Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Mar 29, 2022



There was no way I was going to be displayed in rubber to some fucking strangers. And I was going to tell the biker that he had another thong going if he thought he was going to have me turned into a rubber mannequin, Or suspended from the ceiling in a heavy straightjacket or in a sleep-sack...... FUCK. My dick was trying to get hard in its cage. The thought turned me no end. And the stupid dick was the reason I was at the end of the leash. And not the one holding it.

I was the Leather Top with a nasty smile on his face walking around with a leather or rubber pig on a leash. I was the Top seating in a club while a bootblack boy polished my boots to a shine after licking them with his tongue. I was the Top in Leather chaps sitting on a rim chair with a pig licking my hole with its tongue. I was the Leather Top with a slave in Leather hood and Leather straitjacket on its knees next to me on the street at Folsom Berlin. I was the Top wilding a whip to punish the pain pig spreadeagled on a wall. I was a fucking TOP.

The giggles brought me back to my new reality. We were on the STREET. I was with a rubber cycling mask over my face, dragged on a leash on a street. A couple of girls kept giggling as we passed them. The Biker didn't pay any attention to them. He was just taking me back to his car. And as we went up the small hill we passed few people, some didn't even look at us, a couple of skinheads wolf whistled adding to my complete shame. I could feel my face burning under the mask. I was glad when we finally reached his car. I stood by the boot and got in once he opened it. He dropped the bags next to me and closed the boot. I was no more than an object to him.

I tried to get comfortable for the drive back.

Soon my mind was back to the visit to the shop. And I could not rid of image of the smirking skinhead enjoying me degradation.

I was thinking too much.

I agreed to be turned into a pig.

I wanted that to happen to me. I wanked many times picturing myself as the leather slave on his knees, as the rubber pig used as a urinal in public. And after every time I came, I just got back in the nasty Top mindset. As long as those depraved thoughts were only a fantasy I was safe. Until the next time I started to think about being turned into a rubber pig.

I knew the Biker was not going to make it easy for me. There was an intensity in the `'normal'' way he treated me. This was not just role play. This was reality. He didn't need the public to humiliate me, he didn't have to create complicated scene. He just did what he wanted with me, what pleased him at the time, what turned him on.

Not giving a fuck about me.

And I craved that, even if it was very hard to admit it.

My dick trying to get hard in the plastic cage knew the truth.

I got out of my head when I felt the car stopping and heard the front door closing. There was no way we were already back at his place. I prepared myself to get out of the boot but nothing. No key in the lock, no latch opening, no Biker smirking at me.

He had parked somewhere leaving me in the boot. I could hear people laughing as they walked by the car. A lot of people. I could hear cars parking or leaving. I could hear some music blasting not far away. And I was not part of all that. I was nothing more than the bags next to me. And soon all I could feel and smell was the rubber. I started to sweat in the rubber suit and the heat made the smell stronger. Breathing through the rubber cycling mask was even stronger. I loved that fucking smell. It was like poppers for me. I could not wait to be sealed in full thick rubber and put in display.

FUCK FUCK FUCK. My mind was going to blow up. I wanted to wank, cum and.... And what? Going back to be a Leather TOP? Pleasing sub after sub. Giving them what they wanted from me? And back to my guilty fantasies?

I agreed to something. I was one to keep his word. And it was a chance of a lifetime. Ì didn't know what would happen after the two weeks. But I had to weeks to live what I only dared dream of.

Being sealed in a car boot did some good to the mind. If not to the body. It was a cramped space and I could hardly move. An isolation cell.

When I heard a key in the lock, all my thoughts came to a stop and I was ready to follow the Biker. When the boot was opened I expected the Biker to smirk at me to show me I was his to do as he wanted.

But it was not the Biker's face I saw hovering over the boot.

I just froze as I stared at the two skinheads standing over me.

`'FUCKING HELL. Rob was fucking serious. Got himself a pigcunt. FUCKING HELL''

They just laughed looking at me. Then they just closed the car boot.


My mind was frozen.

I was fucked.

I jerked when I heard a couple of loads knocks on the car and when it started to move I hope it was the Biker driving.

The knocks somehow reassured me;

It was another short drive before the car stopped again. And it was the Biker standing above me. An evil smirk on his face.

`'My mates didn't believe I got myself a pig from London. Had to show them. They look forward using you at the weekend.''


`'Get out cunt.''

Once I stood next to him I saw we were in an underground car park. He removed the cycling mask and threw it in the boot. He zipped my tracksuit up with the leash still hanging from the collar. He pulled the sleeves to cover the restraints on my wrists, and covered the ankles restraints too.

When he started to walk away, I followed him one step behind as we got out of the car park and out in a very busy town center.

I was walking wearing rubber and restraints surrounded by people going about their own life.

I followed him down a couple of street and when I noticed rainbow stickers on shops windows, rainbow flags over doors I knew we were in the city gay quarter.

He turned back to me smirking as he pushed the door of a shop just before going in. BASTARD. And I walked inside the shop I could not take my eyes of the shelves full of dildos, butt plugs.

He pulled the leash out and dragged me behind him as he looked around.

I had the feeling he knew exactly what he wanted and he took some evil pleasure dragging me around the shop, taking his sweet time looking at the biggest dildos like if he was deciding which one to get. Some of the things were huge and some were complete alien shapes, snake like things or with enormous bulbs all over.

I knew he was fucking with my mind.

I hoped he was fucking with my mind.

I prayed he was fucking with my mind.

He stopped in front of shelves with oval shape plugs called gate keeper and he just grabbed a training box with six plugs increasing in size. He just showed me the box. I started to sweat even more because this time he was not fucking my mind. He was showing me my arse training kit. I could not help shivers when I saw the second training set box starting with a bigger plug and five others. I could feel the sweat inside the rubber suit sliding down my plugged arse. I am sure the other guys around could smell my rubber. And none of them paid attention to my leash.

Next he stopped in front of a couple of shelves with weird shaped plugs.


I moaned at the sight of those and I whimpered when he grabbed two different ones.

`'I have enough dildos to train your mouth pig.''

He started to drag me towards the till when a glass cabinet caught his attention. It was full of chastity cages. From the names on the cards I saw that the one he had put on me was called a cb3000. He called the shop assistant over.

`'I want a small cage. Something restrictive and secured for long term. Which one is best, he's only starting his training.''

I felt my cheeks burning from the shame of being talked about like that. Words were as strong as actions when training a pig. I used them enough and now I was on the receiving end of them.

The shop assistant pointed to something called Holy trainer in various sizes, giving a lot of details about it.

`'I can take a couple of measures if you want.''

I dreaded the biker's next words.

`'Get your cage out pig.''

My face was burning like Hell as I pulled my tracksuit down revealing the rubber suit underneath. The biker pushed my hands behind my back and pulled on the bottom zippers to open the rubber suit. He grabbed my caged dick and balls, pulling them out. He got the key out of his pocket and for the first time since the weekend my dick was free. On display on a shop. I kept my head down to avoid looking at the shop assistant or the guys who had just moved next to us to watch. The shop assistant had put some rubber gloves on and wiped my dick and balls with a cloth. Then he used some strings to measure around my balls and dick. In less than two minutes he pointed to a small chastity cage.

`'The standard Holy Trainer V4 with a 40 tube will be perfect if you want him to get hard a little bit but not totally. The smaller tube will really keep him tight inside as soon as he starts to get hard. That's very intense and frustrating. Or you can go for the nano that will stop any erection.''

The Biker took his time looking at both cages.

`'I'll take this one.'' He was pointing at the V4.

`'Do you want to lock him now?''

`' Yes.''

`'Follow me please.''

I was dragged across the whole shop with my dick and balls hanging, making a couple of guys laugh as they saw me. There was no end to my humiliation.

Once in a large cubicle with shelves filled with small boxes, the shop assistant grabbed one and pulled out the fucking cage.

`' Do you want the comfort or tight or very tight ring on him?''

`'The tight one please.''

And in no time I had a thick tight plastic ring around my groin and a tight lubed cage on my dick. No padlock on those. A locking system was in the base of the tube.

`' Here you are boi. All locked.'' They both laughed at the biker's words as he pocketed the key.

I was told to dress leaving my new cage out of the rubber and I was dragged to the till to pay for my purchases. I had to carry the bag filling the fucking heavy weight of the plugs. Once back on the street he left the leash under my jacket. I gave thanks for the small mercy. I followed him down more streets to a barber shop. The biker said he had an appointment with Mark. The barber busy shaving a guy's head just smiled and told him to go downstairs. Once downstairs we were in a darker space. There were two barbers chairs with a guy in each. The barber was busy shaving one guy's head with a cut throat razor, not leaving any hair behind. He greeted the Biker and told him to have a seat. The biker sat on the only spare chair, leaving me standing next to him. As we waited I looked at the guy waiting in the other chair covered with a clothe. I could not stop staring at the large ring in his nose. He had a full hair of hair. A bit like a cute guy next door type. Except the ring in his nose was definitely not cute. Then I noticed the clothe covering him. It was made out of rubber. The guy was not moving at all. I had to look twice at the back of his neck. No way I was seeing what I thought. But there was no doubt. He had a wide rubber collar around his neck locked to the back of the chair. FUCKING HELL. I could not see his arms under the rubber cover but I could see his ankles locked with thick rubber restraints to the bottom of the chair. I looked sharply at the guy being shaved. The cover had moved a bit over one of his arms and I could see his wrists locked to the chair and the way he was holding his head still, he was collared to the chair. I looked at both of them in the mirror facing them. They just returned my stare with a smile. It was then that I noticed the poster next to the mirrors advertising a Barber Fetish night in a club. A barber named Mark.

The biker was completely ignoring me looking through an Investigator magazine but I was sure that my reactions did not escape him from the smirk on his face.


My life was turning upside down very fast. And my stupid dick was trying to get hard in its new cage. I could feel the extra tightness around my groin and dick. I moaned from the sadistic sensation. The Biker just grabbed my groin and squeezed hard. Still reading.

My mind was going all over the palace again. But this time I didn't have time to think too much. The barber had finished with the first guy. He wiped the rubber cover off him and shook the hair off it, leaving the guy completely displayed tied up to the chair.

In a full rubber suit from neck down.

I immediately tried to imagine what the other guy was wearing under the rubber cover.

The barber unlocked the restraints on his feet first, then on his wrist, some on his elbows and the collar last. The guy jumped out of the chair, got immediately on all four in front of the barber and licked his boots. Then he stood up when told to go and wait in the corner. The guy walked to a corner and stood there, hands along his side facing the wall.

`'Your turn boi. Strip.''

I didn't complain at the Biker's order or moan in my head. I just stripped to the rubber with my caged dick and balls still hanging out since being locked. The biker removed the collar and restraints on me before pushing towards the barber. I got a bit more nervous and yes excited when the barber spoke to me.

`'Have a seat boi.''

I moved in front of the empty chair expecting leather like the old fashion barber chairs. But this one was covered in thick rubber. As I sat on it, it was still warm from the previous guy.

The barber didn't waste any time. First he locked the wide rubber collar around my neck. It was a posture collar keeping my head straight against the back of the chair. Then the restraints at my elbows pulling my arms back, then the restraints on my wrists and ankles. He covered me with the rubber clothes and moved to the next guy and started to shave his head. This time he was giving him a mohawk. I noticed that the barber didn't ask what he wanted but just went on shaving him.

I looked at the biker on the mirror but he was still reading.


He was ignoring me on purpose.

At one point a man in a three piece suit came down the stairs. He greeted the barber, had a chat with him and gave him some money before walking towards the guy in the corner. He told him to get dressed. I watch him as he got dressed in a suit hanging out of sight. When he was dressed they both left. As they passed the barber, the shaved guy got on all four again and licked the barber's boots again. They were all acting like if it was completely normal. But it was. They didn't need to pretend playing at the weekends. They lived their perversion. And I was becoming part of that.

I could not stop looking at the guy being shaved. Once his sides shaved, the biker worked on the mohawk, shaving it down close to the scalp. It was definitely visible but more like a black band. I knew that was some expert's work. And the end result was extremely perverted. Once he finished, the barber removed the cover and I could see the skinhead outfit the guy was wearing. Black Fred Perry t-shirt with yellow bands, bleacher jeans tucked in Doc marten's and yellow socks showing at the top. The barber unlocked the guy who immediately got on all four to lick the barbers boots before getting back on his feet, paying him and leaving. No words of polite thanks. The boot licking was the thank you to the barber.

Next, the barber turned to face the Biker and asked him if he was doing him too.

The Biker said yes and without another word he sat in the empty chair. And without any word the barber locked the collar around his neck, then the restraints and covered him with the rubber cover.

And still without a word the barber grabbed the clippers and started the side of my head.

Sending shivers all through my body.

I could feel my dicklet leaking in its cage.

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Next: Chapter 12

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