Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on May 29, 2022



That's what he said when he locked the cage's door.

When we reached the bedroom he dragged me to the cage and made me crawled in it, forcing me to sit on my plugged arse. I could not help to wince as my arse hit the floor pushing on the plug. I was slowly getting used to the rubber cock up my arse. I knew that the moment I was really comfortable with it, the biker would move to the bigger one.

He locked my wrists together on my front, then my ankles together before slamming the door shut and locking it.

`' Good night pig. If you disturb me you will not like what will happen to yo. Understood?''

`'Yes Sir.''


`'YES SIR!''

`'Got to keep my fuck toys properly stored.''

At his words I lowered my head. But not for long. Smirking at my submission, he got up and removed his clothes. I could not take my eyes off his hard cock. He just stood in front of the cage playing with his hard cock for a while, playing with his tits, pleasuring himself in front of me. Smirking looking down at me before walking away. Without another word he went to bed.

I sat there for a while my mind still fucked from Tony and Daniel seeing me as a rubber sub. They didn't know who I was but I knew them and the feeling was intense as fuck. Having to guys i used as subs to treat me like a pig was mind blowing. Knowing they would come to the party at the shop was both exciting and scary.

I had to stop thinking or I wouldn't get any sleep. I tried to make myself comfortable. Comfortable was not what came to mind first when sealed in rubber and restrained, curled up in a cage. I got on one side first, before moving on my other side. I managed to get some sleep eventually but it was a restless one. I moved from my side to my back. And again curled up on my side. I even tried to get on my front but did not stay long like that.

The need to piss woke me up. Light was coming through the curtain and all I could do was to wait for the biker to get up and let me out. I struggled a bit to get on my knees facing the door to look at the bed.

The empty bed.


The biker wasn't in the bed and I couldn't hear any sound in the house.


I forced myself to calm down. I knew that he looked after me in his sadistic way so far.

He took care of his pig, his object.

The sound of someone coming upstairs was the last thing I needed to relax and I stared at the door expecting the biker.

Of course his lodger walked in, a mug in his hand. A smirk on his face.

`'Morning piggy.''

He grabbed some keys from the bedside table and came to the front of the cage.

`'You better behave pig.''

He unlocked the door and dragged me out of the cage.

He released my wrists and ankles, he attached the leash to my collar and dragged me downstairs on all four.

I pulled back a bit on the leash when he dragged me towards the back door and the courtyard.

He just looked at me without saying a word.

I was fucked and I lowered my head as he dragged me through the door. In the courtyard.

It was a complete private space.

But being outdoor as a rubber pig was another mind fuck.

He squatted near me, he opened the zips on the suit apart near my locked dick. He pulled the cage and my balls out of the suit before tightening the zips.

I was on all four with my locked dick hanging out.

`'If you need to piss doggy. There is a nice tree and a bit of grass for you there.''

The bastard just laughed as he pointed to the tree in the far end corner of the courtyard as he took the leash off.

I was blushing like hell under the rubber hood.

There I was in full rubber on all four, next to a twink in a tight bright t-shirt and jeans, desperate to piss but holding it out of stupid stubbornness.

He probably knew what was going through my mind.

`'Not so much of a top now aren't you...''


He sat down on chair and started to check his phone. He didn't seem to be in a hurry.

But I was. The need to piss got stronger the longer I waited. My body finally won against my mind. And with a defeated breath I started to crawl towards the tree in the grass. As I got near the tree an another dilemma jumped to my mind: To piss on all four or to lift one leg like a dog. But when I got next to the tree my body gave up and I just pissed on all four. The feeling of relief was too good to think of anything else. I was not even bothered by the sound of him taking pictures of me as I piss and piss and piss...

`'Yeah pissing like a bitch. Sniff it.''

FUCK. There was an evil bastard kidding underneath his cute clothes. Not surprised that he was living with the biker.

Completely humiliated by his words, i put my nose, my snout close to the puddle of piss and started to sniff it. I was going to give it a couple of sniffs but once the smell filled my nose i kept sniffing it. Again and again and again. Until he put the dog bowl below my head, right in the piss in the grass.

`'Breakfast time doggy.''

The wheat biscuits were soaked in milk.

I realized i was hungry and i did not give a fuck that that i had to push my face in the bowl to reach for some food, milk and wheat sticking to the rubber hood. There was no piss in it but the smell of my piss filled my nose as I eat quickly, slurping the food from the bowl like a dog. I licked the bowl clean, pushing it around in the pissy grass.

Once I cleared the bowl he put the leash back on my collar.

`'Pick up your bowl doggy.''


I had to attempt a couple of times before I managed to grab the bowl with my teeth. And I must have been a sight crawling on all four behind him on a leash, holding my bowl in my mouth.

He took the bowl from me and dropped it in the kitchen sink before taking me back upstairs

Once in the bedroom he removed the collar around my neck, the mittens on my hands and the restraints on my ankles.

`'Cleaning time. Let's go.''

I followed him on all four to the bathroom. He kept me on all four as he removed the hood and rubber one piece. I moved as needed to make it easier for him. He was the one removing the rubber.

`'Get in the shower.''


I crawled in the shower as he grabbed the shower head and turn the water on. It was cold to start with but got slightly warm. Still on the cold side. He put some nasty smelling soap on a long brush and stated to clean me. He brushed me from head to toes. He was not gentle. He was cleaning a dog. Once done he rinsed me.

`' You know how to clean your hole. So be quick. Clean the suit and hang it there, clean the shower and back in the bedroom. You got ten minutes.''


He was barely out of the bathroom that I was above the toilet. I pulled the plug out and sighed with pleasure I relieved myself. I jumped quickly back in the shower and used the hose to clean my arse, filling it four times before it was really clean. I cleaned the plug and put it back in my hole before cleaning the shower as ordered. And I was happy with myself as I crawled back in the bedroom.

Until I saw the lodger holding a rubber strap looking at his watch.

`'Eighteen minutes. Not good piggy. Ten strokes for each minute. Come here.''

He made me bend over the bed frame not bothering to restrain me.

`'If you move I start again.''

He gave me the eighty strokes in bunch of ten on each check, making sure to wait I unclenched my cheek after each stroke.

He was not gentle. He put the strap against my arse to make me feel it, giving lie a second to understand that I was going to hurt. After twenty strokes I really had to concentrate not to move. By forty it was really hurting and by eighty my face was soaked in tears.

Once he finished he left me panting on the bed throwing some clothes on my back.

`'Get dressed.''

I moved slowly feeling the soreness in my arse as I got dressed in a track suit. It took me a while to realized that I was not getting back in the rubber suit. I was so distracted by that thought that I jumped when he threw some socks at my face.


I could smell the stench from the socks as I pulled them on. My arse was sore as fuck from the beating, so I didn't sit on it to put the socks on. Once dressed I was expected to be locked in the cage or whatever twisted idea he would come up with.

I did not expect his next words.

`'Time to earn your keep doggy.''

I followed him downstairs and by the look he gave me once downstairs I knew I had fucked up.


`'You are a stupid dog! In rubber or not you are a dog. And dog walk on all four. You just earned two hundreds demerit points cunt.''

The cold look on his face meant I would pay for my stupidity. At his words I immediately dropped on my hands and knees, making sure to lower my head. I crawled behind him in the lounge. He threw a box with cleaning products next to me and brought a hoover.

`'You can stand up to clean and vacuum. You have an hour.''

I quickly got up and started by putting some magazines away, i cleaned the shelves and the tables, the tv... I vacuumed the lounge.

Another mind fuck.

I had subs chained to an ironing board to iron my clothes in the past. Now I was the servant. Another use for them. And as much as I hated it, I was determined to do the best job i could. Quickly. By the time an hour passed I was pleased with myself. I was lucky I could see the time on the internet box and with five minutes left I had to quickly decide how to please him. So I got in a corner, on my knees, hands behind my back to wait. It wasn't long before the lodger came back. He checked the room, ignoring me in the corner.

`'Let's go.''

This time I crawled on all four behind him into the kitchen. He opened a couple of cupboards and left without a word. It didn't take to be a genius to know that I was to clean the kitchen. I cleared the breakfast table and started to do the washing up. I was so engrossed in my task that I didn't hear the lodger walking in the kitchen.

Not the lodger.

The biker was back and I could not help to moan as he pushed his body against my back, passing his arm around my neck, pulling my head backwards and making me feel his hard cock. I was breathing deeply as he bit my neck, my ear.

`'Missed me pig?''

I was breathless as I answered him.

`'Yes Sir. Yes Sir.''

`'Good pig.''

I could feel his smile against my neck as I caught something black from the corner of my eyes. When i looked properly at it i saw the rubber hood. My rubber hood. He held it open with both hands and he moved it up towards my face. I shivered with anticipation of feeling the rubber over my head. But he stopped few inches away from my face. I looked at the rubber wide open in front of my face. So close and so far. He just waited. I slowly pushed my face in the hood, inhaling deeply the smell of rubber and sweat. He zipped the hood up encasing my head in the tight rubber as he whispered agains my ear.

`'Good faceless slave.''

Then he left.


I was so fucked.

Physically and mentally.

I knew that he was there no more than few minutes but in that time I submitted to him like to no one before. It took me a couple of minutes to come down from my perverted cloud and to carry on with the washing up. Once all cleaned and dried, I swept the floor, made sure everything was put away the best I knew. Again I kneeled in a corner, hands in my back. Not to please the biker. Or the lodger. That saw my place when not serving them or being used. It was my place to wait.




This time I waited a long time and I was relieved when they walked in the kitchen laughing. They completely ignored me as they made themselves some tea.

`'Can you cook pig?''

`'YES SIR.''

`'Good. Make us something for lunch. Enough for three. Use anything from the fridge and the larder.''

The biker opened a door to a storeroom before leaving me on my own. I looked in the larder and checked the fridge to see what I could make. I decided to make a rice salad with vegetables as there was only an hour left before midday.

I lost myself in the easy cooking. I was back in some sort of normality. Except that my locked dick, the plug up my arse and the tight hood kept reminding me my place. Not that I truly need to be reminded. It was just my mind wandering.

By the time they came back I had two plates and the salad ready on the table for them. I was about to go in the corner when the biker told me to kneel by his chair.

They sat down , helped themselves and started to eat chatting about things.

And yes I expected of bowl of salad to be put on the floor for me.

Instead I got a spoonful of salad dropped on the floor in front of me. I stared at the food on the floor. I looked up at the biker ignoring me. Back at the food. Back at him.

`'Not hungry pig?''

FUCK. He didn't even bother to look at me.

I quickly dropped lay head to the floor and grabbed the food with my mouth. I made sure to lick any trace of it of the floor. I stood on my knees again as another dollop was dropped on the floor.

This time I did not hesitate.

The biker kept feeding me from the floor as they ate.

Once they finished they got up. The biker to clean up and to get in the bedroom.

I quickly cleared the table, cleaned the utensils, dropped on all four and crawled upstairs and in the bedroom.

The biker followed me and told me to get inn the cage.

I crawled back in it, pulling my knees up as he locked the door.

He grabbed some leg cuffs and locked my feet to bars of the door. Then he came behind me, grabbed my hands through the bars and cuffed them. He got the large penis gag and plugged my mouth with it making sure it was very tight and pushing the rubber penis deep in my mouth, forcing me to work my throat around it.

`'Can't forget your training piggy, can we?''

He paddle my head and left closing the door behind him.

I was ready to spend a long time being bored locked in the cage but I fell asleep.

I jerked up when I heard someone snoring.

I opened my eyes to see the biker squatting next to the cage smelling.

He was holding his phone.

And I was fucking shock to see the video playing.

A video of me locked in the cage.


His smile got bigger as I realized that it was really me in the video.

`'Bet you never did that before piggy.''

Another first with him.

`'I hope you had a good rest. Time to move. Got a party at the shop to take you to.''


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Next: Chapter 17

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