Moulin Rouge

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jun 12, 2001


Official Disclaimer: I borrowed the title. I don't know the characters and I don't think I am them. This all fiction. REPEAT: this is all fiction.

This is for YOU, Sophie!

~Prelude~ This is a tale about the Moulin Rouge. A dangerous adventure that holds true love, betrayal, action, anguish, humor, and innocence.

Prepare for an adventure into another world...the World of the Moulin Rouge...

~Part 1/Kevin POV~ I was a young man back then. Ready for anything. Even taking care of an 13-year-old child. If you looked in my home back then in Kentucky, you would've seen many pictures of me and my little Sophie. My aunt died, my only family member left alive, and she left me to raise Sophie all by myself since she was a baby. Though she's great company, I was terribly lonely.

I worked very hard. I'm a lawyer. Various diplomas decorated my wall. I'm the overachiever. The Barbie of the family so says Sophie. Everyone around me always told me I needed adventure in my life. So, I booked a trip to California. After dropping Sophie off at Bob's for babysitting purposes, I went into town to find clubs. Ha, most of them were straight. I was walking down the street when an almost burnt out neon sign caught my eye. Moulin Rouge. That's a movie, right?

"Hey, Jo." called out a voice. I turned my head towards the entrance. A man stood there in a tight, black shirt and blue jeans. The whole outfit shaped his body perfectly. He looked so appealing. Golden blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, a dazzling smile, hot body; the thing every guy could lust for. I hesitated before walking in. I grabbed a seat in front of the catwalk that protruded from the stage.

Women were strutting the stage. Men were being waiters in really small uniforms. I ordered some chardonnay and watched people around me. I didn't have long because the lights went out. A man in a tuxedo and a top hat came out onstage as a spotlight fixated on him.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen! To the Moulin Rouge!" he shouted as the curtain rose. People danced, sang, and did the normal.

I guess I was too worried Sophie to pay attention since one of the performers suddenly grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me close. It was the guy I saw outside. Recognizing me, he smirked and leaned in close, whispering in my ear: "Wanna give it a go?" He laughed seductively and bounced back to the chorus line. I just sat there like a vegetable. Though there was a smile on his face, I could tell he was a bit disappointed that I didn't respond.

I got up and waited backstage. The show was over. People were filing out except for the morning birds. I looked at my watch. 6:00 AM. Ok, apologize to blonde cutie then pick up Sophie. I watched as a bunch of people left the building, calling out 'goodnights' and 'good mornings'. He was the last one to leave. He was dressed in the same outfit I first saw him in.

"Hey." I called out. He picked up his head and turned towards me.

"Hey, you're the vegetable from the show, right?" he asked. I blushed. "What can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to pick up my kid. So I can get to know you better." I stuttered. Why did I suddenly feel 15 again? I'm a respected lawyer for Chris sakes! And NOW I'm stuttering in front of a boy much younger than I? How did THAT happen?

"Sure. I love kids." He smiled. "Let's go." We started walking towards Bob's house talking about stupid things. He proved to be a very nice young man. He had big dreams of becoming a singer or so. "But," he said, "Until then, it's the Moulin Rouge."

"How long have you been working there?"

"Well, I started out as a busboy at age 8 then became a waiter at 16 and ever since my 18th year, I've been part of the show." He replied while looking at the sky. "I knew what you were thinking when we first met. Moulin Rouge is a movie. I find it pretty ironic that the movie and this thing are a lot alike."

I listened to his stories. Apparently, his life was full of adventures. Luring people in just for a peep show. "You know, if you want, I could give you a drive home." I offered.

"Naw, it's ok. My ex kicked me out of my apartment today and I'm gonna try to see if my shrew of an aunt will let me stay at her place." He rolled his eyes.

I smiled. "You can stay at our hotel." The door opened and Sophie bolted out and flung herself onto me.

"DADDY!" she shouted with joy.

"Hey, sweet pea." I greeted. "How was Uncle Bob? You didn't give him any trouble, did you?"

"Nope, Uncle Bob's cool! We were signing along to Say What Karaoke and he said I have talent! He gave me all these cool dolls and funny clothes for being good!" she smiled. She finally looked past me and saw the guy. "Hi! My name's Sophie Richardson! What's your name?"

"Nice to meet you, Sophie. My name is Nick."

"Cool! Are you one of daddy's clients?" she asked. I knew the whole time she was putting on act. She's actually very bright. An I.Q. of 150; which explains why she's in twelfth grade when she should be in eighth. She really sticks out like a sore thumb against all of them.

To my surprise, he handled the situation carefully. "No, I'm a friend of your dad's."

"Cool! Daddy, when're we going home?" she asked.

"In a few days." I replied. "Now get your stuff, we're heading back to the hotel." She smiled and ran back into the house. "She's actually very bright. She's in the twelfth grade and she's only 13." I told Nick.

"You have a very sweet daughter, Mr. Richardson." Nick replied. "Do I have to call you Mr. Richardson all the time or can I have your name?"

"Kevin." I replied. "Kevin Richardson."

Nick felt someone tugging on his hand. He looked down and saw Sophie trying to get his attention. He squatted to her level. She whispered something in his ear that I didn't hear. "Really?" he asked her. She nodded. He looked at me. "This young lady tells me that you have a horse ranch somewhere out western."

I blushed. "Yes, we do."

"C'mon, let's go!" she shouted. We both smiled at her. The ride to the hotel was full of questions from Sophie. When we got to the hotel, I told Nick to take my room while I take the couch in Sophie's room. We said our goodnights and settled for sleep. "Daddy?" asked a voice in the dark.

"Yeah, Sophie?"

"I like him. Can he come back with us to Kentucky?" she asked.

"We'll see, Sophie." I sighed. "We'll see."

~In Kevin's Room~ "You have 3 days."

"3 days?!" he lowered his voice a little. "3 days? Are you crazy? I can't find his most prized possession in 3 days!"

"You're my star. You can do it. You've done it before. Why is this time different?"

"This guy's got a kid."

"So take the kid. The plan was to take his most prized possession and either sell it, pawn it, or hold it ransom. Either way, we get money for it."

"There's a little thing that might stop me this time."



Email: AIM S/N: MistressN9

"Anger is like a storm It leaves as quickly as it comes."

Next: Chapter 2

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