Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Feb 12, 2022



One stupid offer. And because I thought more with my dick rather than with my brain, i was now hurting.

I'd been tied to the chair for days. Ok more like for hours or just two. I had no idea how long. All I knew, all I could feel was the fucking pain in may balls, in my arms, my neck, my back, my legs...... I was a fucking diva. That was bad but not unbearable. I wanted to get off that fucking chair. I wanted to relax. I wanted a hot shower. He sure didn't give a fuck what I wanted. Even if he knew.

Every time he finished a phone call I started to moan louder to get his attention. He just looked at me smirking. Ignoring me.

After he removed the tit clamps, I started to relax in the easiest position. But soon another pain started. I was sweating in the rubber chastity shorts and I was sliding slightly in them on the chair. So I moved back every time pulling hard on my balls still stretched and tied down. I was drooling like a pig with the large ball gag keeping my mouth wide open and I wanted to stretch my arms.


He started to shut down his computer and to put things away. I was very aware of him moving around his office and every time he walked near me I got ready to be released. I would have to learn that it was all about him. Not about me. He was taking his sweet time. First he released my balls and folded the rope properly. He sat on me and kissed me, toying with my gagged mouth as he undid the rope holding my arms. Once freed from the rope I moaned as I was able to put my arms at my sides. Fucking heaven. I wanted to kiss him back. He licked the gag and hooded face. I was his toy.

He eventually got of me and pulled me up by the ring on the collar and dragged me to the bedroom.

He put me back where I started.

He pushed me down on my knees with my back against the bed frame, my wrists chained to the feet. I could only watch him as he took his clothes off, staring at his hard cock. He walked back to me, so close that his cock was rubbing against my face. He removed the ball gag and threw it on the bed. I moaned from relief as I worked my jaws but my mouth didn't stay empty for long. He put his glans against my lips poking through the rubber hood. He teased my lips for a couple of seconds before he started to push his cock in my mouth. He grabbed my head with both his hands and started to face fuck me. He pushed his cock deep in my mouth. Gagging me. He just fucked my mouth. I was just a hole for him. It was a deep face fuck, not a pleasure one. At least not for me. It was obvious that he was getting off by making me gag every thrust. He did not care. He started to move faster. I was lost in the brutal face fuck. I was heaving like a pig, bile rising in my mouth, spewing all over his cock and balls. He made sure i swallowed everything back, feeding it back to me, rubbing it all over his cock, using it like some nasty lube fuck my mouth. My eyes filled with tears from the hard gagging. I was breathing through my nose. The bastard pinched my nose shut forcing me to open my mouth wider to breathe around his cock. Wider for him to go deeper. That was not that difficult. Not easy but not as bad as i thought it would be. And somehow I was sort of proud of myself to be able to swallow his cock.

`'Fucking pathetic. Not even taking half of my cock. You need some serious training boi.''


`'Don't worry you will learn to be a better hole to fuck. Better holes''

I didn't have much time to think about his words.

He pulled his cock out and wiped it all over my rubber face to clean it. I was panting like a dog, trying to catch my breath. He released my arms and pulled me up by the collar, he pulled me to the side of the bed and told me to get on my back on it. He straddled me, sitting on my caged dick under the rubber shorts. He pulled my wrists up and locked them to the bed frame. He moved down on my legs before unlocking the rubber shorts, pulling them off and tying my legs wide open. I was spreadeagled on the bed unable to move. I had to move a bit every time he locked my wrists and ankles to the bed. And I was completely stretched, unable to get any relief. He got the penis gag and locked in my mouth, forcing the rubber cock as deep was possible. I remembered that he had bigger sizes to use on the gag. I was not looking forward to that. He grabbed my balls in his fist and squeezed them hard making me grunt. He just laughed as i felt something cold replacing his fist. I lifted my head to look at what he was doing suddenly getting nervous. He was putting a small weight on my balls. That was new to me and I could not take my eyes off it. Once he screwed it shut he dropped my balls. The weight of the cold metal was all I could feel. And when I saw him reaching for a second weight, I started to moan in the gag. I was not making any sense. I just watched as he screwed the second weight on my balls. He lifted my weighted balls and dropped them few times to make sure I was aware of the metal on my balls forcing my balls down. And when he grabbed a third one slightly bigger I shook my head no and I moaned loudly in the gag. If anything that tuned him on even more. I could see his cock getting hard as he put the weights on my balls. I grunted from the heavy weight. My world was being turned upside down very quickly. I tracked him as he walked around the bedroom and I tensed when I saw him looking through his toys. My mind going wild with the thoughts of what he could do next. There was no limit to them. I usually was in his place. I was the one in charge. The one deciding. Not anymore. I froze when I saw the rubber plug and bottle of lube in his hands. I didn't care about the ropes he was holding too.

He came back to the bed dropping them between my legs. I started to breathe deeply, gearing myself for what he was going to do. It didn't take a genius to guess what.

`'Calm down boi. That plug is going up your arse. I told you that I was going train you to be a proper fuck hole.''

He passed a rope through the ring on the restraint on my left leg, released my ankle from the bed and pulled it up by the rope. He tied the rope to the post at the top of the bed keeping my leg up. Then he did the same to my right leg. He tightened both ropes until he was satisfied and he had me fully exposed. He lifted and dropped my balls few times. I watched him completely helpless as he lubed the small but plug. I knew that was a small plug but I've never been fucked. Except in my twisted fantasies. He put the tip of the plug against my hole.

`'Relax boi.''

I took few deep breaths, my mind going completely blank. All my attention was fixed on that plug. He started to move it against my hole. He pushed against it, rubbed the tip of the plug around a bit. Bit by bit he started to push it in my hole as I relax. I kept breathing hard as he kept pushing it in, pulling it out and back in. He was going slowly. He knew what he was doing. After a while he started to move the plug faster, stretching my hole and with a last shove he had the plug completely in my hole. I gasped as I passed the widest point and squeezed my hole around the base. I was plugged. I had a rubber plug in my hole for the first time.

`' You better get used to be plugged from now on boi.''

He released my legs and put the rubber shorts back on me. Locking them, trapping my weighted balls and my plugged hole.

He put some clothes on and left.

I was sweating in the rubber shorts and every time I squirmed in them I could feel the weight on my balls and the plug in my are. I tried to stay still to avail. It was like I wanted to feel the weights and the plug. Part of me wanted them off. Another wanted bigger ones.

I was so lost once again in my thoughts that I din't hear him coming back. And I only saw him holding the dog bowl when he laughed. How long was he gone? How long had he been watching me squirming on the bed, trying to get some relief?

He walked to the cage and put the dog bowl in the back. He released me from the bed and had me kneeling in front of him. He took the penis gag out of my mouth. He pulled his dick out and without a break he pushed his glans in my mouth and started to piss. Once he emptied himself he dragged me to the cage by the collar and told me to get in. I crawled in the cage on all four like a dog. Once I was inside he slammed the door shut and locked it.

I watched him through the bars as he got on the bed grabbing a book.


I didn't need to be told twice. I didn't give a fuck I had to eat from a bowl. That was still fucking humiliating. But I was starving from my ordeal. It was a mixture of mash potatoes, vegetables and meat. It was like a paste and i cleaned the bowl in no time. My hooded face was a mess again but there was nothing I could do about it. Wasn't it? I started to think about the times I had a sub eating on all four from a bowl and how I expect them to behave. I knew there was some food stuck to the hood and that I had to clean it. I rubbed one of my hands locked in the rubber mitten on the hood to remove the food. When I saw that I managed to get some I licked the mitten clean without even thinking. I did that few times.

After a while he squatted near the cage and poured some water in the bowl. I lapped it up pushing my face in the water. He grabbed his filthy jock and used it to dry my rubber face before pushing part of it in my mouth.

He went back to his reading leaving me with my thoughts. My dirty thoughts.

I must have been a sight with a dirty jock half hanging from my mouth. I could smell it every time I breathed through my nose, And I could taste it every time I swallowed.

`'Time to go to bed boi. You can sleep next to me. But if you wake me you will get in the cage and believe me you will regret waking me up. Understood boi?''

`Yes sir.'

He unlocked the cage, grabbed the collar, pulled me out, dragged me on all four to bed and told me to get on it on my back. He padlocked my wrist together and rope them to the top post and did the same to my ankles roping them to the bottom post. I was tied up on one side of the bed being able to move slightly. Just enough not to get cramped. I knew it wasn't form my comfort. He put a blindfold over my eyes, sealing me in darkness. I lost a sense completely. A complete mind fuck. He was taking me apart slowly to mold me to the slave he wanted. I knew well enough that fucking with the sub's mind was as important as using his body. Being on the receiving end was new to me and no amount of fantasies or chats through my sub's profile could have prepared me for the reality of it.

He covered the both of us and turned the light off.

It took me a while to get used to my position, and when I eventually did I fell asleep.

I woke up few times through the night but i was able to get more comfortable without waking him up. Every time i woke up it took me few seconds to remember my situation. First I felt the blindfold. It took me a couple of second to understand why I could not see. Then the hood. It was tight, enclosing my head in thin rubber, glued to my skin, blocking my ears, forcing me to concentrate to properly hear anything. Like his peaceful breathing next to me. Then I felt the restraints holding me in place to the bed. I was next to him because he wanted to have me there. I was sleeping on a bed but I was not free. I was a slave at his side in case he needed me for anything. Next I felt the shorts locked on me. I was sweating in them too and that made my balls move, reminding me of the weights still on them. And at the same time I felt the plug up my arse. A small rubber plug that felt so much bigger in my head. But I knew well enough that was only the beginning. What did it say about me if I was thinking about the plug in my arse last. I convinced myself that it meant nothing. Really.

The night dragged on with me sleeping on and off.

By the time morning came I was feeling horny. I thought so. My dick was hard in its cage. I probably just need to piss. And thinking that made it worst. I tried to stay still. And I was so glad when I felt him moving.

`'Morning boi.''

He got off the bed and came next to me. He released my arms and legs unlocking the restraints still attached to the bed.

`'Get up''

I moved slowly and stood next to the bed. He removed the blindfold, then the hood. I looked at myself in the mirror as he took things of me. He removed the mittens and I moved my fingers, able to stretch completely. He unlocked the shorts and told me to take them off and to spread my legs, hands behind my back. That was a simple posture but so degrading. I was unrestraint and still felt like if I was tied up or back in the straitjacket. He took the weights off my balls and it took a lot for me not to scream as he squeezed them with his hand.

He gave me my toiletries bag;

`'G and clean up. You shave, a quick shower, you take the plug out and clean it, have a piss and shit. Back here in 10 minutes.''

I ran to the bathroom, glad that the door was open and found it.

I had a shave and jumped in the shower. I never washed so quickly. I squatted over the toilet and push on the plug. I moaned at the widest part. I had a piss and shit seating on the toilet. I washed the plug with soap and dried it;` I realized that I din't bother to dry myself. I dried the plug. I grabbed my stuff and ran back to the bedroom;

He was on the bed playing with his hard cock. He threw me a bottle of lube.

`'Put the plug back in boi''


I put some lube on the rubber plug. My mind was screaming to say no. But I did as ordered. I put the plug against my hole, I bent my legs slightly and I pushed it in. I moved it in and out of my hole.

`'Move boi.''

I stilled myself as I pushed the plug fully in my hole.

The whole time I struggled to plug myself, he just stared at me playing with himself.

He got off the bed. He gave me the short rubber one piece to put on. I barely zipped it up that he put the rubber hood over my head and locked the collar back on my neck. He hooked a leash to the collar and dragged me behind him taking me downstairs.

As we walked in the kitchen I could not stop myself from freezing in place when I saw his lodger having breakfast at the table. He looked at me annoyed and just pulled hard on the leash. I had no choice but to follow him. I kept my head down, avoiding to look at the stranger. They greeted each other ignoring me. He made me kneel next to the table. He went about to get himself some breakfast. Before sitting at the table he put the dog bowl on front of me. It was filled with milk and a couple of wheat biscuits floating in it. I thought of the many times I fed them to some subs. Soaked with my piss.

He laughed as I look at the cereals.

`'Bet you think of them in my piss. Eat now.''

Another thing I mentioned in our chats. Telling him that I deserved being fed disgusting food not fit for a real man. I started to eat the soggy paste as they chatted ignoring me. When I had licked the bowl clean, he poured some tea in it. And they laughed hearing me lapping it up. Once they finished their breakfast, the lodger left first walking by me like if it completely normal to have a slave on all four.

`'You clean the breakfast boi. Got to earn your keep. Come up when you're done''

He kicked my plugged hole as he left.

I stood up, picking the bowl up. I looked around and started to clean breakfast. I cleaned the table, washed the mugs and bowls. I put things away when I found where they were going. When I finished, I got upstairs as told.

By the time I reach the top of the stairs he was waiting for mr on the landing; And one again I just froze.

There was a dildo taped to the bannister. It was at the perfect height for a sub to impale his mouth on it.

For me to impale my mouth on it.

`'Got to work for a bit boi. So you can train your hole while I'm busy.''

He reached for the collar and dragged me in from of the dildo sticking out forcing me on my knees.

When he pushed on the back on my head I opened wide.

I impaled my mouth on the dildo.

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Next: Chapter 9

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