Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Jan 16, 2022


"Doing ok boi?"

"Doesn't really matter does it?"

I'm sure you did a lot of thinking and you must have realized that you are stuck with me for two weeks.

Time to get you ready and out of that leather. You don't deserve to wear it.

Slaves wear rubber. Leather is for superiors.

I'm going to release you, but you fucking behave and obey or I will whip you.

And that will not be fun for you.


I nodded quickly as he shouted in my face and spat a large gob of spit on my face, and just watched the think liquid sliding down my face into my gagged mouth before spitting another right on the ball gag.

He unlocked the collar from the wall, then my wrists and ankles, leaving the restraints attached to the wall.


I started by taking my boots off, then taking my leather shirt off and folding it. Slowly. Too slow for him.

`'You better get moving faster boi.''

His voice had some steel in it and I knew that he was not to be challenged. Too much......

I took my leather jeans off, folded them. Then I waited. In my boxer shorts. Big mistake.

He put his face right against mine. `'Are you fucking stupid or what? I said strip. GET FUCKING NAKED.''

I took my boxers of quickly, threw them on the pile of my clothing and waited.

As he rummaged in his wardrobe, i spread my legs, and put my hands behind my back.

When he turned around and saw my posture, he just smirked and came in front of me.

With one hand he grabbed my cock and balls. Squeezing them harder as he spoke.

`' Told you that I would lock that pathetic clit. I don't have any interest in your pathetic dick.''

I was so humiliated but I could not take my eyes off the chastity cage he was showing me.

He knew from our chats that chastity was a big thing for me. Mostly in my head. Completely in my head. A fantasy.

He kneeled in front of me and in no time he had the cage locked on me.

It was one thing to chat from behind a screen, telling a stranger that I did not deserve to have access to my cock. That it should be locked in chastity 24/7.

It was another thing to be locked in a cock cage. Feeling it encased in the tight thick plastic. Fucking hell. And then my dick tried to get hard. But the cage was a tight fit and the word chastity took all its sense... I moaned, making him laugh.

`' Good enough for now boi, I can still put a padlock through your p.a. ring later. Will see.''

Then he grabbed a shorty wetsuit, threw it at me. `'Get in that one'' And for the first time I got in neoprene. The wetsuit was tight, and as I zipped it up I inhaled the rubbery smell as I pulled it up and zip it shut. From my visits to kinky stores, I knew that the smell of rubber was like poppers to me. And it did not only smell of rubber. There was a musky smell to it. Like piss. Old piss. And I knew that someone had wear that one piece and been soaked in piss.

`'Stop dreaming boi. I will piss on you later. Come here'' FUCK.

He had me standing against the end of the bed, pushed on my shoulders forcing me down on my knees. He pushed me against the bed frame until my legs were under the bed, my back against the wood. He grabbed my right wrist and locked it to a piece of chain already attached to the foot of the bed. Then my left When done, he stood in front of me and started to rub his hard cock all over my face holding it. On my forehead, my eyes, collecting the spit still on my face and rubbing it in my face with his cock. He slapped my face with it, again and again. He pushed his glans up my nostrils as I breathed through my nose, taking it the strong smell.

`'Smell it boi.''

I inhaled deeply.

`'Good pig.''

I wanted to lick his cock. I wanted to lick his low hanging balls. I wanted to take them in my mouth. I wanted to suck on them. I wanted to suck his cock. I wanted to drink his piss. I wanted...

But all I got was his smelly dick rubbed over my gagged mouth until he took the gag off and threw it on the bed.

That is what HE wanted.

He put his glans if front of my mouth, and without being told, I just kept it open. There was no mouth spreader to keep it open. There was no ring spider gag, no hooks pulling on my cheeks. Nothing to force my mouth open, taking the decision away from me. And there I was. Mouth wide open.

He started to push his dick in my mouth.


Not to make it easy for me. No. There was no need for him to be gentle. He had access to my body. But he wanted more. He wanted to own my mind. He wanted to make me understand that he was the one in charge and that I had no choice in what was happening. That there was a need in me to submit to him.

To ask. To beg. To need to be degraded.

I had to open my mouth wider to take his cock as he kept pushing it in. He was big. And there was no way I could take it all. I started to heave. He stopped pushing in, just keeping my mouth filled. Not for my comfort. But he took his fucking time to stay just there at my pathetic gagging point. Enjoying pushing his cock in ever so slightly to make me heave. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. Then he started to face fuck me. He took his time to start but soon he was going faster and deeper enjoying me gagging and drooling on his cock. For now he seemed to enjoying making me gag. He was fucking my mouth. HARDER. DEEPER. I could see he had his eyes closed. Lost in his own thoughts. I was just a hole for his cock. A hole that he could use. He opened his eyes. I must have looked a real mess with all the heaving, dribbling on his cock, tears running down my face. Not from pain. Just from the physical effort to keep my mouth open. Willingly.

When he had enough he pulled out, rubbed the slime all over my face and walked out of the bedroom leaving me panting like a dog...

From my position I could hear him taking a shower. He came back in the bedroom drying himself. He put some comfy jog pants on, grabbed a penis gag, locked it in my mouth, put a blindfold over my eyes, rubbed my head and walked out closing the door.

I had lost track of time. But it must have been like early afternoon. I could hear someone going up and down the stairs, cars passing by. I was gagged, locked in chastity under stinking rubber, tied up to the bed and life outside was going on.

Stored as the rest of the world kept moving. I was lost in my own very small world.

I had done something similar many times to the subs I used. I enjoyed going about, doing my own things, knowing that a rubber sub was hogtied in the room next door, or in the cupboard under the stairs, or sealed in a sleep sack, or hanging in the postal bag in the garage......

But now I was the one tied up and ignored. I didn't know how long before he came back in. I got ready for whatever he had in mind. He moved around the room. And walked out again. Not one word. Not one touch. I realized even more that he was the one in control. Not me. Kneeling like he had me seemed easy. But I tried to get more comfortable as time passed, kneeling straight up, or sitting on my legs, shaking my arms. Waiting.

He eventually came back, released me from the bed, had me standing, attached a leash to my collar and dragged me out of the room. He took me downstairs and in the kitchen. He made me kneel on the floor, grabbed my wrists and cuffed them around something and took the blindfold off.


It took me few seconds to adjust to the light after being blindfolded and see the dog bowl in front of me. It was filled with hot pasta. My wrists were cuffed around one foot of the table. I looked up and saw him sitting at the table as he started to eat. My stomach decided to growl. Some part of me was stupidly hoping that it was just a game. That he was going to release me and tell me to join him at the table. But not to avail. I was fed so I'd better move quickly before he decided to take the food away. I bent my head down and started to eat. Like a dog. Like an animal. I was not fit to sit at the table with him. After a couple of mouthfuls, trying not to make a mess, I gave up. Eating from a bowl was messy. I fed enough subs just like that. Enjoying pushing their face down in the bowl with my foot. There was no clean way to eat out of a dog bowl. So I forced my face in the food to grab it. When some pasta fell on the floor I just slurped it up, going back to the food. When the bowl was empty, I even licked it to clean the sauce.

`'Good boi''

He had finished his food and had been watching me. He grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned my face.

He put some water in the bowl and without being told I drunk some. More like lapped it. Like a dog.

Part of me wanted to rebel. Wanted to refuse to drink. Wanted to knock the bowl of water all over the floor. But I knew better. I would be punished. Probably forced to lick the water of the floor before being whipped. Or dragged away, thrown in the cage without food or drink for a long time. Or mummified with all the tape I saw in his wardrobe and put in his courtyard in the sun.


What was wrong with me? Did I want that to happen? All I had to do was to knock down that bowl.

Or maybe not.

I just lapped some water. Like a fucking dog.

He dried my face, released me from the table, pulled me up by the leash and dragged me in his lounge.

I did not have to much time to look around the room. I was not on a tour.

He put me flat on my front on the floor next to his sofa. He grabbed my writs, put some thick rubber restraints on them and locied them together. Then he did the same to my ankles. Next he put a rope through the rings on the wrists restraints, then through the ankles ones and pulled on the rope until I was hogtied. Not a loose hogtie. He pulled until my ankles touched my wrists, tying the rope in place. I was forced to arch my back by the very tight hogtie. I could only watch, completely immobilized at his feet as he had a penis gag in his hand. And he was changing the size of the pecker gag. He laughed when he saw my wide open eyes.

`'The first one is too small for you piggy. Got four different size for that gag. I just put the second size up for now. 8 cm of rubber cock for you hole.''

He kneeled in front of me and forced the gag in my mouth. He was taking control of that hole. He could have presented the gag and waited for me to open my mouth for it.

But he already had me there.

I had no choice.

Then he put a blindfold over my eyes.

I heard him getting on the sofa and turning the tv on to the news.

Once a gain I was tied up, ignored as the world went on...

Restrained at his feet. Ignored. A silent company.

Until one of his lodgers walked in the room laughing.

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Next: Chapter 5

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