More Confessions of an Exhibitionist

By Simon Wright

Published on Nov 27, 2018



Although this story is complete in itself, it follows on from my previous story `Confessions of an Exhibitionist' and you might like to read that story first for some background and insight into the characters.

Like the first story, this is fantasy and describes unsafe practices. You should always play safe.

If you are offended by descriptions of gay sex, humiliation and exhibitionism, you shouldn't have got this far into the site and you should definitely leave now.

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Chapter 1

In the month since Jim asked me to move in with him, we spent a lot of time together, although I insisted on living for as much of the time as possible in my own flat. I had asked him to leave his suggestion open for one month, as I didn't want either of us to regret a decision made after just three meetings, two of those very much in public.

Jim came to my swimming practice that first Monday. His presence there had spurred me on to greater efforts and, even with a certain amount of modesty, I knew I had swum better than anyone on the team. The congratulatory kiss he had rewarded me with in the dressing room in front of my team mates made me ecstatic. The others' ribald comments at my rising cock when Jim and I separated did nothing to bring me down from my high.

As we were leaving the sports centre, Jim suggested that we go out for a meal. When I said I had already eaten, he asked if he could come back to my flat for a while. What a shit I felt when I refused. My god, my body and soul were aching for him. I think that even then I knew what answer I would give him in a month, but I decided that I couldn't weaken for at least a couple of days.

As a result of my caution (hard-heartedness?) I didn't see Jim until the Wednesday. I missed him. I actually felt lonely. Robin only popped in to the flat from time to time for a change of clothing – he and Phil were obviously enjoying each other very much. Work was busy, but definitely not interesting, so when Jim rang on Wednesday evening to suggest meeting for a drink, I immediately suggested that he pick up a bottle of wine and come over to my flat.

When he arrived less than half an hour later, I was ready for him. There were two glasses on the table. I was freshly showered and I was naked. He knocked at the door.

`Come in.'

As he entered, my cock was already growing, just at the thought of having him near again. Only forty eight hours had passed but I was already aching for him – for his body yes, but also for him, the whole of him.

We kissed, a long, slow, deep, passionate kiss, tongue against tongue, lips pressed strongly against lips. I tore greedily at his shirt buttons. Several of them fell to the floor. Then his chest was naked and available for my lips, tongue and fingers. I licked all over his torso, savouring the taste of his skin. I inhaled deeply in an attempt to imbibe his essence. I attempted to loosen his trousers, but he had to come to my aid, opening his flies and pushing down his trousers and pants. I fell to my knees and took his whole cock into my mouth and down my throat with no trace of a gag reflex.

He was breathing heavily, panting with the sudden onslaught of my pent-up passion. He struggled to release his feet from his shoes, trousers and pants. He overbalanced and we collapsed on the floor in a heap of intertwined limbs.

Finally free of the encumbrance of his clothing, Jim moved round and we sixty-nined right there on the floor. God, how I'd missed this man. There was no question of love at this moment. This was lust pure and simple: love could happen later.

Far too quickly I came without either of us touching my cock. I was about to apologise when I felt his cock engorge and spasm as it released its juices into my thirsty mouth. I drank my fill. For the moment we were both sated and we stood up. I looked at him and burst out laughing.

`What's up?'

I explained that there was nothing more ridiculous in my eyes than a man with an erection just wearing his socks. Laughing too, he quickly removed them.

Together we sat on the sofa and savoured the rather fine Australian Shiraz he had brought.

`I've missed you,' I said.

`Me too.'

And the conversation flowed with ease and spontaneity. How was work going? When is the next swimming match? How is the solution to that glitch coming along?

There is only so long that two guys with deep feelings for each other can sit naked chatting before things begin stirring. I held Jim's hand and led him to my bedroom. We stretched out on the bed and embraced. This time our kisses were more caring, more sensual. The animalistic passion that had overwhelmed us at the door was spent. Now was the time for love-making. Our hands and mouths explored each other's bodies. Gentle stimulation of our erogenous zones. Cocks were massaged to full erection. My arse was explored and gently I felt one finger enter, followed by a second. I writhed and squirmed as he found my prostate and rubbed it.

I feared we would drown in the precum that was pouring from me. Panting with desire, I pleaded to him not to make me cum just yet.

`No, I don't want you to cum until I am deep inside you. Will you let me enter you again?' I noticed that he didn't use the word 'fuck' and that really pleased me. It meant that for him too this would not be merely a fuck session with some available arse or other.

I was ready for this, if he would enter gently. He was gentle, a really considerate lover. He obviously remembered what I had said the first time we met when I had said I wouldn't let him fuck me.

And now he didn't fuck me: he made love to me, using his whole body to bring pleasure to mine. I responded, kissing, licking his neck and ears, running my hands over his back. Lying on my back with my ankles pinned down by by his shoulders, my movements were rather restricted, but I think my moans of desire told him how much I wanted him inside me.

He reached beneath my thighs and gently stroked my raging cock. Together our breathing came in faster, deeper gasps. With a stereo shout of triumph we both came together. My insides were coated with his sperm and both our stomachs were covered with my own juices.

That was so intense that I wept. The emotional attachment I felt to Jim exceeded the purely physical sensations that I had experienced on previous occasions when I had experienced anal sex.

Seeing my tears, Jim was concerned that he had hurt me in some way. But I managed to reassure him that I was overcome with emotion. With joy? With Love? I wasn't yet ready or able to consider these questions.

Emotionally and physically exhausted, we dozed for a while, locked in an intimate embrace. At about midnight we were disturbed by the return of Robin. I suspect that he thought I would be asleep alone, so he kept the noise down, but when he came into the bedroom, I could almost hear his blushes.

`Oh I'm so-so sorry,' he stammered.

I didn't think it wise to have Jim spend the night with me so early in the month we had agreed on before he would ask me again to move in with him. So possibly rather cruelly I said, `Don't worry. Jim is just going to shower and then he'll be off.'

Jim looked slightly surprised, but he didn't raise any objections.

Once we were alone, Robin again apologised at interrupting, adding that he and Phil were having a great time together. He also asked if I would prefer it if he began sleeping at Phil's permanently. I told him no. It was quite likely that Jim and I would spend evenings together, but we would always be sleeping in our own beds. I didn't go into details about the month's delay as to whether or not I would move in with Jim.

Soon we were both in bed. Again I was enveloped in a warm embrace, but I was too involved with thinking about Jim to respond to Robin's tentative advances on my cock. And he, too, was probably thinking about Phil, so he quickly took the hint and desisted.

That now set the pattern for weekdays. Most evenings I met Jim, sometimes for a drink, sometimes for a meal, but most often just chilling at my flat. I was resolute enough to resist his suggestions that we go to his place. But we always finished the evening with passionate sex. On a few occasions Robin slept with me, but he never interrupted us again. I think he recognised Jim's car parked outside and made himself scarce until the coast was clear.

Weekends, however, were different. These I always spent at Jim's place. Sometimes I went there on the Friday evening, sometimes right after breakfast on Saturday. The arrangement Jim had with his partner and two senior managers meant that he was completely free on alternate weekends. When he was on call for clients, one weekend he had to be at home solidly from 6pm Friday until 6am Sunday and the other weekend he was on duty from 6am Sunday until 6am Monday.

For the first weekend that Jim was totally without work-related responsibilities, I arrived at about 7pm on the Friday. Jim had prepared a light meal for us, but unusually he served no wine or other alcohol.

As we were finishing dinner, he said, `You ought to go to the toilet now. I have a long period planned for you in the dungeon. So strip.'

I stripped, my cock burgeoning with excitement at the prospect of what unknown pleasures and experiences were awaiting me. Seeing my erection, Jim went to the fridge and applied a handful of ice cubes to my groin in order to make my cock soften so that I could pee. As I went towards the toilet off the hall, he added that for the time I was in his home this weekend I was not allowed privacy. I was not to close the toilet door. When washing or shaving or using the loo, he would be present. Even if there were other people present, doors were to remain open.

The effect on my newly deflated cock was immediate and it was only with difficulty that I managed to empty my bladder while, of course, Jim stood behind me, from time to time, fondling my buttocks.

At last I was ready for whatever it was that Jim had planned for me that evening. He led me from the hall, through the door and down into his dungeon.

`Stand there and hold out your wrists.'

I obeyed and Jim put leather straps tightly on my wrists and then he bent down to fix similar straps to my ankles.

`Turn round,' and he strapped a leather collar round my neck. It was tight, but not uncomfortably so. However it was wide enough to ensure that I could not lower my head to look down.

Grabbing hold of my shoulders, he manoeuvred me towards the St Andrews cross and fastened the wrist and ankle straps to the arms. A belt that was fixed to the wall was securely tightened round my waist, effectively immobilising me, naked and vulnerable. I was his to do with as he wished. I felt precum leaking from my erection.

Jim stood in front of me and slowly removed his clothes: first his shoes and socks, then his shirt and then his trousers, revealing that underneath he was wearing a pair of very brief leather shorts. God, he looked so sexy, so in charge. I wanted him and whatever he wanted to do to me.

Hmm,' he mused. Maybe a little pain would be called for.'

He moved over to one side, opened a drawer in one of the cabinets and took something out. He came back to me and held out a small shiny object which I immediately recognised – a pinwheel. My whole front was available to him. I didn't know where I would feel it first. Then I found out: it was the underside of my left arm. He moved the wheel slowly down from my upstretched wrist along the tender skin of my underarm to my armpit. The sensation was amazing – a weird mixture of slight pain, erotic stimulation and pleasure. He moved across and repeated the move on my right arm, but this time he continued down my side to my waist, moving across the top of the front of my thigh and down my inner thigh to my knee. Moving across again, he repeated the same manoeuvre down from my left armpit, past my waist to the other thigh.

The intensity of the stimulation to my skin was erotic in the extreme. And my skin was doubly sensitive as Jim had shaved me completely only the day before. Suddenly he stopped.

`Please go on,' I pleaded.

`'Later. I think you need a blindfold. You can see where I'm going next from where I am standing. you'll get more pleasure if everything comes as a surprise.' Now a leather blindfold was fixed round my head and the deprivation of the most important sense added to my excitement. Now I had no idea where the pinwheel would be applied – my chest, especially my nipples which stood out erect to receive their punishment/pleasure, my balls and finally my shaft. Jim paid special attention to the hypersensitive head, running the wheel over it again and again. I attempted to squirm away from the pain, but my efforts were in vain. The only movement my body could make was the twitching of my cock. At times it seemed to move away from the stimulation, but at others it moved against the wheel momentarily increasing my torment. I was unable to move my body. I could not tell where the stimulation would be applied next. But when the pinwheel made contact with my skin and moved over my vulnerable body, the effect on my cock was amazing. The sperm in my balls churned with the mixture of pain and pleasure.

The only sounds I was aware of was Jim's footfall as he moved around in front of me, but even that would soon be denied me. He put a headset over my ears and all I could hear was white noise. Now he worked on my naked and vulnerable body with a vengeance. The pin pricks were applied all over me – torso, nipples, thighs, balls, cock. I was moaning with excitement and desire.

Suddenly everything stopped. The next thing I was aware of was that something was being attached round my cock head, then something was attached to my balls. It felt vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it until I felt a surge of electricity thrill through my cock. Estim!

The current varied, sometimes mild and gentle, sometimes forceful, verging on the cruel. I was now aware of nothing apart from my throbbing cock, yearning for release which Jim skilfully denied me. Whenever I thought I would achieve the orgasm I craved, he would reduce to current to a minimum, leaving me right on the edge, but unable to get there.

A gentle caressing current flowed through my groin for some time, longer than usual. Nothing else happened. I wondered if Jim had gone away leaving me there. Panic began to rise within me. Suddenly the headset was removed and relief flooded through me, only to be replaced with apprehension when I heard Jim's words, `We have company.'

The estim was removed. The headset remained off. But I was still unable to see or move. I didn't know who was there, how many there were.

`OK,' I heard Jim say and suddenly hands were exploring my body – many hands, but how many I couldn't work out.

I was stroked, caressed, pinched and otherwise molested. Being naked, vulnerable, exposed and totally unable to move, I felt in heaven. Attention was paid to my whole front, from armpits to knees with special attention to my throbbing and sensitive genitals.

`I'm going to cum,' I shouted.

`No you're not,' Said Jim. And everything stopped.

I heard a whispered conversation and then Jim said, `You're right. With him on the cross, only his front is available for us. If we immobilise him in the centre of the room, his whole body will be accessible.'

They (who were they?) quickly released me from the cross. Still blindfolded, I felt both wrists being attached to what I suppose was a chain which I soon discovered was attached to a pulley. My ankles were pulled apart and attached to a spreader bar. Then the pulley motor was switched on and my arms rose above my head. The lifting continued until I was standing on tip toes.

I could just rest my weight on the balls of my feet, but doing this put strain on my arms and made the cuffs tighten on my wrists. If I stood on tip toe to relieve my wrists I merely put extra strain on my leg muscles. I alternated between these two positions and effectively every main muscle in my body was permanently under stress. Although no-one had yet touched me I was quickly perspiring. I could feel a thin coating of sweat covering me. My erection hadn't lessened and I was aware that the precum oozing steadily from my piss slit was mixing with the sweat which was now beginning to flow downwards over my chest and back, over my groin and buttocks and causing a steady flow down my legs.

Then they started. Fingers brushed across my sensitive nipples. They tweaked them. They teased them. They twisted them. In my bonds I had very little freedom of movement without causing myself pain, but I tried to squirm out of the way of those fingers and hands. Now more hands were on me, smoothing and rubbing down my back, massaging my buttocks, exploring between my arse cheeks and finding my hole which was damp with my perspiration. They rubbed round my anus, my most intimate and private area. An exploratory finger probed deeper and entered me, then two. To my relief, they seemed to be applying lube.

All these sensations served only to excite me further. I moaned with lust, even though my cock and balls had not been touched since I had been taken from the cross. They were there, available for whatever they wanted to do to them.

Someone grasped my balls tight and twisted them, pulling them away from my writhing body. I shouted out with shock and a certain amount of pain. The hands on my testicles began to massage them, rolling the nuts within the scrotum. Then another hand grasped my shaft and slowly stroked it. My foreskin was fully retracted, leaving my sensitive head open to anything and everything.

I tongue licked my frenulum. The gentle teasing of this tongue in that sensitive place added intense pleasure to the pain and stress in my arms and legs, reinforcing the erotic stimulation being applied to the rest of my body. I was in sensory overload, moaning, my breath coming in rapid and shallow gasps.

At a word from Jim all contacts on my body were stopped. I heard people moving away and then someone -- I think it was only one person -- approached.

`Are you ready for your first climax?'

I attempted to speak, but my mouth wouldn't work. I managed to nod, as much as the wide collar permitted.


Something invaded my arse. It was hard and cold, possibly a dildo. It was quite large, but not uncomfortable once I had got used to the intrusion. Immediately someone behind me started pulling it almost out and then pushing it back. To my shock and delight, I think it was ridged and the guy wielding it was an expert. In and out it went with twists to continuously vary the sensations I experienced.

I was getting to enjoy the invasion of my arse and then lips were applied to my cock head. They kissed it. A tongue swirled over the head. The mouth swallowed my length until I felt the resistance of the guy's throat. He withdrew a little and began a steady back and forth motion along my cock while massaging my balls.

`I'm going to cum,' I yelled.

The mouth was removed from my cock, but he continued to stroke me with an expert hand. My body convulsed with the power of my orgasm. I am sure my shouts and screams could be heard a mile away. The power of the sperm shooting from me, I later learned, sprayed over the audience standing several feet back.

I collapsed, unable to bear my weight on my legs and the strain on my wrists became very painful. Someone understood and supported me by my waist while the hoist was lowered. My ankles were released from the spreader bar. I was gently supported across to a bench. Once I was stretched out there, the blindfold was removed.

Initially the light in the dungeon was blinding, after I had been unable to see for so long. As my eyes grew accustomed to the light, I looked around to see who my tormentors were. Apart from Jim, I recognised Robin and Phil, with their arms around each other. And there too was Aaron. All were naked and were obviously aroused by what they had seen.

I managed a faint smile and said, `Hi.'

As I lay on the bench recovering from my experience, they all approached the bench and were soon wanking furiously. It was clear they were turned on by the torment they had put me through. I looked round me seeing erections and balls being manipulated as they were urged closer to orgasm. First one then gradually all the others came. My naked body was covered with spurts ans streams of cum. I revelled in the sensation of warm cum mixing with my own sweat.

Jim came over and said, `We all need a shower now.'

He led us over to a poorly lit corner of the basement and there I saw three shower heads set into the ceiling. Jim quickly turned all of them on and all of us pushed and shoved together to get under the warm water as it fell down over us. There was an amazing melee as arms soaped up bodies, sometimes their own, sometimes someone else's. Despite my recent overpowering orgasm, I just stood there with my arms raised above my head, feeling hands soaping me, rubbing lather all over my chest, back, arse and groin.

I am proud to say that my erection rapidly returned.

After a long time of pleasure, certainly for me, and, as far as I could see, for the others too, because most of them were already sporting swelling cocks, we began to make our way to a pile of soft towels on a nearby shelf.

`Are you all clean, guys?' asked Jim.

The question was met with assorted nods of agreement.

Good,' he went on. Now it's time for Simon to entertain us some more.'

This came as a surprise to me, but really a pleasant one. I didn't know what Jim had in mind, but I guessed I would discover soon enough.


To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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