Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Feb 3, 2022



I jerked awake when I heard him shouting.

I didn't know how long had passed since he `'put me to bed'' as he called it. Sleep did not come. Sleeping tied up on the floor was new to me. Not natural. My mind wanted to be released and my body had tried to fight the basic bondage. Ì tried to get on my side but my legs and arms started to get sore, so I got on my back for a bit, Until that started to get uncomfortable. I kept moving from one side to the other. I even struggled to get on my front. I kept trying to move my arm to rest my head on.

The evil bastard had me in a simple bondage. Something I've done many times to subs while I was the one sleeping comfortably. Before making it worst for them.


He was going to make it worst for me.

He got up and came next to me. I felt something pressed against my nose and like an idiot I inhaled deeply. Big mistake. It stank. My nose filled with the stench of old piss, sweat and probably cum. He put the cloth against my lips and in no time he pushed in my mouth.



He pushed it completely in my mouth before wrapping some tape around my mouth.


That seemed to be his default mode.

He laughed.

`'That will keep you quiet for a bit cunt.''

He got back in bed. Back to sleep. I went back to my restless night.

After he had pissed in me, it took me a long time to get rid of the taste of his piss. And he just filled my mouth with a foul smelling jockstrap. The foul smell was one thing but the taste, that was bad to start with and it got worst as it got soaked with my saliva. I kept soaking the jockstrap, avoiding to swallow. I knew that was a lost battle and the inevitable happened. With a large gulp I swallowed the vile tasting liquid. Of course that didn't go down quickly. It went down my throat slowly, coating it each time I swallowed. The tape had my mouth completely sealed, restricting it completely. I had to work my throat a lot to get rid of the taste. My stupid mind did not realize that I was making it worst myself.

I always had a stubborn streak and I could take it.

That was until my bladder screamed at me.

I was so fucked.

I needed to piss and suddenly it was all I could think of. I had to concentrate hard to hold it. I didn't dare to relax too much. I knew there would be a heavy price to pay for pissing myself. And for a long time that was all I could think of.

After a while I started to hear noises outside. Daylight noises. I thought I heard him stirring in the bed.

`'Morning boi. Slept well?''

The bastard thought he was funny and I wished I could tell him exactly how not. All I could do was moaning in the gag staring at him, pleading with my eyes.

`'Need something boi?''

I nodded my head like crazy and lifting my hips up and down.

`'Want to fuck?''


''Want to be fucked?''


I was screaming that I needed to piss.

`'Oooooooooops, forgot the gag.''


He kneeled next to me, lifted my head up and untaped my mouth. I opened my mouth as much as possible for him to remove the jockstrap. He was taking his sweet time. He pulled the jockstrap, stretched it and put it over my face covering my nose and mouth, the straps behind my head. A stinking muzzle;

`'What do you need boi?''

`I need to piss.'

No reply.

He just looked at me. Waiting.

`I need to piss please.'


`I need to piss please Sir.'

`'Good boi.''

He unlocked my wrists and ankles from the bed, told me to get on all four, put a leash on the collar and dragged me to the toilet.

`'I want you to sit over the toilet without touching it for now. I will find a corner for you outside later.''

I did as ordered, squatting over the toilet. I didn't care how humiliating that was. Ì was too desperate to piss and let go, happy to relieve myself.

`'Next time you will wait permission cunt. Adding to your demerit score.''


When I was finished he took me back to the bedroom, made me stand against the wall and tied me spreadeagled locking the collar to a ring. He got the penis gag and I could only watch as he changed the rubber cock, putting a bigger one on it. He pushed the rubber cock in my mouth quickly forcing my mouth open and started fucking my mouth with it. And like an idiot I started to close my lips around it, sucking on it, making me laugh. He rubbed the rubber cock all my face and the jockstrap before plugging my mouth and locking it as tight as possible. Leaving me panting. I must have looked fucking stupid gagged and with a filthy jock as a head harness.

He slapped my face a couple of times.

He patted my face a couple of times.

Like a dog.

He grabbed some stuff and walked out of the bedroom.

Pinned to the wall I could only look at myself in the mirrors. Even his wardrobe was evil reflecting my picture hundreds of time. I had to make more of an effort to accommodate the rubber cock in my mouth. By the time he came back showered and Hal dressed, I was drooling pathetically. He just collected the drool and rubbed it all over my face before he finished getting dressed.

`'You said you were going to treat you some leathers.''


He looked up.


`'I told you that I think that leather is for superiors, and rubber more fitting for pigs. What do you think you should get pig''

FUCK. He was fucking my mind again. He knew the answer, but he wanted me to admit it.


I did not own much rubber, just a couple of jockstraps I wore under my leather jeans usually. I had thought of getting some for a long time but did not get around buying it.

`'Good pig. We'll do that tomorrow. Today I have to work. You're lucky I am working from home. I'll have to go out for a couple hours But Mike will be around to keep an eye on you.''

When he was dressed in a sub and tie he released me from the wall. I could not stop staring at our reflection in the mirrors. Him dressed to go out in the world and me naked, hands locked in rubber mittens, collared, gagged and in chastity.

He was superior to me.

He threw me a piece of rubber.

`'Put that on. MOVE''

I barely looked at the thick rubber shorts in my hands as I pulled them up. Thick rubber chastity shorts. The shorts were tight and I felt enclosed from all sides. It was only shorts and my twisted mind started to think about being completely enclosed in rubber Completely dehumanized, turned into an animal, an object. A gimp.


He tightened the belt and the straps around my thighs padlocking them in place. He removed the gag and collar off and grabbed some rubber from the wardrobe. Then he turned back towards me he was smirking. I could only stare at the rubber hood he was holding. He stretched it over my head, encasing it in black rubber. He pulled down on it, enveloping my head I a tight cocoon. The hood was tight and it forced my lips out through the mouth hole. I started to breathe through my nose, the smell was intoxicating. Before locking the rubber collar around my neck. He patted my head a couple of times.

`'Just a faceless slave.''

Next he locked a chain to the mitten on my right hand, passed it through a ring on the collar and locked it on my left wrist keeping my hand leveled with my chest. He opened the cage's door.

`'Get in.''

I moved in front of the cage, sat my back to it and shuffled inside the metal cage. My mind was going to explode. I was getting locked in a cage. Just like an animal; He slammed the door shut and locked it with a huge padlock; He locked a chain on my ankles' restraint passing it around the bars. When done, he leaned over the cage looking at me. I thought he was done. I should have known better. He opened a side of his wardrobe and I saw a collection of boots. Biker boots, Doc Martens, army boots. He grabbed few pairs and dropped them on me. He covered me with his boots. Pilling them on me. That was as close as I would get to leather.

`'See you in a couple of hours boi'' I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely noticed that he was leaving pulling the door behind him.

Leaving me on my own.


Locked in chastity.

Locked in rubber shorts.


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Next: Chapter 7

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