More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Jan 22, 2019



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

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Chapter 4

When I at last awoke it was dark. I lay there under the duvet while I felt a quiet smile on my lips. I was warm, physically drained, sexually fulfilled. As I became gradually more aware of my surroundings, I realised that Jim was lying there next to me. I moved closer, wanting, needing to feel his body next to mine.

`Are you awake?' I whispered.


`Hold me.'

His arms enveloped me in a warm and tender embrace. We lay there enjoying the intimacy of the moment. He had one arm under my neck and the other wrapped across my chest. His gentle breathing caused his chest to rise and fall against my side. He moved one knee between my thighs and his burgeoning cock pressed against my hip. Not wanting to move, I felt a shiver of excitement run through me as his hand moved down from my chest, over my stomach and began to caress my genitals.

`Hmmm,' I moaned as my cock too revealed my willingness to receive his attentions.

Simon,' he whispered, I think I lo - `

Shh,' I interrupted him by putting my finger on his lips. Not yet. Please for the moment let us just enjoy each other.'

Reluctantly, he seemed to agree. We kissed, a long, slow, tender kiss. Lips against lips. Tongues against tongues. He licked my ear and, fully aware of how this turned me on, he thrust his tongue deep inside. He nibbled at my neck while massaging my balls, bringing my penis to full full erection. I was still exhausted from my experience with the Venus 2000, so I didn't really want to move. I just lay there while he caressed my body, stimulating my erogenous zones, tenderly and erotically making love to me. Yes, I was definitely thinking of this as love.

I realised that Jim was taking all the initiatives and that I was scarcely responding. So I apologised, explaining that my physical condition made any sort of response difficult and unwelcome.

You're not being selfish,' he responded. You're tired. I can tell from your cock that you are enjoying this. So don't apologise. Just lie there and let me demonstrate how I feel.'

Gently his lips and tongue moved across my smooth torso, moving lower and lower towards my shaven groin. I gave a gasp of pleasure as his tongue worked its magic on my balls and he began licking my shaft.

He moved until he was lying between my spread legs and his lips engulfed my cock. The shivers of pleasure from his tender ministrations thrilled through my shaft, into my balls and from there through my whole body.

He teased my cock head with flicks of his tongue. He licked all round the underside. Moaning softly with the pleasure that was coursing through my body, I lay there basking in the loving attention I was receiving from my man.

I felt my balls retract.

`I'm going to cum.'

Jim's mouth sucked harder on my cock. He moved down the shaft and with a thrill I felt my cock head pass through into his throat. He almost choked as it expanded with the oncoming orgasm. He moved back slightly, allowing himself to breathe and keeping my cock in his mouth. The spurts of cum erupted from me and he swallowed it all.

Once I had finished, Jim moved quickly up the bed and again kissed me. I could taste the traces of my cum in his mouth.

With a smile he whispered, `I have you inside me now – your essence and your being. Thank you.'

And soon we were asleep, with our limbs intertwined and our bodies pressed against each other.

The following day was Sunday and I delighted in the fact that Jim would still be mine until Monday morning when we would both have to go to work. Our leisurely breakfast was interrupted by the doorbell. Of course I was naked, but Jim still insisted that I should go to answer it. I was a little apprehensive, but I hoped that if would not be another visit from one of his neighbours. When I opened the door I made sure to stand behind it in order to avoid embarrassing the unknown caller – and myself. It was with relief that I found it was Aaron.

`Come in,' I said.

You're looking very happy,' he said. Is there something you want to tell me?'

`Not at the moment,' I smiled.

I think that Jim was expecting him, because he showed no surprise, merely offering him some coffee and suggesting that Aaron was overly dressed. Quickly he complied with Jim's unspoken instruction and he removed all his clothing.

Turning to me Jim said, `I asked Aaron to come over today, as I think the three of us could have some fun together. Am I right in thinking that you find him attractive? I know he is definitely attracted to you.'

You're right,' came my reply, I do find him very attractive physically and I still remember the first time we met when he got me off in the toilets in a restaurant.'

`Oh yes. I heard about the fun you had in Salvo's. I think we all could use our imaginations to have fun and allow you to indulge your exhibitionist tendencies. And anyway, I would like to get to know Aaron a little better.'

After breakfast, I decided to be helpful and I tidied things away while the others went into the sitting room and chatted.

When I had cleared up, I went in, only to find them deep in a whispered conversation which they suddenly finished on seeing me. They were both smiling broadly.

Jim said, `I think it's going to be a warm afternoon, so maybe we could go out for lunch and then maybe a walk in the countryside.'

Aaron readily agreed and it seemed a good idea to me too. Jim suggested that as it would be a pleasant afternoon shorts and light tops would be the best option for clothing. That was how Aaron had arrived, so he was OK, but I had a problem:

`I haven't brought anything like that with me,' I objected.

Jim quickly reassured me by saying he had something suitable for me to wear. He went to his wardrobe and returned with a pair of small, and very skimpy, white shorts and a tight-fitting white t-shirt.

He handed them to me with a smile. As I put the shorts on, I struggled to get them over my hips. To say they were tight is an understatement: they were at least two sizes too small and the rear seam entered my arse crack emphasising the roundness of my buttocks. At the front they were no better, as the outline of my cock was visible for all to see. My predicament wasn't helped by Jim's refusal to permit any underwear. And the t-shirt was so short that it barely reached to the top of the shorts: the slightest movement that I made meant that my midriff was exposed. The thought of my imminent exposure to public gaze made matters worse as my flaccid cock began to grow embarrassingly.

Jim got both Aaron and me to sit together in the back of the car and we set off. As we sat there enjoying the view of the copper, red and brown leaves on the trees, I felt Aaron's hand reach over and cup my balls and he began a slow massage of my shaft through the tight fabric.

From time to time I saw Jim looking at us in the rear view mirror. Be careful, Simon,' he said. I think those shorts get transparent when they get wet.'

I looked down and saw a wet patch of precum forming at the end of my erection and he was right: that area was transparent and I could see the pink skin of my cock head clearly through the material of the shorts. I pushed Aaron's hand away, but he immediately returned to his work on me.

`Please stop,' I protested.

Aren't you enjoying it? Oh yes, I can see you are,' Aaron replied. So I think I'll carry on.' And Jim definitely agreed.

After a short drive, we pulled up outside a lovely thatched country pub. There were several customers sitting at tables outside and they were obviously aware of the precum-soaked area and the excited state of my erection. Jim led the way in and I was very relieved to sit down as soon as I could at the first unoccupied table. Aaron sat next to me, very close so that our thighs were touching. He gently rubbed his leg against mine and again returned a hand to my groin. Meanwhile Jim had gone to the bar to order drinks and fetch the menus.

When the drinks arrived, I was confused to see that Jim, who was driving, had a mineral water, Aaron had a half of lager, while I was presented with two pints of bitter.

`Cheers,' said Jim heartily. He sipped his water. Aaron took a small mouthful of his lager. I did the same with my first pint, but Jim wasn't satisfied with that and insisted that I down it straight away. Reluctantly I complied, wondering apprehensively why he wanted me tipsy.

We studied the menus for a while and when we had decided, Jim asked me to go to the bar to order and pay. I pointed out that I had no money with me as there were no pockets in my shorts. I hoped that this would save me from the embarrassment of walking across the busy room with a very obvious erection and a spreading transparent area in my groin. But no – Jim merely passed me his wallet and said, `Here you are. Problem solved.'

Holding his wallet against my cock I made my way to the bar and as fast as I could I placed our order and paid.

When I got back to the others, I handed Jim his wallet and change.

Oh,' he said. I forgot. Go back and get us another round of drinks, water for me, a small lager for Aaron and a pint of bitter for you.'

Reluctantly I made my way back to the bar again. Of course, I had a problem when it came to returning with the drinks: there was no way I could carry three glasses and Jim's wallet in one trip while hiding my erection. On the first trip I held Jim's wallet against my shorts and carried his water. I hoped to keep his wallet with me throughout and make three trips to bring the drinks back. Unfortunately Jim had other ideas. He thanked me for the water and took his wallet back. I now had nothing to hide my very public humiliation. Returning to the bar I held my hands over my crotch, but when I was carrying my beer and Aaron's lager, my erection and the transparent patch on my shorts were visible to everyone. Despite my embarrassment, my cock twitched and I felt yet another load of precum emerge. I was sure that everyone was looking and I realised that one or two ribald comments had been made. There were sniggers from neighbouring tables. With my face red with humiliation I resumed my seat and Aaron resumed rubbing his leg against mine while he went back to massaging my cock.

I recalled how I had felt that night in Salvo's when I had been brought to climax at the restaurant.

`Please don't make me cum. I'm very close now.'

Aaron chose to ignore my plea and Jim smiled and nodded encouragement to him. My gasps and moans must have been audible to the people sitting near, no matter how hard I tried to stifle them.

`Stop now,' Jim said to Aaron and he did, but I could tell that he was reluctant.

Our lunches arrived and we all began to eat. I used my napkin in an attempt to dry off the wet patch on my shorts. Then I had a bright idea. As subtly as I could manage, I reached inside the shorts and dried my cock. Then I wrapped the napkin round my shaft and left it there with the hope that it would soak up any further leakages and allow my shorts to dry.

Not long after we had finished our food, my three pints of beer began to have its effect on me. I normally drink wine and I am unused to beer. The quantity I had consumed in a short time gave me a feeling of not quite being in the real world and the pressure on my bladder was growing.

`I need to go to the loo,' I said.

`Me too,' said Jim, and we both rose together and went towards the toilets. I walked close behind him in order to conceal my embarrassing shorts – the bulge from Aaron's previous edging was still apparent.

The toilets were empty and Jim took pity on my plight, probably aware that my state of dress was verging on the obscene.

`Go into that cubicle and take off your shorts. I'll dry them under the hand dryer for you and then pass them back when they're ready.'

I went into the cubicle. As I turned to close the door, Jim held it open waiting for the shorts, obviously enjoying the sight of me removing my shorts and being naked from the waist down and potentially on display to anyone else who entered.

`Nice,' he commented as he inspected my erection and bare legs.

With an embarrassed smile, I closed the door and started pissing. It was difficult to force my cock down towards the bowl, but I managed not to splash urine on the floor. I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard the whirring of the motor of the dryer.

The wet shorts were proving a challenge to the dryer and it was several minutes before he knocked on the door.

`Open up,' he said.

`Is there anyone else there?'

`Not yet. Open up.'

As I did so, again Jim held the door open. My erection had subsided somewhat, but as I stood there on display, visible to anyone and under the gaze of my man, it started rising again. Jim seemed very reluctant to hand me the shorts, but he finally did so when he heard the outer door open.

When I came out of the cubicle, Jim had already left to return to the bar. I washed my hands, careful not to splash water on my shorts which were now comfortingly dry and no longer transparent.

Returning to our table I saw that Aaron had got me another pint.

Drink up,' he said cheerfully. We need to get a move on.'

I struggled as it was my fourth pint, but eventually we got back into the car. Aaron took up where he had left off, running his hands up my inner thigh, brushing his fingertips over my balls which by now were aching for release, after the edging I had been treated to on the journey here and during lunch.

Then Jim made a suggestion: `It would be a shame for precum, and maybe cum as well, to get those shorts wet and transparent again, so maybe you should take them off.'

Wow!! Soon I was sitting in the car, naked from the waist down with a huge erection. Aaron grabbed hold of my shorts and passed them to Jim, then he began stroking my shaft with long slow strokes, using my own precum as lube to intensify the sensations I was experiencing.

`Top too,' said Jim. That, too, was passed forwards and I saw Jim fumble with the catch of the glove compartment. Completely naked, I lay back allowing Aaron full access to my body. With steady, slow, sensuous strokes to my cock he managed to keep me teetering right on the edge of orgasm, while with his other hand he tweaked my nipples, and at the same time licked and kissed my stomach right down to my freshly shaved groin.

My groans were uncontrollable. Through eyes which I found difficult to focus I saw Jim's eyes meet mine and I could tell he was smiling.

I don't know how long we were driving, but eventually I noticed that we had stopped. Through the window I could see trees and a grassy area.

`Right. Here we are. Out you get, guys.' said Jim.

B-b-but I'm naked,' I protested.

So you are,' said Jim in mock surprise. Oh no you're not – you have a pair of trainers. Well, here we are in the woods. Let's play a game of hide and seek. Here's how it works: Simon's clothes are in the locked car and I will hide the key. When Simon finds the key he can unlock the car and get dressed. To make it easy for you, I will tell you that the key will be somewhere in, on or under the car. Now while I hide the key, go off into the woods with Aaron. Have fun.' And with that he waved us away.

Aaron had an evil imagination. From his pocket he produced a length of twine. Making a slip knot, he put it round the base of my erect cock and balls and pulled it tight.

`I don't want you wandering off and getting lost,' he said with a sweet smile.

He set off at a smart jogging pace and as his hand moved back and forth the twine between him and my cock tautened and slackened in turns, giving me pulls to my groin and simultaneously tightening the noose. The effect was like wearing an ever-shrinking cock ring.

As I ran along the path, trying to keep up with Aaron, my erection swelled and swelled as the flow of blood from it became more restricted and as my cock swung obscenely from side to side, slapping against my hips and abs.

There was nothing I could do other than follow Aaron. He slowed down to an easy pace and I was able to catch up so that at least the noose round my genitals didn't get ant tighter, but the pace was such that if I tried to break my rhythm by trying to loosen the noose, I inevitably slowed down slightly and his arm movements tugged painfully on my cock and balls.

The path wound through the woods so that my vision of what or who was ahead was rather restricted. Suddenly I saw a group of young lads, aged about 17 or 18 coming towards us. They saw Aaron clearly and they must have caught a glimpse of my naked body running along behind him.

`Hey look up ahead,' one of them shouted, gesticulating towards us.

I thought (no, I hoped) that Aaron would divert into the bushes, but no! He continued along the path towards them. As we got closer to the lads, he slowed down to a walk, ensuring that they got a full clear view of my nudity and full-blown erection.

Aaron greeted the boys with a cheery `Look what I've got. Would you like to take a closer look and maybe feel?'

I felt my face turn beetroot red as they surrounded me, laughing at my embarrassment. Soon I was subjected to the indignity of being inspected and then groped by a group of total strangers in a public place. Hands roamed across my torso, tweaking my erect nipples. One guy, bolder than his mates, began fondling my balls and even stroked my erection a couple of times. I moaned with excitement. I knew I was close to cumming, after the edging I had suffered earlier and the recent pulling on my genitals while running naked through the woods. I begged Aaron to stop them. I didn't think I could face the humiliation of an orgasm right there. Aaron merely smiled.

Another of the lads moved right up close behind me. I could feel his clothing pressing against my naked body. As he moved in really close to encircle my waist with both his arms, I am sure I could feel his erection pressing against my arse. I realised that he was wearing no underwear under his trackie bottoms.

One of his mates nudged him and said, `See Eric. You're not the only gay one here today. Why don't you play with him a bit?'

All the others grinned in anticipation of what Eric would do. At that moment a family group could be seen coming towards us. Aaron and all the lads moved in close to surround me, so I guess that the family didn't see anything other that some guys horsing about. But now Eric had grasped my cock and was stroking it hard and fast.

I attempted to be silent, but my grunts and groans must have betrayed to the passing family that I was in a state of sexual excitement. Unable to control myself and hold back my orgasm, just as the group had gone by, I exploded right into Eric's hand, must to the delight of his friends.

I thought my humiliation was complete, but I was wrong. Eric held his spunk-filled hand up to my face and rubbed my semen all over.

`'That was fun,' smiled Eric as he and his friends gave us a cheery wave and continued on their way towards the car park, following the family who had now disappeared into the distance.

OK,' said Aaron. Let me release you. All you have to do now is is get back to the car, unlock it and get dressed. I'll be a few minutes behind you.'

And he left me standing there naked in the path with I guess about a mile to go before I could get to the car park. And when I got there my troubles wouldn't be over: I still had to find the car key.

With a heavy heart I set off along the path, straining my ears to hear for anyone approaching from ahead or behind. Several times I had to rush into the bushes, sometimes lying down to conceal myself from passers by.

I must have taken about half an hour to get back to the edge of the car park, but I had successfully avoided being seen by hiding in the bushes whenever I heard someone approach. Once I was at the edge of the car park, I tried to hide in the bushes, but here they were quite low, so I had to lie down to conceal my nakedness. I looked out to see exactly where Jim's car was and whether there were any people around. I could see Jim sitting on a bench in the sun, looking relaxed and totally at ease with the world. From time to time he would look around and once he saw me. He waved and smiled in a friendly fashion to me. I was tempted to make a dash for the car, but there were people walking to and from their cars.

Despite the embarrassment I was feeling at my predicament, my cock seemed to be enjoying the situation and started to grow again. While I could possibly risk a naked run across to Jim's car, possibly using as an excuse that I had been mugged, if I was challenged, to use that excuse while sporting an erection would not be convincing.

Suddenly the bushes behind me rustled. In horror I turned round only to see Aaron's grinning face.

`Hurry up. I expect you need another pee after drinking all that beer.'

How I wish he hadn't mentioned that. Suddenly I was aware that I had an overwhelming desire to piss, despite my erection. Cruelly he withdrew a bottle of water from his pocket and started pouring it onto the ground. The sound of the water trickling down had its desired effect: I began to piss and as I was lying on my side, my urine soaked my stomach and chest.

Naked, soaked in my own piss, with an erection, I began to despair. Then Jim took pity on me. He came over and said, `Walk close behind me and with Aaron close behind you, you should be able to get to the car without too much problem.'

At that, my heart filled with relief and love for him, for my saviour, even though I simultaneously realised that he was the effective architect of my predicament.

When we were all three standing next to the car, Jim turned to me and reminded me that I still had to find the key – he wasn't that much of a saviour!

I checked first on top of the tyres – no luck. Then I had a quick look on the roof, the bonnet, round the lights. Again, no joy. I was getting desperate. Logic told me that as Jim wasn't looking worried – he was amused rather – the key must be there. However, logic wasn't much help to a naked man in a public car park, franticly searching for a very small key. In a final surge of panic I stretched our on the gravel and looked underneath. At first I thought it wasn't there either, but I finally saw it behind the front tyre on the other side of the car.

Desperately I scrambled round to the other side, keeping as low as possible in an attempt not to reveal my nakedness to anyone passing. I grabbed the key, unlocked the car and scrambled in. it took me only a few seconds to open the glove compartment and get my shorts on. They were quickly followed by my top. I sat there smiling with relief.

Now I could at last relax. My heart had been beating fast with the tension of my recent exposure, but now it was beginning to return to normal. But, as I relaxed, I realised that I needed to pee again. Too much beer! The need was becoming pressing.

I told Jim of my problem and his reply filled me with horror: `You have two options. Either you strip off again, stand naked in the middle of the car park and piss there, or you can remain dressed but you have to piss yourself. You can stand against these bushes for modesty. And when you get into the car don't worry about the upholstery – I have a towel you can sit on on the way home.'

My erection had subsided somewhat while I had been searching for the key, but now it was returning. I chose to wet myself and stood as close as I could to the bushes. My burgeoning cock made it a little difficult to start, but once I had fully relaxed the flow began and I realised that there would be no way I could stop it. I looked down and saw a growing wet stain on my shorts. As my cock was erect, the lower part of the t-shirt I was wearing gradually soaked. As soon as the material of the shorts and top was saturated, my urine poured down my legs and formed a puddle on the ground. I was also aware that the sound of flowing water was clearly audible. I dared not look round to see if anyone else could hear.

Eventually the flow of piss lessened and stopped. The front of my shorts was fully transparent. I felt my arse and as the cloth there was wet I guessed that my arse was at least partially on display. My trainers too were soaked. I felt humiliated and yet strangely turned on, my cock throbbing with excitement.

Jim spread the towel over the rear seat of the car and I leapt in. Again Aaron took his place beside me and Jim drove off.

As we drove Jim said that he had some interesting games planned for the evening, but he wouldn't give any further information. I was sure that he wasn't thinking about Monopoly.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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