More than a Hug

By Alex

Published on Dec 28, 1999



My name is Alex and I am, or thought I was, a very heterosexual male. I am a white male of average build and I have, what I was told, beautiful brown bedroom eyes. I was in my late 20's when I went through my divorce with a real bitch of a wife. We had three children that we both loved very much and it seemed that was all that we had in common. I had left her and found a nice apartment all to myself. I spent most of my time sitting in the apartment feeling sorry for myself and wishing that things could have been different. I also separated myself from all of my friends and family because I was ashamed of how my life had turned out.

About a month after I had left my wife I was sitting in my apartment next to the fireplace sipping my favorite wine. I was in no mood to see or speak with anybody. The doorbell rang and I thought about not answering. Whoever was on the other side of the door was quite persistent and continued to ring the bell until I finally gave in and answered the door. On the other side was the huge smile of a very close friend of mine. His name is Donald. He is a very muscular athletic black male and kind of on the short side. We met on a temporary job that I was working as security for a small motel chain. Don asked if he could come in and talk to me for a while. I told him that I really wasn't in the mood for guest. With that he almost pushed his way in and told me that he wasn't a guest. He was a very concerned, close friend. Knowing that it would be futile to try to talk him out of staying I offered him a seat on the couch.

Don sat down and I took my place on the floor in front of the fireplace. He told me that he was really concerned about me. He also told me that what I was doing was not healthy and that I couldn't spend the rest of my life alone in my apartment. I told him that I felt like I had lost everything in my life and at the present I didn't care if I lived or died. I was just so lonely and feeling terribly bad for and about myself. With those words out of my mouth I began to cry. Seeing that I was having one hell of a pity party, Don came over and sat on the floor next to me. He put his arm around my shoulders and told me that I should just let everything out, to let the tears flow. He assured me that I would feel better afterwards.

Well, I took his advice and cried a real river. I was somewhat embarrassed sitting there next to my best friend crying like a baby. I had never done that before in my life. It wasn't, what my father called, "MANLY". My sobbing and telling Don about my feelings went on for what seemed like an eternity. The whole time Don was massaging my shoulders and listening very intently. After I had settled down a bit Don looked me straight in the eye and told me that no matter what I thought of myself that he loved me and that he would be there for me anytime that I needed him. With that said, he hugged me very hard and long. I reciprocated that hug feeling very much like I was indeed wanted. The hug was what I needed, even though it was from another man.

We both sat around and talked and drank wine for most of the evening. I was finally opening up and feeling quite a bit better about my life in general. I thanked Don and told him that I owed him more than he could ever imagine for helping me through my tough time. I walked over to where Don was sitting on the couch and stuck my hand out for a handshake. Don smiled and reached up and grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to him. We again hugged and I felt his hands wandering up and down my back. I became a little concerned that our hug was more than a hug. Don leaned closer and whispered in my ear words that almost made my blood freeze, "Alex, I really do love you more than you will know." I pulled away from him and sat back and stared right at him. I asked him what he meant by that. Don told me that he has always admired me and has secretly wanted me sexually since we first met. I didn't know how to respond to that so I just sat there kind of dumbfounded. To think that another man would want me, a heterosexual man. I was very apprehensive and just sat and stared at Don.

Don slid closer to me and gently placed his hand on my thigh. He told me that it would be a wonderful experience for both of us and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me or that I didn't want to do. I didn't move away from him, but I didn't respond to him either. I just sat there dumbly. Soon I felt Don's hand slide up to my chest and rub it gently. He began to fiddle with the buttons on my shirt until they were all opened and my shirt hung opened. He then rubbed his hands over my chest stopping at each of my nipples to give them a light pinch. Don lowered his face to my chest and began to suck and bite my nipples gently. I all of a sudden felt like I was in heaven. How could I feel good about another man doing this to me? I even heard a moan escape my lips and that scared me at first.

Don stopped what he was doing and looked me right in the eye and asked me if I wanted him to stop. I told him that it really felt good to me but that I felt strange with the fact that another man was doing this to me. Don told me to just relax and let things happen and that if I felt really awkward that he would stop. I took his advice and just laid back on the couch and let nature take its course. Don leaned me forward so he could remove my shirt and then he started rubbing my shoulders, neck and chest. He went back to work on my nipples while his hands started to open my belt and pants. I was so engrossed over the lip service that my nipples were getting that I didn't even notice that Don was able to get my pants and underwear down and off. So there I was, in total nudity on my couch with my best friend servicing me. When I finally came out of my deep trance I felt really naked next to Don. Don realized how I was feeling and he stood and took off all of his clothes. I never realized just how muscular Don was. He had beautiful rippling chest and arm muscles. His ass was tight and firm and he had one of the biggest cocks that I had ever seen, not that I had seen that many.

Don walked over and pulled me up off of the couch and we went over to the floor next to the fireplace. We sat down and he leaned in and kissed me deeply. I found that I was returning the kiss. Our hands wandered over each others bodies as if we were exploring for the first time. Don broke off the kiss and moved down and took my cock into his mouth and licked it from top to bottom. After doing this for a short while he moved to my balls and licked and sucked them until I began to moan. Knowing that I needed relief soon he went back to my cock and gave me the best blowjob that I have ever in my life had, and I have had plenty, only from women. I began to buck into his face telling him that I was going to explode and that caused him to suck all the harder. I then blew a huge amount of cum into his mouth and Don continued to suck until I was limp. Then he quickly moved up and kissed me again. This time my cum was in his mouth and we swapped it back and forth a few times before he finally swallowed it.

I was spent and feeling more than just good. We hugged and laid next to each other for quite a while. I felt that I really owed Don a debt of gratitude and I really wanted to return the sexual favor, but that is another story all together.

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