
By Corpusdawg88

Published on Sep 14, 2021


There are days when it is easier to be Clark Kent than Superman.

This is not one of those days.

It was a Tuesday and the bullpen was crazy. A couple of Intergang idiots tried to blow up the Byrne Dam and shut down most of the east side. Luckily Superman stopped them but the resulting chaos had the entire place into a frenzy. Jimmy had photos to get approved, Lois was doing her piece while I was being accosted by an old man in wizard robes.

See what I mean?

"Kal-El of Krypton!" the old man intoned, "You must come with me!"

I froze, wondering how I was going to explain this guy to everyone, I mean he was a homeless nut seemed to be an easy sell when I noticed no one was paying attention.

"Kal-El I am speaking to you!" he boomed.

I stood up, "I think you're confused," I said trying to push him out of the newsroom, "I'm not Kal-El."

Still no one was paying attention, not even Lois which was incredible seeing as my wife never missed anything.

"I have no times for games, my champion is in danger and I have need of you!"

Ok, I need to get this guy out of here.

"Lois, can you cover for me?"

She looked up confused, "Sure, what's up?"

I gestured to the old man.

She looked at me blankly, "Are you using sign language."

I looked at him and then to her, she can't see him.

"I have a work problem," I tell her and she nods, knowing I'm talking about my other job.

"Go, and be careful."

I love it when she is worried for me.

"Ok come on," I say, heading to the roof.

I'm not surprised to find him there when I open the door, what I am surprised about is that I am in uniform.

"Ok what's the meaning of this?" I ask, trying not to sound annoyed.

"I am the wizard Shazam and my champion is missing."

Oh, this must be the source of Captain Marvel's power. I heard of him, great wizard, Rock of Eternity, says his name and gets magical powers...I never caught the salient facts but I had read over the bullet points when he was admitted into the League.

"Missing where?"

"The Monsterlands."

Not the most inviting name, "And where is that?"

"It is in a realm far beyond here, there was a disturbance with the Sins and it seemed to be coming from there. I sent my champion to investigate, that was several days ago. I cannot reach him or sense his presence."

Captain Marvel has been missing for days? That's not good.

"Why me? I can contact the JLA Dark to..."

"No! There is something to do with the Sins on the loose, only the pure of heart can be sent in safely. To send a lesser soul is to simply feed the beast."

"What beast exactly?"

"I don't know, that was what my champion was trying to determine. You Kal-El are pure of heart and a good soul, you have the best chance of resisting the Sin and finding him before it's too late."

"I don't have the best track record against magic."

"I trust you to do you best," he gestured to his right and a green portal opened, "Time is of the essence."

I pulled out my phone and texted Lois that I had a mission, and would be back soon.

"Ok, where do I start?"

"I am sending you to a village outside the disturbance. It is most likely that my champion stopped here before entering it."

"And they speak English?"

He waved his hand, "That is what you will hear."

I nodded, "Ok, how do I get him home?"

"Once you find him I should be able to locate you both. If not he is capable of crossing over himself."

Which begs the question, if he could come home, why hasn't he?

"Ok, I'm ready."

He waved his hand and the portal moved, passing over me...

And I was suddenly somewhere else.

This wasn't my first trip to a magical land, so I readied myself for what was to come.

I didn't feel any loss of power, but there was something in the air. My head was a little heavy, nothing debilitating but it was there. I was going to have to focus if I wanted to get this done before dinner. I saw a small village down at the bottom of the hill, this must be the place the magician had told me about. I tried to test my flight and felt myself wobble a little, I better stick to walking unless it was an emergency.

It seemed nice enough, preindustrial, little wooden houses, green really looked like a fairy tale. But I never really liked fairy tales, when I was younger I read the Grimms versions and never really took to the Disney kind. As I grew up I found magic tended to lean more towards the dark every chance it could. So someone might look down at this village and think how quaint, I wonder what it's hiding.

As I got close I could hear...moaning? It sounded like someone was in pain! I rushed down the hill, following the cries the best I could. Once I got into the village I was stunned, there were four centaurs, huge creatures with massive chests and horse legs, and they seemed to be sexually assaulting knights!

I rush in towards the first beast and shove him off the impaled man. His cock is freed and I am stunned to see it's length as the centaur is pushed back. It is enormous, just dripping and quivering...I have never seen a penis like this mouth is dry and I can feel...

"What is wrong with you!" the knight screams at me, snapping me out of my daze.

"I was, I thought you were under attack," I stammer as I take a step back, forcing myself not to look back at the creature's cock.

"Do I look like I am under attack!" he asks, his ass still up in the air.

"What do you want warrior?" the centaur asks, walking back towards me.

He is huge, I mean everything about him is proportionate to a horse, so even the human parts look insanely big...but that cock...bobbing there, glistening...why couldn't I look away?

"I asked you a question!" he snaps and I look up quickly, "I'm looking for a friend, he is a champion of magic."

"No champions here," the centaur says with a grin, "Only mares begging to be ridden. What about you stranger?" he lifts his arms and puts them over his head, making his incredible chest ripple, dark pacthes of hair is matted with sweat and I am taken aback as he asks "Do you wish to be ridden?"

His smell is overwhelming, it's like nothing I had smelled before. Like sweat and musk, I should be repulsed but I can't help but take a deep breath...what is that? It was like a wall head is spinning as I feel my knees shake...

"What say you stranger?" he asks walking closer to me, all I could see was that thick cock...swaying side to side, "You want to be ridden?"

His hand touches the shield on my chest, "Your colors indicate you're looking for a mate."

That snaps me out of it.

"Oh no," I chuckle taking a step back, "I'm just looking for my friend, he had on an outfit like mine, but red?"

The man on t he ground said, "He went towards the cave," he points to the east, "No leave so we can continue..."

"Or maybe the little warrior wants to join?" the centaur asks and I see his cock throb. How did a thing feel...what was the knight feeling? It was majestic...massive...the sounds of the other centaurs fucking the knights were deafening...for a moment, half a second, I thought about joining them...

"No thank you!" I say quickly, "That way? Thanks again, have fun...enjoy yourself..."

"The cave is many days away on foot, can you fly?" the centaur asks me getting closer, the smell surrounding me...I had never been drunk before but this is feeling is what it had been described as.

It took me a second to respond.

"Um what, no, days?"

"Ethan!" he calls out and I see a younger centaur trot over. He looks Jon's age, lean body, tight muscles, huge cock swaying as he moves. He has Jon's bright blue eyes with a shaggy head of dark hair, his coat was a chocolate brown with a white spot on his hind quarters that draws my eyes to his cock. Even sheathed it was massive...again it reminded me of Jon, trying to hide his morning erection from Lois like it was possible not to see it.

"This one needs passage to the cave, you will take him," the centaur commands.

Ethan moves closer, "You want to ride me stranger?"

His voice is thick and I can smell him from here, like all teenagers he reeks is again not all human. I can smell equine scents and it is...too much. I always loved horses since I was a kid, this was too much for me. The smells, the images...I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts but his chest was amazing. He had smooth, human skin but underneath was corded, horse muscle making him look like a teenage Adonis just standing there and I can't find my voice.

"Come," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder, "I'll be gentle."

The smell from under his arm wafts up and I can feel my eyes roll back for a moment, it was insane how hard it hit me. If this was a cartoon I would be floating upwards, following him with my nose...he smiles and I can see he has the same fresh face Jon does. I nod and he helps me climb onto his back. "You will need to hold on tight," he warns me, "I can't have you falling off."

"Thank you," I say, putting my hands around his waist...he was warm, warmer than a human but his skin was so soft...he takes my hands and pulls them tighter and I feel myself just entranced.

"He is looking for the wizard's champion," his father explains, "So make sure you protect this one."

"I will father, I will treat him as he is my own."

I don't know what that means but I am grateful for the help.

"When you are done, return to us," he says, walking up to me, "Let us show you pleasure."

I shake my head, but I can't find words to decline him. I need to get away from here...

"Go boy, and return quickly."

"Yes father, hold on!" he says and takes off.

I almost fall off and am forced to grab him tight, my chest up against his strong back. I can smell him so much...Jon's room smells like this, hormones everywhere...Lois hates it but I think it is a guy thing. We all kinda like it, even if we don't admit it. I press tightly into him as he breaks into a gallop, the wind rushing past us.

"You've ridden before," he asks me after awhile.

"We had horses growing up," I say, feeling myself relax under his gait.

"The horses here don't take kindly to being bridled, so its rare to find someone who can handle us."

"I can handle you," I hear myself say, my eyes getting heavy. The feeling of him under me, his muscles pressing against my thighs...i was growing aroused and I was horrified by it. He was Jon's age! This wasn't right...but as we rode I felt my cock harden against my will, the movement slowly stroking me off with each step.

He reaches back and I feel him stroke my hair and press me close to him, "Sleep, I will watch over you." His scent hits me again and I stifle a moan. With his arm raised his scent is everywhere and I find myself pressing my head against his back and closing my eyes, as I drift off I see how easy it would have been to stay in the village...

I'm not sure how long I slept but when I came to it was night and I was laying up against Ethan's flank. He had laid down with his legs folded under him as he slumbered, his whole side moved with each breath. I slowly sat up and came face to face with his exposed cock.

I froze as I stared at the massive head, it was as long as a horse but shaped like a man's. a massive, uncut man's cock whose head was peeking out of his foreskin. I couldn't look away.

When I was a child on the farm, I had been entranced by horses. They were such beautiful creatures, massive beats with rippling muscles that moved with a grace that defied their size. But with all of that, there was their cocks.

I had always been well endowed. It had to be a kryptonian thing since Jon and Conner shared the same endowment as mine, a fact I had checked for myself since there hadn't been many kryptonian males growing up. But as a child I was bigger than most humans, the only thing I had come across that was bigger had been horses.

And I had been nearly hypnotized by them.

I grew out of it of course, you weren't supposed to gape at other cocks, even other creature's cock. But here, face to face with this, I felt the same fascination again. It throbbed with each breath, the tip of it sliding in and out of his foreskin...and small glistening catches my eyes and I feel my mouth water. I am horrified to find myself leaving forward...

"You can touch it," Ethan says and I realize he's awake. He takes my hand and places it on his head, oh my god it is so pulses under me and grows under my hand and I snap.

I pull back quickly, "Sorry, just waking up."

I heard him laugh, "It's ok, most humans are intrigued by us, more so lately."

"I was going to ask about that, was...was what was going on at the village normal?"

He smiled, "I wouldn't say normal, our kind has never had problems finding lovers. But lately there seems to be more of a demand. Why?"

I shook my head, I as feeling the same clouding as before, "Not sure, there is something in the air..."

He raised his hand and smelled his underarm, "Is it me? I haven't been near water in a while..." he looks at my sheepishly, "I like the smell to be honest."

And there it was, that strange mixture of sweat, hormones and should have been distasteful, at the very least disturbing but smelled nice...really nice.

"It doesn't bother you?" he asked, leaving his arm raised. There is a small patch of dark hair, it's moist with sweat and I felt trapped by it.

I shake my head, almost in a daze.

"Get closer," he says and I feel myself leaning forward, "'s ok...I don't mind..."

He grabs the back of my head and begins to pull me in, and I don't even have the desire to stop him. My mouth is dry and I can almost taste the tang of his pit...losing the fight I press into it, my tongue moving through the hair, the taste was electric, sparks of erotic energy shooting through my body.

"Oh hero..." Ethan moans, "That feels so good..."

His pleasure drove me on and I nuzzled further into his pit, trying to soak up as much of his essence as I could.

"Well now!" a voice boom and Ethan pushes me back, standing at once, "A boy and his pet?"

I slowly got to my feet and came face to face with a mountain of a man. He was seven feet tall easily and broad as a house. Where I had thought the centaurs were big, this man made them look like children. His biceps were as large as my thighs, his pecs were swollen to the point of insanity, the only thing that makes his physique feasible his is head.

The man with two huge bull horns on either side of his head.

"Answer me boy, is this one yours?"

He's talking about me. I stand up straight and take a step forward, "I am my own, and we don't want any trouble."

The Minotaur looked down at me and laughed, "Are you challenging me little human?"

I tried to stare him down, "You don't want to do this."

He smiled and backhanded me like I was a child. I flew across the field, smashing through two full grown trees before landing with a loud thud. I was barely to my feet when he came leaping at me, both cloven hooves aimed at my face. I barely moved out of the way as the ground shook from his landing. I spun around and hit him squarely in the chest, pulling my punch so I didn't kill him...

The Minotaur looked down at my fist and began to laugh, "That's not a punch..."

And then he showed me what a real punch felt like.

The impact rattled my teeth as he slammed into my chest, staggering me back as he followed up with another. I fell to my knees as a right hook snapped my head to the side...something was wrong...he shouldn't be this strong...

"Little man has a big mouth," he said, grabbing the sides of my mouth in one hand, "Soft mouth..."

I looked and saw the beast's cock rising from it's loincloth! It was bigger than Ethan's by a factor of ten and was dripping with something...something vision began to blur as I felt my mouth open...

"Humans have such soft yours and worship this!" he gestures to his bull cock and I am stunned. It is just massive...just so big... He laughs, "This is a real cock, not like the tiny little thing in your red panties...come little one...come suckle at a real bull's cock."

I feel myself stunned as I realize I am leaning forward...

"STOP!" a voice called out and I pulled my head back, aghast at what I was about to do.

Ethan came trotting down the hill towards us, "I said stop!"

The Minotaur dropped me to the ground, "mind your business boy."

If Ethan was intimidated by the larger creature, he didn't show it, he ran right up to the thing and looked up at it, "It is mine, he is my mare."

The Minotaur looked down at me and then to Ethan, "You lie!"

"I do not, he is my mare and therefore my property. Violate him and you risk war with the Sheathed Fist."

The bull creature looked incensed, it's nostrils flaring as it stared down the colt. Finally he growled, "Prove it."

Ethan looked down at me with a concerned look on his face, his eyes begging me to play along, he held his hand out to me, gesturing I should take it. I reach up and he pulls me to my feet and presses my face to his chest, "Attend me!"

I lick around his nipple and he moans and I take one between my teeth and he lets out a hiss, "Yesss" followed by a tiny neigh.

The tone turns me on.

He pushes me into his other pit, "More!"

I know this is an act but fresh sweat engulfs me and I am lost in his scent again. I am greedily licking every inch of his pit like it was candy.

Ethan says to the watching Minotaur, "As you can see he is marked with my scent..."

The bull man was slowly stroking his cock and nodded, "as it should...yes..."

I was lost in the boy's pit, so much so when he threw me to the ground I was actually shocked. I am on my hands and knees as he walks towards me. "Attend me," he rips my cape off and I feel him tear a hole on my briefs. "Head down, cunt up..."

My mind is a fog as I feel my hands buckle and I plant my face against the ground, I know I should be fighting this, resisting...but that smell...its all around me...

"He is new," Ethan says, lazily sliding that cock through my crack, I can feel the heat coming off of him, "I am still breaking him in. But isn't that a perfect hole?"

"How is his mouth?" the Minotaur asks, his swollen bull cock in his hand.

"I told you, he is mine," Ethan snaps, "Turn over!"

It takes second to realize he is talking to me, he rolls me over with a hoof and I find myself on my back, staring up at his underside. Oh my is just hovering there....quivering...streams of precum fall from the tip onto me...and I can feel my mouth water at the smell...

"Show him how your mouth is," Ethan orders, and I find part of my mind disgusted with the command, while the rest of my mind has me scoot down closer to his cock. "Lower..."

I was under him now, I saw a string of precum falling from his tip...I screamed at myself not to...but I opened my mouth as it fell onto my tongue...

My whole body shook at the taste as I moaned out loud, he lowered his back legs and I saw that magnificent took descending towards my mouth...and I could not believe this was happening...

"Fine, it's yours," the Minotaur said, "But be careful, he's pretty, someone is going to come along and steal him."

Ethan said something but I didn't hear it, I was transfixed on his cock as it hovered just out of my mouth's reach. They kept talking and my patience snapped, I leaned up, my tongue rolling across the wet tip of his cock...lapping his precum up like cream...

"OH!" Ethan exclaimed, feeling me start to service his cock.

"Go somewhere private!" the Minotaur complained and stomped off, as I tried to force all of the boy's cock into my mouth.

"Ok he's gone..." Ethan said as I kept licking, "Hero you can stop..."

But I couldn't, the taste, the smell, it was overwhelming coming from the source and I grunted as I tried to shove more of it down my throat.

"God you are hot..." Ethan said, lowering himself more, pushing me down onto the ground, impaling his cock in my mouth, "Easy...easy..." he said as I felt his cock push to the back of my throat. Streams of his seed poured into my mouth and I felt myself getting drunk on him.

"Your nose...breathe through your nose..." he said as his head hit the back of my throat, causing me to gag. "Oh yes...such a soft mouth..." he praised.

I was filled with shame as I sucked at his cock, trying to lap up as much of the boy's seed as I could. He was moaning himself, thrusting faster as I began to lose my mind. My own cock was throbbing in my uniform, I wanted to jerk off but honestly I felt ashamed of my member in comparison to his boy. I was struck that this cock on his frame reminded me of Jon again, a man's cock on a boy's frame...and I closed my eyes an moaned as I tried to banish the image of my son with a raging hard on from my mind.

"Yes hero...yes...take my seed...take it..." he cried out as I felt a gush of precum fill my mouth.

I felt my body shake as I realized what was about to happen, my conscious screamed at me as I I closed my eyes and waited...

"YES!" he roared and I began to choke as his cum exploded into my mouth. It was like a fire hose, gushes of hot, thick cum as I struggled to swallow all I could. I could taste his actual cum and I lost it. I began to shake as my own cock shot off in my uniform, the colt's cum sending me to a place of nirvana I had never dreamed of before.

I laid there in my soiled uniform as the colt kept shooting and shooting down my throat. I felt myself start to pass out as his cum overflowed out of my mouth and rolled down my cheeks...

Thankfully I passed out after that.

I woke up slowly, my head swimming as if I had a hangover.

"Careful," I heard Ethan say, "You were out of it."

I was laying against his flank, curled into his side like a blanket. I sat up and felt dizzy and had to steady myself against him. "What happened?"

"Um, I think my pheromones might have overwhelmed you."

"Your what?"

He sighed, "My kind, when it is mating season can give off a scent that is used to lure in mates. It looks like it might have had a strong affect on you."

I shook my head, the taste of the boy was still in my mouth and...god why did it taste so good?

"So you're from Earth right?"

I nodded.

"Can I take a guess you're not magical in nature like the friend you're looking for?"

"No," I said groggily, "I don't do well with magic."

"Ah, then that explains it. I was just trying to convince the Minotaur you were mine and you, well I think you got carried away."

He was over me, pumping into my mouth, I was moaning, desperate for his seed...

I groaned in embarrassment and looked away, "Oh god..."

"It's ok, I didn't know..."

"I'm not...I'm not attracted to men," I tried to explain, "This goes against everything I believe in."

His hand was on my shoulder, "Well obviously not everything."

I turned to explain to him that this was not me, when a breeze pushed past him, sending hi pit smell at me...

My eyes fluttered as I felt myself get sucked in again and leaned in towards him.

"Hero?" he asked as I grabbed his youthful face.

I kissed him hard, his spit tasting like no human's, it had a tang to was like an exotic spice I suddenly craved. He was hesitant at first but I felt his arms pull me in as he began to kiss me back, the scent of his sweat from his embrace sending me deeper into a trance...


"Ethan..." I sighed, trying to kiss him again.

"Hero!" he pushed me back, "You're succumbing again..."

I had no idea what he was talking about, I needed him, wanted him...

His growing cock pressed against my back and I turned to look at the fucking incredible beast as it slowly snaked out of it's foreskin.

"'re entranced..."

I leaned down and licked his head, the slime covering his cock was like a drug, he shuddered as my tongue trailed up his growing length, I had to use both hands to keep it steady as I lapped at his cock like a nursing puppy.

"Oh gods..." he sighed, "We can't...we have to..."

I ignored him as I worked his shaft with both hands and my mouth, I couldn't help myself. I was an addict, the human/horse musk was just screaming into my brain. How had I never felt his before? Worse, how would I live without it? I felt myself gag as I shoved more of the boy's cock into my mouth, his protests became fainter and fainter the harder I sucked.

"We have to...please...oh gods...hero we must leave..."

I began to stroke the top half of his cock with both hands as I sucked on his head. His words crumbled into whimpers as I felt his hands push me down on his cock with a throaty, "Suck it mare...harder...more tongue..."

I shoved my tongue into his slit and was rewarded with a fresh gusher of precum and a shudder from his body.

"Yes...oh I want to mount you so you into the ground..."

The image of this boy, mounting me, his cock ripping into me like the men from the village made me groan around his cock and I began to stroke faster.

"Yes..yes my little cum pig...grunt for me..grunt for my seed..."

I began to grunt as I sucked, not caring anymore about my ego.

"Hero..hero...GODS HERO!"

He pulled my head off his cock and I knelt there, mouth open, eyes closed, begging...

A fresh gush of cum hit me in the face as I began to choke on his cum again. It was like a baptism, this colt spraying me with his seed cock was hard as a rock but for some reason I was content to just be drenched in his cum. The taste, the smell, everything about this boy made me happy and I knelt there arms open...wanting even more.

I began to lick around my mouth, the taste sending me into spasms. Once that was clean I began to use my fingers, scraping the cum off my face and feeding it to myself, the more I swallowed the more I wanted. I started using both hands, grunting like a pig as I tried to swallow as much of the boy's load as I could, I started making whining noises as it became harder and harder to find a hot glob...

"OK hero...ok..." Ethan said, shaking me, "It's got it."

I still looked at his softening cock...mouth salivating...

"Ok," he said picking me up, "We need to do something about this."

He hefted my over his back and we began to move. All I could so is watch his thick cock swing slowly as he galloped. I was hypnotized, All I could think of was when we stopped how I would worship it, lick it...suck it...I was already hungry for...

I gasped as I was thrown into a lake.

The water was cold as sin as I fell to the bottom, my mind clearing a little. I broke the surface and Ethan was there, his body matted down as water cascaded down his hairless torso. "How do you feel?"

He looked transcendent...and a lot like Jon.

"Wait..." I said confused, my carnal hunger subsiding, "What?"

He smiled, "The pheromones don't work in water. Come help me..." He raised his arms as I walked over and helped him wash. His skin was smooth like Jon's, his torso was all lean muscle, every line visible under the water. It wasn't quite a man's body yet but no longer a boys...his affect was slipping away but I could still feel the memory of the lust I had felt. His body was firm, solid body with the softest skin, as I moved my hand over his pecs I was taken aback by the site. I moved my hands under his arms and he raised them, there was still a slight smell and I felt myself lean in as I moved water through his pits. He whinnied a little as I moved over his nipples...I was transfixed as I poured water over him. Though no longer lusting him, he was still beautiful to look at.

"You remind me of my son," I said, pouring more water over his head.

"Do I? Have you rutted with him as well?"

"What? No!" I said shocked, "I told you I'm heterosexual."

"I don't know what that means."

"I prefer women, sexually."

"Ah, our kind isn't so conservative, when we see something we crave..." his hand reached up and stroked my cheek, "We crave it."

I pulled away, "The pheromones are wearing off," I said smiling, "But I'm flattered."

He nodded and we finished washing, after a few minutes we got out and let the sun dry off.

"We should head towards the cave and find your friend."

I nodded, "We should before you start sweating again."

He chuckled, "Climb on hero."

I mounted him and we took off, my head clearing up as we rode.

"I'm going to go fast," he called back, "Hang on!"

I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight as he took off at full speed. The muscles of his back rippled as he ran, even though I didn't find them erotic, they were alluring as well as relaxing. I felt my eyes grow heavy again and pressed against him.

"Your gallop is relaxing," I said.

"Rest hero...we have a ways..."

I closed my eyes and dozed off...

"We're here," Ethan said waking me.

I opened my eyes and we were looking down at a clearing, a small grove of trees that surrounded a cave that led into a large mountain. There were creatures outside, not quite guarding, more lounging around?

"Goblins," Ethan said, seeing my gaze, "Nasty creatures, the cave is their den."

At first I thought they were children, small, greenish kids until one stood up and I was proven wrong. They weren't kids but more like teens. At first glance they reminded me of the skater kids I see hanging out by Perez Park. All knees and elbows, tall, lean, gangling, all lean muscle, no body fat at all. They hair was long and unkempt, enforcing the skater look or maybe a surfer, they wore torn cloths around their waist which I assume was a makeshift loincloth that hid very little. The only thing that made it clear they weren't kids was the long, thick cocks that swung as they played. And played they did.

"Is that...normal?" I asked, entranced watching them.

They seemed to enjoy wrestling, rolling around in the grass, their hands roaming all over their looked like it switched from being play fighting to They seemed to take a lot of time grinding their oversized cocks between each other's ass cheeks...before turning the tables and then returning the favor. For a moment their bodies reminded me of Jon and Damian, not quite adult, stretched out, lean...smooth...tight...

And then I could see it, Jon and Damian, naked, wrestling in the front yard, Jon pinning Damian and sliding his cock through the boy's ass...Damian groaning as he pushed basck, before flipping Jon onto his back and mounting him, his cock in front of Jon's face....dripping...throbbing...

I covered my eyes and looked away, what was wrong with me?

"Normally no, but these days, it seems normal enough."

I looked at him, "What are you talking about?"

"There is something in the air, sexual things."

That didn't sound good.

"It's everywhere lately, and spreading," he explained, "People are just more..worked up than normal. You saw the village, normally we can find mates easily, but so many at's odd. My father doesn't care because he loves sex, but I noticed. Same with the Minotaur, he wanted to mate with you, if he wanted to kill you you'd be dead. It was only the fact that you were attached to me that he relented. So seeing them...having sex with each other...not normal but not surprising."

Well that explained my behavior a little, "What's causing it?"

Ethan shrugged, "No one is in a state of mind to investigate, they're too busy..." he gestured to the goblins fucking in front of the cave.

Again I saw Damian and Jon and my mind burned with lust for a moment.

Where would such horrible, vile images come from? Something was wrong, I was burning up, sweating through my uniform, my own dick was hard and demanding...something was up...this wasn't normal at all.

"Are you ok?" Ethan said, putting a hand on my shoulder to steady me.

I nod, "Whatever it is, it's stronger here...I'm's affecting me."

"Maybe the goblins are doing something," he said looking down at the cave, "They possess dark magiks..."

Squinting I scan the cave with my x-ray vision, nothing happens. I see brief flashes of skeletons from the goblins in front and then nothing. Like my flight, my vision powers weren't working as they should also. That wasn't good.

"I can't see in many goblins are in there?"

"All of them?" Ethan said, "We should head back, tell my father and bring more men. If they are the source of this it will only get worse..."

It was a good idea, god he reminded me of Jon. So mature, so levelheaded, so handsome...


I nod, "That's a good idea, whatever this is..."

And we heard it, a scream come from deep within the cave.

"What was that" Ethan asked.

"My friend," I answer grimly, another scream and I know I am out of time.

"Go get your father, I need to go in there," I tell him.

"I can't let you go in alone hero, there are too many of them."

"I can't risk you getting hurt..."

He smiles the same toothy grin Jon gives me, "I am a warrior myself, and if you are brave enough to go in there alone, I am brave enough to join you."

I feel a swell of pride as if he was my own son, I think he is starting to sweat again...looking at him is making me feel things...

"Ok, but we need to just go in, find my friend and leave, whatever magic the goblins have we can't counter."

"Get on, I'll charge the cave before they can stop us."

I climbed on and felt him between my legs...yes he is sweating again, his pheromones are starting to get to me.

"We need to hurry," I say, "I can smell you."

He raises an arm to smell himself and I hear myself moan slightly, "I'm sorry, you're right let's go!"

We take off in a dash down the hill, we are on top of the goblins out front before they even know we're there. He breaks past them and we hurdle into the cave, it is dark but the walls are lined with torches hung from the walls. There are goblins scattered all down the tunnel, in the dim light the torches give off I can see them fucking, bodies writhing against each other as we speed past. Screams of alarms sound off behind us as Ethan keeps running.

As we run deeper the goblins we encounter are actually coming at us. Ethan didn't slow, slamming into them and causing them to scatter like bowling pins as I held on as best I could. I looked behind us and saw a mass of bodies swarming behind us, "Don't stop," I told Ethan and he nodded, pushing forward the best he could.

I had no idea how far we were in, but I could no longer see the outside behind us and the goblins were multiplying. I was looking back when I head Ethan curse and then felt him come to a full stop. I flew forward off of him, as I tumbled I saw a mass of goblins were pulling him down to the floor as he struggled to stay upright.

Goblins began to jump on me, they weighed next to nothing so I began flinging them off of me as fast as I could. The problem was there was so many of them, for every one I tossed four more took it's place, eventually I was surrounded. I struggled to stay on my feet as the sheer mass of them began to push me down. I could feel them rubbing their obscene pieces of meat against me as I tried to get up. It was half wrestling, half intercourse as they desperately tried to mount me. For a second, the briefest of seconds...I considered it. The thought was like a splash of cold water in my face, where had it come from? Not from my mind, that much I was sure.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, when I opened them fire shot skyward, burning the ones on top of me. There was screaming and the smell of burnt hair as I struggled back to my feet...and then my heat vision sputtered out.

"Shit," I said, seeing another wave of goblins coming at me. I took a deep breath and blew the ones in front of my back, even as they flew I could feel my lungs start to give out, another super power down...

"Enough!" a voice called out and a purple bolt shot in between the goblins and right between my eyes. I felt the nauseating effect of magic as I fell to my knees, stunned. I tried to move my limbs but nothing worked, I was pushed down to the ground by the fresh wave of goblins as a taller goblin with a staff came forward. "Trouble..." he said locking eyes with me, he waved his staff and I felt a warm flush pass through me...

The sound of tearing cloth startled me as they tore through my uniform with ease, exposing my entire ass to the cave air. Red hot shame filled my brain as I struggled to get free. They were nothing! Little, damn goblins but I couldn't stop them as they ripped more of my pants off, exposing everything to the air. I felt two clawed hands pull my cheeks apart and a long, warm, serpentine tongue entered me...make me moan like a cheap whore. Oh my snaked into me, filling my virgin hole with a sensation I had never even dreamed of...I felt the fog in my head thicken as I slowly pushed back onto the goblins face...

A youthful gasp snapped me out of it and I looked up and watched in a mixture of horror and attraction as the goblins that had brought Ethan down to his side, grasped his swollen cock and began to lick at the head like an ice cream cone. Than let out a throaty moan as three goblins licked the length of his massive cock...making my boy squirm as they mercilessly ate his cock.

He looked up with me with half opened eyes, he looked drugged as he saw me and said in a mournful voice, "Help me..."

For a moment it was Jon's voice and I felt my resolve return. I forced myself to my knees as I tried to stand...I crawled my way closer, his hand outstretched as the goblins devoured his weeping cock. I was making headway, almost there when I realized he was panicking...

And sweating.

His smell hit me and I felt my strength fade as felt my body give in to the goblins, I pushed back against the tongue in me as I closed my eyes and moaned.

The last of my pants were torn off as a mouth covered my hard cock, making me moan and pause...that tongue wrapped around my shaft twice as he sucked on my head. It was like having two blow jobs at the same time and I felt my head fog up again as the magicks took hold...

"N-noo..." Ethan moaned, "I'm not a mare..."

I looked up to see one of the goblins lift the boys tail and press his oversized cock against the virgin hole. I watched open mouthed as the goblin pushed in, making Ethan whimper as he was fucked for the first time. The magiks pulse and now I saw Jon, on his hands and knees as a goblin raped son's cries echoing in my ear as his tiny hole was violated...

"I'm coming Jon..." I croaked, even as my cock leaked into the goblin's mouth. I shook my head, needed to get up...

Another two mouths clamped on to my swollen balls and I felt my body collapse into the pleasure. Tongues moved over my body wantonly as they continued to ramp up my erotic temptation...

"Oh! Oh god..." Ethan neighed as the goblin behind him began slamming into him harder. His cock had not gone down and the look on the boy's face was morphing from pain to pleasure if he was giving in to being fucked...

Another flash of magic and my vision blurred as the goblins continued to molest me...when I looked up it was Jon again, face down, ass up...slowly accepting the cock in his ass.

" big...he's so big..." he looks at me with flushed face and quivering lip, "Daddy..."

My cock lurches as I push back onto the tongue in my ass, "'re doing so good Jon..."


I snap back to reality and struggle to rise, "Hold on Ethan..."

I almost get to my knees when the staff taps me on the head and I am blinded by the flash of light...

Jon's voice echos, "Oh's fucking me...oh god...filling me up..."

I am pushing back onto the tongue as the goblin fucks my son, I am so turned on by seeing him violated I can't think.

The goblin is holding his hips as he bucks harder and harder into Jon...I can see Jon's cock weeping precum as his hard cock slaps against his abs...he is as turned on as I am. Our eyes are locked as he watches me leer as he is deflowered.

"Daddy...oh god I can feel him in me..."

"Such a good boy..." I say, my head feeling like it will float away.

"Please dad...please..."

I try to crawl to comfort him, to help him...or maybe to fuck him...

Ethan's voice snaps the dream, "Oh...oh...oh...stop...please..." he sobs, "I'm not a mare...please..."

Even as he begs his cock looks like it is on the verge of blowing. I watch as his hindquarters press back into the goblin's thrusts and he doesn't even know he is fucking himself on that cock...just like I am with this tongue. The goblin slams him hard and Ethan whinnies a small, "Oh yes..." and I know he is lost.

"NO!" I roar, grabbing the head of a goblin and tearing his tongue out of me. He screams as I throw him across the cave and try to get up...

"This one," the one with the staff says pointing at Ethan, "Distraction, take the big one to the hob cave...shut that one up."

I feel myself start to get dragged away as a goblin shoves his cock down Ethan's throat, guiding his head with a chunk of his hair, making him gag on the swollen member.

I try to fight but the staff glows and I see Jon, Damian fucking him from behind while Dick Grayson forces his cock down my son's throat. I watch as Jon's hand flail about a few times before grabbing Dick's perfect ass, and begins pulling him closer, swallowing even more of his cock...

I want to go to my boy so bad...

I am thrown into a larger chamber and two massive doors slam shut behind me.

It is dark as I get to my feet, I can feel my head start to clear and the shame of the images that have been dancing round my mind hits me. I am disgusted with myself, this magic has twisted my thoughts...I need to find a way out of here and now. My vision powers are out, so I blindly stumble forward in the dark, hands outstretched to avoid hitting a wall.

I stumbled around, looking for a wall...and my hand brushed one...but it was was something's stomach. I could feel the ridges of its abs with my hands move upwards as I feel the massive set of pecs and the wide torso...i feel the tips of it's nipples and the impulse to get up on my tiptoes to suck at them flares in me...

Focus Clark.

There is a slight glow and I look up to see two yellow eyes looking down at me.

"Fuck," a deep voice grumbles as I take a few steps back.

Another set of eyes appear in the dark then another...



I back up to the doors as they lumber towards me. I can see their silhouettes now, massive nine feet tall frames that reminded me of the Minotaur except these were goblins as well...massive hobgoblins.

Each one was twice as wide as Solomon Grundy and as they got closer I could see their enormous cocks tenting through the loincloths they wore in lieu of clothes.



They kept chanting as I turned around and tried to force the doors open...but like with the rest of my powers I felt my strength fail me...


A hand picks me up from behind and lifts me up like I weigh nothing, I struggle with the thing's grip as it pulls me closer. It brings me to eye level and I gaze into the things glowing yellow eyes and toothy grin.

"Fuck!" it says and I feel it's hot breath blow over my face.

"FUCK!" the other says and tries to snatch me away from it's fiend. They fight over me as I am trapped between hits the other and I fall to the ground as they begin to grapple each other. I turn to run towards the door when I collide into a third, my face colliding into it's torso. I try to recover when...

It hits me, their stench.

It's heady like Ethan's, but instead of alluring I am...stunned. I feel like my will to fight is drained and I stand there, limp...just...surrendering.

I scream in my mind to move but I can't, their pheromones make me docile...compliant...even as I feel the panic of my situation, there is a warm fuzziness around my brain making me just accept it. And just like that I feel myself kneel there in the dirt.

Waiting to be...,

"FUCK!" the winner screams and pushes the other away. He looks down at me and smiles, and all I can do I look up like a stunned cow and smile back. He picks me up and flips me over so my ass is skyward and I feel this tongue slide across my skin, it is like warm sandpaper and makes me shiver as I feel it slather my entire crack in once swipe. The tongue is like the smaller goblins but massive, it is like a python moving between my legs, and though I am terrified, the smell has me just paralyzed, just accepting my fate.

I felt it move over my taint and my cock throbbed from the sensation...I could feel the magiks take hold again, making every touch sing with erotic energy...but inside I was still screaming...but no one could hear.

The tip of it finally zeroed in on my hole, and though I wanted to resit and tighten it...the smell made me relax and groan as I felt it slide into me. It was thick as a cock, forcing it's way into me, crushing my walls as it pushed upwards. I expected pain but the magiks made it feel fucking good...

I felt something nudge my face, I opened my eyes and found the cock of the hobgoblin pressing into my cheek. It was insane. The head was massive as it smeared precum all over my face...the smell made me even more submissive and I slowly began to lick at it's slit...lapping up it's juices like I was a cow drinking water. It was bitter, almost unpleasant except I couldn't stop lapping at it. The smell it gave off was horrendous but I didn't care, because this was what I was service, to be be fucked. Even though inside I knew that wasn't body beloved it and kept drinking at that cock nonetheless as my mind began to get fuzzy...

I heard it grunt in approval as it shoved more into me, I whimpered as I felt my ass walls stretch even further as the thicker base of his tongue entered me. I kept screaming for my body to move, but it was no use, I spread my legs like a trained slut and kept sucking at the hobgoblin's cock as if my life depended on it.

I was jerked out of the first one's hand as the other came back and grabbed me. I was horrified to find myself reaching for the cock I had been licking as I was pulled away...

"Fuck!" the new one intoned as it pressed it's finger to my hole.

Inside I screamed no as I felt it's fingertip start to push into my already abused hole.

The magicks flared and I felt nothing but pleasure as this things finger ripped me open, my legs shaking as I felt myself filled to the brim. I moaned as it slowly slid it's digit out and then back in as the creature began to finger fuck me with it's massive appendage began to pleasure me.

The second one came back to fight for me and it's hard cock brushed the back my head as he got close. Straining my neck I reached for it and began sucking again, the finger making me grunt with each entry. Oh god Clark stop...what was I doing? Even as the thing's finger went deeper I began to feverishly lick around the other's cockhead, desperate to make the precum flow more...

The first one pulled me back, the finger leaving my ass with a wet squelch...

The second one roared as I felt the slick cockhead press against my felt someone's head and I began to silently weep as I realized what was about to happen.

"FUCK!" he screamed as he pushed me down onto his legs were spread wide as he slowly ripped my hole open, his massive bull cock pushing into me inch by inch.

There was nothing the magicks could to for this, I screamed as it entered me...but even the pain made my cock pulse as he held me steady as he speared me. The second one stepped forward, watching me be violated and I felt the last of my will fade.

I collapsed like a rag doll, just accepting I was going to be fucked and there was nothing I could do about it. My face fell into the the crevice of the second one's pecs, I could feel the warmth of those muscles envelop my face as his friend shoved more and more of his elephant cock into me...causing me to moan shamelessly.

The thing's smell dripped from him and I slowly licked the skin, feeling the sweat slowly pull me under into a more and more docile state. There was a moment of panic, as I realized I was trapped, but the smell coming off the thing was so thick that I felt myself just relax and actually felt safe nestled between it's pecs. It saw my contentedness and raised it's arm and moved my head into it's pit. It had to know what effect it's musk had because he pressed my head into the damp hair and I felt even the pain fade...

More and more of the cock entered me but I didn't body had accepted it's fate. I was to be bred, I was to be used...and that was more than alright. I could feel the tip of the hobgoblin's cock press up into my stomach as I just kept lapping at the sweaty pit...pulling me furhter and further down into a breeding state....

"Fuck," the one with the cock said happily and I realized he could go no further...I had taken all of his cock I could. The other one laughed and let go of my head, I fell forward, my mouth coming to his nipple. As they congratulated themselves I slowly began to chew on the nipple, suckling it like a newborn...I was their thing, their object to be body wanted it, accepted it...i felt like this was what I had been born to do.

The first one took a step back and I gasped as I realized he was no longer holding me and that I was being held up by his cock alone. They both laughed as he hopped around, making me flail like a sock puppet, his cockhead sending spikes of pleasure through my body despite by abused condition. He walked me over to the closer one who rubbed his hard cock up against me, his cockhead smearing his precum all over my face. Instantly I began to service the cock in front of me, causing them all to laugh more as I mewed like an infant for more. He moved again, bringing to the third one and though I wanted to scream in horror at being paraded around like a sex toy, as soon as the cock came close I reached out and began to suckle at it desperately. My cock was swollen and dripping as he bounced from one foot to another, loud needy groans came from my mouth as I shook up and down on his cock.

Why did this feel good?

My stomach bulged as he danced, I could see the outline of his cock and was horrified, as my precum flew from my cock with every movement. The second one saw my hardon and laughed, "FUCK!"

He reached over and took hold of my, huge for human standards, cock in his fingertips, it looked like I had an infant dick in his grip. He looked at me, "Fuck..." and began to slowly stroke me.

My head flew back as I cried out in ecstasy, the roughness of his fingers and the obscene cock in me was making my toes curl...I could hear myself scream for more and my brain began to shut down from the reality I was in.

"Fuck?" the first one asked, its huge hands gripped at my waist.

"YES...Yes..." I pleaded, losing all control of myself.

"FUCK!" it roared and pushed up into me.

My eyes bulged as I felt him destroy me, my mouth was open but no sound came out as I felt my entire body shake from his cock. As he pulled back I felt my guts go with him before he slammed back into me, drawing another crying plead from me for more...

My mind went white as he began to fuck me, he slid me up and down his cock, my limbs flailing, my cock bouncing as I felt my entire self begin to burn from inside. I wanted this, needed this, was begging for this...I lived to be fucked...that was all there was in the world. This cock and my destroyed ass. Ethan, Captain Marvel, Lois, Jon, all of it, all of it was worthless now. All I lived for was to be their breeding cow...I passed out at some point, crying in joy from the sensations his cock was gving me.

When I woke up I was face down on the ground, ass up as another one of them slammed into me. My own grunts of satisfaction had woken me as I was pushed further and further into the ground by it's fuck. It took me a second to even realize I was begging for more, my speech was slurred with drool as I pleaded with the beast to fuck me harder.

My cock was sore, I had to have shot half a dozen times already and was still hard. I no longer had the will to move as they just kept rutting into me, over and over again. I don't know how long they kept me like that, I don't know how many times I implored them to keep going...

All I know when the doors opened the goblin with the staff stood there and walked up to me. The hobgoblin had not stopped its thrusts so I was just there...grunting...

He had very sharp features and his skin was a paler green that the others. He had a pale greenish hair that looked almost blond in the light but his eyes...his eyes were black and cruel as he looked down at me. He grinned, as he stood right in front of me, silently daring me to say something.

The shaman moved its robes and revealed a lean, tight body, that rivaled Ethan's, he had a deep Adonis belt that only served to accent and show off his swinging cock. It said nothing, just stood there.

I reached up with my mouth and took his soft cock ion my mouth and began to suck like a nursing calf. It smiled and ran a hand though my cum soaked hair, "Good..."

I felt stratification and sucked harder...desperate for him to feed me his load.

"Enough," the shaman said and for the first time in what had to have been days, I felt the hobgoblins cock slide out of my ass. I collapsed to the ground, my ass pushing back onto nothing, begging for what was now gone.

"You ready now," he said, thrusting into my mouth, "Now you meet the king..."

His words meant nothing as I sucked hips pushing back, crying for more.

" be good boy...."

His cock pulsed and filled my mouth with his cum...I moaned as I slurped it down eagerly...

"Now sleep," he said and I saw a flash of light...

Then nothing.

Next: Chapter 2

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