Mount Pleasant

Published on Jan 5, 2009


Mount Pleasant

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Built in 1903, Mount Pleasant was the country home of Maximilian Heistler, a brewer in north-west Maryland. The house was in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley on the side of a mountain. The estate was 1500 acres and the house was a masterpiece in the Italian Renaissance style. The rough mountainside location was an unexpected place to locate an Italian Villa, but it was a beautiful house and location. For the most part the house was a gentleman's retreat, with it's greatest use during hunting season. Max had been happily married and had six daughters. Once and a while he needed to be away from his town home. He called that residence the Hen House.

On Maximilian's death, the house was given to a local church on the condition that it be used as a home for elderly men of good character. Max was thinking about his brewers many of whom were bachelors. While the letter of the will's intent was observed by the church, the spirit was ignored. The house declined and had few residents. By the terms of the will, the house could be sold after 60 years. On that anniversary the church put it on the market and sold it to a Realtor. The Realtor eventually sold it to a religious organization who wanted a retreat center. They had no money, so it eventually fell into the hands of Wallace Gooding. He ran a chain of nursing homes.

Wallace was successful and wealthy. He acquired Mount Pleasant at a good time in his life. His unpleasant and demanding wife of thirty years died. She was an heiress, but Wallace had more than doubled her net worth. For thirty years Wallace had hidden his sexual preference from his wife, and he was finally in a position to indulge himself.

Wallace was gay, but he preferred to keep his desires private, thus Mount Pleasant. Secluded and isolated it was a good place to get away from prying eyes and enjoy himself. For a few years he used it as a summer house and playpen for gay friends. However for Wallace enjoyment and profit making were often linked. He decided to turn the mansion into a home for elderly men staffed by younger men, all of whom were gay.

Homes for the elderly are largely in habited by old women with a scattering of men. For widowers this was nice, for gay men it was a curse. Sexual activity was discouraged. Wallace correctly assumed a gay home would be a good investment and enjoyable for all. It was his intention to enjoy the staff and he assumed the residents could entertain themselves. He was right on both counts.

I'm Woody Smith and I'm the executive director of the Mount Pleasant facility. I've known Wally for years. I was Wally's social and sexual friend, not a business associate. I had just retired from my job as a college dean and he asked if I'd like to run the place foe a while. Like Wally I had kept my sexual preferences quiet too. It may sound as if Mount Pleasant was simply a way for Wally to get his rocks off, but that wasn't the case. Wally was born in rural Virgina and he had to hide his sexual tastes. He wanted to help other men in that situation to have a safe place to work. In some areas it can be downright dangerous to be gay.

Woody owned a series of nursing homes and assisted living facilities. It was comparatively easy to round up residents. There were enough older men to fill Mount Pleasant quickly. The word got out that Mount Pleasant was a good place to work for gay men, and we had more than enough qualified men to staff the home. My right hand man was Glenn, the director of nursing and health care and Bill, the facilities manager.

They were both gay and understood gay men and could tell the real people from the flakes. Glenn said he wanted good nurses who were gay, not gays who just happened to be nurses. That wasn't that hard.

Wally was a good man, but he always made money. Keeping the place both profitable and affordable meant the the staff had to work hard. Woody never told any of his residents what would happen if they out lived their retirement savings. In fact they were here for life. He never tossed anyone out because they couldn't pay.

Since we were an all male group, our residents were use to working. He let some men provide services in exchange for a reduction in the fees. We had one man, Edward Dettwiler who was a retired doctor. Thomas Wild was a CPA. Guido Deluca had been a chef and once had his own restaurant. A number of the men liked gardening, and we had a two retired actors, Lou and Don. They became our informal recreational directors. Charles Henderson had worked for the railroad for 40 years and was an invertebrate putterer. He loved to fix things. Active men can get rusty during prolonged inactivity. These men were more than happy to be useful again.

Mount Pleasant had several architectural oddities. It was built of fire proof tile construction. Maximilian was afraid of fire and in this remote location it was all but impossible to put out a fire. The house had several standard residential style baths. The house had two wings, one for bachelor guests, and the other for servants. Each had dormitory style bath-shower room. Wally decided to upgrade these in to modern gym style showers complete with steam rooms and whirlpools. He added toilets and lavatories to most of the rooms. He figured group showers would be regarded as a recreational feature by most of the men.

There had to be several staff members in the home at all times. The staff shared the large group showers. Wally thought this would have staff available in the showers where it it was most likely to for a resident to fall.

We had a common dining room and social rooms on the first floor. These were residential in character except for the library, that looked like a men's club. Mount Pleasant had a dress code. The residents had to be properly dressed on the first floor of the house. This was typical of all of Wally's properties. Unlike his other properties it was not necessary to be dressed on the upper floor. Since it was in the mountains, the house wasn't air conditioned.

Most men wore robes to the showers, but others towels and a few wore nothing. The on duty staff bedroom was next to the shower in each wing. I had a cabin a few miles away, but it was a rustic affair, and I used it as a get away, I stayed in the bedroom next to the showers in the bachelors quarters. Glenn, the head nurse stayed at the other end of the house. He had financial problems brought on by a nasty divorce so he lived full time in the house too.

The showers turned out to be a good idea. The residents liked them and they got to know the staff well. The number of bathroom falls was greatly reduced since there was almost always some one near by to help.

Dr. Dettwiler, or Dr. Ed as he was known was a natural leader of men. He was 75 and sharp as a tack. Six feet three inches in height, he was in good shape. Ed was bald with a handlebar mustache. He was a good friend of Guido, the chef. Guido was five six and 200 beefy pounds. He had a full, gray beard. Shortly after we opened I went in the steam room when they were already in the room. I obviously interrupted something. I sat near them as they adjusted their towels. Dr. Ed was pink with a thick mat of white hair on his chest. Guido was olive skinned and hairy like a gorilla. I am an ginger bear with a curly beard and matching body hair.

We talked about how things were going. I asked of they saw some things that could be improved. They had some sensible suggestions. They were actually suggestions, not criticisms. I appreciated that. My towel slipped exposing my uncut, beer can style equipment.

We continued talking and Dr. Ed stood and his white snake made an appearance. He had a big, pink mushroom cock head. Guido dropped his towel next. He had an uncut donkey dong and bull balls.

"Woody, does this home have a policy on the role of sex in promoting a quality of life?" Dr. Ed asked, taking the bull by the horns.

I smiled. "As you may well have guessed, there is no written policy," I said. "Judging from my own experiences, sex is an important part of my life." I began to stoke my cock. "I do have one, or two rules. It has to be for mutual pleasure and you have to clean up any cum that spills on the floor. Oh, I forgot. Don't get anyone pregnant!"

Both men laughed. "I like the special sauce myself," Guido said. "I never waste any of it on a floor."He was half hard now.

"I hate to sound paranoid, but this isn't a scheme to find out whose gay and kick them out?" Dr. Ed asked. I answered the question by getting on my knees and sucking his snake. He got hard and I got hard. Dr. Ed was still producing pre cum and I liked that. He had a wide piss slit and his knob was tender and sensitive. He twitched when I licked the rim of the head. When I got up, Guido leaned over and sucked me.

"Mount Pleasant is a home for gay men and for gay staff," I said. "Outside these walls we're just a home for men. As long as what goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas all is well." I realized Guido was a master cock sucker just before I shot off. Guido sucked it up as it it were a gourmet sauce. That said more than words.

"I was afraid the staff sharing the showers was a way to discourage sexual contact," Dr. Ed said.

"No, it's an effort to discourage broken hips," I said. Guido had finished milking my cock and pulled away. His cock was magnificent. It must have been seven or eight inches and three inches thick. He was hard , but skin still covered most of the head. He had a plastic bottle of oil next to him. Guido squirted some onto his head and coated his cock.

"Are you a top?" I asked. Guido smiled.

"I wish I hadn't already shot off or I'd give it a try," I said.

"Are you a size queen, Woody?" Dr. Ed asked.

The door opened, it was Glenn, the head nurse. He looked us over. "Did I miss the start of the party?" he asked.

"There's aways room for one more," I said. He got on the bench next to me and stroked his cock to an erection. Dr. Ed and Guido left the steam room happy men.

Things got nice and relaxed at Mount Pleasant after that. The word was out to the residents. It was an all gay establishment, but most of th men hadn't realized it. Even gay men fall victim to the stereotypes about gay men.

Life at Mount Pleasant wasn't a crazed sexual romp. A number of the men were shy or not much interested in sex anymore. They didn't object to the scenery, but they weren't participants. The less healthy residents we put in the old servants wing near Glenn. Glenn had three good aids, Lamont, Skeeter and Saul. Lamont was a gentle giant of a black man, sweet as he could be. Skeeter was the same sort of man, but Glenn referred to his personality as Redneck Baroque. He was from some god forsaken hollow in West Virginia. You've heard of a flaming fagot, well Skeeter was flaming redneck. He was funny and knowledgeable.

Saul was a hyper intense New York Jew. He had moved to Virginia to take care of his terminally ill daughter who lived in Winchester. When she died he came to us. He was knowledgeable, efficient and took no shit from ornery residents. He was the firm and demanding Jewish mother who had obedient children or else. Remarkably the nurses all got along well. Saul played good cop bad cop with the other nurses. I heard Lamont tell a resident, "Why sugar, you'd better do what I want or I'll get Saul here to make you do it." That worked. Saul got along very well with Dr. Ed. Saul was your dream nurse.

Our official doctor was in Winchester. Dr. Lewis was a good man, but lacking in bedside manner. He had a good professional relationship with the nurses and Dr. Ed, who he respected.

Bill the facilities manager was a fifty year old polar bear, with a good nature and a good way with people. Charles, our retired railroad man and Bill bonded after three minutes of conversation. Bill was strong on building maintenance and repair. Charles was a licensed electrician and loved machinery. Since the house was a century old, Charles was familiar with some of the no longer standard arrangements of wiring and machinery.

The maintenance crew consisted of Billy, Bobby, Brewster and Bubba. They were known as the Bees. They were hard working, under educated men who got along well with the residents. Bobby and Brewster was scrawny and worked inside the house. Billy and Bubba were outdoor men, but all would do whatever was asked.

Our chef, Don, wasn't imaginative at all. As far as he was concerned scrambled eggs was breakfast and ham with mashed potatoes were dinner. Guido changed that. He added a little of this and a little of that. The food was transformed. The kitchen helpers were the only weak part of the staff. They had problems with alarm clocks not working and car troubles. We paid good wages had full health insurance with dental, but that wasn't enough for some of the kitchen people. By contrast, the Bees thought the health insurance was the best thing that ever happened to them.

The Bees presented an opportunity for several of our residents. Henry Bonnor and Lucian Dulles were former teachers. Dulles had been a college English professor. The Bees were semi literate, except for Bubba who couldn't read much more than warning labels and stop signs. Henry and Lucien took them on as a project.

I didn't know how they managed to talk the Bees into learning how to read. Lucien told me the secret. "When I discovered they couldn't read, I knew I had to do something about that," Lucien explained. "I had actually run into that at the college level, but the main obstacle to reading is embarrassment. No adult wants to admit he's unable to read."

"Well, I happened to be showering when Brewster had to shower. Do you remember the day the toilet exploded?" he asked. I did. What Mr. Dunning put down the toilet is still a mystery. "Well I was there when Brewster came in. I admit he isn't my idea of a dream boat with that shaggy beard and crooked teeth," Lucien continued. "Well, he is quite handsome below the neck, if you get my meaning. Hairier than is my preference, but handsome in a rough sort of way. He was also well endowed and uncut. That is a particular taste of mine."

"I had soap and shampoo and I helped his clean up. I'm afraid I got a little excited as I did it," Lucien explained. "He told me I had a nice one for a guy of my age. I told him he had a nice one for a man of any age. To make a long story short, we adjourned to my room and had a wonderful time. Erect he was magnificent. It took a little while to get him to slow down to a reasonable speed, but Brewster learns easily. To tell you the truth I had never been with a man of his social class before and I hadn't taken a ride and anything as big as his in years. I had never had an uncut cock on the dark side of my sphincter ever. I was lovely."

"I made a deal with him," Lucien said. "I would teach him to read in exchange for rides on his love pole. This was most agreeable to him While going to learn how to read was an embarrassment, going to shag another man was perfectly acceptable. I love men. The cock will go where the mind fears to tread! I told my friend Henry of my arrangement. Did you know he was originally a Classics teacher?" I shook my head.

"He loves Latin and Greek. It was his belief that Plato and Socrates' academies had a homosexual component. Of course everyone knows that. Henry had serious doubts about the platonic aspect of the academies. How likely is it that young men filled with spunk and older men surrounded by hormonally driven youths with maintain a platonic relationship? I personally am positive it was platonic. After they traded their man juices, that is." I laughed

"For Henry it was living out a Classical fantasy. He loved it. Henry isn't the most patient man in the world. However when you're sucking a cock as your student try to read, the slowness of the process is a positive not a negative."

"So you have inducted the Bees into your academy?" I asked.

"Yes, Bubba took some doing, but they are all on board," Lucien said.

"He resisted?"

"Not exactly resisted," Lucien said. "Bubba is a pure top and Henry's sphincter was too tight for Bubba's telephone pole. Henry told me about the problem and I resolved it. It took some doing, but it was worth the effort. Like Brewster, Bubba is a lovely man when he's naked and in my ass." Lucian smiled.

All of the residents were 65 plus, except for two. Elvis Smith was the victim of a motorcycle accident and had serious brain damage. Ellington Jones had a massive stroke at age 42. Elvis was barely 30 and cute. Jonesy was handsome in a Marlborough man way. We weren't particularity well equipped for rehab, but the residents loved them. They became the sons they never had. Rehab takes time, and the residents had nothing but time.

Both men were depressed and listless as one would expect for men in their condition. They had not responded to therapy in their previous rehab center. Elvis came from a stunningly non supportive family. His father didn't approve of his life style. I met him when he brought Elvis to us. He was one of those sanctimonious Christians who liked Jesus, but didn't like the love you neighbor stuff, and positively disliked the forgiveness crap. He thought the accident was God's judgment and it was not for him to interfere with that. I was glad to see him go. One visit was enough for me.

Ellington had no family and few friends. He had just moved to Virginia when he had the stroke. All of his friends were on the west coast. He got mail, but nothing else. Both men had been in large institutions where they had limited personal attention. The Jewish mother in Saul came forward. He decided that both men would be fully participate in the life at Mount Pleasant. They would be dressed, go to meals and sit through every activity.

This took a lot of work. Saul recruited two stroke survivors, Junie, a former florist, and Kurt, a retired brick mason, to help. Junie looked like a swishy Santa and Kurt like the biker from hell. They were unlikely partners in the effort, but both were big man who could handle Elvis and Ellington. Saul and Glenn were always near by.

Saul stopped giving Elvis sponge baths and took him to the showers. Elvis was unhappy about this until he found himself in a room of naked men. Dr. Ed, Glenn and I were there just in case there was a problem. Anytime we try something new I call out the calvary.

Elvis perked up as soon as he saw a cock. It was Junie's and he was well endowed. He looked at the rest of us as saw we were all nude. He actually smiled. That was a breakthrough. Saul loudly and clearly stated what we were going to do. "We're going to take a shower. I am turning on the water now. If it's too hot blink to say so." Elvis got under the water and it was fine.

"We're going to wash your hair now!" Saul stated next, "Close your eyes." Elvis did what we asked. He swayed a little when he had his eyes closed, but Kurt and Juniw were on each side to hold him. When Elvis opened his eyes again he smiled when he saw the cluster of naked men was still with him. Junie and Kurt supported him while Glenn cleaned the rest of his body. He was careful to clean his cock and ass. Elvis got half hard when Glenn cleaned his cock and fully erect when Glen touched his hole. Elvis loved that.

We got him on a bench to rest while we dried him off. He leaned forward. I was afraid he was falling but instead he held onto Glenn's hips and began to suck Glenn's cock. Glenn knew a breakthrough when he saw it. "That's a good boy," Glenn whispered. "You nurse that cock as long as you want."

Junie managed to get his head between Elvis and Glenn so he could suck Elvis. The young man didn't last long. He popped quickly. When Elvis's cum splattered against Glenn's balls, Glenn popped too. By the time both men were finished shooting we were all covered in man seed. It was spectacular to watch. What it must have felt like to Elvis was unimaginable.

We had to shower a second time. Elvis was in heaven. From then life changed for Elvis. I'm not sure he had known he could still feel sexual urges and have an orgasm. We now had a carrot to dangle in front of him. Unlike the horse analogy, Elvis always got to eat the carrot.

The next day we tried a similar experiment with Ellington. This too was successful. Medical charts don't tell you much about a man. No where did it say that Ellington was a top. One side of his body didn't work that well, but what ever controlled his cock was working.

I had dropped the soap after lathering up his cock. He made a thrust in the direction of my ass. Saul noticed the movement and told me to get on my hands and knees. They sort of draped Ellington over me. His cock found my hole and he was happy as a lark. Ellington remebered how to fuck. After he shot off in my ass, they got him up and showered again. It had been lovely for Ellington.

I had never been fucked before an audience of my employees and residents before. It had aways been man on man before. I was oddly excited by the experience, but I didn't know how my staff took it. I talked with Glenn about it.

"Don't worry," Glenn advised. My boys sleep in my room when there on call. I've fucked them all. As long as your evenb handed it's fine. Thye know it's not true love, it's just letting of steam. Think of it as therapy.

Next: Chapter 2

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