More Than Once Upon A Time

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Mar 22, 2018


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Author's Note: With the show "Once Upon a Time" being canceled after the current season, decided to wrap up this writing series as well. Have a couple of chapters in mind, and then will move on to some other story ideas.

More Than Once Upon A Time - 12 - Reboot

Andrew West looked around, feeling both impressed and out of place at the same time. Colin had invited over the cast of the show to his new house for a party, both to celebrate the upcoming season and to break in the pool. The house was pretty nice...good-sized without being ostentatious. The pool and patio were great - relaxing, well-designed, and the pool had one of those raised areas that served as a hot tub. Andrew's only concern was his attire; he'd tossed on a nice pair of swim shorts but now felt overdressed. The women were mostly in bikinis...and the majority of the guys were wearing either speedos or very short square-cut swim shorts. The fact that most of the cast weren't from America came back to Andrew's mind, which explained the looks being sported. It appeared that most of the cast had made it - Lana Parrrilla and Gabrielle Anwar were engaged in a conversation. Dania and Nathan Parsons were dancing together near the speaker, with Mekia Cox, Kip Pardue, and Adelaide Kane starting a general-dancing area next to them. Kevin Ryan and Daniel Francis were setting up the grilling area. Emma Booth, Rebecca Mader, Jeff Pierre, and Chad Rook were already splashing around in the pool. The party wasn't quite at full-swing, but it was getting there quick.

"Hey mate, glad you could make it!" A hand clapped Andrew's shoulder as Colin greeted him.

"Ah, there you are. Here, a house warming gift." Holding out the bottle of whiskey, Andrew grinned, putting his unease to the back of his mind.

Colin's eyebrows furrowed in mock annoyance. "The invitation said..."

"I know, I know... 'no gifts'. My mom would smack me though if I showed up to someone's house empty-handed."

Colin took the bottle and read the label appreciatively. "Well...we can't have you getting smacked around now, can we?" he replied, his mouth stretching in a friendly but mischievous smile. "I'll put this in the bar. Help yourself to it later, if you like."

"Thanks..." Andrew's smile faltered slightly as his gaze swept over the party again.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just..." Andrew chuckled, "I forgot that you foreigners don't like to wear clothes." Noticing Colin's confusion, Andrew smirked and glanced down to indicate the two men's attire - his own long red shorts and Colin's green speedo...and then glanced out at the rest of the party.

"Ohh! That. It's not our fault that you Yanks like to cover up so much." The two men shared a laugh, which put Andrew more at ease. "I still don't understand why you guys wear shorts that go down to your knees, to get into the water."

"Well if I'd know that this is what people were going to wear, I'd have worn something a little shorter."

Colin's grin stretched wider. "A little? You'd actually show off your knees?" He laughed, teasing his co-star.

"At least a couple of inches," Andrew shot back in jest.

"Well, every inch counts. I'll put this away, make yourself comfortable."

"Actually... wait, nevermind. Where's a good place to set this down?" Andrew lifted his hand a little, indicating the towel that he was holding.

"Oh - there are hooks on the fence right over...there." Colin pointed off to the far corner of the pool. "What was the 'nevermind' part?"

"It's going to sound weird."

"Mate, we work on a show about fairy tales. What's not weird?"

"Do you have something that I could borrow, to blend in a little?" Andrew gestured at his shorts with his empty hand.

"That's not weird. Americans..." Colin laughed again. "Go to the bedroom, it's a left in the hallway...other way is a study. There's a dresser. Top drawer has a some suits in it. Grab one that you like, you can leave the shorts in there and pick them up later."

"Thanks man - appreciate it." Both men headed inside; Colin veered towards the bar to set down Andrew's gift while Andrew veered right towards the back of the house.

Entering the bedroom, Andrew closed the door and walked over to the dresser. Opening the top drawer, he was greeted with an explosion of color. There were a dozen or more speedos on the left side of the drawer, in various colors and patterns. Andrew picked up what he thought were a grey pair from the middle, but they were actually a pair of briefs. Putting them back down with the rest of the underwear, he looked further to the right and his eyebrows furrowed as it took him a moment to realize that there a number of jock straps...again, in different colors. Andrew's eyebrow rose in both amusement and interest as he picked up a red one, holding it up for inspection. His mind flashed to an image of Colin wearing it...and then to what the reaction would be if he walked out into the party wearing it. Laughing, he tossed it back inside and returned his attention to the speedos. Settling on a blue pair with white stripes on the side, he placed it on the top of the dresser and closed the drawer. The sound of something shifting inside caught his attention. Opening the drawer, he again noticed the sound of movement from the back right corner. Shifting aside a few of the jock straps revealed a few leather straps with silver snaps. Lifting it, it took Andrew a moment to realize that he was holding a cock ring. His face flushed with both a little embarrassment and amusement, he returned it to its location. Doing so, his fingers pushed against something firm. This time, he pulled a dildo out of the drawer. Flesh-colored, it appeared to be about 8 inches long and slightly thicker than average. For a second, he wondered if it belonged to Colin's wife; but that didn't make any sense, since it was in a drawer with Colin's belongings. Intrigued, Andrew returned the items and closed the drawer. Changing into the speedo, he folded his shorts, set them on top of the dresser, and left the room.

Grabbing a drink to boost his courage, Andrew headed back outside and suppressed the urge to cover up with a towel. Wearing nothing but the speedo, he felt exposed...but also a little daring. Since nearly all the other guys were wearing something similar, he blended in and didn't feel out of place...although he swore that he saw Nathan raise an eyebrow.

"Looking good, lad!" Colin greeted Andrew, clinking their glasses together in a toast. He looked down, eyeing Andrew appraisingly. "Good color. They look good on you."

"Thanks. There were a lot of options to pick from!" Andrew laughed, feeling more at ease. Colin smirked, but Andrew couldn't tell if the other man had picked up on the comment's subtext.

"There are. If you have a pool, aim to use it. Although..." Colin's grin became devilish. "Truth be told, if it's just me by myself, don't have to bother with the lot."

"Must be nice, having the pool..." Andrew let the comment trail off, allowing Colin to fill in any blanks as he wished. "Thanks for letting me borrow this again. Glad we're about the same size."

Both men looked down. Colin's pair were a medium green color that contrasted nicely with his olive skin, the hair of his chest and stomach trailing down into the material which stretched nicely over his crotch. Andrew's bold blue ones went well with his paler skin. While his torso was smooth, his slightly larger bulge tugged down on the material, exposing the slightest amount of hair from his groin.

"Appear to, more or less." Colin grinned. "Ah, there's Rose...need to go say hi. Catch up with you in a bit."

The guys parted ways, Andrew mingling while Colin visited with guests. Awhile later, they were both near the table functioning as an outside bar, making some drinks. Andrew was getting some limes from the ice chest and turned to hand them to Colin, when Kip came barreling towards them, bags of ice in each hand. "Coming through!". Not thinking and about to be run over, Andrew stepped forward to make room so that Kip could get to the ice chest behind him. The movement resulted in his body pressed up against Colin's backside. "Um, here you go." He handed Colin the limes, looking over his shoulder to check on Kip's progress emptying the ice. "Sorry about that..."

"No worries - it's a tight space back here." Colin didn't make any movement away from Andrew, but he didn't push back either. Stuck where he was, Andrew waited, his crotch jammed against Colin's rear. The sound of ice abated and the lid of the ice chest slammed shut, allowing Andrew to take a step back.

Unsure if he was reading the signs correctly, Colin decided to see how Andrew would respond when the tables were turned. The moment finally presented itself when Andrew was at the bar inside, preparing his own drink.

"Noo, go for the good stuff." Walking up, Colin reached for the shelf of bottles, sliding a couple out of the way. The movement brought his body closer to Andrew's, repeating the earlier situation but with Colin's body pressed up against Andrew's back this time. Bringing a bottle of whiskey down, Colin stayed still for a moment, lingering with his bulge nestled against Andrew's firm butt. Neither man appeared to be any hurry to pull away. Setting the bottle on the counter, Colin clapped Andrew's upper arm. "Try that. Just slide it back behind the others when you're through." Stepping back, Colin returned to the party.

The party got underway with dancing, food, and swimming. Finishing a bout of splashing in the pool, Andrew toweled dry and plopped into a deckchair next to Colin, stretching out to relax. Both guys lay quietly, enjoying the relaxing warmth of the sun.

"Have to admit, these are probably great for getting a good tan." Colin grinned, both at Andrew's comment and enjoying the sight of Andrew's thumb running along the waistband. "Easier for you," he replied. "I'd have to shave down to get a decent tan."

"Oh hell no, don't do that." Colin's eyebrow rose, surprised at Andrew's reaction. The other man cleared his throat before continuing. "Fuck, I wish I could grow chest hair like that. I got cursed with the smooth genes. I'd rather have that." His open hand gestured towards Colin's torso.

Colin scratched his chest, fingers running through the dense fur. "No worries on that - I prefer it this way. Just blocks the sun a bit." The conversation moved on to the party and light gossip about some events at work. Once again, Colin found himself having to reluctantly disengage so that he could go attend to the rest of the party. Time marched on and soon it was almost 2am. Most of the guests had left, with the exception of a handful that stayed to help clean up. Saying their good-byes, even those guests headed out until it was just Colin and Andrew in the house.

"Is it okay if I leave the car here and pick it up tomorrow? Not really sure about trying to drive home tonight."

"Not at all. Hell, I'd offer to let you crash here and save you the cost of the Uber...." Andrew paused the tapping on his phone and his eyebrow rose, waiting for Colin to complete his sentence. "...just that it's a one-bedroom house and the couch is leather, so not sure how comfy that would be."

"Ah, I see."

"I mean...the bed is king-sized, up to you."

Head tilted, Andrew weighed the options. "Sure you don't mind?"

"No, seriously. Your choice."

Exhaling, Andrew thought about it. "Yeah, would save the trip here and back tomorrow...and would get to sleep earlier. Thanks."

"No problem. Shower's in there, to clean up before crashing. Towels are in the cupboard inside the bathroom." Colin's pulse rose at the thought of the two guys sharing a bed. Hell, even if nothing happened, getting to watch his co-worker walk around shirtless for awhile longer was worth it. Andrew disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door and the sound of running water filled the air. Minutes later, he re-emerged, steam billowing around his form as he stepped into the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. Colin followed, scrubbing off the sunscreen and sweat of the day, relaxing under the water. Drying off, he wrapped the towel around his waist and re-entered the bedroom, surprised to see Andrew standing there, looking confused.

"Everything okay?"

Sheepishly, Andrew pointed to the dresser. "Yeah, just realized that the only thing I wore over here was the swimshorts, and not sure that those make good pajamas. Have anything that I can borrow? Sorry...."

"Um, yes and no. I don't usually wear anything to bed, so nothing in the way of pajamas. There are some gym shorts or briefs, if you want to borrow those."

Andrew squinted, weighing the options. "Guess those could work. Which are you wearing?"

"Oh..." Colin became more conscious of the towel around his waist. His usual routine was to walk around nude, not having any roommates to worry about. "...I could toss on a pair of briefs. Or shorts. Really, your call."

"Oh shit, that's right. Hell, I normally don't wear anything either." Glancing at the bed, he appraised the size of it, realizing that there was room to roll around without bumping into each other. Shrugging, he looked back at Colin with a chuckle. "When in Rome, I guess. Just do the usual then?"

Colin's eyebrow rose, careful that it was the only change in his expression. "Alright. Up to you." He held out his hand and was pleasantly surprised when Andrew undid the towel and placed it into Colin's open palm. Turning back to the bathroom, Colin shed his own towel and hung them both up to dry. Returning to the bedroom, Andrew had already crawled under the sheets and was settling in, getting comfortable. Peeling back the sheets, Colin got into the bed as well. "G'night." Reaching for the lamp, he turned off the switch. "Nite," came the reply in the darkness. Soon, the day caught up with both men as they dozed off in slumber.

Colin woke up, the room still dark, an arm resting across his chest. A moment's thought and he realized who the arm belonged to. With a small smile, he lightly lifted Andrew's arm by the wrist, placing it gently across the other man's torso. Stirring, Andrew awoke. "Sorry...I tend to be a cuddler." A low chuckle rumbled Colin's throat, "No worries." He patted Andrew on the shoulder, slightly curious as to the other man's reaction. "Mmm, thanks. By the way, your bed is super comfy..." Andrew muttered as he rolled over, facing the other way, and fell back asleep. Shaking his head with a smile, Colin drifted back to sleep.

Again, Colin woke up. This time, low sunlight streamed into the room through the windows. Again, there was body contact - this time, Andrew was spooning Colin from behind, his arm wrapped over Colin's side, fingers curled against the man's chest. The low, slow breath of slumber brushed against Colin's neck, where Andrew had buried his face. And that was definitely a hard case of morning wood pressed into Colin's rear. Enjoying the situation, Colin stayed still - his breath stayed measured even while his pulse picked up, his own cock aching below. Slowly, he began flexing his ass, every so slightly, getting a feel for the rock hard piece of flesh. Unable to see or use his hands, Colin mapped out in his mind how much of Andrew's rod was touching his skin...and it seemed to be a nice long amount. Carefully, he pushed back a little, allowing the hardness to bury in between his cheeks, again getting a feel for size...and smiled when he realized there was some good girth as well. He went back to the subtle squeezing, kneading Andrew's pole with his ass. It throbbed, hard and hot against his rear...and began to flex, unconsciously reacting to Colin's movements. Colin suppressed a moan as he felt wetness in his crack, revealing that Andrew's dick was leaking precum. As Andrew's member continued flexing, Colin's ass became even wetter, causing the hard flesh to bury a little deeper. Tortured, Colin realized that he couldn't stroke himself - the motion of his arm would wake his friend. He continued with the only movement available to him, the one he'd already been engaged in, becoming bolder with the massage his ass was giving to Andrew's stick. Still asleep, Andrew's breath became quicker as his body reacted, his hips very slightly beginning to rock in response to Colin's body. The motion caused his shaft, slick with ample precum, to slide up and down. Not quite humping Colin's backside, he was softly grinding against it in his slumber. The grinding gradually picked up in intensity, causing Colin to struggle with suppressing a reaction to the hot scenario playing out behind him. Groaning, Andrew finally stirred, pulling Colin's body against his own. Pushing his hips forward, his hard tool wedged itself firmly between Colin's cheeks, his face burying itself into the Irish man's neck as he whisper-groaned "Baby...", still mostly asleep. The feeling of his fingers digging into Colin's ample chest hair as his hand clenched brought him awake, the fur not matching with the dream playing in his mind.

"Oh shit." Andrew rolled away in shock and embarrassment. "Oh shit...Sorry. I'm sorry. I thought...fuck." Colin rolled onto his back and sat up, trying to calm Andrew down. "It's alright - you were asleep. We were asleep, it was..."

"I know. I'm sorry...I mentioned that I'm a cuddler, but damn, I didn't mean to cuddle THAT hard. Er... that much, fuck." Andrew's face flushed red, embarrassed.

"Do you think you could..." Colin motioned at the sheets. Andrew's sudden roll away had pulled the sheets with him, exposing Colin. Andrew's face somehow became even more red as he tugged at the sheets, trying to give some back to Colin. The bearded man grinned, covering his lower body. Both men were silent, their breath heavy...until Colin started laughing. Andrew joined in, the awkwardness mostly broken. He glanced over, curious about what was causing Colin's laughter. The other man waved a hand over the bed...both men were sitting up, sheets at their waists, matching tents, including wet spots appearing in the sheets. "Guess pajamas or underwear might have been a good idea after all," Colin winked.

Andrew wiped his face with his hand, embarrassed again. "I'm sorry - I didn't mean to...cuddle like that."

"Don't worry about it. Obviously I wasn't complaining in my sleep."

"Would imagine not..." Now it was Andrew's turn to wink, and Colin's turn to be confused. "I saw your...'collection'...when I was looking for a speedo yesterday. Sorry."

"Oh...damn, sorry..." Andrew waved away the apology. "Don't be sorry - it's your house. Just probably didn't mind the 'cuddling'." He laughed again, his embarrassment disappeared as he teased his co-worker. "I was kinda surprised by the..." He trailed off, not sure how far to press. Colin's eyebrow raised, curious. " the, er, dildo. Wasn't expecting that. Thought that you were married...?"

Colin sighed, crossing his arms behind his head and and leaning back against the pillows. The sheets trailed down his lower torso, stopping just short of revealing his groin. "Yeah. Thing is, she and I are both she gets on with women occasionally and I get on with guys, so we can take care of those...'needs'."

"So the dildo is..."

"To take care of the needs, when there's not a guy around. Actually..." Colin looked both sheepish and mischievous at the same time. "...I was planning on using it after the party. There were a number of hot-looking lads strutting around all day."

"Oh who?"

Colin shook his head, laughing. "Nope, not going to tell any names. You'd be sure to use that against me, you little joker."

"Me? I would never!" Andrew returned the laugh, trying his best to look innocent...and failing. "Seriously...who? I'm curious now."

"Hmm... Kip?"

"Not bad. Who else?"

Colin shook his head, chuckling again. "Um, Chad. Nathan. Daniel."

"So basically at least half the male cast?" Andrew began laughing. "Okay, top two then?"

Closing his eyes, Colin thought for a moment. The tent between his legs twitched as he began to bone up again. "Hmm...Nathan...and...Daniel."

"Really?" Andrew's smile flashed, both curious and devilish. "Why those two guys?" Not realizing it, his hand resting on his thigh began lightly trailing up and down, fingertips grazing his leg through the sheets.

One of Colin's hands had descended down to his chest, rubbing the skin and hair. "Nathan is...tall, dark, and handsome." He grinned broadly, imagining Nathan in his short swimsuit the day before, perky ass on display.

"And Daniel?" Andrew's hand had wandered into his crotch, resting against his hardness, the fabric stretched taught against it.

Colin's grin grew even more. His other hand fell down against his leg as his left hand trailed down, between his chest and stomach. "Daniel is tall, definitely dark, and definitely handsome."

"And if you had to pick one...?" Andrew teased, noticing that the sheet between Colin's legs jerked in response.

"Oh, do I have to?" Colin's eyes opened as he laughed. He saw that the wet spot over Andrew's crotch had grown, the material bouncing slightly with Andrew's pulse. "And this isn't strange to you?"

Andrew leaned back, relaxing. "Well, as an actor, you just get exposed to a lot of things. And in college, had a gay roommate. So got exposed to even more." His wink gave away that there was a story, which Colin was eager to hear. Eyebrow raised and head cocked, he waited. "One day, the roommate came home early - his class got canceled or something. I'd just woken up..." Andrew flicked his hand over his crotch, indicating the morning problems that men experience "...and decided to take care of it. He walked in on me."

"He walked in on you?"

"Yeah, he walked in on me." Andrew's hand slid under the sheet. Covered up, it was still easy to see that his hand was now wrapped around the base of his dick. "And at first I didn't realize - my eyes were closed, oblivious to the world, just stroking one out." Closing his eyes, Andrew slowly slid his hand up and then back down, the cloth rising and falling with the motion of his arm. Colin watched, entranced. His right hand snaked under the sheet, mirroring Andrew's motions. As Andrew's hand move up, so did his; when it fell, so did his. "When did you realize he was back in the room?"

"Oh man...he didn't make any noise, so I had no idea. I came all over myself, opened my eyes, and saw him standing there. Was embarrassed as fuck for a moment, but then realized that all guys do it...and that he liked watching. After that, didn't have to wait for alone time." Andrew opened his eyes and grinned, noticing Colin's missing hand. Glancing up, he met Colin's eyes.

"Didn't have to wait?"

"Nope - I'm a guy and liked jerking. He was gay and liked watching. So just did it whenever the mood struck. Everyone won, for the next four years that we were in college."

Colin's mouth was slightly open, both in shock and lust, his eyes a little hazy as he imagined the scene in his mind.

"So, this..." Andrew motioned to Colin and himself with his free hand, " nothing new."

Colin swallowed, not sure where Andrew was going with this, but hopeful. "Not new, eh?"

"Not at all." Andrew flicked the sheet with his hidden hand, moving it out of the way, exposing himself. He watched as Colin's eyes flicked up and down, taking in the sight of his rod. 8 inches, cut, and thick...Colin swallowed again as he fixed his eyes on the big head, picturing his mouth sliding down over it. Unconsciously, his licked his lips, giving away his desire, causing Andrew to grin. "What do you think?"

"I think you had a lucky roommate. So you just put on shows for him?"

"Oh no, he would join in." Andrew pulled on the sheet, tugging it down to Colin's thighs. The dark-haired man's rod bounced as it became free. Andrew nodded in appreciation - it was a nice piece of meat. About 7 inches, average thickness, but a slight curve back towards Colin's stomach...furry balls hanging low. The two men descended into silence, watching each other as their hands moved in unison, up and down their poles. Andrew teased his head, smearing the generous amount of precum, watching as Colin did the same, before gripping his stick again and jerking it. Minutes passed, their heavy breathing and the wet sounds of their hands stroking the only noises in the room.

Clearing his throat, Colin finally broke the silence. "So, your roommate enjoyed his time at uni then?"

"Oh, absolutely. He got a hands-on education. His husband appreciates the training." Colin's eyebrows furled, trying to figure out Andrew's comment. Andrew's mouth stretched into a small smile again. "It was four years...the situation kinda...changed, over time."

"Oh really...?"

"Yeah, he asked one day if he could take over for my hands. The first time, I said no. But the second time, I thought 'what the hell' and let him. He was good, and got even better over time."

"So you let him..."

"Do this?" Andrew reached over and took Colin's wrist, moving the other man's hand to his crotch, wrapping the fingers around his member and leaned back, watching as Colin's hand moved slowly and tentatively at first, then picked up the pace and stroked Andrew's prick, exploring it with his fingers. Sliding closer, he reached over and wrapped his own hand around Colin's shaft, returning the favor. Colin looked up, surprised, before looking back down to watch his own hand move up and down his friend's tool.

Again, time passed as the two men stroked each other. Andrew relinquished his grip first, moving his hand up and brushing his fingers against Colin's furry stomach and chest. "Fuck, I'm so jealous that you can grow this."

"Don't be - it can be a pain in the ass to take care of. And takes forever to dry off."

Laughing, Andrew continued stroking Colin's chest. "Somehow, I don't think you mind a pain in the ass," he replied with a wink. "And I'd take the drying problems - it's still a hot look."

Colin decided to take the initiative and see where things might go. "So your roommate...did he ever...?" His words trailed off as he looked down at Andrew's crotch, licking his lips, before returning his gaze to meet his co-worker's face again. Andrew tilted his head left and right, pretending like he might not answer the question. His hand drifted up to Colin's face, playing with the other man's beard. "Did he ever what?"

"Did he more than a handjob?"

Fingers grazing upward, Andrew pushed them into the locks of Colin's hair. Applying a slight pressure, he began slowly pulling Colin forward. "Maybe..." Colin's eyebrow lifted again, questioningly. "Maybe, eh?" Andrew continued pulling Colin down, until the other man's face was approaching Andrew's crotch. "Maybe...yes. Want to try that out too?"

Colin smirked. "Maybe." Getting comfortable on the bed, he reached out with his tongue, planting it at the base of Andrew's cock and slowly and firmly moved up until he reached the large knob at the end. His tongue played over it, getting a taste of Andrew's juices before opening his mouth and devouring the other man's meat, taking it all in one gulp. Andrew's head jerked back and his breath quickened in response, resisting the urge to thrust forward, instead letting Colin take the lead.

Colin plunged up and down, sucking on the big tool hard and fast. It had been awhile since he'd gotten some dick, especially since Josh Dallas left the show, and he was hungry. He felt Andrew's hands gripping his hair and moaned. Pulling back up, he let go of all of Andrew's shaft, leaving his lips wrapped around the head. Locking eyes, he slowly moved back down, the up, then down again...teasing Andrew. It had the intended result as Andrew became frustrated. Growling a little, he held Colin's head in his hands and began pushing up, stuffing himself into Colin's mouth. Breathing heavily, he proceeded to face fuck his co-worker. He switched between holding Colin's head still and thrusting...or laying still and pulling the other man's head up and down on his pole. Colin groaned in pleasure, his body writhing against the sheets. "I'm getting..." His words were cut off by Colin clamping his hand down on top of Andrew's, indicating his own desire. The pace picked up until Andrew cried out. "Oh, fuck...!". He slammed his cock as he began cumming. Colin moaned over and over as he felt it flex against his tongue, a big shot slamming into the back of his throat with each throb. He swallowed greedily, hungry for Andrew's cum, not spilling a drop. Head thrown back, Andrew's chest heaved for breath, his hand caressing Colin's hair. The load spent, Colin released the dick with a loud wet sound, watching it fall heavily against the other man's leg. The two of them lay still for a few moments, catching their breath and collecting their thoughts.

"'re good.". Looking up, Colin saw a big grin on Andrew's face.

"I try my best."

"Well, your best is amazing." Taking another deep breath, he tapped Colin's shoulder. "Your turn.". He winked at Colin's confusion as he slid downward. Rolling Colin's torso over, he nuzzled his mouth against the other man's neck, beginning his exploration.

"I thought you were..." Colin's words trailed off as Andrew's mouth worked on his upper chest.

"Straight?" The words were muffled, the mouth uttering them indulging itself in the bountiful chest hair.


"Nope. Amber and I have a..." Andrew paused, flicking his tongue on Colin's nipple. "...similar situation to yours..." He paused again, harassing the other nipple. Colin moaned and his hard cock throbbed, wedged between their bodies. "...except we often play together." -lick- "Women and men..." -lick- Making eye contact with Colin again, he once again began moving south, planting kisses along Colin's flat, furry stomach. "And my roommate..." -kiss- "...really enjoyed..." -kiss- "...his four years at college..." -kiss- Andrew winked before planting the last kiss a couple of inches below Colin's navel, a hardness jutting against his neck. Tilting his head, he pressed his lips to the tip of Colin's dick, slightly parting them to allow his tongue to lightly tease the soft, hot skin. Slowly, Andrew moved downward, his tongue continuing to flick and explore the taste and texture of Colin's manhood as more and more of it gradually disappeared between his lips. Within a short time, it was completely out of sight, Andrew's lips buried into pubic hair, making Colin moan as he worked his throat muscles to massage the tool he was enjoying teasing. Wet sounds filled the room as his head moved back up, exposing the shaft again, now wet and slick, coated with spit.

"How was that?" Andrew smiled, holding the base of Colin's meat, tapping it against his chin and lower lip.


"Maybe next time." With another wink, he inhaled Colin's bone again and began working his mouth up and down its length. His hands began roaming Colin's body, touring the muscles and hand journeyed up and down Colin's thigh...the other moved up, fingers splayed, burying itself in the dense fur, now damp with sweat. The fingers curled, lightly tugging on the chest hair...and the suction of Andrew's mouth tightened, as his intensified from his exploration of the hair of Colin's chest and stomach. Colin leaned back, arms behind his head, watching as his friend swallowed his cock again and again, slurping hungrily, his fingers digging at Colin's torso. Breathing deeply, he worked on his self-control, wanting to last as long as possible. But between Andrew's efforts and the taste of cum still coating his own tongue, he couldn't hold out for long. Several minutes after Andrew had begun devouring his dick, Colin's arms fell to his sides, gripping the sheets. "Andrew...mate...I'm..."

Andrew pulled halfway up the length of Colin's length, gripping the rod at the base, tugging lightly, encouraging. Swelling against his lips, the member throbbed as Colin began his release. The first splashes disappeared down Andrew's throat before he pulled off, watching as ropes of white fluid shot out and landed a few times on Colin's belly. Wrapping his lips around the shaft again, he sucked hard, taking the rest of the cream, savoring the flavor. Colin shuddered as his balls unloaded. Spent, his body relaxed. Breathing deeply, he began coming back down. With a large exhale, he smiled and looked down again, watching as Andrew finally released Colin's cock. His tongue stuck out and he slowly licked up and down the length, cleaning it off...and then crawled forward a few inches. Making eye contact again, he took a long slow lick, cleaning the skin and fur of Colin's juices. Taking his time, Andrew made sure that he did a thorough job before pulling himself up to sit on Colin's lap. Leaning forward, the two men kissed, tasting themselves on the other man's tongue, moaning softly. Finally, they pulled apart, Andrew resting his forehead against Colin's.

"That was..."

"Unexpected?" Andrew finished Colin's sentence.

"Yeah, that too. And fucking hot. Your roommate was a very lucky guy."

"Maybe. And maybe I can find a lucky co-worker...?" The two men smiled at the idea.

"I'll think about it."

Tilting his head, Andrew realized that Colin was teasing him. Taking the man's hand, he wrapped it around his cock. Colin's eyebrow raised, impressed that it was hard again after such a short time. "Think about it...long and hard."

"Alright, sign me up." Colin chuckled, squeezing Andrew's throbbing member. Rolling on their sides, the two men continued kissing and caressing each other, contemplating their new situation.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or ideas, would love to hear from you.

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"On The Set of Neighbors" (based on the 2014 film "Neighbors" with Zac Efron):

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe):

"The College Bet"

Next: Chapter 13

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