Mother in the Rain story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 4, 2011




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It was pouring like crazy when I made it back to my apartment. The same one I'd taken with Paul last spring, but he'd stayed here while I went back home. Not homesickness, my family owns and operates a summer resort, and they'd needed my help during the busy season. Paul had come by for a week back in late June, but that magical week was now months ago and I'd missed him dreadfully!

The feeling was mutual, Paul heard the door open and came out in a rush, his black hair tousled as always (he ran his fingers through it when thinking without thinking, if you see what I mean), eyes shining. "Morrie! Morrie, you're back!" and he nearly took me in his arms, but stopped. He'd seen my mother behind me.

It was like lightning turning into stone. Paul froze, the smile dropped off his face so fast I expected to hear a thump as it hit the floor, he dropped one hand and extended the other, and we shook hands. "Good to have you back." he said in a voice that would have sounded casual if it weren't for the high tension wire humming behind it. "Mrs. Jacobsen."

"Paul." Mom said. "You have a place I can put this umbrella so it can drip in peace?"

"Uh...the kitchen sink?" The kitchen was just to the right of the front door, so it was linoleum all the way to it.

"So it is." Mom went over and put the umbrella in it, her raincoat dripping on the floor. "Such a downpour it is, a person could drown maybe while walking down the street."

Mom talked like that, and it was an affectation picked up from spending time with the guests at the resort in her childhood, she'd done it for so long, it was like it belonged to her now. All of Jewish ancestry espoused in her voice, the motherly yenta, in every way. I'd spent my years since sixteen fending off an endless lines of girls that were "just perfect for you, you should meet her, you should date her." Or to put it another way--Oy vey!

"Shall I fetch you a towel, Mrs. Jacobsen?"

"I would be grateful if you did, such a nice boy, thank you."

Paul turned to go to the bathroom, just the other side of the little kitchen of this one-bedroom apartment which we'd shared since last January, we met in November and dated through December, love, mad love, wonderful love, it had been agony to leave him behind in May, but I had to help my family during the summer, Paul had his own summer job in town and now we were together again (not counting five furtively magnificent days, during which we managed to get together for eight exquisite sessions of sex), and I had to treat him as a roommate, a friend, and not one damned thing more!

"Just drop the raincoat on the floor, Mom." I suggested. "We'll mop it up when you leave."

"And maybe you want I should slip when I go to fetch it again?" Mom threw at me. "Hang it up in the bathtub if you don't want it to make me fall."

Paul was back with the towel. "I'll hang it up for you." he volunteered.

"Such a nice boy you have for a friend." Mom said as she turned over her raincoat. "But with the umbrella in the sink and the raincoat off, I no longer drip. Give it to Morris, he's got hair on the head like a stray dog."

"All right." Paul gave me the towel with a smile and I returned it with my own, took the towel, lifted it to my head. Maybe it smelled a little bit like him, I inhaled that aroma, real or imagined, greedily, then dried my head and hair. I'd carried in my bags which was why I was so wet, mostly my clothes. I'd left everything else of mine in the apartment last spring.

Mom was seated in the chair, we had that and the couch in the living room to sit in. Paul was on the couch and I sat next to him, wished I could hug him and never, never let go.

I had to sit like that, a miserable coward, by my lover's side and help him make conversation with my mother. She remembered him from the week he'd spent at the resort, which was good for about five minutes, then we talked about career plans, college courses, and on and on. It only took about fifteen minutes, but it felt like hours.

"Well, I'd better go." Mom said finally. "It's a long drive back, and I think the rain is stopping."

"I'll get your raincoat." I said with relief coloring my voice heavily. I did slip on the kitchen floor from the water we'd tracked in or had dripped out, which gave Mom the intense satisfaction of saying, "See what I told you? You break your neck like that, don't come crying to me!"

I just kept going, grabbed her raincoat, and took it out to her. Paul had the towel I'd used to dry my hair on the kitchen floor, making an impromptu path for Mom to walk on safely. "Such a wonderful boy." she said and patted his cheek. "You'll make someone very happy, I'm sure."

And Mom was gone. I heaved a big sigh of relief and went to the door, waved good-bye to her like I was supposed to. Her car was a grayish blur in the rain which had started in again already. For a moment, I was afraid she'd stop and come back in again. But she kept on going, turning on her car lights and driving down the alleyway which was right in front of our front door (we had a garage apartment of sorts) and I watched until the red lights of the rear of her car were past the big bush next to our apartment. "Oh, thank God!" I breathed out when she was gone.

I felt Paul's hands slide around my waist, his hands sliding up my ribcage and his chest pressed against my back. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder, his lips kissed my ear, my cheek, I turned my head and we kissed. Welcome home, at last, at last!

"I thought she'd never leave!" I sighed when his lips left mine to nuzzle my neck. His hands were roaming back down my body, heading I hoped I knew where. "I like to have died when she insisted on driving me back."

"What happened to your own car?"

"It's in the shop." I said. "She and Dad are going to bring it back to me next weekend."

"Cool." Paul said. His hand went to the waistband of my sweatpants, and slid inside. Warm, warm, his hands discovered I'd left off my jockstrap just for this occasion, and grasped my prong, warm, God, so warm, so long, it'd been so long!

I surged to hardness in an instant and his hands slid up and down my shaft, our lips joined again and he pumped me, while he ground his own erection against my buttocks. Found the center and began hunching up and down.

"Oh, God, the bed, Paul, the bed!" I moaned. "Now, please, now!"

"Yes." Paul breathed huskily into my ear. "Now."

The bedroom was at the end of the short hallway formed by the living room wall and the bathroom door, you could stand in the bedroom and look right out the large square window of the front door. Curtains kept it from being a peep show for whoever might walk or drive down that alleyway and look inside, the alleyway was only a couple of feet from the door. Someone looking carefully inside would have seen us, two guys race back to the bedroom and turn when we got there to embrace and kiss, open-mouthed and hard!

Paul's hands cupped my buttocks and pulled me to him, and now our erections were grinding against each other, only my sweats and his shorts kept them from getting to know each other all over again. My own hands went to his shorts and began to worm them off his body. They weren't as relaxed as my sweatpants, but they gave under my urgings. When they slipped over those magnificently taut buns of his, Paul grunted, gave a sort of shiver, and the shorts were freely moving down his thighs. His hands caught my sweats and they followed suit in no time. With our lower clothes puddles around our ankles, I lifted off his t-shirt, he did the same to my sweatshirt and we were nude but for footwear.

I had sneakers and socks, they took longer than his own pair of slip-ons with bare feet underneath. Paul'd known how my homecoming was going to turn out, too, but you can't walk around all day barefoot inside sneakers. He bounded into bed while I was still sitting on the edge and working at my footwear, and when I was done, Paul caught hold of my shoulders and pulled me back onto the bed, he wrapped himself around me, my head on his legs and his upper body was bent over so he could kiss me, kiss my face, my chest, my ribs. I squirmed around and as he worked his way down me, I managed to worm my face towards his manhood and as his glory reached my face and I could grasp the glans with my lips and slurp it down, his mouth covered my own cock and drove it in deep!

God, that's the sort of homecoming I'd been looking for! Now we were back at college together, we had weeks together now, nights of lovemaking, weekends of orgiastic bliss, Paul and I could spend all day in bed together on Saturdays, sucking each other again and again, thank God, back to being full-time lovers, no more phone sex, no more love letters, just him and me!

Long, deep, and slow, we sucked each other, I wanted this to last, hell, I wanted this to last forever! Paul's cock was eight inches, uncut and delicious, my Jewish mother would have been appalled that this was the cock of the man I'd fallen in love with, but hell, a foreskin doesn't make a man a demon...unless you count what a demon Paul was in bed!

Paul was slurping on me with a fervor that told me he'd been craving this as much as I had. My body was surging and quivering with rising passion, I was writhing in the joy of renewed love, with the body of the man of my dreams, the man of my life, on top of me, his cock driving down into my throat as I held on for dear life, for dear love, dear God, let this moment never end!

Paul let go of my pud, panting. "Now!" he gasped out. "Now, let me get on you, Morrie, please!"

I realized then that he'd not been sucking my cock so much as lubing it up, my shaft was a slippery pole greased with his saliva. He got onto his knees, I rolled more fully onto my back, and Paul straddled me at my stomach, smiling down at me as he guided my pud like a missile into the target of his ass. I felt that hot sphincter slide onto my glans, give with a pop as it hit the flare, then fasten onto my shaft, Paul paused, moaned, and then he shoved at me again, and his body remembered my organ inside it, for it writhed around my cock and conformed to it, and he got the rest of my length into his body with only a grimace or two punctuating his moans of joy.

I placed my hands on his thighs as I always did, he smiled down at me and then he began to move. Paul can ride a man's cock better than anybody I'd ever had and ever thought of having, he could wring your ding-dong in a hundred changes with his strokes, clenches, wriggles and lunges, God, you couldn't control yourself because the sensations were always different, always changing, always delightful. Pleasure piled upon pleasure until you were lost and could only handle it the way you handle a roller-coaster ride, just turn yourself loose and let it take you!

Paul's pud was bouncing in front of me, I grabbed it and yanked it hard and fast, I wanted him to join me in my climbing climax, my face scrunched up so much it hurt, I just could see Paul above me, his face a softened cream-color, his eyes closed up, head uplifted. He was moaning, his face flushed and I felt his cock get hard as hell.

My orgasm hit and I groaned, "Oh, God, Paul, I'm coming, I'm coming! AH, GAH, HAH-HAH-UH-GUHHHH!"

Paul's moan said it all, "GGGGGGHHHHHH!" and with that one sound, he was spraying hot splats of jizz all over my chest! That just made my own ecstasy intensify, I was pumping my squibs up into his bowels as he squirted his spunk onto my body. So good, so fucking GOOD!

I was still writhing with post-coital aftershocks when Paul finished, leaned over onto me and his chest squished his come all over both of us. I continued to convulse in his arms as he kissed my cheek, holding me as I shook over and over and over again.

Done at last, I looked at him and chuckled, and he did so, the sounds of two men madly in love sharing in their post-orgasmic glow, bodies sated, minds dazzled, senses overloaded but resetting themselves as quick as they could.

And that was when I heard the sound again. I'd heard it before a couple of times, but it had been too faint to really register, or maybe because we'd been too busy spraying hot goo onto and into each other.

A knock at the door, and an unmistakable sound. "Yoo-hoo!"

"Oh, God, it's my mother!" I said and scrambled out of bed. Peered around the edge of the bedroom alcove (it was a full room, but there was no door on the bedroom and the bed was around the edge of the hallway/bathroom, you couldn't see the bed from the hallway or front door). Yes, it was her, standing on the doorsill with the rain still coming down, a real all-day downpour, peering in through the curtains' gap in the middle, right at my furtive face.

The closet was on the hallway side of the bedroom! I couldn't get to it without displaying myself. I did what I could, I waved back and darted over to the closet door (the bedroom had no door, but the closet did, explain that to me!), and pulled it open and fished out a pair of pants real fast. Opening the door also covered me from the view at the front door, at least. Put on the pants and went to the door like that, barefooted and bare above the waist. I went to the door and opened it for Mom. Behind me, Paul had made the same rush to hide his naked body behind the closet door as Mom walked in.

"Sorry, darling, I forgot my umbrella, can you imagine that? Got nearly ten miles down the road before I remembered."

"I could have given it to you next weekend." I pointed out. "When you and Dad bring out my car."

"Oh, honey, it was only a short trip back." Mom said. "Hello there again, Paul!" she said to Paul. He was wearing pants only, too, and I saw to my mortification that the shine of come was all over his chest. Not white, but a wetness that gleamed guiltily in the overhead light.

"We weren't expecting you, Mrs. Jacobsen."

"Call me Emma." Mom said. "You might as well, if you're going to be part of the family."

Mom turned to my stupefied face. "I'll let you two get back to your reunion, just hand me my umbrella."

I did, and Mom bound it closed instead of keeping it unfastened. As she did, I said, "Mom?"

"Yes, Morris?"

"How long have you known?"

"How long?" she gestured exasperation. "That you wanted men instead of women, forever. A mother always knows, not that I didn't hope a nice girl might change your mind, maybe. Then this Paul, your rommate at college, he comes out to spend a week with you, and for that week, every time I'm looking for you, you're at his cabin, inside on a hot day with door shut and curtains drawn tight. You know how it is with guests, you can't help but know who's sleeping with who and how, I changed the sheets on the bed, you know."

"And you're okay with this?"

"Honey, you love who you love. So he's a goy, I'll live with it, long as he makes you happy. Does he make you happy?"

I looked at Paul, smiled. "Yeah, Mom. He makes me happy."

"Then that's all that matters. Paul, you and Morris come out and spend Thanksgiving with us, okay? Christmas, we don't celebrate, but a woman can fix a turkey to see her family all together, can't she? I have to get back on the road, I'll be driving in the dark as it is, and with all this rain, feh!"

She went out the door and Paul and I went to the doorway and parted the curtains looked out at her. A small, indomitable figure in the rain, she turned and waved at me, got in the car and drove off.

And I felt Paul's lips come down to kiss me on my neck at the junction of the shoulder. I leaned my head back to rest it on his own. And slowly, lovingly, we started in again.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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