
By William Steps

Published on Nov 14, 2009


I awoke slowly. The heavy hotel curtains shut out the glaring Nevada sun as I slowly let my brain turn back on. I remembered that I was in a Las Vegas hotel room, I was with Paul. Then the recollection of the stranger events came back to me at once. I remembered switching places with Pauline, living two days in her body. It was awkward at first, but I got a little more used to it. Pauline was in my body, and last night she came to see me after we had both been drinking. We talked about what was going on and...

And she fucked me.

The memory of the passionate night that had passed between us became a little clearer in my head. I wondered if it really happened, even if being Pauline was true, I thought maybe I just dreamt about the sex. First I brought my hand up to my chest. My small fingers cupped my ample bosom as I confirmed that I was indeed in the body of Paul's mother. Then, wincing, I looked over my shoulder. I saw my own body, asleep next to me. I sighed slowly. It was true, I had spent the whole night getting stuffed with my old cock, and I really enjoyed it. I might have been a little more upset with myself, but I guess I had that morning after sex glow of contentment to keep me placid.

Then I remembered Paul. "Shit." I whispered to myself. Paul would have been wondering why I didn't come back to the room last night. Pauline had to get up and make some excuse to him for me. "I spent the night with your mother." sounded bad enough without explaining that it was his best friend that was in the body of his mother and his mom was the one shoving her cock into her. It was a bizarre situation, that was for sure. Pauline and I would think of something, but first I needed to wake her - him - up.

It took some doing to get Pauline to wake up, afterwards she had the same momentary disorientation I did. Like me, the knowledge of what we did came back to her and she smiled. "That was quite a night..." she muttered. I reminded her she was playing at being me, and that Paul was going to be wondering what happened to her. It was still early, if Pauline hurried to clean herself up she could be back in the other room before Paul got up. Resigning myself to take a quick shower and go tell Paul some story about going home with a hussy, we got out of bed.

I had a moments bashfulness as I realised that we were both standing naked together. However, under the circumstances it seemed silly to try and cover myself up when both of us were looking at our old bodies and we had had plenty of time naked the night before. Pauline started running the shower and stepped inside. As she was washing herself I went into the bathroom as well. I began brushing my teeth as I watched Pauline's face in the mirror performing my actions. It was still surreal to see someone else's face in the mirror; I kept expecting it to be a trick. Behind me I could see the outline of my old body soaping itself up and I did my best to keep accepting that we really were in each others bodies.

After I was done all the grooming I could manage without showering I turned to face the tub. Pauline was still in there, and for a man she seemed to be taking a while. "I thought you were in a hurry?" I asked, taunting. "I'm just about done," she replied, "If youre in such a rush you oculd just get in here yourself. I felt a compelling tingle run through my body, the teasing offer challenged and excited me. "Fine," I stated, "I will." I opened the shower curtain and stepped under the cascading water. I started rinsing the film of last nights activities off my borrowed body.

I felt myself sigh as Pauline's hands assisted in soaping me up in all the right places. "How about one more time to tide us over?" She asked and she began nibbling my neck. It wasn't long before I had one leg up on the edge of the bath tub, Pauline entering my pussy from behind. Bracing myself against the tile wall, she fucked me to a satisfying orgasm, afterwards I repaid her by blowing her as best I could under the warm flow of water...

The rest of the day was not too different from the previous ones, except that I was getting a little more comfortable being Pauline. I felt a little more at ease walking around Vegas in her clothes, ignoring the stares of men 'my own age' as I went. I even found myself having some fun in the casinos, and taking in all the typical sights. I was still nagged at by the fear that after the flight home I would still be in Pauline's body, but since I didn't know what else to do but wait and try to relax. Drinking helped the second part.

That night, as I was just getting comfortable in my room, I heard a quiet knock on the door. Smiling, I went over and opened it. Sure enough it was Pauline, looking a little mischievous in my younger body. "He's asleep," He said. "And this time I have to sneak back into the room before morning..."

Fifteen minutes later he was eating out my pussy while I moaned and ran my hands through his hair. I reached over and started stroking his hard cock as he made sure I was nice and wet. He crawled up behind me and spooned into me while I guided his dick into my cunt from behind. I moaned as he fed his flesh into me, pressing deeply into my body. He paused there. "We're pretty lucky, you know." He whispered. I looked back over my shoulder at him. "Anything you ever wanted me to do to you, you can do now. Anything I ever wanted you to do, I get to do myself. It's a amazing experience." I whipered as his penis twitched. "That it is," I said, "and what I want from you right now is to get on with fucking me."

He did, soon I was thrashing in the throws of an orgasm while his firm young body drove into me. It wasn't long before we were both spent, me pinned face down on the bed and him sweating on top of me. When we had both got our breath back Pauline spoke up. "I have an idea." He said. "Do tell." I uttered into the blankets. "Tomorrow night I want us each to pick one of our fantasies about each other and enact it. Whatever you wanted me to do, you get to make me do right now." I thought about it. Still glowing and warmed by the feeling of his spent cock softning inside my slit, I agreed it sounded like a fun plan.

Afterwards Pauline cleaned up and slipped back into 'his' room while I layed spent on the bed, thinking of what I would do in the morning...

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