Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Apr 18, 2022


Sleep didn't come for a very long time. There was no way to get comfortable chained in the fucking cage. And when I managed to get some sleep, my stupid bladder woke me up by filling my mouth with disgusting piss. I tried to hold it as much as possible. But the need to piss was too strong and I swallowed loads of recycled piss. I hoped he would let me empty myself in the morning. Then I started to need to shit and I squeezed my arse tight around the plug. And for a long time, all I could think of was my needs to relieve myself. Torturing myself.


I was glad when I saw the first lights coming through the curtains and the sounds of passing cars. Another normal day started for a lot of people. Another day of uncertainty started for me.

I laid still in the cage, trying to get some relief to my arms and legs to avail.

I was really glad when I heard the biker stirring in his very comfortable bed.

`'Morning pig.''

`'Mmmmmpppffgghhhhhh ffir. Mmmmmmmmpppffgggghhhh ffir. MMMMPPPPFFFGGGHHHH.''

`'Yeah yeah. Got it. You need to piss and shit. I need to piss first.''

He came near the cage, unlocked my wrists and removed the gag in my mouth. He stood up and pushed his cock through the bars. I struggled to get up my mouth wide open. As soon as he pushed his cock in my mouth i sealed it tight to make sure no piss escaped.

He just let go a fucking strong stream of piss, filling my mouth with fucking bitter piss. I had struggled not to spit it out. Smirking he pinched my nose shut and I had to swallow very quickly to be able to breathe. He kept my nose shut the whole time he emptied itself. When he was done he shook a couple of droplets over the rubber hood. He unlocked my ankles and opened the cage telling me to get out and dropped few keys on the floor next to me.

`'Take everything off except the plug pig.''

And while he went in the bathroom, i took the restraints, collar, hood and rubber one piece off.


I quickly crawled to the bathroom not wanted to get in his back book that early in the morning. All I could see when I reached him was his hard cock pointing at me.


I opened my mouth wide for him to slowly slide his cock in my mouth, pushing it in my throat. I worked my throat muscles to accommodate his large dick. I managed not to gag. Too much.

`'Lick it clean.''

He had cleaned himself except his cock. I moved my tongue around its length and head tasting his piss. Licking it like a dog with a bone. I had to impale myself on his cock to be able to clean its all length.

`'My balls now pig.''

I really had to open my mouth wide to be able to swallow both his balls making him laugh. I realized I could have cleaned one at the time. Becoming a pig made me stupid. When he was satisfied he put some underwear and t-shirt on. All this time I was still desperate to relieve myself but cleaning his cock and balls with my tongue distracted my mind for a bit. He reached for the chastity cage on my dick and took it off.

`'Listen pig. You piss and shit, clean yourself inside out. You shave your face, chest, pits, arse, groin and balls. If I find any hair you will pay for that. When done wait in the bedroom. Understood pig?''

`'Yes Sir.''

The moment he walked out of the bathroom I jumped on the toilet. I didn't give a fuck if I looked desperate. I was. I cleaned myself with the hose, and started to shave myself as ordered. I always made sure that my pigs were shaved. Now I was the one to shave myself as ordered. I made sure to shave properly and need smooth like a piglet. I cleaned the bathroom, picked the clean plug up with my mouth and crawled back to the empty bedroom. I kneeled by the bed, hands behind my back, head down. Holding the plug in my mouth.

I really felt vulnerable being naked on my knees. Another step in turning me into a pig. That journey was a complete mind fuck. I both dreaded and looked forward to what he had in store next. I knew he was aware I was in the bedroom. And making me wait was just another mind fuck.

I stood straighter on my knees when I head him coming up the stairs. From the corner of my eyes I could see he was dressed in relaxed clothes for the day as he took the plug from my mouth and dropped it on the bed.

`'From today if not told otherwise you will wear your rubber suit all the time. Get up.''

Once I stood up he checked my body shave, lifting my arms up, grabbing my balls, speaking my arse checks. Once he was satisfied he greased my dick and balls and locked the chastity cage back on my dick. He then turned me around and pushed me on the bed. He kneeled over my legs and started to grease my hole. He started with one finger, then two, pushing them in and out, spreading them more and more to stretch my hole, making me moan like a pig. Then he pushed the plug back in my hole making me gasp as he pushed it in one go. He gave me a couple of slaps on my arse before getting up.

`'Get dressed pig.''

I quickly got in the rubber suit. All I could smell was the mix of sweat and sex. I was getting addicted to that smell. My pathetic dick tried to get hard in its cage. I didn't have time to think too much as he pulled the thick rubber hood over my head. Making me once again his faceless slave. His faceless pig. The feeling of the rubber encasing my head, covering my face, taking away my humanity was one of the strongest I ever experienced. There was something liberating in disappearing under the rubber. It wasn't about protecting myself. I was still wary of being seen in public. But it was more about becoming a pig. I always saw rubber as the skin to a true pig. And that was what it started to become. My skin. I wanted, I needed more. And I knew that it wouldn't be long before I was sealed totally in rubber from head to toes. A rubber pig. An animal. An object. A gimp.

The hood smelled of his piss and cum mixed with my sweat. The smell of new rubber already disappearing. Another addictive stench. He locked the thick rubber collar around my neck, the restraints on my wrists and ankles. He was very efficient, not wasting time and definitely not stumbling with the locks. He knew what he was doing. He knew what he wanted. He knew what I needed. This wasn't a game. He made it his goal to turn me into a pig. To release the pig I spent years hiding.

`'This is you basic outfit pig. Go in the kitchen and wait.''

I dropped and all four and crawled out of the bedroom, down the stairs and in the kitchen.

The kitchen was not empty.

The biker's lodger was sitting at the table, having breakfast, grinning as he watched me crawl in the room. I probably turned beet red under the hood a the thought of the man seeing me. Being degraded by the biker was one thing, being seen by a complete stranger probably not as perverted was another. But there was nothing I could do but wait on all four by the table. I got slightly nervous as I got up and came near me.

''Enjoy your breakfast piggy.''

A complete stranger just put a dog bowl in front of me. Inside the bowl were three wheat biscuits. And they were not soaking in milk.

I got on my arms to reach the bowl. And at the first taste my fear was confirmed. They were soaked in piss. That was disgusting. I used to feed my subs that way. And I probably told the biker that I was craving for that in our chats. I pushed my face in the bowl to grab a mouthful of the disgusting paste. I had to chew it a lot before being able to swallow it. Halfway through my breakfast, the biker joined his friend for breakfast. And they chatted like if a rubber pig on all four was the most normal thing to have around.

I learned that in this house it was. I could hear bits of their conversation. And my stomach turned cold. From what I heard, the biker was to be absent the morning and his friend would be keeping an eye on me. My pathetic dick liked the idea. My brain not so much.

`'Clean your bowl cut.''

Fuck, I was concentrating so much on their chat that I forgot to clean my bowl. I probably earned some demerit points for that. Not that the biker needed an excuse to beat my arse. I quickly cleaned the bowl and waited on my knees next to the biker. He kept one of his hand on top of my rubber head as he finished his breakfast and chat.

`'Clean the breakfast and come upstairs.''

That said they both left the kitchen. I cleared the table, did the washing up and clean the kitchen. I double checked everything was clean before crawling upstairs. I found the biker in the bedroom.

`'Against the wall.''

I got on my feet and put my back against the wall. The biker grabbed my right wrist and locked the restraint to a ring on the wall. Then he did the same to my left wrist before spreading my legs and locking my ankles to the wall. He was very close to my face, smirking as he locked the collar to the wall. I was back where it started on the first time in his place. The difference was that I was in stinking rubber. He knew where my thoughts were going. He pressed his mouth to mine and took it with force. Snogging me hard and deep.

`'Open up piggy.''

I opened my mouth wide. I wanted more of his lips and tongue. He spat in my mouth and gagged me with the large red ball. I opened my eyes wide as he made sure the gag was extra tight.

`'Mike will look after you while I'm out. You obey him like me. He knows you got to stay on the wall. See you later piggy.''

He spat again on my face and left. My mind was going two hundred miles an hour. Maybe his friend would ignore me.


Oh yes, he ignored me for the first hour as he moved around the house, working from the office.

`'Doing ok pig?''

I grunted yes around the ball gag.

`'Yes what?''


He just fucking laughed as he walked past me, heading for the wardrobe full of toys. He grabbed something and came back in front of me. He pulled the suit's zip down and pulled the rubber off my chest. I moan in the gag as he grab my left tit and squeezed it between his fingers a bit before attaching a large metal clamp on it. There was not rubber guard on the clamp and the metal jaw just bit hard as fuck in my tit. When he let the clamp go I was panting from the pain. I could not take my eyes off his hand as he reached for the other tit and squeezed it very hard before putting the other clamp on it. He pulled on the chain between the clamps, sending waves after waves of pain straight to my flesh. After playing with the chain for a bit, he pulled the zip back up. The rubber got very tight over the clamps, pushing them deeper in my skin, sending more waves of pain.

Hurting as fuck.

Then he just left.

The pain shooting through my tits was painful as fuck. I thought I was going to get used to it. But the sweat made the rubber slide constantly over the clamps as it tried to get some relief in my arms or my legs. I was once again torturing myself. Alone.

I was enjoying seeing in the mirrors the rubber pig suffering. It probably deserved every bit of pain it felt. It probably deserved and wanted more.

I was definitely a sick fuck.

Pinned to the wall I could only look at myself. And the fucking clock. I could see every minute passing. Slowly. And there was noting I could do about it. Just suffering.

That seemed to become my life more and more. And it was in these moments of complete solitary misery that I came to crave any attention from the biker. To be denied any.

I could hear the lodger on the phone as he walked in the bedroom. I froze in place, staying completely silent. He grabbed something from the cupboard and walked back in front of me. He reached for the ball gag. And tightened it even more. BASTARD!!!! The last thing I saw was his smirk as he put a blindfold over my eyes.

Again I was alone in complete darkness. From then I spend my time concentrating on any sounds I could hear. The lodger on the phone, going down and up the stairs, a door closing, cars passing by, my heart beat......

`'Missed me pig?''

The biker was back.


I knew I sounded pathetic and he just laughed. I heard him moving around the room. And when he started to release me from the wall I could not resist of moaning of relief. How stupid was I? Once released from the wall he moved me near the bed. He removed the ball gag and replaced the collar with a very large posture collar before pushing me against one of the bed's poster.

`'Open your hole pig.''

I opened my mouth wide as he impaled it on a dildo attached to the poster.


He grabbed my arms and locked my wrists together behind my back before putting some restraints just above my elbows and locking them together pulling my arms very tightly behind my back. Then he used straps to glue me to the poster. He started at my ankles, then my knees, my waist, my armpits pushing my chest against the pole and crushing the clamps on my tits. I didn't know if he realized I had clamps on my tits. But I bet he was aware of them. He tightened the straps to the maximum making sure I could not move at all.

I felt him lopping something through the ring on the front of the collar and around the poster, pulling me further on the dildo until I gagged a little bit. He locked whatever it was in place.

`'Fuck your hole pig.''

I started to move on the dildo realizing that he had put some bungee rope on the collar. I had to pull hard to get some relief from the dildo, but I could not stay too long off it as the elastic cord pulled my mouth back on the dildo just to my gagging point.

`'Faster cunt.''

I moved faster, going deeper on the dildo, fucking my mouth, gagging more and more.


FUCK. I started to move faster, completely impaling my mouth on the rubber cock, passing my gagging point. I really had to open my mouth and throat to take the piece of rubber. He put his hand on the back on my head pushing it completely on the dildo, my nose hitting the post.

`'You slow down and I'll get a bigger one.''

I felt him standing close to me as he watched me fucking my mouth on the dildo, making sure to hit the post as I went deeper on it. I could only move my head, and I must have been a sight completely glued to the post, moaning like a pig as I impaled my hole on the dildo. He must have left at one point, leaving me on my own, but I was sure he was checking on me. At the beginning I really kept the speed up but as I was tiring from the constant fucking I started to slow down.

`'FASTER CUNT!!!!!!!!''

He was on the fucking bed. I could picture him stroking his cock or reading a book as he watched me. For a while I was back at top speed, but again I started to slow down as my mouth was really taking a fucking and my neck started to rebel.

`'For fuck sake.''

I head him moving off the bed and coming behind me. He released my arms and wrists before pulling them up to the top of the post where he locked my wrists together. I was completely stretched again the post.

And that's when the arse beating started. Hard as hell strokes. It felt like a rubber paddle. I moved faster on the dildo hoping to please him but he kept whacking my arse again and again and again. A constant beating as I fucked my mouth tears running down my rubber face. My body and mind completely fucked.

I didn't know for how long he kept me going on the dildo but the beating eventually stopped and I felt him stopping my head from moving with the dildo still in my mouth. I was so fucking grateful for small mercy.

He just left me resting still tied to the post. I felt him moving behind me pushing his body against my back. From the heat coming from him I guessed he was naked as he stroke his cock. He pushed his face against my rubber head, rubbing his head against me. He stole his cock faster and I expected him to cum on numb back. I was like a fucking rubber doll to pleasure him. I should have known better again. He slowed down and just pushed his body against my back, enveloping me in his arms as he reached for the post pushing me even further agains it, sending waves of pain in my tits. And from my grunts the bastard knew what he was doing. I missed his heat when he moved off me.

And I cursed him when he started to beat my arse again. I moved quickly on the dildo without being told. I knew what was expected from me. Thistle the pain was lot sharper. Like fire. He was using a cane on my arse. FUCKING HELL. I rally moved faster on the dildo hoping to please him really quickly. But it didn't matter. The beating and fucking were relentless. I was in tears by the time he stopped.

Then nothing.

He left me tied to the post. No comfort from him. I was an idiot, I was just a tool a toy to him. A pig.

I stayed still for a very long time. Then I started to move on the dildo.`Not as fast as before but just enough to fuck my mouth. I wasn't trying to get bonus point with him. It felt like normal. So I kept fucking my mouth at a slow pace. Fucking my mouth without being told. Like a good stupid pig.

The next time I was ware of him being back was when he started to release me from the post. He undid the straps and rope dropping them on the floor. He removed the blindfold and told me to tidy the room. I put the straps, the paddle and cane away as he relaxed on the bed looking through some paper.

When done, I knelt next to the bed.

`'Get in the cage and stay on all four facing the door.''

I crawled in the cage as he followed me.

Then he locked my wrists restraints to the cage's corner near the door, then my ankles at the back. Locking me on all four. He pushed the large ball gag in my mouth before grabbing the back of the posture collar and locking it to the top of the cage. Then he slammed the door shut and locked it as if I could escape envenom he had left the cape wide open. It was another layer of dehumanization. I was an animal to keep caged.

I was grateful for the thick rubber floor, knowing it could be taken away to reveal more steel bars underneath. From the cage I could hear them talking in the office, then going downstairs. The sounds coming from the kitchen told me it would be soon time to join them for lunch. I started to look forward being next to them, even if forced to eat from a bowl.

I did not expect the biker to come back with the dog bowl in his hand, to open the cage, to put the bowl on the floor, to lock the cage, to unlock the collar from the cage, to loop some bungee rope from the collar to the cage and to tell me to clean the bowl before leaving. Whatever it was had been completely blended to a paste. I really had to struggle to reach the bowl. I had to pull hard on the cord to be able to grab some of the paste, and my head was pulled back the moment I relaxed. I had to work hard to even get some food. I was sweating like a pig and I was panting by the time I finished.

I could hear the tv from downstairs, and I could picture them relaxing having lunch and watching the news.

After a while they came back upstairs. Both coming in the bedroom. The lodger opened the cage and released me before dragging me out while the biker was getting something quite large.

`'If you need to piss or shit, it's now pig. Go.''

I didn't wait for the biker to tell me twice. I crawled quickly to the bathroom to empty myself. Once cleaned I crawled back to the bedroom to find a rubber sleep-sack starched on the floor.

`'Get in.''

I looked up at the smirking biker as I got on my back. He held the sleep sack as I pushed my arms in the inside sleeves and pulled it over my shoulders. Once I was settled in the rubber bag he pulled the zipper up, encasing me in thick rubber. The bag was very tight. Something I realized was my new normal. The feeling was amazing. And it was quite comfortable.

Remember? Stupid pig.

I could not believe my eyes when I saw them stretching another bag next to me. This w$one was made of thick black canvas and had buckles all over. Once they had it open next to me, they both picked me up by the shoulders and ankles to put me on the second bag. They pulled it over my feet and shoulders. This time the lodger pulled the zipper up. Smirking bastard. Then they bot started to pulled the straps tight. And as they moved together I was sealed in another layer of bondage.

The biker was kneeling just above my head, squeezing my head with his knees.

`'We got to work for a bit. You just relax pig.''

He moved his hand near my mouth and like a good obedient pig I opened it for him to push a sock in it. A foul tasting sock. The disgusting taste felling my mouth immediately. Then he pulled a thick rubber harness and locked it over my rubber head.

They both stood up and left leaving me alone with my thoughts.

My depraved thoughts.

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Next: Chapter 15

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