Mountain Fantasy

By banker1

Published on Jun 25, 1996



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I'd known Mark for over half a year, it took that long for me to get the courage to attempt to start a romantic relationship. We had met at a restaurant get-together after a Youth Rap session held at the Gay Community Center. I sat down next to a friend, and listened in on his conversation with Mark. They talked about some very personal things that night, making me feel somewhat uncomfortable that I did not have similar experiences to share, but conversely it made me feel closer to each of them because of these self-disclosures.

I had noticed Mark at the meeting earlier, because he had the physical characteristics that, for whatever reason, causes me to want to absorb every detail of his actions, know everything about him, an insatiable curiosity brought on--apparently--by a subconscious sexual attraction to the person. I've had this attraction to certain people before, but am usually too introverted--or just plain afraid of the consequences--to try to get to know the person. Then again, I sometimes come into contact with such people without any conscious effort, and find that they are as interesting in personality as in physique. Anyway, I'd been talking with him off-and-on at the meetings, and later, on the phone, and finally, some late into the evening discussions on a one-to-one basis about personal beliefs on relationships, sex, and other such interesting things, at my house. During most of our relationship I did not think of him in physical, sexual terms, else I would not have felt comfortable talking with him. But, after some long talks, and feeling as if I somewhat knew his attitudes about things, I found myself beginning to think of him in sexual terms, romantically influenced, but definitely sexual. Hence my desire to get into a situation where I might be able to realize my fantasies, if given the opportunity.

I decided that the best choice of locations would be a place that would heighten any romantic feelings that might develop, allow for complete privacy, while also allowing for the possibility of being turned down. So, I thought of my family's cabin in the mountains... The first problem would be in the asking, because I had to ask in such a way as to get a positive response whether he was romantically interested or not (i.e. to not get locked into just a romantic or definitely non-romantic mode of thought).

I brought up the topic on the way home from a Rap session, after casually mentioning that I had not been up to the mountains in a while...

"Hmm, I think I might go up to the Cabin this weekend, except I do not want to go up alone...", I said.

Mark replied with, "I know what you mean, going so far alone. Besides, its a waste of gas only one person in a car...". "What're you doing this weekend? Think you might want to go with me?"

"Um", Mark says, "I don't have anything planned, but...".

I replied with, "Well, you know that I'm a gentleman, this is not just a way to get into your pants... Then again...", I said, giving him a sly smile.

After a long silent pause, Mark appeared to come to a conclusion. "Okay, you should try everything once, as I always sounds like fun!", he says.

"Good, I'll give you a call later in the week to give you the details". Whew, the hard part was over, or was it?

I gave Mark a call later that week, as promised, and made final arrangements regarding the upcoming trip to the Mountains. Everything was set, and Mark actually seemed enthusiastic about going on the trip. I didn't press him as to WHY he was interested in going, or how 'far' we might go. It was enough just to have his company for the trip and the possibility of romance. I had next to decide which approach to take to introduce the romance into the situation. Should I just wait for the right time, or should I try to make the situation develop more rapidly through my own actions?

Saturday morning, I picked Mark up at his house and we left for the Mountains. We had light conversation on the way up, similar to the kind we have after the meetings, though we tended to avoid refering to anything about what might happen later in the day or that night. We got to the Cabin a little after noon and unpacked. After getting settled down a bit, we took off for Big Bear to find a place to eat lunch (Mark is always hungry...). Later in the day, after a nice lunch, some window shopping, and a lot of sight-seeing, we arrived back at the Cabin just as the sun began to set. We were getting a bit ansy for having just stopped cold for the first time in a day of busy activity, so I suggested that we take a walk before dinner. We walked along Rim of the World Drive--what a street name! I pointed out a few of the landmarks, and we talked about the houses and such things. I had timed it just right, for as we arrived at the end of the street, which looks down toward LA and the West, the sun was going down. We just stood there and took in the sight of the red sun going behind the horizon and the dark sky taking over. After a couple of minutes of this, we turned back toward the Cabin.

It was getting chilly, now that the sun had set. I hardly noticed because I was wearing a jacket, but Mark had forgotten to bring one with him on the walk, and he was feeling the icy mountain breeze directly. I took the initiative and put my arm around him and pulled him closer. He didn't say much about it, other than that he was beginning to feel warmer. And so that is how we walked back to the Cabin...

We left for dinner soon after arriving back at the Cabin. We had an excellent--and rather romantic--dinner at an Italian restaurant. Again, the conversation was light, though towards the end of the meal, Mark began to tell me some more about his former lovers, this time giving me some rather personal information about what he did and did not like about certain sexual activities. I did everything but pull out a notebook and take notes! I had the impression that he was suggesting, or implying, that he was interested in doing something, but was wary of having an uncomfortable situation come up regarding sexual activities (as in, what goes where...). We had a glass of wine at the conclusion of the dinner, at Mark's suggestion. It went down easily, surprisingly, considering my general disinterest in liquor. Dinner finished, we headed back to the Cabin, and, and... Well, we'll see.

Back at the Cabin again, we settled in and started to study. Even here, in my fantasy, reality intrudes! Anyway, after about an hour or so of reading, I had had more than enough, so I suggested that we walk to the the town to get some more junk food (Mark had already eaten most of the stuff we'd brought along-- talk about black holes!).

So we set off on another walk, this time both of us wore jackets, so it began with us walking separate. The town of Running Springs is about a mile from my family's cabin, a decent walking distance. We made it to town rather quickly, with Mark setting the pace, and spent some time looking around in the few stores that were still open that late in the evening (small towns close early on Saturday). We picked up some things at the gr/cery store and headed back. I directed Mark toward the highway, so we began another, longer way back, on a more scenic route that would parallel the old highway, Crestline Drive. I decided to be bold (for me anyway) and wrapped my arm around his. He didn't pull away or say anything, but just kept walking... I felt some relief, as it seemed as if he expected it or at least was not uncomfortable with it. We talked about the places that we were passing by, with Mark relating some of them to places he'd seen on his travels around the country. Luckily, nobody was walking around that night so I didn't have the opportunity to see whether Mark would be willing to be seen walking hand-in-hand in public with another guy, or if he'd be upset with me for pulling away (should I be unwilling to be seen that way). We had a leisurely stroll up the mountain behind my cabin, and finally arrived at the crest.

The particular place that we stopped at was right below the crest of the mountain, with a clear view to the West, better than that of the afternoon's sunset, more panoramic, showing a wide view of the LA Basin, filled with the twinkling lights of urbanization. We were not actually seeing very far into LA, but the blur towards the horizon made it seem as if we were viewing the whole region. Luck was on our side again, because the sky was clear, so we had a nice view of the lights. Apparently, there must have been some strong winds earlier in the day or something. Whatever the case, we were alone, at the side of a dimly-lit, lonely two lane highway, standing beside a huge pine tree, arm-in-arm, looking at the pretty twinkling lights of LA and the equally pretty twinkling lights of the stars directly above in the sky. A little violin music and the setting would have been perfect!

Although the situation was developing perfectly, I was at a loss as to what to do next. I had ideas, of course, but was too unsure of myself to actually attempt to put any of them into action. The problem was that I'd had no previous experience in romantic love and the setting that I was in seemed too good to be true, I was fulfilling a fantasy, but, as the fantasy became reality, I lost the initiative to actually perform the actions that my fantasy script suggested. So, I just sighed and looked at the starry sky and wondered what to do next. I didn't have long to wait...

"Beautiful...", I said quietly. "Yes, they are", Mark replied. "Actually, I was referring to you...", I suggested, only half-joking. Mark looked down at me, his eyes seeming to sparkle from the reflected starlight, and smiled. "Mark, I'd like to... That is, um...", I mumble, rapidly losing what little self-resolve I had built up in the past few minutes. Mark seemed to know what I was getting at, and better, was thinking along the same lines... He bent his head and kissed me lightly on the lips. I was a bit surprised, that he'd taken the initiative, that I'd actually been kissed--for the first time--and that it went by so fast I hardly felt anything. I smiled at him shyly, and wrap my arms around him and looked up into his face. We kissed again, this time a mutual act, and it lasted longer. This is what I was expecting, I said to myself... My legs felt quavery before I finished THAT kiss. I could not describe the emotion that I felt at that moment, though I knew that it was new to me and had an intensity that I didn't know I could possess from such a seemingly simple action.

"Well, uh, yeah that's what I wanted to do...", I said to him, somewhat at a loss for words. We were still standing together, arms around each other, our bodies pressed together, and the small bag of groceries all but forgotten as it lay against the trunk of the huge pine tree which we stood beside.

"Now I know...all it takes is a cold night, a little starlight and a long walk to get you going!", I kidded Mark.

"It's the cool, clean mountain air that does it...", Mark replied, taking in a deep breath, and incidentally pressing his body closer to mine.

"Now what?", I asked somewhat simplistically, right as the headlights of a passing car began to shine over the crest of the mountain. We disentangled and Mark picked up the bag.

"Back to the Cabin, of course", he says.

Hmm, does that mean what I think it means? I have a wide grin on my face for most of the trip back, it fading only as we entered the Cabin and turned on the lights. Now what? Gulp!

It was still early... We talked some more about trivial things, and made popcorn to eat while we watched television. There wasn't anything good on TV, but we kept it on for an hour or so, just to give us something to do besides talk or study. Finally, it came that time of night, time to go to bed...

I took Mark upstairs and showed him the Queen-size bed that my parents usually sleep in. "Since you're the guest, you have a choice of either this bed or the smaller one downstairs", I said.

"Which one do you want? Either one is fine with me... I guess up here, then, there'll be more room... for the two of us...", Mark replied. Then he laughed. "You should see your face."

"Huh?", I responded, surprised, "what's wrong?".

"Nothing, its just your smile, you seem so happy!", He said.

"Oh". Yeah, I guess I probably did have the sort of smile a small boy has when he approaches the Christmas tree to unwrap his presents, sheer excitement and joy at the upcoming event!

We began preparing to retire. I fixed up the bed with clean sheets and plenty of blankets...and a couple of towels from the bathroom. Mark called up to me to tell me he was going to take a shower before going to bed. After the long drive, and all that walking, I felt a need for a hot shower also. Hmm, I had an idea... A short time after the water in the shower was turned on, I checked the bathroom door. It was unlocked! I am not one to pry into other people's affairs, and especially not this way, but, if I announced myself, well, that was something else, wasn't it? So I took off all my clothes except my underwear and went into the bathroom. Mark was in the shower stall... Too bad we were not at my house, I thought, because that shower is much larger and better lit than this dinky watercloset. You take what you can get... So, I slowly pulled aside the shower curtains, enough to stick my head through, and caught Mark's attention. "Two's company, right?", I ask.

Mark seemed a bit surprised, possibly more at my doing what I was doing, rather than the act itself. He indicated for me to enter the shower, and so I slipped off my underwear and stepped in. We squeezed in together and helped suds and rinse each other, while also exploring each other's body in detail. We were looking each other over for curiosity sake, not actual sexual excitement, so neither of us became notably aroused, in spite of our repeated handling of each other's cock and other sensitive areas during the cleaning process.

Being endlessly fascinated with the person, I could not be all that disappointed in what I found, and I wasn't. My curiosity had been aroused by all his talk about sizes of wands and his strong modesty, so I was half-way expecting to find something, well, unique. But, he turned out to just be a person, like any other person, though he was THE person for me, emotionally speaking, so I was quite happy with how things turned out. When we were through showering, we got out and briskly dried each other off. I had some fun trying to see how 'brisk' I could be at drying him off without Mark complaining, to the point where we started to become rowdy, whipping towels around and running out of the bathroom nude. We were both quite awake at this time, refreshed and excited by the intimate then brisk activities. Yup, it was time...

"Wanna head upstairs? To Bed?", I said, emphasizing the last two words strongly. We were wearing only dry towels.

"Okey-dokey", Mark replied, apparently at ease with the situation. Oh yeah, he's been around the block a few times, I tell myself with a smile. And he's going around another time tonight!

Mark dropped his towel and quickly slipped under the covers of the bed. I moved to the other side of the bed and did the same thing... Hmm, now where?

"Would you like a massage, Mark?", I asked.

"Sure", he replies and rolls onto his stomach.

So I got up onto my knees and leaned across and started to rub his back and neck.

"Um, I don't mean to invade but...", I mumble as I slid my left leg over his body and straddled his buttocks. It was getting rather personal, us both being nude, and my rubbing his body, not only with my hands, but my thighs and, until it became erect, my cock. I kept on massaging him, trying to make it as sensual and pleasant as possible. After quite a while of this, with my cock still stiff and bobing every time I leaned forward to reach Mark's neck and shoulders, I found myself becoming fatigued.

"That's it, Mark, I need a break...", I say as I roll off his back onto my side of the bed.

"Thanks, that was very good, you should get a job doing that... Want me to give you a back massage?", he asks.

"A massage yes, but not necessarily my back...", I suggest.

Taking the suggest at face value, Mark put his hand around m9 hard cock. "Yeah, you need a massage", he kidded. He started slowly stroking me, occassionally varying either the speed or the way in which he held me. I was very excited by this time, and wanted to do more than just sit passively while he masterbated me. I leaned across and kissed him on the lips. "Would you...", I said, not quite able to actually ask him for a blow job. He knew precisely what I wanted, and was probably just about to do it as I spoke...

Mark moved down the bed. I felt the stroking stop, then the pleasant sensation of licking began in its place. He was licking me from the base to the head of my cock, very slowly, annoyingly slowly, agonizingly slowly! I wanted to yell something colorful like, 'Will you put the god-damned cock in your mouth NOW!' or comparable, but I restrained myself (barely.) Finally, Mark started circling the cock head with his tougue, doing a good job of being erotic...almost too good! I was relieved when at last he slid my prick into his mouth and began to bob his head up and down on it. Sigh, that's better, I thought to myself as I was being sucked on eagerly by this turned-on guy. I placed my hands at the back of his head, to feel him move his head up and down on me in another way. It didn't take that long, I didn't need anything more, so I was there. I tried to warn him, to let him know that I was about to come, but he just kept sucking, maybe even harder if that were possible.

And so I shot my wad (I'll leave out the sound effects this time, you've probably heard it all before anyway.) I felt my cock th2obbing slightly as it pumped out my cum into his mouth. I both felt and heard as he swallowed it... After some more sucking and then some licking to clean up, Mark finished with my dick, which was beginning to lose its erection already.

Although I was physically satisfied for the moment, I still had some emotional desires that had not been completely fulfilled. Also, Mark had needs too, and they had not been satisfied yet. I wanted to do something with him, for him, but was not sure how to bring it up. It just didn't fit into my image of myself. Oh well, I guess I'd let him know 7hat I wanted to do and if he wanted it then that is what we'd do, I thought.

"It's your turn...", I said to Mark. I knew that he was smiling in that pretty way of his, even though I couldn't see him that well in the dark. "I have an idea...". Mark seemed interested, so I rolled off the bed and found my wallet. There it is, the rubber I had put in it right before I left home. "If I put this on you, will you use it?", I asked him. He indicated that he was quite ready and willing, and so was his cock as I put the condom on it. "Uh, can we do this from the front. I've never done that, but, well, I'd like to hold you while you...", again I couldn't say the graphical part. Life can be rough for the really modest people!

Mark got up onto his knees on the bed, with his large, hard, latex covered cock pointing directly at me. "lay down, on your back... Right... Now pull your knees up to your chest and hold them there a few seconds... Here, move your knees apart...or am I going to have to fight you?", Mark directed me. When I was in place, he placed the head of his cock against my asshole and started leaning forward. "Okay, this might hurt slightly, if it does, let me know immediately, okay?" I started to worry, hmm, was this a good idea or not? But, when he pressed against me and slid into me, it didn't bother me much. I soon forgot about it as he laid down on top of me and started kissing me. I got into to it, and started enjoying it when he began to slowly thrust his pelvis against mine. Yeah, it WAS a good idea, I thought, as Mark's thrusting became more rapid. He's close, I could tell, so I lay back and let him satisfy his need. I knew when he came, from the shudder that went down his body and the sigh he let out. I was glad that I could repay him for what he did for me. Hmm, was it wrong to worry about accounts and balances in sex? I don't know, all I do know is that we were both satisfied from our giving and receiving and that's all that really counted.

Mark slowly slid his cock out of me and got out of bed. When he had taken care of it, he got back in, and cuddled up next to me. I started kissing him and caressing him, not with the intensity that I might have a few minutes before, but with feelings of caring and sharing. Yep, having sex with someone does make one closer to him. I wonder where this will go...?


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