Mother and Daughter Training

By Juliet

Published on Aug 9, 2014


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Mother and Daughter Training Part 2

I started walking towards the door of my home. It was a small house in an urban neighborhood. That's all my mother could afford on a hairdresser's pay. Still, it was home.

"Wait up." Carl said. I felt his big arm on my shoulder and he pulled me beside him. I felt weird and didn't know how to act. I got to my front door, and was about to turn the handle when Carl hit the door bell.

My mother was in the living room, and came to answer the door just as I was pushing it open. She was relieved and confused to see me there. Also me standing there with a gorgeous hunk with his arm around me must have really confused her. It looked like she hadn't yet changed clothes after work, and she was in a white blouse with a tight short skirt. She still had high heels on. For some reason, my mother adored her high heels.

"Hi there." Carl said in a silky smooth voice. I could visibly see the reaction in my mother. She seemed to just melt right there on the spot. Everything about here changed suddenly from a confused mother to a grown woman in heat.

I stepped forward into the living room, and turned to see Carl giving my mother the sexiest killer smile that I could imagine. No wonder she melted. Carl exuded masculine sexuality. I too was mesmerized by him.

"I'm Carl. I bumped into Mickey here on his way home, and decided to give him a lift. He told me about you and I figured I would come in and meet you." Carl paused to let her process the information.

"I gotta say, I though you were his sister at first. I am glad to see that Micky has such a beautiful mother." I glanced at my mother to see her flush. The smile on her lips told me that she was hungry for what she saw.

"Well, I gotta take off. It was a pleasure to me you, . . ." He trailed off to let her give him her name.

"Cynthia, my name is Cynthia, but you can call me Cindy. You don't have to leave do you? You just got here" The last part sounded like she was almost pleading.

"Yeah, gotta go. Things to see, people to do. I hope to see you again sometime real soon Cin." he said with a smooth hypnotic voice. My mother and I just stood there.

"Thanks for the ride Carl." I managed to say. It felt weird just speaking to him.

"No problem sweetie. I'll see you again real soon. You too Cindy." Carl turned and let himself out and closed the door behind him.

Mom and I just stared at the door for a couple of moments. Regaining her composure, she said. "It's nice to meet your new friend honey. He seems like a real . . . um, nice guy."

I think she saw the several shades of crimson that I turned. I just sorta stared at the floor. "Yeah. Well, I gotta go to bed, I'm tired." I said, not knowing what to say about the man who had just fucked my mouth and filled me with his cum.

Crawling into bed, I had a chance to relive what had happened earlier. I couldn't help but jerk my little 'clit', as Carl called it. I must have came four times before I was exhausted. I imagined that I could still taste Carl's cum in my mouth, and felt like my insides were melting when I recalled how he told me that he was going to 'train me up right'. I had never felt this way before.

A buzzing sound caught my attention, and I could tell it came from my mother's room across the hall. Even with our bedroom doors closed, I could hear the buzzing. Mother was using her vibrator and pleasuring herself. I felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of her cuming to thoughts of Carl. I wanted his magnificent cock all to myself. I heard her moan a few times which made my clit hard again and I just had to relieve myself to thoughts of Carl's cock. I finally drifted off to a fitful sleep.

In the morning, mother had already gone to work by the time I got out of bed. I planned to just lay around the house all morning and afternoon since I had to work again that night. About 10:00AM, the phone rang, and I answered it in the kitchen. I was shocked to hear Carl's voice on the other end.

"Good morning sweetie, did you jerk off last night thinking of me? Hahaha."

"Hi Carl," My voice rose an octave with excitement. "Um, yeah, I sorta did. Um . . ." I felt somehow compelled to tell him the truth. Kinda like yesterday when we were playing his game only this time I was afraid the he would hang up.

"That's some hot mom you got there sweetie. I can see where you get your good looks. Maybe I'll train you both right. Kinda a mother-daughter thing. Hahahaha."

His voice filled my ear. I loved the deep rich resonant quality of it. It turned my insides to jelly.

"Tell you what, I had such a good time last night, that I thought I'd stop by and play the game again with you. Only this time, I want you to be ready for me." His tone was a command more than anything else. "Here's what you are going to do to get ready. You are going to take a bath, and take your mothers razor and get rid of any hair below you neck. Everything, pubes, pits, the works. I want you clean and smooth like a baby, baby." He paused to let it sink in. "If I find any hairs below your neck, I am going to pull them out on the spot, and it won't be fun. If you are a good girl, I might just have a present for ya. Got it? Any questions"

"Sure Carl," I said. Um, I do have a question . . . if it's alright . . ." I didn't know how to ask it, and I waited for his permission to ask.

"Ok, what is it?"

"How did you get this number? If it's alright that I ask."

"Well, doll, I'm a PI, a private investigator. It was easy for me to get your number. I know a lot of things. For instance, I know that place where your mother works, who her boss is, and the fact that she hasn't been laid in months. Tsk, tsk tsk. I know you're a born cocksucker, but I think we both know that now. I know a lot more about you than you.

"Ok, enough chit-chat. I'll be there in an hour. Leave the front door unlocked, and be on the couch in the living room. I don't want to see a stitch of clothes on you. Be naked and smooth. See you then, bye."

I was saddened to stop hearing his voice as the phone clicked with his hanging up. There wasn't any though about not doing as he commanded. I raced up the stairs and started the bath.

Forty-five minutes later, I was stepping out of the bath after having used my moms razor to remove every bit of hair below my neck. It was difficult this first time as I had never done it before. I had a hard time reaching places. The only good thing was that I didn't have much hair at all. Still, when I stepped out of the bath I felt nakeder than I had ever felt before. I dried myself while nervously looking in the mirror. I could see my mother in me.

I finished up and got down to the living room with hardly any time to spare. I sat there staring at the doorknob feeling scared and excited at the same time. Ten minutes passed and I was worried that Carl wasn't going to show up. Every second was an eternity. Finally I heard his heavy footsteps on the porch, and the doorknob rattled and turned.

I sat on the couch with my hands in my lap trying to cover by aching clit. Carl filled the doorway, and I was once again enthralled at his being. He smiled a hungry smile and kicked the door closed behind him.

"All right. Just what I ordered. Your learning kid. Just the way I pictured you."

I blushed and smiled with happiness. Somehow his praise filled me with excitement.

"Your moms at work all day. That gives us lots of time to play the game again. But I got a few extras to spice it up." He crossed the distance between us and sat on the couch next to me.

"First things first. I want to inspect you to make sure that you got all your hair. Stand up in-front of me." The tone of command in his voice made me jump off of the couch and stand in front of him. "Hands at your sides. No, better yet, hands on top of your head. Lace your fingers."

I raised my hands to reveal a stiff clit. I was embarrassed, but kept going. I laced my fingers on top of my head and I could feel the air moving over my skin. Carl reached out and traced his fingers across my nipples, and down to my clit. He flicked it with his meaty fingers and I jumped. He chuckled at that. He ran his hand up to my armpits to look for traces of hair. Luckily, I had done that area twice, and the caress of his fingers made me shiver.

"So far so good, now turn around." I spun on the spot. "Spread your legs. Stand on your toes." It was hard, but I managed to balance myself as he commended. I felt his strong hands run up and down my back, across my cheeks, and down my legs. He reached through my legs and ran his hands across my scrotum. "Pretty small, even for your age. More like ovaries." I blushed. "Bend over and touch your toes." I did, and he kept his hands on my rear. I could feel his fingers move up and down my crack, and lingered on my hole. He flicked it with his finger. It almost made me fall over, but I managed to remain upright.

"Good, now go fetch me a glass of water." Carl said as he slapped me on the ass. The sound of the crack shocked me. I quickly ran into the kitchen and returned with a glass of water for Carl.

Carl was seated on the couch with his legs spread and a smile on his face. "Kneel here." He said, pointed to the spot on the floor between his legs. I tried not to spill the water as I got on my knees. Carl reached into his shirt pocket and got out a small metal case. Opening it, I saw that there were pills in it. "Open you mouth and stick out your tongue". I eagerly did so, and Carl reached out and grabbed my tongue.

"I want you to learn to really stick out your tongue. You are really going to learn to use it. Like I told you, I am going to train you." Carl took one of the little pills and put it on my tongue. "Now drink all the water. Drink it all down."

Raising the glass to my lips, I was worried that Carl was giving me some kind of addictive drug. It didn't stop me from swallowing the pill and drinking down the water. When I was done, I looked at him, and glanced down at the bulge in his tight jeans.

"Ok, now it's time for some training." He pulled down his zipper. "Pull my cock out and make love to it. I want you to take your time and get used to taking it as deep into your mouth as you can. Use one of your hands to stroke it and the other to play with my balls."

I shakily reached in and maneuvered his magnificent cock. It wasn't ease since he was already mostly hard. It was sticking up obscenely through his fly. Carl reached down and undid the button on his jeans. I felt like I did the first time, and when my face got close to his cock, I could feel the heat coming off of it. It felt so smooth in my hand yet very firm. I could smell his manliness as I opened my mouth and placed my lips around his cock head. Just like he told me, I made love to it as sensually as I could, pumping his shaft with my hand. Mmmmmm, came out of my throat involuntarily as I tasted the first drop of precum. I used my tongue to swab his cockhead while I pumped his shaft and caressed his balls.

"Very good so far honey. I want you to focus your attention on my cock and what I am saying. Listen to my every word. Start taking it deeper into your mouth and bob your head up and down with your hand. Listen to my voice as I train you."

I was feeling sorta strange. I didn't know it at the time, but the pill he had given me was making me very suggestible. He was hypnotizing me and programming me. My head bobbed up and down on his cock in a nice slow rhythm as he spoke to me. I don't remember much of what he said, mostly things like how much I need his cock, how I am a slut, addicted to cum. I remember that he even talked about my mother, and how I want to be sexy like her.

Then something strange happened. I remember being downstairs making love to the most beautiful cock in the world that belonged to my master, and then I was in my bedroom. Carl was there smiling at me.

"You see, I can make you do anything I want. All I have to do is just say the right words. Now go to sleep."

He must have hypnotized me to go back to sleep. When he woke me up again, we were in my mothers room. I was on my knees looking up at his cock.

"Make yourself pretty." was all he said. I immediately got up and went to my mothers dresser. I felt like I was in a dream, not really in control of myself. I got out a pair of black lace thong panties and pulled them up my legs like it was the most natural thing in the world. I slipped into one of her bras and clasped it in the back. It too felt natural, but looking back, I don't see how that could have been as my mother has large breasts and I didn't have any. The next thing I remember is sitting in front of my mothers vanity applying lipstick. However, it wasn't really me in the mirror, it was some girl. Her eyebrows were different. Her lips were a very sultry shade of red that looked like they belonged around a stiff cock. I got up but almost fell down. Looking at me small feet, I noticed that I was wearing my mother's high heels. Odd that they seemed to fit. Odd that I was also wearing a short skirt and silk blouse. There was even the smell of perfume. It made me feel sexy.

I remember holding the banister as I went down the stairs into the front room. Carl was there waiting for me.

"Fuck! Can I pick em, or what." He said. "I don't know why you ever thought you were a boy, you are all girl. Remember that." Somehow, that idea seemed to get buried away deep inside of me and it made me happy. But anything that Carl said made me happy.

"Come here and spin around a couple of times." I tried my best, but I was a bit wobbly. On my second turn, I sorta fell into him, but he caught me in his big strong arms. I felt them surround me and crush me to his body. It felt soooooo good. Somehow, Carl was making me fall in love with him.

Leading me to the couch, he sat, and I stood there in front of him. I knew what was expected of me, and I was filled with joy. Lowering myself to my knees, I reached up and freed his hard cock from his pants. My mouth was watering for the taste of him. I lowered my lips to his cock and tasted him. Mmmmmm. The taste of his cock filled me with a deep joy and satisfaction that I had never known before. It was as if I now knew what I was born for -- to please Carl's cock.

I started bobbing my head up and down, filling my mouth as much as I could with each stroke, trying to force my lips down as far as I could. Over and over again, I drove my mouth down over his cock. Carl grunted and moaned above me, and the sound of his voice urged me on. I heard him calling me names like cocksucker and slut and several other names that filled me with pleasure to hear from him. I felt his large hand on the back of my head expecting it to push me down even further over his cock. Instead, I grabbed a fistful of my hair and lifted my head. I felt empty and incomplete without his cock in my mouth.

"Nice work so far princess, but you're not going to get your reward that easy." he said looking into my eyes. "I have some more training for you, but first I have something for you to get. Go out to my car and get the box that is in the back seat. The door is open, so just get it and come back."

I got up and barely able to keep my balance, made my way outside. It felt so natural to be dressed like a girl that I didn't hesitate to step outside. I noticed how sexy it made me feel to have the air pass over my stocking and around my skirt. The high heels made me sway my ass, and I hoped it looked good for Carl.

On the back seat of his car, I found a nondescript cardboard box. I got it and went back in the house. Carl took it from me and opened it beside him. He had a camera. It was one of those polaroid cameras that developed in a couple of minutes. Carl had me pose for him in various poses while he took several pictures. Then he had me wrap my lips around his cock and look into the camera while he took another. He also took a couple of me with his cock buried to different depths in my mouth. All the while, I just wanted to please him and look sexy for him.

After he was done taking pictures, he reached into the box and took out a plug shaped object. "This is for your pussy. I know it isn't stretched enough yet, and I don't want you to bleed all over me, or I'd be fucking your brains out right now. I want you to put it in for me and keep it in all the time except when you need to use that toilet."

Carl handed me the plug and a tube of lubricant. It didn't take me long at all to understand what I was supposed to do. I awkwardly knelt there and wondered if I should do it in front of him or go to the bathroom. Luckily, Carl knew what to do. He made me lay across his lap and spread my legs. He pulled my panties down far enough to access my pussy. I felt the cold lubricant across my hole and he slid a finger inside of me and sawed it back and forth. It felt wonderful to have Carl finger fuck me for his amusement. I felt the tip of the plug against my hole, and it slowly slid into me. I started to tense up and the pain hit me. Even though the plug was small, I wasn't used to it and it hurt. Carl kept pushing and when I was about in tears, my ring tightened over the small part of it pulling it deeper into me. Carl was satisfied with that and slapped me on the ass.

"From now on, you are to keep your pussy clean for me to use whenever and however I say. It's mine to use for as long as I want it. Now stand up and pull your panties up."

I got up and did as commanded. My eyes fell to his cock again. "Ok, now get back down where you belong and make me cum." Carl said.

I was on his cock in a flash. I moaned in contentment from the feeling of his magnificent cock in my mouth. Bobbing my head up and down, it wasn't long before I again felt his hand on the back of my head controlling me. "Keep it up, I am getting real close to giving you another present." With that, his cock grew, and I felt the first shots of his wonderful cum him the back of my mouth. It made me swallow as I was moving my head down on his cock, and the head of his cock slipped further into my throat than it had before. The next shot of his cum went straight down my throat, but luckily, I was able to back off enough to have him fill my mouth with the rest.

"Don't swallow. Lean back and open your mouth. Show me your pretty mouth filled with my cum."

I knelt there looking up into his eyes while holding my mouth open while Carl took another picture. I swirled his cum around and savored the taste and texture. It was the most wonderful thing that I had ever tasted.

After the picture, he allowed me to swallow and lick off the remaining drops from the head of his cock. Carl was sated, and sat back to talk to me, to tell me more about what I was to do to make him happy. He warned me that if I ever displeased him, he would send the pictures to my mother and anyone else that I knew and my life would be ruined. This scared me, but I was more interested in making him happy than avoiding his punishment.

After a few minutes of programming, Carl got up to go. I went upstairs to my mothers' room and put her clothes back where I got them except for the panties. After taking a shower, I put on the panties again and went to my bed and slept with thoughts of Carl's cock.

End Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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