Mount Pleasant

Published on Jan 18, 2009


Mount Pleasant 3

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

I wasn't sure I wanted to be Mount Pleasant's resident bottom, but I didn't need to worry about that. Glenn had recruited some back up bottoms. The entire staff was gay, but the nurses had a limit to their sexual activities. They tended to stay in the part of Mount Pleasant were the residents were beginning to lose ground and none would play with a patient. They kept everything strictly professional. The nurses played with Glenn, but that was about it.

Dutch was an intensely masculine man and he was a top. We showered in Glenn's side of Mount Pleasant. That gave the nurses a chance to make their rounds and had some fun too. Somehow I ended up in the shower with Dutch, Glenn, Bill, Skeeter and Saul. Skeeter was built like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz when he was dressed. Naked he was muscular and wiry. The only meat on him was his cock and the potatoes that dangled below. Saul was solid brick of a man with compact genitals.

When Bill told me Dutch was horse hung, he understated the case. Dutch was uncut, and massive even when he was soft. It looked like there was a tangerine inside he foreskin. We had a round robin fuck fest. Glenn, Skeeter or Saul would go to check on the residents, white the rest of us played. Whe one returned, another one of them would leave.

Dutch seemed to have an insatiable appetite for fucking. Skeeter and I were willing to take his monster. Bill was mostly a top, but the nurses were all versatile. Dutch started with Skeeter. Glenn held Skeeter's legs open and lubed Dutch's member as he eased into the willing ass. A few snorts on a bottle of poppers eased the way. Dutch took his time on the first entry, but was more forceful as he figured out his partner's limits. Skeeter was no virgin and he loved it.

When they tried out doing it doggy style. Glenn went to Bill and they got it on. Bill wasn't much of a bottom, but Dutch and Skeeter must have inspired him. Glenn was no easy piece of meat, but after some work it was deep in Bill's behind. I noticed Bill was squirming and rotating his ass, working Glenn's cock into a better position. Bill had lost his erection when Glenn first poked him, but Bill was nice and hard now.

Saul returned to the shower room. Skeeter quickly showered and dressed and went on his rounds. Saul joined our group. Glenn pulled out of Bill and came to hold me open while Dutch took me. Saul took his place in Bill's ass. Bill moaned when Saul's rock hard circumcised cock worked it's magic. Bill had discovered his bottom side.

I wanted to try Dutch's meat, but my sphincter wasn't so sure about it. After a few unsuccessful efforts, Dutch laid down on a bench and told me to sit on it. That was easier for me, though it took a lot of lubricant and poppers before I was totally impaled. I was doing a little dance on Dutch's love pole when Mr. Wallace came in the room.

He saw what was going on, stripped off his pajamas and joined in. He fed Dutch his cock and bent over to suck mine. Dutch turned out to be a good sport, and Mr. Wallace was a first rate cock sucker. We rearranged ourselves. Dutch sat up, and I sat on is cock with my back to his torso. This gave Mr. Wallace a chance to suck my cock and Dutch's balls. Wallace may have been confused, but he knew what he liked.

Dutch and Wallace seemed to bond. Somehow Dutch knew what Wallace wanted. We thought the older man only like cock sucking, but he loved the up close and personal view of fucking. At first I was fully impaled and Wallace had my cock and two sets of balls to lick. When we shifted and some shaft was available, Wallace loved licking Dutch's shaft and seem to like my stretched fuck hole.

Dutch shifted my weight so there was more shaft and Wallace could get to my hole easier. Dutch popped out once and Wallace's tongue was in my hole, rimming me. Rimming is the wrong word. He tongue fucked me. He suddenly stopped, stood still. He positioned his cock at my hole and climaxed, ejaculating over and over again, coating my hole and Dutch's cock head with his seed.

Dutch used his cock to push the seed into my ass. Wallace beamed in pleasure. He wasn't a top, but he liked seeing his sperm pushed into my ass. I was in heaven. Dutch shifted again and royally fucked me doggy style.

Saul got Mr. Wallace, "It's time for you to get to bed," Saul said.

"These are nice boys. I had a good time," Wallace said as Saul cleaned him up. The older man smiled as Saul cleaned his cock. "They're staying up late."

"Your folks will be home soon. They'll be mad if you're still up. You can play another day," Saul explained. Mr, Walalce was perfectly happy with that explaination,

Dutch was still fucking me. I heard Glenn whisper, "Save some for me!"

"Don't worry, I'm not a one shot wonder," Dutch replied as he gave my prostate a sperm bath. Everyone was happy. For a horse hung man, Dutch was a good top, he told me he like repeat customers, so he took his time. He also seemed to be a good judge of a man's capabilities. I think he knew Glenn could take it and that Bill wanted it badly.

I got a called to deal with a problem on the other side of the building so I had to leave. A day or two later I found out both Glenn and Bill had taken a ride on Dutch's member. Dutch went back to his office the next day, but promised to come back. He told us our pool might require some personal attention. He also told me he had just the right men for our project.

The residents thought the pool was a good idea, but most thought of the construction of the pool as an entertainment. They liked something to watch. The staff had higher expectations. We hoped Dutch's right men would be right for us too. Wally's plan for the pool seemed to grow between the time of his visit and the start of construction. He decided to enclose the pool for year around use. This had an additional benefit for me. The enclosed pool could be secured. There would be no wondering into the pool accidentally.

The pool enclosure was to be an elaborate Victorian style Conservatory. I was shocked at it's elaboration. This was accidental. It was designed for a hotel that went bankrupt before the Conservatory was installed. Wally got it for under it's true cost. Wally and Joe Billings began to make more regular visits. Dutch told Bill that Joe was shy and uneasy. He was a family man with three kids and a pillar of the community. Sex with men was new to him. After a few visits, they began to use the community showers and join in the life of Mount Pleasant.

The kitchen staff was the weak link in Mount Pleasant's personnel. Don, the head cook was fine, but the rest tended to show up when they felt like it. Don and the kitchen staff had found Mr. Wallace. That had improved attendance for several of the kitchen workers. The two worst offenders, Randy and Ernie quit, and were replaced by two younger men, Jesus and Bro. Bro was short for brother and the word was Bro was as far as his folks could spell. These men were a giant step in the right direction. Our salaries were big bucks for both these guys. They had been part time fast food workers, and our benefits were a revelation to them. Jesus' mother was in declining health and she was covered in our family plan.

Both new men were rock solid and hard workers, with 100% attendance. Jesus liked to cook and Bro was good with the residents. We encouraged all residents to eat in the dining room, but we did serve trays to rooms when needed. Bro did this and he was popular. Jesus was 30, but looked much younger. Bro was 22.

I was a little surprised when I saw Jesus leaving Wally and Joe's room at 5:00 in the morning and Bro the next morning. Wally and Joe apparently liked younger men. Bro was a nice hillbilly with a heart of gold. He had been thrown out by his family when they discovered he was gay. He was blond, cheerful and helpful. When I first met Bro, I thought peeling vegetables was near the top of his intellectual ability. I soon realized his problem was a poor education.

I mentioned this to Lucien and Henry, our retired teachers and they went to work on him. They were already working on Jesus' English.

When Wally and Joe discovered the pleasures of our staff, they stopped locking them selves in the guest room and mingled more. I have known Wally for years. He loved to be sucked and I like to suck, so we had a good relationship. When he was with a staff member or a resident, he was more open to the possibilities. He hit it off with Lucien and they both shared Jesus. Jesus was an all but insatiable bottom. He was happy when Wally, Joe and Lucien fucked him. Lucien claimed his English got better when there was some pressure on his prostate.

Joe was a top, as was Bro, but both could be accommodating. Oddly, while Bro was polite, he never asked before he fucked. He seemed to know who wanted it. I'm not sure Joe knew he wanted a cock in his behind, but he took Bro's and loved it. The young man and his youthful sperm carried the day.

As the pool construction began we got a new resident. Technically he was Eubank Denver, but he called himself Boy, and the residents called him Swamp Thing. He had been raised in a hollow in the forest. He had never been to school and had hidden from sight for sixty years. As far as the social workers could tell, his Daddy had done something wrong and fled to the hills and never returned.

Swamp Thing had two, mentally retarded brothers. When his Dad died, Boy took care of them until they died. They lived without coming into contact with the outside. A flash flood had destroyed his cabin and rescue workers found him in a tree. The social workers weren't sure if he was mentally handicapped or just totally non socialized. He knew only men and didn't respond to women at all. He spent most of the time naked and tended to get naked at in appropriate times. Thus they sent him to us. Nudity in an all male home was less of problem than it was for the elderly ladies in most retirement homes.

He looked like a cartoon version of a troll, he had no neck, very broad shoulders, a massive beard, bug eyes and a muscular body. As far as we could tell he had suffered a stoke in the past and sometimes had difficulty moving his left side.

He looked strange and acted oddly, thus the Swamp Thing name, but he was even tempered and seemed to have no tendencies toward violence. I tried to discourage the Swamp Thing name, but it seemed to fit. Boy rather liked it. Several of our residents thought he was uncouth, but Dr. Ed took him on as a project. Swamp Thing had been all but locked up in the last place he had been because of his problem with nudity. We let him go and he was fine. He loved our food, but his table manners were a trial.

Dr. Ed was nothing if not a good sport and took time to soften a few of Swamp Thing's rougher edges. This was greatly aided when Swamp Thing met Mr. Alan Ewell. Alan Ewell was a retired church organist and almost prissy in his mannerisms. He was short and stocky and apparently looked like Swamp Thing's father.

Alan was shy and reserved and tended to stay in a corner away from activity. Swamp Thing seemed to think Alan was his father come back to life. Oddly Alan accepted Swamp Thing as the son, or brother he had always wanted. Alan had been the Organist of a Presbyterian Church and I attributed this all to predestination.

Swamp Thing had one physical characteristic that set him apart, other than his extraordinary odd appearance and actions. He was hung like Godzilla. Dr. Ed claimed he was half beard and half cock. The only human beings he had come into contact with were his father and his brothers. They were also his only sexual partners. As far as I could tell, they must have sucked or fucked themselves to sleep every night.

Oddly, Alan had no problem with this either. Alan respected Dr, Ed and Ed had explained the situation. For all practical, purposes, Boy was untouched by civilization and the norms of society. Alan understood this. He seemed to truly like him and liked to take care of him. He accepted Swamp Things sexual needs with ease.

At first Boy was afraid of Mount Pleasant, but it only took him a few days to get more comfortable. The first time he visited the showers he tried to suck off everyman there. A week later he found me in the showers and he clearly wanted to fuck me.

I discovered something about myself I didn't know or want to admit. I was a size queen and when I saw a large cock I wanted it and I wanted it in my ass. I had always pretended I just like to see big cocks. It was a matter of mild curiosity. It wasn't just curiosity. It was an obsession. Boy had never become fully erect when he sucked, but even at three quarters erect he was nine,or more inches. His knob looked like an apricot. His balls hung to his knees.

Boy wanted to fuck me and he had a look in his eyes that caught me off guard. They weren't lust filled. They implored me to let him fuck me. He looked needy. We went to the steam room and I set the temperature at low. There was a bottle of oil there and I coated his cock with it. His cock responded by getting hard as a rock and growing a few inches. I wondered what had I got myself into.

Boy turned out to be a tender and considerate lover, I expected him to be a man rammer. His cock was huge, but he knew every trick in the book on how to get it in an ass. While he had a limited vocabulary, his cock said it all. It was lovely. When I began to respond to him, he looked relieved. He must have been looking for a sign that his cock was working its magic.

Glenn came in the room. Swamp Thing took some oil and lubricated his ass. Boy spread his cheeks in invitation. Glenn oiled his cock and slipped into Boy's welcoming ass. I looked at Boy's face when he was fully impaled in Glenn's cock. I saw pure bliss. Connected cock to prostate, it was wonderful for the three of us. I later found out this was his favorite position with his brothers and Dad.

Swamp Thing settled down after that. Dr. Ed figured out that man sex had been his main form of entertainment in the woods. He was afraid it had vanished when he entered civilization. Television meant little to him. He liked the pretty colors but the stories and plots were meaningless. Music was foreign to him. When he discovered we understood man sex, he was comfortable again.

He also found Mr. Wallace. Wallace was slipping deeper into senility and that reminded Swamp Thing of his brothers. He knew how to take care of a man who wandered. Glenn and Swamp Thing got to be good friends with Swamp Thing playing the role of a Sheep Dog with a herd of confused men.

The construction of the pool with its enclosure was an unmitigated success. It gave everyone something to look at and talk about. Glenn told Boy to keep the residents behind a hedge and that he did. Dutch was in charge of the project, and his construction workers shared his sexual interests. A horse hung naked man watching over a herd of elderly men was no problem for them.

The crew consisted of Dutch, a grizzled right hand man, Rex; two younger workmen, Jimmy and Sammy, and a laborer, Doggy. Rex looked like a taller and more muscular Gabby Hayes. Jimmy was a slim, tall and tanned beach bunny. Sammy was a short hairy fireplug and Doggy was a giant black man with more muscles than brain. Technically he was borderline, but he was strong and busy. He was always cleaning, sweeping or digging. Our maintenance crew, the Bees, helped when needed.

They were Joe's away team and a good one. All the men were bachelors and none minded sharing a room. As part of Joe's discount arrangement with Wally, we provided room and board for them during the construction process. The two younger guys weren't too happy with that when the arrived at Mount Pleasant. After the first night here, all was well. I guess you could say the residents and staff of Mount Pleasant know how to make you feel welcome.

Don, the cook, loved them as a group and Rex in particular. I think we may have had the first construction project that could be said to be catered. There was a constant flow of food from the kitchen to the pool site. Bro, or Don himself made the delivery. Jimmy was good with the residents, but he liked Bro who was close to his age. Don also changed the food portions for the men. He normally pepared for sedentary men. The workers were doing heavy labor in the hot sun, so he bulked up the portions.

Sammy our other young guy was short, dark and hairy. Of Lebanese ancestry he was energetic and on his way up. He was smart and understood the process in a way Jimmy didn't. Guido liked him. I walked into the shower one night to find them washing wash each others backs. Sammy looke uneasy when I appeared, but Guido whispered something in his ear. Guido motioned at me to come over. "Woody, my young friend here was complaining that while my cock was pretty and impressive, it wasn't useful for day to day fun," Guido said. "It's too big to deep throat, and over sized for fucking. I was hoping for your assuraces he is wrong."

I smiled. " Well it is a mouthful," I said. I've never deep throated it, but I does fit my ass hole. It's snug and takes some doing, but it's worth it."

"That's hard to believe," Sammy said. "Some guys have haad trouble with my cock and I;m not a giant."

"Well, it sure looks good on you," Guido said. Sammy smiled. "Do you only top?"

"Not exactly,"Sammy said. "I've tried a few times, but it wasn't too successful. They said I was tight." By now the young man was rock hard and drooling. It's hard for a naked man to hide his feelings.

"It doesn't do a lot for me either," Guido said. "Woody is a master bottom. He loves it." He turned off the shower and we dried off. I was hard by then. I went to my bed room with Sammy and Guido in tow.

I lubricated Sammy's cock and got on my back. With my legs on hs shoulders, he shoved his cock into me. Sammy was graceless. Guido took charge and gave him a lesson in the anal arts. Sammy had more head than shaft, but as luck would have it, the shaft was length of the distance between my sphincter and my prostate. It was good for me, but better for Sammy. He had been a man rammer. When Guido got him to slow down, he savored the connection between my tender ass lining and his cock. His cock head got really sensitive. The fucking didn;t last long, but the orgasm and his multiple ejaculation lasted forever.

When Sammy pulled out Guido went in. Sammy had left a cup or two of cum in my shaft and at my hole. Guido was a leaker, so he didn't need lube. When Guido nuzzled his cock head in my hole, Sammy said I actually dilated my ass to let it in. Sammy was watching closely. Guido played with my ass, just popping his head through the sphincter a few times, then he glided the entire bloated organ into my ass. I don't know what happened for the next ten minutes. I was on another planet, Your Anus. It started as a nice academic session and ended as interplanetary travel.

Guido and I shot off together, but the prelude to the orgasm was so good, it merged with the actual climax. Effectively, it was a ten minute orgasm. Sammy had a second orgasm from just watching. By the time the construction project was over, Sammy was a sexual athlete. Guido taught him all there was to know.

It was a hot summer and it was warm even on the side of a mountain. We put up a canopy to protect the residents from the sun. Glenn liked it when the residents got out and we provided sunscreen and block. The workers' dress code got informal too. The hard hat, steel toe boots and Speedo look was popular and the residents made sure there was sunscreen on the workers' backs.

On the second day of excavation Rex discovered ornamental stonework. Fortunately it wasn't in the pool itself, but where a water line was to go. Old photographs showed a fountain in that location that had vanished. It was of Neptune, the God of the Seas and a cluster of tritons. It was Italian Renaissance in style and featured the figures pissing in a ring around Neptune. I that was amusing in the Renaissance and must have amused Maximilian's hunting guests. Mount Pleasant was a get away for men, so there had been no need for fig leaves.

An hour after Rex found the carved edge of the fountain, he discovered a triton. It had been pushed over on it side and buried. It was bronze and in good conditions. To say this caused a stir hardly describes the reaction. After dinner we had a residents' meeting. They wanted to uncover the rest of it. I got them to set up a committee to do research on the fountain, and a second committee to investigate the excavation. Mr. Goodall, one of our more shy and retiring residents was an amateur archaeologist and had participated in several digs. Henry, Lucien's friend and our classicist joined and Bill and Rex were added to his committee for technical advice. Henry was deeply into Pompeii.

We rerouted the water line to avoid the fountain. The discovery of the fountain and the sculpture transformed the residents. It was a project that dealt with preserving a beautiful thing. They liked something to do and most of our project were designed just to occupy time. Some residents remained in the bridge playing and television watching mode, but most were excited by the fountain. Glenn noted that several men who had seemed to be slipping came back with the prospect of real work.

Next: Chapter 4

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