More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Mar 1, 2019



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

If you are offended by descriptions of gay sex, humiliation and exhibitionism, you shouldn't have got this far into the site and you should definitely leave now.

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Chapter 7

A long time and a fresh pot of coffee later, Jim broke our embrace and explained what he had in store for that evening. He had been so confident that he had arranged a party to celebrate me moving in with him. He listed the people he had invited. Most of them I knew, some friends from way back, others I had only got to know fairly recently. Of course, there were some I didn't know – Jim's friends that I hadn't met yet.

We have to hurry if the house will be ready in time for all our guests this evening, I said.

No need,' came the reply. We're not having the party here. I've reserved the whole of Salvo's for the evening.'

He smiled and there was a wicked and knowing gleam in his eyes as he named the restaurant where I had met Aaron for the first time. I too smiled while remembering what had happened that night – my humiliation, my enforced public nudity, my orgasms in public places. Fond memories, yes! Embarrassing memories, definitely.

`I think we ought to have a fairly quiet day before this evening's celebration. The only thing we really must do is buy your outfit for tonight. I know what I'll be wearing, so today I want you to be the centre of attention,' Jim explained.

We had a quiet breakfast together, interrupted only by kisses and cuddles. Afterwards I drove Jim in my new car (I had difficulty in thinking of it as `my car') into the city centre and we hit the shops. I assumed that we would be going to an up-market tailor, maybe to buy a formal suit, something that my wardrobe lacked. But no. Jim was quite definite about where we would be getting my clothes.

He led me to a discreet shop in one of the side streets. The sign over the door read, `Men's specialist clothing.' The windows were of frosted glass. The shop was so discreet that I had never noticed it, even though I had walked along that street many times.

As we entered, Jim was greeted by the owner like an old and valued customer – I later learned that this was in fact the case. The man was about 6 feet tall and muscular – he looked as if his clothes had been sprayed on to him. I admired the outline of his well-defined chest, his taut abs and his muscular thighs. The bulge at his crotch was enormous. I had difficulty not dribbling.

Turning to me, the owner said, `Welcome. Jim has explained the sort of outfit you need, so if you will just come with me, I'll get my assistant to take a few measurements and we can get started.'

Over his shoulder, he called out, `Eric!'

In an instant Eric appeared. He was about 20, maybe 5 feet 7, with a toned body. I knew his body was toned because he was wearing nothing except a pair of tight leather briefs and a pair of black boots which reached almost to his knees. He was carrying a tape measure, strung around his neck.

`Follow me,' he said with an inviting smile and indicating a door through to the back of the shop. I followed feeling a little perplexed: I hadn't been given the chance to look over the goods that were on sale, although I had got the impression that there was a lot of leather and several quite skimpy items. I wondered what Jim had in mind for me.

`Please, sir, be so good as to remove your shoes and socks so that I can take your measurements for the footwear.'

I sat on the stool Eric was indicating and did so. Eric knelt in front of me. He tenderly lifted my left foot, kissed it (fucking hell, he kissed it!) and deftly measured its length and the breadth at several points along its length, making careful notes on a pad which was beside him on the floor. Then he placed my foot gently on the floor and repeated the whole exercise with my right foot.

Leaving me sitting there, Eric disappeared into the front shop with the note pad, only to return a few minutes later.

He stood before me and politely asked me to remove the rest of my clothes, explaining that it was necessary for him to get accurate measurements for the outfit Jim (Eric referred to him as Master Jim) had in mind for me.

I must admit that this was a bit of a turn on for me, so I stood up with a mixture of thoughts and emotions running through my rather confused mind. I removed my top and unbuttoned my jeans. I stood there, clasping my hands over the slowly growing bulge at the front of my tight-fitting boxers. What did Jim have in mind? I didn't know – I had no idea – but that very thought sent blood coursing direct to my cock. And there was a near-naked man in front of me who, although only armed with a tape measure, seemed keen to run his hands over my body.

I was aroused from my reverie when Eric said, apparently for the second time, `And your boxers too, sir.'

This prospect rather worried me. Here was an attractive guy, in a very erotic outfit, asking me to strip for him. Before I was fully aware of what was happening, he had grasped the waist band of my boxers and was gently lowering them. As he bent down to lower them to my ankles, my newly released erection slapped his cheek.

`Sorry about that,' I muttered, reddening with embarrassment.

`Don't apologise, sir,' came his reply.

With one deft motion, he removed my boxers, smiled up at me and took my erection in his mouth. His expertise at cock sucking was amazing. With gentle tongue work on my engorged head, he quickly brought me to a throbbing full erection.

I was disappointed when he withdrew and measured my cock, both length and girth, as well as my balls, all the while making copious notes on his pad. My disappointment increased when he transferred his attention and note-taking to my thighs, calves, inside- and outside-leg measurements. Standing up, he took many measurements on my waist, torso and neck. Standing close behind me – so close I could feel the heat radiating off his naked chest – he fondled my buttocks and ran his fingers lightly and provocatively across my erect nipples.

When he had aroused me fully he moved in front of me again and looked thoughtfully at me taking in every aspect of my nakedness. The experience was erotic, standing naked in front of a sexy (and near-naked) stranger while he ran his hands gently and expertly over my whole body. After several minutes, Eric stood back and smiled at me.

`There's only one measurement left to take: your cock when it's soft. So, if you will permit, I will suck you now and then we'll be ready for the last few pieces of information.'

Without waiting for any reaction from me, he dropped to his knees and for the second time his mouth engulfed my cock. He was certainly an expert at this aspect of his job! Within minutes, I could feel an orgasm approaching, although I was slightly disappointed. Eric was working my cock without passion. He wanted my cock to be soft so that was his sole aim. He was not enjoying what he was doing. He was merely doing his job and sadly I felt his lack of involvement.

When I called out, `I'm close', he merely grasped hold of my balls, intensified his sucking and inserted his finger into my arse, giving my prostate an expert massage. I was in ecstasy. I had no control and I came. Like the good cocksucker he was, Eric swallowed my load in its entirety without spilling a drop. Once his mouth was empty, he proceeded to lick and suck my fast-disappearing erection clean.

As soon as my cock was hanging flaccid, Eric got to work with his tape again, deftly taking the remaining measurements he wanted.

Leaving me alone again, he went back into the shop, presumably to pass all the information he had gleaned on to the owner and Jim. Moments later Eric returned and politely asked me to follow him to the shop where the others wear waiting.

I reached for the pile of my clothes.

Oh, there's no need to get dressed, sir,' he said. Just follow me.'

I was a little reluctant to re-enter the shop, but that appeared to be expected and acceptable. When I got there, Jim and the owner smiled to see me, although I was less happy to see another couple of customers browsing through the racks of clothing and other gear. They looked over at me and they too smiled.

The owner quickly took control of the situation and instructed Eric to go to another shop down the road to fetch appropriate footwear for me, saying, `I have already phoned through the requirements to them. Everything will be ready for you to collect.'

With a nod of agreement, Eric left the shop, still wearing only his shorts and boots. Turning to me, the owner said, `Please stand on this plinth, sir, as that will make it easier for me to assess the correct outfit for you. I see your cock isn't erect now. Did Eric suck you off?'

I nodded and said that Eric wanted to measure my flaccid cock.

`I do wish he wouldn't do that. It isn't at all necessary. He only does it for his own pleasure. I will have words with him later.'

Under the gaze of the strangers, who by now had stopped browsing and were staring open-mouthed in my direction, I got onto the plinth.

`Very nice,' one of the strangers said as they approached to get a better view.

The shop owner invited them to come closer still and, if they liked, feel the naked boy. That way, he suggested, they would appreciate better the change that his choice of clothes would make to me when they were asked to feel me again.

I stood on the plinth in the centre of the shop as luxuriated in the sensation of four hands running over my legs, thighs, chest and finally my genitals. Despite my recent climax, my cock eagerly responded to their attentions and I was soon fully erect again. One of the guys started wanking me, until the owner stopped him saying that he didn't want precum and cum spoiling unsold clothes.

Eventually, the owner brought over a selection of shorts. Black and made of very thin latex. At his suggestion I pulled them up my legs, over my thighs and with a struggle I managed to get most of my engorged cock inside. Jim came over and helpfully pulled the waistband out and tucked my cock at an angle across my hip so that I was fully covered. Looking down I saw that although nothing was exposed, the tight latex moulded itself to my body, ensuring that my erection was visible to everyone.

Standing in front of me with the stance of a showman, the owner said to Jim, `And you will see that there is a zip at the front. If you lower it, you will get easy access to the gentleman's genital area. Of course, the zip is fully retractable so that his entire nether regions will be available, if you should wish.'

Excellent,' smiled Jim. We'll take those. Now, what do you suggest for his top?'

`I've given that some thought and I think you will be pleased with this suggestion.' But before he could continue with his suggestion, the door opened and Eric came in carrying a large box.

`Aah, the footwear!' And we all looked round as Eric opened the box to reveal a pair of shiny black boots similar to the ones he was wearing.

Still standing on the plinth, they helped me into the erotic footwear. Even with one guy tying each lace – Eric to my left leg and the owner to the right – it took several minutes before both boots were securely tied.

Then came the fitting of the top. He brought over a leather waistcoat. I tried it on. It was tight! I had a slight difficulty in breathing, but it was definitely a perfect fit. It was cut low under the arms so that if I moved my arms slightly my shaven pits were visible. The leather was thin enough to emphasise my pecs – in fact I thought my erect nipples were visible through it. I felt amazing. Although I was theoretically decent, in that nothing was uncovered that ought to have been covered, I was fully on display and was unable to hid my sexual arousal.

The owner disappeared and quickly returned with three more items which he described as the finishing touches. Gleefully he showed them to me. First a leather mask. I put it on. It covered my whole head. There was a shaped pouch with two holes for my nose so that I could breathe. The opening for my mouth could be zipped closed and the eye holes too were zippable.

Excellent,' said Jim. And with that the zip in the shorts was fully opened. I saw to my excitement, and apprehension, that estim straps were fixed round my balls and my cock head. Then I was told to bend over. I felt something cold – yes, lube – being smeared onto and into my hole, then with no other preparation a butt plug was slowly but firmly inserted. It felt huge and still more of it was pushed in. Finally the narrow neck was grasped by my sphincter. I don't think I had ever felt so full.

I watched as the owner zipped my shorts closed and he handed a small box to Jim. `I am sure you understand how this works.'

Yes, I think so,' said Jim. Let me just try.'

The mysterious box was the remote control for the butt plug and estim. Sharp jolts of electricity shot through my cock, making my balls tingle and my cock seemed to pulsate in rhythm with the current.

Suddenly that stopped, only to be replaced with similar, but stronger, shocks through my arse. I had been standing still until this point, but now I began jerking as my arse seemed to be filled with hot pins jabbing into my sensitive insides. I was panting, and then again I was allowed to rest.

Jim turned to the owner and asked, `Is it possible to combine the two toys?'

`If you flick this switch, you can send the current through the whole set-up. And when you have seen what effect that has, you might like to try this button too.'

In a second the whole of my abdomen felt as if it was on fire from the inside, as a powerful current flowed from my arse to my balls and to the head of my cock and then back. In agony – or was it ecstasy? - I grabbed at my arse and cock trying to obtain some relief.

Then Jim tried the button that had been suggested and all of the lower part of my body was filled with an oscillating flow of currents and sensations as pulses ran from my arse, through my balls and on to my throbbing cock.

Again I reached down to my genitals and arse vainly trying to control the sensations tormenting me. I heard Jim say, `Do you have any of those wrist-thigh restraints to stop that happening?'

`Of course, sir.'

Again the current stopped as the restraints were fixed round my thighs and wrists. Then Jim started the torment again and my only possible attempt at relief was to jiggle and hop from one foot to the other. When at last the current ceased, I received a round of applause from everyone in the shop. And the two other customers were invited across to discover how good my close-fitting outfit felt. Again I basked in the erotic feelings induced by their manipulation of my body.

Just send his clothes over when you can spare someone, please. He won't be needing them again for a while. He will wear this lovely new outfit for the rest of the day,' said Jim. Unless it gets removed,' he added with a chuckle.

Jim helped me down from the plinth and as we left the shop, he asked, Are you enjoying being the centre of attention?' Grabbing my throbbing cock through the latex, he added, I can see you are. Well, I think it's time to grab something to eat.'

With that we set off down the street. My wrists were still fixed securely to my thighs and Jim seemed to have fun watching me trying to walk with some semblance of normality while he played with the remote. I was getting quite enough stares from the passers-by because of my outfit, without the added embarrassment of struggling to walk with fires burning through my insides.

Soon we entered a small restaurant. Jim had me stand still right in the middle of the other customers. I was aware that my unconventional (to say the least!) clothing was causing everyone to stare at me. Inside my mask I reddened.

You are making such a spectacle of yourself,' mocked Jim in an uncomfortably loud voice. Let me help you.'

With that, he removed my mask, so that everyone could see my embarrassed and humiliated blushes. Then he squatted down and released my wrists. I hardly dared to look around me as I was sure that everyone was staring at me, wearing a tight-fitting leather waistcoat, knee-high leather boots and black latex shorts which revealed to all and sundry my shameless erection.

Unhelpfully, Jim added, `Everyone is staring at you in your wanton attire.'

With a smirk, he led me to a corner table. I quickly sat down, trying unsuccessfully to become invisible.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 8

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