Monster Boys

By David Everson

Published on Feb 1, 2001


Monster Boys-2 By David Everson

Thanks for all the kind words and positive response to my first installment. Hopefully you'll enjoy this one as well. FRANKENSTEIN AND ME copyright 1996 by Trimark Films. None of the actors who portray these characters are homosexual or take part in any of the activities mentioned herein. Enjoy!

Little Larry had kept vigil outside of his room(which he shared with his older brother Earl) the whole time Earl and cousin Kenny had engaged in their youthful sexplay. Larry, though virginal and not entirely understanding the feelings of passion that overwhelmed him, was excited by the sight of Kenny and his brother totally naked. He especially liked the sight of their smooth boy asses and was intrigued by the engorged slab of boyflesh between both boys legs.

Larry, while peering through the keyhole, became nearly faint when he saw Kenny take his enflamed penis and edge it into Earl's tight asshole. Larry pulled down his jeans and underoos and started to rub his 3" hard dicklet as he watched Kenny thrust his cock into his brother's rectum. The pleasure that overwhelmed him was intense; it was an orgasm, though being his first, he didn't know it. He just knew he liked what his brother and cuz were up to and wanted to get in on it.

"What was that" He heard his brother say behind the door; he knew he heard him, and that was his cue to leave. He hurriedly pulled up his pants and gingerly ran down the steps; but he hoped that he would figure out a way to get in on the hot and sexy games he watched with such heated interest.

Within the next few weeks, Kenny and Earl had bonded sexually and felt the need to be around each other all he time. Kenny's relationship with his girlfriend cooled off; he still felt attracted to her, but he was very confused because he felt closer to Earl than to her, and also more attracted to Earl. He definitely enjoyed sex with Earl more than his girlfriend, and the two boys got into quite a bit of experimentation.

Earl was almost always the bottom and the receiver; he would pleasure Kenny orally or anally, and would also do things like rim Kenny's asshole. Kenny loved the feeling of Earl's hot tongue in his ass, and he would jack his own dick off while Earl lapped his tight rectum. His cock would shoot gobs of boyjuice, and Earl would happily lap it up. The fact that Earl so enjoyed giving himself to Kenny excited Kenny to no end. This is what made him fall in love with Earl.

One night, Kenny went to the movies with Karen, his girlfriend. They saw COUNT DRACULA AND HIS VAMPIRE BRIDE, the last of the Christopher Lee Hammer films. Though not as good as the earlier entries in the series, Karen still reacted in terror to some of the sequences and grabbed Kenny's hand and squeezed tightly. Kenny, though feeling affection for his girlfriend, didn't have the same feelings for her he used to, and reacted much more cooly than he would have to this before.

On the walk home, Karen said to Kenny "You didn't seem to care very much when I was scared". Kenny brushed it off and said "You're imaginin' things. I did so". "But you didn't put your arms around me or hug me once" she responded. Kenny knew this to be true, but he responded "I was into the movie; c'mon, how often does a Chris Lee Dracula play around here?" Karen had on a school pin that Kenny had given her; She took it off and handed it to him.

"What's this for" he said in surprise. "It's obvious to me someone else has replaced me in your heart" ,Karen answered ,"I've known it for a long time". Kenny was dumbfounded; did she suspect the truth? Karen said "I don't know who it is. I don't see you with too many girls at school lately. But I know you don't love me anymore". Kenny felt a tear come to his eye; he knew deep down he didn't feel any romantic feelings toward Karen, but he did still care for her greatly. She walked ahead of him, and Kenny heard audible sobs. He wanted to rush to her, to hug her, tell her she was wrong; but she wasn't. He started to sob too, and he stopped and sat down on the steps of an old drugstore.

For about half an hour, Kenny cried and the hurt ran deep. Yes, he loved Earl; he knew this to be true. But Earl was a boy and his cousin! How could he love a boy, and in his own family? He was dumbfounded by this realization. And yet it was true. And right now he wanted nothing more than to go to Earl and cry in his arms, embrace him tenderly, to make love to him. He knew Earl's mom wasn't home; she was out on a date and Earl was watching his little brother Larry. So he made his way over to their house.

He rang the doorbell, and Earl answered. Earl's pretty face lit up with a smile when he saw Kenny. Kenny managed a smile too. Earl invited Kenny in, then looked around to see where his brother was. He was out of sight, so he put his lips to Kenny's and kissed him. Kenny put his arms around Earl and started to cry on his shoulder. Earl looked at Kenny and said "What? What happened?" Kenny said sheepishly "Karen dumped me". Earl's visceral reactions were mixed; on the one hand, he liked the idea that Kenny was unattached now and would be able to really be his. On the other hand, he knew Karen, and she was a sweet and down to earth girl, and very pretty. She and Kenny had been through a lot together, and they were the first love of each other's lives. So Earl felt for Kenny, and knew he was hurting inside.

All the while, Larry watched this through the porthole outside; he had gone out into the backyard to play on the swings, but ran to the front when he heard the doorbell. He saw Kenny crying and hugging Earl, and wished he could make Kenny feel better. Than he had an idea-maybe he could. Larry ran back to the yard again, and jumped in a giant mud puddle. He got himself nice and dirty, knowing he would not smell so nice. And he also put the mud all over his face and arms. Then he ran to the front door and bounced in.

Earl and Kenny, hearing the door open loudly and fast, hurriedly stopped their embrace and turned around. They saw Larry, all covered in mud. "Oh, man, Larry, mom's gonna kill me!" Earl yelled; Kenny managed the first smile of the night, and started to chuckle at the sight of Larry. "It's not funny, Ken", Earl yelled. Kenny couldn't help it and kept laughing. Then Larry said "Well, if I take a bath, momma will never know what happened!" Kenny looked at Earl and said "Good point". Earl raised his eyes to heaven and said "Allright, go take a bath!" Larry said "Momma always runs my bathwater; I can't do it". "Geez, what an infant!" Earl said, and he started up the stairs to the bathroom. Larry said "Want company?" and followed. Larry's plan was, at least in the early stages, working. His cocklet started to harden in his dirty pants and he ran upstairs too.

Earl ran the tubwater and made sure it wasn't too hot; then he threw some Mr. Bubble in the water. Larry and Kenny entered the room as well, steam smearing the mirror and hard tile floor. Larry took his dirty shirt off and revealed a smooth chest with little pink nipples and a boyish belly. His blue eyes and dirty brown hair were unmarred by mud, and Kenny looked at Larry's smooth body. He actually thought Larry looked nice from the waist up, and started to get hard; but of course he wouldn't admit it. Larry pulled his pants down, revealing Superman underoos. His hard little pecker stood out in the front. Kenny noticed the bulge and got even more excited.

Earl too noticed the bulge in his little brother's underpants and instinctively got excited. His brother pulled down his underpants, and a hard little 3" cock was revealed. "Should I get in the water?" he asked. His brother, trying to brush aside his excitement, said "What do I care? Go ahead and get in!" Larry said "Aren't you gonna wash me? Mom always does". Earl, exasperated, said "I don't care what mom does! Wash yourself!"

Larry's body got all wet, and he laid on the tub on his tummy, his little round bubble butt peeking through the bubblebath. His head turned on his shoulder and faced Kenny. He said "you wanna wash me, Ken?" Kenny looked at the round ass and was tempted to say yes, but thought it would be awkward. Then Larry blurted out "I watch what you two do in the room when you're alone!" Earl's face turned purple; Kenny was bright red. Earl stammered "Whaddaya mean?" Larry said "I see you two naked and on top of each other. And I see Kenny put his peepee in your heinie hole". And, then humping the bathtub, he said "And I see you lick Kenny's dickie".

Earl, his cock hard at the sight of his brother's smooth wet ass gesticulating in the tub, but horrified at the implications of what his brother was saying, was speechless. Kenny, his eyes transfixed on Kenny's squirming butt, said "What are you trying to say?" Larry, his face flushed, muttered "I want you guys to feel my body all over". Kenny said "And if we don't?" Larry whispered "I'll tell mom what you two do".

Kenny looked at Earl; then he said "Well, I guess we'll have to". Of course, he wanted to anyway, but he played it cool and made it sound like an unpleasant task. But he looked at Larry's glistening wet boy ass and knew he was in for a treat.

Earl watched Kenny's hand go for Larry's butt, and he watched in raw excitement as Kenny started to caress Larry's beautiful butt. Earl started to rub the bulge in the front of his jean shorts, and then Larry looked at him and said "Please, both of you take off all of your clothes". Earl was very shy; of course his brother had seen him naked in the past, but this was the first time that there were erotic reasons for it. Nervously, he took his t-shirt off and his nipples were stiff and hard. He pulled down his shorts and revealed pre-cum on his white briefs. Slowly he pulled his briefs down, and his cock was hard and raging, with a purple, wet tip.

Meanwhile, Kenny was in ecstasy, feeling up Larry's delightful boy buttocks. Never had Kenny felt anything so soft and smooth, and he loved it. Larry whispered "Please put your finger in" meaning in his asshole. Larry had put his fingers up his ass, and loved the feeling; he wanted to feel someone else up there. Kenny took his forefinger and wedged it in Larry's virgin asshole; Larry started to squirm and moan. Earl watched this in delight, and instinctively, he placed his cock at the tip of Larry's mouth. Larry was shocked at first, but then he opened his lips wide and started to taste the tip of his brother's stiff dick. He licked the wet pre-cum, and enjoyed the taste.

Kenny kept pushing his finger up Larry's tight anus; he wedged three in at once, and Larry wiggled his ass in delirious pleasure. Earl watched this erotic pageant, and said to Kenny "Take off your clothes. Let Larry see you nude". Kenny slowly pulled his fingers out of Larry's rectum and pulled his polo shirt over his head, revealing his sweet dented tummy and smooth, sculpted boy chest. Then he pulled his jeans off, and revealed a pair of purple bikini briefs with a large bulge in the front. Larry looked at Kenny and said "I wanna see your dick". Kenny pulled his bikini down, revealing white tan lines around his honeyed skin, and his 5" prick glistened with excitement. Larry sucked on his brothers dick for another minute, and Earl held off, though he could feel an intense orgasm building.

Larry looked at Kenny and said "I know you love Earl. Could I watch you two hug and kiss?" Kenny walked over to his naked cousin Earl and the two embraced, their smooth boy bodies intertwined. They began to french kiss passionately; Larry got out of the tub, his glorious wet little body looking sexy and inviting. He sat his wet buns on the toilet seat, and began to rub his little stiffie while he watched his older brother and cousin kiss and rub each other's bodies. Kenny's hand went down to Earl's crotch and he started to jack his cousin off. Earl felt Kenny's dick and did the same for him.

All of the while, Larry sat transfixed, his dick stiff in the palm of his hot hand, rubbing up and down on it. He said "Would one of you kiss me on my peenie?" Kenny looked at Earl and said "Here's what we'll do". He turned Earl around, and said "Why don't you bend over? Your face can reach Larry, and your ass can reach my cock". Earl didn't need to be told twice; he bent over, his hot butt positioned near Kenny's cock. His face reached his little brother's hairless smooth prick, and he put his mouth over it. He started with Larry's hairless balls and got both of them easily in his mouth; Larry shivered and moaned his approval.

Kenny lubed his cock up with Hand Lotion and also rubbed the lotion in Earl's ass crack. He then slowly began his journey to ecstasy, in his favorite place in the whole world-Earl's tight young asshole.

While Kenny began his delirious pumping of Earl's anus, Earl's mouth was filled with his brother's delectable boycock. It was small enough to keep the testicles and the penis together in his mouth, and this drove Larry nuts. He never ever felt anything so exquisite as a mouth on his cock and balls. And though his body didn't produce semen, he certainly could achieve orgasm. He began to feel the strange feeling of pleasure and pain mixed, and his body began to spasm, his cock thrusting in and out of his brother's mouth faster and faster. Amazing waves of orgasmic intensity swept Larry's body; he never felt such exquisite pleasure in his life.

Meanwhile, Earl jerked off his cock while Kenny pumped his cock deep into his rectum. Earl's cock started to harden at the tip, and he felt boyjism churning in his balls, ready to spurt. "Oh Kenny, fuck me harder" Earl cried as orgasm intensified; the hot cock of his cousin fucking his ass deep made the orgasm more exquisite. Cum shot from his prick, hitting his belly and nipples. Larry got off of the toilet and licked the cum from his brother's belly and chest.

Kenny knew he was about to cum, his cock buried deep in Earl's asshole. He started to shake, and then Larry said "Kenny, that white stuff. Would you shoot it in my mouth?" Kenny didn't know if he could hold on, especially after what Larry just suggested, but he pulled his cock out of Earl's moist rectum and placed it on Larry's tongue. Earl's eyes were filled with awe as he watched his little brother take Kenny's cock, still moist from being inside his ass, into his sweet lips. Kenny jerked off into Larry's mouth, and gobs of white jit splattered all over Larry's mouth and tongue. Kenny cried in pleasure "Ooooohhhh! Yeah! Eat my cum, Larry!" Larry gobbled up the jism eagerly swallowing it down, a little bit oozing from his little red lips.

All three of the boys then showered together, washing each other off, tickling, giggling and kissing. Larry had some satisfaction knowing that, for a little while at least, he helped Kenny forget his troubles. And Kenny and Earl both were happy that, now that they knew Larry was a little boy slut, their hot escapades could get even hotter and more interesting.

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