Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Mar 30, 2022


The Biker was restrained next to me.

This was all I could think of. He was strapped to the chair just like me. Not really just like me. He decided to be restrained. I was just restrained like any animal. I had no say in it. There was nothing I could do about it.

Even when he was restrained I was completely his.

I was sweating between the rubber cover and the rubber chair still warm from the previous guy. I was shivering from excitement at every stroke with the razor. Strapped in the chair, there was nothing I could do but look at the barber.

He was a very sexy in a mean way muscle guy with a shaved head and a goatee. He was definitely a Dom by the way he held himself. Sure in who he was and what he was doing.

First he shaved one side of my head with strong and quick strokes with a grade zero. Then he did the same to the other side. Next he put a guard on the razor and passed it through my hair at the top again and again taking a large part off. Then another guard before doing the same and a third one. By the time he was done my head was shaved at the sides with cropped hair at the top. It was not a fancy hair cut with scissors and hair products. There was something mechanical about the way he worked. No non sense. It was a straight to the point shave.

I would look like a mean fucker if I was in full leather. But all I saw was a pig being sheared. Just like an animal.

When he was done I was expecting to be released from the chair. I had to learn and stop thinking. He opened a draw under the mirrors and pulled out a rubber hood out. He slides the rubber over my head leaving me in complete darkness. There was no eye holes. Just a rivet in front of my mouth to breathe. All the sounds came muffled through the rubber when I heard him chatting with the biker as he started shaving him. Even if the Biker was restrained to the chair he was treated differently. Normally. As normal as possible when being shaved restrained to a rubber chair.

I realized the barber was done when I managed to hear him releasing the Biker. Next the hood was removed allowing me to see Biker's head shaved to a short buzz all over. The Barber removed the rubber cover and released me from the chair. As soon as the collar was removed I dropped on all four in front of him and licked his boots as a thank you. I made sure to give them long hard licks with all my tongue. And without thinking I crawled to the biker and licked his boots. That seemed natural.

When the biker told me to get dressed I stood up and immediately saw in his eyes that I made a mistake. I instantly dropped back on all four and crawled to my clothes. I cursed myself for being stupid. I managed to put my clothes back without standing up. I didn't know what to do with the restraints but it wasn't long before the Biker grabbed them and put them back on me under my clothes. He put the collar last with the leash hanging under my jacket.

`'Lets go pig.''

I crawled behind him as he went to the stairs. I made sure to lick the Barber's boots as I crawled near him. I was allowed to stand up once at the bottom of the stairs and followed the biker out of the shop.

We didn't walk for long. We just crossed the street going in a pub. Not one of those fancy bars popping all over the place. It was a dark pub with plenty space to move around, a shelf running along the walls to put your drink. And it was busy. Still by the door, he turned around, pulled the leash out and drag me behind him as he moved through the crowd. I couldn't count the snickers, filthy comments or the number of times my arse was grabbed as he paraded me through the pub. He was taking the scenic route to get to the back wall. He found a free stool for himself and handed me a note.

`'Get me a pint of a bitter and a can of coke.''

I went to the bar and queue behind a couple of guys. The place was busy with a mix of guys in suits having a drink after work, skinheads in pairs or groups, twinks laughing, a couple of leather guys. Of all ages. I was so distracted that when it was my turn to be served I was shocked to the face the barman. He was the mohawk guy from earlier. And he just smirked when he asked me what I wanted. He made sure to check lime up and down. He was telling me he knew exactly what I was wearing. My face was burning. He handed me the drinks and the change before turning to the next customer.

I walked back to the Biker and handed him his beer. He had his constant smirk on his face.

`'You met the barman. You'll see him again. Or not.''

I didn't have time to pounder his words that he told me to drink the can. When I took a couple of sips he told me to empty it. So I did.

When the can was empty he grabbed it giving me his pint and telling me to keep an eye on his seat.

Then he went to the toilets.


When he came back few minutes later, he sat and the stool, grabbed his pint back and handed me the can. Of course it was warm, filled with his piss. I hoped it was his piss.

`'It's mine pig. Enjoy.''

And with those word I took a large sip of his piss. It was warm and bitter. Drinking piss when kneeling in front of a cock, mouth wide open or when tied up under a toilet seat, or with a funnel down the throat is one thing. There is no decision. Just acceptance.

Drinking piss from a can in a pub is something else. But the end result is just the same. No decision. Just acceptance.

A couple of guys stopped by to say hello to the Biker. They chatted a bit before moving on. But most of the time the Biker enjoyed his pint. When I noticed that the biker's pint was empty I thought I was going to get another one. Wrong.

The mohawk bartender came up to him and asked him if he wanted another pint. When the Biker said yes he took his empty pint and asked if he wanted a special too. Once the Biker said yes he grabbed my empty can and walked away. I noticed again the yellow bands on his t-shirt and the yellow socks over the top of his dock Martens. And the yellow hanky sticking out of his right back pocket. He was a piss pig.

I kept my eyes on him as he walked back behind the bar, dropping the empty glasses he collected before walking through a door at the back with my can.

Few minutes later he came out, pulled a pint and brought it to the biker. As I grabbed the can he was holding he made sure to hold it few seconds looking straight at me.

`'Enjoy piggy.''

Then he walked away.

The Biker was laughing.

`'Empty the can. Piggy.''

I took a deep breath and doing the bartender's piss in one go.


It was bitter as fuck. And I knew I was recycling piss he had recycled first.

`'Go for a refill. Piggy.''

There was no end to my humiliation.

I went back to the bar and managed to grab the bartender's attention.

`'Can I have a refill please?''

He just smirked when he took the empty can and walked to the back room.

When he came back he was holding two cans.

Fucking hell.

Both were filled in his piss.

I thanked him blushing and walked back to the Biker who told me to empty one can and to sip the other one.

Once both cans were empty, the Biker decided it was time to go. He told me to follow him as went to bar to have a word with the bartender. I waited with my head down standing next to them as they talked. I threw a couple of glances at them. I did not hear their chat but saw the bartender nodding his head a couple of times. Then I felt my leash being pulled. I was ready to follow the biker. But it was the barman pulling me close to him. He pulled hard on my collar to hold me in place and to snog me. He pushed his tongue deep in my mouth as he snoged me hard. I responded just as hard, rubbing my tongue in his mouth. Tasting strong piss. Two pigs swapping piss taste. He cleared his throat and spat in my mouth before letting me go. I swallowed the large piss tasting ball of gob. Definitely not his equal. He handed the leash to the biker thanking him and he went back to work.

Once again I was following the biker on the street back to his car. I didn't even noticed that it started to get dark. When we reached his car he opened the boot, grabbed my wrists and somehow locked them in my back before helping me to for climb in. Once on my side he locked my ankles together and joined them to my wrists. I was fucking hogtied in the boot. From the bags he pulled a rubber blindfold and put it over my eyes. Then he closed the boot slamming it shut. And drove off.

The journey back to his place was as uncomfortable as the first one.

When he finally opened the boot I was sore all over. He released my ankles and pulled me out keeping my hands restrained in my back. He gathered the bags and gave to me to carry as he dragged me on the leash. I was glad it was already fairly dark. Once inside he took me to the bedroom upstairs. He released my wrists and told me to strip to my rubber. As soon as I took the tracksuit off I got on my knees. Waiting. He removed the collar and grabbed my new hood. He pulled it over my head, sliding it over my face to make me his faceless slave. The hood was tight and I remember the guy from the shop choosing it on purpose. And of course I remembered his offer. But that would be to deal with later. Next he put the rubber restraints back on my ankles and the collar around my neck.

`'Come pig. Time to clean you.''

As I processed his word , I followed in the bathroom. He told to get in the shower my back towards him. He opened the zips over my arse and open them exposing my plugged hole. He grabbed the base of the plug and started to move it around, in and out to stretch my hole. Once he pulled it out he through on the floor of the shower. The plug was dirty. I started to breathe deeply thinking about what he could tell me to do.

`'Relax boi. Not yet.''

That did not ease my mind.

Next he grabbed the shower head and replaced it with a metal anal shower head. If I had any doubt about his plans they disappeared instantly. He pushed the tube in my arse and turned the water on.

`'Hold it pig.''

He didn't spent a lot of time to clean me. He filled me with a fucking lot of water, made me hold it a couple of minutes and relieve myself in the toilets the first couple of times. Then he filled me three times more and let me relieved myself in the shower.

The humiliation in felt was like nothing I experienced before. He was just so matter of fact, so mechanical about it that I felt completely degraded. And I knew that he didn't give a fuck.

`'This is how you will clean yourself when I tell you pig. Understood?''

`'Yes SIR.''

`'Clean the plug with soap and the shower. When you're done come in the bedroom.''

Once I cleaned and rinsed the shower I crawled back to the bedroom.

`'Where's the plug dog?''


I crawled quickly back to the bathroom, picked the plug up with my mouth and crawled back very quickly to the bedroom.

He took the plug and threw it on a shelf.

`'Colme here cunt.''

I crawled next to him at the bottom of the bed. He pulled me up by the collar and made be bend over the bed frame at the waist. He used a couple of ropes on the ankle restraints to spread my legs. Then he looped a rope through the rings on the wrist restraints and tied the end of the rope to the top of the bed pulling hard on my arms.

`'You fucked up few times today and you gonna be punished for that. Understood pig?''

`'Yes Sir.''


`'YES SIR.''

He moved to one side of the cupboard where he had various straps, paddles, floggers hanging. I did not see what he decided to use. Only once he was next to me I could see the thick rubber paddle in his hands.

`'50 stokes. If you make any sound before 20 I will start again.''

He didn't ease me into like some Tops would do. It was not a pleasure beating. It was a punishment. He put the paddle flat on my arse, planted his feet slightly apart and gave me the first hard stroke. I barely managed to stop myself from making any sound. Instant pain. I clenched my cheeks when the paddle hit my arse. He placed the paddle back against my arse and he waited until I relaxed completely before giving me the second painful stroke. He waited I relaxed my arse before giving me another stroke. Again and again and again and again....

I counted them in my head, trying hard not top make any sound. Tears were running down my rubber face. I wish he had gagged me but of course he didn't on purpose. I was fucking relieved when he reached 20. I was fucking grateful.

I could see his hard cock dripping in the mirrors. He enjoyed inflicting pain. A true sadist.

I stayed silent another couple of times but the heat and pain searing through my arse was so intense that I started to shout each time the thick paddle connected with my sore arse. By 30 I was screaming and crying. By 40 I was mumbling and crying. By 50 I was crying. In silence.

Once he was done he threw the paddle on my back and walked out of the bedroom leaving me stretched on the bed. Hurting. I could hear him getting in the shower.

When he walked back in the bedroom drying himself he looked at me smiling.

`'Since you're there, better start your arse training.''


He grabbed the training box with the plugs and sat next to me to open it.

`'See pig? Four different sizes to open you up and two with an indented channel.''

He grabbed one and showed it close to me. I could see that it was carved on the side.

`'You know what is it for?''

I shook my head.

`'Just in case I want to fuck you when it's up your hole.''


He grabbed the first plug. It was a reddish color and look slightly bigger that the one I had all day.

`'Your arse will be plugged when I don't fuck you pig. When you will have the third one up your cunt, you will feel like having my cock up your arse all day. You will get used having my cock buried in your throat or your hole. From now on your name is depravpig or pig for short. And I know what you need.''

He moved off the bed, grabbed some lube, greased my hole and the plug. If I could I would have jump when I felt the bulbous head of the plug against my hole. He pushed it in relentlessly until the plug was fully buried in my hole. The bulbous plug filled my hole. I really felt it inside me.

`'Look. It looks like your hole got its own little pacifier.''


He closed the zips over the plug, taped the base of the plug a couple of times, put a pair of jogging trousers and a t-shirt on and walked out of the bedroom, leaving me stretched on the bed with my arse hurting from the beating and filled with the plug.

I just stared at my reflection in the mirror. Thinking about the day. Thinking about the future. The cooking smells coming from downstair told me that I might get fed at one point. I just didn't know what.

At one point he came back released me from the bed.

`'Feeding time pig.Go downstairs in kitchen and wait for me by table''

I quickly crawled out of the bedroom, got on my feet only once at the top of stairs and got on all four straight after the last step. I crawled in the kitchen and waited.

He wasn't long to join me. He grabbed the dog bowl and filled it with pieces of chicken, pasta and vegetables. He put the bowl in front of me and told me to eat. I didn't need to be told twice and I devoured the food. Eating on all four. I licked the bowl clean. He pours some water in it and I lapped it like a dog. I didn't give a fuck. I finally got rid of the taste of piss in my mouth. When he finished eating, sitting at the table, he put his plate and my bowl in the sink.

`'Go and wait in the lounge pig.''

I crawled in the lounge as he went upstairs.

When he came back I heard him throwing a couple of things on the sofa.

He was naked. His cock hard.

He grabbed me by the collar and dragged me in front of the sofa. He told me to get on my forearms. He moved me until I was in a tight position on my arms and legs. My head resting on my forearms and my arse on my legs. Then he passed a long strap under my legs and pulled it above the small of my back. He pulled on it until it hold me tight in place. He got another smaller strap and locked it around my ankles. Then he got another long belt and passed it under my forearms. He grabbed the large ball gag and strapped it tight in my mouth before putting the cycling mask over it. Next he put the rubber blindfold over my eyes. Only then he started to tighten the strap passing it on the back on my head.

Once he had finished I was completely immobilized in a tight ball in front of the sofa.

I heard him getting himself a can, switching the tv on.

He put his feet on my back.

I was just a piece of furniture for him.

A footrest.

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Next: Chapter 13

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