Mountain Men

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jun 25, 2003



This is a story that is completely fantasy. It deals with sex between men and in a rural setting. If you are not of the right age or do not like such stories then you should leave. All comments are welcome at

Mountain Men

I had decided to take a week vacation and go hiking in the Rocky Mountains but I wanted to really hike the mountains and not the trails that most people used. I had driven my truck as far back in the mountains that I could and located a small house that the appearance of someone living there. There was talking coming from the house when I stepped upon the porch that had seen its better days. I realized the talking was coming from a radio so I knew they had to have some electricity.

I knocked on the door and heard a dog bark from inside. The door squeaked as it was slowly opened and I noticed someone peeking out. The dog barked again and I heard the person on the other side of he door yell at it to shut up. In a course rural voice the man asked what he could do for me. I told him I was looking for a place to go hiking and I wanted to know if there were any lakes or streams around.

The man opened the door wider as he stepped out onto the porch with me, making sure to push the dog back inside as it tried to follow him out. The man was a little shorter than myself, had a beard that could have used some trimming, no shoes, dirty feet, some overalls that appeared to be several years old, and I could see the discolored skin of his unwashed hairy chest. The side buttons on the overalls were not fastened and the legs appeared to be about six inches too short. I could see the stain around the fly, which was probably from urine, and maybe even cum.

He looked at me and said that about half a days walk from his house was a nice size little pond that he fished in once in a while. He said that most people never hiked this part of the mountains because it was rough going. I told him that I was looking for some of the rougher hiking but I needed someone to watch my truck while I was gone. The man wanted to know just how long I was planning on being on this hike. I told him I wanted to get started today and be back no later than one week.

I told him I was willing to pay someone ten dollars to just keep an eye on it. He told me I could leave the truck where it was and I wouldn't have to worry about it. I thanked him and told him if I wasn't back in a week that he could contact someone to come looking for me. He watched as I got my backpack out and got it strapped on. He said I might have some trouble moving around in some of the thickets with the backpack on.

I thanked him again as he pointed in the direction of the pond. He said there was some pretty country up on the mountain, but there also was some dangerous country. He said that I shouldn't be too friendly with anyone I ran into up there. He said I really didn't have to worry about them but some of the people were really strange and hadn't seen other people for years.

I started off on my hike and the first mile or so was easy mainly because it was a fairly used path. I wasn't sure but I believe more animals than humans used it. There were some pretty steep areas that I had to remove my backpack just to get through. I managed to make it to the top of the first hill and could actually see the pond the man had told me about. As I started down the other side it was apparent that the pond was not going to be easy to reach as I thought it was.

The first half of the hill was easy but I soon ran into some thickets that was grown up with small trees and running through the lower part of the trees was a vine that managed to trip me up several times. The falling wasn't too bad, but the vine also had thorns that did a good job of cutting what skin it could locate. I found a large rock to sit on after one of these timely trips. I took out some of my nutritional bars and some water and took time to eat. I figured I had about three more hours of daylight and I needed to find a place to sit up camp. I took another drink of water and figured I had to get started.

After about thirty more minutes of walking I came across a stream that I was sure fed into the pond. I noticed the gravel on the bottom of the stream was easier walking on than fighting the brush and vines. The water was clear and cold to the touch as I made sure I filled up my extra water bottles. I managed to cover a lot of ground by following the stream and was able to stand on the edge of the pond and watch the small fish popping at the bugs that made the mistake of landing on the water.

The place was so peaceful that all I wanted to do was stand there and soak it up. I just loved being outdoors with no office work to worry about. I stood there for a few minutes listening to the birds and different sounds of the mountains. The sight of a deer drinking on the other side of the pond made me stand still not wanting to disturb him. Something made a sound back in some of the woods and the deer jumped and ran off.

I knew I had to find a place for the night and seeing the deer being scared off made me think I had better find a safe place to rest. I moved on around the pond and came upon an area that was nothing but rocks and boulders. This also was where several of the small streams ran into the ponds. I found the perfect place to spend the night. There was a rock cliff that jutted back away from the pond. The ground was higher than the pond and plenty dry for my tent. I made a nice stone place for a fire and got a pot of water started for me to drop my package of instant meals into.

The food tasted good considering how tired and hungry I was. After finishing off the meal I unrolled my sleeping bag and about the time the sun went down I was asleep. I had to get up once during the night and made sure there was enough wood on the fire to keep any unwanted animals away. The next morning I woke to the chill in the air and got up to relieve my bladder.

I decided to bypass breakfast and grabbed a couple of the bars and loaded up my backpack. I hiked around the pond and found a trail that headed back up the other side of the mountain. I managed to move a lot faster since there was less and less undergrowth the further I went. The trees were getting thicker but they were older so there was little growing on the ground beneath them.

I was walking around and noticing all the treetops when all at once I tripped and started rolling head of heals down the side of the hill. I bounced a couple of times off of some small trees before I ended up in the deep end of a stream. I was soaked from head to foot and was beginning to shiver from the cold water. I grabbed my backpack and climbed out of the stream. I figured as long as I kept moving I would be all right from the cold.

I had managed to walk for about thirty minutes when I realized I had to get out of the cold wet clothes. I built a fire and started stripping. I got my sleeping bag out and was able to wring out most of the water and hang in on some limbs close enough to the fire that it was getting hot and drying. Most of my food and things were all right since they were all wrapped and sealed in plastic bags.

I was completely naked and actually was warmer than when I was in the wet clothes. Once I had dried off I decided to fix a hot meal thinking it would warm me up faster. I was just finishing off a boiled beef stew package when I heard the noise behind me. When I turned around I was startled by the size of the man looking at me.

This man was over six feet four inches tall, and could have easily weighed 300 pounds. He had a beard that had taken many years to grow, but it had been kept fairly neat. It was long and hung down to his chest but the mustache and the beard around the mouth was well kept so that it wasn't in the way as he ate. Even with the beard I could tell he had a round plump face. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail and hung down his back.

He was wearing a pair of well-worn overalls that seemed to hold up his large belly. The side buttons were unfastened and his shirt was unbuttoned in the front and the sleeves were rolled up past the elbows. He wore some old combat boots that were untied and open almost all the way down the front. He had an old shot gun that looked as if it might fall apart it it was fired.

The man looked down at me as if he was as much surprised to find me there as I was of seeing him. I stood still waiting for him to say something as he reached down into his open fly and pulled his uncircumcised cock head out and directed his stream of pee to the side of him. He continued to watch me as I watched him relieve himself. For some reason my cock had started growing as I watched him. He finished peeing and shook his cock before pushing it back into his overalls.

The sound of his voice made me jump as he asked what was I doing out here in the woods naked. I started telling him how I had fallen into the stream and everything else that had happened. He ordered me to grab my stuff and I could stay in his cabin for the night. He just stood there while I gathered my things and stuffed them in my backpack. I moved around gathering things as he watched my naked body. He grunted a few times and I noticed his hand went inside his fly several times.

I started to put my clothes back on but he told me they were still wet so I should leave them off. I did as he said as he grabbed my sleeping bag and squeezed it as he said how soft it was. He pointed up a faint trail and told me to follow it. We only walked a couple hundred yards before I noticed the log cabin setting back in some trees. It was so well hidden that a person would have to be within ten yards of it to even see it.

He told me to go ahead and go inside and I could hang any wet things up inside to dry. He tossed my sleeping bag to me and said it still needed drying too. I walked into the little cabin that contained a bed just big enough for him, a crude table with two chairs, an old wood burning stove that probably doubled as a heater. There was a fireplace but it had not seen any use for years and was now a storage space for his firewood. There was a shelf that contained some old jars but the only food I could see was some dried meat hanging in the corner.

I did notice a couple of flour sacks and some paper sacks so I was sure he did have some supplies that were bought. When he walked in I turned around and gasped, as he was standing naked in the doorway. He told me he only wore his overalls when he was hunting or going down the mountain. He said he had a friend a few miles over the next mountain that got him most of his supplies. He moved around and started lighting three oil-burning lamps that really did light up the place.

When he sat down in the chair he spread his legs and I noticed that his huge soft cock that was about seven inches long rested on top of two of the largest hairiest balls I had ever seen. This man looked more like a hairy gorilla than a man and for some reason he was causing some feelings inside my groan. He seemed to know that he was having some affect on me because he spread his legs and lifted a foot up and placed it on an old rusty bucket. This allowed his cock and balls to swing even freer than before.

I tried looking away but my cock started to swell and it was giving my feelings away. He grunted and asked if I was one of those pussy boys that liked cock more than pussy. This took me by surprise and I stammered out that I wasn't or at least didn't think so since I had never been with a man. He kind of huffed at this and said that my cock didn't seem to agree with me. He looked at me and said that I might never had been with a man but that didn't mean I hadn't thought about it.

Trying to change the subject I asked him how old he was and how long he had lived on the mountain. He said that he was born and raised on the mountain and had a little book learning as he put it, but when he was 18 he joined up with the army. He said he spent a little time and went over to some country called Korea and fought. He said when he came back he was released and he got money every month. He said that he believed he was 58 but he might have missed a year or two.

I asked if he had been married or if he had any family. He said his parents had died right after he joined the army and the only girl he had known moved away and married some man she met in town. He said that girls didn't really do much for him and he had found out when he was in the army. He said he never did anything while he was in the army but when the others had gone out and fucked some of the whores he really had no desire to do it.

I asked him if he had been with any men. He started telling me about one old man he had lived with for about ten years when he first came back to the mountain. He said the man was called Uncle Bob and he had showed him how to do it with a man. He told me that Uncle Bob had died about five years ago.

All the talking had not relieved my apparent pressure as my cock was hard and was dripping pre cum. He stood up and walked over to where I was sitting and stood in front of me. His stomach was large and round but very firm looking as it managed to stand above his cock and balls. I tried to look away from his cock but it was if it had a power of its own. I couldn't keep from looking back at it and each time I did he swished his ass back and forth that caused his cock to swing left and right.

I looked up at him and he just grinned back at me. I couldn't take it any more as I reached out and took his cock in my hand. I pushed the skin back over the head of the cock and couldn't believe how soft the skin felt in my hand. I could feel the shaft swelling as I continued to slowly push and pull the foreskin over the head of is cock. He placed his hand on my shoulder as he told me I was taking to jerking another man's cock as if I had been doing it for years.

His cock had grown to well over nine inches and was so thick that I couldn't even touch my fingers as I wrapped my hand around it. The slit had begun to leak pre cum and I was fascinated to the point that I wanted to taste it. I started milking the shaft as more and more of the pre cum spread over the head of his cock. I heard him tell me it was all right to taste it and that I might find that I liked it.

I watched the cock head as it got larger and larger as I slowly leaned my head toward it. I felt like I was watching someone else as the cock got closer. When I tasted the sweet salty pre cum I realized I actually had my tongue on the head of another man's cock. The contact with my tongue sent chills through my body that seemed to collect in my balls as they caused my own cock to drip pre cum on the floor.

He reached down and rubbed my head as he told me to go ahead and take the head in my mouth. He said I was doing fine and would know what to do next. As the head entered my mouth I took my tongue and rolled it around most of the head before it was pushed against the back of my mouth. I started to gag and he pulled his cock almost out of my mouth and told me I wasn't ready for that yet.

I continued to lick and suck on the head of his cock as he rubbed his fingers through my hair. After a while he asked if I was ready to try swallowing more of his cock now. I looked up at him and he grinned down at me and told me to do just as he said. He placed the head of his cock against the back of my mouth and held it there for a second. He had me take a deep breath and then swallow. I did as he said and when my throat started contracting as it swallowed he pushed his cock down it.

At first I started to pull back thinking I should be gagging but he held my head still as he told me to relax and breath through my nose. I could not believe that I had most of his cock in my mouth and throat and was not choking or gagging. He pulled his cock out and told me that if that was my first time then I was one good cocksucker. Before he could finish talking I had swallowed his cock back down my throat. I heard him gasp as he thrust his hips forward and drove even more of his cock in me.

He stood there for a good five minutes letting me suck on his cock and swallowing it down my throat. He had begun to pump his hips into my face and I knew it wouldn't be long before he shot his load in my mouth. He had begun to moan and groan and I noticed his body was sweating as it made his hair stick to his body. I reached up and rubbed his firm stomach as he picked up pace with his hips. I was all ready to take his cum when he pulled out and said I was ready for the next lesson.

He pulled me up from my chair and placed me on the table. He pushed against my chest until I was lying flat on my back. The next thing I felt was his mouth as he sucked my cock into his mouth. He was able to take all of my seven inches with no problem at all. He was bobbing and sucking so fast that I grabbed his head and tried to fuck my cock into his face. His soft beard and mustache felt so soft and nice against my cock and balls.

Just when I thought I was going to cum he pulled his mouth off of my cock and sucked first one ball and then the other into his mouth. He started pushing my legs up and told me to hold them there. He moved down to my asshole and licked at it first which sent chills through my balls again. I felt his strong hands on either side of my asshole as he spread me open before forcing his tongue into me. His tongue felt great and I tried to force my asshole to open up for it as he managed to get deeper and deeper.

He pulled his mouth away from my asshole as he placed a hand on my chest and told me to hold my legs pressed against my chest. He was fumbling around with something and I quickly found out what it was as one of his thick fingers slid up my asshole with the help of some grease. I yelled out before I even realized it but that didn't seem to bother him as he continued to force his finger in and out of me. My asshole began to get real hot after the initial pain subsided. Just when I was beginning to enjoy it he forced a second finger into me.

The pain was back again but disappeared quicker than the first time. I could feel the coldness of the grease as he applied more to his fingers. He started pushing his fingers in and then rolling them around inside. A couple of times he made contact with my prostate which caused my cock to jump. He noticed and said he knew how that felt. He told me I was ready as he pulled his fingers out of me.

He stood up and placed his weight against my stomach, which kept my legs pressed against my body. He leaned over and told me to find something to hold on to because I was going to have some pain for a little while. I reached up and grabbed his arms that were on either side of my chest. I felt his cock pressing at my asshole and thought there wouldn't be much pain but boy was I wrong.

He pumped his massive hips into me as his cock head and an inch or two entered. I screamed out from the pain as he told me to go ahead and scream that it would help the pain go away. I screamed out a few more times before I was able to grit my teeth and take his thrust. Several times he stopped and applied some more grease and each time I was thankful. He drove into me once and then stopped as he looked down at me. He said it was all inside me now and he would see if he could locate that spot he had found earlier with his finger.

I could feel the sweaty hair of his upper thighs as he rolled them around against my ass cheeks. When he hit my prostate I jumped and moaned at the same time. He said he had found it as he adjusted his feet and started pumping into me. He was right when he said he had found the spot. My cock had harden up against his stomach and within a few strokes it was spraying my cum between us. He giggled as he continued to fuck me fast and hard. I had just enough time to take a breath or two before I felt the next orgasm erupting through my groan.

After cumming several more times I felt drained of all energy and he adjusted his feet so he was not rubbing against my prostate. He grinned down and said I needed a little rest. He started fucking me even harder as he drove himself to his own orgasm. Just before he started to cum he told me to hold on as his cock sprayed his cum deep inside me. I could feel the warmth of his cum as it felt like it was spreading all over my insides. He drove into me about five more times, each time hesitating before doing it again.

He pulled his cock out of my ass and moved around to my head. He rolled my head over to the side and pushed his cock into my mouth. As I started sucking he shot one more load of cum into me. He said now I knew what his cum tasted like. He helped me up and laid me on the bed and told me to get some rest because it had been too long for him and he was sure he would want some more in just a little while.

I dozed off but he was true to his word as he woke me up by forcing his hard cock into my ass. This time he had me lying on my stomach as he laid on top of me and with long slow strokes was filling my ass full of his cock. He wrapped his arms around my chest and told me to relax and spread my legs. When I spread my legs it felt like another yard of cock entered me, but it was so warm and soothing. This time he fucked me for what seemed like an hour.

He managed to make me cum a couple of times before he seemed to have a less aggressive orgasm. When his cock stopped shooting he relaxed on top of me and within seconds he had drifted off to sleep. It didn't take me but a few more minutes before I was asleep again.

I woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. As I rolled over to get up I felt the soreness around my asshole but it was more of making me aware of my asshole than any real pain. The man asked how I was feeling as he attended something in the skillet. I started to say something when he told me the outhouse was around back. I started to put my pants on then figured what was the use. The outhouse was nothing to be hanging around so I did my business and got back to the cabin.

The breakfast tasted great as I cleaned my plate and had a second cup of his strong coffee. I leaned back in my chair and started staring at his cock as he finished his coffee. He knew I was looking at him as he leaned back and spread his legs. He sat there sipping on his coffee, as I must have appeared like a drooling dog wanting to get to its feed dish. He set his cup down and told me to go ahead.

I all but jumped across the few feet between us and peeled the foreskin off of his cock as I sucked the head into my mouth. The salty taste was just what I was looking for and the extra taste of cum was a plus. He started moaning as I took his cock al the way down my throat. He dropped the front legs of his chair back on the floor as he grabbed my head and started pumping into my face. It was only seconds before I felt and then tasted his hot cum in my mouth. He rubbed my head as he continued to fill my mouth. He asked how I liked cum for breakfast. I could only moan as I continued to swallow.

He pulled his soft cock out of my mouth and told me that he had a place that he knew I would enjoy. He told me that all I needed was my shoes as he pulled his overalls and boots on. We headed over a hill just past his cabin. We had only gone maybe half a mile but it had taken almost thirty minutes. I had worked up a sweat and noticed that the man's overall were showing signs of him sweating especially where the crack of his ass was.

We came upon a small pond that was fed by a stream that trickled down through some rocks. He stepped beside the rocks and managed to cup his hand in the water and took several gulps. I did the same and found that the water was ice cold. Once we crossed the stream I noticed another crudely constructed cabin and the man went inside with me following him.

"Damn, Dave, what you got following you?" Another mountain type man but a lot smaller in stature than Dave asked as my eyes started adjusting to the light.

"This is a hot, cum eating, pussy boy I found naked in the woods yesterday." Dave said as he released the straps of his overalls and let them fall to the floor.

"You would never believe this cunt boy had never sucked a cock or been fucked before yesterday." Dave said as he moved behind me and started rubbing his hairy body on my back and naked ass.

I got a good look at the other man and at first hadn't noticed but he was naked himself and from the angle of his cock I knew it was beginning to grow. I could feel Dave's cock growing as it was pressing in the crack of my ass. Dave told Chris to come on over and help him get me worked up. Chris moved in and began rubbing his hands up and down my stomach and chest before resting his hand on my semi hard cock. He slowly worked his hand up and down the shaft of my cock until it was so hard it was hurting.

I rubbed my hands across Chris's chest before letting them move down to his cock. He was not as big as Dave in the cock department but he had enough there to do plenty of damage. I moved down to his cock and felt Dave's as it left a trail of pre cum on my back. I sucked all of Chris's cock into my mouth and swallowed it down my throat. Chris cussed as he felt his cock enter my hot moist throat.

Dave reached down and grabbed my hips as he pulled my ass back toward him. He had spread some grease on his cock and wasted no time as he rammed his cock all the way inside me. I tried to yell but Chris's cock was too busy moving in and out of my throat to let anything come out. Once they had their cocks sufficiently buried in my ass and throat they started pumping together. My body was being forced between them and them pulled apart. At first I figured I would choke to death but the more he pumped the easier his cock slid in and out of my throat.

By the time I realized I was still able to breath the pain in my ass had disappeared and all I could feel was a warmth that was continuing to increase as my cock started getting hard. They continued to fuck me fast and hard and once Dave told Chris to stop as they both stood still. When they stopped my body didn't want them to as I started driving my mouth and ass on their cocks. Chris said it looked like Dave has found a real live pussy boy that they probably couldn't satisfy.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and told Dave he would like to try my ass before they stretched it all out of shape. Dave pulled his cock out of my ass as Chris replaced it with his. He grabbed my hips and told me to hold on as he bent his knees and started pumping into my ass so fast that I couldn't tell if it was going in or coming out. I moaned several times and almost shot my load before he stopped and pulled his cock out. I complained and begged for them to fuck me as they both backed away and grinned at me.

Dave told Chris that they could put me up in the sling and after they fucked my boy pussy they could let me down and he bet I would love to nurse on their soft cocks for a while. Chris moved over to me and grabbed my cock as he guided me over to the side of the cabin and pulled out a leather contraption. As he was tying my legs into it he explained that Dave had brought him a picture of a sling like the one he was tying me into. He said they had managed to build one that works just great. Chris told Dave to come help him as they picked me up and attached the top of the harness to a hook hanging from a cross-timber.

When they let me go I was lying on my back with both legs spread apart and pulled up toward my head. This left my asshole stretched open and my head pulled up so I could see all the action at my ass. Chris moved behind me and while he was looking right at me and grinning he rammed his cock inside me. I gasped for air as he waited for a second. He started pumping real fast as he had done earlier. This time I could tell he was not going to stop until he filled me with cum.

He grabbed my legs and started moaning as I watched his face as it tensed up just before his cock started empting into my ass. It felt as if he was never going to stop shooting as the warmth of his cum spread throughout my asshole. He finally pulled out and my asshole felt empty as his cum dripped out. Dave moved up and with one push slid his cock all the way inside me. My cock jumped as his cock rubbed across my prostate. He said it looks like the pussy liked his cock more since my cock was standing up to watch. Dave only pumped a couple times before my cock started shooting straight up in the air. My cum splattered on my chest and stomach as Dave started really fucking my ass hard and fast.

He last long enough for my cock to shoot another stream of cum onto me. When he came he grabbed my ass and pounded himself into me as hard as he could. I heard the cum squishing between our bodies and noticed it smeared on his stomach and pubic hair when he pulled back. Dave stepped back as his cock flopped out of my now sloppy asshole. Chris stepped up and pushed a couple fingers inside me. He moved them around until he found my prostate. He started massaging it as he told Dave he had found the pussy boy's clit. My cock instantly got hard and it was almost painful as it tried to shoot cum into the air. There wasn't but a few drops of cum that rolled out of my cock head before Chris removed his fingers and gave me some relief.

Dave yelled at us to come get something to eat so Chris helped me out of the sling. I could feel the cum running down the inside of my legs as my ass squished as I walked. I didn't think I was very hungry but once I started eating I realized how hungry I was. I had a couple cups of some very strong coffee that Chris told me to be careful with since I wasn't use to it. Once I finished cleaning my plate I sat there watching Dave. He noticed and slid his chair back a little and spread his legs.

I moved between his legs and sucked his cock into my mouth. I grabbed the shaft and started peeling the foreskin off of his cock head. I got a strong taste of cum when the head was uncovered and knew that Dave had not cleaned up after our sex earlier. He moved one hand down on my head and started running his hand through my hair as he helped guide my mouth on his cock. He sat there talking with Chris as he sipped on his coffee as if it was an every day thing.

After several minutes of my sucking and swallowing Dave's cock, I heard Chris tell him to hurry up and blow his load so he could get some of the same treatment. Dave was getting close because every few bobs of my head had forced him to drive his hips at my mouth as he pushed down on my head. He sat his coffee cup down and grabbed my head with both hands. He held me still as he started pumping his cock deeper in my mouth. I heard him grunt just before he forced my head down on his cock. His cock slid deep in my throat just as it started gushing cum. He held my face pressed into his pubic hair as he emptied his balls of all the cum he had at the time.

When he released my head I pulled back and gasped for air as I heard Chris's chair as he moved away from the table. He told me to come on over and service him now. I obeyed but Chris held his uncut cock up with his hand and told me to slip my tongue inside and clean the head off before I swallowed it. I did as he said and again got a strong taste of cum as my tongue slipped inside his foreskin and rolled around his cock head. He started slipping his foreskin back and then pushing it forward as it seemed to take more and more of my tongue inside it.

He finally had all he could take of that as he released his cock and sat back in his chair. I sucked his cock and foreskin just as I had done Dave. I got more into it because of all the moaning Chris was making. He grabbed my head and was a lot more forceful as he rammed his cock down my throat and grunted out loud as he filled my throat with his cum. He slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth and forced the foreskin back as he told me to clean it up for him. I did as he wanted and was paid with another stream of cum.

The two sat there looking at me when Chris asked how long they were going to be able to keep me around. Dave said I was due back in a couple days but if it was all right with me that they could see how well they could keep me satisfied until I had to leave. I said as long as their cocks would keep cumming I was willing to stay.

The next couple of days seemed just a blur of cocks, balls, assholes, and a lot of cum. They were true to their word in that they took every opportunity to fill my mouth and ass with their cocks and cum. One evening they took me over to a man they just called Grandpa who did nothing but sit in a rocker and talk. Dave had me move over and suck the old man's cock for him while they talked about all the things on the mountain. I had to move around so that I was actually upon my knees to accommodate the old man's cock.

His cock was a good 9 inches long and had a lot of foreskin on it. I was able to swallow his cock and then pull the foreskin back up my throat as I peeled it inside my throat. I couldn't tell other than his cock being hard if he was really enjoying my blowjob. All at once he got quiet, leaned his head back against the chair and let out a low moan as I felt the cum roll out of his cock. There was no blast like the others but once it started I know I swallowed more than Dave and Chris had produced at one time. I pulled his cock out far enough that only the head was in my mouth and it was like drinking through a big straw. The more I sucked the more cum oozed out. After what seemed like minutes the old man rubbed my head and said he had all he could take.

Dave reached over and placed the man's cock back in his pants and zipped him up as the man closed his eyes and started to doze off. Dave told us that we could go now that old Grandpa would sleep until Grandma came and got him to go to bed. I was a little shocked since I didn't know there was anyone else inside the house, but then I should have know since we had all put on clothes before visiting Grandpa.

That night and most of the remaining time I spent in the sling in Chris's cabin. They kept a bucket of water and a towel for me to clean up after all the times they fucked my ass. When I headed down the mountain to Dave's my ass felt like it was open to the world and my cheeks were a little tender.

Dave helped me gather my things and walked part of the way down the mountain with me. He made sure I had my campsite for the night and pointed to the pond where I had stayed the first night. He said I should have no problem finding the cabin where I had left my vehicle.

Dave had been right in that I made really good time going back but then I was going downhill. My truck was right where I had left it and the man that watched it for me came out to meet me and ask if everything had gone all right. I told him of the men I had met on the mountain and looked around to see if anyone could see us where we were standing. I dropped my pants and spread my legs and asked him if he could give me one last memory of my hike. He coughed but I heard his zipper as he undid his fly. He wasted no time and even though he was not as big as Dave or Chris he knew what to do with his cock.

He was really working my ass over when a couple of his kids stepped out on the porch. He yelled at them to stay where they were just as his cock filled my ass full of cum. He took a few deep breaths as he let his cock drop out of my ass. I turned around and watched as his old hound dog licked all the cum off of his cock before he pushed it back in his overalls. He thanked me for the piece of ass and told me to come back anytime I felt like it. I managed to slide into my truck with my cum leaking asshole leaving a trail across the seat. I waved goodbye to the man as he stood there with a wide grin on his face.

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