More Than Best Friends

By moc.liamtoh@eman_pukcab

Published on Jan 31, 2008



Best Friends in More then one Way

My friend Billy and Myself (Joey), have been friends since second grade, which is when we were both seven, when me met we quickly became inseparable. I think that most of the time we spent together growing up was just two really close friends, until we hit high school and I started to become kind of curious about my sexuality. I of course would never tell anyone, including Billy who I believe would completely understand, it's just that feeling of what if that you always have in the back of your head. Like what if he doesn't like me anymore, or what if he tells everyone, this is what kept me from saying anything for almost ten years.

In high school me and Billy started to drink a lot and go to a lot of parties all throughout grade nine through twelve, lots of times we would drink with just our close friends, and when we get drunk we usually got horny, and since he wasn't aloud to have many girls over we would playfully screw around like smacking each others asses and what not nothing to sexual or really gay.

Well in Grade eleven we went to Julie's party and when we got there we quickly separated trying to find some sex. After about six beers and three shots I was pretty hammered out of my mind and I easily talked a girl named Jenny to blow me off while I was on the couch, which she did and I must say it felt pretty dam good. (I know you are not here to here straight sex stories) It took only about ten minutes for her to blow me until I cam and amazingly she swallowed it and giggled and ran off. I zipped up feeling really happy I got off and went to find Joey because I was getting bored. I found him talking to Julie, and being the nice person I was I left him alone so he could try to get with her as I went to take a piss, and came back out of the washroom to see him being slapped by Julie, I laughed and walked over to him and was like "What's going on man"

"Nothing man tried to get with Julie, but she aint budgin"

"That sucks man, are you ready are you want to keep tryin" I say as I look at my watch which read 1:34am. "Yea man lets gets out of here, it's a long walk home" he quickly said sounding pissed he didn't get anything from anyone.

We walked back to his house in the cold. We were both freezing our balls off while we were competing who had more to drink, or who smoked more dope. When we finally got back to his house he opened the door and we took off our shoes and coats and he loudly yelled "FUCK I REALLY WANTED TO GET A BJ OR TO GET LAID"

I started to laugh and say "That's kinda funny the roles got shifted today man"

He demanded "What do you mean by that"

"Well I got a blowjob from Jenny on the couch" I proudly explained and just to fill you in on a background of all of this. In our friendship Joey always got all the girls he went after because he was really charming and knew how to talk them into him gettin laid or getting a BJ. But I was the one that rarely got anything, even though I now pretty much assumed I was on the gayer side of Bi, I needed to keep up my image. Now also to describe Joey and I. Myself first I have red hair that hangs just below my ears, blue eyes, 5 11, pale as hell, and I am kinda a big guy but in no way fat, now Joey... he is a tanned kid just a few cm shorter then me has hazel eyes, shaggy hair built so nicely, beautiful six pack. So I knew I was a bit gay and I had a huge crush on Joey... he is just so hot.

"WTF you got a blowjob and I didn't that's hardly fair"

"Aww boo hoo, you always get the chicks bud today was my turn"

"Fuck you man, you know how bad I wanted one" also Joeys is a somewhat angry drunk which is usually funny.

"O well I got it today maybe next time"

"Yea whatever you wanna watch porn I'm so horny"

"Sure thing but I already got off" I say laughin trying to tease him.

He kinda smirks but he looks mad so I start to lay off. Ten minutes into watching two lame lesbian make out he says "this porn is shit lets go to bed"

I laugh and say sure I go up the stairs first as he follows and when we get to his room I go in and I hear him slam the door behind him and say "so you think its funny that you got a blow job and I didn't eh!" "Well how would you like it if I made you blow me off right here and now bitch!!?"

Now he is stronger then me but I can hold my own, usually I would be happy to blow him, but not under the circumstances right now so I say "I'll assume that you are really smashed right now so why don't you just go to bed buddy"

"Don't fucking patronize me asshole or you will be blowing me right now"

Keep in mind I'm really drunk and don't have good judgment "OK fuck off man, I don't really know who the fuck you think you are talking to but I aint some bitch who will take your shit asshole so go to bed and calm the fuck down or else!"

"That's it asshole" he quickly moves to tackle me down to the floor which he succeeds, and now is sitting on my chest saying, "did you actually think you could beat me in a fight bitch"

I quickly move back and forth jumbling him off me and we start to wrestle and I get on him "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you but get one thing straight I AINT your bitch asshole" as I push harder down "GOT IT?!"

He looks up at me and I get off and turn to go take a piss as he gets up. When I get back I walk into the room and know one is there so I close the door and all of a sudden I am on the ground face down with my hand behind me and he click something on my wrists, and I yell "what the hell are you doing you crazy fucker" as I realize that they are his Dads handcuffs (his Dad is a cop). He turns me around and he is only in his boxers. He sits on my chest as I calmly say "hey Joey think about what you are going to do we have been friends for ten years almost, you are jus mad calm down sleep it off, you will regret this in the morning"

He leans into me and whispers this into my ear "you think that you can insult me and get away with it, think again...and you are my bitch ass he pinches my nipple and I wince in pain beggin him to stop.

"shut up you pussy" he says as he pulls his beautiful cock out of his boxers and rubs it on my lips I try to squirm away but it pisses him off and he says "you no that you want this nice thick juicy cock in your mouth now OPEN" (ok his cock it probably seven inches long and he is cut)

I tell him to fuck himself and quickly close my mouth.

He says "hmm maybe hmmm" I lay there confused about that statement.

He then pinches my nose and I open my mouth for air and he shoves his semi hard cock in my mouth and grabs my chin and say "no teeth and you better suck it good or I might have to take a picture of you in this position"

I now quickly get scared and start to slowly suck him. And he says "mmm suck it like jenny sucked yours bitch"

As I suck his nice cock I am really embarrassed about everything but can tell he is incredibly drunk and probably won't remember anything. I decide to start sucking faster so it will end soon since this is not the way I wanted it to happen. He start to say things like "mmm so good, god you are now my bitch, I no longer need to hassles chicks I got my own personal cock sucker" "mmm prepare to swallow all my cum bitch and you better swallow"

I can feel the pressure of his dick and can tell as he rams my head all the way down and said "swallow my juices BITCH" as he came in my mouth and I try to swallow and finally there is nothing left. And he pulls up and stands up and says "wow u you look like a little bitch right now with cum all over your face"


"Don't talk to me like that, and I haven't done anything yet" as he grabs me and pulls me up still handcuffed and pushes me on the bed "I will be nice and let you have the bed tonight" as he leaves I start to get up and try to find the keys but he walks back in and shoves me to the bed face down and uncuffs me, and recuffs me to the bed post with one hand and the other with the other hand and pulls off my jeans n boxers while I kick and handcuffs me to the bed by my legs. I am now spread eagle on the bed helpless.

So I now do what anyone in this position does which is yell at the top of my lungs (BTW no one is home) "SHUT THE FCUK UP" as he grabs his sock and shoves it in my mouth "there that should do the trick" he then leaves and it feels like he is gone for an hour but probably only half of that and he comes back and puts something cold on my ass crack and I immediately know what he is going to do.

I start to struggle and say through the sock as best I can "please don't Joeys I'm you best friend please don't do this"

"Cant here you bitch the sock is in your cock sucking mouth" as he pushes a finger in my hole I scream and squirm, you then slap my ass hard saying don't move as you finger fuck my ass hard.

"Owww I moan it hurts so much"

"Y-o-u a-r-e m-y b-i-t-c-h, and I plan to fuck you tonight, you want that eh?"

"No please"

He then pushes two fingers in and start to finger me hard saying "You are lucky I'm loosening you up like this bitch I could just ram it in you" he then removes them and gets on top of me, and start to fuck my crack the he starts poking at my hole saying "you are going to love this..."

TO BE CONTINUED ... Please let me know what you thought... I have already written part two.

Email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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