More than Detention

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 14, 2001



Man, have you ever been sitting in school with a boner in your pants? Fuck, I can remember a day that I was sitting in study hall with such a ripping hardon. It pressed against my jeans so much that I was actually in pain, and I had to do something about it.

I was sitting in the very last desk in study hall, with no one sitting around me so, I reached into my pocket and started to massage my cock. I don't know about you, but it always feels good to grab ahold of my cock, even if it is through material.

I was into stroking my cock so much that I had forgotten where I was at. I sort of went into a daze as a fantasized about the phys. ed. teacher and his 7 inch uncut cock.

All of a sudden I was brought back to reality. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped, looked up and pulled my hand out of my pocket all at the same time. There stood the study hall teacher looking at me with a face that could kill. I had been caught playing pocket pool.

I'm just glad that it was Mr. Ingeldue instead of Mrs. Mast. I was embarassed enough as it was, being caught with my hand around my cock in study hall, but to be caught by a woman I would have died right then and there.

Mr. Ingeldue leaned over to me and whispered, "If you're going to do that Johnson, go do it in the bathroom, you little pervert." I looked up and smiled, feeling a little relieved that he didn't send me to the principal's office, instead, he then gave me a hall pass to go to the bathroom.

I waited until my bonder subsided. I got up and went down to the bathroom. I went into the last stall, dropped my pants down to my ankles and sat down on the john. The one thing that I hated about our johns at school was the fact that they didn't have doors on them for privacy, but ol' well it was during class so what was the chance that someone was going to walk in on me.

It didn't take long to get my woody back. I slowly stroked on it, pre-cum was oozing out of my piss slit. I started to fantasize about my gym teacher again. I was really getting into it. I leaned back, I stretched my legs completely out. With my cock in one hand, I massaged my balls with the other hand. This felt so fucking good.

I was so close to cumming. I was just about there, just about to the point of no return when I felt a kick against my foot. Talk about being in the right lace to have the shit scared out of ya, because that exactly what happened to me. I jumped again, just like in study hall.

I opened my eyes and there stood Mr. Ingeldue. "What is this guy's fucking problem," I thought to myself.

"You are a little pervert, aren't you?" said Mr. Ingeldue in a low voice, "how old are you now, Morrison?"

"18, why?"

"Because I don't like going to jail, for no one that's why."

I looked at him sort of puzzled, not knowing what to make of his last comment. Then I took a look at the bulge that was protruding from his slacks. "Looks like I'm not the only pervert in this school," I said with a laugh.

I grabbed ahold of my half staff rod and slowly began to jerk it again; watching Mr. Ingeldue's face as I pulled on my cock. His eyes were fixed on my cock and my hand. The bulge in his pants became larger. With my other hand I reached up and touched his bulge. He let out a small groan. I tightened my grip on his wood and he let out another groan.

I stood up and pressed my body against his as I pressed my lips against his lips. He pressed back. He ran his hands under my shirt and around my back as we kissed. We were really getting into it when the bell rang to signify the end of the class period. Shit, we knew we didn't have much time to put ourselves together. Well, I didn't have much time anyway. Mr. Ingeldue just had to get rid of his boner before the other students rushed in to take a piss or a shit between classes.

As I was hurriedly putting myself back together, Mr. Ingeldue whispered, "After school, my office." He didn't have to say anymore. I knew exactly what he meant.

Shit, I think that this was the longest day of my life. Every class that I had that day, I ended up with a hardon. I couldn't stop thinking about after school. The final bell finally went off and I grabbed my books and threw them in my locker. I almost ran to Mr. Ingeldue's office. In fact, as I rounded the corner just down from his office, we collided with one another.

"Hold on, there, partner," questioned Mr. Ingeldue as he had me by my shoulders, "Where are you going in such a hurry?" My heart sank, had he forgotten our plans for the afternoon. Then he winked and smiled; I knew then that he had not forgotten, but rather he was not letting on to anyone else about our plans.

"I think, I need to see you in my office for a few minutes, Mr. Morrison. I think you and I need to discuss some behavior problems that you seem to be having." Again, he winked and ushered me off to his office.

As we went into his office, he shut the door and locked it. He went behind his desk and sat down; leaving me starting in front of his desk. As I stood in front of him, he placed his hands together like he was going to pray. He started to press his hands together like a spider doing pushups on a mirror. He eyed me up and down.

"Take them off, Morrison," he softly commanded.

"Take what off, Mr. Ingeldue?"

"Your clothes."

My cock began to press against my jeans. I could feel the pre- cum soaking my underwear. I slowly began to unbutton my shirt. From time to time I would look up at him. He was sitting there smiling all the while I was stripping for him.

I removed my shirt, my hard nipples tenting my T-shirt. I untied my shoes and removed them. I unbuckled my belt, unsnapped the button of my jeans and unzipped my pants. I slipped them over my ass and down my legs. I stepped out of them and threw them in a pile with the rest of my clothes.

I stood up and looked Mr. Ingeldue right in the eyes. He was awl struck at what he was seeing. My nipples hard, but my cock even harder.

"Damn you look great, kid," groaned Mr. Ingeldue as he rubbed himself through the materialof his slacks.


Mr. Ingeldue stood up and came from behind his desk. He was as hard as a rock. He came over to me and gently began to kiss me. First, on the mouth, then on the neck. He pulled my T-shirt from my briefs and stuck his hands under my T-shirt.

As he continued to kiss me, his hands massaged my abs, chest and back. He grabbed my nipples with his thumb and his forefinger and gently squeezed.

I moaned.

He grabbed the tail of my T-shirt with his hands and slowly pulled it over my head. As he pulled it over my head he bent down and licked my nipples. Then he moved to my pits, kissing and licking them.

Tossing my T-shirt into my pile of clothes, he knelt down and smelled my bulging crotch.

"Ahhhhh, that smells so fucking good," he groaned.

He ran his tongue across the material that held my hardened cock. He opened his mouth and sucked in my clothed balls. My body tensed at the feeling of him doing this; not a tenseness of fear, but rather a tenseness of awe. This was feeling fucking great. I never wanted it to end.

He stood up. He loosened his tie and took it off. He began to unbutton his shirt, but I stopped him. I removed his hands from his buttons and placed them at his side. I took over the responsibility of undressing him.

I unbutton his shirt, but I didn't remove it quite yet. I reached my hands in around him and drew myself close to him. I laid my head to his chest and deeply inhaled. This man smelled fucking gorgeous.

I gently bite into his chest which made him moan. I grawled at his T-shirt. I was salivating so much that I soaked his T-shirt with my spit.

I reached up and kissed his mouth. As I kissed him, I took off his shirt and then his spit soaked T-shirt. I unbuckled his belt, unsnapped and unzipped his trousers. As I lowered his trousers to the floor, I followed them down. I knelt on the floor and savored his crotch, just has he had done to me. I was following his lead, whatever he had done to me up to that point, I wanted to do back to him.

I ran my mouth across the material that encased his massive manhood. His crotch smelled just as good as Mr. Ingeldue said my crotch had smelled. I, too, sucked his balls into my mouth through the material of his underwear.

He pulled me back up to his mouth. Again, we press our brief clad bodies together. Our cocks mingling with each other as we tongued each other's mouths. "I'," I stammered between kisses. My cock had never been this hard before either.

Mr. Ingeldue broke our kiss and knelt before me. He took his thumb and forefinger and grabbed the waistband of my underwear. He pulled my underwear door to the floor. I put my hands on his shoulders to balance myself as I left each leg to step out of them.

There I was totally naked, standing there with my hands still on Mr. Ingeldue's shoulders. He grabbed my boner and proceeded to tongue the head of my cock. He darted his tongue into my piss slit to clean up the pre-cum that was flowing from it. That drove me absolutely nuts, and he knew it, too.

He continued to pleasure me with his tongue. He ran his tongue up and down my shaft. He licked on my balls, taking them into his mouth one at a time. He laid me down on the floor. With his head between my legs he, spread my ass cheeks and shoved his tongue into my crack. I jumped, but he gently pulled me back. He ate my ass so good that it made me moan.

He then removed his underwear and carefully positioned himself over me with his cock over my head. Again, I followed Mr. Ingeldue's leading. He was still sucking my cock, so I imitated every move that he was making.

When he used his tongue on my shaft, I used my tongue on his shaft. When he ate the head of my cock. I ate the head of his cock. He then took his finger and placed it on my rosebud. I followed suit. I began to feel pressure on my asshole, not really knowing what was going on here, I followed suit, I put pressure with my finger on his asshole.

He applied so much pressure on my asshole that his finger slipped into my asshole. I yelped, but I put more pressure on his asshole and soon my finger slipped into his hole. He moaned. Apparently, he must have done this before. I yelped and he moaned, hum?

He inched his way into my hole with his finger, as did I in his hole. Soon he was working his way in and out of my hole. I was so engrossed at what was happening to my ass that I forgot to follow suit. Mr. Ingeldue realized this, but he didn't say anything. He just continued to fuck me with his finger. He had me arockin' and arollin' right there on the floor.

"I'm going to give you the real thing," Mr. Ingeldue said as he gave me a toothy grin. He had me roll over and get on my haunches. He got up and went to his desk. He opened up a drawer and grabbed a tube. He got down behind me. I felt something cold and gooey filling my ass. A short after that, I felt a pain like I had never felt before and it was going from my ass. Mr. Ingeldue had shoved his cock into my ass.

Oh man, did this ever hurt. Every inch that he shoved into me felt like a fucking mile. In a little while, however, the pain subsided and was replaced with pleasure. He then start to fuck me with a steady rhythm. I was really getting into this.

He pumped fast, then he would pump slow. He thrust in and out of me like a piston, then he would slowly fuck me. I didn't know what was happening, but I felt like I was about to cum without any aid from a hand, mouth or ass.

Mr. Ingeldue started to shake. I knew this feeling, he was about to cum. I sometimes get this way when I jack off and I am about ready to shoot a massive load.

A massive load wasn't the word for it. At least 8 times Mr. Ingeldue exploded his manly load into my gut. About the time he shot I let go of a load like you wouldn't believe. I filled his carpet with my hot, white, creamy man juice, as Mr. Ingeldue filled my ass with the very same type of cum.

His exhausted body collapsed on me. I fell to the floor, not only a satisfied teen, but a much wiser one, too. Now, I know that a guy can cum with out touching himself, just by touching a very special place hidden in the depths of my body.

I even got my turn at fucking Mr. Ingeldue, hot ass. You talk about something that fucking great. That was hot! That year was the best year of my high school career. Mr. Ingeldue and I had alot of counselling sessions that year and I had to serve alot of detention, too. Pretty good for getting a boner in study hall, huh?

Any comments? Drop me an email and tell me about your high school happenings at

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