More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Feb 14, 2019



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

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Chapter 6

I am always amazed at the contrasts I see in Jim's treatment of me. During the evening, and indeed throughout the whole day, he and Aaron had abused my body. I had been edged mercilessly, subjected to relentless stimulation to my genitals and anus, and reduced to a sobbing, quivering wreck. But now that we were alone in bed, his arms surrounded me bringing comfort and healing to my shattered body.

He nuzzled my neck, breathed softly in my ear, ran his hands gently over my torso. A deep-seated calm emanated from him and filled me. I relaxed, enfolded in his embrace. It felt as if the tensions and fatigue caused by my exertions through the day were evaporating with his caresses.

I lay on my back, still and relaxed. He slowly manoeuvred himself until his lips met mine. My lips parted to allow his tongue to enter and begin to explore my mouth. Jim's ministrations to my body began to have the effect he obviously desired. Instead of just lying there, I began to respond. My tongue wrestled with his seeking entry into his mouth. I gently but firmly pulled him closer to me and, as I did so, I was aware that his cock was erect and pushing against my own. Naturally, my erection returned and soon there were two hard shafts pressing against each other.

Jim broke the kiss and started licking and nibbling my neck, working down to my chest. He paid special attention to my erect nipples, playing the right with his lips and teeth, while his right hand flicked and stroked the left. Meanwhile his left hand was working its way slowly down my body. With soft, feather-light caresses he passed over my abs and reached my cock. Just a couple of gentle strokes and then he began to fondle my balls.

Although I was tired from my earlier treatment -- the edging, the humiliation I had undergone, the milking -- Jim's gentle and sensuous attentions aroused my libido yet again. Frissons of excitement surged through my body. It felt as if a mild electric current was flowing through my whole being, making my sense of touch far more sensitive than usual. My tranquillity evaporated and lust filled my being.

All my erogenous zones were awakened. My whole being was receptive to his touch. He was soft, gentle, possibly teasing, but totally committed to me unconditionally. I had never before been the centre of someone's universe. My relationship with Phil had been based primarily on sex and a few shared interests. Jim, by contrast, was still relatively unknown to me as a person -- I had only known him for a few weeks and intimately really only for a few days. But his commitment was unquestionable. His devotion was almost tangible. I wondered if I could ever be worthy of what seemed like emotional surrender. Would I be capable of making a similar sacrifice myself to him?

I was overwhelmed with gratitude for his emotional commitment and with an awareness of my own inadequacy. Tears flowed from my eyes.

Seeing my emotional turmoil, Jim stopped. He became immobile.

`What's the matter, Simon?'

`I can't really explain. I am just overwhelmed with emotion. I can't think what I have done to deserve you. You've awoken feelings in me that I can't describe. And I'm an emotional mess just now. Hold me. Love me.'

`I will and I do,' was Jim's simple reply.

We lay together, limbs entwined, both of us enjoying the moment.

That `moment' must have lasted some time. I slowly calmed down. We began kissing again. Our embrace became more passionate. Our erections told of our mutual need for a physical demonstration of our emotions. Soon, almost before I became aware of what was happening, I felt Jim's member enter my arse. Slowly at first, then faster and faster he pumped. His fist grasped my cock and stroked me in exact synchronicity with his movements inside me. We came together. And, exhausted, we embraced again and, collapsed into a deep sleep, each slimed with the spunk I had poured onto my chest.

Monday morning dawned and we overslept. We were both late for work. Of course, Jim, as the boss, had no explanations to make. I, on the other hand, had to grovel a bit to my manager, but I had no regrets about the weekend or the reasons for my late arrival.

I was looking forward to the end of the month's silence I had imposed on Jim and myself, the silence over the feelings we had for each other. Every evening Jim and I met. Sometimes we spent the evening at my flat. Sometimes we ate out. Jim accompanied me to my swimming practices and afterwards he always was the first to congratulate me on what he called my `prowess'.

Throughout that time, we were alone together. We felt no need for anyone else to be with us. In fact the only other people I spoke to were work colleagues (couldn't avoid that!), swim team members (couldn't avoid that either!) and shop assistants. That weekend spent with Jim and Aaron had been amazing: I had thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was no longer what I wanted.

Finally the Saturday came when the month's silence expired. I was awake ridiculously early: my excitement and apprehension were immense. Was today the day when Jim would ask me to live with him? Or was it the day he would say that it had been fun, but that it was time to quit? Emotional turmoil again!

I was due to go over to Jim's as soon as I had finished breakfast, but I thought that arriving at his place at 6.30 would be inconsiderate. I took extra care showering and shaving as I wanted to look my best, no matter what Jim had to say to me.

And it was still too early. I watched TV -- in which particular corner of hell do they find the programmes that they broadcast in the early mornings? I paced up and down.

Finally at 7.30 I decided to ring him. I was surprised that he answered at the first ring.

`Sorry to ring so early,' I started.

No problem,' he replied. I've been awake for hours. Can you come now?'

`On my way.' And I ran down to my car.

Luckily there are no speed cameras on the way to Jim's house! I arrived in record time and before I had switched off the ignition, Jim was at the door smiling to me.

I ran to him, breathless with a strange mixture of excitement, nervousness and love. We embraced. We kissed. Jim moved aside and asked me to go into the sitting room. We sat side by side on the sofa. I was shaking with emotion. I think Jim was too.

He cleared his throat and said, `A month ago you told me to wait a month. I have just about managed to, but it's been difficult. I have had a month to rehearse what I want to say and now the pretty speech I had mentally prepared has totally disappeared from my brain. So you'll have to make do with this -- Simon, I love you. Will you move in with me?'

Tears filled my eyes as I croaked my answer, `Yes, please. I want that so much.'

A look of relief spread over Jim's face, followed by a look I can only describe as love.

`I hoped you'd say yes, so I have this for you,' he said as he handed me an envelope.

I had difficulty opening it given the emotional state I was in. Once I had managed to tear it open I found two keys and a card which read: `You are formally invited to attend a special celebration on Saturday (the date given was today's date) at 7.30pm in Salvo's Restaurant. RSVP.'

I looked mystified and Jim explained, `I hoped you'd accept and so I arranged a special dinner to celebrate. All our friends have accepted the invitation and now I know you'll be there as the guest of honour. You remember that Salvo's is where you first met Aaron, so you should have fun.'

I grinned at the prospect. Then, I held up the keys and asked what they were.

This one,' Jim said is for the front door to this house. For the other you need to go to the garage to find out.'

He followed me to the garage and there I saw a brand-new BMW soft top. The roof was already down.

`You've bought yourself a new car!' I exclaimed.

`Nope. It's yours. A small token of my love.'

I was overwhelmed again. `I-I-It's too much,' I stammered.

Take it for a test drive,' he said. Don't be too long. I'll have coffee ready for when you get back.'

The drive was amazing! The wind blew through my hair and across my face, blowing w=away all my doubts and fears. They were replaced with love. And gratitude, not just for the car, although there was no way I could ever have thought of affording such a car for myself. No, gratitude to Jim for being Jim and so caring, loving and considerate. I was enjoying my drive, but I hurried back, wanting to be with Jim rather than out in a car.

When I returned the coffee was ready, but it got cold. We made slow, passionate love and then, over a fresh coffee, Jim explained his plans for the evening. My excitement grew as I heard what he had in mind.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 7

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