onesthat Bobby Brady of "THE BRADY BUNCH" had seen after kissing that girl,Millicent.He groped my crotch as well,and I to his.We laughed.We acted like a bunch of love sick puppies.I was also nervous.I was trusting in someone so soon after Rob and Mike had dumped me. I was about to visit my first gaybar and what a dive it was.Paul introduced me to Richard the bartender.Nicelooking guy,but he was HIV positive.Still,he took an instant liking to me.Paul told him of our sex life, and about how he sobered up since his last boyfriend Walther,as well as this shocker.he was going tomarry his lover Ray this summer.'Who is Ray?You mean me?"I asked."NO! My lover,Ray.He is Ray #1 and you are Ray #2." "I'm glad that was cleared up."Still whether he was into this gay marriage lifestyle or not,I just wnated to have fun.We done just that.Heshowed me all the bars and reminisced about his drunken days.He is a recovering alcoholic,going for his GED ,working at the convenient store,up the road from him.,doing a side job transporting cars back and forth for his landlord and keeping the up keep on the apartments as a amainenance man.Yet he still finds time to screw around and have fun.We played pool,he won of course.WE played dart, and video bowling.This one restaurant 's kitcen was closed,but they had an open buffet.Paul and I made ourselves sandwiches.Soon,it was time to go home.He had to get up early.,go to school and then work. Back at my place,he kissed me good evening.Yet we found ourselves working over to my bed,where we ripped each others clothes off..Sucking and lickinga nd exploring one anothers bodies.I treasured and memorized every touch.Every place his sesnsuous hands had landed.I was in ectasy.THe wayhe touched my nipples.The way he stroked my cocke and sucked on it.The way he massaged me.He acted as though he knew the way I loved sex.Sensual and erotic.Neither one of us came,but it felt great.We ended the night and we kissed by the door.It was duing that log kiss good night that I thought,'Don't let your heart fall or it's going to break".He left. The night had seemed awfully long.Tuesday was even longer.Tuesday night at 10 p.m. Paul called.He sounded miserable.His Ray had just left.They argued over the fact that he wanted Ray to come out of the closet and live with him.Ray wasn't ready.We talked for about an hour,laughed and enjoyed each other. The next day I borrowed money and went up to visit hm with non-alcoholic beer and a pizza.He was working in the garden.The apartment was still for rent."Hey big guy,take a break".I said.'Ray !',He exclaimed with joy.We went inside and he kissed me like there was no tomorrow.We ate the pizza and laughed and talked about everything under the sun.I also handed him Melissa Etheridge's cd,"YOUR LITTLE SECRET".It was to be given to Rob,but Paul hadliked it even more.So much more that he gave me the best fuck of the century again. I made the right choice.He played that cd as we made love.The cum soon went flying everywheres.I told him afterwards that my favorite cut from the cd was,'I WANT TO COME OVER" and it became our love song.Evry time we talked after that,he woud be playing that song.He said h puts it in to cheerhim up because he thinks of me and I bring a smile to his face.He even told his neighbor Jerry about me.He told his family about me and his co-workers about me.I had to make a move if I wanted to keep him.Ship Ray 1 out and ship Ray 2 in.He even asked how i felt about threesomes.I neverbeen in one and would give it a try.He was going to include his Ray.It would happen this Saturday. Saturday came.Paul and I went up to the store to get shrimpI met his neighbor's,Jerry,girlfriend.She was nice and very outgoing.WE got back,Ray wasthere.He wasn't anything like I thought he'd be.He was short,very queenie,no body definition or shape.No body hair,and a small cock.We had the shrimp.Each took a shower.Ray and Paul were already making love when I got out of the shower.This was way too weird for me.Lovers were making love.The third party in love with Paul was feeling jealous.I joied in.I couldn't get erected with Ray because of his pessismistic attitude.All of us sucked,but I came off as the pro when I had both their sucks down my throat.I kept on looking at Paul to attain my erection.Paul said he as going to cum.'I want his load,' Ray had said.I got up to dress and left.I made a note of the number of the apartment for rent.Paul had called me several hours later to apologize for Ray.Ray was jealous of me because of how good looking I was.Paul wants a very intimate night with me with a candle lit nner and a hot shower,dancing and making love.We'll get together tomorrow night after he gets home from work.I agreed. THe following evening came,last niht for us to be alone.I couldn't wait.He even called me from his job to say hello and how he couldn't wit to be with me.He's been excited about this all day long."Me too",I added.He said he bought salad,a nice tuna steak,vegeatbles and wine.Aroma candles and flowers.It was going to be the perfect evening.I ran a few errands before heading over.Finally I wascoming down Mountain Rd all excited,dressed up to the nines.As I headed towardsPaul's apartment I could see that the light were out.Maybe he wanted to romance me.Then I saw Ray's jeep there.I was pissed.I called into his house to see if he was home.No answer.I was almost home when my cell phone had rang.It was Paul.He asked,' Why didn't ou stop in?' 'i wasn't about to play second banana to you" "Come on back up and we can have a threesome' 'No way.I'm home,besides I didn't enjoy having sex with Ray" ""Well he liked you" "So what,.Once was enough for me">Click.I hung up.I cried.At the same time,pissed off and mad as hell.I turned on the radio and there was our song,'I WANT TO COME OVER" I had to pul over.The tears poured down so much I couldn't see.Something has to change.Either let him go or go for him to break up he and Ray and I know just what to do.I pulled out the apartment for rent number.THe End of Part2

Next: Chapter 3

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