More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Feb 8, 2019



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

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Chapter 5

As we drove back to Jim's house from our lunch and afternoon walk during which I had been edged mercilessly by Aaron, made to cum by a group of lads that I didn't know and had to walk naked through the woods and then made to piss myself in public, the warm air in the car made my piss-soaked clothes begin to smell. Soon Jim pulled in to a lay-by and said: `I can't stand it any more. We need to get rid of your clothes.'

Again I found myself sitting totally naked in the car. Jim bundled up the shorts and t-shirt I had been wearing and tossed them and my trainers into the rubbish bin.

When we set off again, I tried to cover my nakedness with the towel I was sitting on, but Aaron would have none of it.

`You look so good, naked and vulnerable like that.' And he went to work again on my cock and balls. He teased my cock head, running his fingertips gently over it and round the underside of the helmet. He slowly rolled my balls between the fingers of his other hand. All the while he was licking and nibbling my neck, my chest and stomach.

I was exhausted from my earlier adventures so I lay back into the seat and relaxed into his sensuous attentions. Despite my recent orgasm I was soon fully erect and my breathing came in shorter pants. I began moaning and whimpering with the intensity of the sensations he was sending through my whole body.

My balls started that wonderful churning feeling as my climax approached.

`Keep going,' I murmured, hoping for another orgasm – I was getting greedy! But he stopped as soon as he heard that, leaving my cock twitching. I moved my own hand over to continue where he had left off, but he brushed it aside.

Not yet,' he said. You will need to keep your next load for later.'

What did that mean? I could get no clarification from either of them, so I lay back, enjoying my nudity. I knew that people in any lorries or coaches that we passed would have an unrestricted view of me and my arousal. That thought appealed to my sluttish instincts.

When we arrived at Jim's house, he didn't park on the drive as he usually did. Instead he parked on the street a few doors down from his house. He passed his house key to Aaron, telling us to walk to the house while he parked. I wanted to stay in the car until we were on the drive in order to reduce the length of time I would be naked in public – I had done enough of that today – but Jim insisted.

I leapt from the car and sprinted to the door, trying to cover my genitals with my hands. Aaron, though, decided to stroll across, doubtless to ensure that my nakedness would be on display for as long as possible. As Jim pulled on to the drive, Aaron even walked back to the car to chat with Jim while I cowered next to the front door, trying to make myself invisible.

When I was finally admitted to the house, Jim turned to me and said, `You still smell a bit. Off you go to have a shower.'

With relief, I went to the bathroom to clean up, but I was rather surprised that they both followed me. I went into the shower cubicle off the hall and they watched. As I lathered up, I heard them commenting on how I looked. Their comments were very flattering, and I found that being the centre of attention while carrying out what is usually a private action was a real turn-on. Again my excitement at being exposed was obvious and I was quite relaxed about that, because at least I was in a relatively private and safe place.

While I was towelling off, Jim and Aaron went into the kitchen and prepared a light meal. When I joined them a few minutes later, I was pleased to see them both naked and my cock soon joined theirs in a state of semi-arousal.

Once we had eaten, Jim suggested that as it was a pleasantly warm evening, maybe we could play in the pool for a while before getting down to the games he had planned. I was still ignorant of what he had planned and a little apprehensive, so I agreed with enthusiasm. Soon we were, all three, splashing about in the water, swimming, grabbing at each other's genitals, rubbing against each other. We were just three mates horsing about in the pool and life was good.

When the sun set, it quickly got a lot cooler. We all felt rather chilly and we decided to dry and go indoors. We sat in the sitting room for a while getting warm again and then Jim nudged Aaron and suggested that we should go down to the dungeon and play some games. So that was what he'd been plotting with Aaron. I was excited at the prospect of the unknown activities they had planned for me. I was still ignorant of the details, but I was excited at the thought of being naked and vulnerable with the man I loved (that word again!) and a guy who was becoming a good friend and who was definitely imaginative when it came to humiliating me.

By the time we got to the dungeon, I was quite jittery. My erection was standing proud and my whole body was super-sensitive, ready for whatever stimulus and stimulation they had in store for me.

Jim took charge. `I know you had fun last night with the Venus 2000, so I thought you'd like another go, but with a twist or two.'

Please, no,' I begged. Not now. Maybe something more gentle, less intense?'

But Jim just looked down at my cock which betrayed my excitement and proceeded to strap me to a bench. I was laid on my back with my wrists restrained above my head. Straps were fixed round my waist and chest. Then Jim strapped my ankles next to my wrists so that my arse was exposed. Next Aaron blindfolded and gagged me. I was helpless and deprived of vision and speech. Then the sadists put a headset on me so that I could only hear white noise. No vision, no hearing, no way to communicate and unable to move.

I could sense movement. My cock was grasped and pulled between my thighs, lube was applied and I felt the familiar sensation of the milking machine being attached. It hadn't yet been activated. Coolness on my arse – lube. Something hard and cold was inserted – a butt plug? - a dildo?

One half of the headset was pulled away and a voice – Jim's – said, `Are you ready? Just four orgasms for this game. You are already familiar with the Venus 2000 and I will be controlling that. There is an interesting device in your arse. It's an electric plug with a revolving tip. The current is variable and so is the speed of the revolutions. I think you will find the stimulations it gives to your prostate very, very interesting.'

Four orgasms? Would I be able to cope? Would I even survive?

The gag muffled my protests and Jim replaced the headset.

The first sensation I experienced was a slight tingling in my arse which I identified as Aaron switching on the electrical impulses in the plug. It was very pleasant, gently stimulating my anus with a continuous tickling. I relaxed into this. I was prepared to enjoy this for hours if necessary.

But then I sensed movement deep inside me: Aaron had started the revolving head, subjecting me to repeated pressures on my prostate. This too was pleasant, but the stimulation I was undergoing meant that I knew that an orgasm would become inevitable at some point – not soon but I could feel the slightest hints of it. I knew that precum was flowing freely from my shaft.

As I was enjoying the internal pleasures I was receiving, the thought struck me that, as yet, the milking machine had not been activated. As if he was psychic, Jim must have read my thoughts: the Venus 2000 came alive. The sheath tightened around my cock and long slow strokes began.

I was in heaven: anal electro-stimulation, prostate stimulation, cock massage. What more could I want? Then there was a gentle tickling on my chest and armpits – a feather? Despite my bonds, I managed to wriggle and squirm a little with the pleasure that was flowing throughout my helpless body. Deprived of sight and hearing, I found that the surface of my skin had become far more sensitive to any physical contact. Through my gag I emitted moans of pleasure.

Suddenly, without any warning (although there was no way of warning me because of the headset), Aaron upped the current and the speed of the thrusts against my prostate. Simultaneously, Jim increased the speed of the milking machine. The shock of this unexpected increase in the stimulations I was receiving was tremendous. My whole being convulsed. My back attempted to arch, pressing against the straps across my waist and chest. Through my gag I screamed, although I guess they only heard a stifled moan. Precum poured from me adding to the lube inside the Venus 2000's sheath. I was sure that they could hear a loud slurping sound from my tortured groin.

I had no control over my impending orgasm. My breathing was laboured. My body was drenched with sweat. My balls were swirling with spunk readying itself for ejaculation.

And everything stopped. I had almost reached the point of no return and my climax was denied. I whimpered in frustration, although a rational part of my mind pointed out that if I had been allowed to cum, the stimulation of my cock would doubtless continued inflicting painful strokes in that period of post-orgasmic sensitivity.

Eventually, rationality won out. Relief swept through me, despite my sexual frustration. I had so much recent experience of being edged that undergoing the denial of an orgasm was nothing new.

I groaned into the gag when the milking began again. It seemed slower than just now, but definitely faster than the comfortable level that Jim had begun at. My prostate massage began a few instants later, again at a less intense level than I had just experienced, but still harder than was comfortable. And then the current started again – intense pulses at seemingly random intervals so that I couldn't mentally prepare myself for the next one.

In only seconds, my cock was again ready to erupt. And this time I came. Massively. My torso strained against its restraints. My breaths came fast, rasping through my throat and against the gag. Seeing my orgasm was complete, my tormentors merely increased the various stimulations I was being subjected to, except for the feather which had apparently been abandoned.

Quickly the high of orgasm subsided to be replaced with increasing sensitivity in my cock. Still the milking machine pumped away, not interested that I was suffering. The pleasure in my arse did nothing to cancel out the pain on my cock. It was trying to shrink away from the sheath, but the suction ensured that my tender shaft remained in full contact and subject to the full stimulation.

I wailed. I screamed. I howled. And suddenly the pain was replaced with a growing feeling of pleasure. I was still sensitive, but there was definitely an increasing level of sexual urging. And then the stimulation at both ends was reduced to a bare minimum. And now waves of pleasure flowed through my body. All pain had dissipated and I was riding rolling streams of sensual stimulation. I was aware of another orgasm in the distance, but for now I basked in joyful contentment.

Gradually I became aware that all stimulation, both anal and genital, was increasing. Not by sharp definite steps, but slowly, almost imperceptibly. There was a steady, continuous current in my arse. My prostate was receiving jabs at a gently increasing rate. The Venus 2000 was working my cock with greater insistence.

The almost relaxing pleasure I had been enjoying was replaced over some minutes with an urge for another orgasm. And still my tormentors notched up their infernal machines.

There was no way I could control myself. My second climax followed quickly and with greater intensity than the first. Again my body was convulsed with extremes of pleasure, but I was aware only of the spasms running through my arse and the pulsing of my cock as the Venus 2000 milked me for the second time. I was also aware that my body was pouring sweat and my breath was coming in ragged gasps.

Again the pleasure subsided as the sensitivity of my cock returned. Sensitivity became discomfort. Discomfort quickly became pain. My tortured cock again tried to shrink, but still vacuum of the hellish machine held tight, ensuring that full stimulation continued on my tortured shaft. My body strained against my restraints. My legs strained for release from their uncomfortable position. And still the anal and genital stimulation went on. I think that my tormentors even increased the levels.

I felt that this torture was unbearable. It seemed to have lasted an eternity, when once more, the pain was replaced with the awareness of sexual excitement. Yet another orgasm was on the way. How could my body cope? How could my cock betray me? It was going to attempt another eruption of spunk and lead me to mental and physical exhaustion.

Oh God! Here it was – another orgasm! I was being raped by two machines. I was helpless, bound, blindfolded, gagged, my hearing blanked out. All this, and I was now ready to cum again.

And cum I did! Exhaustion flooded me. Mentally and physically I was drained. I sank into semi-consciousness.

And everything stopped.

The machines were turned off. The headset was removed. So were the gag and blindfold. The straps holding me down were loosened and removed. Automatically I assumed the foetal position, sobbing at my treatment, and shivering with cold even though the room was warm. A drinking straw was inserted between my parched lips and gratefully I drank. The cold water acted like a tonic or stimulant: in seconds I felt better.

Jim enfolded my body in his strong arms. Aaron pressed his naked torso against me and I basked in the warmth and comfort I felt from the close proximity of their warm bodies. My sobbing reduced and stopped. I ceased my shivering. Calm and tranquillity engulfed me. I relaxed into the embraces of the man I loved and one very good friend.

Time passed: I don't know how long. I didn't care.

The I heard Jim whisper, `Simon babe, how are you?'

I managed a smile and replied, `Shattered.'

`Not surprising. But I told you you would have to cum four times and you have only managed three.'

My heart sank.

`So I will make your fourth climax of the evening a more gentle affair, just the two of us alone in bed later, much later.'

And I was filled with gratitude. I managed another smile, maybe even a grin at the prospect of Jim and me alone in bed together, enjoying tender sex.

Not long after, Aaron went home leaving Jim and me to relax on the sofa. We cuddled and snuggled in tender embraces. We sat there in loving silence for some hours until Jim whispered, `Did we go too far tonight? How did you feel? And how do you feel now?'

Jim,' I replied, it was amazing. You must know by now how much I love surrendering all control to someone else. And when that someone else is you, my pleasure increases because I totally trust you. I know that you will never let me come to harm. Look at tonight: you said four climaxes, but you stopped at three because you could see that the fourth would be one too many. During the times I was in that post-orgasmic sensitivity, I was definitely in pain, but that was lessened by the eroticism of having no control and somehow the pain was erased by the building up of the next climax. I know that may sound weird, but it is how I feel. Can you understand that?'

`I think so,' he said thoughtfully.

With that we left the sofa and went to bed.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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