Mothers Rock TG Magic

By Phyllis Wood

Published on Jan 5, 2008



Mother's Rock Copyright 2007 Phyllis Wood (TG - Magic)

This is a work of fiction. This's my story and I'm sticking to it! Anyone reading this younger than eighteen years old, please remove your eyes at your earliest inconvenience. Anyone wishing to repost this to any FREE story archive is encouraged to do so on the condition of this header remaining its integral part.

It's mid-July and I'm vacationing on the coast of Labrador bird watching. There are a lot to see that one doesn't find down south where the rest of us live. I planned on spending a few days in a small fishing village in one of the houses that had rooms for rent to the occasional traveler. While I was there I over heard several women discussing a local legend that there is a rock on the shore near here that makes women pregnant if they touch it. Apparently one of them had had difficulties conceiving and was going to touch the rock so that she could have a baby. The eldest was giving a description of the stone and where to find it. From the description it sounded like black basalt about the size of a basketball in the shape of a naked pregnant woman sitting. The rock was part of an outcrop of rocks overlooking a peninsula above the crashing surf. The rest of the mainland had eroded away but this outcrop had not. When a woman touched the stone there would be a tingling sensation in her womb and she would be instantly pregnant. Nine months later there was always a healthy baby girl - never a boy - but often boys came later through more natural means. It worked on any woman who was still having her periods. (I didn't recognize the word they used but context stated that that must be the meaning). It didn't matter if she were a virgin or not. Women who were older or younger were cured of any diseases she may have had. Girls became more beautiful and in the future had their children more easily. It is considered the best luck to bring baby girls to the stone to ensure that they are all beautiful and have healthy babies and easy pregnancies. It's common for the older women to use the stone to cure cancers, arthritis and other ailments. Most of the women in this town have touched the stone several times.

After the conversation was over I asked a couple of them about the legend. They were very hush-hush about it and flatly told me it was forbidden for men to even look upon the rock. They stated that no man has even looked upon the stone let alone touched it for fear of what it might do to him. This of course intrigued me. I had heard most of their conversation so I had a pretty good idea of where to find the rock.

I finished my breakfast with nothing more said about that subject. I had packed a lunch and was just putting my boots on when the other women returned. They were all talking excitedly. One of them had touched the rock and declared herself pregnant. I slipped out the back while they were talking. I headed in the other direction to allay suspicion that I might see for myself (which of course is exactly what I was going to do). It took me a while to circle around the town, find the peninsula and the rock. It was just as they described it. The pregnant woman was very life like. I had expected something simple or stylistic. This was as detailed as a Michelangelo or a Bernini. Here, part of the native rock. My heart was thumping quickly and loudly as I decided to touch the statue, come what may.

At first there was an extremely nasty shock that knocked me off my feet. Yowser that hurt! Then gradually a feeling of warmth, contentment and pleasure washed over me and I felt myself orgasm. A moment later I felt a tingling sensation inside me that spread to my extremities. I feel the wind on my flesh. I looked down at myself. I was no longer the middle aged man wearing clothes. I was now a nude woman. I appeared to be in my twenties and from the tingle in my womb I'm guessing I'm pregnant. I started to walk barefoot back toward the village. On the way I noticed a shawl that one of the women must have dropped earlier. With trepidation I entered the house I was living in. The conversation stopped. Its not every day one sees an almost naked woman in Labrador. They all wanted to know whom I was, what had happened to me, how I came to be here & put clothes on me. I put on the dress that was given to me. It really felt nice against my body. None of the women wore bras or panties as far as I could tell so I wasn't surprised that they didn't offer me any. When I was done I stopped their questions. As I started to talk I heard my voice for the first time. Higher than I expected but smooth and very nice.

"I heard you all talking about the statue this morning and I had to see for myself, especially since you (I looked toward the woman had touched the stone a few hours before) looked so beautiful when you came in a bit ago. Yes I'm the man who was listening in on your conversation."

That's as far as I got before bedlam let loose. They were all talking and shouting at me at once. None of it sounded good. I quickly covered my ears and curled up in a ball. Eventually it stopped.

"Well? What do you have to say for your self."

I looked up at her. She was the eldest of the group. "I know I shouldn't have been listening in on other people's conversations but it has been a subject of interest for many years. You see I've always been a woman trapped in a man's body. I had to take the chance even if it meant killing me. It turned out much better than I expected. I'm a woman, I'm young again, I feel sexy, I think I'm pregnant and I just can't tell you how happy I am!"

"Really, are you sure? Most men would cry if they lost their manhood."

"I've wished mine was gone all my life."

She gave me a hug. "We're sorry we yelled at you. I think you surprised us all, it was truly a stupid thing to do from any man's point of view. But, if you really are a woman as you say, then welcome to our village. I must say, many of us are disappointed. We had hoped to spend some time with you in our beds. As you can see there aren't very many men in our village. They die fishing and are usually replaced by girls. Most of us do the men's jobs in the town and the men we have are mostly breeding stock."

"That's too bad. So, what do you do, pleasure yourselves?"

"That or each other. We all love the taste of another woman's quim."

"If you don't already love it, you'll learn to love it quickly enough."

"So, what are your plans now. Are you going to live here now or are you going to go back to the States. We'd love to have you with us."

"I can stay for another week or two but I really do need to go back home. It's where I'm from. I still need to work out the paperwork issue. I doubt my ID is still valid. I'd have to pass as my own daughter."

They all giggled at that idea.

"Why don't we issue you a birth certificate from this village. No one would know, we all have our children at home. Then you'd be a Canadian citizen. You could get a driver's license in St. Johns and passport from Ottawa and go where you want. Will your family at home recognize you?"

"Probably not but, no offense, I'm not sure if I could deal with your winters. I only came up here to see some birds that I don't get a chance to see at home. I'm not sure if I could deal with the isolation you have here."

"It is that. You don't have to act right away. It will take you a few months to get your license and passport. You'll have to go to Newfie to get your license. In the mean time you're my fifth daughter. You look about the right age. Welcome to the family. These three are your sisters: Mary, Paula, Trisha and those two are cousins: Alice and Phyllis."

I started crying, I felt so welcomed by this family of women.

"Oh dear, it's getting late. The boat should be back soon."

As she said that, we heard a boat horn from the harbor. A few minutes later three men: John, Jack and Charles and two women: Beth and Eva came into the front porch, changed out of their fishing clothes and shared the shower. A bit later, they sat down to dinner.

As they were sitting, they noticed me. One of the men exclaimed "My what a fetching young lass we have here. When did you arrive, the ferry isn't due until Monday."

"Hi, My name is Susan, I came on the ferry last Monday. You probably don't remember me but I was the one with the birding telescope."

Some of the women giggled. The man gave me a quizzical look. "I don't remember any lass as pretty as you on the ferry, only a rather plain middle aged man who was daft with the birds. By the way, where is he? Off looking at gulls or some such nonsense?"

"I am he."


"He went and touched Mother's Rock this afternoon. The 'fetching woman' you see is one and the same."

"Well, that was a stupid thing to do. You've gone and made yourself another useless woman."

"Don't listen to him" said John, "not all of us are like him."

"Oh, I hope not. You see, it turns out that that 'stupid act' was probably the best thing I could have done in my life even if I've lost my manhood."

"Sit, sit, sit, the chowder is getting cold. Have some bread and butter to go with it." Said 'Mother'.

"By the way, I, we, decided to help her out of her predicament. She is officially part of our family. I expect you all to treat her as family."

"Does that mean? - Ouch!" said one of the fisher-woman sisters. I noticed another sister glare at her. I suspected a kick in the shins and some under currents I wasn't supposed to know of.

After dinner was over, we all helped clean up and then watched the news. One by one the family drifted off to bed. - or so I assumed. At last it was just John and I.

"You know you're really lucky. Most men who touch the stone drop dead instantly. You really must be a woman."

"Well it did give me a nasty shock."

"Lucky it recognized your true self in time.."

"I suppose so." I felt a bit shy with this man. I've been a man all my life but now I don't really know how to ask a man into my bed. I missed that lesson. Fortunately, he had the same idea. He moved next to me and put his hand on my knee.

"Susan, I hope you don't think I'm being forward or anything but I find you fascinating. You look totally feminine but inside I think you're still a bewildered man who's trying to figure everything out."

"I suppose I am."

He leaned forward to kiss me. His face felt scratchy from his whiskers. Somehow I hadn't expected that. It was strange at first. I've kissed a bunch of women of course. I was expecting soft, smooth and yielding. He opened his mouth and I felt his tongue. I opened my lips and his tongue found mine. I realized I was looking up at him and I was the soft smooth yielding one. The thought made me wet - another strange feeling. It also felt like my nipples were getting hard.

I felt his hand slide up my leg. I pulled him to me and kissed him harder. I felt his fingers reach my pussy and my legs spread on their own. He separated the hair on my lips and I felt them spread my slippery secretions around my lips and to my clit. I felt a jolt of pleasure shoot through my body as he touched my clit. I jerked and a moan of pleasure came from me.

He stopped and I felt my dress being unbuttoned.

I felt his hard cock straining against his pants. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped him. His cock sprang free, hot and hard against my hand. Pre-cum was already oozing from the tip. I've always wanted to taste a cock but never before dared to. I pulled back from our kiss.

"Let me taste you." I said.

"I'd like that."

"What if someone comes in."

"Not a problem, they're already occupied."

Surprised by his answer, I realized I could hear moans of pleasure and the sound of several vibrators. I guess they're already having fun.

I slid off the couch and looked at his hard cock. I licked it tentatively and it twitched under my tongue. H scooted forward a bit. I put the whole thing in my mouth until it touched the back of my throat. I gagged a little but kept sliding my hand back and forth while licking the head. I decided I love the taste of his cock and pre-cum. I felt my wetness dribble down my leg. I was concentrating on playing with his cock and different ways I could lick and suck on it and even a few nibbles with my teeth. All at once he began to fuck my mouth hard. I sucked and flicked my tongue against the head and then he pushed deep into my throat. I couldn't breath but I felt his cum squirt down my throat for four or five pulses. I barely had to swallow, it just went down. At last he let go of my head and pulled back. I swallowed the last two or three spurts and then took a deep gasp for breath. I sucked the last bit of cum from his straw and then moved back onto the couch and kissed him. The smell of his cum filled my nostrils.

I pushed him on his back. "Eat me!" I gasped. And sat on his face. My hairy pussy was dripping and throbbing from want. I sank onto his face and rubbed my clit on his nose. I rubbed my pussy from my vagina to my clit against his nose, then felt his tongue inside me and suckled my clit. Moments later I came hard against his face. My whole body convulsed all over him. Somehow he kept going as I continued to cum. Eventually I stopped. I lifted myself off his face and he blew his nose against his shirt.

I turned around and kissed him and smelled woman's pussy on his face. It sent a thrill through me to realize it was me.

I continued to kiss him while he caressed my breasts and twisted my nipples as they hung toward his face. He licked my nipples and suckled on them. The pleasure went straight to my pussy. I ground my slippery lips over his still soft cock. He continued to play with my dangling breasts. After a few minutes I felt him grow hard again. I sat back and he slid into me.

"Oh, Yes!" I groaned.

I slowly sank down onto him until my clit was against his pubic bone. I could feel him deep inside me. I sat straight up to feel him deeper in me. Then I rose up until he was almost out of me and then slid back down. I closed my eyes for a minute or two to enjoy the exquisite feeling of him sliding in and out of me. I opened my eyes and looked into his. It felt like I was looking into his soul.

I continued to fuck him long and slow enjoying every moment. Eventually, he pushed me over and rolled on top of me. I looked up into his eyes and spread my legs further apart as he fucked me hard and fast. Each time my clit throbbed. I came a couple times before he came. His body was shaking and he didn't breath. I felt his cock throb inside me and knew he was cumming.

He collapsed on me panting. I felt him grow soft and then fall out of me. His sperm dribbled down the crack of my ass. It tickled.

After a few moments he got off me and reached for his shirt and cleaned himself off.

"Join me tonight." he said.

I got up and followed him into the bedroom. As we entered the still light room, (it never really gets dark in the summer this far north) I realized there were several beds. Each had at least a couple and several were still making love.

"I pulled John back "Is this OK? We'll disturb them."

"No, but would it bother you if they joined us?"

"Will they mind?"

"Of course not, they're looking forward to it. As a matter of fact they were planning this when you were a man. Now that you're a woman it's different but it should be as much fun."

With that John pulled down the covers, got in and pulled me after him. I fell on top of him and began kissing him again. The others watched a while and then came over to join us. I realized all the beds were king or queen size and could fit three or four without too much trouble.

As I knelt over John kissing him my ass was in the air. I should have expected it but it still surprised me when I felt a vibrator slide into my pussy. It felt much bigger than John's cock and had knobbies all over it. It buried deep within me with a constant vibration, then rotated back and forth, pulled out and back in. It fucked me deep and I felt myself come again and again. My body rippled with the contractions. I couldn't kiss John any more - I could only gasp for breath as the vibrating cock continued inside me. My body rippled with pleasure. Eventually I collapsed and begged them to stop. Still, I felt empty when it was withdrawn from me.

I snuggled up with John and watched the others suck and fuck. Eventually we all fell asleep.

I woke around 4:00 feeling John fucking me from behind. When he came in me, I came as well.

I got up to use the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror for the first time. I'm a bit shorter now, my breasts are a D cup, thin waist, wide hips, I look lighter than I did as a man. My hair is chestnut and comes to my belly button. My face had the glow of a woman who has spent the night getting fucked.

I sat on the toilet and felt my pee gush out of my between my lips. After I finished I ran my fingers between my slippery lips. John's cum was still fresh inside me. I sank my fingers into my pussy and rubbed my clit to another orgasm. As I was grunting with pleasure, Eva came in and saw me pleasuring myself. She sat her butt over the edge of the tub and peed into it. I watched her pee leaving her body in fascination. She caressed my breasts and when she finished peeing she straddled my legs and began kissing me, our breasts mashing into each other.

"Come, its getting cold, let's get into your bed." I suggested.

"MMM. Sounds like a wonderful idea."

As we got into the bed, she positioned herself so her pussy was straddling my leg, and my pussy was against hers. I looked into her eyes as we fucked each other. Her lips and body were so soft and smooth compared to John's. She smelled nicer as well, not like a horny goat. It was a different pleasure but it wasn't long before we both came. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I woke to the sound of making love. I watched as Jack and 'Mom' made love.

End part 1

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