Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on May 14, 2022





I kept repeating my mantra trying to distract my brain from boredom. The novelty of being sealed in two bags quickly wore off as I was left on my own on the floor. I lost track of time. Again. I tried to doze off but every time I had to swallow my spit, the disgusting taste just jerked me awake. That sock was fucking disgusting. He fucking need to clean his feet more. Probably with my tongue licking them until clean.

I moaned at the thought of me hogtied at his feet forced to crawl like a worm to reach his nasty feet, My head with a thick rubber hood with only a hole for my tongue to work. A blind worm.

No doubt I was a sick fuck to want something like that. To even think about it. This is what happened when left alone with nothing to do but accept and think.

At one point the lodger kneeled over me, removed the harness, pulled the wet sock out of my mouth, squeezed any juice in my open mouth before gagging me with the sock's twin under the tight head harness and leaving me alone again.


Time seemed to crawl at a vey low pace. There was nothing to distract me, the disgusting taste in my mouth. Except the feeling of tightness of being encased in two bags. Except the plug filling my arse. Except my pathetic clit trying to get hard in its cage. Except the warmth from the rubber suit. Except the rubber and leather smell. Except the tight hood over my head. My skin. My rubber skin.

And soon this is all I could think of.


Ok, there was a lot to distract me but nothing got me any relief. Lost in my twisted thoughts I didn't notice the biker walking in the bedroom until he was kneeling on top of me, squeezing me hard between his thighs. He pulled his hard cock out and slapped my muzzled head with it. He slapped his cock on top of my sealed mouth, making me moan with want. I wanted to open my mouth for him to gag me with his cock. He rubbed his glans on my nostrils, forcing me to smell his stink, making him laugh as I breathed as deeply as I could. He kept rubbing and slapping his cock all over my head. He was wanking himself as he rested his balls on top of my nose. The smell was exciting as fuck. And I moaned like a pig on heat. Too soon he put his cock back inside his trousers and he slapped my face a couple of times to bring me out of my zone.

I blinked a few times like if I was coming down from a trip.

He just smirked as he undid the straps on the canvas bag. The relief from being partly released was fantastic. It was like if a huge weight was taken off my body. He just smirked as I wiggled out of the bag like a rubber worm. He just stood for a while above me with his feet planted on either side of me. Just taking a moment to reaffirm his complete control over me. Yes Yes,he had realized me from one bag, but I was still a sealed rubber form at his feet. I just looked at him. Expecting. Waiting. He reached for the zip on the rubber bag and pulled it down; Slowly. So fucking slowly. He pulled it off my shoulders, grabbed it near my feet and shook me out of it. There was so much sweat in it that I slipped out of like a shot making him laugh. In no time he put me on my feet against one of the bed's poster facing the mirrors. He put thick rubber restraints on my wrists and locked them on my front. He grabbed some rubber straps and started to tie me to the post. He put a strap around my waist, one around my ankles, one around my knees, one around my waist, one around my chest. He tightened the straps to the maximum, leaving me no inch to move. He put a wide rubber posture collar around my neck and looped a strap through the rings on it to secure it to the post. He put a strap around my forehead and made sure it was tight too. Last he passed one arounds my arms at my elbows level and tightened it forcing my arms back, making the bondage even tighter. There was no limit to his evil mind. That last strap was probably worst than all the others put together because it was the one starting a complete mind fuck.

He did not say one word as he worked. There was no hesitancy in his moves. This was not some play. Once he had me completely immobilized he just left.

It wasn't long before I wished he had blindfolded me. At least I could have been lost in my mind. But I could only stare at myself in the mirror. A rubber thing unable to move. A dehumanized black thing. I closed my eyes to avoid looking at myself but my twisted mind had my eyes open in no time. Staring at the rubber gimp. Not a man, not an animal, not an object. A gimp. I wanted to hump something to relieve my pathetic dick. But I was completely immobilized. Forced to endure the bondage.

I could hear them moving around the house, and every time I heard them passing by the door I was hoping for either to come and use me. Even the fucking lodger. At this point I didn't care if he was the one to use me. I was so excited. Horny as fuck. I struggled against the straps but they were placed exactly where they would deprive me of any mobility. I was completely glued to the post. I was part of the bed. And I could only watch as he finally walked in the bedroom. He took his clothes off, not bothering to even look at me. I could not take my eyes off him, hoping for any acknowledgement. To avail. He stripped off his clothes, grabbed a towel and walked out. I could hear the shower and I realized that he probably left the bathroom and bedroom doors open on purpose. The normality of a shower was a torture when strapped in rubber. I wished for a cool shower. After his shower, he came back in the bedroom drying himself before putting a metal cocking around his cock and balls under some casual clothes.

I could only trace his movements around the bedroom in the mirror. He knew I was watching him. And he made sure to completely ignore me as he got on the bed to read the paper.

After a while, I started to moan to get his attention.

He just ignored me and turned the radio on.

Once he read the paper he left again and from the sounds i managed to hear I knew he went back to work as if he didn't have a rubber pig strapped to a bedpost in the next room. And just laughed at the situation. Again it was something I had done many times to my subs and I probably mentioned that in our chats as depravpig.

Perversion made normality.

I closed my eyes, trying to get some rest but it was impossible forced in a complete straight position. I could not relax any muscle. The straps hold me tight against the post and a long time I would probably just collapse the moment he removed them. After a while I realized that the spit I swallowed didn't taste as bad as when they put the sock in my mouth. I cleaned the nasty sock. To some extend. There was still a musky taste but not as strong.

`'Doing ok hole?''

I jerked my eyes wide open as the biker stood really close in front of me.


And I opened my eyes wide as I saw in the mirror what he was holding. He had a gag in his hand. A gag with a big rubber penis attached to it. He had an evil smirk the moment I realized what he had in his hand. He removed the strap on my forehead and the one around my neck to remove the muzzle. He kept me few minutes with my mouth wide open but still filled with his sock. He eventually pulled it slowly out of my mouth and the instant it was out I gasped for air. I took deep breaths of clean air. Until he crushed his mouth on my mine. He kissed me hard. He forced his tongue deep in my mouth. He snogged me fucking hard and as he stepped back a bit I chased his mouth but the straps held me back. He brought the penis gag to my mouth and pushed it completely in my hole, filling it totally. The rubber cock was very large and I had to keep my mouth open to take int all. He strapped it tight, gagging my mouth to the max; It was in may mouth few seconds and I already had to concentrate to breathe through my nose as the rubber cock blocked my mouth. He put a wide posture collar around my neck forcing my head up before looping the straps around my throat and forehead again.

All I could hear was my hard breathing through my nose as he walked out.

I was completely ignored for the rest of the afternoon. He came in the bedroom a few times to check on me or to make a phone call looking at me smirking but ignoring me otherwise. The last call he made sitting in on top of the cage staring at me made me shiver from fear and expectations. He was invited whoever was on the phone for a dink later, telling them they could check his new pig.


I struggled against the straps holding me. I knew it was completely useless but it didn't stop me from trying to shake them off. I was moaning as loud as could around the cock gag as he gave me couple of slaps on my face and he walked out, leaving me with a thoughts storm raging in my mind.



I had calmed down by the time he came back to release me from the post. He undid the straps, unlocked my wrists to swap the rubber restraints for lockable thick rubber mittens. He grabbed the ring on the front of the posture collar and dragged me to the cage. He pushed me down on my arse making me feel the plug even more and forced me in the cage. I crawled backwards inside the metal cage until my back hit the bars being me, I pulled my feet in as he shut the door and locked it. He came behind me, pulled my sealed hands and locked them behind the bars. He put some restraints just above my elbows and used a short chain to lock them too Then he got a chain, wrapped it around my ankles and the bars on the door before locking it in place. Once I was tied to the cage, he put the straps and bags away. I followed him with my eyes the whole time he straightened the bedroom before he left once again.

As time passed I got nervous, excited at the thought of being shown to strangers. I took deep breaths to calm down. I knew I was in for an intense time the moment I submitted to him. And he took that to new levels. The next one being me displayed as his pig to some of his friends.

Since I lost track of time a long time ago I jumped in my bounds when I heard the door bell. I concentrated on the sounds I could hear coming from downstairs. The sound of the door being open and muffled voices greeting each other. The sound of the door being shut and people moving around downstairs. The sound of people talking.

And I waited, waited, waited. I was getting more and more nervous by the minutes. I was waiting for the sound off the biker coming upstairs with his friends. And I shivered as I heard them coming upstairs.

But the biker was on his own as he walked in the bedroom.

`'Time to feed you doggy.''

He released my feet, wrists and elbows from the cage before opening it and pulling it out. He made me stand to the cage as he removed the posture collar and put the thick rubber collar around my neck. Next he put some thick rubber kneepads and ankles restraints on me. He put a leash on my collar holding the ring on the front in his fist pulling my rubber face close to him staring hard at me.

`'You better behave pig or you gonna hurt. Understood pig?''


He pulled on the leash dragging me out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Once at the bottom he snapped his fingers pointing at the floor. I got on all four and followed him as he dragged me in the lounge to be shown to complete strangers.

Except they were not strangers at all.


Two skinheads in Fred Perry t-shirt, bleachers jeans and Doc Martens I knew were sitting in the armchairs relaxing with a beer.

Tony and Daniel.

Two depraved pigs I topped few times.


My brain was about to blow as they laughed looking at me. I kept my head down and I was sure I was blushing as hell under the rubber hood. I knew there was no way they could recognized me. But the thought of being a rubber dog in front of them after what I'd done to them was a complete mind fuck. The biker knew who they were.

Tony was the first one to talk.

`'Where did you get it mate?''

The biker told them a short version of how we met without mentioning that i was a top being turned into a pig. A top who used them. I realized that they had no idea who I was and that there was no way they could tell by looking at the rubber dog on the floor. I relaxed a bit knowing that I was an anonymous rubber thing. As long as I didn't speak. My French accent would be a fucking give away. But so far the biker didn't use my mouth for a lot for talking.

The biker removed the gag making both skins laugh as they watched the large rubber cock being pulled out of my mouth.

`'Go and say hello doggy.''

I did not hesitate to crawl towards Tony first as he planted his right foot on the floor. When I reached his foot I just bent my head down and licked his boots, giving it a proper tongue bath. He let me lick it for a few minutes before kicking my head with his foot towards his left boot. I licked it as hard as I did the first one, the biker's word hedging me to do better. I tasted the leather as I licked his boots. But not only leather. Piss. There was piss on his boots and I was cleaning it off.

Once satisfied with my greeting he kicked me towards Daniel. I crawled quickly in front of him, keeping my head down. I did not hesitate when he put his boot in front of me. And as with Tony's I tasted piss mixed with the leathers.

They both laughed as they knew I tasted the piss and they told the biker that they had pissed on each others boots before coming to give a nice present to the dog. Daniel kicked my head towards his other boot. By the time he was satisfied with my greeting my mouth was filled with the taste of leather and piss. And I was thirsty.

The biker snapped his fingers at me and I crawled quickly in front of him. From my time with him so far I knew he was fucking serious about making me his pig. He had no problems to hurt me for fun or to punish me. But he also knew what I need to function. And now I was thirsty. So as I kneeled in front of him, he pulled his thick cock out, pushed his glans just passed my lips and pissed.

I sealed my lips around his cock making sure to scratch it with may teeth and i flushed his piss when it filled my mouth nearly completely. Once he emptied himself he shook the last drops on my rubber hood. I was so proud of myself to satisfy him.

`'Stupid dog. You didn't wait to be told to flush. Fucking stupid cunt.''

He grabbed the rubber cock gag and strapped it back in my mouth making sure it was extra tight

`'Go in the corner cunt.''

I crawled on all four to the corner of the room he pointed to.


I moved further in the corner making sure my nose was against the wall as ordered. Not my nose. Humans had nose. Dog had a snout.

The biker came behind me, grabbed my wrists and ankles to padlock them together pulling my feet off the floor. I had to lean forwards on my knees to make sure my snout stayed against the wall. And I had to work hard to stay as ordered as they chatted with a drink.

It was hard to stay as ordered. And with time it became a fucking punishment. I had to concentrate and I struggled to stay in place. I had to focus really hard. Missing on their conversation. Both skins were complete perverts and I had my fists up both their arse. Daniel really enjoyed being used in public, fisted and he really like to have his balls stretched with heavy ball weights. But he could be a mean Top too. He often abused his black boyfriend in public.

But Tony was something else. He was a complete Sadist AND a complete Masochist depending on his mood. 100% one or the other. I witnessed both with him under my whip or him stomping on a pig with needles through his tits.

What if the biker decided to give me to them.



`'SNOUT AGAINST THE WALL CUNT!!!! And fucking stay there.''

And I was fucking up. The thought of the price to pay was not a comforting one. I moved my knees back a bit with snout against the wall, forcing my balance forward. It was less comfortable but my snout stayed against the fucking wall. They laughed as they probably saw me moving.

Tony and Daniel were very curious about me. And the biker was more than happy to tell them about our trip to the rubber shop, with the offer of being displayed there, to the barber shop and to the pub. Both said they would come to the shop.


At one point the biker ordered some pizzas and I knew they were staying for a while. It filled me with dread. It filled me with excitement.

Once the pizza arrived they decided to move to the kitchen.

My wrists and ankles were released and I was dragged by the leash.

`'Come cunt, time to feed you.''


Tony was holding the leash and he pulled hard on it forcing me to run on all four to keep up with him evener such a short walk. Being close to him I could smell the stink coming from him. A mixture of sweat, rubber and piss; I knew that he often wear rubber just to build that smell. It was intoxicating and I realized that I was well on the way to smell like him.

Once in the kitchen the biker looped the chain to the radiator pipe to keep me where they could all see me.

The biker put the gag back in my mouth and I watched them eating.

My stomach moaned from the smells.

As they eat they threw pieces of crust in a dog bowl.

Tony even chewed on some pizza before spitting it in the bowl. His nasty streak so obvious.

They enjoyed their dinner with a couple of beers, ignoring me.

Halfway through their meal, the biker came near me. He grabbed my wrists and locked them behind my back. He removed the gag, dropping it next to me. From a shelf just above my head the grabbed a Jennings clamp. He forced it between my teeth and strapped it tight around my head. Then using the lockable lever on the side he started to open my jaws until my mouth completely stretched wide open with no way of being to close it or relax my jaw. Next he got a strap, put it on my forehead and pulled it down to tie it to the radiator's pipe. He kept tightening the strap until my head was pulled backward.

`'Don't flush pig.''

He pulled his cock and balls out, resting them on my face with the tip of his cock just above my opened mouth. His urinal.

He filled my mouth with his piss. I struggled no to swallow. He kept filling my mouth until the piss reached my teeth. He had filled it with his piss.

The two skins were standing next to him looking inside my piss filled mouth like if they were checking a piss bowl.

`'You can put some more mate.''

The biker smirked at Tony and told him to go ahead. From my position I could not see Tony's cock, but I definitely smelled it. I heard the piss filling my mouth and this time it covered my teeth with some spilling out. Tony stopped then.

They just laughed as they walked away and finish their pizza.

I was forced to breathe through my nose, concentrating on toy mouth filled to the rim with piss After what seemed like hours to me, the biker told me to flush the piss in my mouth. Easy said not so easy done as did not want to make a mess. I swallowed a little bit of piss and tried not to choke on it to start. Then larger ones until my mouth was empty.

`'You need to use the urinal guys?''

They both shouted yes.

Daniel was the first one to use me. He put his cock above my mouth and filled it again with warm piss. This was as bad as when the biker pissed. Daniel didn't look at me and just asked for a beer as he finished. He shook his cock over my open mouth. He told me to flush and I swallowed his piss as he walked back to the table. Completely dismissing me. I was of no importance to him. I served a purpose and he was done.

Tony was another thing.

I could see the evil glint in his eyes.

The thing about Tony is that he had a thing for stinking smells. He really kept his cock and balls nasty. And I knew that it would not be pleasant. He asked the biker if he could remove the gag and the strap. When the biker agreed he released me from the stressful position. It was not for my comfort. When he pulled his dick out of his filthy jockstrap, I saw the white cheese that accumulated in the deep ridge. And the strong smell hit my nose even before he rubbed his nasty glans along my nose. My snout.

The moment he pushed his erect cock in my mouth I waited with my mouth wide open.

`'Lick it cunt.''

I immediately started to lick the nasty stuff. The taste as bad as the smell if not worst It tasted vile. It tasted of yesterday's piss at best. And his piss was not better. It was bitter as fuck. And I knew he probably recycled it a couple of times. He was a nasty pig. When he was done he slowly pulled his cock out and rubbed his glans all over my snout holes, filling them with the stench.

He just laughed as he put he cock away.

When they finished using me as they urinal, the biker grabbed the dog bowl. My dog bowl. He pulled his cock out and covered the scraps with more piss. The bastard made sure to keep some just for that. He let the scraps soak in it for a bit before he put the bowl down in front of me.

`'You better clean it cunt and no mess on the floor.''

They grabbed a beer each and walked out.

As he passed by me, Tony stopped and spat out a big gob of phlegm in my bowl, making my nasty dinner even worst.

I slowly bent my head down, trying not to think about the taste. It was nasty from the start. Piss soaked pizza scraps are not a gourmet meal. Piss soaked pizza scraps mixed with chewed pizza id worst. Piss soak pizza scraps mixed with chewed pizza and gob is just disgusting.

But in my own personal hell there was a small silver lining. It cleared the horrible taste of piss and smegma.


I had to push my face in the bowl to grab the scraps, and the gooey mixture was getting worst as I chewed it. I was glad when I grabbed the last piece. Then I licked the bowl to make sure it was really clean. And this time I checked the floor. There were small pieces of scraps and a bit of piss on the floor. I licked it clean.

And of course that is when the biker walked in, seeing me licking the floor.

`'Come and say goodbye doggy.''

I crawled behind him just like a dog. Tony and Daniel were standing in the hallway and without being told I dropped my head to their boots and gave them a good licking, making they laugh. They both patted my head saying good night to the biker and that they were looking forward visiting the shop.


`'Bet you didn't expect to see them boy. And just to make sure that we are clear. You are my pig. But I will have no problem to share you with them. Starting tomorrow.''

My brain just blew up.

He had to drag hard on the leash to get me out of my daze. I was not allowed to stand up to get upstairs and I crawled on all four behind him. My head still full with his words.

They sounded just like what they really wear.

A promise.

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Next: Chapter 16

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