More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Dec 12, 2018



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

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Chapter 3

At some time in the early hours – it was still dark outside – I was roused from my deep sleep by a gentle massaging to my chest and groin. Pleasure was flowing through my body. I was warm. Jim was caressing me. My cock was still soft, but that would probably change soon. I turned slowly onto my back. Slowly, because I wanted to do as little as possible to spoil all the gentle and sensuous sensations that I was experiencing. I just wanted to let Jim know that I was awake and appreciative of his attention.

He nuzzled my ear, always a sure-fire turn-on for me. My breathing became slower and deeper in response. His tongue entered my ear, sending thrills of pleasure down my back. Both his hands were now on my groin, cupping my balls and tenderly holding my penis which was beginning to betray my enjoyment.

I lay there, lying back and enjoying the tender attention Jim was paying me. I whispered, `Oh Jim, this feels so good, having you caress me. You must know that my body is yours totally and without any doubt.'

`And I so want you. I want you to be happy here with me. Have you recovered from the evening's exhaustions? Can I show you physically how I feel about you?'

`Yes,' came my simple reply.

Jim acted on this almost immediately. His lips pressed against mine. I gladly surrendered to his probing tongue. With our mouths locked together in a passionate kiss, our tongues explored each other's mouths. We embraced, pulling our naked bodies closer and tighter. I relaxed into his arms and thrilled to his touch as his hand moved down my lower back and began to fondle my arse cheeks. A finger moved slowly between my buttocks, seeking and finding my hole.

`Oh I so want this,' I whispered, as his finger circled my anus, gently probing and sending tingles through my body. An odd thought crossed my mind: I had only met Jim a few weeks ago and then I had told him that I wasn't interested in anal sex, but now I was craving his cock deep within me.

He withdrew his finger and coated it liberally with with his spit and my precum. Returning it to my arse, he sought entry. I was tight and worked hard to relax to ease his entry. Once he had one finger in me, I felt it exploring and then it found my prostate which it stroked and massaged, releasing the animal in me.

One finger was followed by a second and finally a third. I was like a bitch on heat, moaning and bucking with the excitement I was feeling. My breath came in sharp gasps and I was moaning with desire for this man.

To my disappointment, Jim removed his fingers, but then he laid me on my front and I felt his cock resting against my sphincter. With gentle pressure he sought entry. I relaxed for him and pushed back to receive him. Once he was past the initial resistance, he slowly pushed further in until I could feel his balls resting against mine. He withdrew until only his head was still in side me. Then he began a slow rhythm in and out, each pass stimulating my prostate and expelling moans of pleasure and desire from my mouth.

One of his hands reached round my hip and found my cock. Following the rhythm he was using on my arse, he wanked my cock with languorous strokes. I was too tired after the evenings exertions to do much, but I was happy to raise my backside a bit and hand my body to him, for his pleasure and mine.

And he really gave me great pleasure. It was a tender love-making. He was using his body to express something a lot more important and deeper than fucking. I could tell from his hot breath on my neck and the rhythmic movement of his chest up and down my back that he too was aware of the emotional connection between us.

As the thrusts of his shaft into me became quicker and more urgent, his stroking of my own shaft speeded up in exact time. Our breaths came in short gasps. My balls retracted and I felt the sperm rising along me penis. It expanded and as the spunk erupted from me, he thrust deeper into me than before. I felt the spasms of his cock as he coated my insides with his juices.

We had cum together in perfect synchronicity. My emotions at his tenderness overwhelmed me and my tears soaked the pillow just as my sperm soaked the sheet beneath me. I was sobbing helplessly.

`Darling, have I hurt you?'

His concern was easy to hear in the worried tone of his voice.

No,' I replied. That was so beautiful. The emotions I am feeling – the emotions you have awoken in me – were just too much to keep inside me.'

I struggled to find a better explanation, but words failed me. All I could do was to turn onto my back, pull his face to mine and kiss him.

We fell asleep again lying in each other's arms in distinctly damp sheets. I wonder why sex, with all its pleasure and joy, should have to be so messy.

When I woke up again it was fully light and I could hear Jim in the kitchen. I hurried out there and again kissed him deeply and passionately. Again I enjoyed the frisson I felt rubbing my nakedness against his clothing.

Full of concern, he asked me if I was alright and whether I had enjoyed yesterday. Of course, I replied with a firm `yes'. He was obviously worried that he might have gone too far with putting me at the mercy of a group of naked and horny guys and whether the abuse that had been inflicted on me had been too intense.

I reassured him that every single moment had been just to my taste, that he should have seen as proof my almost continuous erection and my frequent orgasms.

I went on, `But the very best part was our love-making during the night. That wasn't fucking. It was utterly deeper and more meaningful. We gave our selves to each other. It was a physical expression of the emotional bond between us. I am not sure yet what that bond is, but I do know that it is special.'

Jim looked relieved.

`I would like to ask you a question that I asked before,' he said.

Not yet,' I said, understanding what he was about to say. You promised to leave it for a month and I think that it still the best thing to do. It would be terrible if we made a hasty decision only to regret it later.'

OK,' came his reluctant response. Breakfast is almost ready.'

So we sat there and over fresh bread rolls and strong coffee, we discussed what to do for the rest of our day together. We would shower together in a leisurely fashion and shave. Then I wanted to explore more of the equipment in his dungeon.

As we lathered each other's bodies, massaging the shower gel into our chests, backs, arses and groins (a lot of attention went there), we both seemed to be teetering on the edge of cumming, but we managed to control ourselves. We both realised that one massive orgasm later would be far more satisfying and fulfilling – at least that is what I thought, but possibly Jim had other ideas.

We spent a good hour in the dungeon, examining the equipment Jim had had installed there. I was already familiar with the St Andrews cross and the table where I had been secured the previous day. I recognised the fuck bench. There were hooks in the walls, floor and ceiling providing many possibilities for immobilising someone, hopefully me. There were drawers full of nipple clamps, straps, and other assorted items, such as butt plugs, chastity devices, electrodes for estim. I was fully erect as I followed Jim around the room.

`Do you think we could have fun here?' he asked.

I pointed to my hard-on and asked, `What do you think?'

He smiled and went on, `Do you trust me?'


`What would you like to do after lunch? We can stay in the house or we can go out. Whichever one you choose, I am sure you will enjoy it.'

I thought for a moment and said, `I spent a long time in the dungeon yesterday, but I think there is a lot more there to explore and hopefully enjoy. So I would like to stay here. But what I want most of all is to lie naked next to you in bed and make love.'

Jim smiled and said, `Good choice.'

We had a light lunch and then Jim said, `Come along.'

Naked and sporting an erection which clearly demonstrated my excitement, I followed him down to his dungeon. Once we were there, Jim told me to stand against the St Andrews cross and with deft fingers he secured me there, fixing my wrists and ankles in place so that I was totally exposed for whatever he had in mind. As an added twist, he blindfolded me.

I strained my ears in an attempt to hear what Jim was doing, but my overwhelming sensation was one of vulnerability and excitement. I was vulnerable, unable to move, deprived of the most important human sense, naked, unable to control whatever Jim had in mind for me. And I was excited, with my cock throbbing and, I was sure, oozing precum.

I heard items being moved around the dungeon, but I was unable to identify what those objects were. I think that something fairly tall was placed in front of me. I heard Jim working away, possibly trying to suspend something from this tall object.

I heard the hum of an electric motor and then Jim grasped my twitching cock, smeared it with lube and something was placed over it. I recognised the touch of the milking machine from yesterday and then my member was sucked into the sheath.

I didn't think it possible for my cock to get any harder, but was wrong! The sensation and thrill of the attention I was receiving was indescribable. I gasped and moaned in ecstasy.

This is set at a very gentle 60 strokes a minute,' Jim explained. Relax into it and enjoy the sensations.'

Of course, I did just that. It was amazing. The gentle massaging of my dick was delightful. I felt myself dribbling from my open mouth as I gave myself over to the pleasures which were coursing through my cock and into my whole body.

I have no idea how long this went on, but at some point Jim asked, `Would you like it a little faster?'

`Oh yes,' I gasped.

`Good,' came the reply, as the milking machine began to work harder and faster.

`That's 100.'

After only a few seconds I felt my balls contract as the cum started to move towards my raging erection.

`Oh – oh – oh – oh,' was all I could say.

`How about 150?'

And before I could make any coherent reply, the sensations in my cock became uncontrollable.

I came. And still the infernal machine ground on, working away on my erection. My cock was trying to deflate, but the suction in the tube would not allow that and my unwilling cock was forced to remain erect. My cock was sensitive and I thought the pain was becoming unbearable as sensory overload spread through my poor tortured member.

I became aware that Jim had reduced the speed of the strokes I was receiving. `Down to 50,' he said and it was as if I could hear the smile of power on his lips.

I managed to say, `I've cum. Please stop it and let me go.'

The only reply was an increase in the power of the Venus 2000. `80,' he said. And amazingly I could feel the onset of another climax. Quickly the pain transformed into pleasure and again I was brought to orgasm. As my breathing came in sharp gasps, Jim again increased the speed and with a scream I came again – my second orgasm in less than three minutes!

Again, Jim reduced the speed of the stroking on my sensitive dick. He didn't stop it and again my cock attempted to lose its erection, but the hellish machine refused to allow this. I was overwhelmed with pain. I needed to have my cock released, but no. Jim was enjoying himself and he seemed determined to milk me dry.

The stroking continued at a gentle rate, but still my cock was protesting, despite the fact that it was still forced by the pumping to remain engorged and erect.

Suddenly the doorbell could be heard.

I'd better go and see who that is,' said Jim. Don't go away.'

After the door closed behind him, I was left there with my reluctant cock at the mercy of of a machine and all I could hear was the thrumming of the electric motor which was torturing my tender shaft.

I was delirious. I was unable to stop the torture I was undergoing. I was in pain and then, once again, I felt another climax coming on. I was being raped by a machine. I felt violated. Then, again the cum swirled in my balls and I was again on the edge of orgasm. I now so wanted this, but with the low level of stimulation from the slow setting of the Venus 2000 and the fact that I had recently cum twice meant that I unable to make it. I attempted to thrust my cock against the cup which held it, seeking in vain for some friction to bring me to climax.

I have no idea how long Jim was away or how long I was teetering on the edge of climax. It seemed like hours. I was sweating. I was moaning with the need to cum. I was gasping for breath. I was totally at the mercy of a machine.

Finally, I heard Jim return.

`Sorry about that. It was Annie from next door. I made her a coffee while we chatted. Have you been having fun? Oh I can see you have. Would you like to cum now?'

I nodded - all I was capable of.

The milking machine was turned up and within seconds, I came.

Totally exhausted, I slumped forward, hanging from my wrists. With relief I was dimly aware that the machine had been switched off and then Jim released me from the cross and supported me as we crossed the room and I laid down on the fuck bench, completely spent. I slept.

Later Jim brought me water and helped me upstairs to his bedroom. Again I slept.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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