More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Mar 8, 2019



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

If you are offended by descriptions of gay sex, humiliation and exhibitionism, you shouldn't have got this far into the site and you should definitely leave now.

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Chapter 8

Once we were seated, with Jim next to me, I raised my eyes to look at the other people in the restaurant. My gaze was met by several of them who were openly staring and smiling. Despite my embarrassment, I ascertained that they were all men. I thought this was strange until I realised that Jim would probably have ensured that my exposure and humiliation would take place in a relatively safe environment. Maybe this was an exclusively gay place. I gained further reassurance when I began to study the pictures on the wall: while not in any way obscene, they definitely had a gay theme to them – partially clad men, many in leather, that iconic photo of two policemen kissing – and in pride of place above the counter was a rainbow banner. I began to feel a certain measure of relief.

After a few minutes the waiter came over to take our order. With a pleasant smile of welcome and a polite `good afternoon, gentlemen,' he asked us what we would like to drink while studying the menu.

Jim explained that as I was driving I would have a still mineral water, while he ordered a dry white wine for himself.

Very good, sir,' replied the waiter. Then he went on, seemingly a trifle embarrassed, There is a house rule that leather jackets should not be worn. So I wonder...'

Jim's reply was almost instantaneous. Of course,' he said. My friend will be happy to comply, won't you, Simon?'

Embarrassed and humiliated again, but also ridiculously turned on, I removed my jacket and handed it to the waiter, who smiled and took it away.

`You knew about that rule, didn't you?' I said.

Well, yes,' came the reply. But you are definitely enjoying the experience.'

He was right. Wearing only brief, and very revealing latex shorts and my boots, I knew I was on display and my cock responded by getting harder than I thought possible.

Unexpectedly, Jim said, `Undo the zip and let your cock out. You'll feel more comfortable.'

I struggled beneath the table to lower the zip, then I pulled out my cock and balls. Jim reached down and began stroking me.

`Stop. I'm so turned on that I'm likely to cum within seconds.'

The stroking stopped, but was replaced with rubbing and massaging of my cock head. Jim paid special attention to the frenulum. My breath was coming in short, sharp gasps. I began moaning and grunting. I realised that several people were watching and enjoying the display. Just when I thought I couldn't hold my orgasm back any longer, Jim stopped.

With immense gratitude, tinged with frustration, I gave a deep sigh. Jim waved the waiter over and I moved to zip up again, but Jim brushed my hand aside.

The waiter stood beside us and, looking directly at my throbbing shaft and then my face, he said, `I see that you are ready, but would you like to order now?'

I hadn't had a chance to look at the menu, but Jim ordered a light salad for both of us, accompanied by wholemeal rolls.

The waiter went off and Jim said to me, `I think we ought to go to the loo before lunch comes. Follow me.'

This time he didn't prevent me from zipping up and I quickly followed him to the toilet. He directed me to one of the cubicles, saying, `Take off your shorts. Then go in there and pee, or whatever you need to do.' He was smiling when he spoke that last phrase.

I removed my shorts, so that I was now wearing only my boots and I went into the cubicle and closed the door. It seemed that Jim was giving me permission to wank to climax, so I set to work on my erection. I heard Jim pissing at the urinal. I also heard the door open and someone else come in.

I was just getting to the point of no return. My breathing was deep and harsh. I was sure it could be heard by anyone in the toilet. But there was no stopping now. With a grunt and several gasps, strings of spunk shot from me. I just about managed to aim into the bowl.

Then I heard Jim's voice say to the other person, `I am going back to my table now. My friend is in that cubicle. I think he will need his shorts when he comes out. Would you mind giving them to him? You'll easily recognise him – he's wearing leather boots...just leather boots.'

Then I heard the door close as Jim went back to our table.

`Can you pass me my shorts, please?' I called out to the unknown person beyond the cubicle door.

`Sorry. I need to see that you are the right person. I was given a description of the right guy. You have to come here so I can check everything's OK.'

I didn't seem to have a choice. So I opened the door and revealed my naked self.

The stranger who was holding my shorts said, `Come out here where the light is better. I need to be sure you are the right guy.'

As he had seen everything already, I came out into the centre of the toilet and stood there, holding out my hand for the shorts. This guy was having none of that! He walked slowly round me looking me up and down, inspecting every part of my nakedness. He seemed to take particular interest in my penis which was now swelling again.

Nice boots,' he said. But I'm still not sure you are the right guy. I need to fetch my friends so they can help me check.'

`But I'm the only guy here,' I protested.

`Just stay there and I'll be right back,' was the only reply he gave.

I stood there naked and a few minutes later, although it seemed like an age, he returned with two other guys. I supposed they must be his friends.

He had obviously briefed them on the situation, because they all immediately set about examining me. They ran their hands over my whole body - Just checking that you really are naked.' One guy spread my arse cheeks and fingered my hole - Just making sure your don't have anything hidden up there.' Another grasped my shaft and full retracted my foreskin - `Just to make sure you aren't wearing anything underneath there.'

Despite my recent orgasm, my cock was throbbing again as they carried out a thorough inspection of me, paying particular attention to my most intimate parts. Finally, they agreed that I was the guy that Jim had spoken of and the first guy handed me my shorts and I was left alone. With difficulty I worked them over my boots and up to cover my genitals and arse. Only semi-decent, I slowly walked back into the restaurant and sat down, listening to the excited buzz of conversation from the customers. From the snatches of conversation I managed to make out, it was clear that everyone knew about the guy who had been naked in the toilet and who had been subjected to a humiliating examination by three strangers.

You were a long time,' smiled Jim. Was there a problem?'

`I think you know what happened.'

`Maybe. Anyway, our lunches have just arrived so tuck in. You have a long evening ahead of you. So when we have finished lunch, we need to go home so you can have a rest. Are you enjoying your day so far?'

I nodded eagerly.

`Good. This is such a special day for me, the beginning of our lives together, so I wanted it to be special and memorable for you too.'

Jim was certainly succeeding so far. And, as he suggested, we went back to his house – correction: OUR house. What a lovely feeling it gave me to think of it as our house!


To be continued

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