
By William Steps

Published on May 7, 2009


The next morning was similar to the one before. I knocked on the adjoining door to the boys room's and we all went down to get some breakfast. This time I had a chance to speak to Pauline alone. While Paul was refilling his plate I leaned in to her and said, "I need ot talk to you." She nodded. "Head back to the room after breakfast, I'll make some excuse and meet you on your side." Paul returned and we finished our meal peacfully. After we were done I got up, telling them I would see them later and walked back towards the room.

We finished eating and got up to leave. I went in the opposite direction from the boys and headed back to my room. It was about twenty minutes later that I heard Pauline knock on the adjoining door. I let her in, and she appologised for taking so long. "I didn't want it to seem suspicious." She said. It didn't take long to get to the point. "Look, I'm just bitter that you are having a blast with Paul while I am left alone and feeling very uncormfortable about being in your body." Pauline looked sheepish. "I know it doesn't really seem fair that, well, I'm having alot of fun playing at being a young man. I guess it makes sense that it would be allot harder for you to just accept this and have fun."

I sighed and sat down on the bed, "What Kind of fun am I supposed to have on my own anyway?" I asked, "What were you planning on doing?" She shrugged and replied, "Drinking, gambling and flirting." I frowned. "Creative. And I'm certainly avaoiding that last one." I said flatly. "Look," She began, "Do your best to enjoy yourself and I will find a way to make everything up to you." I raised an eyebrow. "How are you planning to do that?" She smiled and answered, "Just trust me. I have to get going or Paul will thing I'm having it off with his mother." I gave her a dry look as she got up to leave. "I'll see you later." She said as she walked out.

The rest of the day went about the same as the day before; I tried to look around town and have fun, but was always put off by being both alone and very self-conscious. I did manage to at least forget what had happened to me for short periods of time, though little things like mirrors and being called 'miss' had a habit of reminding me. Determined not to waste my time again, I kept myself more or less amused untill about eleven at night. Around that time I was a little drunk and getting really irritated by all the vacationing business men and conventioneers eyeing me.

I headed back to the hotel room, not feeling terrible but not exactly happy. Not wanting to get sober again, I bought a case of beer from the hotel shop and went upstairs. Once there I took another shower. Under the hot water I started playing with myself as I had the night before. A decent orgasm later I was feeling a bit more relaxed and mellow and dried off. I had had enough to drink that I didn't even hesitate when I grabbed Pauline's satin nightclothes and started slipping them on. I sat down on the bed, turned on the TV, and opened one of the beers. Drinking quietly by myself, I began passing the time untill I fell asleep.

Sleep didnt come as soon as I thought, and four beers later I was still awake and still half-drunk. My hand slid down my body absentmindedly, and I began teasing my crotch through the smooth fabric of my nightshorts. I felt the tingle of arousal begin to rise in me. I sighed and began to concentrate on my self-pleasure. Just then I heard a knock on the adjoining door. I started a little, jumping up on the bed. Conllecting myself I realised it was probably Pauline coming to talk to me again, or Paul wanting something from his 'mother'. I got up, straightened my nightclothes, and opened the door.

It was Pauline. I let her in, noticing Paul wasn't with her again, and shut the door behind her. "Manage to have fun?" she asked, smiling. "Sort of." I responed. I looked her over. "You're a little drunk, aren't you?" I asked. She smiled again. "Yeah, a bit." She responded. Pointing at the beer bottles next the bed she added, "though I'll bet you are as well." I laughed a little. "Yeah..." I admited. "Where's Paul?" I asked after a moment. "Downstairs at the casino, I think it will be a while before he comes up, he has been having some good luck. Plus I think there is a girl he managed to get the attention of..."

I got serious for a moment. "I can't belive all this happened, and we dont't even know why." I said, "We dont even know if it will go back to normal at all." Pauline shrigged. "We dont know why or how, and if things dont switch back before he get home then we'll have to figgure something out. In the meantime we have to clues to any of it so we might as well just carry on as-is." As much as I wanted to I couldn't come up with a better idea. It was true that neither of us had the slightest idea what caused the swap.

I had sat down on the bed, Pauline joined me. "So do you still feel I owe you something?" She asked. I felt a little ashamed for blaming her for having more fun than me. "Well, it's not your fault you are having fun, I guess. But you are doing it with my life, and I do feel bitter still." She nodded. "Well, I gave some thought to that situation and I think I came up with a plan." She said at last. She moved a little closer to me on the bed. "Judging from my experience in that body you have borrowed," she went on, "I think I know what will make you feel allot better." I began to see what she was getting at. Maybe it was the booze or the masterbating, but as shocked as I was at what I thought she was suggesting, part of me tingled at the thought.

Pauline started to tease her fingers over my breast, passing over the nipple that was hidden behind my soft bedclothes. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Making it up to you, like I said." She replied. "I'm not sure..." I began, trailing off. "Relax," she said, "Just lie back and let me make you feel good." She untied my robe, and pulled it open. Pauline lifted the shoulder staps of my nightshirt off and pulled the top down to reveal my boobs. She leaned in and took one of my nipples into her mouth. I sighed as her tongue played with my breast, her hand coming up to fondle the other tit.

While she was pleasuring my chest, she started sliding my shorts off. I half consciously lifted one leg out of them as she tugged then down. When they were hanging around one of my knees she stopped and left them there. She started moving her head down my body, planting teasing kisses as she went. Her face was soon in my lap, her lips tickling my inner thigh. She rubbed up and down my slit a few times and I whimpered in response. Having someone else touch my oussy felt so muc better than doing it myself. Yet what I was feeling was nothing compared to the sensation I got when she pressed her mouth to my snatch.

She used her toungue to manupulate my clit, occasionally teasing the rest of my pussy as well. I moaned and closed my eyes. It felt fantastic being eaten out, and I was definatly forgetting all about being mad at her. As my excitment mounted I was insanly aroused and, even though I knew she could make me cum like that, I wanted more. The same desire that had prompted me to shove my fingers in myself the niht before was back. "Oh god..." I whispered, "If feels so good." I suddenly pulled her head away from my crotch. I slid down and pulled her up so that I could reach her pants. I started to desperatly fumble with her trousers, trying to get them off.

"What are you doing now?" She asked playfully. "I thought I was pleasuring you to even things out?" I managed to get her pants pulled down and her shirt off. "I want you inside of me." I whispered. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes," I said, "I'm so worked up right now, I want to have everything. Don't pretend you don't want to." She laughed. "Of course I want to." She said. "Then if you really want to make it up to me," I concluded, "Then let's get on with it." Smliing, Pauline slippd out of her jeans and layed down on top of me. I instincivly spread my legs, wrapping them around her waist.

And thus we are back where we started; in the present. I'm in the body of a hot milf, laying on my back getting fucked by Pauline in my body. My breath is coming in gasps and pants. I'm clutching his firm body to me as he drives in and out of my cunt. I now find myself on the recieving end of my idle fantasies about Pauline, and I am enjoying it so much I was gasping like a mad woman. Each stroke seems to drive his cock deeper into my womb. I dont know how long I lay there being fucked, but after a while I feel myself approaching climax. When my orgasm hits it is way more powerfull and intense than my experiences alone the night before.

I moan and clutched him to me. My whole body convulses as I cum, my hips jerking desperatly up into his cock. I had never thought it would feel so good to be a woman laying on her back with a man inside of her, but it was fantastic. For this moment I dont mind the fact that I have been stuck in someone else's life. When the throes of my climax ebb off I look up at Pauline, at my old face. "Well you are certainly making it up to me..." I rasp as he slides his member in and out of me slowly. "I'm glad." She gasps. "How do you like having a nice young cock in you?" She asks. I hold her close to me as I answer, "I can't belive how good it feels."

I initiate a change of position. I roll him onto his back as I climb on top of him. I feel cold and empty with his dick out of me. I raise myself above his crotch and lower my hips down. My pussy is wet and open so his tool dissapears into me effortlessly. I start to ride her as she thrusts up to match my pace. She takes on of my nipples into her mouth as we shagg. As our passion mounts again we are smashed together, madly humping as I feel another orgasm sneaking up on me.

I cum again, shivering and tembling as I moan loudly. I bite my lip and whimper as my second orgasm of the night shakes my entire body. After I finish moaning and screaming I keep riding him slowly, feeling him move inside me. I feel a desire to reciprocate his inital attack on me. I quickly climb off of him and shift down on the bed before he can say anything. I start jerking his cock as I look up at him. I open my lips and take the head of his penis into my mouth. I never thought I would suck a dick, but experiencing so much pleasure as a woman and being with a body that used to be mine I don't hesitate.

Still stroking him with my hand, I take as much of his tool into my mouth as I can. I start to suck and let it slide back out again. Pauline cradles my head in her hands as I start to go down on her. Soon I have gotten the hang of it and am blowing him like the experienced woman I appeared to be. Pauline is sighing and squirming under my ministrations, and I look up into her eyes as suck her off. I know that after all that fucking she will be close to cumming, especially since it was her first time having sex as a man.

I quicken my pace, using my hand and my mouth to really give her a blowjob. Her fingers tighten their grip on my hair and I know what is about to happen. Her dick tenses up, as does the rest of her body, and the first gush of cum floods into my mouth. It dosn't taste to bad, kinda bleachy and salty. I manage to swallow a little bit of the first batch, but the subsequent spurts of jizz leak out of my mouth and drip down my chin. I keep blowing her dick, and when she finally stops twiching and spraying semen onto my tounge my face and tits are covered in whiteish goo.

I slowly let her soft cock slip out of my mouth, watching it shrink. I smile and wipe some of the cream off my chin. She is gasping, but trying to catch her breath. "That was fucking amazing!" She manages to say at last. I chuckled, "You're telling me," I say, "I just had three orgasms in one session." She exhales slowly. "That is one good thing about being a woman. But damn was it fun to have a cock for a change." I roll over on my back, shaking my head. I look down at the cum all over my inherited tits. I can still taste it in my mouth. I wipe a hand over the mess on my bust and laugh.

"I can't belive I did that." I say. Pauline smiled. "Which part?" she asks. "Any of it." I reply. "I'm a man. I lived my whole life as a straight man. Yesterday I wake up as a woman and today I get a guy seduce me and then, after having sex as a woman and loving it, I suck him off." Pauline rolls over towards me. "Mmmm," she says, "You dont look like a man to me. not with those great tits and that wet pussy." I frown at her, half seriously. "Besides," she went on, "It's me in your old body. We were still a man and a woman having sex, and the cock you enjoyed so much was your own and nothing you havnt jerked off before. So what if you experienced it from a different perspective." She concluded. "How philisophical." I scoff.

I tell her I need to go clean myself up and she says she understands. I went into the bathroom and took a facecloth from the rack. Wetting the cloth, I start wiping off the cum that was getting cold and sticky all over my chest. Round about the time I had finished getting the mess off of me I saw Pauline enter the room in the mirror. She comes up behind me and nestles her cock between my ass cheeks. Her hand come up to casualy fondle my breasts. "So," She says, "You liked having me fuck you?" I raise an eyebrow at her, then smile. "I have to admit I did." say. "I always was a bit of a horny courgar," She says. "I guess now you are."

Her cock twiches between near my cunt. She is getting hard again, wanting more. Oh, to be young again...

Pauline enters me from behind as I hold myself up on the bathroom counter. I moan and yelp as she fucks me, harder and rougher than before. I cum for the fourth time that night in that position. Then she flips me around. I throw one leg over her shoulder as I look down at her hard member sliding in and out of my soaking wet slit. She bites and suckles my nipples as she fucks me, and I think I leave claw marks on her back. In the throws of our passion I feel her drive deeply into me and grunt. I thrust into her and hold her close as she cums again, flooding my pussy with her jizz. When she has emptied herself into me completly we start kissing tenderly as her cock gets limp again and poppeds out.

I have to clean myself up again.

Next: Chapter 4

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