Morning Mood

By Kathrine

Published on Jul 17, 2000


Legal disclaimer: this is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or the personal lives of NSync's Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass. This is fiction, and strictly for fun! If it's illegal for you in any way to read this, then don't.

Author's note: this is my first story on Nifty, hope you all will enjoy it. It will maybe be featured in another story of mine later, slightly altered. But for now it will just be this short scene. (Unless, of course, someone really wants to see what happens when Lance decides to get back at Justin!) Oh, and this is for you, Greta! How's that visual image of Lance in chains coming along now? He he... And also a big hello to the excellent people at the boybands chatroom. Now you have made me an addict also... Feedback is always appreciated at Love and looneytunes from Kathrine.

Morning mood

Justin sat back to admire his work. Beside him in the bed was Lance, still sleeping. Looking all peaceful and angelic. Chained by the wrists to the headbord. Since he had been feling a little playful all morning, Justin had decided to go play some with Lance. If he had interpreted the signs coming from his blonde friend correctly, Lance wouldn't mind at all. Very very carefully had Justin locked the handcuffs around Lance's wrists, he didn't want him to wake up. Not yet. Luckily Lance was lying on his back, one arm extended, the other one covering his eyes. Something Justin had to smile a bit about. Say no evil, hear no evil...see no evil. No evil intentions, anyway. And they weren't really evil, Justin knew he could never hurt Lance. Too much. Lost in his own thoughts he pondered whether or not to remove Lance's black boxers, but decided to leave them on. It would be fun to take them off him later.

Lance woke up slowly, the bed was warm and comfortable. He let out a content sigh and wanted to curl up and sleep on. As he tried to move, he discovered that something was holding him in the same position. Sleepily he opened his green eyes, first to find out that his wrists were chained to the headboard of the bed. Handcuffs held them firmly in place, keeping Lance on his back, unable to move much. The second thing Lance saw was Justin sitting beside him, studying him. When Justin saw that Lance was awake, he slightly leaned his head to one side and smiled down at Lance. -You look mighty fine like that, he said, his voice deep. -I can do everything I want to you now... -What the hell are you doing, Justin? Lance got out, feeling nervous. -Why have you handcuffed me to the bed? -I wanna play, that's why, Justin answered and laid down next to Lance. A thin sheet covered his waist and hips, revealing the naked body underneath. A shudder went through Lance's body, he wasn't sure what is was, fear or arousal. Lance was only wearing a pair of tight-fitting boxers which clung to his hips and thighs, exposing his current state of mind. Justin kept looking at him in that strange way. Eyes half-closed, a slight smile, casually laying beside him in the bed. -Do I scare you, Lance? he asked, -you look a little worried, babe. Lance turned his eyes towards Justin. -What's this about, Justin? he asked, a little unsteady. -I told you, Justin said and leaned over him, -I want to play. With you. He grinned over the way Lance looked up at him. -Have I confused you now, Scoop? he said. -Don't worry so much. Let's have some fun... Lance tugged at his restraints again, but knew they were too solid to break. The handcuffs were metal, but not so tight that they would hurt his wrists. He was confined to his bed, totally at Justin's mercy. His heart was beating wildly. In his mind Lance went over what alternatives he had. If he didn't want this to happen, there were things he could do to stop it. But the only problem was that he wasn't sure if he wanted it to end. Being at someone else's mercy like this did things to his body, deep down Lance was starting to enjoy this. Justin still looked thoughtful. -What should I begin with? he asked innocently, letting his blue eyes roam over Lance's muscular body. -Oh, I know! His smile became bigger and he leaned in over Lance again. Justin's closeness made Lance squirm a little, but had to stay where he was. A jolt of lust burned through his whole body as Justin attacked one of his nipples with his mouth. Roughly he let his tongue caress it, planting little kisses on Lance's chest. His actions had Lance moaning, then gasping in pain as Justin bit down hard. But the pain didn't make the passion any lesser, in fact it deepened it. Justin didn't wait for the pain to subside before rubbing over the erect nipple with his fingers, making Lance groan. Now Justin were letting his hands play with both of Lance's nipples, rubbing them and sligthly pinching them. -Oh god! Lance got out, feeling the rest of his body responding to the dark desire. Justin's lips were back at his chest, Lance could feel him nibbling his way up to his neck. The feeling was almost unbearable. He stopped before he reached Lance's neck though and Lance sighed in regret of missing the warm, tingling touch. Instead he could feel Justin's hand locking slowly around his throat, squeezing just a little bit. It was nowhere near painful nor stopping him breathing, but the pressure was still firm and erotic. The thumb rubbed along Lance's earlobe, Lance was sure Justin could feel how fast his heart was beating. -You feel so good, Justin purred, -so hard and muscular, but still so soft and smooth... Like silk under me. I think I need to feel more of you. In a sudden move he licked across Lance's cheek, nearly touching his lips. Now Lance was feeling an overwhelming urge to kiss Justin, to have his lips pressed against his own. Lance's hands clenched in fists, his fingertips were aching with the need to touch Justin. Justin's hand was still on his throat as he licked another time across Lance's cheek, making the skin wet. But now he didn't stop before touching Lance's lips, he tasted them greedily. Lance was going wild with desire, he needed to kiss Justin, he needed Justin to continue to do what he did to Lance's body. Every inhibition was long since forgotten. Without warning Justin claimed Lance's lips with his own, forcing them open with his tongue. The kiss was hard and lustful, the roughness made Lance whimper. But he didn't want it to be any other way. During the kiss Justin let his free hand slide down the side of Lance's chest, scraping his skin with his fingernails. First the touch would be light, amost ticklish. Then it lingered on the edge of pain and before it got too bad, Justin's touch was feather-like again, making Lance want more. Justin pulled himself on top of Lance, tossing the sheet aside. Lance felt his heart jump at the sight of Justin's well-defined, hard body, the sensations when Justin was on top of him was intoxicating. While still kissing Lance, Justin let his hands slide over Lance's shoulders, over onto his arms. Sliding them upwards until he reached Lance's wrists, pinning him even more effectively to the bed. He could hear Lance let out a deep moan as Justin pushed his hips down, grinding them against Lance's. Justin's lips were tasting Lance neck now and his hand were travelling down his stomach. It reached down between their bodies and Justin let it knead Lance's groin thoroughly. He smiled as he could feel Lance thrust back at the palm of his hand. Again Justin looked into Lance's eyes. It always amazed him how they would darken with passion, but still had that intense sparkle. He kept his caresses lighter now, not wanting to end their playing just yet. -Do you like the way I'm touching you, Lance? he asked slowly. -Yeah, Lance managed to get out. This was feeling too good, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Even if Justin were hardly touching now, Lance was more turned on than he had ever been. Justin's hand moved up a little, and he hooked his thumb in the waistline of Lance's boxers. -You think I should take this off? he asked teasingly. -Would you like to feel my hands on your naked skin? The boxer was pushed down some more, Justin's thumb were an inch away from touching the center of Lance's arousal. -Yes, he panted, trying to move so he could feel more of Justin. -Let me feel you, Justin, he begged, -please... -Tell me to undress you, Justin whispered seductively. -Take them off me, Lance said obeying his lover, he lost his patience. -Just get them off me, Justin, you're driving me crazy! The sound of Justin laughing softly came from near his ear. -As you will, babe, he said and yanked the underwear down and pulled it off Lance's body. When he put his hand back on Lance, Lance felt as he would melt at the mere touch. Justin pulled back a little, making Lance look up at him. -Just enjoying looking at you, Lance, Justin said, -god, you're beautiful... The unexpected words had Lance blushing a little. The blush became worse when Justin gently pulled himself back on top of lance, letting their hot erections meet. -Can you feel what you're doing to me? Justin whispered in Lance's ear. -I want you so bad, I need to feel you all naked underneath me, I need to be inside you... Justin's word doubled Lance's pleasure to the point of no return. He was helping Justin in their desired rhytm as they ground the hips together, both moaning at the sparks of ecstacy. -I can't take this much more! Lance told Justin, his voice hoarse. -I'm close... -Let it go, baby, Justin said, -let me help you. Quickly he moved down until he could plant a kiss on Lance's stomach. Slowly he worked his way down, hearing Lance's ragged breath and moans. Stopping for a minute Justin let himself take a good look at Lance's face. Lance's eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted. When Justin brushed his finger over one of his nipples, Lance bit down on his lower lip, pressing his body against Justin's touch. Justin took hold of Lance's hips, keeping him still. Then he took all of Lance in his mouth at once. Lance wasn't even aware of the fact that he was screaming Justin's name, his whole body trembled in a thousand shocks of pleasure. The warm, wet mouth around him had him stripped of all selfcontrol. He tried to move, to deepen the amazing feeling, but Justin was holding him down. Knowing that what he did drove Lance closer to his climax by the second, Justin kept up a steady rhytm. He let his tongue play around Lance's hardness, all the way up and then back to the base. All over him, finding every sensitive spot, Justin were touching erogenous zones Lance never knew existed. Smiling naughtily, Justin stuck a finger in his mouth coating it with his own spit. After spending some enjoyable moments tickling the inside of Lance's thighs, Justin went down on Lance again and let one finger enter him at the same time. -Oh my god! Lance exclaimed, -oh, Justin...! Justin's reply was an quicker pace, putting all his efforts into sending Lance over the egde. Lance couldn't get out another understandable word, he was moaning wildly as Justin let another finger join the first one. The thought of something else opening him that way, making him scream in ecstacy, pushed him even closer.

Rushes of agonizing pleasure surged through his body, making him trash about on the bed. Justin never let up his pace, he rather intensified it, making an soulshattering ecstatic sensation explode in Lance. His body tensed up, he could hardly breathe. Justin's mouth were replaced by his hand, Lance hardly noticed. Lost in desire he could feel Justin parting his legs, guiding them into the wanted position. In a haze of lust Lance felt Justin kiss him on his sweaty forehead and heard him say: -I'm gonna fuck you breathless, darling... Justin was inside him in one smooth movement, causing a strained groan from Lance. That was all it took. The feeling of Justin inside him sent him off into the most powerful climax he had experienced. He thrust his hips up against Justin's, wanting him deeper inside him. Justin's hand was still caressing him, the natural lubrication adding a slickness to his actions that heightened every sensation. Lance felt like he was on the verge of blacking out when he finally sank back into the pillows, breathing hard. Being totally spent he just wanted to sleep, he closed his eyes. -Not quite yet, honey, a voice broke into his thoughts, -we're not quite finished yet. Slowly Lance opened his eyes to meet Justin's. -I think I'll have to make you wake up a little, Justin decided. After a quick kiss on Lance's lips, he pulled back some and thrust back into Lance. Deep and hard, all the way in. Lance had never felt anythng similar. Whatever pain there had been, disappered in raw lust as Lance met everyone of Justin's thrust. Justin bent down and kissed Lance until he felt dizzy. -You're the best, babe, he moaned in Lance's ear. -Damn, you're good! -I want you deeper inside me, Lance said, showing Justin with his body what he wanted. He was all hard again now, and couldn't get enough of Justin's powerful thrusts deep inside him, making him shiver in burning hot passion. -Fuck me, Justin. Hard. -Anything for you, Justin answered and let his body be pulled from Lance's a second before coming back with re-newed force. Both were lost in ecstacy, Justin slammed into Lance time after time, pushing them towards the egde. Justin were clenching his teeth together trying to keep up the hard pace, his body neared it's reward. Lance were groaning at each trust, a sexy, throaty sound. After a little while Justin could feel Lance`s body tightening up and felt him bite down on his left shoulder. One last thrust and he joined his lover, letting a scream rip through the air as he came. He embraced Lance, feeling their bodies trembling together in exquisite pleasure. It felt like it would never end, like they would be locked together in ecstacy forever. Not willing to leave the warm body underneath him, Justin rummaged around on the nightstand a little and got out the key to the handcuffs. Lazily he removed them and Lance was free to move again. Something he for the moment wasn't interested in. Instead he snuggled closer to Justin and closed his eyes. Justin moved so he were laying beside Lance, in order to let the smaller man breathe. With a small, sleepy smile he felt Lance forming his body after Justin's, arms around Justin's chest, face against his neck. Justin had his arms tightly wrapped around Lance. -I love you, Scoop, he whispered. -Mmm, Lance answered, feeling satisfied and cozy, -love you too. And with that, they both fell asleep, exhausted after their long morning-adventure.

Next: Chapter 2

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