More For Me

By moc.socyl@5131tap

Published on Jan 13, 2002



Todd was 22 years old and I was almost 10 years older; we both worked in the same office building. I found out about Todd one day when my boss was talking about some guy who was such a sterling employee, he had put a lot of effort into a very difficult project and achieved great results. Not knowing who this guy was I decided to make it my duty to find out. In a company like this it is important to 'network' with the up and coming stars.

A few days later someone pointed out this very cute guy who is about 5'10", very nice slender build, with sandy blond hair. "That is the guy the boss was talking about, his name is Todd". I have always been attracted to cute guys and must admit that I have had some very enjoyable sex with many of them.

I went up to Todd and stuck out my hand and said, "So you are Todd, congratulations on your accomplishments". Todd shook my hand and thanked me. As I was holding Todd's hand in mine, I was struck by his firm grip and how large it was for a guy of slim build. I wondered if the old adage might be true that big hands equal big cock. I felt a slight stirring in my boxers but Todd pointedly released my hand with which I had been holding his just a moment longer than was normal.

Todd had a very wonderful clean smell, must use some type of cologne but whatever it was it sure was turning me on. He was so good looking that it hurt my eyes to look at him, god I wanted him. He had a nice soft, musical voice and beautiful blue eyes that looked deep inside you, swallowing you in their depths. As Todd talked to me he held me in his gaze looking directly back into my eyes. I have always had a very good feeling when talking to another guy and they look me directly in the eye during our conversation. I knew what our eyes were telling me was that we would become friends.

During the next couple of weeks I saw Todd now and then in the hall and we exchanged the usual 'hi, how's it going' greeting. When the smell of his cologne wafted up my nose I was like a dog in heat. I had hoped I would run across him in the toilet and get the chance to stand next to him at the urinal and perhaps get a peek at his manhood but that did not happen. I was horny and getting desperate.

Then one day I could not stand it any longer and called in on Todd in his office to ask what he was doing for lunch. When he said he had no plans I suggested he might like to run out to a fast food place close by. He seemed interested and told me that he would enjoy going out to lunch so we set the time and place. The rest of the morning dragged and I thought one o'clock would never come. Eventually we met at the back door and agreed to use my car for the short trip.

As I drove off he started chatting and he was so fascinating that I just let him talk while I listened. I wanted to have Todd as close to me as possible to savour his aroma. I needed him all to myself so when we arrived at the fast food place I asked him if it was OK to go to the drive up and eat in the car in the parking lot. He told me that he would like that because then we could talk in the privacy of my car. He told me that his parents divorced when he was very young and his mother raised him. His best friend Chuck was having problems and he had this girl that was interested in him but he did not quite know how to deal with her. He went on to tell me that at times all this built up inside his head and caused him to get quite depressed and hoped I did not mind him bending my ear so much but he really would like to be friends because he needed someone he could talk to. I was jumping with joy that he was not offended that I was older than him and that he thought we should be friends.

During the next couple of weeks we went to lunch about three times a week and always sat in my car and talked. He was at the point that he would ask me if we were going to lunch together and was waiting at the back door. I enjoyed every minute being with Todd and found his conversations very interesting and gave him lots of advice to his many questions he was asking and it seemed that he was using me as his therapy to get through his trying times. I really liked him as a friend and tried to help him as much as possibly.

Then one day Todd asked me if he could call me Dad. I was more than a little shocked because I was only about 10 years older than him. I told him that I was not sure it was a good idea, after all I was not really old enough to be his Dad. Todd told me that he did not want any arguments from me because I treated him much better than his real Dad ever did and had more respect for me than most people he had met. I could see that this was important to Todd and felt it would help him and finally gave in and told Todd that in private he could call me Dad if he wanted to but please do not use it in public. Todd said that he liked that very much and he would respect my decision. Todd always told me that he owed me for being such a good listener and he was feeling much better about himself and his life since he met me and he could not thank me enough. Todd said "Dad, whenever you need help I will always be there for you ". I thought to myself my plan was starting to work. Little did Todd know that I was longing for more from him than just conversation, and had the feeling that I loved him in a way that I could not explain.

Then one day Todd told me that he thought he was overweight and asked for my opinion. He pulled his shirt up and said "Dad do you think I am fat?" My eyes went to his beautiful flat hairless soft skinned stomach. I could not resist and put my hand on his boyish smooth abdomen and ran my fingers just inside the waste band of his sweat pants. I tried to pinch a fat roll but there was not any and told him not to worry he is definitely not fat. Oh how I wanted to slid my hand down further and probably could have as he did not resist me touching the area below his navel or say anything about it but I thought the time was not right.

During one of our conversations Todd was again getting into a long discussion telling me about his friend Chuck who was the same age as he was. When Todd talked about Chuck he used the word "friend" quite sincerely which led me to believe that he and Chuck may be more than just friends. One day, he confided that Chuck's older brother had sexually used him all through high school. He had forced Chuck to perform oral sex on him every day after school and now that Chuck is older this was bothering him. He went into detail about how much a friend Chuck is to him and how he always wants to be there for him. Many of the little things Todd had told me started to make sense. I guessed by putting the pieces together that Todd and Chuck were lovers and had been for some time.

Then the day came that I had waited for so long; I would have the apartment to myself because my wife would be away for a few nights. Immediately I started working out a plan where I would get Todd over to my house. By now I knew where Todd lived and had his phone number but had never called him. From early evening until after 10:00 p.m. I was busy calling his place. Finally he answered and was quite surprised that I called him. Todd told me that he just got home and had been out with the girl that had been chasing after him. I told him that I was having a very bad day and was quite depressed and that I needed someone to talk to. He was immediately concerned about me and said that he wanted to help me and asked where could we meet. He had never been to my house so I told him what direction to start walking and would meet him on foot half way. We met and headed back to my apartment. Todd was busy talking as usual all about his concerns for Chuck and this girl that was after him.

We arrived back at my apartment and were sitting in the living room exchanging small talk as usual. Recently I had discovered a very great tasting wine and had bought a few cases so I asked Todd if he would join me in a glass of wine as relaxation while we talked. He said he would like that and I thought to myself "let the fun begin". Shortly after Todd had finished his glass of wine his talk loosened up quite a bit and I could clearly see by the way he was acting and what he was saying that my suspicion that Todd was gay was becoming very clear. Then Todd asked me if I had anything against gay men and how would I would react if I knew a good friend of mine was gay. Being the closet gay man that I am, I told Todd that being gay is each person's own choice and I have always been a person to respect other people's choices. Todd seemed to be relieved by what I said and visibly relaxed.

Todd took a deep breath and I guessed that he was preparing to give me a confession about his sexual orientation. Todd then started talking very freely and told me all about his uncle who he had sex with during his high school years. The way Todd was talking about his uncle and how he explained some of the details of their love affair led me to believe that he did not consider that he had been abused, but rather that he fully enjoyed how he and his uncle had sex. Todd went on to tell me that he and Chuck were lovers and Chuck would have his hands in his pants every opportunity he could get. He was in love with Chuck and they were having some wonderful times together both as friends and lovers. Todd said that Chuck was very experienced with gay sex and always enjoyed every second of their lovemaking. He said that they loved having 69 oral sex; he loved the taste of Chuck's delicious cock. Chuck had also had anal sex with him and they were very close.

Now I knew the time was right. I sat down on the sofa next to Todd and as I did I leaned over and kissed his soft, warm lips, which I had been longing to taste. His lips were wonderful and he kissed me back, "Dad I Love you" Which immediately calmed all my fears of rejection. I knew Todd wanted me as much as I wanted him. I ran my hand over his hairless, ivory skin and played with his nipples then let my fingers roam over his chest. I started to remove his shirt and he immediately took it off for me. He had a very beautiful boyish looking chest and I lowered my wanton mouth to first one tit and then the other. I sucked hard until his nipples were sticking straight out, dark red and erect. I could tell Todd was very nervous because he had not initiated anything with me but neither did he offer any resistance to my advances, he was enjoying my every move. My attention shifted down and I unfastened his pants and slid them off his hips allowing them to fall his knees. He had black boxer shorts on and I could hardly wait to see what was inside, the loose material gave little indication of what I could expect. I slid his shorts down his legs and had him step out of them.

Oh what a beautiful sight! Just for me, right in front of my eyes lay his beautiful semi- erect uncut cock. For a moment I just gazed at the beauty of a truly perfect cock. Long, thick and smooth, the smallest hint of pink at the tip where the glans could be seen peaking through the foreskin. The helmet clearly outlined and prominent under the translucent tightly stretched hood. Then I moved on to drink in the loveliness of his naked body. His natural masculine aroma mixed and was enhanced by the traces of the cologne that he always wore. Todd stood motionless allowing my full appreciation of his physical splendour.

Little could Todd have known how well I have mastered the art of sucking on the velvet foreskin of an uncut cock. I positioned Todd on the sofa, on his back, so I could enjoy the full beauty of all his manliness. I could smell his cologne and his manly smell coming from his crotch and it aroused me. I was so excited that I could not restrain myself any longer; the smell of a real man really turns me on. I am a very clean person and can sense a clean guy. I do not get excited over stinky bodies that men fail to take care of but the aroma of a natural man is to be savoured and enjoyed.

I took Todd's cock in my hand and his long soft velvet wrinkled foreskin between my fingers which covered his lollypop cock head. I was eager to see what was tucked away inside his foreskin before I savoured his man meat. I have this thing about clean that I want to see what I am going to eat before I eat it. I gently pulled his foreskin back and exposed his entire cock head for inspection. He was clean yet the manly smell was so wonderful, I was overcome for a moment and I almost lost track of my enjoyment.

I then woke back up to my enjoyment and reminded myself that I must get to work on sucking that delicious foreskin while he was still soft. Immediately I lowered my warm wet mouth to Todd's crotch and started sucking his wrinkled soft velvet foreskin inside my mouth and was busy enjoying the baby soft skin and the wonderful manly flavour. Oh yes, his manliness tasted wonderful and I was finally enjoying what I had waited for.

I sucked his foreskin inside my mouth and could now feel his lollipop cock head starting to grow at the tip of my lips, Todd softly moaning as I tongued his sensitive skin. I told myself I must get to work fast to enjoy the feast. I closed my mouth enough to keep his lollipop cock head outside and sucked hard on his foreskin stretching it inside my hot wet mouth. I sucked like a vacuum pump to keep his foreskin tight and now for the best part, I slipped my tongue inside his foreskin tunnel and licked his foreskin running my tongue inside searching with the tip of my tongue for Todd's piss slit. Yes there it is, my tongue found the spot and I lick on the cock head tip with the tip of my tongue buried inside his foreskin tunnel. I can feel his cock growing outside my lips. Now that his cock head has started to fill his foreskin I run my tongue around his cock head inside of his foreskin and stop at his most sensitive part, the underside of his cock head. I lick the underside of his swollen cock head. My warm wet tongue is hard at work trying to tease a pearl drop of pre-cum out of his piss hole just for me to enjoy. All of a sudden without warning, there it is, oh how wonderful, that first drop of Todd's sweet juicy pre-cum. A rich reward for my work, the delicious taste of bittersweet pre-cum. I would gladly drink up a cup full if some fine man could produce that much for me.

During my passionate love making to Todd's cock he has not reacted but just layback and enjoyed my ministrations. Now I feel Todd reach down and touch the inside of my leg and can tell that he is trying to work his hand toward my crotch. In a very soft low voice Todd says, "Dad I like that, it feels real good". Now I know that the time has come that he wants to enjoy me as much as I am enjoying him. I get up and remove my clothes. My rock hard seven and one-half inch cock is standing straight out, already the underside of my cock head is dripping wet with pre- cum. I am not sure what Todd wants to do but am willing to offer him whatever he wants to enjoy.

I ask Todd if he would like to join me on the floor and he gets up and we lie on the floor, Todd pushes me on my back. I am quite surprised that my young lover has come alive and telling me what he wants and am waiting for his next move to see what is in store for me. Todd starts to get into the 69 position on top of me with his half hard uncut cock dangling from his wonderful smelling crotch directly over my face. I can feel Todd lower his warm wet mouth over my cock and start to lick the pre-cum from my mushroom cock head. I immediately go back to his foreskin and run my tongue inside his tunnel while sucking his foreskin inside my mouth. This time there is not much foreskin left because his cock has grown to full size but he has produced a wonderful glob of sweet pre-cum just for me to lick up and enjoy. I lick madly at his tiny cock cunt enjoying every drop of sweet juice Todd is offering me. I cannot take it any more and suck his cock inside my mouth and am now sucking his cock like a calf sucking its mother cow tits. Todd's cock has grown to full size and become more than a mouthful, the tip of his cock is jabbing at my throat. Todd has my entire big mushroom cock head inside his mouth and is busy sucking my pre-cum from my piss hole as I drip like a tap.

I am loosing track of what is happening and am feeling absolutely wonderful. I am bobbing my head up and down on Todd's cock at the same time I have managed to run my hand up his ass crack and massage his tight rose bud located between his beautiful bubble ass cheeks. I take a second to wet my finger with a mixture of my spit and Todd's pre-cum and now slowly push my finger inside his tight man cunt and massage his prostrate. My cock sucking and finger fucking has aroused Todd to the point that I can feel his hips start a fucking motion with his rock hard cock in my mouth. Now I decide that the time has come to allow my young lover to carry out his desire to fuck my warm wet throat. I lay back and position my head to open my throat more each time as he is raming his rock hard cock into my throat to let him get his manly fuck stick all the way in. Each time he slams his rock hard cock inside my mouth he pushes a little further and Todd is now fucking my throat like a cunt.

Todd has managed to ram all of his rock hard cock down my throat and is driving his cock in and out like a well-experienced fuck machine. Todd's balls are slamming onto my face and my nose is buried in his pubic bush with the smell of his manliness driving me crazy. Todd is fucking my mouth madly and sucking my cock so hard that it feels like he is going to suck my mushroom cock head off its stem. I can feel Todd's body start to shake and his cock is jerking at the same time. I tell myself that I want to taste his cum and not just have him shoot his load of warm creamy boy juice down my throat. I place one hand on each of his hips and push his hot sweaty body up off my face until all I have in my mouth is his cock head with his foreskin pushed back behind the hugely bloated glans.

I am sucking very hard and can already taste cum on my tongue and then his cock makes a wild jerk and he is shooting my mouth full with his warm creamy cum and I am busy licking his piss hole with the tip of my tongue to clean up his delicious cum as fast as he can feed it to me.

Oh how wonderful, oh how wonderful his creamy juice tastes so good. As soon as I had the first taste of his cum on my tongue that is all I needed and I started shooting my cum. Todd could sense that I was ready to shoot my load of cum and pulled his head off my soaking wet cock head probably because he was not sure if he wanted to eat my cum or not. He was not fast enough and I shoot my hot cum inside his mouth like a bullet before he could move away. My cock kept shooting long strands of white creamy cum and as he was moving his head I was shooting ropes of my sticky jism over of his face.

Todd collapsed on top of me and I continued to lick his cock and sucking his cum out of his piss hole until I had sucked him dry. His cock was starting to go soft and I was busy sucking his foreskin back over the head of his cock and running my tongue inside his foreskin tunnel to clean up any left over cum he had for me. Finally Todd gained enough strength back and was able to roll off me and the two of us sat up. I could see my cum splattered all over his face. I could not resist and pulled him toward me and licked my own cum off his face and enjoyed every drop I could clean up. Todd then gave me a kiss and said "Dad that that was the best and longest orgasm I had ever had". Todd told me that he shot so much cum that he felt like he was pissing in my mouth and could feel me sucking the cum from his cum strands all the way down to his balls.

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