Mount Pleasant

Published on Jan 10, 2009


Mount Pleasant 2

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The difficult thing about an institution filled with elderly men is the lack of stability. Men could slip deeper in senility and we would need to send them to a home that specialized in that care. Some men die, sometimes their families want to move them to a place nearer home. Every week, or so we'd get an new resident, or lose an older one.

We had to send Mr. Dunning away. His dementia was gaining ground and took the form of protecting his room against attacks from the Japs. He was a World War II vet and that part of his life dominated his thoughts. He was shrewd and imaginative as was demonstrated by the explosion in his toilet. When Mr. Tanaka joined us, it was too much for us to undo the fortifications Mr. Dunning built of furniture every night. When we sent him to a total care facility we told him he was going to met MacArthur and he was happy as a lark.

Taro Tanaka was a small man with a long beard of about 70. He had been a watchmaker-jeweler, but his daughter and her family had moved into a small apartment and there was no room for him. He was most unhappy about being sent to the home until he went to the showers for the first time. He loved it. On a sex drive scale of one ten, I'd say I was a 6 or 7; Dr. Ed and Elvis were an 8 and Glen and Guido were a 9.5. Taro was 12. He loved it.

Most men have a specific type they like. I tend to get turned on by masculine, larger men, preferably hairy. Taro liked everyone and was willing to accommodate or serve all of them. He would have been a pest if he hadn't been so polite. He always asked politely and had no problem getting a no as an answer. Taro was a sexual spark plug, and he got several of the shyer men to enjoy him. His cock was rather thin, uncut and six inches. If you weren't use to anal sex, he was a perfect introduction to it. He took his time and he was self lubricating, since he oozed so much. Taro also like to get fucked and he was unreserved in his enthusiasm for whatever was rubbing his ass. He flattered some of the older men with his obvious appreciation. Eventually Taro had a stable of playmates.

Glenn and I kept our eyes open for men who were slipping into senility. Men like Mr. Dunning were easy to recognize. His eccentricities were so extravagant there was no way to miss them. Mr. Wallace was an entirely different sort. He was a quiet, rather sweet and easy going man. He tended to sit on the side of groups with an amused look on his face.

He was so shy, I thought he would be forever on the sidelines. I soon discovered he had a warm spot for sucking. You would be taking a shower, or be in the steam room and Mr. Wallace would appear and swallow your cock. He didn't want tobe sucked in return. He was happy just leisurely sucking cock. He liked to suck you to a climax, then suck up whatever drooled from your cock.

One day, Bubba found him wandering in the wood totally lost, totally unaware of where he was and why he was here. Glenn put him on our watch list. The entire staff had a list of men they were to keep an eye on and talk with when you encountered him. We liked to keep track of them.

Once when I ran into him, I asked how he was doing and did he have any problems. "I love it here, it's so pretty," he said. He was a native of the area and loved the mountains and the forest. He had been a boy scout leader for 30 years. We talked about that for a while. "I do have one problem," he added. "I wish you would leave my room in the same place. It's hard to move all my things when you change rooms." I said we'd do that.

"They are all pretty rooms," Wallace said, "but it is a bother." Again I told him we would take care of it. Of course, we weren't moving him. It was time to have a talk with his family.

I called his son and asked if we could visit. His son, Eddie Wallace said they would visit that weekend. Eddie arrived with his wife and teen aged daughter. Eddie didn't believe the situation was deteriorating. He called his dad regularly and never had n a problem. They took him out to dinner at a local inn.

By nine he hadn't returned. I called Eddie and got him. "How is your father?" I asked, "Is he spending the night with you?"

Eddie said his daughter was late for a date and they had dropped him off at the gate to Mount Pleasant. There was a gate on the road, there was a fancier one nearer the house. They left him at the fancy gate. It was more than two hundred yards from the house. I had an "oh shit" moment.

It was already dark. We called up the entire staff and searched the house and the immediate grounds. He wasn't in his room or anywhere else in the house. I called the police. The police said they would get a search dog team out at dawn. Since it was a moonless night it was almost impossible to see in the dark woods. They recommended we search in the morning. It was late spring and not that cold. We called everyone into the house and told them to get a good nights sleep.

The police and the rescue squad arrived at dawn and we resumed searching. Bubba knew the police well and we had minimal confusion. Unfortunately, Mr. Wallace walked the site regularly with some friends so his scent was everywhere. I had Bill and the Bees searching the yard. They knew the property well and Bill had a map of the property and divided it into quadrants. Don, our cook was a hunter and he lead a crew of kitchen helpers on the search. Dr. Ed stayed at the house to calm the residents, but Guido and Charles were searching.

Charles remembered that Mr. Wallace liked big band music, so he put a stereo on the veranda and broadcast 1940s era music over the site. He hoped Mr. Wallace might come to it. Glenn and Lamont stayed with the residents. It was a dreary day. A cold front with rain was on the way and there was a chance of frost that night.

The residents were disturbed. The more hardy of them joined in the search, but some just got anxious and worried. There was no breakfast and some were frightened. At nine a slew of people arrived at the home. Mr. Wallace had been a member of the local Presbyterian Church. Eddie told them what happened and half the congregation appeared to help with the search.

I told the minster the residents were distressed and hadn't had breakfast. He got a group together to solve that problem. Some weren't dressed for searching, but they took control of the kitchen and made breakfast.

Eddie was helpful, but his wife and daughter looked a little shell shocked. They had been the ones who made Mr. Wallace walk to the house, so the daughter could get to a party on time. Once and a while Eddie would mutter, "Shit, it couldn't have taken more than four or five minutes!" I think he was beating up on himself and not his wife or daughter, but that's not the way they saw it. Eddie joined one of the search teams. The wife and daughter were pressed into kitchen duty by the church ladies.

By noon it was getting very cold. By now some firemen appeared and a State Police Copter was over head. With the threatening clouds, the copter and Tommy Dorsey band playing, it was becoming surreal. The group in the kitchen was now making coffee and sandwiches. The residents had joined in the sandwich making effort. They wanted to help. They felt better helping. Glenn sedated a few of the overly anxious redidents.

I was with Captain John Wilkerson of the county police. He was well organized and efficient. He knew Bubba from high school and he trusted my staff's knowledge of the property. There was no squabbling between the different groups of searchers. Wilkerson bushed his hand against my leg and patted me on the ass when no one was looking. I wondered if he knew Bubba really well.

It started to rain around three.

Suddenly the walkie-talkies burst into life. The Don and the Kitchen crew found him. Fifteen minutes later he was back at Mount Pleasant, happy and unhurt. He had found a cave and was dry and comparatively warm. As far as we could tell he thought he was on a camping trip with the boy scouts. We got him fed and into bed to rest and fed an thanked the search teams. Life returned to almost normal by dinner. We got most of the residents in bed early. It had been a lot of excitement for one day.

Captain Wilkerson and another policeman stayed to do a report on the incident. Bubba remained as did Glenn, Dr. Ed and Guido. When the Captain finished the report, he announced, "I am officially off duty now."

"Does that mean an end of the day beer might be appropriate?" I asked.

He nodded and added, "Officer Smith is off duty too." I went to get the beers. When I came back the men were in conversation. Post postmortems are much better without the mortem. Wilkerson thought this was a textbook example of the way this this sort of search should go. We had several beers and the conversation became more informal.

"Bubba says you run a happy ship here," the Captain said. "You know how to keep men happy."

Dr. Ed and Guido laughed. "Some things make all men happy," Dr. Ed said.

"I told Wilkie we had a great shower and steam room here," Bubba said. "It keeps everyone relaxed."

"Would you like to see it?" I asked Wilkerson.

"To tell you the truth, I'd like to use it, Wilkerson said. "I haven't been in a steam room in years."

"I think some steam might be good for all of us," Dr, Ed said. "It was a long cold day." I thought this was a set up of some sort and couldn't figure out how Bubba, Wilkerson and Dr. Ed were all in on it. I went with the flow.

Wilkerson, Bubba, Officer Smith and I went to my room to undress. It took me a second or two to realize Office Smith was Wilkerson's lover. Wilkerson was tall, muscular and hairy. Smith was a short, gorilla like blond man. Once we were out of public view Bubba and the two police men were openly gay.

"How well do you guys know each other?" I asked.

"Wilkie and me were pals since grade school," Bubba said. "We discovered sex together at 15 and have been playmates ever since. Smith is his new pal. He's in training."

"When you're a kid learning by trial and error can be fun," Wilkerson said. "Smith here had the advantage of being trained by two pros."

""I thought you told me some guy named Ralph helped you out?" Smith said.

Bubba smiled. "Cousin Ralph was my mom's oldest brother. He caught us messing around behind the barn,"Bubba explained. "I thought my ass was fried!"

"He was a member of the club?" I asked.

"Cousin Ralph was the Grand Exalted Poo Bah of the club. He was a hell of a nice guy too," Wilkerson said. "I was worried about the gay thing. I thought you had to be a florist and have a lisp to be gay. I've always been all man, except I'm not much into women. Ralph had inherited Bubba's grand folks' farm, complete with some farm hands. It turned out they were his harem."

"He screwed them?"

"Most of the time they screwed him," Bubba explained. "He was a share and share alike kind of guy. He had an Indian he called Sitting Bull, two hillbillies and a black guy, Washington, to play with. Ralph said all spunk is white. He loved a cock up his behind, so that's where we learned to fuck."

"Ralph knew his stuff, so he taught us how to fuck and get as much pleasure of it it as you could. He believed in slow and easy, so that's the way we learned it," Wilkerson said. "Ralph taught us how to fuck, the hired hands taught us how to take a cock."

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"I loved it, but it took Bubba a while," Wilkerson said. "He sat on sitting Bull totempole, but it wasn't a perfect fit. Ronnie and Donnie, the hillbillies, didn't fit either. Washington hit the spot. Boy did it hit the spot!"

"Which worked for you?" I asked.

"All of them," he replied. "Every fucking cock was as good as it gets for me." By the time we joined the rest of the men in the shower, we were semi erect.

I will say this about my staff and Dr. Ed and Guido, they aren't slow to respond. Cocks inflated everywhere. Sometimes verbal communication isn't necessary. Every knew the preview of coming events. While most of the residents were asleep. Taro, our Japanese sex maniac, heard the water and appeared to shower. When he saw the cluster of erect men he thought he had died and gone to heaven.

Officer Smith was apparently into ginger bears. As I showered, he attached himself to my cock. Taro went to Wilkerson.

Needless to say we helped each other reach those pesky, hard to clean areas. Bubba knew Wilkerson so he made sure the policeman's ass was clean. Actually Bubba was nice enough to wash Wilkerson's prostate too. After five minutes we adjourned to the steam room. I had turned on the steam so it would be ready. Dr. Ed was the last to enter. Dr. Ed had a bottle of eucalyptus oil to open up our breathing and some other oil for lubrication. It was a six person room and we were crowded.

I helped save space by getting on the floor and sucking Smith's cock. Smith had a grower not a shower and grow it did. His uncut knob had been all but hidden in his furry bush. Skin still covered the erect organ. When my tongue licked inside the skin I encountered a full day's supply of man juices, some fresh and some fermented from a day of being trapped between the skin and the cock head. It was a rich brew.

His cock was six and a half inches long and thin, other than the plumb sized cock head. As I sucked Smith, Guido eased his cock into my ass. Guido was horse hung and I was surprised it fit to well. In reality I think it was one size bigger than a perfect fit, but the sexual excitement and Smith's cock juices helped to open me up. I tried to remember the last time I had been fucked form both ends. I had been years before and hadn't been a success.

Guido started thrusting. With each thrust it got better. I began to moan. Normally I would have been embarrassed at this show of emotion, but Wilkerson was taking Dr. Ed's cock with great enthusiasm. Smith moved and Bubba took his place. I had never sucked Bubba, or seen him naked before. He was a hairy, bear like man with a thick, uncut cock and huge balls. He was drooling precum and that juice seemed to go straight to my brain.

Smith got on his hands and knees next to me so Glen could screw him. Bubba shifted so Smith and I could both suck him. Taro was on his back, scooting around the tile floor, sucking anything that dangled down. I was so crazy I gave up being the director of Mount Pleasant and let myself become a sex toy.

Sex at Mount Pleasant was typically somewhat demure. There was nothing demure in the steam room. Guido pulled out and Wilkerson took his place. Wilkerson was big, but not as big as Guido. My ass adjusted to the more reasonably scaled organ. Wilkerson moaned. "Damn, this is nice," he muttered. Glenn had fucked Smith to his limit. Smith began to growl and moan. I felt him shiver as the first ejaculation erupted. Taro had been sucking me, but quickly shifted to take care of Smith.

"There she blows!" Bubba cried. A secondly later I had a mouthful of what Bubba called Hillbilly High Test. Both Wilkerson and I shot off. The men who climaxed went to the showers to cool off, then returned to the steam room. I guess it was one of those nights when a single orgasm wasn't enough for any of us.

The second round of orgasms took longer to achieve, but were just as good; everyone was relaxed as their holes had been both stretched and deep lubricated. Dr. Ed spent some time in my ass as did Bubba. You can't judge a book by it's cover. Dr. Ed was a driven pile driver style fucker. Bubba was a lover. We broke off around ten and went to bed. It had been a long day.

Mr. Wallace stayed with us. We made sure he was always with a friend. The residents were good about helping friends who were having problems. They were a happy and helpful group in the main.

It was cool on the side of the mountain, but while it got warm, it was rare to get uncomfortably hot. Mount Pleasant wasn't air conditioned and because of its solid and massive construction air conditioning was too expensive. Wally, Mount Pleasant's owner, decided a swimming pool was a better option than air conditioning. It would provide good exercise for the residents and a way to cool off too. Wally being Wally, the owner of the swimming pool company was a friend of his and gave Wally a volume discount.

Joe Billings, the pool man, Dutch, his foreman and Wally arrived to survey the site of the pool. There was a nice sunny area south-west of the house. It was set into the hillside where the original owner had excavated a terrace for an Italian garden.

Billings and Dutch looked like a Mafia Don and his hit man, but knew their stuff. They figured they could get some solar water heating from this location, and might be able to use some of that for the house itself. Dutch was into energy conservation big time.

Once the site visit was done, I realized Wally and Joe had more than a business relationship. They went off to our guest room for an afternoon of play. Dutch met with Bill and Glenn to discuss the pool. Glenn wanted to see of the pool could be used to physical therapy. Dutch was well informed on that subject. Bill knew of a nearby spring that might be able to provide water for the pool. The three men hit it off. Dutch, Joe and Wally had dinner with the residents and then Wally and Joe returned to Alexandria. Dutch stayed to work out more details for the construction of the pool.

God blessed me with the least effective Gaydar in the world. I had no suspicion at all that Dutch was a member of the club. Bill and Glenn knew and they had already exchanged the secret handshake. They had found out Dutch was horse hung and a top. Dutch hadn't gotten off in a week or two. Bill didn't bottom and Glen had a size limit. For some reason, my name came up.

Sundays we had a reception and Brunch for any visitors who came to see the residents. This was an easy way to simplify visitation and provided a way to break up the week. We tried to make events to counteract the sameness of each day for retired people. Many times six or seven family members or friends would attend. For holidays and special events we would get as many as forty guests.

Lou and Don, our retired actors had an entertainment for these events periodically. They were clever and talented men. From time to time they would put on a play, other times a concert or recital.

Next: Chapter 3

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