More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Dec 4, 2018



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

If you are offended by descriptions of gay sex, humiliation and exhibitionism, you shouldn't have got this far into the site and you should definitely leave now.

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Chapter 2

When Jim said those words that I was going to provide more entertainment for his guests, my cock, which had become flaccid after my earlier exertions, began to rise once more. What a shameless whore I was! But I knew that I only wanted now to behave in this way because I wanted to please Jim. I later discovered that Jim had arranged this and other activities in order to please me by giving free rein to my exhibitionist and submissive tendencies.

Jim led me outside. Everyone followed, eager to enjoy my next wanton display. The evening was chilly – autumn was beginning in earnest, but I saw that there were several patio heaters set up round the pool. This was the first time I had really seen Jim's pool at night. Until now I hadn't realised that there were lights in its floor, so that the whole pool emitted a gentle blue-green glow.

As you all know,' Jim said to the others, Simon is a good swimmer and he is going to swim lengths for us. In order to make things more interesting, he will be fully dressed and it will be your job to remove his clothing without stopping him from swimming. There will be two prizes, one for the guy who removes Simon's boxers and one for the guy who makes him cum while swimming. I will be competing too, because I really want the prize for making him cum. One final thing, you must remove his clothes in the reverse of the order he puts them on and you must show what you have removed to everyone else' Jim's smile was broad and although I didn't know what the prizes would be, I really wanted him to be the winner of that last part of the competition.

Jim led me to one of the loungers where there was a full set of clothes laid out for me. Under the watchful gaze of the company I got dressed: boxers (very tight, revealing my erection), jeans, a t-shirt and flip-flops. The last would obviously not present a challenge to the competitors. In fact it would be a challenge for me to keep them on while swimming.

I jumped in to the water and was glad to discover that Jim had switched on the heating so that the water was cool but not cold. As I set off down the pool, the others, all naked jumped in and set off in chase. The drag of my clothing slowed me somewhat and my attempts to keep the flip-flops on also hindered me. As a result, I had only just reached the far end when I was surrounded by naked men, grabbing and groping at me, trying to catch hold of my flailing feet.

I struggled through the melee of clinging arms and naked bodies. Of course, I was sexually excited, but I felt a little strange to be dressed while surrounded by naked men: the opposite was more normal for me.

Cheers rose up as first one then two flip-flops were waved in the air and thrown onto the poolside. This pause in the pursuit allowed me to gain a little ground, especially as I was no longer trying to keep the flip-flops on, but the drag from my waterlogged heavy clothes was still causing me problems and I was quickly surrounded by naked men again.

The next item was my t-shirt. I realised this would cause them a problem. It was clinging to my torso and, of course, I would try to keep my arms moving and that would hinder their attempts to remove it. The sensation of swimming while naked guys are trying to grab your clothes off you is very erotic. Hands were everywhere over my chest and back, pulling at the shirt. There were bodies next to me, under me and, for a few seconds, on top of me. I was definitely finding it difficult to keep going, but then someone (Phil, I think) had the bright idea of ripping the shirt to pieces. I carried on, but my naturally strong swimming rhythm was being interrupted as they struggled to rip the shirt along the seams. Eventually, they succeeded in their task and several torn fragments of t-shirt were thrown on the side to join my flip-flops.

Now things really got interesting! The buttons on the flies of my jeans were the main target of my pursuers and this gave them plenty of opportunity to attack my cock. I was close to cumming even though I was still wearing two garments. With an effort I managed to restrain myself and even succeeded in putting a little distance between myself and the bodies which were trying to strip me.

At last the drag on my swimming speed caused by the weight of my sodden jeans became too much and they caught me up. The flies were ripped open and as I swam along the jeans were driven further down my legs and this really made swimming difficult. The leg ends were grabbed and, as I moved forward, I was free of that major hindrance. I was now reduced to my boxers and I quickly felt hands grasping at them. They also took care to grope my cock, balls and arse. Soon I was getting close again. I wonder how many of you have attempted to swim while guys try to remove you clothing and stimulate you sexually.

As I turned again at the end of the pool, someone was finally successful. I recognised Aaron's cry of triumph as he held my last remaining garment above his head.

`I get a prize,' he shouted.

Now I knew that I had to keep swimming while someone caught up with me and brought me to climax.

Then I felt a hand on my cock and Jim whispered in my ear, `I really want to win this prize.'

`Sounds good to me,' I replied, and I flipped over into a gentle backstroke, giving him easy access to my cock which was now at the surface of the water. I continued swimming while he fondled my balls and stroked my shaft. The concentration I needed was huge, as I tried to swim while the man I loved (yes, that is the word that entered my mind) stimulated my cock, and by turns massaged my balls and arse. Suddenly I felt his lips enfold my cock and the sensory overload, added to the eroticism of the situation, where I was on display and having to exert myself while being provoked to orgasm, overcame me.

`I'm cumming,' I gasped and Jim held my cock up in the air, supporting me from sinking with his other arm. Although it was not long since I had cum I managed a couple of spurts into the air to the applause of the guys around me.

Jim carried me in his arms to the side of the pool where the others pulled me gently up and placed me gently on one of the loungers. They covered me with a towel.

As I was recovering from my exertions, I heard someone asking what the prizes were. Jim told them to look on the counter in the kitchen and find two envelopes marked second prize -- boxers' and first prize -- cum'.

When Aaron opened the envelope for the boxers' prize, he found a sheet of paper inside and read it out to everyone: Help Simon out with his gym workout.' In his turn, Jim read out his prize: `Spend the night with Simon.'

Jim turned to me. `How are you feeling? Are you ready for a gym workout? Do you want a break for half an hour or so?'

`I think I need the half hour to recoup my energy after that swim.'

`Fine. OK, guys, who would like a drink?'

Drinks were served all round. I resisted the offer of a glass of wine and instead chose a sparkling water. I thought I needed a clear head for the surprise workout and what I hoped would happen in bed with Jim.

After my all-too-brief rest, Jim came over and refixed the straps to my wrists and ankles and then he led me down to his dungeon again. Of course, all the others followed.

Standing in a darkened corner of the room was a home gym. Jim flipped a switch and a spotlight shone down on the machine.

`Grab hold of the upper handle,' he instructed. Then with my hands in place, my wrists were clipped on to the bar. Before I was aware what was happening, Jim fixed my ankles to a spreader bar, leaving me standing spread-eagled, naked and in full view of everyone. Naturally, my cock betrayed my excitement. Vulnerable and in a totally humiliating situation, I was looking forward to whatever Jim had planned for me.

This will be a gentle workout for you,' he grinned. Just a little weight training. Only 20kg for you to lift.'

I thought this would be a piece of piss until Jim added a few refinements. He attached a parachute to my balls and nipple clamps joined by a chain were put in place on my chest.

For this session,' went on Jim, you will be assisted by Aaron. While you are working out with the weights on your arms, he will be testing your weightlifting skills on other parts of your body, by adding weights to your nipples and balls. Are you happy with that Aaron?' I noticed that he didn't ask me! Fine,' replied Aaron, who was obviously keen to help' me in my workout.

Final instructions,' said Jim. You must raise your arms fully in each lift. If you fail to do so, Aaron will add a 50g weight to the nipples and a 500g weight to your balls. You must make at least 50 lifts every five minutes and you mustn't cum. By the way, I will be stroking your cock throughout.'

`The man's a sadist,' I thought, but I was really looking forward to the challenge.

I started off gently, pacing myself with the weights. As Jim worked on my cock my concentration wandered.

`That arm's not straight,' shouted Aaron. Weights were added as Jim had said. My balls were being pulled away from my body. My nipples were beginning to hurt. And the pleasure in my cock grew more intense.

After the five minutes had elapsed, Phil who was counting the number of lifts grinned his evil grin and announced that I had only completed thirty nine lifts – the clock hadn't been stopped while the weights were added!

The second five minute slot started but I had to wait while two extra weights were added. It was at that moment that I realised that I would lose this challenge. So I concentrated on the sensuous stroking my shaft was receiving. My arm muscles were beginning to feel the strain of continuous lifting, beyond the first 39. My nips were definitely in pain, but the stretching of my balls was a real turn-on.

After another five minutes had gone by, Phil announced that I had again failed to make fifty lifts. So now I had a kilo and a half hanging from my balls and 150g from my throbbing nipples. The feeling of Jim's hand as he massaged my cock with the precum which was freely flowing from me was driving me wild. Helplessly moaning, I hoped that this mixture of agony and ecstasy would never end. I knew that I had it in my control: all that was necessary was for me not to cum, but the physical strain of weightlifting combined with the erotic stimulation to my erogenous zones was driving me wild.

With a superhuman effort, I managed to complete the next slot, again failing to reach the fifty target. More weights were added. My nipples were causing me serious pain as the weights rocked as I lifted the weight. The sensation in my balls varied between pleasure and pain as the 2kg hanging from my balls swayed with my movements adding extra agony to my ecstasy. Jim increased the speed of his stroking and I was driven over the edge.

I felt the spunk rise through my throbbing shaft. The head enlarged as I spurted another load from my tortured balls. Gasping for breath, I slowly relaxed.

Aaron released my balls from the parachute, giving my now sensitive cock a stroke or two, just to remind me that I was helpless to control how I was treated. Then he released my nipples and I heard myself emit a howl as the blood rushed back into them. Naturally Aaron massaged them too.

I was exhausted and really hoped to be allowed to relax, but then I heard Jim announce, `I told you not to cum, but you did. As you are so keen to cum, I will let you cum again.'

He went over to a cabinet and opened the top drawer and said to me, `Choose the left side or the right.'

Of course, I didn't know what options I was choosing between, so at random I chose the right.

`Ah good. The milking machine,' he smiled.

He approached my helpless body with a Venus 2000. He applied a generous amount of lube to the sleeve and to my fast shrivelling cock. My member was inserted and a steady suction and massaging thrilled through my shaft. Against everything I thought possible, blood was forced into it and once again I had an erection, but this time the hypersensitivity of my cock made this seem a torment too far.

I was no longer moaning with pleasure, I was howling with pain. Relentlessly the fiendish device was seeking to rape me. It was determined to extract the last drop of semen from my tortured balls. It seemed to pay particular attention to my cock head, although I was aware that it was working the hole length of my shaft.

Without warning, Jim increased to rhythm sharply. The effect was ball-shattering. I was nothing but a tortured cock. As far as my bonds would allow, I bucked and shook in a vain attempt to shake it off. My mouth emitted grunts, gasps and screams.

Suddenly it all changed. There was no more pain. I was riding the wave of another orgasm, just minutes after my last one. With a moan and shout from my lips, the machine forced the few remaining drops of semen from my balls and I collapsed, hanging limply from my wrists.

I think I passed out temporarily. The next thing I was vaguely aware of was being helped up the stairs, I think, by Jim and Aaron. They helped me to the shower where they tenderly washed me, towelled me off and laid me gently on Jim's bed. Through the open door, I heard Jim saying goodnight to everyone. I think I drifted off to sleep then. I awoke when Jim got into bed next to me.

`Are you awake?'

I grunted an affirmative.

`When you feel ready, I want to make love to you. Gently, tenderly. If there is anything you don't want to happen, just tell me and I'll stop at once.'

Then he embraced me in his warm arms, clasping my limp body to him in a loving embrace.

`Well, go on then,' I said in what I hoped was a flirtatious way.

He kissed ma all over my naked and tired body. He licked me. He fondled me. He cuddled me. Half of me wanted him to do more, but unfortunately the other half of me had other ideas and I fell into a deep untroubled sleep in the arms of my man.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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