Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Jan 9, 2022


I laid there wide awake. I tried to get to sleep but I just dozed off, completely restless. And worst i could see every fucking minutes on the alarm clock. Making it a pure torture all through the night. During one of the rare moment I slept, I felt the biker getting on my chest. I opened my eyes quickly.

`'Need to piss'' he said half awake.

He reached behind my head, undid the straps and pulled the penis gag out.

`'Keep your hole open.''

He put his glans just above my wide open mouth and started to piss in it. Filling it. I had to concentrate to open my mouth further as he kept pissing. And not to swallow without his permission. Without his order. He kept filling my mouth. He only stopped when my mouth was nearly full. If I moved, i would spill his piss. And somehow i knew I would not like the price to pay for that.

`'Do not flush boi. Stay like that. I need to take a shit and you're not there. Yet.''

He walked out of the bedroom, leaving me with my mouth full of his piss. Just like a blocked urinal. The strong smell reached my nose very quickly. The smell and warmth of the piss just reminded me that I offered myself to him. And he already treated me like a commodity. His urinal. Was he going to use me like that in public? Turn me into a full rubber urinal for other perverts? Tied up on my knees between two condemned urinals, a funnel sealed in my mouth for men's piss. For sub's piss.

A laugh brought me back out of my depraved thinking.


Again I missed him coming back in the room lost in perverted thoughts.

`'Flush boi. Don't drop a bit''

I gulped some of his sour piss, closed my mouth quickly as I heaved a bit but i managed to swallow his piss without gagging. The acid taste was awful and it left a disgusting taste down my throat.

He gagged me and went back to sleep.

For a long time, every time I swallowed, I could taste his piss.

I went back to my restless half sleep. Moving, trying to get a more comfortable position.

`'FOR FUCK SAKE. Stop moving''

I went complete still at his words. I waited for him to get back to sleep but he had other ideas. He got up, got something from the bag and came next to me. He pulled my dick and balls out and he no time he wrapped a rope a couple of turns tightly around my balls before pulling hard on them and tying the rope to the bottom of bed.

`'Here. maybe you're going to stay still''

He jumped back on the bed, turned on his side and went back to sleep. Something i was not going to get. At the slightest move i pulled on my stretched balls. That was not painful for now. Uncomfortable. But i knew well enough that after a bit pain would remplace the discomfort.

Hours passed and i was doing my best not to moan in the gag. My arms were a bit sore. i could move them a bit to get some relief from the position. i made sure to move slowly to not disturb the sleeping biker. BASTARD. My balls were aching. Nothing major, but a constant need to relax them. So i spend a lot of time moving very slightly and carefully up and down. Pulling on my arms to relax my balls. pulling on my balls to relax my arms.

The bastard probably didn't even notice he put me in a stress position. No, wait. He fucking smirked after tying my balls up. He knew exactly what he was doing.


And then i started to need to piss. I could do nothing but hold it. I was not ready to piss myself. When finally the light started to come through the curtains, the biker woke up. I moaned immediately, asking him to let me go and piss. He just smirked at my attempts as i mumbled around the gag.

`'Something wrong boi? Need the rope off?''

I nodded my head and moved my hips up and down, trying to make him understand.

`'I'm sure a big tough guy like you can stand a bit more of a little ball bondage, no?'' He reached halfway down the rope and pulled on it with his fingers. Playing with it like if it was a fucking string. Sending waves of pain to my balls.

When he stopped i just starred at him, moaning. Looking at my dick, then at him.

`'Need to piss boi?''

I screamed YES in my gag nodding my head non stop. He laughed, got up and grabbed some keys from his bag. He came on my side of the bed, released my arms from the bed, told me to sit down and quickly cuffed my wrists behind my back before undoing first the rope attached to my balls. I gasped from the blood rushing back in them. Then he undid my feet. He pulled me off the bed and dragged me to the bathroom, pulled my trousers down and sat me on the toilet.

`'You're on your own now boi'' And he left laughing.

FUCK, that was humiliating. But i didn't spend to much time thinking about what happened, i was too happy to be able to relieve myself. Even if i was depending on him for such a basic need. He strolled back in the bathroom, told me to stand up, pulled my trousers down and dragged me in the bedroom. When i saw the two bags packed on the bed i knew we were about to leave. I turned around and presented my locked writs to him, thinking he was going to take them off. His laughed made me freeze in dread as he turned me around to face him. He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me close to him.

`'What do you think you're doing boi? Let's get one thing clear right now. You agreed to be trained as a sub, a pig. So stop thinking. You are not in charge. I AM. UNDERSTOOD?''

I nodded my head.

`'Good. Let's go. We have a long drive ahead.''


But i had no time to think more about what he just said. He pushed me a bit forward, grabbed both bags, and told me to follow him.

FUCK FUCK FUCK. He was going to take me outside, cuffed and gagged.


As we walked by the kitchen i saw a clock. It was 6 in the morning and with a bit of luck the street should be empty. I was lucky this time. His car was just in front of the door. He put the bags in the boot and took his time to come on the passager side. He opened the door, told me to sit down, buckled the belt, got behind the wheel and drove off.

I started to think hard, i started to sweat. I was cuffed in a car and on my way to fuck know where. This was madness. I moaned in the gag, i wanted to tell him i made a mistake. Or not. Or at least talk to him more.

`'Relax boi. You're ok. Fucked but ok. We will talk on the way. For now calm down.''

Was he reading my mind? But his words had the desired effect and i relaxed. Sort of.

I was usually the one driving with a sub next to me, or hogtied on the back seat, or in the boot. I should be thankful for small mercy.

The streets were quiet, but each time we were about to pass a car i bent my head down. He just laughed.

Of course i looked at every road signs, trying to guess our direction. Soon we were on the ring motorway, and on the way north.


`'I live near Sheffield boi. And this is where we're going.''

Yes, i was fucked. But the fear of the unknown started to get replaced by a form of excitement. Sort of.

I was a very proud and arrogant man at best. My French nature i suppose. I had a sadistic streak in me, i loved being in control, being able to mold a sub to my needs. I loved watching them crawling at my feet, licking my boots, or tied up on a chair impaled on a dildo as i edge them, or sealed in a bag as footrest for a whole day, gagged, hooded, connected to electro. Or strapped to a bench, arse up for a severe beating, moaning, crying......

And now i was the one cuffed and gagged. At the mercy of a man. Excited.

After an hour of silence, he started to talk.

`' Ok boi. here's how i see things are going to happen. No more of this top crap from you. Now you are a sub. Not a very good one but that is the point of the next two weeks. I know from our chats what you want. What you need, even if it's hard for you to admit. By the time i finished with you, you will be a decent cocksucker, fuck hole, urinal, pig. I am a sadist and i will have no problem to punish you or just make you cry. I bet that everything you mentioned was what you were doing to your subs, but really wanted to happen to you. So you are very experienced. Just not from the side you're in now. Half of the things we do is in the head. It takes a certain mind to abuse another being. Just like it takes a certain mind being abused and craving for more. So basically you are already halfway to be depravpig for real. Not just a fantasy. Am i wrong boi?''

I barely shook my head no.

i was so lost in his words that i didn't noticed he had pulled in an empty stop area and stopped next to a toilet.

`'Last chance to piss boi.''

He got out of the car, came to my side, got me out, dragged me to the toilet, pulled my dick out and told me to piss in the urinal as he relieved himself next to me.

`'Soon you will be my full time urinal boi''


I had to work hard to be able to piss before anyone walked in. When i was done he uncuffed my wrists, put me back in the passenger seat, strapped the belt and locked my wrists in my front. He closed the door and walked across the car park to the petrol station's shop. If i wanted i could get out the car and find some help. But i just laughed when i saw that he had locked my hands around the belt. Not stupid. In a short time he was back with a couple of drinks and snacks. He removed the gag, gave me a bottle of juice and a warm sandwich.

`'Eat and drink boi. For now the gag stays off. You stay silent and enjoy the ride. Any sound and you get in the boot. Up to you how comfortable you stay for the next two hours''

He turned the radio on dan drove off.

Two hours is a long time.

Two hours is a very short time.

I watched the exit signs to many cities, and my heart started to beat harder when he got on the Sheffield exit. Soon we were on small countryside roads, crossing small villages i've never heard off.

And when he parked on a village street in front of a row of houses, i knew we had arrived. The village street was quiet being a Sunday morning. Thank fuck for small mercy. Again.

He got to a front door, opened it, got in and was back five minutes later. He opened my side, unlocked the cuffs and the belt.

`'Come on boi'' And just like that i followed him.

Just inside the door was a small enclosed hallway. He closed the front door, told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. I was expecting the handcuffs but he grabbed each of my wrists, put a thick rubber restraint on them and locked them in my back. He turned me to face him, grabbed a large red ball gag and strapped it in my mouth. Next he put a thick rubber collar around my neck. He attached a leash to the front before blindfolding me and dragging me to my fate.

The moment i heard voices and laughs i froze. He pulled hard on the leash and dragged me in a room.

`'Got myself a little souvenir from London guys.''

More laughs followed as he dragged me out of the room, in a corridor, up some stairs and in a room. No giving me a chance to think to much about who were the other guys.

`'They are my lodgers. They know all about me. And you now.''


In no time he pushed me against a wall, grabbed my right ankle, put it in a restraint attached to the wall. Then my left ankle. Next he attached my collar somehow to the wall. He unlocked my wrists, pulled one up to attached it to the wall, then the other. In a short time i was spreadeagled on a wall.

`'I'm going to have some breakfast boi. You just relax.''

He pulled the blindfold off, walked out of the room and closed the door.

I was in a bedroom. There was a large poster bed taking up one wall and two walls were taken by a huge wardrobe with mirrored sliding doors. But what got my attention was the metal cage opposite the bed, just under the window. It was not designed for a four legged dog. It was made os steel, thick bars all around. Then i starred at my reflection. Still in my leathers, restrained to a wall. Drooling around a gag. Fucking hell. If my friends could see me they would piss themselves laughing. Or knowing them, pissing all over me. I was glad that he didn't know any of the subs i had used in London. FUCK. Manchester and Leeds were close. A couple of the subs came from there. i cleared my mind and looked around the room until i noticed that a couple of the wardrobe's door were slightly open. i was not looking at some shirts or trousers but at some ropes, chains, restraints, gags, collars, paddles, rubber, leather... i could not see everything that was stored there.

The bastard had left them opened on purpose.

I lost track of time because i jumped in my skin when i heard the door opening and the biker walked in with a smirk on his face. i liked that smirk. And the steel in his eyes.

I shivered.

I was fucked...

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Next: Chapter 4

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