More Science Than Art

By william michael

Published on Feb 3, 2024


More Science than Art Consider a donation to keep the fun coming

"Um, hello?"

At the sound of the voice; low, soft and feminine, the boy looked up from his small work table in the small garage, or perhaps large shed. The speaker was standing in the doorway of the double doors that were opened on the seasonably warm day.

"Yes, can I do something for you?" the boy asked.

"We just moved in across the street and my dad was wondering if you might have a number two Philips head screwdriver that he could borrow? About this big?"

The last was added while holding up two hands to show the size. The boy, Albert McNeil by name, was still looking at the girl and was slow in answering. She was the focus of all his attention. She was nearly, if not actually, six feet tall with broad shoulders. She was wearing overall shorts that went to about three quarters of the way to her knees. Her top was a short sleeved tee shirt and the combination showed arms and legs that were well muscled but not of the gym sort. She looked like she might have grown up on a farm, or ranch, and possessed genetics that any professional strength athlete would have coveted.

He on the other hand was a good half head shorter, of slighter build with a pair of glasses that had magnifiers pushed up out of the way. On the bench in front of him was a piece of wood that was being shaped into some sort of bird. The wall in front of him held racks with an array of carving and cutting tools. Against the back wall the tools were of the mechanical variety plus two large rolling tool cabinets.

"Your dad?" was the first words he could manage.

"Yes, we moved in across the street yesterday. My dad needs to put together one of those flat pack bookcases and all his tools are in the back of the garage. Poor planning."

"Oh, okay, hang on," he said, getting up and moving back to one of the big tool chests. He pulled open a drawer and removed a screwdriver and when he turned he found the girl standing little more than an arm's length away. He visibly started and she took a step back.

"Ooops, sorry. Wow, this place is so well organized. A place for everything and everything in its place, huh?" she said, flashing him a brief, if brilliant smile.

"Um, well, I generally only use the ones here in front of my bench. All those were my grandfathers, he left them to me."

He handed the tool to the girl and saw that the hand that took it was large but had slender fingers that gently wrapped around the handle. Then she was offering the other hand which he took and shook briefly.

"Jennifer Brown."

"Albert McNeil, Al."

"So, you do woodcarving?" she asked.

"Among other things."

She nodded then said,

"Well, thank you for the loan of the screwdriver. I'll be sure to have it back by tomorrow morning if that's okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

With another flash of a smile, she turned and walked down the driveway. He couldn't help but notice how tight the overalls were over her ass. It looked as muscular as the rest of her. But the lasting impression he had was of the angelic face that had been so close to his when he had turned around. Finely chiseled features, large luminous hazel eyes with just a touch of gold. The dazzling smile, if even so briefly displayed. And a headful of mahogany hair that flowed over one shoulder and half way down her back. He wondered.

But he had to get back to his work. He had an order to fill. That night he found it difficult to get to sleep. The bulge in his pajama pants was insistent so he finally had to slip them off and begin to give the thick shaft a slow, steady stroking. Behind his closed eyes was the image of two large, hazel eyes and a bright smile. It took perhaps twenty minutes but then he was lifting his hips up off the mattress and shooting thick streams off cum into the air where it then cascaded back onto his stomach and chest.

He reached to his nightstand and took some tissues and cleaned up the mess. It helped and he finally began to slip into a sleep that was full of dreams. Hopeful, yet hopeless, dreams. As usual the next morning he was up shortly after sunrise, had his breakfast and was out in the shed working on finishing the bird from the day before. He gave it a few finishing touches and then took it from the bench and carried it to a cabinet next to the tool chests. With the cabinet opened he could add the bird to a number of other pieces that were already inside.

"Wow, you made all of those?" came that voice from behind him.

He carefully placed the bird on a shelf and then turned. There she stood, there were the eyes, the smile, that hair. She was holding the screwdriver in one of those large, long fingered hands. He nodded. She was looking over his shoulder and her eyes were wide.

"You're very talented. What do you do with all those?" she asked.

"I sell them."

She nodded and then held out the screwdriver.

"My dad says thank you. It really annoyed him that he had to borrow one. He's a little like your granddad must have been. Very organized, always the right tool for the right job."

"Um, would you like to sit down?" he asked, not sure where that came from.

"Sure, if you don't mind you can tell me something about the school. I guess you go there?"

"You mean Southridge High School, yeah, I go there," he said with a shrug. "Probably like every other public high school. Lots of kids, not enough teachers, way too much crap. I'd think you'd have a better time of it, though."

"Oh, yeah, why's that?"

"Well, you're really attractive so I'd guess the guys will all be checking you out. I figure you'd probably be in with the jocks too, that's a big plus."

"Why do you figure that?"

"Um, well, you're tall and you look like your strong so..."

She nodded again and looked at him and said,

"For your information, I am tall and I am strong, but I also happen to be a straight A student in math and science, I like to read Victorian novels and play the piano. And when I get to that school I'm pretty sure I'll get just as much crap, as you say, as you probably have. Right?"

"Um, yes," he said, trying to pull his eyes away from hers but he couldn't. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed those things. It's just that you look like those girls that seem to have all the friends and boyfriends and..." his voice trailed off and he sort of slumped in on himself.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Jennifer began. "This is all relatively new," she said, gesturing to herself. "It's taken some getting used to. Why don't we try starting over."

She held out a hand and said, "Hi, I'm Jennifer."

"Hello, Albert here."

"Hi, Albert. May I look at your carvings?"

"Sure," he said, standing back to let her get a closer look.

"Wow, these are so life like. You really are talented."

"Thank you."

"You said you sell them. How? Internet, craft fairs?"

"No, there's someone who has a store in town. She buys them from me and then sells them. She gives me an idea of what's popular and I take it from there."

She stood upright and turned her attention back on him. He couldn't help but take a step back but he maintained eye contact.

"I don't bite, you know," she said.

"I'm sure you don't. I'm just not very good with people. You know, being close together, that sort of thing."

She gave him a pout that set off all sorts of tingles and said,

"Really? That's too bad. Once I get to know someone, I tend to be a little touchy feely. You know, hugs and things."

He dipped his head and she heard him mumble.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that."

His head came up and he said a little louder, "I wouldn't mind."

She regarded him and thought she had never seen someone who looked like they needed a hug more so she stepped forward and before he could react she had him wrapped up in two, long strong arms and pulled against a firm body that he thought he could get lost in. She pulled her head back and looked at him and said,

"I like to give hugs. I love to get them back. What do you think?"

It took a moment but then she felt two arms slip around her back and tighten a bit.

"That's more like it. See, not so bad, huh?"

She felt his head swivel in the negative, then the arms fell away from her back so she released her grip. When she could see his face she saw he was flushed but had a bit of a smile. She saw the chair and with a gesture asked if she could sit to which he nodded. So she folded herself into it and crossed her long, muscular legs. He perched on his work stool.

"So, do you think it's likely you and I will become friends?" she asked matter-of-factly.

He thought for a moment, more about how to say what he thought instantly.

"I would think so, but it might take some patience on your part. I don't seem to have much success in that area."

"Why is that?"

"Hardly anyone our age is interested in the things I am, and I can't find anything of interest in the things they do. Like I said I have a problem relating to most people and since I'm so different than how my granddad was, they think something is wrong with me."

"So, your grandfather knew a lot of people in town?" she asked.

"He knew everyone. He used to take me into town now and again and he was always waving or calling to someone. We'd stop in to stores and shops and he'd chat while someone was slipping me some sort of treat. There is no way I could live up to that. So I stay here," the last being said quietly.

"I was going to ask you to show me around town, but I guess that wouldn't be a good idea," she said, looking a little disappointed.

"I could show you some things, some places."

"Are you sure that's okay?"

He was surprised he made the offer but that wasn't a face you could say no to. He stood up and said,

"We could start now with a walk around the neighborhood. I just need to lock up."

So he did, and they did, walking several blocks away in all directions, seeing mostly more houses but he explained how it used to be all farm land except for a couple of farm houses, his being one. His great grandfather started selling sections of the farm where other's had just sold out wholesale. His grandfather used some of the money that was left to him to develop some of the remaining farm land on his own and made some real money that way, that was then invested in commercial real estate and businesses in town.

Jennifer was getting the idea that the unassuming house and property was hiding some significant wealth. She wondered what was going on with the boy that had him so withdrawn. Although she wasn't thinking it, the reality was that she never saw a creature in trouble that she didn't try to help. At the old house she had a small menagerie of furry and feathery animals that she had nursed back to health, as well as a small cemetery for those that she couldn't. As they walked she regarded the boy with an appraising eye.

When they returned to his house, or shed as the case was, she thanked him for the tour, wished him a good night and suggested they could do the same tomorrow for another part of town. He indicated he would be willing once noon had passed, so he could get on with some work he had. She agreed and as she walked down the driveway, he couldn't help watching. Ten minutes later all thoughts about the next day were overshadowed by a message he had on his phone. He smiled slightly and went into the house. Once he and his step grandmother had eaten he went to his room as usual. He took a shower as usual and then waited until he was sure she was ensconced in her own room, probably already asleep.

Then as the moon shone down he was out the window, down the convenient tree limb and then trunk until he could drop down into the back yard and then it was out into the unplanted garden plot. Eager for what was to come, he hurried along a path for about a quarter mile until he arrived at a large clearing that was occupied by a single, large RV trailer that when new was probably top of the line, but was now showing signs of wear. He walked up to the steps and leaned forward to knock on the door in a short staccato pattern.

"Come on ahead."

He went up the two steps and then opened the door. The interior lights were low but bright enough to show that the interior was not what would be needed for a trip to just about anywhere. All the kitchen fittings had been removed and the walls were lined with comfortable couches. The floor was covered with thick carpeting with equally thick padding underneath. Sitting on one of those couches was a black man in his early fifties perhaps, probably on a par with the boy as far as height was concerned but probably weighed twice as much and the difference was all the gym muscles that were clearly on display as he sat naked. As he regarded Albert he lightly stroked the thick cock that rested on one thigh.

Albert smiled and pulled the door closed behind him, clicking the lock. Then he immediately began to shed his clothes and when he was done he stood displaying the thin frame and the erect cock that was the equal of what was now full hard and rising up from between the heavily muscled legs on the couch. The man rose and approached the boy who met him half way and they were quickly sharing an embrace that included deep tongue kissing and hip grinding. After a few minutes they pulled apart and the man said,

"Damn, Albert, you are certainly in need tonight. Your grandmother cramping your style?" he said, talking hold of the long thick white cock and stroking it.

"No, my step grandmother still pretty much ignores me. Just a little tired of jerking off, want a mouth and ass."

"What a nice coincidence, I happen to have both in need of a nice big dick."

Using the hand already in place he tugged the boy along until they were near the couch where he sat down so that his mouth was on a level with the boy's cock and he began to work it over with tongue and lips.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, you have such a great mouth," the boy said as his head tilted back.

The older man covered the bulbous head with his full lips and began a slow process that eventually had the entire shaft in his mouth and the head moving down his throat. After a few transits up and down the boy took hold of his head and began to face fuck his older lover. A strong pair of hands grabbed the boy's ass cheeks and pulled him in. It didn't take long for the inevitable.

"Oh, shit, I'm gonna cum."

Albert's cock was now locked with lips just behind the head as he began to pump his load into that willing, waiting mouth. It was a big load and some of it wound up dripping out and down the dark skin of the man's chin. When Albert pulled out, whatever was left on his dick was licked off. It was the most satisfying cum he had had in weeks but he was just getting started. With a hand on his chest, Albert urged his friend onto his back so he could get access to his fat black dick. While no deep throat artist the boy was enthusiastic, thorough and skilled. With mouth and hands he had the cock rock hard and dripping and within minutes, shooting a hot load both in his mouth and all over both of them.

He sat back onto the floor while they caught their breath. He always liked to run his hands over the hard muscle of the man' s thighs and abdomen. Neither had gotten soft and with only a bit of coaxing were back up hard. His older lover got on the floor on all fours and pushed his rock solid ass cheeks up into the air. Albert got his face down to those hot cheeks and began to kiss and lick, letting his tongue slide over the tight winking hole. Then his tongue was poking at the ring, eventually forcing his way in.

"Oh, fuck, kid, yeah, you know how to work an asshole. Get that big dick up inside me."

Albert spit and dribbled more spit onto the now slick ring and then brought his rejuvenated dick to press against the lubed asshole and started pressing in. That hard muscular ass started pressing back and it didn't take long for the head to disappear which got a groan from somewhere near the floor. With more pushing and back and forthing, it wasn't long before the whole thick shaft was inside that hot tight ass with white hips pressed against black ass cheeks. Then the energetic ass fucking began. He may not have had much muscle, but what he had did have some staying power.

The sound of skin slapping skin filled the trailer as the boy vigorously fucked that older black ass. He reached forward and took hold of the well-muscled shoulders and went into overdrive.

"Damn, boy, whatever you got into to make you this horny, I hope you have a whole lot of it."

Albert finally dropped forward over that broad, solidly muscled back and began short stroke fucking until he pushed in hard and began to shoot heavy streams of cum. Before he was done he felt the body underneath him buck and heave as more cum was fired from that big black dick out onto the carpet.

"Shit, boy, I thought I was horny tonight. That's why I love my boys."

Albert slid back out of the now messy ass and sat down on the cushy carpet.

"And why I love a tight mature ass," he said with a slight smile.

"You in a hurry?"

"No," he replied. "I got at least one more in me."

"Good, give me ten minutes to catch my breath and have a drink."

After twelve minutes had passed, Albert had his friend on his back on the floor, his legs up, and his ass being slowly filled with that freshly swollen white cock. Once he was balls deep he was pulled down to rest his body on those big chest muscles while his hips were captured by a pair of very strong, very large legs with ankles crossed.

Albert started fucking the not quite so tight ass while kissing those soft wet lips and sucking the tongue that was probing his mouth. They fell into a rhythm that let them pace themselves and make this last cum of the night take it's time in arriving. But with all the tongue sucking and ass grabbing, Albert wasn't able to last forever and finally with some heavy grunting he began to buck and shoot his load. When he was done he pushed back and got his hands on the thick black shaft and stroked it until it was shooting a cum load on that shiny black skin.

"Jesus, that was fantastic. Thanks, kid. This should hold me a for a while."

"I hope so for me, too. Who knows," he said thinking about a tight ass in cargo shorts strolling down his driveway.

After a quick clean up and getting his clothes back on, he left his friend still laying on the carpet for the short walk home in the dark. With care, he was back up the tree and into his room. In minutes, he was sound asleep with no long session of chaotic thoughts and worries. He woke up a little later than usual but after the night's revelry his sleep had been deep and undisturbed, and with the multiple major orgasms, he was relaxed. After breakfast he made his way down to the shed and began to prepare his carvings for delivery.

Each was checked, wiped with a treated cloth and placed on the work bench. He was nearly finished well before noon when a message hit his phone that annoyed him slightly. His customer was running late and likely wouldn't be there until around 1230. With no other option he finished what he was doing, locked the door and went around to the back of the shed, through a gate in the old fence to any even larger building. He remained there until noon and then returned to his small work shop to wait.

It was Jennifer who was the first to walk up the driveway, dressed in a similar fashion to the prior day but the shorts seemed shorter and the fishing style shirt was tied up at the bottom, showing a few inches of flat bare stomach and several buttons were undone, showing a touch of cleavage.

"Hello, Al, how are you doing today?"

"Fine, thanks," he replied with none of the confidence he had shown during his session with his mature friend.

"Don't worry, I'm not really being nosey. I just always ask how someone is doing, but I do mean it when I ask."

"No, it's okay. Hardly anyone seems to be interested in that since Granddad died," he said with a shrug.

Little alarm bells were going off inside her head, but a slightly louder voice said, "later, now is not the time."

She was then distracted by all the carvings that were on display so she stepped up to the table and bent down to examine them more closely. The display of her well rounded, solid ass was not lost on the boy but his reaction was to move back a step.

"These are really amazing."

"Thank you."

"Are they out here for a reason?"

"Yes, someone is coming to pick them up in a little bit."

"Oh, do you want me to .." she gestured toward the door.

"Oh, no, it's okay."

Jennifer went back to examining the carvings until she heard a vehicle pull into the driveway. When she stood up and looked, she saw that it was a small van and a middle aged woman was stepping out.

"I apologize, Albert. I'm afraid one of my vendors made a major mistake and I had to spend too much time getting it straightened out. Not nearly as reliable as you are. Oh, hello, who is this?"

"Oh, Ms. Smith, this is Jennifer Brown. Her family just moved in across the street. Jennifer, this is Ms. Smith. She owns the Handcrafted Notions shop in town."

"Nice to meet you."

"Same here, dear. So you're in the old Anderson house. The poor old dear should have sold ten years ago. She was such a nice lady but stubborn. Oh well, anyway, let's see what you have for me, Albert."

The woman took some time to carefully examine what was displayed. The she stood up and seemed to be clicking off items on a mental list. Then she smiled.

"Well done, dear. Exactly what we talked about and done so well. I will be taking them all, of course and here is what we agreed to," she said as she handed the boy an envelope. "And just a thought dear, I've had some interest in carvings like this but painted. Perhaps you could think about that."

"I'm not much with a brush but I'll see what might be possible. As to the future, could we take a break. I need to look into some things and it might be a few weeks before I can start on more of these."

"I think that should be okay. It's early summer and I won't need Christmas stock for a few months yet."

With that settled she went to her van, pulled out a box that seemed to have a roll of bubble wrap in it and came back and began to wrap up each item and place it in the box. She was efficient and quick and was soon on her way. Albert sat on his stool and looked as Jennifer regarded him from her superior height. He seemed more relaxed if not more talkative.

"So this is more a business than it is a hobby?"

"I guess so, although it's not like I could make a living out of it. It's the carving I enjoy so if I didn't have a way to sell them, they'd wind up cluttering up the shed. Um, if it's not too forward, since I have some spare money, would you like to go get some lunch. If you haven't already eaten that is."

"I don't think it's too forward at all. Yes, that would be very nice. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, we have all the fast food choices, a couple of good pizza places and a very good diner," he said.

"Hmm, I could go for a diner hot turkey sandwich," she replied.

"Diner it is then. It's walkable so let me shut everything up and we'll be off."

Once he felt the shed was secure he gestured for her to join him in walking down the driveway. After yesterday the first part of the walk was familiar but soon they were into town and it was all new for Jennifer. It was a mix of new and old and she found lots to look out. She also noticed that Albert received a fair share of attention with waves and a few greetings from people they encountered. The tall muscular girl received more than a few glances in passing. When they reached the diner they entered and were greeted by an older woman whose reaction could best be called neutral.

She directed them to a booth and got them settled. She took their drinks orders and left two menus. Jennifer waited until she was out of sight before saying,

"She didn't seem too thrilled to see us," Jennifer offered.

"I would have been amazed if she was. Her nickname is Stoneface. Not too original but completely accurate. Don't take it personally. There's a story that some guy tried to skip out on his check, she stopped him at the door, kicked him where it counts, pushed him head first into the wall and never broke the stone face."

Stoneface returned with their drinks and took their orders. Jennifer took the opportunity to bring up something that occurred to her back at the work shed.

"Um, Al, I heard what that lady said about painting some of those carvings. I'm pretty good with a paint brush."

"Okay, um, I'll find something you can use and then we can show it to Ms. Smith and see if she likes it. I thought you were into math and science. When did you take up art?"

"I started with the art stuff. I was two when I found a watercolor set that my mother bought on a whim then decided I was too young. Turned out I wasn't. I was doing oil paint by numbers by four. I haven't done much the last couple of years, but I'm sure I'd do fine."

"May I see your hand a minute, please?"

Jennifer looked surprised but offered her hand from across the table. He didn't touch it but looked closely then looked back up.

"Yeah, I guess with those long, slender fingers you'd handle a paintbrush just fine. I imagine the same is true for the piano."

"You'd be correct. It does make it easier although I do have to spin the stool all the way down so my knees get under the keyboard."

He looked at her, seeing a prettier version of Stoneface across from him until it was broken by the most dazzling smile he had ever seen in person. He even managed one.

"Ohhh, that's a nice smile. You should do it more."

"I tell you what. Let's have a nice lunch, we'll walk around town some more and then when we get back home I'll try and explain why I don't, okay?"

"Okay," she agreed, not sure if she had made some sort of breakthrough or had pushed him too hard.

So they ate their lunch talking about nothing of much significance. She did ask some questions about what to expect at the new school. He indicated she should be pretty happy one way or another as the Math and Science departments were top rated and they had a pretty decent Arts program. He made no mention about sports because she didn't and had never indicated any such preference regardless of her size and strength.

After they were done they hit the sidewalk again and he continued the guided tour pointing out a few places his grandfather had a hand in, as well as the old high school which had been converted into an apartment building some years before and the new school complex based on a new county wide system was, `over that way' punctuated with a point in the direction of the other side of town from where they lived.

He looped them around to take them out of the business district and back into a mix of homes and small parks. Then it was back to their neighborhood and a more concentrated section of homes, the result of redeveloped farms. As they walked up the driveway, Jennifer began to get a bit nervous. She was beginning to like the taciturn young man and was hoping she would find a way to break through his somber façade.

"Please, have a seat," he said once the doors were opened and he was settling on to the stool.

She sat back in the chair and once again crossed those long, mostly bare legs.

"Okay, so, as promised here's the story. I've lived in this house all my life. So have six or seven generations. I'm sure somewhere there's a book that shows which of my ancestors were involved in settling this area. So that's some of the good stuff. On the other side, my mother died when I was less than a year old, I have no memory of her whatsoever. I do know that she was very pretty, I've seen pictures. According to Granddad she was very smart but kind of a hippie. My dad, Granddad's son, was kind of a wandering soul. Finished high school but didn't go to college, went on a `journey of discovery' instead, several times in fact, coming home each time he ran out of money or once, having contracted malaria and had to do some serious recuperating.

"On the last such journey he met my mother and brought her home, already pregnant. When she died he went into a deep depression, Granddad said. He went through a lot of therapy, medications, and some more unconventional treatments. At some point when I was about four, Granddad and my step grandmother had themselves appointed my guardians. When I was six my dad decided he was in good enough shape to go out and try to find himself. Apparently that meant doing stupid and dangerous stuff because after a year or so he died in some sort of accident. It didn't change things a great deal since Granddad had been acting as my father and it went on that way.

"We tried the usual things like tee ball and soccer but while I could do okay, I just didn't have any interest in it. I remember one day I saw my grandfather whittling with a knife and I watched for a while and asked if I could try. So he let me, right up until my step grandmother butted in and said I was going to hurt myself and took the knife away. Granddad just winked at me and when she left he brought me in here and introduced me to all these carving tools. He didn't do much more than whittle but his father was supposedly very good.

"So I guess maybe I have some of the issues my parents had, maybe it's just the result of too many people dying around me or a step grandmother that doesn't seem to be the least bit interested in me. Or maybe it's all three, but I just don't find much that makes me smile."

"What about your carving? Doesn't that make you happy?"

"I do get a sense of satisfaction from it, but I don't know if that's happiness."

"What about meeting me, did that make you happy?" she asked, her face giving nothing away.

He regarded that amazing face and glorious eyes. Was this happiness he was feeling? Or was it apprehension, confusion, or any of the other negative aspects of life. He sucked in a breath and said,

"In all honesty, I don't know. I do like you. You're certainly physically attractive, very. I also like that you're smart and talented in different areas. And you do seem to genuinely care about people. But what happens if you become a close friend and then something happens."

"Are you saying you're worried I'll die on you?" Jennifer asked, a little surprised.

"Not necessarily but when we start school, you'll meet a bunch of new people, new friends," he explained and then after a pause, "a boyfriend."

She looked at the somber face, the same she had seen except for a few brief moments when he managed a bit of a grin and she said,

"Al, this is the third town I've lived in. I left friends in both the others and they are still my friends. We chat and text and even video chat from time to time. I don't stop being someone's friend just because I don't see them every day. And you'll be my first friend in a new place, if you'll let me. That makes it special. Can you understand that?"

"I guess," he said in a small voice, "it's just been hard."

"I can't imagine how difficult it must be to have lost so many like you have. But sometimes it helps to have someone to share the hard times with."

With that she stood up and walked over to where he was sitting on the stool. Without hesitation she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled his head in close. This time his response had a bit of hesitation but didn't require any prompting and he had his arms around her back and was holding on tightly.

"That's better, isn't it?"

He nodded silently, which considering how she was holding him, had him rubbing her firm tits with the side of his face. She didn't say anything and in fact, pulled him in a little tighter. She gave his straight brown hair some soothing rubs and then stepped back.

"Friends?" she asked, holding his gaze with those golden hazel eyes.

"Friends," he replied, with a hint of a smile.

The moment having passed, he gave himself a bit of a shake and got up from the stool and went to a cabinet while she watched. He removed a somewhat larger carving that to her looked like an owl of some sort. He bought it over to the bench.

"It's a barn owl, or supposed to be. It's not life size, they can be pretty big. It didn't turn out quite how I wanted so I held it back. We can use it for a demonstration piece for your painting."

"Okay, great. Um, you don't mind that I kinda put myself forward, do you? Maybe you had someone else in mind?" she asked.

"No, in fact you saved me a lot of trouble. I've taken art classes but didn't really make any friends with the other kids so I don't know anyone who's good."

"I'm glad I could help then," she replied, flashing that smile. "But what's wrong with it? It looks very nice to me."

"Well, I'm kind of a perfectionist. The way I carved some of the feathers didn't match the grain well. Who knows, maybe with paint it won't show but I don't like putting out pieces with obvious mistakes."

She picked up the carved bird and searched for what he was describing but it took some very careful looking to find a couple of spots that might have been what he was talking about. Since it was important to him she wasn't going to challenge him on it, so instead she simply said,

"I'll do my best."

She set the piece down and feeling that she was making headway she posed another question to him.

"If you don't mind my asking, is there anything back behind this shed. I thought I saw something of another building and the fence."

"There is, would you like to see it?"


So he gestured for her to go ahead of him out the doors, which he closed but didn't lock. Then he led her through the gate of the wooden fence to where the larger shed stood, as well as the untended garden plot. The larger building had a sliding barn like door. While old with weathered siding, it had a recent metal roof, maybe only twenty years old. He worked the combination lock and was quickly pushing the door open. Inside were three vehicles, a pickup truck, a car under a cover and a small farm tractor. The truck and tractor looked old but solid with fading paint but no visible rust or other signs of distress. The car gave the look of being a station wagon of some sort. Unlike many garage or barns none of the vehicles had anything piled on top of them.

"Wow, so you'll have something to drive when you get your license?"

"Yes, the truck. My Granddad taught me how to drive it when I was twelve. It's a manual, it's from the sixties but fairly low mileage. The tractor was used when the garden plot was cultivated but it's been years since we grew anything except weeds. Maybe someday," he finished.

"Still some farming blood left, I guess," she offered.

"It would be nice, Granddad liked to do it until his back started giving out. I thought it might be possible to grow stuff that fancy restaurants serve."

She smiled at the idea of this shy, troubled boy coming up with unusual ways of supporting himself.

"Say, that raises a question," she began. "Does the school allow students to drive?"

"Anyone can drive, it's a question of parking. Only Seniors and you have to pay for a permit."

"I was afraid of that," she said.

"I have it covered. I already have a spot reserved at one of the places my Granddad was involved in. It's a block from the school. Play your cards right and you might have a chauffeur as a Junior and Senior."

She looked at him and caught something on his face and she asked,

"Was that a joke I just heard from you?"

He shrugged and flicked his eyebrows which caused her to laugh and throw an arm around his shoulders for a hug. Then they were walking back out of the shed and while he locked up she looked around past the edge of the garden plot and it's decrepit looking wire fence.

"What's out there?"

"Hmm, oh, some undeveloped land. I'm not sure if it was something that we sold off or what."

She just nodded and returned her attention to the boy.

"I guess I should be getting home, it'll be time for dinner soon."

"Okay, and don't forget the owl carving," he replied.

She smiled and they went to the small shed, then she was on her way home and he into the shed to begin sorting some of the wood that would find its way into his next consignment of carvings. Before he headed into the house, he received a message that brought a smile to his face. It would be a couple of days but it would be something to look forward to.

He was in the shed just after noon when a familiar and now welcome voice called out a cheery greeting.

"Hello, friend. How are you this afternoon?" Jennifer said as she strolled up the driveway.

"Good afternoon, Jennifer. I'm doing okay, you?"

"Great. I pulled out my paint box and found just about everything I need to get started. I may have to order some paints but I think I can start. I found some pictures on the web last night so I think I can make a good start."

"Terrific. Don't feel you have to rush anything. Ms. Smith has more than enough to keep her happy for a while," he said as she plopped down into her now customary chair.

"That's good, I want to do some practice before I start on the actual carving. It's been a couple of years so I might be a bit rusty."

"I can help you sand some of the rust off if you like."

Her eyebrows popped up and she regarded him.

"Was that another joke I just heard?"

He just gave a bit of a smile and remained silent. She smiled back and then asked,

"Do you have a bike?"

"Yes, it's old but rideable. What's on your mind?" he asked.

"I'd like to go for a ride and see more of the town. Would you like to come along?"

He gave her another look. She was wearing even shorter shorts and a string strap tee shirt that was stretched pretty tight across her full, firm tits. He did a quick fast forward to her on her bike and he decided it would be a good idea. He nodded.

"Great, you get yours and I'll get mine and I'll meet you at the bottom of the driveway."

With that she unfolded herself from the chair and with a parting grin she moved down the driveway, that amazing ass nearly hypnotizing him as she moved. With of shake of his head he went back to the big shed and took out the bike that had been tucked up against the wall by the old pickup truck. It looked like it must have started out as one of those road bikes that had big fat tires, a tank on the frame and full fenders with side skirts. All that had been stripped away so it was just a frame with a leather saddle with two springs at the back and set of wide sweeping handle bars.

What was clear was that it was in perfect operating condition and well maintained. He pushed it until it was at the bottom of the driveway and he waited. In a few moments the young amazon was returning, pushing a modern mountain bike. She regarded what Albert was holding and said,

"Wow, that's really something. How long has that been in the family?"

"Oh, fifty, sixty years. It was Granddads. He didn't like all the bling I'd guess you'd call it so he stripped it down. I like it because I don't have to lean over."

"Okay, well, you're the guide, which way?" she asked.

He pointed and they mounted up and headed out. He was a little disappointed that she was either to his side, or behind. He would have liked to see what she looked like from behind. They toured some more streets full of houses and then came to the largest park in town. Since there was some wide open spaces around the trails, she pulled out and rode ahead of him opening up some distance so he put some effort into it and got up close but he made no attempt to pass her. It was too much fun to watch her from behind. The tight shorts were stretched to the limit across that scalloped muscular ass and there was a few inches of skin between the waist of the shorts and the lower edge of her top.

He was starting to fixate on the movement of her body and daydreaming about other motions when his lack of situational awareness resulted in an embarrassing mishap. A pothole in the hardpacked trail grabbed his front tire and yanked the handle bar out of his hands resulting in him being dumped onto the edge of the trail. Jennifer heard the sound of the crash and skidded to a halt, setting down her bike and hurrying to his side.

"What the hell happened?"

"Um, I hit that pothole and it pitched me sideways."

"Why didn't you go around it?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"I didn't see it," he said, avoiding her gaze.

She looked back at the large hole and then returned her gaze to his flushed face.

"Are you hurt?"

"Not really, I wasn't going fast and I mostly landed on the grass."

"Good. So, I guess you were too busy looking somewhere else then?"

He didn't reply, preferring to look anywhere else than her face. Her smile widened and she leaned around to make eye contact again.

"It's nice to know that I could attract your attention. I was beginning to worry."

He grimaced a bit and said softly,

"You attracted my attention the first time I saw you."

Her smile went full dazzle and then she had a handful of his shirt and she pulled him forward and planted a full mouth kiss on his lips. His eyes popped but his hesitation was only momentary as he began to respond. This prompted further action on her part and her lips parted and she began to use the tip of her tongue on his lips. He let them slip open and they touched tongues. He placed a hand on her wrist and neither seemed interested in letting go. Their mouths were in full open tongue kiss mood and the sound of moans were starting to emerge. They went on like this for some minutes until they both eased up and parted lips. When his eyes opened he was staring right into those golden hazel orbs and wasn't inclined to speak or move his head. She smiled a bit and then placed another brief kiss on his still parted lips, then sat back and let go of his shirt.

"That," she said with a pause, "was very nice."

"That," he began, mimicking her inflection, "was a big understatement."

"I'm glad you liked it. Come on, let's get you back up and rolling."

She stood up and offered her hand. While it was likely she could have pulled him right up onto his feet, she offered just enough assistance so that he made it in one smooth motion. He looked at his bike and saw that the fat tires and heavy duty, old style wheels didn't suffer any damage so he mounted up and they continued on their way but later he would be damned if he could remember any of the trip home.

When they got to his driveway, they parted company long enough to stow away their bikes and then return to the shed. He was the first to arrive and was perched on the stool when she walked in and resumed her place in the chair.

"Confused?" she asked.

"Very," he replied.

"Don't be. It's simple. I like you, and it would appear that you like me. Nothing wrong with some kissing between friends is there?"

"Um, that seemed like more than just a friendly kiss," he replied.

"That's true. Perhaps we're more than just friends. Time will tell, that's if you're interested."

Now the boy really was confused. Was this amazing girl really interested in him or was there something else going on. And what about his other `friends'. He continued to stare down at the floor while Jennifer was looking at him. She watched as his expression varied and her first impulse was to wrap him in a hug but she didn't think that was going to help. So she waited.

He finally looked up and said,

"Yes, of course I'm interested, but is it the right thing to do? Sometimes I just want to be left alone, other times I just want to have my Grandfather back, but I know that's not possible. Do I want friends my age? Of course I do, but I've never been able make them. Should I be looking more towards older people to be my friends? Not if my step grandmother is any indication. I just don't know."

As he was saying the last he pivoted on the stool to face away from Jennifer and hung his head. It wasn't more than a moment or two when he felt a pair of long, rather strong arms take hold of him from behind and pull him in tightly. He made a halfhearted attempt to shrug them off but there was no way it would happen. She just held on until he stopped trying to get away and then she held on some more until his head came up and tilted back, coming to rest on that firm but welcoming pillow that was Jennifer's large full tits. She dropped her head down until her chin came to rest on the top of his head and she said,

"I think you've spent far too much time alone lately. That needs to stop. You've expressed some interest so I think we are going to go that way."

She leaned down further and got her lips on his and gave him a slow, warm upside down kiss while her hands moved slowly over his chest. Then she let her head slide over so her chin was on his shoulder and her face was pressed against the side of his. Her hands were still moving slowly over his chest in a way he found thrilling yet disturbing.

"Sweetheart, please, just relax. I don't intend to do anything to hurt you."

The sound of her voice had dropped to a lower register and the way it was whispered into his ear sent shocks right down to his balls. She was still rubbing her face against his head and he found himself doing the same thing. She took this as a sign and loosened her hold enough so that she could turn him around on the stool so she could look at him for a moment before she began kissing him again, pulling him in so tightly her tits were pressed hard against his chest. Their lips parted and tongues began to wrestle while their hands roamed. After a bit she pulled back and said in a low tone,

"You know, you are really very good at this. You never had a girlfriend?"

"No, I've never had a girlfriend, not even a friend who was a girl."

He decided to cut the conversation short by leaning in to resuming kissing the girl. She decided questions could wait and quickly they were kissing with enthusiasm. They continued kissing for the better part of an hour, occasionally pausing to catch their breath and look at each other, she thinking what a damn good kisser he was and he thinking `what the hell is going on here'.

Finally, she pulled back and released her hold on him and stood up, making as if she needed to leave.

"Sweetheart, the day after tomorrow is Saturday and my parents are going to be gone nearly all day. How about coming over and hanging out with me?" she asked.

"Hang out?" he asked.

"Yeah, you know, hang out?" she responded with a bit of a smirk.

"Um, sure. I'd like that."

"Good, I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow."

With another flash of that brilliant smile, she turned and walked back down the driveway with that hypnotic sway. Albert was left to stare down the driveway for quite a while after she was no longer in sight. Then with a sigh he closed up the shed and headed into the house to get something to eat and then clean up for what was to come.

As before, he waited until he was sure his step grandmother was securely ensconced in her room and then he was out the window, down the tree and through the back yard on his way to the RV trailer. This time when he entered his Shangra-la, instead of the black body builder, he was greeted by a man who must have been close to seventy sitting naked on the couch and next to him was a much younger man, though still older than Albert by at least fifteen years. He too was naked and together they were stroking each other's substantial cocks.

Albert smiled and immediately got himself naked, his long fat cock already rising up to salute his two friends. He took a couple of steps forward and presented his cock to the older man, who slid forward on the couch to take the offering into his wet and willing mouth. The younger man leaned over and began working the nice fat cock with his lips and tongue. Albert gave a big sigh and took hold of the nearly bald head and began to move his hips, fucking the man's wet, warm mouth. The younger man let off on his senior partner's cock and walked on his knees to get around Albert and began to work on his tight ass.

It was just the kind of night that he needed after his encounters with Jennifer. The girl had him so completely flummoxed that he needed to just let himself go and get as much relief as he could. He let the man's tongue from behind fuel the drive for his hips as he face fucked his older partner. Once he was fully hard and dripping wet, the older one got down on all fours and wiggled his ass. He was immediately attended to by the younger man, who in turn had Albert's cock up his ass. The anal daisy chain produced the sounds of skin slapping and grunting. Positions were changed and Albert had a massive cum up inside the older man's ass.

The threesome carried on for several hours. By the time they were finished and Albert felt sated they were all dripping with each other's cum. The cleanup took some time as they were all moving slowly. Albert had a leisurely walk back to his house and a deep sleep followed his climbing into bed.

He spent the morning and early part of the afternoon beginning the first of his carvings until he felt a soft, warm breath on the back of his neck. He set his tool down and slowly turned around right into the bare arms of a vision. Her hair was unrestrained and flowing down over her shoulders. Her top was the briefest he had seen yet and it displayed ample cleavage to compliment the bare muscled arms. There was only a thin strip of cloth that went up over her shoulders to hold it all together.

Those golden hazel eyes were partially lidded as she favored him with a smoldering, sultry look. He could only blink in response. Then his view was blocked as she moved in and began running her lips over his in a slow, lingering kiss. He responded by pressing forward and letting his lips part. He felt as much as heard her sigh as the level of effort rose and they were soon grinding lips and sucking tongues. Her hand found his and was holding it tightly but not so hard that he was hurting. His free hand found a length of bare leg and from the feel he had to imagine her shorts or perhaps skirt was as short as the law would allow.

He let his hand slowly, lightly stroke her firm bare thigh. She seemed to be enjoying it. The kissing went on for perhaps fifteen minutes until she leaned back and put a little distance between them.

"Hmmm, what a nice way to say hello," she said in a low, throaty voice.

"Certainly better than a slap on the back."

She smiled as she stood up and after giving him another hug and kiss on the top of the head she sat down in her now customary chair and crossed her long muscular legs.

"How did you sleep last night?"

"Well, thank you, you?"

"Oh, just fine," she replied, giving him an appraising look. "You still good for coming over tomorrow to hang out?"

"Yes, what time would you like me there?" he asked.

"Any time after ten would be fine. The sooner the better though."

He nodded. She saw that he was working on a new carving and she let him get on with it but made no move as if to leave. In fact she sat quietly for the better part of two hours watching him work. Then she got up, said she'd be right back and went back to her house. As a testament to his powers of concentration, he remained fixated on his work instead of watch her walk down the driveway.

When she returned a short time later, she had a bag with some snacks and two bottles of water. He saw that she was indeed wearing a pair of brief denim shorts and a sleeveless bare midriff blouse tied up under her full tits. She looked like a super sexy farm girl turned pin up model. He squinted a bit and imagined her bouncing along on a tractor and he had to cut off that line of thinking as his own shorts started to get tight.

"If you don't mind my asking, did you grow up on a farm?" he asked.

"No, but I can see why you'd think so. We were a farm family but my grandfather sold out shortly after he had inherited the farm. Seems he didn't really like all the work and financial issues. He was more of a mechanic and got a job working at a factory that made farm machinery. Turned out he was good at solving problems and testing the solutions. He never got an engineering degree but he had the title. My dad followed along, but got the degree. That's how we got here. He got the offer to head up the testing department at that truck plant that's not too far from here.

"As to your question, I guess I have some of the farmer's genes, plus we have a family history of big people. Some great uncle or other of mine was a circus strong man, a legit one."

He just nodded and made a conscious effort to stop looking at her and look at his carving.

"What?" she asked.

"I thought I was being rude staring at you like that."

"I didn't. I thought you were paying attention to what I was saying. Plus I don't mind you looking at me. At least you don't make all the stupid, rude comments I sometimes get. You look at me like you actually appreciate what's inside as well. Do me a favor. Close those doors."

After a moment's hesitation he got up, pulled the two doors shut and latched, but didn't lock them. When he turned around he found her right behind him and he was quickly caught up in her arms and her lips were back on his. He let his hands slip around her back, keeping them on the warm bare skin between her shorts and blouse. She murmured into his mouth and let her hips rub against his.

She set a pace that made him think that she was willing to go on indefinitely and he decided he had no issue with that. As his mind drifted under that influence of the erotic feel of her body against his, he wondered what it would be like if they were both farm kids who lived across from one another, as his various grand and great grandparents had. Playing in the barn, rolling in the hay, finding places to hide and explore each other. He began to have ideas about what might be happening tomorrow.

She on the other hand knew exactly what she had in mind and as she felt Albert's increasing level of ardor as the kissing went on, she had high hopes for what was coming. When she felt one of his hands slide down to rest on the full curve of her ass she cooed into his mouth and pressed harder with her hips and pulled tighter with her arms. That he didn't remove his hand had her happy to say the least. She had been having so much fun this past year but the last couple of months had been difficult and finding this boy right across the street was a gift. One she full intended on unwrapping.

They carried on in this fashion for half an hour or so and then they pulled apart and did some heavy breathing. He was smiling sheepishly and she was turning the full brilliance of her smile on him.

"Oh, sweetheart, that was so nice. I had my hopes for this summer but I wasn't sure how it was going to work out. Now I know and I couldn't be happier. I'm going to have to leave now but I'll be expecting you tomorrow as close to ten as you can, okay."

He gave her a nod and she smiled again, leaned in, kissed him deeply and then walked out of the shed and down the driveway, her tight, solid ass flexing under the shorts. He blew out a long breath and then turned and began to work on his carving again. That night he lay on his bed and despite the activity of the night before, the events of the day had him hard as a rock so he did without his pajamas and he slowly and steadily stroked the thick long shaft, rubbing the copious precum into the skin.

His eyes were closed and his mind was full of the images of a tall Amazonian girl, wearing next to nothing and gracing him with a searchlight bright smile. Her arms and legs showed smooth tanned skin stretched over firm muscle. Those gold tinted hazel eyes beamed at him. When, in the course of time his balls pulled up and signaled he was going to cum he pointed his cock up towards his chin and let fly with thick white ropes of cum that landed on his chest and under his chin. When he was done he was so drained that he fell asleep atop the bed spread, naked and dripping with cum.

He was awake by seven and in the shower, getting as clean as he could. He was nowhere near having to shave but he made sure everything about him was clean, neat and trim. Then it was down to breakfast and then out to the shed where he would spend the remainder of the time, doing some maintenance on his tools. He was too nervous to risk trying to carve. What if he was wrong? What if she just wanted some company while her mother and father was away? On the other hand, what if she wanted something and he couldn't perform? Then he thought that was stupid because he was always able to give his older male lovers more than what they wanted. But this was a girl, he had no experience with girls that way.

His endless stream of what ifs was interrupted by the alarm on his wristwatch telling him it was time to get moving. He closed up the shop and after a moment of hesitation headed down the drive, across the street and up to the front door of the house. When the door was pulled open he nearly swallowed his tongue. Standing in the doorway was a vision, if you spent a lot of time reading men's magazines. From head to foot she was exuding a sensual aura that had one hand on his throat and the other on his balls. He stood there and his mouth worked but nothing came out.

"Good morning to you, sweetheart. Would you like to come in?"

"What, oh, yeah. Jeez, Jennifer, you look unbelievable."

"Well, thank you, sweetheart. I'm glad you like it," she said, reaching out to take hold of his hand and pull him in so she could shut the door.

Beginning at the top, her hair was blown out and flowing over her shoulders, the mahogany color drawing out the gold flecked hazel of her eyes. And what eyes. Unlike their pervious encounters she had gone full out with shadow and liner and with what had been applied to her cheeks and lips, she looked like she should have been on a magazine cover. Her outfit, what there was of it, highlighted her ample physical charms with exposed cleavage, abdomen and nearly all of her thighs. The skirt was short to the point of `why bother' with small slits at the side. Her top was deeply vee'd, spaghetti strapped and virtually nonexistent at the back.

In the few moments it took to take this all in his cock was fully hard down one leg of his baggy shorts. She took his face into her hands and pulled him forward so she could get her lips on his. Whatever she was using on her lips stayed put but left a lingering taste that would haunt him for days. Then she took his hand and led him to a room that had been outfitted with a sectional couch, a couple of beanbags and a large flat screen TV and commensurate add on electronic boxes.

She led him to the couch and gave him a little push so that he was firmly emplaced among the plush cushions. Then she sat down next to him, firmly pressed up against his side and resumed the kissing. He was a little stunned but no so much that he didn't begin to respond and soon they were wrapped up in each other with his hands finding so many places to feel warm skin and she doing her best by getting her hands up under his polo shirt. Tongues were being sucked and lips licked.

While running one hand up and down one of her thighs he slipped up under that skirt and made contact with a bare ass cheek. She in turn murmured into his mouth and pressed her hips against his and began a little grinding.

"Oh, sweetheart, this is so wonderful. I could hug and kiss you all day long. I still can't believe you never did this before."

"I swear, you're the first girl I've ever made out with."

As soon as he said it he tensed a bit, wondering if she would pick up on it. She was a smart girl and she missed little. Her head came back although she didn't ease her grip on him.

"You said first girl. Does that mean..."

He gave a little grimace and then nodded.

"Yeah, it means that I've had a few experiences with guys. Does that gross you out or something?"

"Hell, no. Not if it means you can make me feel like this. It's quite a coincidence, actually. Until I met you, my only experience has been with another girl. Woman actually."

"No, shit? You made out with an older woman?" he asked.

"A lot more than made out and a lot more than once, but with only the one, who I won't say anything about."

"Wow, my hook ups were with older guys too."

The looked at each other, secrets revealed and it was like fireworks had gone off. They lunged for each other and the intensity ratcheted up significantly. She had her hand on his thigh and could feel the size and hardness of his cock while he was working to get both hands on those bare ass cheeks. He could also feel that she was wearing some kind of thong under the tiny skirt.

"Oh, god, baby, yes. I've needed this for weeks. We can help each other with what we want. What I don't want is any more plastic and rubber toys. I want the real thing. Get those clothes off."

She didn't wait for him to act, she began pulling on his shirt to get it up and over his head. He pushed the fabric of her top up to reveal the large full tits that it had barely covered. God, she was amazing. Then it was shorts and skirt so they were down to underwear. She had just the small triangle covering her pussy while his boxers did little to hide the big bulge.

"Oh, sweetheart, please, I want to feel that big cock in my mouth. Tell me how I should do it."

"Okay, take my boxers off."

She took a leg in each hand and began to tug them down his legs. The first that she saw was the thick shaft as it emerged from his body. The waist band slid down revealing more of the shaft and he heard her murmur,

"Fuck, it's so big."

It was the first expletive he had heard from her and it sent electricity right to his balls. When the waistband cleared the head the cock sprang up to point towards his chin. Her eyes flared and then she yanked the boxers down and off. He was now fully naked and she was letting her hands run up over his skinny thigh to form a frame around his cock and balls.

"Take it in one hand," he managed to mumble.

She did as instructed and he sighed heavily as her warm, long fingered hand took his cock in a firm grip.

"Now, bring your lips up to it and put some kisses on the head. Then lick up and down the shaft."

He leaned heavily into the back of the couch as she treated his cock to a series of soft kisses and long wet licks. He couldn't resist putting his hand on her head and losing his fingers in all that hair.

"Okay, now, open your mouth and let your lips slide down over the head. Just be careful with your teeth, use your tongue over the lower ones like a cushion. Oh, fuck, yeah, that's so good."

The last comment was prompted by the feeling he got as her wet full lips slid slowly down over the head of his dick and then a couple of inches of the shaft slipped past. She apparently had some idea of what was required next as her hand began to stroke the lower half while her mouth sucked the upper. Her eyes looked up at him and they shined, and there was a crinkle at the corners that told him she would be smiling that brilliant smile if her mouth wasn't full of his dick.

She proceeded for some time, getting his cock nice and wet and his balls were giving signals but he wasn't ready yet so he told her to stop and sit up.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Absolutely nothing, you're a great cock sucker," he said with a small smile, "maybe too good. I was close to cumming and I didn't want to yet. It's your turn to tell me what you like."

This time the smile was slow and sultry as she laid back on the couch with her head on one of the arm cushions.

"Okay, lover boy," she said, her long muscular legs spreading a bit, "get my panties off."

He shuffled forward, his hard dick dripping spit and precum as he reached to get hold of the strings at either hip and began to tug them down. She helped by raising her gorgeous ass up off the couch. He saw her bare, smooth pussy for the first time and was hooked. He quickly got the thong the rest of the way off and tossed it on the floor. She smiled and said,

"Remember to take that with you when you go home later, much later. You can put it under your pillow."

The look she gave him as she said this should have melted the fillings in his teeth. Instead, it got him leaking even more precum. She let one leg slide off the edge of the couch and the other was hung over the back cushions. Her pussy was now fully open and available to him.

"Okay, baby. Get down on your stomach and get your mouth right here," she said, pointing to where her clit was just poking out.

He did as instructed and when he was in position, she took hold of his head in both hands and said,

"Start licking."

He did and she began to coo and mutter as the feel of her first male pussy licking took hold. She pulled his head down to increase the pressure and then she managed to grind out.

"Cover my pussy with your mouth and let your tongue travel up and down. Push it in hard."

When he did, her hips began to lift up off the cushion as her hands pulled his head in tighter. He was in heaven. It was a whole new experience and taste and he loved both. Maybe it had to do with the girl herself but it didn't matter. He wasn't going to let up until she orgasmed. She made some effort to direct his attention but soon enough she realized he was doing okay on his own so she let him go where he chose. She was already pretty wound up from the making out and then sucking her first dick so her first orgasm came fairly soon and very hard.

She let out a squeal as her legs went stiff and her ass came up off the couch as her body shuddered through the spasms. He just kept licking and sucking and didn't stop until she finally collapsed back onto the cushions. Her breathing was heavy and ragged but she was still strong and she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up until he was laying fully along her body, her lips locking on his, tasting herself in the process.

"Wow, lover, that was terrific. And your first time, too. You're going to make me greedy for lots more. Now give me that beautiful cock so I can suck out a big load from you."

She pushed and pulled until he was lying next to her with his cock pointed at her mouth. She opened wide and sucked in the head and half the shaft and began to apply what she had been instructed plus her own excellent instincts and took perhaps five minutes before he began to buck his hips and shoot multiple ropes of thick cum into her greedy mouth.

As a newbie the best she good do was contain the first two and then after that it was leaking and dripping and making a marvelous mess on her lower face and chest. When he finished cumming he was able to look down through barely focused eyes to see the white fluid laced all over her face and tits. He really looked good on her. He bent down and licked his cum off of her lips. He had tasted himself any number of times. He tried to pull back but her two hands grabbed the back of his head and he found himself locked in a deep, tongue sucking kiss. She yanked him down so that he was laying on top of her, the cum smearing between the two of them.

The two naked teens continued to kiss and wrestle on the couch for some time. Then he slid to the side so that he was wedged between the couch back and her side. He looked at her face and said,

"It may sound stupid but as much as I've liked being with those guys, this was so much better. But I don't know why."

She regarded the boy's relaxed, open expression and pursed her lips.

"Did you like those guys?" she asked.

"They were okay, but it's not like we saw each other outside of where we played. Or hang out."

"How do you feel about me?" she asked in a sultry tone.

"Um, I'm not sure. It's like I've never felt like this about anyone else before. I'm happy when I see you and not so happy when you leave. I'm not sure what I wouldn't do to see you smile. Please don't take up a life of crime. I don't know, does that mean I love you?"

She squeezed him in tightly and said,

"I don't know, sweetheart. We might be a little young to know that, but I think it means that what we just did meant more because of how we feel about each other."

"I think you might be right. I'm thinking we may need to experiment more though to find out for sure."

She smiled and wondered where the serious, somber boy she first met was. She didn't think she was going to go looking for him right away. The present company was so much more fun. She took hold of his semi rigid cock and began to stroke it gently. He responded by cupping one of her firm tits and began to squeeze it while letting his thumb rub over her hard nipple.

"Oh, baby, that feels so nice. You have such wonderful hands. I need to feel those hands all over me all the time."

"I want to have your hand on my cock like that all the time too, at least as long as we don't get arrested."

She giggled a bit and started kissing him again while they were feeling each other up. His hand drifted from her chest to between her thighs and when he found the right spot she jumped a bit, squealed and took hold of his wrist and pressed it in harder. Taking the hint he began to rub and probe and he could feel the wetness spreading as her breathing got heavier and a bit ragged.

"Oh, god, baby that feels so good but I want more. No more rubber and plastic. I want the real thing inside me. Please," she begged in a hoarse voice.

"You're sure?" he asked.

"Yess, get on me and in me, please."

Taking her wish as his command he wiggled his way up from between the couch back and her body and got on top and knelt between her thighs. He took hold of his cock and rubbed the head along the wet, swollen lips of her pussy and when he thought he was where he needed to be, he pushed forward. When the head began to push her lips aside she took in a hissing breath and then began to push back with her hips. He had seen his cock disappear into more than a few asses over the past several years but watching it start to slide into his first pussy held him spell bound. When the first inch or so of shaft followed the head he managed to pry his eyes away and look up along that amazing body.

Her head was laid back on the couch arm, her eyes closed and mouth partly open. She brought her legs up to hook over his hips and help pull him in. When he was finally balls deep inside this incredible girl her hands slid up his arms and her arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him down into a long, wet kiss as their hips began to move in unison. After a bit her mouth slid off his and he heard in a low voice,

"Oh, fuck, this is so much better. Your cock feels so good inside me. I love this, I love you..." then her voice sort of faded as he brought his lips onto the side of her neck and he picked up the pace and began to give her a deep, energetic fucking.

It was just what she wanted, apparently as her legs and arms tightened their hold as she grunted, moaned and mumbled her ecstasy. It was fortunate that they had both cum so hard a little while ago as he was able to make her first real fuck a really good one. While he was pounding away, he felt her tense up and then squealed into his shoulder as she orgasmed. He paused and just ground his hips which added some stimulation to her clit which prolonged her spasming. When she relaxed she didn't release her hold so he resumed fucking which then set her hips to moving and they continued on until he couldn't hold back anymore so he grunted,

"Baby, I'm going to cum, let me go."

She let her legs slide off and her hands took hold of his wrists so that he could pull out and kneel upright, but she was still holding him. He managed to grab his cock and point it down along her body as his hips bucked and he began to fire off the first in a number of thick strings of cum that landed on her belly and her tits and in the case of one very energetic stream, up onto her mouth and cheek. She was laughing and squealing and he knew what he needed to do as his spurts turned to dribbles and the last drops of cum fell onto her drenched pussy. He dropped down to his stomach, got his hands under her thighs and pushed her legs up and out so he could attack her pussy with lips and tongue.

Her hips began to buck and shudder and after just a moment she let out with a scream as a massive orgasm tore through her. He had to hold on securely as her muscular legs, ass and torso took him on a ride. When her ass finally settled back to the couch, she was completely limp. He took a few moments to catch his breath and when he had he was about to leave the couch to look for something to clean her up but he was grabbed by two strong hands and pulled up until her lips could capture his for a long, deep, energetic kiss. Then he was pulled down so his head was held tightly to hers.

"I'm sorry, lover, but those horny old playmates of yours are just going to have to wait in line because I'm laying claim to you and that fantastic cock of yours for the foreseeable future. If they don't like it, I'll have to kick some ass. I hope you don't mind."

From the vicinity of the pillow she heard,

"The idea that someone as fantastic as you would fight anyone because of me is the most amazing think I've ever heard. I'm all yours."

What he didn't see was the little bit of shine in her eyes and the smile on her face as she hugged him tighter. They must have both falling asleep for a while because he woke up to the feel of kisses on his neck.

"Sweetheart, we still have some time, but we are such a mess. I think we need to get into the shower and clean up."

"Hmm, I'm thinking that's a really great idea. Um, you'll have to let go of me first."

"Maybe, maybe not," she said as she proceeded to sit up, taking him with her.

Then she swung her legs off the couch and stood up, pulling him up onto his own feet.

"Damn, those old men won't stand a chance," he murmured.

She smiled again and then with an arm around his shoulder, led him into a hallway and to a full bath. With her hair gathered up on top of her head and held with a large clip she pushed him into the shower stall and turned on the water.

"Sweetie? Aren't you going to clean up?"

"In a minute, I'm just a little awestruck seeing your naked body like this. All wet and so close."

She struck a pose so he could get his eyeful but instead of starting on his own clean up, he took some bodywash and began to rub suds all over Jennifer's far more impressive physique.

"Oh, baby, that feels so nice. You just never stop surprising me."

She let him do as he pleased and soon her entire body was a mass of suds that he continued to move here and there, pausing at various sensitive spots to reexcite her. She reached out and pulled him in so that his wet body was now rubbing on her sudsy one. Soon they were both covered in suds and kissing and fondling each other. As the water started to cool they took the hint and rinsed off. The drying process was another exercise in impromptu foreplay. Jennifer was fascinated by the size and hardness of his fully invigorated cock and as she let her fingers caress the shaft and the large hanging balls she asked,

"Will you have one more load for me?"

"If you keep that up I'll have something but I don't know how much they'll be."

"Let's find out."

With that she began a steady stroking of his cock that despite all he had been through in the last few hours, he knew that she'd pull something from him. He reached out and began to run his fingers up and down her pussy lips and then he added a second hand to play with her hard nipples. He made sure he kept his eyes open so that he wouldn't miss a moment of seeing that goddess like figure. His thoughts were scrambled when she used her free hand to pull his head closer so that she could run her tongue over his lips and then begin to suck the tongue he offered in return.

They didn't know how long it took but she tightened her thighs on his hand as she began to orgasm. He kept tickling her clit and she continued to stroke and squeeze his cock until his hips began to buck and he shot a nice, but significantly reduced load onto her thigh.

"Ooops, more to clean up," she said, but instead of a second shower, they just used a wet cloth from the kitchen.

Seeing that some time was left she gave him some snacks to eat while they sat naked on the couch, feeling each other's skin in a variety of locations. Then it was time to get dressed, but it took a least fifteen minutes before he was able to leave as she wanted one last kiss, several times. Albert made his way across the street, slowly. Then it was up to his room and collapsing on his bed where he caught a couple of hours of sleep until hunger pains woke him up. After a simple meal he was back in bed to sleep the sleep of the dead.

In the morning he was awake enough to get another shower to make sure he was squeaky clean and then after breakfast he was in the shed, working to finish his first carving for his new allotment. Shortly after noon he was elated at the feel of two strong arms wrapping around his chest and soft wet lips pressed against his neck and cheek.

"Good afternoon to you, my love," Jennifer said in a low throaty voice.

"Hello, babe," he replied while rubbing his face against the side of hers.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Have you ever done anything that made you feel as good as you did yesterday?" she asked.

"Nope, never. Yesterday was a day of firsts and bests, I guess you could say."

"That's how I felt, too. It made me wonder though about how your very first time happened."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yep. You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."

"Okay, well, on top of all the other things I was dealing with nature decided to play a joke on me and I hit puberty before I was eleven. So, by the time I was twelve things had progressed to a fair degree, I guess you could say."

"You mean your cock had already gotten big?" she asked, grinning at him.

"Yes, you could say that. Not as big as now but enough that someone took notice. I don't know how or where but a friend of my grandfather was here for some reason and I was out in the big shed practicing my driving and he came in and we started talking and the whole time he seemed to be checking me out if you know what I mean. Then he offered to show me some tips on how to drive a manual trans so we got in the truck and he was pointing to this, holding the shifter and the next thing I knew his hand was on my pants and I realized I had a bulge and he was rubbing it. It felt really good. Then he asked if I wanted to feel something else that felt good and I agreed. The next thing I know my cock is out of my pants and he was leaned over and sucking on my dick. It felt really amazing. Of course, not anywhere near as good as you did yesterday, but I didn't know that at the time. That's how it started."

"Where all the guys that you played with friends of your grandfather?"

"No, just a couple. But I guess word got around and I had my share of playmates as you called them."

"Well, I only had the one, but it went on for almost a year. She was this older woman in town, I guess in her early forties. Kind of short but with really nice curves. I was pretty much as I am now."

"Gorgeous, you mean," he interjected.

"You're so sweet, but don't interrupt."

"Yes, ma'am," he said with a small smile.

"I haven't said anything about it, but one thing I like to do occasionally is make clothes. You've seen a few pieces already," she said and he thought he knew what she meant. "This lady worked in the fabric and sewing store in town. I guess I asked a couple of questions that might have tipped my hand and one thing led to another and we wound up naked in the back office of the store and she taught me a few things that makes a woman happy."

"One thing led to another? That leaves out a few things."

"Well, let's just say it started out by her showing me how to measure someone. We got a little carried away. Anyway, it felt so good having someone appreciate me for me. She loved how tall I was and how my body looked with the muscles and all. No one else has been like that until you. When we were in the shower and you were admiring my body and using the soap suds, I was in heaven. I almost started to cry."

"So, it looks like we are two unique individuals who found some acceptance among some older, possibly deviant, characters and now we have each other."


"Jennifer, sweetheart, adults having sex with children is deviant. Children or teens having sex with each other is biology."

"I thought I was the science geek," she replied.

"You are. I was just pointing out that we have a lot in common, despite seemingly being so different. I just suddenly realized how much I want you in my life and I don't want you to ever go away," Albert said, seemingly surprised at the admission. "I guess I still have my issues with losing important people."

The last was said quietly as his mood seemed to have dampened. She took him up in a stronger grasp and brought her mouth to his ear.

"I don't have any idea what life has in store for us, sweetheart. But you need to know that you mean more to me than anyone ever has. I don't want to ever not have you in my life. We'll just have to see what we can do about it. But right now, I want this," she said, letting her hand slide down and take his bulge in her hand and gently squeeze and fondle it.

She pulled him up to stand so she could get him fully pulled against her body as her lips covered his. Now he could see, or feel, that she was wearing some more short shorts and bare midriff tee top with no sleeves. He got his hands on her ass cheeks and pulled in tightly. She moaned into his mouth and ground her hips against him. After a few minutes she fumbled with his pants and got them down around his ankles to be followed by his boxers. With his stiffening cock getting harder, she put her hands under his arms and lifted him up and set him on the table top so she could more easily get her mouth on his cock. She had only opened one door to gain entrance to the shed so at the moment they were shielded by the other door and she didn't hesitate to begin sucking his cock.

The big spongy head and thick hard shaft felt like heaven in her mouth and she went to work, or play, getting as much in as she could. After getting his wits back he took hold of her head lightly so that he could feel the thick mane of mahogany hair between his fingers. As she got really into it, sucking, licking and slobbering on the thick cock, she was moaning her happiness. He let himself settle back on the table and let her have her fun. She let her hands slide up under his shirt until she found his nipples, already hard and began to tease them. She continued to move her mouth in deep, steady motions. He was thrilled at how quickly she had developed her skills at sucking cock.

It didn't take too long before his hips began to buck and he started firing shots of rich, thick cum into her eager mouth. What she couldn't contain leaked past her lips and ran down to his balls. Once she had finished swallowing she licked the rest off his cock and balls. She stood up straight, looking down on her lover with a smile and then she pulled him up to a sitting position so she could wrap his semi naked body in a tight hug, kissing his lips, face and neck affectionately. Once he caught his breath he lifted his head back and said,

"That was wonderful. You really have a talent for it. But now I believe it's your turn. You need to remove your shorts."

"Oh, no, sweetheart. That's your job," she said with a grin, holding her arms up over her head.

He managed to hop down off the table without looking too clumsy. Then he had his hands on her shorts and popped the button and undid the zipper. Then it was the task to shimmy and slide the tight fitting garment down past her hips and muscular thighs. Then came what looked to be another pair of thong panties. Once she was naked from the waist down he got her positioned so she was leaning on the table with both hands, her ass pushed out behind. He took hold of her hips and began to apply tongue and lips to her hard round ass cheeks. He was reminded of his encounter with the black body builder but somehow this was way more fun. He leaned in and started using his tongue on her lower pussy lips and her tight asshole. She lowered her head down and rested it on her arms as this amazing boy sent shockwaves through her body. He was right, she thought. No way were they going to be parted. Not if she had anything to do with it.

She continued to push back against his mouth and it was heavenly. His tongue was wet and agile and insistent. His hands were running over the smooth skin of her well-muscled ass and the tops of her thighs. If he pushed in hard enough he could get his tongue to tickle her clit and she groaned heavily and then she started to buck as an orgasm hit her and he had to grab around her hips to keep her from sagging to the floor. Moving quickly he stood up and got the head of his painfully hard cock at the entrance of her now wet pussy and began to push forward while it was still in range.

"Oh, fuck, baby, yes, you feel so good. Get your cock deep inside me. Please shove that big fat dick all the way in."

Not wanting to disappoint he tightened his grip on her hips and pushed in harder, watching his fat cock disappear until his hips contacted her hard ass. When he started to pull back she pushed with her hips and began to fuck his cock while he began to fuck her pussy. After a few strokes he bent over her back and began to kiss along her spine. With his chest resting on her back he was able to bring his hands forward to take hold of her tits under her shirt and feel up the big orbs. Her hard nipples were pressed into his palms. She was cooing and gurgling as he fucked her pussy and played with her solid tits.

It didn't seem all that long but eventually his balls began to tingle and then pull up and he knew he was going to cum and he wanted her to join him so he brought a hand down and began to play with her clit. He heard her groan so he pulled out of her pussy and then pushed his cock up against her ass and in moments they were both cumming with him shooting all over her ass cheeks and along the crease. Her hips were bucking and as strong as she was she straightened out her legs and lifted him off the floor. He hung on and ground his hard cock between her cheeks until they were both spent.

He let go and allowed his body to slide off her back and ass, helped along by the slippery cum that was trapped between their bodies. He was still leaning on her as his feet hit the floor and his legs took his weight. She in turn pushed herself up and turned around so they could wrap each other in a tight hug. She was rubbing her cheek against his hair while he just pushed his face into hers, enjoying the fragrance of whatever shampoo she used.

"Hmm, sweetheart, you make me feel so good. I'm going to have to make sure I don't come over here until after noon. Otherwise we won't get anything done with your carvings," she said from above his head.

"I'm afraid you're right. Part of me hopes we won't be in any classes together. I'll flunk out of school."

This got him another tight hug and some kisses on the top of his head. He had his hands on her lower back just above where her muscled ass began to curve outward. All the warmth of her bare skin was soothing him and he really didn't want to let go. She didn't seem to be in any hurry either.

"Sweetheart?" she asked.

"Hmmm?" he replied.

"You were telling me about how you spent so much time growing up being lonely and all?"

"Yes, I remember."

"If you were alone so much, how did you get to be such a good hugger?"

He laughed a little and tightened his hold a bit.

"I couldn't begin to guess. To be honest, I don't really have all that much experience. I suppose it has to do with the inspiration I get from you. I don't mean this as an insult, but there's just so much of you to hug. The feeling is almost overwhelming, so I want you to feel some of that too, so I guess it comes across like I'm really good at it."

"You are really good at it. Especially when we're pretty much naked," she said and to emphasize her words she tilted his head back and started a deep, tongue sucking kiss that had him gasping for breath at the end.

And the summer had just gotten started.

Next: Chapter 2

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