More Than Once Upon A Time

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 22, 2015


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More Than Once Upon A Time - Chapter 10 - A Gentleman's Wager

"That's deuce...again."


Josh Dallas gripped his racquet and looked up at the sky for a moment, as if pleading with the gods of tennis for a break, before wiping the sweat from his brow. Tilting his head back down, he looked across at Julian Morris, who was wearing a cocky grin on the other side of the net. "Looks like we're going to be here all weekend, at this rate." Josh scowled in response, half jokingly. The other two friends on the court, Colin O'Donoghue and Sean Maguire, looked a little weary as well...but then, few people had Julian's boundless energy. They'd decided to get together for a few games of tennis, aiming for best three out of five. The match had turned into an extended version of all five games, since Josh and Colin had won two games while Sean and Julian had won the other two. It seemed like the four were pretty evenly skilled, so each game itself had been a tie, strung out seemingly forever, and they were deep into the fifth game. Truthfully, Josh had missed the ball on the last game on purpose, just to bring it to an end. He hadn't decided yet whether or not to let Colin know about it. His friend might get irritated...but as fuck buddies, the makeup sex would be hot.

Despite the heat and being tired, the thought brought a smile to his face. Looking over, he saw Colin's confusion at Josh's seeming mood swing between irritated to amused. Winking, he whispered, "I'll tell you later." Colin snorted, too tired to really laugh but still curious.

"Should we throw the match?"

Now it was Josh's turn to look confused...he hadn't expected that from Colin, who could be quite competitive by nature. "Naw. Let's beat their asses." His Kentucky drawl came on a little thick - he was tired...and he knew it was a bit of a turn-on for Colin. His wife was cranky lately and wasn't putting out...and Colin's ass looked really good in his gym shorts. Shaking his head, Josh shelved that idea for now; he didn't want to explain why he was suddenly sporting a baseball bat on a tennis court.

Sean announced the deuce, tossing the ball into the air and nailing it with his racquet. The ball whizzed back and forth across the net; the only sounds to be heard were the smacks of the racquets, the squeal of shoes, and grunts. Sean caught the ball well, slamming it across the court and just past the reach of Colin's racquet. "Aaaaaand, advantage us. Give up yet?"

Colin squinted. "Fuck you mate, you're going to have to earn it."

Sean laughed heartily in response, liking Colin's tenacity. Grabbing his crotch, he taunted the other man, "How about you come and earn THIS."

"You wish," Colin shot back, unable to keep himself from laughing in return.

"Hell, I wish..." Julian muttered. He meant it to himself, but the sound carried, somewhat, across the court. He'd fooled around with each of the three other men - Josh and Colin...and separately with Sean...and they were all studs in the sack. And he himself had an insatiable appetite for cock.

"Huh?" Julian snapped back to the present and saw that both Josh and Colin were puzzled, not quite having heard him, and trying to figure if they'd heard him properly. Opening his mouth to respond, the only sound that came out was a loud "Ow, shit!" as a ball pelted him in the side. Sean had an eyebrow cocked, not entirely amused, another ball at the ready. He knew about Colin's encounters with Julian, having accidentally seen a video on Julian's phone that was taken the last time the pair had fucked. The whole film crew pretty much knew about Julian's love of dick, since he had bounced up and down on so many of them around the set of the show. Sean was a lot more discreet; and while he wondered if something was going on between Josh and Colin, Josh was also quiet enough that he wasn't quite sure. That being the case, he'd like Julian to keep his mouth least, until Sean was ready to plug it again with the meat between his legs.

"Nothing. Advantage us, bitches." That distraction worked well, drawing a laugh from Josh, who was still amused by the sound of British cursing. Again, the ball flew back and forth, until Josh fired off a shot aimed right at Julian...who dodged to save himself, resulting in a miss that landed within bounds. "Deuce. Again. Bloody hell."

"Care to give up?" Josh's blue eyes sparkled with his taunt...which just earned another crotch grab from Sean. "Suck. It."

"Doubt it. You're about to have your ass beat." Josh served the ball, which resulted in another back and forth...until Sean tripped and missed it before descending into a blue streak of cursing.

"You're going down, blondie," the older man growled. Josh bounced up and down on his toes, eager to win and end this insane match.

"No no no,". He grabbed his own crotch, mirroring Sean's earlier jest. "You can though." He and Colin broke out into chuckles at Sean's middle finger rising in the air. "You wish."

Julian, ever the mischievous imp, decided to push the envelope. "Well, if you two are so about a wager?"

"What?" Josh stared at Julian, once again in confusion.

"Oh, on this side of the pond you call it a bet..."

"I know what the hell a wager is." Josh zinged the ball at Julian, who successfully dodged it...before being struck by a throw from Sean. Unfazed, he stuck to his idea. "Losers blow the winners."

Birds chirpped...and were the only sound for a few heartbeats' worth of time, before being broken by the sound of the other three men all laughing at once. "Whatever," Colin responded, shaking his head.

"Think you'll lose?" Julian tossed his taunt across the net, like a verbal gauntlet.

'Shit,' Josh thought. Julian knew exactly which buttons to push. Colin's eyes narrowed, mentally weighing the idea of the bet with its being a joke; it sounded like a win either way. "You're on."

Julian blinked, giving away his surprise at Colin actually taking the bait in a public setting. Clearing his throat, he quickly recovered, back on the verbal offensive. "You sure? Wouldn't want to add insult to injury when you lose."

"For one thing, we're going to win. For another, it'll be nice to see your mouth busy with something besides talking."

Josh and Sean, who had stood by silently, both erupted into laughter again. "Sounds like a win all around!" Josh agreed, chiming in with "See you on your knees. Advantage us."

Ten minutes later, Sean and Julian had managed to claw the score back in their favor...and then close the deal with a final point that ended the game. Julian ran around in a circle, his racquet on the air, cheering. Sean was too worn out to celebrate. "Shower time. At last." The men gathered their belongings, commenting on the fun of such a hard-fought match, and made their way into the gym's locker room. With Julian's wager and knowing about his background with Colin, Sean decided to do his own testing. Undressing, he had his back turned to the dark-haired Irishman, his muscled back and ass on display. Making sure that he could see Colin from the corner of his eye, he turned to set his towel on the bench...resulting in his front facing out. His cock was average in length, but massive in thickness; his nickname in school had been "Beercan". It had been a joke, but that was actually the width when Julian could attest to, having felt it stretch him open several happy times. He saw Colin pause at the sight, his eyes blinking, before catching himself and going about his own undressing. As Sean set everything inside his locker and closed the door, he caught Colin sneaking several more peeks. A slight grin pulling at the corner of his mouth, he tossed his towel over his shoulder and strode off into the shower, where Julian and Josh were already soaping up.

He'd turned on the hot water and was rinsing off when Colin made it into the shower. The room was an open shower design, without stalls, water heads mounted on the wall on both sides. Josh and Julian had taken the two spots nearest the door; Sean had made sure to take the third spot, making it awkward for Colin to take a lone spot on the other side...which meant they'd be next to each other. Colin tensed for a moment and began doing math problems in his head, determined not to look down and not to bone up in the shower. He couldn't resist though, and kept stealing peeks out of the corner of his eye, admiring Sean's physique as the water cascaded over his well-built body. At least the math bit was working - his manhood had fluffled up a bit but wasn't getting hard.

"That was a damn good game." Sean's English accent broke right through his mental figures. "Uh, yeah. Thought we had it for a moment." Colin glanced over while speaking, out of habit, his eyes taking in Sean's wet form, managing to hold his gaze steady while replying.

"Up for it again...maybe week after next? This one wiped me out." Sean grinned as he grabbed the soap and lathered it in his hands, the muscles of his arms and chest moving. Colin gulped, resuming calculations in his mind. "Sounds good, just say when."

Sean raised an eyebrow, the picture of innocence as he replied. "Friday, or Saturday?" He knew that asking questions would break any sort of concentration Colin might be attempting.

"Err...Friday?" It was really hard to keep his eyes from following as Sean's hands worked up and down his arms. "Less of a crowd."

"Good point." Hands worked soap across his chest. "Point is to have fun playing the game, not sit around and wait for an open court, eh?"


"All four of us again?" Sean massaged the lather into his abs and down his sides. He had to give Colin credit - he'd managed to maintain eye contact, although looking carefully, you could see his eyes slightly out of focus, trying to see all of Sean at once rather than just his face.

"Yeah, if Josh and Julian can make it."

"Brilliant! And if they're not up for it..." Sean tried not to grin as he moved a hand down and began soaping up his crotch. "...then just the two of us." With a wink, he waited on Colin's response.

The other man stood there, blinking for a moment. His breathing was tight, trying so hard not to look down. And, speaking of "hard", he was worried about losing the battle with his cock. As Sean stood there, continuing to work soap along his groin, he could feel the blood beginning to flow into his own. Swallowing, he croaked out the words "Yeah, that'd work fine."

Sean smiled broadly. "Great. Either way works for me." His hands continued their motions between his legs, lingering there longer than they had anywhere else on his body...much to Colin's consternation.

The Englishman leaned over, lowering his voice. "Unless you'd prefer a good game of handball...?"

Colin blinked, completely confused. "Do they even...I guess there's the racquetball court, could use that. Haven't played before, but up for something new."

Sean had to supress a laugh - the inuendo had completely gone over Colin's head. Instead, with a raised eyebrow and a grin, he shook his hand, still gripping his junk. "That's what I've heard...but was referring to a different sort of ball game."

Colin blinked again, thrown off by the conversation. He hadn't gotten a vibe off of Sean before at all, although he'd appreciated looking at the man and the tight pants of his costume many times before. "Uh..." was all he managed to say in response.

Sean rinsed the last of the soap from his body and took a step in Colin's direction. "Look lad, I know that you like it both ways...and you've been eyeballing me since we got back inside. And there's that bet that you still have to pay up on." His hand ran casually up and down his shaft, starting to bring it to life.

Unable to help himself, Colin glanced down at the action below Sean's hips; he took in the sight of the growing flesh before pulling his eyes back up. He shot a look over at Josh and Julian, but the two were involved in their own conversation and not paying attention. "Um..." He could feel the blood flooding into his own cock as it quickly began firming up in response to Sean's display, although he seemed to be unable to speak or move, thrown off by the unexpected (but very welcome) sexual advance.

Sean took another step, closing the distance between the two men. Taking Colin's hand, he wrapped it around his own tool; Colin's fingers squeezed lightly, taking in the weight and heft of it. Sean's right hand came up and rested against the back of Colin's neck, applying a slight pressure to gently push the dark-haired man to his knees. As Colin descended, the large muscles of Sean's body passed through his view, before coming face to face with the large piece of meat between two strongly-built thighs, standing proud above two full and heavy-looking nuts. His hand stretched around its girth, fingertips unable to meet his thumb. Sean's hand continued applying pressure, bringing Colin forward until his lips met the tip of his rod...and then took it in, suckling on the head. On his knees, Colin's blue eyes met Sean's as he began slowly working his mouth up and down, nursing the sweet taste of precum out of Sean's length.

Julian looked over at the two, meaning to pull the oddly quiet pair into the conversation. Seeing what had unfolded just to his left, he came to a standstill. "Woahhh..." He muttered.

"Hmm?" Josh wiped the water from his face, opening his eyes to find out what had caught Julian's attention. The sight of Colin blowing Sean caused him to stop as well, mouth hanging open in surprise. "Uh, guys?"

Sean turned his head over his shoulder, acknowledging the other two men. "Hey, just getting paid on that wager from earlier." His face bore a broad grin, enjoying both their surprise and Colin's efforts.

"That...was a joke, right?" Josh cleared his throat, trying to get a handle on the situation before it went too far. The gym wasn't busy that morning, but it was still a public place and the risk of getting caught was too great. He watched as Julian began stroking himself, clearly not interested in stopping anything.

Sean looked down at Colin, lips wrapped around his pole, and then back at Josh, winking. "Eh...apparently not. You want to go next? Or would you rather pay up to Julian?"

Josh's face flushed pink; he could feel his body reacting to the sight, his manhood beginning to fill out as the blood flowed into it. He took a step away and leaned back, checking the hallway before stepping back into the shower spray. "Hell no, not here. Someone could walk in at any moment."

"Well, it was kinda dead today....not likely," Julian chimed in. The look that Josh shot him was withering, silently telling him to stop talking.

He weighed his options. He could walk out and leave his friends to their own devices...but risk them getting caught and in trouble. He didn't want to admit it, but that also meant he'd miss out on the action. Which meant that his other head was starting to "help" making decisions, so he had to act soon. No way in hell was he going to fuck around in the showers. He and Colin had fooled around in the sauna once, watching each other jerk off, but they hadn't touched each other and could easily have covered up if someone walked in...which was not the case here. Which left him with the option of a better offer.

" about not here?"

Sean's eyebrow rose up in silent inquiry.

"Somewhere else," Josh continued. "Somewhere...that we can enjoy it more."

Sean's lips pursed, taking in the suggestion, and nodded in agreement. "Good point. I like the way you think." Smiling, he pulled Colin back up to his feet, making out for a moment before pulling back. "Have to wait to finish that, lad."

Before long, the foursome were at Sean's apartment, sprawled out along the couch. Sean and Julian sat, legs spread, enjoying their side of the wager as Colin and Josh bobbed their heads up and down, cocks sliding in and out of their mouths. Julian had one hand on his chest, playing with his nipple...the other was enjoying the feel of Josh's shoulders and biceps. He watched as Josh's mouth devoured his pole, happy to relax and experience the big blonde man's oral skills.

Meanwhile, Sean was letting Colin work his shaft, feeling the lips glide across the skin, occasionally coming up for air and letting his tongue play along the ridge of Sean's cock head. The Irishman definitely knew what to do with a dick on his mouth - he didn't stick to the same action for long, and the variety of what his lips and tongue were doing to Sean's member was keeping the man still, rather than being his usual dominant self. He watched as Colin worked up and down, mouth stretched around his thick shaft, then pulling off and vigorously licking along its length, getting it slick with spit before plunging down on it again. He pushed all the way down, inhaling it in one gulp, until his lips met the base, swallowing it whole. He could feel it flex in his throat as Sean's fingertips dug into his shoulders with pleasure. He pulled off again and moved down, tongue bathing the large round nuts...and then pushed his face into the area where Sean's leg met his manhood, sucking and nibbling on the muscled flesh, driving the other man crazy, his thighs bucking a bit in response. Sean held Colin's head in place and pushed up, enjoying having his groin eaten out. Again Colin pulled back and then inhaled Sean's thickness, his mouth traveling up and down, enjoying himself. However, the girth was taking a toll on his jaw...he could feel it tightening up, tired from being stretched open for so long. Sean sensed this, surprised that Colin had been able to go for this length of time. He pulled the darker-haired man up, into his lap, and into a deep kiss. His large hands roamed over Colin's toned frame, gripping his furry butt cheeks in both hands. His finger traced down Colin's crack, rubbing against his hole; a groan into his mouth revealed Colin's hunger for more. He broke the kiss, a broad grin on his face. "Damn, you're good. And I'm looking forward to this," his finger tip pushing against Colin's entrance. "But how about switching it up a bit and giving your jaw a rest?" Winking, he nodded his head to the left.

Colin got the hint and climbed off of Sean's lap, settling in between Julian's legs. His tongue settled on the man's balls and began working up, until his mouth bumped into Josh's. Slowly and gently, he continued moving up, pushing Josh's face towards the end of Julian's dick, until both of their mouths were at his knob. They began a kiss, lips and tongues swirling around the tip, driving Julian crazy. Colin finally ended the kiss, smacking Josh on the hip. Josh walked on his knees over to Sean's end of the couch, taking the large tool in his hand. His own cock was long and thick...and while this wasn't as long, damn it was wide. He took the end in his mouth and slowly moved down, getting a feel for its girth. Sean watched as Josh's pink pouty lips sank down, taking in a good amount before coming back up. He decided to get involved; taking Josh's head in his hands, he began slowly driving in and out of his mouth, a little more of his cock disappearing with each stroke, as he began face fucking the beefy stud. The man was the star of the show...and here he was, his face taking Sean's dick as it began thrusting in and out. "That's it..." His fingers sank into the blond curls. "You can take it...." He held Josh's head in place as he pushed forward, burying himself to the root, feeling Josh's throat work to accommodate his meat stick. Josh had only been with a few guys, so wasn't as experienced as Julian and Colin; he struggled with the width of Sean's cock a bit...which turned on Sean even more.

Sean continued thrusting until he felt a familiar tingle in his balls. As hot as it might be to shoot down Josh's throat, he had other ideas in mind. Pulling Josh off of his cock, he bent down and kissed him before whispering in his ear, "How about we fuck the hell out of these two lads?" He pulled back, one eyebrow raised with his question. Josh grinned, the idea of plowing Colin or Josh sounding great - he was looking forward to release as well. Nodding, he stood up, helping Sean to his feet as well.

Julian looked up from watching Colin give a masterful blowjob to see two large hard cocks pointed in his direction. He grinned at the big beefy men attached to the large hoses, "What's up gents?"

Sean reached down and stroked Josh's tool, maintaining eye contact with Julian. "As hot as a mouth is, ready for a bit more..." Colin could feel Julian's fun stick flex in his mouth, giving away his excitement at the idea of getting plowed.

"Hell yeah - where do you want us?"

Colin pulled off of Julian's rod with a wet slurping noise. "Uh, who said anything about 'us'?"

Sean took his large prick in his free hand, giving it a couple of shakes, wagging it towards the two men still on the couch. "So, you're saying that you don't want a swing at this?" Colin's eyes were drawn to the hefty piece of meat, glued to it as it continued bouncing up and down in Sean's hand, like a large magic wand. He continued watching, somewhat hypnotized, as Sean relinquished Josh's manhood and stepped forward. Placing his hand along Colin's jaw, he gently tilted the Irishman's face up and then pulled it forward, towards his crotch. Colin opened his mouth and engulfed Sean, sucking firmly.

Josh and Julian watched for a moment before looking at one another. Josh tilted his head to the side, beckoning Julian over. Rising from the couch, he came around the large wooden slab coffee table, gripping Josh's broad pecs in his hands and enjoying the feel. Leaning over, Josh met Julian's lips with his own and began a deep kiss, his own hands roaming down to cup and then squeeze Julian's perky butt. He stepped forward, closing the short distance between the two...and then took another step. Julian reflexively stepped back. Another forward step from Josh resulted in Julian bumping against the edge of the coffee table. Using his upper body, Josh tilted forward, slowly easing Julian back and down until he was laying down on the slab of wood. Crouching down, Josh once again took Julian's crotch rocket in his mouth, sucking up and down, his fingers playing with Julian's balls and ass. The sound of a throat clearing caught his attention; glancing up, he saw that Sean had rummaged in the drawer of the end table, pulling out a bottle of lube which he tossed towards Josh. The blonde reached up, lips still firmly wrapped around Julian's dick, catching the clear bottle. Popping the top open, he felt the slick liquid pour onto his fingertips, which he ran up and down Julian's crack, hearing a light moan in response.

Julian felt the digit travel up and down, teasing him, until finally settling firmly against his hole. With some pressure, it slid inside, penetrating his entrance and coating it with lube. Working in and out, in rhythm with Josh's mouth, it began easing him open...and then was joined with a second finger. When there were finally three fingers gliding in and out, stretching apart and coming back together, Julian's hips began bucking up to meet them, as well as bury himself into Josh's throat. Josh nearly grinned, as much as one can with a mouth full of cock, when he stopped moving his arm and allowed Julian to ride his fingers on his own accord - it was time to fill his hungry hole. Lubing up his cock first, he rose up, bringing Julian's legs up and pushing them down, the back of his thighs pressed against his stomach, putting his ass on full display. Julian didn't want to tease Julian any longer - he lined up his prick with the other man's entrance and pressed forward, slowly burying inch after inch in one long motion until he was balls deep in his friend. Both groaned with pleasure, Julian at being filled with Josh's ample member and Josh at feeling Julian's tunnel squeeze warm and wet around his fuck stick. Swinging his hips, he began slowly thrusting in and out, gently long-dicking the other man, getting the most pleasure out of the fucking for both of them.

Sean watched the entire episode, turned on more and more by the action unfolding in the middle of his living room. Already nearing the edge before Colin had started working his knob, he decided to force a delay. When he'd reached into the drawer for lube, he'd also pulled out a leather cock ring. As Colin continued bobbing up and down, he'd slid the strip of leather down and around his nuts, fastening the snap, enjoying the snug feel that ensured he wouldn't be shooting his load until he wanted to. Seeing that Josh and Julian had settled into a comfortable rhythm, he reached down and pulled Colin up and into kiss. Colin kept a grip on Sean's cock, tugging on it eagerly, his other hand exploring along pecs and abs. Sean did some exploring as well, feeling the fur that covered Colin's chest, tracing it down his stomach, his other hand grabbing a handful of ass. Still holding one cheek in a firm grip, his other hand came around, his fingertip finding its way to Colin's hole. Pressing against it, he growled into the other man's ear, "Yes?"

Colin contemplated it for a moment, not because he wasn't eager to feel a cock in his rear, but Sean's girth gave him pause. The fingertip continued running a circle around his hole, gently pushing whenever it wandered across his entrance. The sensation caused him to give in with a whimpered "Please."

Sean's mouth moved from Colin's ear and settled back against his lips, kissing deep and hungrily. Hands placed on the other man's hips, he spun him around, wedging his pole against Colin's rump. "I've been wanting this all day." Walking forward, his motion nudged Colin along, towards the coffee table, until his knees bumped against its broad edge. Sean continued pressing forward from behind, causing Colin to kneel down onto the large wooden surface. Sean guided him down on all fours, so that Colin was crouched over Julian in a 69 position. Getting the idea, Colin's head descended and swallowed the sausage in front of him, with an up close view of Josh's ample cock sawing in and out of the other man's hole below him.

His own hole felt the presence of Sean's dick, nudging to prepare its way in. Josh tossed the lube back to its owner, who spread it liberally along his massive member before sliding it up and down along Colin's crevice. Before long, it was back at his entrance, throbbing and emanating heat, eager to dive in. Slowly, he pushed against the resistance of Colin's ass. To Colin, it felt like someone was pressing an actual pole against his backside; it seemed too big to enter. Focusing on Julian's dick, he sucked harder as he tried to relax his body.

He felt Sean's fingers dig into his butt cheeks, hard, catching him off guard. His body jerked, the physical response being enough to allow Sean's member to slide in slightly. Taking advantage of the opening, Sean's hips leaned forward, his ass flexing with the thrusting motion. His fat cockhead continued separating Colin's entrance, pushing further into the tight hole. Colin groaned, partly in pain and partly pleasure, as he was slowly impaled. Fingers tightening down against the surface of the coffee table, he tried to force his body to relax as it was being stretched open. About a half inch of Sean's rod would make its way in before he would slightly withdraw, giving Colin's ass the chance to recover before pressing ahead again.

At about the half way point, Sean was ready to get down to the business of fucking. Josh watched with fascination as Sean placed his hand down on Colin's back, which had broken out into a light sweat, and began a relentless drive home, his shaft sinking inside, not retreating at all. Colin groaned again, the bobbing of his head stopping as he focused on trying to take in Sean's member. From below, Julian watched as it all disappeared, Sean's nuts pressing up against Colin's ass. Colin's cock had gone softer, although not limp, in his mouth, as a result of the large anal intruder. Julian sucked on the dick in his mouth, swirling his tongue on it, gazing on Colin's low-hanging furry nuts...and right above that, Sean's balls as they ground against Colin's hole. They began backing away, thick flesh following, as Sean slowly began withdrawing. Julian felt Colin's mouth groan around his pole again, knowing full well the pulling feeling from inside that came with that first outward stroke of Sean's tool. A little over six inches gradually reappeared, Colin's mouth sending vibrations down Julian's shaft, until the edge of Sean's cockhead juuuuuuust barely exited.

More firmly than before, he drove back in, all the way to the hilt. Colin almost dropped Julian's dick from his mouth as it opened wide, half moaning and half gasping. Julian felt Colin's own pole begin stiffening back up. He suppressed a chuckle, knowing that the fat mushroom head at the end of Sean's cock must have found Colin's prostate, smashing it with its heft. The ample meat slid out again...and immediately drove back in. The sounds emanating from Colin's mouth had clearly changed from groans of half pain into loud moans of intense pleasure. His cock pushed forward, deeper into Julian's throat, with each of Sean's inward thrusts, beginning to leak precum as his inner love nut was barraged by Sean's fuck stick. Julian managed to pull his head back a little, suckling on the tip of Colin's member, tasting the nectar that was flowing out of it now that his body was adjusted to Sean's girth. Reaching up, Julian took Colin's ass in his hands and gripped it, pulling the cheeks apart, allowing Sean to drive in another half inch or so.

Meanwhile, up above, Josh was watching the intensity of Sean's sex. The stockier man had Colin's hips in his hands, using them as leverage for thrusting. Every time he pulled out, he slammed back in, hammering Colin's insides. Julian's hands continued grabbing and spreading Colin's rear...which was some work, as Colin's backside arched and swayed, pushing back, his body language silently asking for more. Sean's thrusts were determined, ramming in and out, the speed increasing slightly over time. Josh ran his fingers through Colin's dark hair, reaching down to tilt his friend's face up. "You okay?"

Colin stared at Josh, his mouth slightly open, his eyes lost in a haze of cock-lust that Josh recognized. The corner of his mouth managed to pull up into a slight grin, "Yeah...I'm...good. Really...really...good." His words came out slowly, in rhythm with Sean's pounding from behind. One of Julian's hands reached down to grab his own cock, shaking it and tapping Colin's jaw. Getting the hint, Colin winked at Josh and tilted his head back down. He watched as Josh continued long-dicking Julian's hole below in slow, relaxed thrusts, taking his time and enjoying the fucking. Colin popped Julian's pole back into his mouth, bringing some of his attention back to it as a way of distracting from the pummeling his ass was happily receiving.

The room filled with the sounds of groans, sucking and fucking as the four men got down to it. Josh mostly enjoyed a casual pace of thrusting in and out of Julian's ass, feeling the experienced bottom clench around his shaft. Colin and Julian slurped on each other's poles, enjoying the up-close show of the other man getting plowed. Both of them were moaning non-stop, their holes and their cocks being worked on at the same time. The murmurs from Colin's mouth hummed down Julian's shaft, growing in intensity as Sean continued pounding his ass. The rhythm and strength had increased...not quite slamming into Colin's rear, but definitely hammering it, the sound of his groin smacking into the other man's rump sending a sharp slapping noise through the room, louder and faster. The thrusts had begun to jam Colin's rod into the back of Julian's throat, so the man on the bottom of the sex pile pressed his hands against Colin's abs, bracing the other man's body and holding it back so he wouldn't get choked. His hands bumped against Sean's, which held tightly onto Colin's hips, holding them in place as he pounded against them. His cock rammed in and out, harder and faster, until he felt his balls boiling, yearning for release. Gripping the base of his cock, he unsnapped the leather cock ring with one thumb, allowing it to fall to the floor. He pointed the end of his tool downward and, with two strokes of his wrist, began unloading his cum gun at last. A large shot of white jizz shot forward, splattering against the back of Colin's cock...a second shot nailed Julian across his nose and lips. Hungrily, he swallowed all of Colin's pole, savoring the strong scent and flavor of Sean's juices.

Sean positioned his member back up, blasting Colin's stretched hole with a third strong jolt before slamming all the way back in. Rolling his head back, his chest heaved and his entire body flexed as his nuts emptied their heavy load. Colin's entire body went limp as it relaxed, finally no longer being rammed; his mouth sank down Julian's pole, lips resting at the base, a long satisfied whining moan reverberating along the dick in his mouth...resulting in muffled moans vibrating his own cock in Julian's mouth. He could feel Sean's seed coating his insides and began flexing his sore ass muscles, milking the huge dick buried within his rear, coaxing out the last drops.

Satiated, Sean slid out of Colin's ass and stepped back, plopping down onto the couch with exhaustion. He watched as Julian pulled his head back and began licking along Colin's cock, lapping up the last of Sean's batter. Julian was normally a pretty easy-going sex partner...but the foursome setup, watching Sean fuck Colin just inches away, and the taste of Sean's cum on Colin's dick drove him into an overdrive mode. After one last swipe of his tongue along Colin's pole, he unentangled himself from the 69 and off of Josh's dick, setting down next to Colin...and then pushing against his side, rolling the other man over. A leg swung up in the air, coming down on Colin's other side as Julian straddled his friend, sitting down on Colin's mast, taking in all 7.5 inches at once. Fingers sliding through the dark hair covering Colin's chest, damp with sweat, Julian lifted his hips up before slamming back down, his body hungry for cock. Josh's ramrod of 8 thick inches was enjoyable, but the blonde had been enjoying a casual fuck...and now Julian was craving a more intense ride. Gripping Colin's chest, he began bouncing up and down, moaning. Josh joined Sean on the couch, the two watching the other pair go at it in a ravenous heat. Sean finished wiping off his crotch, handing the towel to Josh. Keeping his eyes on the coffee table action, Josh began cleaning the lube off of his cock.

Spotting the mess across Julian's face, Colin reached up and pulled the other man down, until they were chest to chest, their bodies grinding against each other. Wrapping his arms around Julian's torso to hold him still, Colin began thrusting up into him, his own low-hanging balls pulling up with his cock before slapping back down against the wooden surface below. Tilting his face up, he licked across Julian's cheek, getting a taste of Sean's essence, before meeting their mouths in a kiss. Breaking it, his tongue lashed against the bridge of Julian's nose, seeking out the rope of white fluid before kissing again, continuing the actions until Julian's face was clean of jizz, their tongues sharing the taste, mouths moaning into one another.

A hand wrapped around his cock brought Josh's attention back to the couch. "Nice piece of meat." Sean gave Josh a squeeze, appreciating the size of his manhood, before reaching over with his other hand and pulling Josh in for a kiss. The two enjoyed their own make-out session for awhile, feeling up each other's muscular bodies while listening to the earnest sounds of sex coming from a few feet away. Sean broke the kiss, pressing his forehead against Josh's, his dark blue eyes looking into the other man's light blues. "I've got an idea," he half-whispered, a wicked grin springing upon his features. Slapping Josh on the thigh, he stood up and motioned to follow. Josh stood up, confused, and made his way over next to Sean, the two of them standing behind Julian, who had pulled his body back up and was grinding down on Colin's fuck stick.

Sean reached down, finding the lube bottle that had been cast aside and opened it again, pooling a good amount into his open palm. Kneeling in front of Josh, he slathered the clear liquid on the other man's long rod while bringing his lips forward to lip, nibble, and suck along his hip and abs. Josh ran his fingers down the back of Sean's head, lightly thrusting into his hand...and then Sean scooted back a foot, tugging on Josh's cock to bring him along in the same direction, towards the coffee table. He complied...and then stepped forward again as Sean scooted and tugged again. Once more, Sean pulled on Josh's tool...but this time it was downward, bringing him to his knees as well. "Follow my lead - trust me," he growled into Josh's ear. Turning, he presented his backside to Josh... 'Is he going to bottom?" Josh wondered, not expecting it from the other man. Instead, he watched as Sean leaned forward and embraced Julian from behind, pulling him back a bit, nibbling on his ear and reaching down with his left hand to gently jerk Julian's cock.

Reaching back, Sean blindly found Josh's pole, grasping it and pulling forward again, bringing Josh up off of his knees slightly. Continuing to pull Josh forward, he whispered into Julian's ear. "You love cock, don't you?"

Julian moaned, rocking his head back, enjoying Sean's attention along his ear, as well as at his groin. "Hell yeah."

Grinning, Sean used his right hand to bring Josh down until his knees were on the coffee table. "You love it a lot. My cock, Josh's, Colin's..."

Julian thrust up into Sean's hand and then back out, pushing himself down on Colin's pole. "Mmmm....they're all amazing."

"Never can get enough, eh? You horny little bastard." He guided Josh forward, the beefy blonde stud straddling Colin's legs, wondering what Sean was up to.

Julian's eyes were half-closed, grinning at Sean. "Fuck no. The more the better."

"That's the spirit lad." His right hand pulled forward on Josh's meat, bringing it up against Colin's balls. The mushroom-shaped cockhead, wet with lube, glided along Colin's shaft until it met Julian's stuffed hole. Shifting his hand to Josh's side, he pulled forward. Josh got the hint, a devilish smile breaking out on his normally angelic features. Holding his thick rod down with his thumb, he positioned it and ever so slowly began pushing forward.

Julian's eyes opened, confusion etched into his brow. "What the...?"

"You said the more the merrier..." Sean's voice trailed off as he sank his lips against Julian's neck, where it met the shoulder, licking and sucking hard at what he knew was a weak spot while working Julian's cock. The other man moaned, melting in his arms, overwhelmed by the sensations around his body. He felt Josh pushing against his ass. "I'm not sure that I...."

"Shhh....yes, you can. You love cock. You're just about to get more of it." Sean went back to Julian's body, going lower to take his nipple between his teeth. Without seeing, he knew when Josh had finally penetrated Julian's hole...the younger man's pecs tensed as he groaned loudly. Sean moved back up, working Julian's body with his hands and mouth to distract him. "You're going to love this, I promise." Julian's chest was rising with deep breaths as he felt Josh drive further inside Colin had stopped thrusting, amazed at the feeling of Julian's ass stretching further...but somehow feeling tighter, as Josh's hardness slid across his own. Josh was mesmerized as he worked inch after inch in, not pulling back, until he was all the way in, his chest pressed against Julian's back, his cock pressed against Colin's. Bringing his mouth down, he began kissing along the other side of Julian's neck before slowly sliding back out about halfway...and then slowly plunged back inside.

Sean leaned back and watched as Josh's beefy ass rose in the air and drove back down, again and again...and as Colin began pushing up from below. Chuckling, he returned his attention to Julian's body. Moans poured out of the stuffed bottom's throat as he felt the two tools inside of him run back and forth...sometimes in opposite directions, at other times ramming in and out in unison. He'd finally adjusted to the extra penetration, his fingers relaxing and no longer digging into Colin's chest. There was no way in hell he was about to start gyrating against the two men topping him, so he held himself up and enjoyed the new turn of events.

Josh was also loving this - it somewhat felt as if he was fucking Julian and Collin at the same time. Each motion met the resistance of Julian's tunnel as well as pushed against his fuck buddy's pole, which was pushing back. Sean right hand caressed Josh's rear, pulling it forward to encourage Josh's thrusts. Josh was surprised and turned on when Sean's fingers grazed down; the tips brushing against his hole sending shivers up and down his spine. Biting his lip, he suppressed a moan, not necessarily wanting to encourage the other man and definitely not wanting to bottom for a dick that large. Suddenly, the tip of Sean finger penetrated inside of him, his entrance slick with the sweat tricking down his back. He couldn't stop the moan that came forth as Sean buried his digit inside, not stopping until his knuckles were against Josh's cheeks. Finding Josh's prostate, Sean pressed down, eliciting a strong reaction. Josh's ass clamped around his finger; at the same time, while Collin and Julian were unaware of what was going on, they felt Josh's rod flex and spasm in the tight confines of Julian's tunnel.

Josh's pace began picking some point he was half ramming into Julian and half riding Sean's finger, both ends giving him great pleasure. He kept going faster - this was not the casual nature of earlier, but a earnest need type of a fuck. He wanted more of Julian's hole and more of Sean's finger at the same time, bucking back and pounding forward. Sean felt Josh's ass spasm as his orgasm ripped through his body, pushing deep into Julian, eliciting a loud cry of both shock and satisfaction at the further intrusion...and the feeling of Josh's cock shooting deep inside. The shots came hard and fast, slamming against Julian's insides and Colin's shaft as he kept pounding away while cumming, yelling out a stream of words: "fuck oh god fuck yes yes fuuuuuck."

It set Julian off, his fingers digging anew into Colin's furry pecs and his entire body tightening up. His dick turned into a hose, splashing white streaks of jizz all over Colin's upper body. His ass muscles clenched around the two cocks still inside of him, still thrusting, as his body rode out the waves until he went limp, collapsing against Colin's torso. Josh slid out, prompting Sean to finally remove his finger. He attempted a half jesting glare at the other man, but the cheeky grin brought out an exhausted laugh instead. "Well, that was different," he uttered while wiping his sweaty forehead.

"Enjoy it?"

"Fuck yeah. Just wouldn't want to be in Julian's place."

Sean glanced over. "I dunno - looks like he's having a good time."

Colin had wrapped his arms around Julian once more and was pounding away into his abused ass as if his life depended on it, eager to bust his nut. After a couple of minutes, Julian groaning against his neck, his thighs flexed as his ass lifted up off of the table, his balls pulling up towards Julian's hole. His shaft visibly throbbed as it unloaded into Julian, both men moaning with each shot. His body finally gave out, bringing the both of them back down out of the air, their bodies relaxing. Everyone began catching their breath, the afterglow of great sex lighting up their faces.

Sean broke the silence. "That was fucking hot. Glad to have won the bet." He winked at Josh. Julian rolled off of Colin, arms and legs askew as he recovered. "Easy for you to say."

"So you wouldn't be up for that again? It was pretty damn awesome." Colin poked Julian in the ribs, teasing.

Julian pondered the idea. Pulling himself up with a groan, he gingerly stepped away from the coffee table, a slight limp in his step. "Maybe..." He grinned at Josh. "Would never have expected that from you."

Josh shook his head and pointed. "Nope, his idea. But not complaining," he laughed.

"You bloody instigator. I should have known." With a chuckle and a lewd hand gesture, Julian slowly made his way across the room.

"Where're you going? We might not be done with you, lad!" Sean called out jokingly.

JulIan responded over his shoulder as he crossed into the bedroom. "I need a shower. And a drink."

Sean nodded. "Take care of the first one...I'll get you the other."

Colin peeled himself up, making his way to the bathroom as well. "I need one too. On both counts." Rounding the doorframe, he disappeared to join Julian in the shower.

Josh gestured towards the bar. "Need a hand?"

Sean crossed the distance between himself and Josh, quickly embracing the other man and deeply kissing him. Josh responded by melting into it, their hands grabbing at each other, enjoying their bodies but too tired to get up to no good. Breaking the kiss, Sean made his way to the bar. "A hand would be great. Your mouth sometime again would be even better."

Josh laughed, smacking, Sean on the rump. "We'll see. Next time you might lose the match."

Sean brought a couple of bottles out Setting them down, he reached over and tweaked Josh's nipple. "I think, no matter who loses, everyone wins."

The two men laughed, continuing to play a light game of grab-ass while getting to the business of cocktails.

The End...for now

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or ideas, would love to hear from you.

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"On The Set of Neighbors" (based on the 2014 film "Neighbors" with Zac Efron):

"The College Bet"

Next: Chapter 11

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