Moulin Rouge

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jun 16, 2001


Official Disclaimer: I borrowed the title from the producers of the movie. I don't know the characters and I don't think I am them. This all fiction. REPEAT: this is all fiction.

~Part 2/Kevin POV~ When we woke up, I ordered breakfast and we discussed what we could do that day.

"We could go swimming. California has the best beaches I've ever seen." Nick smiled.

"Really? You must really like it here, huh?" I asked. I noticed his eyes were shining when he mentioned the beach.

"Yeah, born and raised right next to the water. I just love how you can walk away from your problems and have the sea listen to your problems then wash them away. It always worked for me. And besides," he winked, "Little Sophie needs to learn how to swim."

Sophie laughed. "I'm not little. I'm 13." She looked at him critically. "Last night was an act."

"And such a wonderful actress you are." Nick smiled. "Why, you should be in the movies! Just think! Hollywood!"

She laughed but mostly kept to her self during the entire breakfast. We went shopping for beach gear after that and finally hit the beach. Nick and Sophie complained that the waters were too cold so they stayed behind. I shrugged it off and needed a cold swim anyway. Wouldn't want my only kid to see that I have a sticking boner, now would I?

~On Shore~ "Don't think I'm dumb, Nick." Sophie finally said to him.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"I know what you're after." She stared at him with cold eyes. "And it's not his heart. I heard you talking last night."

"What are you talking about?"

"A little reminder: "I can't find his most prized possession in 3 days!" Sound familiar?" she asked sharply. "Dad's heart has been broken. You're lucky to get this close. But hurt him? I swear to God, I will kill you myself."

"But I said there MIGHT be something stopping me."

"And what's that?"

Nick stared hard into the sand but before he could reply, I came jogging back up to them.

~Nick's POV~ I looked up and gasped. Kevin walked up to us...dripping wet. I had my share of hot and wet men but this one takes the cake. He looked at us with sparkling green eyes. I felt myself melting. Holy shit. What am I doing?

"You guys have to get out there." Kevin laughed. "C'mon, Sophie. Let's go!" he shouted. He dragged the girl out of her seat. "You coming?" he asked.

I felt myself blush. I looked down. "Uh...n-no. I like to sit for a while." I stuttered! I never stutter! I'm Mr. Smooth Talker.

"Suit yourself." He threw the kid over his shoulders. She looked at me as if she's trying to determine my purpose to be with them. Something wrong's happening. I don't feel myself. Argh! What's this weird feeling that I have? I looked out to where Kevin and Sophie were playing. It was as if I was watching my own family. Something strange.

That was the time that my cell decided to ring. I groaned and answered it. "Hello?"

"Found it yet?"

Yes. Oh god, yes. "N-no." I found myself answering.

"You have two more days." My boss hissed at me then hung up. I hate him. I just realized now HOW much. Dear god, he's a monster. His plans were so cruel. Taking what belonged to other people; then selling or pawning it. I looked over at the girl. She'd sell for kiddy porn. What am I thinking? She'd kick their asses. I've seen what she'd done t the man who had harassed her on the way to the beach. I swear, if Kevin didn't stop her, she could've killed him. Note to self: never piss off the kid.

"C'mon Nick, you've been telling me how much you love the water. So come on!" shouted Kevin. Ah, swimming! I haven't done that in forever! I smiled and ran towards the cold water. I splashed in began to swim around. God, I haven't done this since I was a kid. I felt calm. I forgot about my job. Forgot about the boss. For the first time in my life, I felt content. "Well, well, well, someone's at home in the water." a deep voice laughed. I felt my body become one with the water. Had I kept my eyes open, I would've seen him tackle me. After that, we all broke out into a huge water fight.

~Later~ Ok, one day wasted away getting to know him. Day two was wasted playing with his family and losing track of my job. I have day three tomorrow. Tonight's plan: Seduce him.

I had everything ready. Candlelight, romantic music, rose petals, and no kid. He dropped off Sophie at Bob's and I left him a note saying to meet me in his room.

~3'rd person POV~ Kevin walked into his room. It was dark except for the soft glow of candles. Soft music filled the air and a trail of rose petals lead towards the bead where Nick lay, naked. He gulped. "Uh..."

"Come on, Kevvy." Nick cooed breathlessly. Kevin moved towards the bed and captured Nick's full red lips in his own. It has been a long time since he's done this. The sexual frustration gave way as he continued to kiss and fondle the young blonde. Nick flipped them over and began to do to Kevin what he had done to him.

"W-wa-wai-wait, N-ni-nick, stop." Kevin cried out as Nick covered his face in kisses. "Stop. I can't, Nick. I can't."

Nick sighed his frustration. "Why?" he asked. He moved so that Kevin could sit up.

"Because. After John, I wanted to save myself for someone special. Like after I get married or something."

"What happened between you and John?"

"I met John at work. He was a nice guy. Cute and intelligent, everything I ever dreamed of. We were happy. Then that one night happened."

"What happened?"

"He raped me, Nick. He tied me to the bed and..."

"Oh my god." Nick gasped as he put his arm around the hurt man. "You don't have to tell, if you don't want to."

"He tied me to the bed facing down." Kevin's green eyes were wet and blank as he recalled the awful memory. "He tied my legs to the bed. Then he used all sorts of things and stuck it up my ass. A pen, a few beer bottles, and dildos. And there was about 10 guys there; watching my ass get abused. He made all of them fuck me. By the end of the night, the white sheets were stained with blood. My blood. Worst of all, it all happened in my own home."

Nick didn't say anything. His own eyes were blank as he recalled his first sexual memory. "Yeah, I had something like that too except I was tied to a ramp thing, so that my ass was up and my head was down. I wore a blindfold and as told to keep my mouth open, my legs spread, and my whines and whimpers to myself. The beauty of the Moulin Rouge." Nick sighed. "One day, I was put onstage like that. I had a few bottles shoved up in my ass. A few cocks. Someone had a moldable dildo. It was about a foot long and almost three inches wide. He went up on stage and spread my butt cheeks open to reveal to the whole world my asshole. Then he took that sucker and rammed it into me. It was huge and it hurt like hell. I couldn't walk for weeks. I bled on that stage."

"So the life of a star of the Moulin Rouge isn't all that's cracked up to be." Kevin sighed.

"Yeah. They're bloodless pirates." Asking me to steal a child, he bitterly thought. "That certainly killed the mood."

"Well, maybe we can pick up Sophie and we'll all go see Tomb Raider." Kevin suggested. "Wanna come?"

"Naw, I'll stay here and clean up." Nick replied. Kevin smiled and placed a chaste kiss on Nicks lips as if to say 'Thank You.'

The phone rang as soon as Kevin left. "Carter, you have a day left." the boss said then hung up.

Nick stared at the phone. A new fire burned within his blue eyes. "I can't do that to the man I love." He paused to realize what he just said. It was as if a large weight was lifted off of his shoulders. "I love him. I love Kevin Scott Richardson." He smiled. For the first time in Nickolas Carter's life, he felt free.

Email: Please? Please?! PLEASE?!

"Anger is like a storm It leaves as quickly as it comes."

Next: Chapter 3

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