Mount Pleasant

Published on Jan 27, 2009


Mount Pleasant 4

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The construction project continued uninterrupted as we excavated the fountain. Mr Goodall was a find. He had been a Pharmacist in Charlottesville and had run his families Drug Store. He loved archeology and was both knowledgeable and skilled. Bill, Bubba and Brewster did the major digging, and Mr. Goodall and Dr. Ed did the finer excavation near a statue. When they found a statue they put a tarp over it to protect the diggers from the sun.

Other residents helped. The statues were beautiful and took a lot of time to excavate them without damage. The residents had nothing but time, so tedious work was not a problem. The torsos were smooth, but the head, hair and genitals were complicated and needed a light touch to be freed of years of dirt. Goodall was good at this work and was very good at opening the water nozzle at the cock. Oddly it was a slit, not a circular opening. The spray was piss like, rather than a more conventional fountain spray.

Excavating had an additional benefit to the residents. They got a lot closer to the young, very sweaty and semi nude construction workers. The workers were good sports about that, and were always ready to help when heavy lifting was needed. A grandfather and son like relationship developed between some of the residents. The workers were friendly and didn't have any problem getting sucked off from time to time. The workers had a better time with the staff. The Bees were like spirits and co operation wasn't only work related.

We had been afraid the large figure of Neptune was gone, but we found it during the second week of digging. It wasn't in the middle where were expected it to be, but had been pushed to the side. Neptune's trident was bent, but he was otherwise well preserved. When they covered the fountain we discovered they had put sand in with the dirt over the statues. This had greatly reduced the potential for corrosion. This also explained a problem with dead spots in the lawn that had plagued Bill.

One of our residents went over the records of the church that ran the house as a home for needy men. He found a trustees report about the statues. They had been offended by the nudity. The trustees discussed adding bronze fig leaves, but the local welder didn't know how to do that. They settled for burying the statues. We contacted an expert from the University. Dr. William Q. Davis, and asked him to come over to look at the statues. Davis was knowledgeable. He said it wasn't copy of an existing work, but was original.

The sculptor, Tibor Nagy, was European and was in Virginia to carve pedimental figures for a new University building erected at the turn of the 20th century. He must have made a side trip to Max's retreat. Davis pointed out the triton's were older men than was typical. Neptune is often treated as a mature man and the tritons were youths. In this case the tritons were mature men and much more individual than was often the case. Typically the minor figures match, but these were quite varied. Nagy was regarded as a minor sculptor, even though he had studied with Rodin. The fountain was impressive enough to cause a reappraisal, Davis said.

The residents were watching us as we inspected the sculptures. Swamp Thing was doing his usual sheep dog like corralling of the wanderers. We thought we had dressed him for company, but some time during the after noon he forgot and appeared naked. It was very hot and he was in the sun. I explained the situation to Dr. Davis. He had no problem at all with it. He was a sculptor as well as an art historian and said he'd like to do some sketches of Swamp Thing.

"I'd love to have him as a model," he said. "It would give my students a chance to sculpt a different body type than they are use to. He has beautiful musculature."

"I don't think any one has used Swamp Thing's name in association with beautiful before," I observed. I explained that sitting still wasn't typical of him and that he had peculiar sexual practices.

Davis laughed and leaned close to me. "I don't think that would be a problem for several of my students. Not a problem at all!" I guessed Dr. Davis didn't have much concern about Swamp Things sexual habits either. Before he left, he gave us some advice as to restoring the finish on the sculptures and left.

Several residents went to the local libraries to do research on the sculptor, but found little. Dr. Davis asked if there were any records in the house. I said no, but Bill correctly said we had never looked. This turned into a perfect treasure hunt activity for the residents. After several days they discovered boxes of drawings and files in the carriage house attic, above Bill's office.

This was a gold mine of information. Our accountant, Thomas Wild, organized the records and found a box of fountain files that included sketches of the sculptures and photographs of the models he used. In a sealed envelop inside the box of fountain records were nude photographs of Maximilian Heistler, the owner of the house, and six of his hunting party friends.

One of the men resembled the triton we had found. The face was somewhat altered and the body was improved, but there was no question the genitals were exact portraits of one of Maximilian's friends. Neptune was Max himself. Neptune's cock matched that by which Max had produced the six daughters. It was distinctly non classical and impressive. In the file there were other photographs of Max and his friends swimming nude and joking around. In several of the pictures clearly several of the men were excited. All were smiling and laughing. There was one younger man in the group. It was the sculptor, Tibor. He was more than slightly excited. It was a remarkable collections of photos.

I was surprised to realize our current use of the house was perhaps similar to they way Max intended it. There was no question in my mind that the hunting parties here were more than sporting events.

The excavation of the fountain moved along well as did the the pool construction. There was a lull between the construction of the pool and the arrival of the conservatory upper structure. During that time, Dr. Davis returned with a student to look a the statues. He had developed a wax coating to use on bronze to clean and preserve the finish and he wanted to try it out. He polished one arm of the sculptures and the resulting effect was spectacular. The triton's turned a rich, deep, bronze tone. All trace of the long period buried under sand vanished.

The student, Frank, helped with the polishing, but was much taken with Swamp Thing. While Swamp Thing was odd looking, I didn't want him treated as a circus freak. I didn't need to worry. Swamp Thing's vocabulary had greatly increased since he came to Mount Pleasant and they talked. Frank seemed to genuinely like him. He had some clay and quickly made a few beautiful sculptures of the oddly shaped man. Swamp Thing was entranced. He also wanted to see what Frank looked like naked. That didn't bother Frank at all. He stripped. Apparently Frank was an artist's model in his spare time and had no problem with public nudity.

The residents liked the naked young man too. I asked Dr. Davis and Frank if they'd like to spend the night. They were agreeable. That evening we had an informal seminar on the sculptures and residents presented what they had discovered about the work. I had made slides of the sketches and photographs and showed them to the entire group for the first time. The event was a great success.

The residents were generally well educated and all appreciated the sculptures. They liked working on this interesting project. Many of our projects were simply time occupiers. This was a real project, with a need for both physical work and research. Dr. Davis explained the fountain was a major work of art and was in a remarkable state of preservation. The residents were doing the excavation and the restoring. This was a totally unexpected and enjoyable part of living in a nursing home.

Frank and Guido sat next to Swamp Thing during the seminar. Quite remarkably, he identified one of the men in the photographs as his Grandfather. He had worked for Maximilian Heisler. He had mentioned someone called Bossman Mac. That had been the last man anyone in Swamp Thing's family had worked for. We realized he had been talking about the boss man Max. Swamp Thing had no reason to associated the house with his family until he saw the photos.

After the seminar, we had a late desert and went to bed. Dr. Davis stayed with me and Frank bunked with Swamp Thing. Davis fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow. He had been working in the sun on the sculpture for six hours and he wasn't use to that kind of labor. I went to the shower.

Swamp Thing and Frank were there. Frank looked at me with relief in his eyes. He came over to me. "He wants me to fuck him," he said. "What should I do?"

"Do you like to fuck?"

"I sure do, but he's a patient here."

"He a resident, not a patient," I said. "It's okay if it's okay with you. By they way, he likes to fuck too and is really into group play."

Frank smiled and went back to Swamp Thing. Frank had an ordinary face, mostly covered by a thick beard. He was moderately hairy and muscular. He must have had zero body fat and his muscles were well defined. I could understand why he was an artists' model. Frank was uncut and a third of his cock head had poked out of his skin. The skin was stretched tight. That is usually a good sign. I took my shower and when I noticed them next, both were fully aroused. I went to the steam room and a minute later they joined me.

"Do you mind company?" Frank asked.

"Not at all," I said. "I see you two have hit it off."

"That's one way to say it," Frank replied. Swamp Thing got on the marble bench next to me. Frank leaned over and began to suck his cock. Frank wasn't shy. He looked over at me and asked, "Is he always this juicy?"

"He's a friendly and sensual man. He likes to make sure his playmates know he's appreciative. Let me warn you. When he pops you'll get a mouthful."

"Damn nice," Frank replied. Swamp Thing wanted to suck Frank's member, so they traded places. I got a good view of Frank's equipment. It was a bit over six inches, very thick and bent downward. The head was mushroom like, so it was a mouthful in itself. Swamp Thing had no problem with it at all . Swamp Thing was usually in charge in sexual situations. He had been the smart one in his family and he was use to running things when he was with his retarded older brothers.

He wanted to screw me while Frank fucked him. This was his favorite sexual combination. I knew of many men who described themselves as versatile, but few could match Swamp Thing's omnivorous approach to sex.

Swamp Thing got me on a bench, almost bent me double and then fully impaled me. He was bent over me with his ass wide open. Frank saw the opening and filled it. What happened next was unexpected. Frank must have hit the perfect spot. When Frank's cock hit that spot, I felt Swamp Thing's cock expand and quiver in my ass. His body went limp, but his cock was as hard as it could be. It was as if all of Swamp Things considerable energy was channeled in to my ass.

I thought my ass had been completely filled, but I was wrong. Frank began to thrust. Every time his cock hit that same perfect spot, Swamp Thing got a jolt and his massive member bloated. It was like having a balloon in my ass that expanded and contracted depending on the exact location of Frank's cock. After a long while we took a breather.

Swamp Thing was out of it with ecstasy and slowly regained his senses. He was a sexual creature who had just discovered new depth and intensity. He knew a good thing when he found it. I was tired, so I went to bed, but Frank and Swamp Thing continued their explorations.

I slept well, when I woke up Dr. Davis had company. Mr. Wallace had run into him showering in the morning and was now sucking Davis. Davis started when I woke.

"Don't worry about me," I said. "Mr Wallace won't be happy until he's sucked every drop of cum from your balls, so relax and enjoy it."

That day brought another discovery. We had uncovered two tritons and most of Neptune. We excavated a third triton. Remarkably the third triton was Swamp Thing's grandfather. The face was similar, but the genitals were an exact replica. Swamp Thing had his Grandfather's cock!

This caused a stir. On the underside of the figure was the name Lorenzo. I asked Swamp Thing if his grandfather was named Lorenzo. He looked puzzled. "Lorry, they called him Papa Lorry," he said. "Uncle Alonzo was his brother. Lorry and Lonzo."

Swamp Thing loved the sculpture. In many ways he had been a man without a history. The flood destroyed his home and his family was dead. Mount Pleasant was his home now. Some of the residents who were uneasy about him warmed up to the eccentric man when they discovered his relationship to the house.

The day after we found that statue we got a new resident, Reverend Willis. He was Baptist preacher of some sort and I was worried about him fitting in at Mount Pleasant. With a name like Billy Joe Willis I was uneasy. Billy Joe had suffered a major stroke, and hadn't responded to therapy much. He was depressed and listless.

When he came to Mount Pleasant he wanted to stay in his room and read his Bible. Glenn reported he never read the book, he just held it. He had gotten divorced when he was 60 and his wife got most of his retirement, and for some reason he wasn't able to get in to a home for retired ministers. Skeeter claimed Billy Joe was a black hole when it can to cheer. He just sucked it up and it disappeared.

After several days of this Glenn had enough and he took him out to the excavation and sat him under the tarp. Bill and Bubba were uncovering the third triton, while Brewster and Mr. Goodall completed waxing the first figure. He sat there for the morning, went to lunch and afterwards Glenn took him back to the naked tritons. As was often the case the naked tritons were joined by a naked Swamp Thing.

I was worried he'd be shocked. He seemed to be staring into space. That afternoon he didn't want to go back to the room. He wanted to stay with the statues. Billy Joe was entranced. The only thing that could tear his eyes away for the sculpture was Swamp Thing and his over sized genitalia. We had found the key to Billy Joe's personality. We used Swamp Thing as bait to get him to go to dinner. Billy Joe's speech was slurred because of the stroke, but Swamp Thing liked that. His brother had problems taking too, and Swamp thing understood most of what the retired preacher was saying.

Glenn was a firm believer in using anything that works to get a resident motivated. Nudity did it for Billy Joe. We let him do some polishing of the triton. It was amazing how much strength you can buildup when you are doing something you like. I was a little afraid the triton's cock would get too shiny under Billy Joe's polishing scheme, but it was fine.

We eventually discovered Billy Joe Willis must have been the most sexually repressed man in Virginia. He had stepped out of his straight and narrow confines only rarely. The first time his wife found out and divorced him and the second time a trustee of the church discovered his secret and had him fired. He spent his life in denial and fear. When he came to Mount Pleasant it was as if he had been sentenced to life imprisonment and found himself suddenly free and at Disneyland.

Mount Pleasant changed his life. He became cheerful and rehab was successful. He wanted to participate in the activities with the other men. At first he just observed, but as he got stronger he participated more. He liked Bridge and joined the card playing group. We encouraged Bridge and other card games since they helped to maintain mental acuity. Eventually he was strong enough to go to the showers. He loved that aspect of life at Mount Pleasant. After several weeks Billy Joe was fully integrated into the life of Mount Pleasant.

Next: Chapter 5

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