Mount Pleasant

Published on Feb 19, 2009


Mount Pleasant 5

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Billy Joe liked Swamp Thing and started a campaign to get him a new name. The name "Swamp Thing" had been a joke that caught on. His real name was Eubank Denver, but Swamp Thing hated that. Apparently he was only called Eubank when he was going to be beaten. His brothers and Dad called him Boy, but that wasn't a real name. Swamp Thing was talking much more now and even completing sentences. He had been sort of a pet. He was turning into a man.

Billy Joe asked if he's like to be called Lorenzo, after his grandfather. Swamp Thing had never met his Grandfather, but we had a full size nude version of him in the fountain. That seemed to please Swamp Thing. Lorenzo was fine with him as was Lorry, his Grandfathers nick name.

Billy Joe was a minister and we had a christening with a party afterwards. We got Lorry to wear clothes and everything. He loved it. Billy Joe did a nice ceremony, simple but heartfelt. Billy Joe knew getting the residents to get use to the new name would be a problem, but he had a plan. He got a large jar from the kitchen and marked it Lorenzo Fines.

"Any one who uses Swamp Thing as Lorenzo's name owes a fine of a quarter," Billy Joe announced. He dropped in a quarter for using the old name. I had put in a $1.25 by the end of the christening day. It filled up quickly at first, but after a week or two the pace dramatically decreased. The name change was made.

The construction crew returned and began work on the superstructure. With the construction workers and the sculpture excavation the residents were happy as could be. Happy and active was good for me too. Several men who were borderline got better. Having something interesting going on helped eliminate confusion.

Lorenzo continued his resident herding activities and Glenn came to trust him. Lorenzo knew who was prone to wandering. He was a very active man and continuous patrol was ideal for his activity level. He all but solved our problem with Mr. Wallace. If someone was naked or nearly naked, Mr. Wallace was near by.

The sculptures continued to dominate life in Mount Pleasant. Several men were doing research on the sculptures. Dr. Davis and Frank helped them with that and even took them to the University to look at the sculptor's work there. Mr. Goodall discovered a reference to Nagy in a French website. They sent letters to France. Four or five of them had taken French in high school or college and they did group translations. That was better than crossword puzzles. Frank got some French dictionaries and text book from the university for our use.

There was a dichotomy between the card file men and the computer literate men. As far as I could tell everything in the card files was in a data file and vice versa. Mr. Wallace's son got us some modern computers. A friend had closed his business and we got almost new machines. He also got us some digital cameras to that were a great hit with the residents.

During the course of the excavation I came to see the residents as men, not as patients. They were elderly and some were frail, but when there was some real, challenging work available, they rose to the occasion. While some worked on the actual excavation of the sculptures, other did research and wrote papers and reports.

They researched sculpture restoration, Rodin and his students and Maximilian Heisler. Dr. Davis and Frank came by to give guidance. It turned out to be a seminar, with my men presenting papers. Davis commented on the high quality of the writing and the quality of the research.

Glenn noted that several of his guys were more active than they had been and seemed better focused. That was because of the sculptures he thought. Glenn and the nursing staff always referred to their patients as the guys or the boys. They always referred to the patient by name and kept a mental record of who liked what. Glenn played the Daddy, or the Coach for the guys.

I had to guard against what Glenn called the patient-invalid syndrome. We discovered several men had been miss diagnosed as borderline senility. Some men had been depressed, or bored out of their minds. They were confused because each day was exactly the same.

We discussed this at a staff meeting. We had been doing a monthly birthday party. Don, the head cook suggested individual celebrations. He had discovered Bro and Jesus loved to bake cakes. Bro had a good relationship with the men and found out their favorite foods. He individualized the birthday celebrations.

The first of the new style parties was for Allan Newell, the organist and friend of newly rechristened Lorenzo. When he got a spice cake with bourbon icing, he cried he was so pleased. That had been after a dinner of Beef Stroganoff with asparagus in a hollandaise sauce. It was a unmitigated success.

Ed thought the sex was therapeutically helpful. "It's good to be a man, even if you are in your 70s," he said. "We're all gay men who were sexually active for most of our lives. I thought when I crossed the 70-year-old barrier it was over. After my heart attack I was in the rehab center I was despondent. There was nothing to look forward to. I still had the equipment for sex, I just had no way to use it."

"I was your classic workaholic doctor. Unmarried I could fill in for the other doctors on weekends and holidays," he explained. "My only real fun was when a friend came by and we screwed like rabbits."

"Did you only have one friend?" I asked.

Dr. Ed smiled. "There were several over the years. At that time everyone was closeted so it was very discrete," he said. "One of my friends had a taste for brawny construction workers. He was married so he brought them to my house for fun and games. Some of then were pretty crude, but my friend had a knack for converting them in to most satisfactory playmates. I developed an informal clinic for construction men. They were big guys, but awful chickens when it came to going to the doctor. I was acceptable for obvious reasons."

"Was this a blow job and a prescription deal?"

"At first, but it grew in something more that that, medically and sexually," Dr. Ed said. "They got to trust me and I was able to help them more. They relaxed too and discovered what real man sex was like. It taught them to take their time. Some of them turned out to be good at it."

"Were they all gay?"

"I'm not sure. Most were married. I treated some of their families too," Dr. Ed said. "One guy came to me with a bad cut. I sewed him up. He asked if he had to blow me. Of course I said no. He looked relieved and left. Two weeks later he came back to get the stitches taken out. I must have spent a good half hour in his ass. He not only took my cock, he loved it."

"I take it you like the men building the pool?"

"God yes. It's a trip down memory lane for me. Rex, Doggy and Sammy have all been satisfactory men, professionally as builders and as playmates. Doggy had some bad sexual experiences in his youth, so it took me a while to get him straight. He had some basic misunderstandings. I'm afraid he was used badly as a teenager. I discovered he was basically a top. One he realized that he was fine."

"He's a big man, that could be a problem," I said. Referring to his impressive genitals.

"Doggy is a gentle and polite man," Dr. Ed said. "I've established he's 90% deaf. I think he has average intelligence otherwise. Obviously, no one recognized the problem in his early years. I've talked to Rex about it. He was shocked and embarrassed he hadn't figured it out. I explained the top aspect too. They thought he liked the bottom, but Doggy just thought that's what he was supposed to do. That is being resolved too."

"Will that be a problem for the crew?"

"I rather doubt it," Dr. Ed replied. "They like Doggy. It will be fine."

As you would expect with a group of elderly men there was quite a range of sexual approaches and capabilities. A few were total non responders. Several were lookers and talkers. They liked to watch but didn't participate. There were some men, the cuddlers, who like to touch only. They had romantic attachments but their cocks weren't working up to par. By far the largest group were those who actively enjoyed sex. As Dr. Ed said, "Erections may come and go, but your mouth and ass always work."

Rex, the superintendent of the construction workers, spent a lot of time with Bill, the head of my grounds crew. Dutch, Samuel and Doggy lived in MountPleasant itself as they built the pool. Rex eventually moved in with Bill. The other men lived full time at the home and showered in the gang showers.

Dutch was a watcher at first. He he liked to get blown and there were several men who were more than willing. Samuel was also willing, but he discovered Bro, Jesus and Brewster. They were younger men who got along well. Samuel got hard easily, so he was popular both with the older men in the showers and the staff.

Doggy scared some of the men at first. We are in the south and many had never been with a naked Black man. Of course for other men he was a dream come true. Once they broke the ice, all was well. When Dr. Ed discovered the deafness problem, there was general concern among the residents. A good percentage of the men suffered hearing loss, so they felt sympathy.

Dutch didn't talk much and he attracted the quieter men. He didn't suck often, but if you sucked him he enjoyed it. He caressed the hair of the men who sucked him and told them how nice it was. He always warned you then when he was going to shoot. At first most of the men pulled away, but as they got to know him better, more men took his load. He shot huge loads and liked the attention he got when shot off.

Samuel loved being naked and showing hard. He didn't mind getting stroked and fondling the men near him in the showers. The real heavy duty sex was with his pals. Guido liked Samuel as did Mr. Derringer. Derringer was a former electrician with a bushy beard. He had been electrocuted and the accident effected his motor skills. His mind was fine, but he needed to use a walker. He was subject to unexpected falls. He was well endowed and the accident missed that part of his anatomy.

Neither Guido nor Mr. Derringer had any problem getting hard and keeping hard. When Mr. Derringer had his birthday party, Bro baked his favorite cake, a double dutch chocolate confection. After the celebration Derringer asked Brewster, Bro, Jesus, Samuel,Guido and me to his room for a drink. By the luck of the draw, Derringer had a big room. His was above the conservatory on the first floor and it had a bay window over looking the mountains.

I later discovered Derringer had another motive and this had been planned in advance. Samuel wanted to get together with Beau and Jesus, but had no place to play. Derringer provided his room and got to watch with his friend, Guido. Dr. Ed catered the affair. He provided a little blue pill for each of the men. I knew Brewster didn't care about the age of his playmates. I hoped Bro and Jesus weren't hung up on younger men, since I didn't want them to disappoint Guido and Derringer.

I was also afraid we had an over supply of tops. I tend to bottom and I assumed that was why I was invited. When I got there, Guido played door man. He was already nude. Derringer was on the bed naked and erect. He was thinner and younger naked than he was dressed. He tended to wear over sized flannel shirts and quilted vests. He had a hairy chest, but it was ginger and didn't show, his beard was almost all white. I couldn't see his cock because Samuel was giving him a birthday blow job.

Bro and Jesus arrived as soon as they finished cleaning up in the kitchen. Guido gave them their blue pills and they stripped. I assumed the younger men didn't need the boost the pill gave them, but it didn't hurt. The pills were somewhat of an aphrodisiac to me and I think it worked the same way with them. Brewster was the last to arrive.

I had never been with Bro and Jesus before and knew nothing of their sexual tastes or preferences. They seemed a little shy and unsure of what to do. Brewster was a sexual spark plug and he got the ball rolling. He got on the floor, licking and sucking every cock in reach. He made sure his legs were spread and his hole was visible. Everyone knew what that meant.

Samuel broke away from Derringer and Bro quickly replaced him at the birthday boy's cock. Derringer had a nice seven inch member. It was thin, but had a good mushroom head. Bro was your basic Nordic god, tall blond and muscular. He had six, thick inches.

Jesus was completely smooth except for a thick, black bush. He was more Mayan than Spanish. His cock was rock hard and formed a crescent, bending back to touch his navel. Samuel went to him. Guido and I joined them.

On the bed Bro face fucked Derringer as Brewster straddled the electrician's cock, then sat on it. Derringer seemed to love sucking Bro's ,meat as Brewster did a pole dance on Derringer's cock. Bro got in the sixty nine position so Derringer could take more of his while he sucked Brewster.

When Derringer's cock slid into Brewster's ass I felt Jesus relax. Jesus must have been looking for a signal that anal was on the table. Samuel was sucking him as Guido rimmed him. "It looks like fun, doesn't it?" I whispered to Jesus. Jesus was watching Brewster enjoy the cock in his as. Jesus nodded. "Are you a top? I asked. The smile on his face told me that.

We rearranged ourselves and I sat on his cock. Guido fed Jesus his cock and Guido and I shared Samuel's meat. Each of us was one side of a sexual triangle. Jesus' curved cock was an adventure. It wasn't very thick, so it was easy to get in, but I soon discovered I was hooked. His knob poked my prostrate and there was no way to escape. Every movement just shifted his cock so it rubbed another part of my nut.

After a few minutes it was too much. I began to moan then shot off, Roman Candle style. The four of us were coated in my cock cream. I got off the cock with difficulty. Much to my surprise Guido took my place. Guido was mostly, if not exclusively, a top. He pulled his as cheeks apart and then sat back. The Mayan cock head slipped through Guido's puckered sphincter. It met a little resistance, then the remainder of the cock vanished in Guido's ass.

You can't fake enjoying anal sex. Either you do or you don't. Guido liked the young man's cock. He liked it a lot. As Guido got more enthusiastic, the other men in the room relaxed and went with the flow. I hadn't been sure the older men and younger men would get a long. As Guido squirmed on Jesus' cock it was clear all was well. Everyone one in the room was willing to give and to take. It was share and share alike.

Dr. Ed's little blue pill had an impact too. I had shot off shortly before, but soon I was more than ready to play again. The difference in age vanished as the pill worked its magic. I saw Derringer on the edge of the bed taking Bro's cock.

There was a quiet knock on the door. It was Glenn. He joined our merry band. Once Jesus opened Guido's ass, Guido's ass remained open and willing. Guido had fucked Glen many times, but had never taken the nurses cock. Glenn tapped Jesus on the shoulder and took his turn at Guido's hole.Glenn slowly eased his cock into the older man's ass.

It took two or three small thrusts to pop his head through the sphincter. Glen's has a meaty member and it stretched Guido. I looked at Guido's face. He had his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Glenn took deep strokes. He pulled all the way out, then pushed deep. I could tell when Glenn;'s head rubbed Guido's prostate, but the old man was happiest when he was fully impaled.

Bro's cock glistened with lubricant as he looked for a new playmate. Samuel was unoccupied, so he got the prize. Bro had a large, mushroom shaped head on the end of a slim, but very hard shaft. Samuel winced when the head popped in, but then sighed in pleasure as Bro pushed the knob deep into Samuel's rectum. Bro would pound hard and fast for a short period, the slow and go easy for a while. He worked up the the edge of a climax, then cooled off just short of ejaculating.

I had a friend who thought the essence of male sex was quality cock time, rather than the orgasm it self. My friend, Kirk, was a Professor of philosophy and had interests in Eastern as well as Greek thought. When I first met him he believed it was the long and slow build up to ejaculation that was best, but he changed his mind later. He came to believe it was the minute or seconds that just proceeded the orgasm that was best. A good lover's job was to make this short period of time last longer, or to reach that moment many times, without slipping over the edge and climaxing your self or pushing your partner into an orgasm.

Bro seemed to understand that, as did Glenn. It was lovely to watch them work. I could see they working up to near ejaculation then pull back at the last minute. They were working with cocked and loaded weapons. At any moment they could miss judge and climax. Derringer and Guido weren't just passive partners. They were full participants in this game of sexual roulette. A misjudgment would result in a flood of man seed in there asses. The was a win-win situation.

I was taking Brewster doggy style when Samuel saw my exposed ass hole and took me. He caught me completely off guard and went way deep on the first thrust. I don't know what happened for the next ten minutes. When I regain my senses I knew I had drained my balls in Brewster's ass, but the loss had been more than replaced by Samuel's seed.

Next: Chapter 6

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